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Thread: Mdawg exposed. The fantasy crumbles.

  1. #1
    So before anyone gives me any shit about posting, last week I said I was going to "reduce my online presence and that allowing Moses back, as requested will help insure that I stay away". While I still intend to reduce my online presence, Moses has not been reinstated and this is toooo big to let pass. It very quietly confirmed everything about the Mdawg chronicles that us doubters had been saying for years.

    So last week, Mdawg rather quietly announced 3 consecutive massive losing days playing baccarat. In contradiction to all his winning posts, he gave no specific amount other than to say 3 days of very big losses.

    So yesterday, Mdawg revealed that he had recently met with Shackleford and they went over his baccarat play results for this now 7 month trip and guess what....the conclusion was that "Mdawg is about even, maybe slightly ahead or slightly behind." Those are his words!

    Just to be clear, at the 60 day mark of this "story", I added up Mdawgs wins and losses as per his claims and he was I believe $324,000 ahead. Again that was at the 60 day mark. We are now well past the 100 day mark and with his wins having escalated before this big collapse, I conservatively put his win claim at half a million.

    So these 3 big losing days wiped away those 100's of days of winning, some half a million dollars. Wait! That is just the way a progression system always works! The math guarantees it! Sadly those of us that have been saying that for 7 months were made to look the bad guys and driven from the forum.

    Now isn't it a coincidence and a mighty big one, that two weeks ago after Cosmo was sold, I announced that I would soon be able to get a hold of this Mdawg persons records and we would just see if reality matched the Mdawg fantasy claims (what I call scam) and presto, all of the sudden, 3 days of massive losses magically put the fantasy claims back in line with reality. Well I don't believe in Magic or co-incidences THAT big and I sure as hell don't believe in this fantasy.

    And that reality is and always was, Mdawg is a high end player, someone I would refer to as a whale, although not sure the official money/play requirements of that. He plays a negative expectation game and loses. Maybe loss rebates and special promotion chips afforded such a high end player, enabled his play to be close to even, but overall he loses, just as expected and he is comped accordingly for his losses. Just as I have said a million times. That friends is the way Las Vegas works. Not all this win, win, win, high end comps, "Mdawg is the greatest player ever", "Las Vegas doesn't care about players winning millions" complete bullshit that we have been fed for 7 months.

  2. #2
    As Gomer Pyle often said, "Surprise, surprise, surprise!"

    You had both MDawg and certain forum administrators by the proverbial scrotums, so they had no real choice.

    You are to be commended, kewlJ. Without you revealing that you knew who MDawg is, and would have his Cosmos records, none of this would have happened. If Shackleford is truly about reporting reality, then Shackleford owes you a massive thank you for doing his job for him behind the scenes. If, however, Shackleford wasn't really about having MDawg report reality, then I guess you can expect no thanks.

    Excellent job. It is a classic case for my debunking files. This has been a three-year escalating (as you predicted) fantasy conspiracy, and despite every analysis to the contrary, forum administrators allowed it to go on and on and on.

    Do I really think this was (A) a case of a progressive system catching up with someone or (B) fantasy bullshit bills coming due and a scramble to cover themselves as best as possible, I give (B) about a 95% probability.

    The great thing is, WoV is stuck with all of those claims in perpetuity on their site. LOL. Fifty of 52 winning baccarat days, huge blackjack streaks spreading 1 to 100, winning hundreds of thousands while being comped for six months. All on the site, staring everyone in the face, for all time. Thank God it isn't my site.

    Speaking of which, kewlJ, would you have any interest in writing up a summary of the MDawg adventure and how it ended? I can only pay you a couple hundred bucks to do it, but I could certainly use a summary from someone who actually plays blackjack currently. No hurry -- let me know down the road.

    You did a fantastic job staying on this psycho. Without you, it doesn't really get debunked properly.

  3. #3
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    You had both MDawg and certain forum administrators by the proverbial scrotums, so they had no real choice.

    You are to be commended, kewlJ. Without you revealing that you knew who MDawg is, and would have his Cosmos records, none of this would have happened.
    Thank you Redietz. I believe you are correct.

    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    If Shackleford is truly about reporting reality, then Shackleford owes you a massive thank you for doing his job for him behind the scenes. If, however, Shackleford wasn't really about having MDawg report reality, then I guess you can expect no thanks.
    I was a pretty loud voice in calling this bullshit as bullshit but by no means was I alone. There were numerous others, most who suffered unjust suspensions and in the case of billryan, likely driven from forum. But I not only suffered many unjust suspensions, but also a second time of being restricted as to what I could post as Shackleford attempted to protect this person and these claims that defied math and the way Las Vegas works. No other forum member has been restricted like I now have been twice. I neither expect, nor require an apology, but I do think this shouldn't be quietly swept under the rug. Shackleford should make a statement and on the open (not hidden forum), that Mdawg has not won at the high level he has claimed over the past 7 months and is in fact about break even, which is about what is expected from a progressive betting system. That is what he SHOULD do, but I expect he won't.

    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Excellent job. It is a classic case for my debunking files. This has been a three-year escalating (as you predicted) fantasy conspiracy, and despite every analysis to the contrary, forum administrators allowed it to go on and on and on.

    Do I really think this was (A) a case of a progressive system catching up with someone or (B) fantasy bullshit bills coming due and a scramble to cover themselves as best as possible, I give (B) about a 95% probability.
    Thank you again and I agree. Once it became evident that I would soon have Mdawgs actually betting records, the mad scramble was on.

    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    The great thing is, WoV is stuck with all of those claims in perpetuity on their site. LOL. Fifty of 52 winning baccarat days, huge blackjack streaks spreading 1 to 100, winning hundreds of thousands while being comped for six months. All on the site, staring everyone in the face, for all time. Thank God it isn't my site.
    This is exactly why Shackleford SHOULD make a statement about this.

    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Speaking of which, kewlJ, would you have any interest in writing up a summary of the MDawg adventure and how it ended? I can only pay you a couple hundred bucks to do it, but I could certainly use a summary from someone who actually plays blackjack currently. No hurry -- let me know down the road.

    You did a fantastic job staying on this psycho. Without you, it doesn't really get debunked properly.
    I have no interest in money nor profiting off of this Redietz, thank you. I only wanted to set the record straight in regards to this complete fantasy in regards to the math and how Las Vegas works. The initial post in this thread IS my summary of how this ended in Mdawgs exposure. Feel free to use any parts of it and add anything to it in your blog. You are a good writer, add your thoughts.

  4. #4
    It looks like the Wiz may have shot himself in the foot by vouching for douchedawg and protecting him at WoV.

    Regular members left in response and some of the newer ones like MC and WB are either socks or clowns with motor mouth.

    "The old grey mare she ain't what she used to be."

    Talk about inviting ants to a picnic ...
    What, Me Worry?

  5. #5
    MDawg said that "we went over my Baccarat wins and losses this trip and I’d say that I might be about even, or slightly up or down at Bacc." That is referring to BACCARAT only THIS TRIP only.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  6. #6
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    MDawg said that "we went over my Baccarat wins and losses this trip and I’d say that I might be about even, or slightly up or down at Bacc." That is referring to BACCARAT only THIS TRIP only.
    Tasha are you stupid or playing games and playing stupid? Either way this is why everyone hates you and no one would feel bad if someone were to cap your fucktard ass.

    THIS trip started in March of 2021. It has been going on for 7 months now. Mdawg frequently states he has been in Vegas, comped high end suites for 7 months now, AND both forums that he posts his reports and fantasy claims are posted in one long running "trip report".

    The fact is that up until last week, Mdawgs claim was that he was ahead some half million plus playing baccarat AND several hundred thousand in blackjack winning in the last month or so. Well this scrambling to create the claim of a big loss wipes out that half million plus in baccarat winnings because he knew it would be revealed that there were no winnings as soon as I got his records.

    So 90% of his claim is gone. I guess the several hundred thousand in blackjack winnings is still in dispute, but if you or anyone else is dumb enough (you probably are) to believe that after this bigger, longer running claim has been exposed, then you (or anyone else) is one stupid fuck!

    The blackjack claim is actually even more unlikely because of what I and others that play blackjack in Las Vegas (especially double deck) KNOW and that is the game he is claiming to play is watched ultra closely and there is no way he will be allowed to play with any kind of advantage.

    Now maybe just like his baccarat play, he isn't playing blackjack with an advantage. It has been asked of him multiple times and he refuses to answer....that should tell you something. So if he wants to claim he is ahead whatever amount playing blackjack with a progression wagering system, that will come crashing down too, as a progression betting system will not overcome negative expectation, whether it be baccarat or blackjack or whatever game. And blackjack is even a worse game for progression because the player doesn't win close to 50% of outcomes....the player wins about 42.5%, making it a really bad choice for progression wagering.

    But regardless, 90% of the guys fantasy claims just came crashing down as he had to change everything to avoid being exposed when I get a hold of his records. So if you want to believe the other 10% of his bullshit claims, you go ahead and be the stupidest fuck on the face of the earth and an ignorant cunt.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 10-25-2021 at 11:57 AM.

  7. #7
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    MDawg said that "we went over my Baccarat wins and losses this trip and I’d say that I might be about even, or slightly up or down at Bacc." That is referring to BACCARAT only THIS TRIP only.
    Tasha are you stupid or playing games and playing stupid? Either way this is why everyone hates you and no one would feel bad if someone were to cap your fucktard ass.

    THIS trip started in March of 2021. It has been going on for 7 months now. Mdawg frequently states he has been in Vegas, comped high end suites for 7 months now, AND both forums that he posts his reports and fantasy claims are posted in one long running "trip report".

    The fact is that up until last week, Mdawgs claim was that he was ahead some half million plus playing baccarat AND several hundred thousand in blackjack winning in the last month or so. Well this scrambling to create the claim of a big loss wipes out that half million plus in baccarat winnings because he knew it would be revealed that there were no winnings as soon as I got his records.

    So 90% of his claim is gone. I guess the several hundred thousand in blackjack winnings is still in dispute, but if you or anyone else is dumb enough (you probably are) to believe that after this bigger, longer running claim has been exposed, then you (or anyone else) is one stupid fuck!

    The blackjack claim is actually even more unlikely because of what I and others that play blackjack in Las Vegas (especially double deck) KNOW and that is the game he is claiming to play is watched ultra closely and there is no way he will be allowed to play with any kind of advantage.

    Now maybe just like his baccarat play, he isn't playing blackjack with an advantage. It has been asked of him multiple times and he refuses to answer....that should tell you something. So if he wants to claim he is ahead whatever amount playing blackjack with a progression wagering system, that will come crashing down too, as a progression betting system will not overcome negative expectation, whether it be baccarat or blackjack or whatever game. And blackjack is even a worse game for progression because the player doesn't win close to 50% of outcomes....the player wins about 42.5%, making it a really bad choice for progression wagering.

    But regardless, 90% of the guys fantasy claims just came crashing down as he had to change everything to avoid being exposed when I get a hold of his records. So if you want to believe the other 10% of his bullshit claims, you go ahead and be the stupidest fuck on the face of the earth and an ignorant cunt.
    kewlj I've seen some people take the forums too seriously, likely done a bit myself and let me be the first to step up in this thread and say as much to you.

    You're taking this too seriously.

    Granted, you didn't wish death upon Tasha, just claimed that no one would care if she found a violent end. Which I think is as close as you can be without actively encouraging the violent ending.

    I mean who cares 99% of gamblers are bad at math or whatever... or don't care and take the worst of it. If anyone believes Mdawg then who cares. If Mdawg hustles some low IQ person or convinces some other loser that losing gambling is winning, he won't be anywhere near the first or last. Anyone with a brain knew he was full of shit in some capacity.

  8. #8
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    kewlj I've seen some people take the forums too seriously, likely done a bit myself and let me be the first to step up in this thread and say as much to you.

    You're taking this too seriously.

    Granted, you didn't wish death upon Tasha, just claimed that no one would care if she found a violent end. Which I think is as close as you can be without actively encouraging the violent ending.

    I mean who cares 99% of gamblers are bad at math or whatever... or don't care and take the worst of it. If anyone believes Mdawg then who cares. If Mdawg hustles some low IQ person or convinces some other loser that losing gambling is winning, he won't be anywhere near the first or last. Anyone with a brain knew he was full of shit in some capacity.
    Two things accountinquestion. First regarding Tasha. I didn't wish her/him/IT dead. I certainly didn't threaten her/him/IT. I simply reached the same conclusion that so many others have, that this asshole being an asshole on so many forums, is useless to me. I wouldn't feel the slightest bit bad if she/he/IT died today.

    Second. Regarding "who cares"? I CARE. Haven't I made that clear?

    I live in Las Vegas, make a living through blackjack advantage play and KNOW how Las Vegas and the math works, and care about some A-hole pushing some alternative, fantasy world narrative, for months on end because he is a losing player.

    In addition to it not being fair to any player that comes to a legitimate gambling forum, supposed to be about the mathematics of real gambling as WoV is or was, it also isn't fair to the many players that actually do live and die (well not die), but live and make a living by calculated risk of the mathematics of gambling. It just isn't fair to those of us that actually put in the work, endure the variance and swings, to have some ying yang come along pretending he is something he isn't and telling everyone that Las Vegas is handing out free buckets of money. That is just wrong. I know some of my fellow AP's don't care and even welcome it as technically it is better for us....But I care. And I will always call that bullshit out.

    It is possible to beat gambling and Las Vegas, but it takes work. I just won't have some losing degenerate gambler, talking about streaks and knowing when to stop (stop limits) and progression betting systems and other complete nonsense as a substitute for the math and work needed to win. Not on my watch.

  9. #9
    Both douchedawg and Tasha are liabilities which hurt any forum on which they post.

    The difference between them seems one of intent: the tick-ridden dawg deliberately promotes a false narrative in order to draw attention / admiration, probably due to low self esteem / being a "black sheep" of his family.

    Tasha however does not seem to promote a false narrative; instead she has NO narrative to advance and posts in part for attention, in part to try to inform people of things she deems significant, and in part due to mental issues.

    Alas, she seems unable to separate wheat from chaff, and has not figured out how to use her brain as a filter.

    Of the two I'd prefer Tasha, warts and all: she's harmless.
    What, Me Worry?

  10. #10
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Both douchedawg and Tasha are liabilities which hurt any forum on which they post.

    The difference between them seems one of intent: the tick-ridden dawg deliberately promotes a false narrative in order to draw attention / admiration, probably due to low self esteem / being a "black sheep" of his family.

    Tasha however does not seem to promote a false narrative; instead she has NO narrative to advance and posts in part for attention, in part to try to inform people of things she deems significant, and in part due to mental issues.

    Alas, she seems unable to separate wheat from chaff, and has not figured out how to use her brain as a filter.

    Of the two I'd prefer Tasha, warts and all: she's harmless.
    I don't believe Tasha is who he/she/IT presents herself. If she is, then yes there is definitely mental illness at play.

    As for Mdawg, I, nor anyone else can stop these people from making their claims on a gambling forum. It happens at every gambling forum. But other members of that forum, especially real players, AP's and math type guys have got to be allowed to call bullshit out as bullshit and nip it in the bud. And any forum administrator that is a AP on whatever level and is one of the, if not the leading gambling math experts, should be leading that charge, not allowing it and protecting it, for whatever fucked up reason he is.

    If Shackleford had just done his job, or at the very least allowed us real players to do HIS job, this would have never gotten to this point.

    Last December Shackleford started out doing his job when he posted "it is time for Mdawg to put up or shut up". Then Shackleford was either talked out of it, or paid to do a complete flip flop. Either way, this all comes back on him. He should have stuck to his "time to put up or shut up" position and we wouldn't be here now.

  11. #11
    I wonder how the Europeans who bought WoO / WoV are doing with their investment?

    Profit, loss, break even?

    Cetainly the views of the forum have gone way down since the sale, but I suspect the forum wasn't paramount in their mind when they bought WoO WoV.
    What, Me Worry?

  12. #12
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    MDawg said that "we went over my Baccarat wins and losses this trip and I’d say that I might be about even, or slightly up or down at Bacc." That is referring to BACCARAT only THIS TRIP only.
    Tasha are you stupid or playing games and playing stupid? Either way this is why everyone hates you and no one would feel bad if someone were to cap your fucktard ass.

    THIS trip started in March of 2021. It has been going on for 7 months now. Mdawg frequently states he has been in Vegas, comped high end suites for 7 months now, AND both forums that he posts his reports and fantasy claims are posted in one long running "trip report".

    The fact is that up until last week, Mdawgs claim was that he was ahead some half million plus playing baccarat AND several hundred thousand in blackjack winning in the last month or so. Well this scrambling to create the claim of a big loss wipes out that half million plus in baccarat winnings because he knew it would be revealed that there were no winnings as soon as I got his records.

    So 90% of his claim is gone. I guess the several hundred thousand in blackjack winnings is still in dispute, but if you or anyone else is dumb enough (you probably are) to believe that after this bigger, longer running claim has been exposed, then you (or anyone else) is one stupid fuck!

    The blackjack claim is actually even more unlikely because of what I and others that play blackjack in Las Vegas (especially double deck) KNOW and that is the game he is claiming to play is watched ultra closely and there is no way he will be allowed to play with any kind of advantage.

    Now maybe just like his baccarat play, he isn't playing blackjack with an advantage. It has been asked of him multiple times and he refuses to answer....that should tell you something. So if he wants to claim he is ahead whatever amount playing blackjack with a progression wagering system, that will come crashing down too, as a progression betting system will not overcome negative expectation, whether it be baccarat or blackjack or whatever game. And blackjack is even a worse game for progression because the player doesn't win close to 50% of outcomes....the player wins about 42.5%, making it a really bad choice for progression wagering.

    But regardless, 90% of the guys fantasy claims just came crashing down as he had to change everything to avoid being exposed when I get a hold of his records. So if you want to believe the other 10% of his bullshit claims, you go ahead and be the stupidest fuck on the face of the earth and an ignorant cunt.
    kewlj I've seen some people take the forums too seriously, likely done a bit myself and let me be the first to step up in this thread and say as much to you.

    You're taking this too seriously.

    Granted, you didn't wish death upon Tasha, just claimed that no one would care if she found a violent end. Which I think is as close as you can be without actively encouraging the violent ending.

    I mean who cares 99% of gamblers are bad at math or whatever... or don't care and take the worst of it. If anyone believes Mdawg then who cares. If Mdawg hustles some low IQ person or convinces some other loser that losing gambling is winning, he won't be anywhere near the first or last. Anyone with a brain knew he was full of shit in some capacity.

    I appreciate your perspective, account, and if I weren't a sports handicapper, maybe I'd lean more that way, but a couple of things:

    1) This isn't really just about forums. It's about people who make huge efforts to sell a gambling narrative that's bullshit. The only reason we didn't see MDawg videos or interviews from reputable news sources was because under that kind of inspection, his narratives would have crumbled. He went with the limits of his bullshit, which was pretty much the forums.

    2) If you don't take issue with the bullshit and you have expertise, then you are assisting the bullshit by not saying anything. Not that there's anything objectively wrong in saying nothing, but you have the choice between being a tutor or not. God knows, huge percentages of the American public believe all kinds of whack. If you don't try to debunk the whack, that's fine. But I grew up with truth, justice, and the American way and all that, so I try to debunk it.

    3) From the sports gambling front, if you don't step in, you get stuff like this, which is a fucking abomination:

    I will do and have done everything I can whenever possible to stomp out this nonsense. Who knows if MDawg would have starred in his own "reality show" at some point?

  13. #13
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    kewlj I've seen some people take the forums too seriously, likely done a bit myself and let me be the first to step up in this thread and say as much to you.

    You're taking this too seriously.

    Granted, you didn't wish death upon Tasha, just claimed that no one would care if she found a violent end. Which I think is as close as you can be without actively encouraging the violent ending.

    I mean who cares 99% of gamblers are bad at math or whatever... or don't care and take the worst of it. If anyone believes Mdawg then who cares. If Mdawg hustles some low IQ person or convinces some other loser that losing gambling is winning, he won't be anywhere near the first or last. Anyone with a brain knew he was full of shit in some capacity.
    Two things accountinquestion. First regarding Tasha. I didn't wish her/him/IT dead. I certainly didn't threaten her/him/IT. I simply reached the same conclusion that so many others have, that this asshole being an asshole on so many forums, is useless to me. I wouldn't feel the slightest bit bad if she/he/IT died today.
    Seriously, who would give a fuck if you died today? Tasha deserves better from you of all people on gaming forums.

  14. #14
    I'm not saying don't laugh and point out how full of shit mdawg is. I'm all for doing that. I just don't get get why anyone would get this caught up in it.

    The only interesting part is why is shackleford trying to backup this guy and his bullshit? I do find discussions on what is going there interesting but this dislike for Mdawg is a bit too extreme. I also have no read any of his nonsense once he left this forum... not worth following around.

  15. #15
    I know nothing about Shackleford's motives beyond the obvious. He allegedly signed an NDA before witnessing MDawg's play session of baccarat. I do not know why anyone would sign an NDA unless there was some kind of remuneration or partnership written into the contract. Otherwise, you're signing an NDA for the sole purpose of sharing the grandeur of MDawg's presence while MDawg plays baccarat.

    The unsettling part of the relationship was MDawg continually saying "verified by the Wizard" in a dozen or more posts. If I saw a dozen, there may have been dozens.

  16. #16
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    kewlj I've seen some people take the forums too seriously, likely done a bit myself and let me be the first to step up in this thread and say as much to you.

    You're taking this too seriously.

    Granted, you didn't wish death upon Tasha, just claimed that no one would care if she found a violent end. Which I think is as close as you can be without actively encouraging the violent ending.

    I mean who cares 99% of gamblers are bad at math or whatever... or don't care and take the worst of it. If anyone believes Mdawg then who cares. If Mdawg hustles some low IQ person or convinces some other loser that losing gambling is winning, he won't be anywhere near the first or last. Anyone with a brain knew he was full of shit in some capacity.
    Two things accountinquestion. First regarding Tasha. I didn't wish her/him/IT dead. I certainly didn't threaten her/him/IT. I simply reached the same conclusion that so many others have, that this asshole being an asshole on so many forums, is useless to me. I wouldn't feel the slightest bit bad if she/he/IT died today.
    Seriously, who would give a fuck if you died today? Tasha deserves better from you of all people on gaming forums.
    What does that of all people, Bosox?

    I just get so tired of Tasha's shit....polluting every thread. Maybe "she" should be limited to her own idiotic threads so as not to piss off everyone else.

  17. #17
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    kewlj I've seen some people take the forums too seriously, likely done a bit myself and let me be the first to step up in this thread and say as much to you.

    You're taking this too seriously.

    Granted, you didn't wish death upon Tasha, just claimed that no one would care if she found a violent end. Which I think is as close as you can be without actively encouraging the violent ending.

    I mean who cares 99% of gamblers are bad at math or whatever... or don't care and take the worst of it. If anyone believes Mdawg then who cares. If Mdawg hustles some low IQ person or convinces some other loser that losing gambling is winning, he won't be anywhere near the first or last. Anyone with a brain knew he was full of shit in some capacity.
    Two things accountinquestion. First regarding Tasha. I didn't wish her/him/IT dead. I certainly didn't threaten her/him/IT. I simply reached the same conclusion that so many others have, that this asshole being an asshole on so many forums, is useless to me. I wouldn't feel the slightest bit bad if she/he/IT died today.

    Second. Regarding "who cares"? I CARE. Haven't I made that clear?

    I live in Las Vegas, make a living through blackjack advantage play and KNOW how Las Vegas and the math works, and care about some A-hole pushing some alternative, fantasy world narrative, for months on end because he is a losing player.

    In addition to it not being fair to any player that comes to a legitimate gambling forum, supposed to be about the mathematics of real gambling as WoV is or was, it also isn't fair to the many players that actually do live and die (well not die), but live and make a living by calculated risk of the mathematics of gambling. It just isn't fair to those of us that actually put in the work, endure the variance and swings, to have some ying yang come along pretending he is something he isn't and telling everyone that Las Vegas is handing out free buckets of money. That is just wrong. I know some of my fellow AP's don't care and even welcome it as technically it is better for us....But I care. And I will always call that bullshit out.

    It is possible to beat gambling and Las Vegas, but it takes work. I just won't have some losing degenerate gambler, talking about streaks and knowing when to stop (stop limits) and progression betting systems and other complete nonsense as a substitute for the math and work needed to win. Not on my watch.
    You specifically said that NO ONE else cared if Tasha died. First off not true, I'd feel a bit of a bummer if I heard something bad happened to Tasha. Tasha is like the mascot. She isn't scheming in any sort of meaningful way. In fact her schemes (if you could call them that) are almost comical.

    Regardless, you made a point that *NO ONE* else would care if she died. As if she is complete trash. That's not true. I was flaming hard with Mickey when I read he had a heart attack. Even that bummed me out a bit. Tasha is no different. I care for her no more or less than you. AFAIK you're both gamblers not doing anything to help the world out. shrug. Anyway, the comment just struck me as a bit severe for someone so harmless.

    And I'll clarify. I get caring. I get correcting but at some point you realize whoever the fuck listens to Mdawg can have at it. Why it becomes so personal.. I don't get.

    The greatest thing ever to happen in the universe is if MDawg turned out to be Rob Singer on the long-troll. Conceivable but not possible.

  18. #18
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    I wonder how the Europeans who bought WoO / WoV are doing with their investment?

    Profit, loss, break even?

    Cetainly the views of the forum have gone way down since the sale, but I suspect the forum wasn't paramount in their mind when they bought WoO WoV.
    The whopping 2.3 mil that Jackie Chan et al, paid for Rusty's house never made any economic sense whatsoever. I'm sure Rusty would have sold it, for a LOT LESS then those suckers ended up paying.

  19. #19
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    I know nothing about Shackleford's motives beyond the obvious. He allegedly signed an NDA before witnessing MDawg's play session of baccarat. I do not know why anyone would sign an NDA unless there was some kind of remuneration or partnership written into the contract. Otherwise, you're signing an NDA for the sole purpose of sharing the grandeur of MDawg's presence while MDawg plays baccarat.

    The unsettling part of the relationship was MDawg continually saying "verified by the Wizard" in a dozen or more posts. If I saw a dozen, there may have been dozens.
    well lol ok yea thats fkn nuts I'll give you guys that....

  20. #20
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post

    Two things accountinquestion. First regarding Tasha. I didn't wish her/him/IT dead. I certainly didn't threaten her/him/IT. I simply reached the same conclusion that so many others have, that this asshole being an asshole on so many forums, is useless to me. I wouldn't feel the slightest bit bad if she/he/IT died today.
    Seriously, who would give a fuck if you died today? Tasha deserves better from you of all people on gaming forums.
    What does that of all people, Bosox?

    I just get so tired of Tasha's shit....polluting every thread. Maybe "she" should be limited to her own idiotic threads so as not to piss off everyone else.
    Your in the Top 5 Kew, making serious ground since your long hiatus !

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