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Thread: Mdawg exposed. The fantasy crumbles.

  1. #81
    As I said, I had PM'ed Mdawg on several forums during the last year, requesting that he stop the winner/winner chicken dinner narrative and just report his high roller stories, which are probably more interesting to more people without the editing out of losses. KewlJ had made the same points publicly that I did in the PMs.

    Dawg and I had what I thought were some reasonable back-and-forths, including when I went to bat for him regarding GamblingForums not allowing him a TruePassage link. I suggested they just share links -- TruePassage linking GamblingForums and vice versa, which is common practice. But GamblingForums wouldn't go for it. Now understand that TruePassage had a thread devoted to and criticizing me specifically. But I went to bat for MDawg because I thought he was more right than wrong in that case. So yeah, I went with what I thought was correct even though it meant linking to a site with threads devoted to criticizing me. I stick to what I think is correct, regardless of personal consequences.

    I tried to bash his psycho story-telling and not him as a person. The whole convoluted rule nonsense at WoV regarding, "Don't call anyone a liar," serves nobody but liars.

    MDawg's four-forum push to sell this fake storyline was one of the worst things I've seen since that "Money Talks" sports gambling "reality show" I linked previously. It's all selling false narratives, and God knows, television and movie producers buy into and promote this garbage on a regular basis.

  2. #82
    My only point is one I still stand behind: no one that thought MDawg was legit before now thinks he is not legit based on KJ’s threat and MDawg later posting about losses.

    That’s just facts.

    People that were already convinced MDawg was a fraud have become more convinced.

    Full stop.

    Find one person that flipped based on this and I’ll happily withdrawal the statement.

    Otherwise, it’s textbook confirmation bias. On both sides.

  3. #83
    Originally Posted by unJon View Post
    My only point is one I still stand behind: no one that thought MDawg was legit before now thinks he is not legit based on KJ’s threat and MDawg later posting about losses.

    That’s just facts.

    People that were already convinced MDawg was a fraud have become more convinced.

    Full stop.

    Find one person that flipped based on this and I’ll happily withdrawal the statement.

    Otherwise, it’s textbook confirmation bias. On both sides.
    Other than the handful of people that speak up and that includes some that are surely afraid to on WoV, where members are suspended for 'mildly' expressing doubts, how do we know what people think?

    I asked to do a poll so we would know but was denied. The hope being that a lopsided poll would show one MDawg that no one is buying his crap so he should quit.

    However the same strategy didn't work here as after a poll showed no one believed Singer by a 22-1 margin, Singer just doubled and tripled down. So who the fuck knows with these guys.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  4. #84
    Upjon, I just went back and spent a few minutes reading through you posts at WoV. You seem to be one of those people that wants to argue about the process rather than the position. One of those guys that enjoys engaging in the practice of debate. That's not what this is about for me. For me it is about the disinformation and intentionally misleading of other members and players.

    This guy's intent was obvious before he even posted day 1 results of this trip. Just from the title, it was or should have been obvious to most where this was going. If he was playing it straight, reporting wins AND losses, overall losing a little or close to break even, while being comped handsomely for his high level of play it is not much of an "adventure" is it? That is the way gambling and Las Vegas works. Even if he was playing to a small advantage somehow, and he reported wins AND losses, but finished slightly ahead, still not much of an adventure is it? That is the way advantage play works and we have many advantage players at different levels on that forum. It only becomes this great adventure with all this winning, winning, winning and that just defies the math and the way Las Vegas works.

    Now Mdawg is only about the attention, so his game plan is just to repeat, repeat, repeat these claims, knowing there will be push back from the math and real player sections of the forum and community. The theory from these guys is that if they repeats the claims or similar claims often enough, they become accepted as truth, and the pushback begins to wane as people get tired of doing so.

    I am often very critical of Shackleford and I believe rightfully so, but one of the very good and correct decisions he made was to remove the "adventure" thread from the main board, minimizing those that could be mislead. But that only forced Mdawg to expand to other forums peddling his "story" seeking new audience while he worked to get the "adventure threat" back on the main section. And he has been working that and working Shackleford on almost a daily basis, behind the scenes since the day it was originally moved.

    Remember about 2 months ago when Shackleford made the "mistake" of posting exactly what he thought about Mdawgs play, but had to retract it because it violated a NDA that he inexplicably signed? Mdawg used that as leverage to get unsuspended from a suspension he was on, plus attempted to use that to get the "adventure threat" reinstated onto the main board. Shackleford held his ground at the time. Again, kudos to Mike. He has done some things right.

    A short time later, when I left the forum, Mdawg tried to use THAT to get the adventure thread reinstated, arguing that since I was no longer a member, it should be moved back to the main board. Again, kudos to Mike for not budging. But eventually this guy Mdawg just wears you down with his bullying and Mike appears to be the kind of guy that eventually just tires of it and gives in. I can't say I blame him based on the amount of nagging, bullying and manipulating that I am told Mdawg does.

    So maybe as Mike gave in, in recent days, he made the agreement that he would allow the thread back IF Mdawg came clean. A couple of people close to the situation have suggested that to me. If so kudos to Mike for that. (geez, I feel like the Shackleford fan club here ).

    I find it hard to believe that just weeks after I announced that I would at some point have access to Mdawgs records that would likely contradict his claims, this great confession came about unrelated to that. But I really don't care either way. As I said at the start for me it is about the position not the process and the position being that Mdawg admitted his reports of winning, winning, winning were fabricated is a big deal as part of this story.

    Now of course he is now going to continue on, ignoring the obvious, the big confession and take us to new heights with this James Bond-ish adventure, repeating, repeating, repeating. And the numbers of those that have pushed back in the past are dwindling and some don't know what they are allowed to say or not say, so that is not good. Well I will continue to push back. I don't have to be afraid of Shackleford's rules that protect someone like Mdawg. Here and at other forums I am on with the great Mdawg, I will continue to remind members that he admitted the whole thing was a lie. THAT is my play.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  5. #85
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by unJon View Post
    My only point is one I still stand behind: no one that thought MDawg was legit before now thinks he is not legit based on KJ’s threat and MDawg later posting about losses.

    That’s just facts.

    People that were already convinced MDawg was a fraud have become more convinced.

    Full stop.

    Find one person that flipped based on this and I’ll happily withdrawal the statement.

    Otherwise, it’s textbook confirmation bias. On both sides.
    Other than the handful of people that speak up and that includes some that are surely afraid to on WoV, where members are suspended for 'mildly' expressing doubts, how do we know what people think?

    I asked to do a poll so we would know but was denied. The hope being that a lopsided poll would show one MDawg that no one is buying his crap so he should quit.

    However the same strategy didn't work here as after a poll showed no one believed Singer by a 22-1 margin, Singer just doubled and tripled down. So who the fuck knows with these guys.
    I was wondering why unJon was inserting "confirmation bias" into this. I had no idea where he was coming from. I don't see much relevance for confirmation bias here -- people can always retreat to echo chambers and believe what they want. The goal isn't to claim you can penetrate echo chambers. The goal is to hammer home some sense of what is objectively possible for a reasonable audience beyond any WoV population.

    There's no way to measure who believes what at WoV, but at GamblingForums or TruePassage, it's pretty clear MDawg has followers who seem naive or gambling unsavvy enough to buy the narratives. There are surely posters on those sites who, if they read MDawg's confession, would see him in a completely different light.

    What I was interested in doing was cutting MDawg off before he wrangled some book or script deal based on "verified by Wizard" claims.

    One dude at Wov who I suspect had his mind changed -- darkOz. Or maybe darkOz will retreat to the idea that it's all a ploy to keep the super baccarat angles secret. I don't care one way or the other. I'm not big on debate teams. I'm big on journalism that debunks fraud and reports reality.

  6. #86
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    What I was interested in doing was cutting MDawg off before he wrangled some book or script deal based on "verified by Wizard" claims.
    See I never thought Mdawgs adventure was about a book deal. There is no real money in that and it should have no appeal to a wealthy guy. But you never know, with this guys fascination with movies and stuff maybe in his alternative reality, he thought he had the making of the man who took Vegas or something.

    The fact is there is very little money to be made in gambling books. It is a very limited target audience. When I had my book deal with the gambling publisher here in Vegas that I pulled out of, one of our major points of conflict was over the money. I wanted to make nothing off of telling my story and wanted a kindle or online version to be downloadable for free or $1 or $2 tops and a paper version at minimal cost, like $4.99.

    He explained to me this just was not possible due to the very slim margins he was working with with such a limited target audience. There were other issues as well, but that was one of the reasons I pulled out and returned the small advance money.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  7. #87
    You had a book deal?

    What were you going to write about?

    I assume it was about blackjack, but was it a strategy book, or an autobiography, or something in between?
    What, Me Worry?

  8. #88
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    You had a book deal?

    What were you going to write about?

    I assume it was about blackjack, but was it a strategy book, or an autobiography, or something in between?
    It was going to be the adventures of a weed smoking attorney.

    It was going to be my blackjack journey, quitting a crap job at age 20, playing with a starting BR of $4300, through to present day.

    2 problems. 1.) I have told most of the story, at least what I can tell and share while still playing in bits and pieces along the way.

    and 2.) In the past few years while GWAE has had many blackjack guests, I have come to realize my basic story is not that different from a dozen or so other players, who all started just about the same time (early 2000's), all underfunded, that have all basically had similar financial success. Maybe employing some different approaches, with some different antidotes, but same basic story. While I am proud of my journey and accomplishments, it isn't all that special among the blackjack circles.

    As a matter of fact, when I pulled out, my spot was filled by another blackjack card counter's book.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  9. #89
    That’s fine, KJ. Now that you’ve pegged “what I seem to be” you can put my posts into whatever box where you don’t pay attention to them. I made my point in my last post, and it was substantive not process related:

    1) You either made a great bluff or a suboptimal non-bluff
    2) What you did swayed no one not already inclined to think MDawg a fraud.

    But RE Dietz is right that there’s no sense for me trying to penetrate the echo chamber you two have created here regarding MDawg. And like Mission, I don’t really care about any of it. Carry on.

    ETA: RE Dietz, interesting re DarkOz. Maybe right. Let’s see how he posts about it.

  10. #90
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by unJon View Post
    Got it. You bluffed the whole thing. Cool. Good bluff.

    Why else would you suddenly panic and scramble for excuses to not take out your nemesis. ��
    I don't know that I would use the word "nemesis". But if you want to, fine.

    This is a person that I (and others) found his claims so disturbing and harmful that I wanted to expose him and the truth. I HAVE DONE THAT. Are you not paying attention? The guy confessed and Shackleford revealed, that his claims over the past 7 months were a lie. What more do you want from me?

    If you were to post a poll at WoV asking who believes Mdawg now, of course Shackleford would shut it down and suspend you, but if allowed to stand, such a poll would reveal that 95% do not believe this guy now. And the only reason it would not be 100% is because of Mdawg, his sock puppets and a few trolls like coach belly that will always take the contrarian position.

    My work is done.

    If you want to call it a bluff, call it a bluff, but the truth is I had a source that would have provided me the information needed. At this point I haven't seen the information, but suspect what it would have shown. I would have revealed what the data said and then I would have had to decide, if I wanted to publicly show any of it. But I didn't have to make that decision. Mdawg panicked and confessed and Shackleford revealed (and oddly praised) that confession.

    Case over! Nothing left to reveal. If a defendant confesses to the crime there is nothing left for a prosecutor to do.
    You never realize just how full of shit you really are.....

  11. #91
    Originally Posted by unJon View Post
    That’s fine, KJ. Now that you’ve pegged “what I seem to be” you can put my posts into whatever box where you don’t pay attention to them. I made my point in my last post, and it was substantive not process related:

    1) You either made a great bluff or a suboptimal non-bluff
    2) What you did swayed no one not already inclined to think MDawg a fraud.

    But RE Dietz is right that there’s no sense for me trying to penetrate the echo chamber you two have created here regarding MDawg. And like Mission, I don’t really care about any of it. Carry on.

    ETA: RE Dietz, interesting re DarkOz. Maybe right. Let’s see how he posts about it.
    Okay, unJon, I'll bite. Since, to paraphrase Captain Kirk to Picard, I was reading confirmation bias studies when you were in diapers. What exactly do you think I have wrong about the inimitable MDawg, leading me down the trail of wrong conclusions and rejection of meaningful information? I'm curious to hear this, since I've had interactions with him on four different forums and a handful of PMs with him, starting from the beginning. Seems to me I have considerably more data than you, and more experience dealing with these gambling narratives than you.

    So I'm always ready to hear about what I got wrong from someone in an inferior position, unless you're not in an inferior position, which would be interesting on its own merits.

  12. #92
    Now this is some Hilarious Slant Eyed Humor!
    You stop make Bing-Bong.
    Every Bing-Bong 2 Cent!
    Listen Here Washee Washee!!

    Last edited by monet; 10-28-2021 at 06:04 AM.

  13. #93
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    So before anyone gives me any shit about posting, last week I said I was going to "reduce my online presence and that allowing Moses back, as requested will help insure that I stay away". While I still intend to reduce my online presence, Moses has not been reinstated and this is toooo big to let pass. It very quietly confirmed everything about the Mdawg chronicles that us doubters had been saying for years.

    So last week, Mdawg rather quietly announced 3 consecutive massive losing days playing baccarat. In contradiction to all his winning posts, he gave no specific amount other than to say 3 days of very big losses.

    So yesterday, Mdawg revealed that he had recently met with Shackleford and they went over his baccarat play results for this now 7 month trip and guess what....the conclusion was that "Mdawg is about even, maybe slightly ahead or slightly behind." Those are his words!

    Just to be clear, at the 60 day mark of this "story", I added up Mdawgs wins and losses as per his claims and he was I believe $324,000 ahead. Again that was at the 60 day mark. We are now well past the 100 day mark and with his wins having escalated before this big collapse, I conservatively put his win claim at half a million.

    So these 3 big losing days wiped away those 100's of days of winning, some half a million dollars. Wait! That is just the way a progression system always works! The math guarantees it! Sadly those of us that have been saying that for 7 months were made to look the bad guys and driven from the forum.

    Now isn't it a coincidence and a mighty big one, that two weeks ago after Cosmo was sold, I announced that I would soon be able to get a hold of this Mdawg persons records and we would just see if reality matched the Mdawg fantasy claims (what I call scam) and presto, all of the sudden, 3 days of massive losses magically put the fantasy claims back in line with reality. Well I don't believe in Magic or co-incidences THAT big and I sure as hell don't believe in this fantasy.

    And that reality is and always was, Mdawg is a high end player, someone I would refer to as a whale, although not sure the official money/play requirements of that. He plays a negative expectation game and loses. Maybe loss rebates and special promotion chips afforded such a high end player, enabled his play to be close to even, but overall he loses, just as expected and he is comped accordingly for his losses. Just as I have said a million times. That friends is the way Las Vegas works. Not all this win, win, win, high end comps, "Mdawg is the greatest player ever", "Las Vegas doesn't care about players winning millions" complete bullshit that we have been fed for 7 months.
    I'm a little confused about what's going on here, I guess there are multiple forums you have to read in order to put all the puzzle pieces together. I guess my first question would be: Why did The Wizard meet up with him and go over all of his wins and losses? Find that just strange of why that would happen in the first place. I'm wondering if that Meetup was scheduled to happen before a sudden influx of big losses.
    Cheers to AlexWolf for his milestone 20k post at his old pal Rusty's house. It's very thoughtful of you to dedicate your unique achievement to your high integrity/ high moral buddy who's doing a wonderful job over their. Here's to another 20k Alex !..............If it survives that long.
    Talk about a 180. AlexWolf might be setting a record, for the least amount of posts in 46 months, for a high profile/well known forum veteran, over at PFA. He has an astonishing 2 POSTS SINCE JAN/2018 ROFLMFAO !!. It can't be because of the abuse you got from Sah 24 and a few others, for your first post. You have thicker skin then that. What gives Alex ? 20k posts at Rusty's, 2k here and 2 whoppers at PFA.....Hilarious !

  14. #94
    Quote from the Wizard

    “Let me clarify that the word "confession" may have given the wrong idea. I do not mean to imply Mdawg was being dishonest before.”

    Sounds like the old legal threats came out from MDawg again. Naturally using the signed agreement as perfectly legal cover. Now if anyone could just explain to me why he would sign such a thing.

    Other than a decent amount of money or someone having compromising pictures, it doesn’t make sense to a layman like myself.

  15. #95
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Quote from the Wizard

    “Let me clarify that the word "confession" may have given the wrong idea. I do not mean to imply Mdawg was being dishonest before.”

    Sounds like the old legal threats came out from MDawg again. Naturally using the signed agreement as perfectly legal cover. Now if anyone could just explain to me why he would sign such a thing.

    Other than a decent amount of money or someone having compromising pictures, it doesn’t make sense to a layman like myself.
    Who knows and who cares? What is known is that MDog owns the Wizard. Why continue to even read that nonsense? Dog doesn't post here because Druff isn't playing like that and he knows no one here buys his bullshit.

  16. #96
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Quote from the Wizard

    “Let me clarify that the word "confession" may have given the wrong idea. I do not mean to imply Mdawg was being dishonest before.”

    Sounds like the old legal threats came out from MDawg again. Naturally using the signed agreement as perfectly legal cover. Now if anyone could just explain to me why he would sign such a thing.

    Other than a decent amount of money or someone having compromising pictures, it doesn’t make sense to a layman like myself.
    Who knows and who cares? What is known is that MDog owns the Wizard. Why continue to even read that nonsense? Dog doesn't post here because Druff isn't playing like that and he knows no one here buys his bullshit.
    Kewlj does, Kewlj cares quite a bit, we know that

  17. #97
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    Kewlj does, Kewlj cares quite a bit, we know that
    YES, I do. BUT I recognize that most of you here don't. So out of respect for that, I will try to tone it down a bit.

    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Quote from the Wizard

    “Let me clarify that the word "confession" may have given the wrong idea. I do not mean to imply Mdawg was being dishonest before.”
    So Mdawg posts for 7 months that he won 102 of 107 days/sessions, totaling over $500,000. Under Shackleford's supervision, Mdawg and Shackleford go over Mdawgs records and announce that Mdawg is not $500k ahead, but about even, maybe slightly ahead or slightly behind. Shackleford first praises this "confession". And then Today, Shackleford wants to clarify that at no time Mdawg was being dishonest. Claim: $500,000. Actual ZERO. Nothing dishonest about that.

    I wonder how much Shackleford got paid for this "interpretation"?

    Ok that's all for today as I try to give you guys a break. Heading out for a beautiful day on the Boulder City/Lake Mead bike trails.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  18. #98
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    Kewlj does, Kewlj cares quite a bit, we know that
    YES, I do. BUT I recognize that most of you here don't. So out of respect for that, I will try to tone it down a bit.

    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Quote from the Wizard

    “Let me clarify that the word "confession" may have given the wrong idea. I do not mean to imply Mdawg was being dishonest before.”
    So Mdawg posts for 7 months that he won 102 of 107 days/sessions, totaling over $500,000. Under Shackleford's supervision, Mdawg and Shackleford go over Mdawgs records and announce that Mdawg is not $500k ahead, but about even, maybe slightly ahead or slightly behind. Shackleford first praises this "confession". And then Today, Shackleford wants to clarify that at no time Mdawg was being dishonest. Claim: $500,000. Actual ZERO. Nothing dishonest about that.

    I wonder how much Shackleford got paid for this "interpretation"?

    Ok that's all for today as I try to give you guys a break. Heading out for a beautiful day on the Boulder City/Lake Mead bike trails.
    What an idiot. As your entire life again gets shaken like a tumbling house of cards by none other than Shack and the dawg, you take your pussified self, in the heat of the moment, out of the picture supposedly on some fairy bicycle ride that could be better stated as a suicide run at this point.

    Then there's that phony story of some MGM big shot who would gladly hand over MDawg's gaming diary and results to you....which is YOUR reason for forcing dawg to finally "fess up to lying about winning". He must've been quaking in his boots, while Shack had anxiety attacks. None of what you ever say is true. Remember your faked death? Do you recall big-mouthing about being able to count 2 tables simultaneously then when Alan asks to meet up and film you doing it, you run away scared to death? And who can forget all your lying about my Newell and how you'd come over to see and verify it at a moment's notice....that is, until I give you an address to meet up and you instantly hide away like the loser you truly are.'ve got redietz who tries so hard to believe all your bs, likely because he's light in the loafers himself.

    You are blessed.

  19. #99
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post

    What an idiot. As your entire life again gets shaken like a tumbling house of cards by none other than Shack and the dawg, you take your pussified self, in the heat of the moment, out of the picture supposedly on some fairy bicycle ride that could be better stated as a suicide run at this point.

    Then there's that phony story of some MGM big shot who would gladly hand over MDawg's gaming diary and results to you....which is YOUR reason for forcing dawg to finally "fess up to lying about winning". He must've been quaking in his boots, while Shack had anxiety attacks. None of what you ever say is true. Remember your faked death? Do you recall big-mouthing about being able to count 2 tables simultaneously then when Alan asks to meet up and film you doing it, you run away scared to death? And who can forget all your lying about my Newell and how you'd come over to see and verify it at a moment's notice....that is, until I give you an address to meet up and you instantly hide away like the loser you truly are.'ve got redietz who tries so hard to believe all your bs, likely because he's light in the loafers himself.

    You are blessed.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  20. #100
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Quote from the Wizard

    “Let me clarify that the word "confession" may have given the wrong idea. I do not mean to imply Mdawg was being dishonest before.”

    Sounds like the old legal threats came out from MDawg again. Naturally using the signed agreement as perfectly legal cover. Now if anyone could just explain to me why he would sign such a thing.

    Other than a decent amount of money or someone having compromising pictures, it doesn’t make sense to a layman like myself.
    Who knows and who cares?
    There's absolutely no reason to care.

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