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Thread: Move To LV---Regret It

  1. #1
    Anybody who breathes knows moving to a foreigner & minority libtard-infested city like LV will turn out to be a bad move. The math doesn't lie.

    Today we find out that LV Raiders' 22-yr. old all-punk Henry Ruggs was out driving intoxicated last night when he slammed his "look at me!" Corvette into a woman in a small SUV AND KILLED HER as her vehicle exploded into flames. Sadly, he wasn't seriously injured, as is usually the case with these slugs. But let's hope his career and pathetic life are both over, just as he has ended hers.

    Yes, when a thug-laced team moves to a city like LV from a Democratic pisshole like Oakland, in the moronic state of California, it is sure to bring nothing but trouble. John Gruden just went thru another stupid woke episode, and now the Raiders are paying him tens of millions of dollars, and the Negro Football League should be next to pay. Go get 'em White Boy!

    And history is littered with those who thought their move to Vegas was an open invitation to use the casinos as their own personal ATM's, only to end up living unremarkable and mediocre lives. Check with Alan, Kew, and many others on that for full verification. Just set your Lie Meter to very low sensitivity first.

    The Raiders were never really worth a crap, and it's appropriate that they chose LV to bring their shit-show to. Now, a family has lost a woman while Henry Fucking Ruggs gets to ignore it and hire millions worth of lawyers who think that blacks can kill anyone and stay out of prison--which already have record numbers of them bedding down every night. Let's hope her family takes every last penny Ruggs has and wipes out the rest of his miserable punk life.

    Now we hear that he also killed the woman's DOG--which are the absolute nicest creatures on this earth. What a rotten POS!
    Last edited by Rob.Singer; 11-02-2021 at 05:34 PM.

  2. #2
    lol throwing in the dog at the end. As if Rob Singer ever gave a shit about anyone ...

  3. #3
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Check with Alan, Kew, and many others on that for full verification. Just set your Lie Meter to very low sensitivity first.
    You are just beyond bizarre. I don't know anything about Henry Ruggs 3. It appears he drank and drove. And he will pay for that mistake. Someone else has already paid for his mistake with their life. I am not defending Ruggs, but just curious what makes him a thug? Because he is black? Typical Singer.

    So what does Mr Ruggs DUI accident have to do with me or Alan? And why are you linking me with Alan? My situation is well documented. And not just by me. Your new hero Mdawg doxxed me last week and guess what, I am doing fine. Live in a nice place. How did that happen according to the Singer narrative? It happened because I am a successful blackjack player just as I have shared. You just are in denial because you failed at advantage play, you miserable, bitter, old fool.

    And Alan? I don't know Alan's situation. He seems happy enough to me. He enjoys gambling. So what. None of my business what he does, but LV is certainly more affordable for a retired person on a fixed budget/income that California.

    Just more Singer Bizarreness. You are so freaking obsessed with me. Maybe I should just video me taking a shower so you can get your jollies and get over it. Both you and Moses.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  4. #4
    Singer is just jealous cause he couldn't even make it work in a Pahrump travel trailer park....RIP

  5. #5
    If you like the city life and the dessert then Vegas is great. Personally, I'm not a fan of the dessert, it sucks balls.

  6. #6
    Kew and MDawg and doxxing....what could be less important?

    You know what I'm talking about with you, your move, and your gambling habit. You say you have such a great, what to most would be a weird and mediocre going-nowhere unproductive living, when nearly everyone your age has made it and are growing as you exist in the staleness of online loneliness. But your forum demeanor tells quite the different story. You are as much the phony as you are a liar, and you radiate "tortured" as much as you do with all your self-manufactured drama. Even watching max throw around his silly lies doesn't help you. You will never wise up.

    Ruggs is just another stupid thug when you people were duped into believing he was a diamond from the Oakland Raiders. They moved to LV also, Einstein, which means Ruggs did. And while you thought you'd find riches from the casinos, Ruggs thought he could drink and drive a Corvette 156mph on Rainbow (ha!... appropriate mock here ) with no problem whatsoever.

    What will be your genius equalizer moment....

  7. #7
    No response necessary. You reveal your increasing insanity (and bitterness) with every new post.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  8. #8
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    No response necessary. You reveal your increasing insanity (and bitterness) with every new post.
    And yet the most addicted poster on internet gambling forums just cannot help himself as he posts a reply! When will you ever learn how not to keep making a fool of yourself...

    Henry Suggs is a thug and now will live with plenty of other thugs in state prison. What is a thug kew? A thug is a stupid black guy who feels the need to drive triple digits and drunk on LV streets in the middle of the night with a loaded gun in his car--and who kills a young woman and her dog in the process.

    See if that sinks in. Then, look up the % of blacks in this country and compare it to the % of inmates in prisons across the country. Are you beginning to see the thug light yet??

  9. #9
    Is KJ claiming that this thug is anything but?

  10. #10
    Negative, but arguing against strawmen in a debate that doesn't actually exist might give Singer the opportunity of perceiving himself as having won.

  11. #11
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Is KJ claiming that this thug is anything but?
    I have no idea if the guy is a thug or not. All indications are he has a spotless record, not even a traffic ticket.

    Now don't get me wrong, I am not defending anything. As a Vegas resident who occasionally is out over night, occasionally playing the night shift in an effort to spread my play around, occasionally partying late at night, especially when friends come to town, this kind of story scares the hell out of me. Could be me, or my brother ect.

    The only thing I am saying is racist Rob labeled this guy a "thug" based solely on his skin color. What if it had been Hunter Renfro, the white receiver the Raiders drafted the year before Ruggs. Same exact situation. Young NFL player with more money than he knows what to do with, out partying, makes a terrible, stupid, assine decision that kills some innocent person and destroys his own life in the process. Is there anyone that thinks Singer would have used "thug"? That is my point.

    Now I will tell you what I am waiting for and if it happens is going to piss me off and that is the defense to release information about the victim that paints her in a bad light. I mean I don't care if she is a known prostitute and junkie, it doesn't make a difference. Ruggs is the asshole and deserves to go to prison and I am sure he will.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  12. #12
    Is GM at all culpable for selling cars that will go this fast to yound men such as he?

    Unless you track it there is no way to enjoy the performance potential of this amazing car; no doubt Ruggs was hooning, maybe showing off a bit at the time, which is understandable given his age.

    In a perfect world cars like this should be sold only to folks experiencing a mid-life crisis, not youngsters still too wet behind the years to understand the intrinsic value of obeying the law.

    It will be interesting to see how the criminal case plays out; he's already lawyered up and no doubt his legal team will try to pay off the victim's family not to pursue prosecution, if possible.

    Otherwise he's toast.

    "Ker-flush" goes yet another promising career down the toilet.
    What, Me Worry?

  13. #13
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post

    "Ker-flush" goes yet another promising career down the toilet.
    I am not a Raiders fan, but because I live in Las Vegas, I do watch many Raiders games, and I would categorize his career as a bust so far. Ruggs has caught a total of 4 TD passes in his 2 years. At $16 million dollars, that is $4 million per TD. I guess the Raiders will be getting some of that money back now or now paying the portion owed, so maybe it works out to $2 million per TD. Certainly a disappointment for a top first round pick.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  14. #14
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post

    "Ker-flush" goes yet another promising career down the toilet.
    I am not a Raiders fan, but because I live in Las Vegas, I do watch many Raiders games, and I would categorize his career as a bust so far. Ruggs has caught a total of 4 TD passes in his 2 years. At $16 million dollars, that is $4 million per TD. I guess the Raiders will be getting some of that money back now or now paying the portion owed, so maybe it works out to $2 million per TD. Certainly a disappointment for a top first round pick.
    Not uncommon for rookies who will be good to struggle. Do you always calculate full seasons based on 7 games, or 4 years based on 1.5? He was having a good year this year.

    He was on pace for over 1000 yards on over 20 yards a catch this year, twenty yards a catch certainly stretches the defense and opens thing up for others without that gravity like Renfroe. His skill set is mostly between the 20’s not the red zone.

    Clearly accurate that it was still a promising career.

  15. #15
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Anybody who breathes knows moving to a foreigner & minority libtard-infested city like LV will turn out to be a bad move. The math doesn't lie.

    Today we find out that LV Raiders' 22-yr. old all-punk Henry Ruggs was out driving intoxicated last night when he slammed his "look at me!" Corvette into a woman in a small SUV AND KILLED HER as her vehicle exploded into flames. Sadly, he wasn't seriously injured, as is usually the case with these slugs. But let's hope his career and pathetic life are both over, just as he has ended hers.

    Yes, when a thug-laced team moves to a city like LV from a Democratic pisshole like Oakland, in the moronic state of California, it is sure to bring nothing but trouble. John Gruden just went thru another stupid woke episode, and now the Raiders are paying him tens of millions of dollars, and the Negro Football League should be next to pay. Go get 'em White Boy!

    And history is littered with those who thought their move to Vegas was an open invitation to use the casinos as their own personal ATM's, only to end up living unremarkable and mediocre lives. Check with Alan, Kew, and many others on that for full verification. Just set your Lie Meter to very low sensitivity first.

    The Raiders were never really worth a crap, and it's appropriate that they chose LV to bring their shit-show to. Now, a family has lost a woman while Henry Fucking Ruggs gets to ignore it and hire millions worth of lawyers who think that blacks can kill anyone and stay out of prison--which already have record numbers of them bedding down every night. Let's hope her family takes every last penny Ruggs has and wipes out the rest of his miserable punk life.

    Now we hear that he also killed the woman's DOG--which are the absolute nicest creatures on this earth. What a rotten POS!
    What is a Blacxican and a Puerto Blackan dated my daughter and ruined her credit?

  16. #16
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    It will be interesting to see how the criminal case plays out; he's already lawyered up and no doubt his legal team will try to pay off the victim's family not to pursue prosecution, if possible.
    The victim's family could say he's the 2nd coming of Christ and is completely innocent and it would have zero impact on the criminal prosecution.

  17. #17
    Ruggs struggled as a rookie, I think partly because when you come from Alabama, which has every opponent overmatched and has multiple receivers running three to four yards free on every play, and you go into the NFL -- you have a real hard time adjusting to actually being tightly covered almost all of the time. But his speed is top notch; he is a blazer. And he was doing well this year.

    I am not a car buff, so maybe muscle car buffs or folks who have done the track thing can speak to this. I have never been in a car doing more than maybe 115 on a regular highway, and certainly not on a street like the one in question. That just seemed suicidal-nuts to go that fast unless you are on a track. I have friends who have done the track thing with their cars, but I have no idea how fast they go on those tracks.

  18. #18
    Jig gonna Jig.

  19. #19
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Ruggs struggled as a rookie, I think partly because when you come from Alabama, which has every opponent overmatched and has multiple receivers running three to four yards free on every play, and you go into the NFL -- you have a real hard time adjusting to actually being tightly covered almost all of the time. But his speed is top notch; he is a blazer. And he was doing well this year.

    I am not a car buff, so maybe muscle car buffs or folks who have done the track thing can speak to this. I have never been in a car doing more than maybe 115 on a regular highway, and certainly not on a street like the one in question. That just seemed suicidal-nuts to go that fast unless you are on a track. I have friends who have done the track thing with their cars, but I have no idea how fast they go on those tracks.
    Ruggs will get no sympathy from the judge he drew, who appears to be ever more agitated and annoyed at the puke than I am. I'm aware that carrying a loaded gun in the glovebox is legal in Nevada, but not if you're intoxicated. That's a felony.

    Your question about his speed I'm sure is confusing to many. I'm baffled at how that supercharged Corvette could get to 156mph on city streets. Before I stored away my ZR-1 for my grandson when he reaches 25, I did take it to the Phx. track a couple times. It would take 11-13 seconds to get to 150mph. So Ruggs had to have been blasting thru who knows what for that long, which is nearly unbelievable on a city street. His girlfriend should have taken that gun out and shot him once he reached 80. At least Tina and her dog would still be here.

    He is extremely talented and fast, yes. And the NFL has said many times how they have contracted with ride share services to get these athletes around when they want to go out and party. He had to be world class stupid.

  20. #20
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Before I stored away my ZR-1 for my grandson when he reaches 25, I did take it to the Phx. track a couple times. It would take 11-13 seconds to get to 150mph.
    Some people just can't help

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