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Thread: Nathan's Corner! :D

  1. #421
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Guinea pig up bitches......

    Boosters 4 Life
    I seen some country halted boosters in children because they were having many health issues.
    I see no reason to get the shot till its a one and done scenario.
    No Covid in my household for about 2 years now.
    And I've been in the Casinos non-stop since they reopened.
    So I have a hard time believing that the virus can "fill up a room" because if that were true, I would of had it many times over by now.
    We have had some Corona though.
    Yum Sing or as some of you might say... Cheers!
    They should just call it Russian Vax Roulette. The winners go about their business while the losers get deathly ill, stroke out, and die. How many boosters can you absorb? Have fun spinning the shot cylinder. Fuckin' idiots.

    I have a 100% chance of not having a vax reaction or getting ADE by not taking the shot and a 99.8% chance of surviving Covid if I get it. I will take those odds any day.

    Most of the people getting Covid today are the vaxxed due to weakened immune systems and the people who just haven't had it yet. The only people I personally know that got it twice are vaxxed. Just wait until the cancers start in 3-5 years. If people survive the boosters that long.

    I really feel for people that can't see what is happening. There's a place in Ireland right now with a 99.7% vax rate and 0.4% of the population currently has Covid.

    Hopefully the people responsible for this human tragedy get the karma they deserve.....RIP

  2. #422

  3. #423
    Black Santa now at Disneyland so you might expect more of this...
    "I'm gettin' ready to go to jail tonight"

  4. #424
    GTFOH with this Scripted Bullshit.
    They should of let Trump Interview him.
    I'd watch that...

  5. #425
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    GTFOH with this Scripted Bullshit.
    They should of let Trump Interview him.
    I'd watch that...
    Complete with dramatic music, LOL.

  6. #426
    Tasha has been silent / MIA for over a month.

    Just sayin'.
    What, Me Worry?

  7. #427
    I think her second biggest fan was responsible for her lengthy AWOL. He outed her for dropping a deuce in public at Church's Chicken LMFAO. Another outside chance, is she has been spending time at her busy "political forum" The funny thing about this is, you can't recognize fan#1 anymore since she dissapeared. Complete 180, possibly his account has been hacked.

  8. #428
    Back On Topic...

    Last edited by monet; 12-02-2021 at 10:42 PM.

  9. #429
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Back On Topic...

    Who cares about Alec Baldwin even if you disagree with him. Like.. literally why people still talking about this. Someone's pulling some strings IMO.

  10. #430
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    I think her second biggest fan was responsible for her lengthy AWOL. He outed her for dropping a deuce in public at Church's Chicken LMFAO. Another outside chance, is she has been spending time at her busy "political forum" The funny thing about this is, you can't recognize fan#1 anymore since she dissapeared. Complete 180, possibly his account has been hacked.
    Who is #1 ???

    I'm top 5 probably top 3.

  11. #431
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    I think her second biggest fan was responsible for her lengthy AWOL. He outed her for dropping a deuce in public at Church's Chicken LMFAO. Another outside chance, is she has been spending time at her busy "political forum" The funny thing about this is, you can't recognize fan#1 anymore since she dissapeared. Complete 180, possibly his account has been hacked.
    Who is #1 ???

    I'm top 5 probably top 3.
    Ozzy is definitely the alleged “#1 fan’s” biggest “fan.”

    Maybe he should start a thread about it and his obsess with “forum poster rankings” in the whatever’s on your mind subforum... much to his chagrin I’m sure, the subforum bit has gotten old even for myself.
    Last edited by mcap; 12-03-2021 at 07:10 AM.

  12. #432
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    I think her second biggest fan was responsible for her lengthy AWOL. He outed her for dropping a deuce in public at Church's Chicken LMFAO. Another outside chance, is she has been spending time at her busy "political forum" The funny thing about this is, you can't recognize fan#1 anymore since she dissapeared. Complete 180, possibly his account has been hacked.
    If that’s the reason, I am going to demand an award or special recognition from Dan for this act of community service.

    That said we probably woke a sleeping dog and she will be back like a Festivus miracle.

    Luckily I heard another “juicy” story if she does come back.

  13. #433
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    I think her second biggest fan was responsible for her lengthy AWOL. He outed her for dropping a deuce in public at Church's Chicken LMFAO. Another outside chance, is she has been spending time at her busy "political forum" The funny thing about this is, you can't recognize fan#1 anymore since she dissapeared. Complete 180, possibly his account has been hacked.
    Who is #1 ???

    I'm top 5 probably top 3.
    Your an amateur featherweight, you don't even crack the Top 20

  14. #434
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    I think her second biggest fan was responsible for her lengthy AWOL. He outed her for dropping a deuce in public at Church's Chicken LMFAO. Another outside chance, is she has been spending time at her busy "political forum" The funny thing about this is, you can't recognize fan#1 anymore since she dissapeared. Complete 180, possibly his account has been hacked.
    Who is #1 ???

    I'm top 5 probably top 3.
    Ozzy is definitely the alleged “#1 fan’s” biggest “fan.”

    Maybe he should start a thread about it and his obsess with “forum poster rankings” in the whatever’s on your mind subforum... much to his chagrin I’m sure, the subforum bit has gotten old even for myself.
    Triggered again I see, your the poster boy of OCD. What's with the recent revamp ? you actually appear to have a bit of knowledge about things. If you continue at this rate for SEVERAL months, you might actually come off as a winning player overall LOL. Proof in the pudding that people really can change. That is until your 1a obsession comes back.
    Last edited by Ozzy; 12-03-2021 at 10:02 AM.

  15. #435
    And you’re the poster boy of third grade level grammar.

    This isn’t really the place to talk about gambling, it’s a troll forum, Todd curated it that way, so trolling is what’s to be done here not have serious gambling discussions. I may have accidentally wavered from what this forum is for a tad at times lately.

  16. #436
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    I think her second biggest fan was responsible for her lengthy AWOL. He outed her for dropping a deuce in public at Church's Chicken LMFAO. Another outside chance, is she has been spending time at her busy "political forum" The funny thing about this is, you can't recognize fan#1 anymore since she dissapeared. Complete 180, possibly his account has been hacked.
    If that’s the reason, I am going to demand an award or special recognition from Dan for this act of como smunity service.

    That said we probably woke a sleeping dog and she will be back like a Festivus miracle.

    Luckily I heard another “juicy” story if she does come back.
    No shortage of zingers Boz, I'm sure she will come back Your the unofficial #1 Fan of Tusha comedically, Due to complicated comprehensive analysis, you can never dethrone the infamous, dubious reigning ultra featherweight champion !

  17. #437
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    And you’re the poster boy of third grade level grammar.

    This isn’t really the place to talk about gambling, it’s a troll forum, Todd curated it that way, so trolling is what’s to be done here not have serious gambling discussions. I may have accidentally wavered from what this forum is for a tad at times lately.
    I have admitted many times for my lack of grammar, unlike yourself I can humble myself and look at the big picture. What I lack in grammar, I easily make up overall in other areas. Keep at it, with the worst poster on hiatus( not Tusha) you have an outside chance of coming out of the forum basement.

  18. #438
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    And you’re the poster boy of third grade level grammar.

    This isn’t really the place to talk about gambling, it’s a troll forum, Todd curated it that way, so trolling is what’s to be done here not have serious gambling discussions. I may have accidentally wavered from what this forum is for a tad at times lately.
    I can spot a wannabe and or new AP on these forums a country mile away. You fit the profile.

  19. #439
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    And you’re the poster boy of third grade level grammar.

    This isn’t really the place to talk about gambling, it’s a troll forum, Todd curated it that way, so trolling is what’s to be done here not have serious gambling discussions. I may have accidentally wavered from what this forum is for a tad at times lately.
    Another thing I want to add, since I'm responding to a nitpicker. If your the ultimate grammar police, why are 95% of your posts one line wonders( not as of late) and you edit nearly every post that's more then 1 line ? Not exactly a grammar role model.

  20. #440
    There are times when I show I actually show I can be pretty smart such as when I saw right through someone on one website who talked trash about me claiming he wanted to help me when I was being attacked on another Website. He said something like," Tell us the name of that Website you're being attacked on and we can join there and stand up for you. We can help you out. I thought ,"This guy talks trash about me often. Why would I think he's going to help me on that other Website?" I refused to give out the name, and he admitted that he was actually trying to set me up into looking even more bad on that Website by giving out the name, and wasn't actually planning to help me out. He said something like,"You actually surprised me that you were smart enough to not fall for my planned set up. Surprised you saw right through it and didn't do that. You may have some smarts in you after all.

    I sent someone an Unsolicited PM begging him for help on WOV when I was being attacked heavily there. He cussed me out and called me an idiot instead and refused to help me out. I never asked him for help again quickly learning my lesson. On the public part of WOV after I was banned, he said something like,"Nathan sent me an Unsolicited PM begging me for help. I cussed her out and called her an Idiot and refused to help her out. I then reported her Unsolicited PM begging me for help to the Admins, hoping she would get into trouble for sending me this unsolicited PM begging me for help."

    A Poster responded something like,"Did she ever send you an unsolicited PM begging you for help after you said that to her? I know I wouldn't have ever sent you an unsolicited PM begging you for help after you said that to me.

    He responded,"No, she never sent me an Unsolicited PM begging me for help after I said that to her. In fact, she never sent me another PM again.

    The other Poster responded,"Then she's not a complete idiot.

    He responded, "She's not a complete idiot, but I don't get why she sent me an Unsolicited PM begging me for help in the first place. I've never been particularly overly friendly to her."

    Other Posters admitted that I sent them unsolicited PM begging them for help too. The guy responded something like,"She must have been mass producing this unsolicited PM begging for help then. I knew something was wrong when she begged me for help."

    On a Website that was ending it's Forum sections in a couple of days, a Poster started a thread asking if anyone had any thing they wanted to confess to before the Forum sections went dark permanently in a couple of days. I responded something like,"I feel that confessing to stuff could be a bad idea as many Posters have Facebook, Email Addresses, could meet each other again on other Forums and Websites, etc.. Confessing could lead to bad feelings and resentment.

    Sure enough, a Poster had previously sent another Poster a scathing PM telling him he hoped he died of AIDS and then burned in Hell for all eternity. The Poster who received the scathing PM responded, "You are completely vile, sending me that nasty and horrible PM," and put a screenshot of the nasty and vile PM on the public part of the PM. The Poster insisted the guy made up that PM himself in an effort to make him look bad and he was like,"I do not speak like this to anyone."

    Other Posters took his side and bashed the Poster who received the horrible PM. Posters were like,"He's a nice and kind Poster. He doesn't say vile things like this. You made up this vile PM yourself and screenshot something you made up.

    The Victim insisted he didn't make up this PM at all and other Posters continued to bash him and support the other Poster. In the confession thread, the guy who sent the vile PM confessed he really did send that vile PM to the Victim and said he had deep mental problems. Other Posters really dug into him for this, saying stuff like,"We stood up for you and bashed the Victim instead, you scumbag! The OP was like,"Nathan was right that this could be a bad idea for a thread and deleted his Original Post. LMAO! When I'm right, I'm right.

    On another Website, I was a Newbie and Long Time Members asked me to link proof of what I was talking about. I linked to the other Website and was like,"The Greatest GOAT said this on the bottom of page 26." The Posters didn't thank me for linking proof and I thought,"They didn't thank you for linking proof. Something is wrong here." I was naive enough to link the proof, but smart enough to realize something was wrong when nobody thanked me after I did what they asked me to do.

    I soon got a message from an Admin and I assumed it was a normal type of,"Welcome To The Website," message. I opened it and the Admin said something like,"You have received a strike for linking to another Website, especially another Poster's post. Linking to outside Websites is strictly forbidden on here. I have received multiple complaints about you already despite you being brand new. Posters have asked me if you are a Troll and even I admit I question your motives.

    The long time Members who asked you to link proof set you up in order to get you into trouble as they know that sending links to other Websites is strictly forbidden here. If I didn't question your motives myself, I would have just given you a Warning that linking to outside Websites is strictly forbidden here and warned the long time Members that baiting New Members into breaking Forum rules is not acceptable and can cause distrust. I have closed that thread and removed the link. You have two strokes left before an automatic ban.

    I was banned after a second strike when I gushed about winning $10 on a penny bet. I saw a message saying something like,"You have been permanently banned," when I visited later. I went on Incognito mode and saw the Admin had quoted my $10 win on a penny win and replied something like," Second strike. Goodbye."A Poster did stand up for me saying something like,"$10 win on a penny bet is a 1,000 times payout. If someone said they won $1,000 on a dollar bet, this person wouldn't have gotten a strike and been banned. I don't get why Nathan got a strike for that and got banned. I was owed one more strike anyways as that was only my second strike, not my third strike. The ban stuck.
    Last edited by Tasha; 04-30-2022 at 03:49 PM.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

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