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Thread: Hey, Rob, Get the Ball Rolling

  1. #21
    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    Thanks. Emphasis on, "Quality of writing," approved. I obviously don't agree with his VP system itself.
    That's very obvious, his VP system is farcical. If someone can pull it off in writing, it's old comedic Robbie himself.

  2. #22
    A must see classic for anybody wanting to see an A+ entertaining interview(only 11 minutes, well worth it) Rob & Alan at their finest !. I can't post it, I'm currently on old back up iPad(8 year old casino gift). It's a video on YouTube with surprisingly only 4.8k views( deserves 100k). It's the very first video that pops up on YouTube with Rob+ Alan. 2 forum gambling legends that don't disappoint ! If someone can post it to the forum, that would be great.

  3. #23

    Is this the one? These old videos were what got me interested in the Singer/Mendelson duo 10 years ago. It reminded me of when Uri Geller bamboozled the Stanford Research Institute using some impromptu and fairly obvious "magic tricks." The SRI and Geller wound up tied together forever.

    Ten years ago, my first impression of the interview had to do with, "Why the hell is Rob wearing that shirt for a serious interview?" The rule of thumb for lectures or interviews is that if what you have to say is worthwhile and you know what you're talking about, you don't wear a distraction. Alan maybe should have coached him into different sartorial choices, but it's also possible Alan didn't want to be doing any kinds of coaching for an interview.

    Looking at the videos now, I have no idea why Rob makes an occasional crack about my weight (I'm maybe 15 pounds overweight). Rob looks way worse in other sessions than I do weight-wise.

    As for Rob's hair, as I say about myself, "It is what it ain't." After the first three months of pandemic, I finally took off my baseball cap, and my hair had that similar Larry Fine look to it. I immediately had my girlfriend shave it all off.
    Last edited by redietz; 11-23-2021 at 10:18 AM.

  4. #24
    Red you know what it means when you turn to making fun of what someone looks like whenever you disagree with them. The cancel culture ideology doesn't work. BTW if you're still lost in your past, if you ever meet me you'll see I'm still the 200 pound guy I was in 1995 who was and is in near perfect shape. You don't see many fat slobs at the gun range every week.That takes work within that age range. And if you're worried about your hair or lack thereof then you're uncomfortable with who you are.

    I wore that Tommy Bahama shirt in honor of my interviewer. It was a freebie at a Harrah's LV giveaway and since Alan was a regular investor in the Harrah's Corporation, I thought I'd show him what appreciation I had.

  5. #25
    The only ones that won't admit it are the math people that don't want it to be true, because then their whole world would go upside down.
    You wish. Why wouldn't I want it to be true? I DO want it to be true, but that doesn't change the fact that it's not true. If it were true, then it would be exploitable, and if it were exploitable, then I could figure out how to exploit it.

    Being good at pattern recognition is a necessary biological trait that we wouldn't have survived without. In the wild, we would make cause-and-effect decisions based on our observations (or accounts) of previous situations in which the same set of conditions (causes) to some extent, were in place. That doesn't mean that there is a cause-and-effect in what we perceive as patterns in video poker hands or on slot machine games...though with variable-state slot machines, that's actually sometimes true. In Video Poker, there is only one cause---and that cause is randomness. When it comes to long-term results, it's randomness accompanied by how strong your strategy is compared to optimal.

    But, no, I would love nothing more than for VP machines to NOT be random as long as they were not random in a way that is exploitable.

    Truth or falsity, however, do not tend to bend to my personal wishes.

    There's been a few people that call me out on that and we sit down at a machine for ten minutes, or five minutes, or whatever...and it comes out to 4%, 5%, but it's really too short. realize that's one of the favorite go to arguments of us, "Math Guys," for explaining why someone could be ahead after what seems (to them) to be a significant number of hands at a negative expectation game, right?

    Paraphrase: A combination over a ten or fifteen minute cycle where nothing is coming (meaning lots of total throwaways or not converting 2P into FH), then you know the machine is cold.

    Let's take the high side of that and go fifteen minutes. If I play 800HPH, then I play an average of 200 hands in fifteen minutes. My probability of a dealt Two Pair is 4.7539% (per hand), so I should see about 9.5078....but we will call it ten...dealt Two Pairs in this period of time. The probability of my NOT converting that to a Full House on any given dealt two pair is (44/48), so the probability of it not happening ten consecutive times is (44/48)^10 = 0.41890388788.

    So, what you're telling me is that if I get the expected number of Two Pairs within a fifteen minute period and do NOT convert any of them, that tells me that the, "Machine is cold?"

    Bullshit. First of all, you were just talking about small v. large samples two minutes prior to that. Secondly, that just means I'm cold on that particular could have the same thing happen, but probably wouldn't notice, if you hit a quad or two within that same fifteen minute period.

    Although, you're combining missing that particular draw with getting more than expected, "No holds." If you accept, as you should, that a, "No Hold," is the worst case scenario from an EV-standpoint...then what you are calling a, "Cold machine," is no different from me saying, "I haven't been running well the last few minutes." It's not indicative of anything.

    How many times have you seen a hot cycle?
    It depends. What's a hot cycle? If you're talking about ringing quads up within ten hands of one another, not often. If you're talking about getting several consecutive wins on the lower end of the paytable...then I would say plenty of times. People tend not to notice when they're hitting a bunch of consecutive 2P + 3OaK with a JoB result here and there though.

    Paraphrase: How do you know they're legit?

    It would only take one disgruntled employee of the device manufacturer.

    "They make believe they have an advantage over the casino.
    It's kind of funny how we see Video Poker downgraded more and more frequently, isn't it? You'd think they could have more 100%+ machines if they were gaffed. You'd also think the newer jurisdictions would open their casinos with 100%+ since you maintain that the games are not random and, consequently, don't pay that with Optimal Strategy anyway.
    Last edited by Mission146; 11-23-2021 at 11:13 AM.

  6. #26
    All that said, I'm just opening a dialogue. I'm happy to keep it civil. Despite a few of the things you've said on the forums, you're well-spoken (more so than I expected) and fundamentally seem like a reasonable, and dare I say likable, guy.

  7. #27
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post

    Is this the one? These old videos were what got me interested in the Singer/Mendelson duo 10 years ago. It reminded me of when Uri Geller bamboozled the Stanford Research Institute using some impromptu and fairly obvious "magic tricks." The SRI and Geller wound up tied together forever.

    Ten years ago, my first impression of the interview had to do with, "Why the hell is Rob wearing that shirt for a serious interview?" The rule of thumb for lectures or interviews is that if what you have to say is worthwhile and you know what you're talking about, you don't wear a distraction. Alan maybe should have coached him into different sartorial choices, but it's also possible Alan didn't want to be doing any kinds of coaching for an interview.

    Looking at the videos now, I have no idea why Rob makes an occasional crack about my weight (I'm maybe 15 pounds overweight). Rob looks way worse in other sessions than I do weight-wise.

    As for Rob's hair, as I say about myself, "It is what it ain't." After the first three months of pandemic, I finally took off my baseball cap, and my hair had that similar Larry Fine look to it. I immediately had my girlfriend shave it all off.
    Yes it is, Tks Comrade.

  8. #28
    Look, well-spoken or not, good story teller or not (which applies to Singer and Mdawg) is irrelevant to me. I don't care about any of that. What I care about is the intentional misleading of players.

    In the interview Rob says he made "almost a million dollars over 10 years". Of course THAT was yester-year's Rob Singer claim. He has changed that dramatically to make room for another more outrageous claim, the double up bug. His amended claim from these "beliefs" is now 4 years, 375k. That is quite an amend. That amended claim is not true either, but quite an amend and begs the question, why would anyone entertain anything said after that ever again?

    Hot cycles, cold cycles, progression wagering, win and loss goal. These are all voodoo gambling concepts. Rob is stacking multiple voodoo concepts on top of each other and claiming any or all can overcome negative expectation, which is just utter nonsense. Utter nonsense disproven a million times.

    If you take one thing away from this interview it should be this: "The machine telepaths hot cycles to you, if you know what you are doing".

    Nothing more need be said.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  9. #29
    Extremely underrated video with only 4.8k views and ONLY 2 COMMENTS ROFLMFAO ! Puts BLOAT Mitchell's views/comments ratio to shame ! For some reason "Peter Griffins" comment got deleted a few years back, along with MANY others obviously

  10. #30
    Only 14 measly likes, what a shame for this masterpiece ! I contributed by being number 14 !

  11. #31
    Those who've paid attention comprehend exactly how and why I took that public stand on "hot & cold cycles", "5th card flipovers", "non-random randomness" etc. Nuff said.

    Mission, the reason I had a decent career prior to vp as well as being happily married for 43 years and hopefully counting, is because yes, I am VERY different in person than I've been on the forums over the years. I have a huge amount of life experience that goes almost from A to Z, and anyone I meet who thinks they hated me discovers I'm good at putting on whatever face I choose to from behind a computer screen. Even kew, with all his foolish vitriol and BS about my life because he doesn't want a nasty critic like myself to have a successful and comfortable life, would instantly get along with me. I came into my VP career ready for battle, and my direction got all helter-skelter when I came upon the DU play. It's been a ride.

    Red, I do have a major flaw you might take notice of: my broken foot that's had two operations in the past 3 years, has not 100% healed and it acts up from time to time. It won't get any better since I'm so old. I no longer can run either. But, in-between posts I just finished shoveling and hauling 9 ton of rock to re-do our back yard. It took 5 days on and off, and I didn't hire our Mexican yard guys because I wanted to see if I still had it. Plus it's a full body workout. The lady across the street came out twice to see how I was doing. She knows I'm 72 and thought I might have a heart attack or something. That's not least not yet. She even brought me several Powerades.

  12. #32
    Rob, in the video you said "I have an engineering background". Would you care to elaborate?

  13. #33
    Also that ramblin gamblin book is not available on Amazon. You can find it, just no one selling it. I'd have actually bought it.

  14. #34
    I don’t know when that video was shot, but it there’s less than 30 years between that and the Newell pics time has not been good to Rob.

  15. #35
    I had to stop listening at about 4 minutes in when Rob started to say something about the machine telepathing to him .. lol,,

    Props for doing it with a straight face though.

    Damn Chinese prison machines. Can't win shit on them if it's a holiday weekend...lmao
    Last edited by MaxPen; 11-23-2021 at 03:25 PM.

  16. #36
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    I had to stop listening at about 4 minutes in when Rob started to say something about the machine telepathing to him .. lol,,

    Props for doing it with a straight face though.

    Damn Chinese prison machines. Can't win shit on them if it's a holiday weekend...lmao
    Being a semi-anonymous person myself I can't take shots at a guy who puts himself out there like that but I can't help to comment on the little layer of smoke rising above the top of Rob's head. Could it be from thinking so hard about the patterns of the machines and such? Basically his dome overheated?

    Rob's the best. I really would have bought his book had it been available.

  17. #37
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    I don’t know when that video was shot, but it there’s less than 30 years between that and the Newell pics time has not been good to Rob.
    In other words, you couldn't find anything else to criticize about me so you went straight to looks. But other than that, time has been VERY good to me.

  18. #38
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    I had to stop listening at about 4 minutes in when Rob started to say something about the machine telepathing to him .. lol,,

    Props for doing it with a straight face though.

    Damn Chinese prison machines. Can't win shit on them if it's a holiday weekend...lmao
    Being a semi-anonymous person myself I can't take shots at a guy who puts himself out there like that but I can't help to comment on the little layer of smoke rising above the top of Rob's head. Could it be from thinking so hard about the patterns of the machines and such? Basically his dome overheated?

    Rob's the best. I really would have bought his book had it been available.
    I saw it in a library on East Flamingo like a decade ago. It’s probably floating around there somewhere, any gambling related book of little value is in the LV public library system somewhere.

  19. #39
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    I don’t know when that video was shot, but it there’s less than 30 years between that and the Newell pics time has not been good to Rob.
    In other words, you couldn't find anything else to criticize about me so you went straight to looks. But other than that, time has been VERY good to me.
    I only made it maybe two minutes into the video.

  20. #40
    I should have done 43/47 in my one post, don't know what I was thinking about. Just typing and continuing to listen while also in a hurry...doesn't really change the point.

    KewlJ Says:

    Look, well-spoken or not, good story teller or not (which applies to Singer and Mdawg) is irrelevant to me. I don't care about any of that. What I care about is the intentional misleading of players.

    In the interview Rob says he made "almost a million dollars over 10 years". Of course THAT was yester-year's Rob Singer claim. He has changed that dramatically to make room for another more outrageous claim, the double up bug. His amended claim from these "beliefs" is now 4 years, 375k. That is quite an amend. That amended claim is not true either, but quite an amend and begs the question, why would anyone entertain anything said after that ever again?

    Hot cycles, cold cycles, progression wagering, win and loss goal. These are all voodoo gambling concepts. Rob is stacking multiple voodoo concepts on top of each other and claiming any or all can overcome negative expectation, which is just utter nonsense. Utter nonsense disproven a million times.

    If you take one thing away from this interview it should be this: "The machine telepaths hot cycles to you, if you know what you are doing".

    Nothing more need be said.
    I'm not giving Rob a pass on the misinformation, but at least it was free misinformation. Apparently, Singer didn't even get paid for writing his column, though he says he was offered. The books would have cost money, of course, but Singer wouldn't have had much of a choice but to charge for the books. Could always just not write them, of course.

    If you want to blame anyone for anything, then blame Gaming Today more than anyone. Unlike someone posting on a message board, they're the ones featuring the bullshit as a column. Further, assuming Rob didn't get paid, I would think Gaming Today was the entity making money on this by one means or another.

    You can also go ahead and blame whoever read the system and believed it. If they want to be right there with Christians in their capacity to believe in myths, then that's their lookout.

    Here's the thing: Gaming Today probably figured it would be popular because it's optimistic and people want to believe in betting systems. Think about it: According to Rob's account, this guy either knew that the system doesn't change the math or is a complete fucking moron...and I'm thinking it's the former. So, basically, you have the head GT guy publishing deliberate misinformation for profit. He probably just wanted to see the system in action because he figured (with a high enough success rate) you wouldn't have a high percentage of readers royally pissed off if they went out and tried it. Besides, if they do get pissed off, then he could make a very public production out of dismissing Singer from his column, followed by an apology to readers, so it's kind of win-win for that guy.

    Anyway, people want to believe they are going to win and lies are going to be more popular than the truth. System writers are in the business of creating dreams.

    If someone is a negative expectation player, I'm in the business of taking peoples' dreams, ripping them to shreds, throwing them on the ground, stomping on them, grinding them under my foot and then spitting on whatever is least, when it comes to thinking they can beat a -EV game in the long run or beat -EV with Betting Systems. It's either me and their feelings get slightly hurt, or the casinos and their wallets get perhaps seriously hurt. Of the two options, I think I'm the poison they should pick. It's not the easiest road, I guess, but it's more fun and you also get to tell the truth about the math.

    I mean, no free pass for Singer, but cui bono? The guy who owned the publication benefits.

    Besides, it's however many years later and this is a small message board tucked in the middle of Internet nowhere. Reading some of the political threads, I'm going to say we're probably in the Internet's version of the Deep South.

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