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Thread: So this mikki guy on hustler poker stream....

  1. #21
    His life history is quite detailed to the extent he leaves out any details. lol

    However, the dude REALLY wakes up when he gets to talk about gambling. As if this was what he was waiting for the whole time. What is more impressive? Being a degenerate gambler or making millions upon millions at a young age on your own? Somehow he gets far more excited talking about gambling.. as if he was waiting to give his spiel.

    Also being a nice guy is often just cover for being a con-artist. It is their job. Sales 24/7.

  2. #22
    How did he make all his money?

    Not sure what to think about this guy regarding his past, I will say he is entertaining one way or the other.

  3. #23
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    How did he make all his money?

    Not sure what to think about this guy regarding his past, I will say he is entertaining one way or the other.
    Seems likely it has to be family money/inheritance. The narcissism or need to do all the stuff to seem important likely stemming from a complex of being wealthy without earning it.

  4. #24
    Dude is a career criminal.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  5. #25
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Dude is a career criminal.
    It was pretty funny when he claimed he would routinely have sit downs with hospital owners.

  6. #26
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    He opened interview saying he doesn't smoke, drink or do drugs....then took a big hit off his vape pipe. Easy to tell he has a big nicotine habit. He talked about "partying" with the rappers. The word party is code for using drugs. How does a story of beating the casinos for multi-millions then getting barrred from every casino in Las Vegas not make the news, or travel thru the grapevine of professional gamblers? The guy is a fraud.

    Vaping must be the new thing for scammers on camera.

    Here's a guy who was debunked seven years ago. And yet here he is again.

    The problem is that originally he was allegedly backed and propelled by Mayweather, who has been known to advertise his big sport betting wins while staying mum on his losses. He was exposed seven years ago, and CNBC was embarrassed. Now he shrugs off the exposes and reboots his schtick. Unbelievable. I am going to theorize that Mayweather is still involved.

    Plus, with his first show, he loaded the comments sections with various supportive nonsense. Call them socks, call them family boosters, whatever. More of the same. It gets old.

    I cannot believe he has an arrangement with Circa to film there. Why in God's name would they allow that? I guess I know the answers, but go ahead and enlighten me with some theories. It blows my mind that Circa is in bed with this trash.

  7. #27
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    He opened interview saying he doesn't smoke, drink or do drugs....then took a big hit off his vape pipe. Easy to tell he has a big nicotine habit. He talked about "partying" with the rappers. The word party is code for using drugs. How does a story of beating the casinos for multi-millions then getting barrred from every casino in Las Vegas not make the news, or travel thru the grapevine of professional gamblers? The guy is a fraud.

    Vaping must be the new thing for scammers on camera.

    Here's a guy who was debunked seven years ago. And yet here he is again.

    The problem is that originally he was allegedly backed and propelled by Mayweather, who has been known to advertise his big sport betting wins while staying mum on his losses. He was exposed seven years ago, and CNBC was embarrassed. Now he shrugs off the exposes and reboots his schtick. Unbelievable. I am going to theorize that Mayweather is still involved.

    Plus, with his first show, he loaded the comments sections with various supportive nonsense. Call them socks, call them family boosters, whatever. More of the same. It gets old.

    I cannot believe he has an arrangement with Circa to film there. Why in God's name would they allow that? I guess I know the answers, but go ahead and enlighten me with some theories. It blows my mind that Circa is in bed with this trash.
    I remember the series on CNBC. I couldn't believe CNBC would allow such bullshit. The obvious question that every viewer should have asked is "why does a successful sports tout need to run a boiler room telemarketing operation to get new customers? Shouldn't he have old established happily satisfied customers if he were such a bookie killer."

    Anyone that knows the math knows that, with Stevens taking half the wins, every sucker he reels in goes broke in short order. He had no old established winning customers. Hence the need for the boiler room operation.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  8. #28
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    He opened interview saying he doesn't smoke, drink or do drugs....then took a big hit off his vape pipe. Easy to tell he has a big nicotine habit. He talked about "partying" with the rappers. The word party is code for using drugs. How does a story of beating the casinos for multi-millions then getting barrred from every casino in Las Vegas not make the news, or travel thru the grapevine of professional gamblers? The guy is a fraud.

    Vaping must be the new thing for scammers on camera.

    Here's a guy who was debunked seven years ago. And yet here he is again.

    The problem is that originally he was allegedly backed and propelled by Mayweather, who has been known to advertise his big sport betting wins while staying mum on his losses. He was exposed seven years ago, and CNBC was embarrassed. Now he shrugs off the exposes and reboots his schtick. Unbelievable. I am going to theorize that Mayweather is still involved.

    Plus, with his first show, he loaded the comments sections with various supportive nonsense. Call them socks, call them family boosters, whatever. More of the same. It gets old.

    I cannot believe he has an arrangement with Circa to film there. Why in God's name would they allow that? I guess I know the answers, but go ahead and enlighten me with some theories. It blows my mind that Circa is in bed with this trash.
    I wouldn't be entirely sure he got permission to film it. It is all just little shots that could be done with a guy holding a phone. Thats so normal, who is going to question it?

    Hard to believe Mayweather would be involved with such a scrubby person. What can this guy give to Mayweather?

  9. #29
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    He opened interview saying he doesn't smoke, drink or do drugs....then took a big hit off his vape pipe. Easy to tell he has a big nicotine habit. He talked about "partying" with the rappers. The word party is code for using drugs. How does a story of beating the casinos for multi-millions then getting barrred from every casino in Las Vegas not make the news, or travel thru the grapevine of professional gamblers? The guy is a fraud.

    Vaping must be the new thing for scammers on camera.

    Here's a guy who was debunked seven years ago. And yet here he is again.

    The problem is that originally he was allegedly backed and propelled by Mayweather, who has been known to advertise his big sport betting wins while staying mum on his losses. He was exposed seven years ago, and CNBC was embarrassed. Now he shrugs off the exposes and reboots his schtick. Unbelievable. I am going to theorize that Mayweather is still involved.

    Plus, with his first show, he loaded the comments sections with various supportive nonsense. Call them socks, call them family boosters, whatever. More of the same. It gets old.

    I cannot believe he has an arrangement with Circa to film there. Why in God's name would they allow that? I guess I know the answers, but go ahead and enlighten me with some theories. It blows my mind that Circa is in bed with this trash.
    I wouldn't be entirely sure he got permission to film it. It is all just little shots that could be done with a guy holding a phone. Thats so normal, who is going to question it?

    Hard to believe Mayweather would be involved with such a scrubby person. What can this guy give to Mayweather?

    What I have heard is that Mayweather Productions was somehow involved. His storefront in the original series was next to a Mayweather storefront. There's a reasonable chance that Mayweather owned the entire mini-mall housing both businesses. If you want to get the details, I suggest looking up the various exposes written regarding this guy. All I did was write a couple of emails with my usual caveats to the network. Other people did the hard journalistic work and uncovered a Mayweather connection, plus the tele-scam history with seniors and other gory details.

    As to Circa, that may be normal, but once this stuff appears on YouTube, one would think Circa would rein it in, as they have complete control of what is filmed on the property.

    When people started to dig, they were threatened, by the way. There were some out-of-control phone messages.

    The messages reminded me of when Mdawg goes on a spiel. You know, jealousy, small lives, and on and on.
    Last edited by redietz; 12-10-2021 at 06:51 PM.

  10. #30
    Originally Posted by Advantageplay View Post
    I posted about this guy months ago. He is a total total outright bullshit. Have proof that can’t post. And that also isn’t his real name. He solicits for funds to gamble with non stop. He is banned from a lot of casinos not for winning but for literally pissing all over floors in rooms and destroying villas, he basically gets people to back. Some win some lose. If he wins he takes 50 percent hahahahaha. Says on tv the best place to play Bacc is in cali and then says you can only win on certain days of week. He insta is full of this bullshit daily. He also claims he cause the crypto crease last week. EPIC

    I'm going to look more into this guy soon. I planned to do it last month, then got busy with other things. Then I planned to do it this month, and I had a weird health issue last week, which some of you know about.

    It seems like whatever was happening to me has passed (not kidding -- it might have been the COVID vaccine), and I can get going with this again.

    It does appear that this guy isn't what he claims to be, and there's a ton of contradictions and holes in his story. I have been given some info from third parties which would suggest that there's some not-so-kosher stuff going on. However, I need to look into it further before I can make any definitive statements.

    It's possible that he's just another Dan Bilzerian, basically funneling family money into the appearance of being a super-successful gambler, for social media's sake. If that's the case, no big deal. However, there are some notable differences between him and Bilzerian -- including what appears to be getting "investments" for others, such as that one Dodgers minor league pitcher he featured on his social media. I feel bad for that Dodgers kid. Hopefully he makes the majors, or I have a feeling his signing bonus will be up in smoke, and he won't have anything else to show his time in baseball.
    Check out my poker forum, and weekly internet radio show at

  11. #31
    This guy rips Steve Stevens a new asshole:

    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  12. #32
    That Spencer guy is the same one who just did a video about baccarat coaching scammer Christopher Mitchell.

    He's done a lot of these type of vidoes lately, and is making good money from it. I should have thought of that.
    Check out my poker forum, and weekly internet radio show at

  13. #33
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    This guy rips Steve Stevens a new asshole:

    What made "Steve Stevens" (not his name, obviously) so galling to me is that I'm one of the few people who actually does formally work on a percent-of-profit basis. So when I hear, "Like Steve Stevens?" I want to barf. The whole presentation by Stevens undermines every serious handicapper.

    It just destroys how the public views handicappers and sports betting in general. If you want a hoot, go back to YouTube videos of his original show seven years ago and read the comments. Many of the first comments posted for each show are clearly fluff boosters.

  14. #34
    Speaking of devils, I may be wrong but I believe that Simon Gann is this guy.

    twitter handle kontrold_kaos

    Many many articles about him and his twin. I came across him on twitter and saw all the chip porn so I followed.

    So I have an old friend who bartends at a nice strip casino. Says this guy used to sit around flashing chips and such and talked of being a card counter. Likely takes a % of the wins. Ha ha. Same ol same ol.
    Last edited by accountinquestion; 12-17-2021 at 12:56 PM.

  15. #35
    Sprencer just took a look at Mikki:

    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  16. #36
    Spencer scored a filmed interview with Mikki and its quite surprising:

    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  17. #37
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Spencer scored a filmed interview with Mikki and its quite surprising:

    Mikki is world class manipulator. This Sunday School dropout kid has no chance.

    Wins from 1 casino doesn't mean all that much but I'm not even sure he used a real website. It is really easy to make fake websites with fake results. It really is. Especially given that is this guy's profession, having these things lined up would be no big deal. The website doesn't need to work, it just needs to display 1-2 pages which is what he goes directly to on his phone.

    It might be that he made quite a bit with mail-order pharmacies. I actually believe that.

  18. #38
    I bring this up as an example of how gambling reputations can be all bark and no bite.

    There was something called the Sports Service Report, a glossy mag sent for free to thousands of people before each football season. The SSR listed what it said were the top 10 services based on readers filling out questionnaires in the back of the magazine. The mag had some good football articles. Its bios of handicappers were accurate to the extent they were real. Let me return to that. The magazine actually looked better than 90% of the mags in Barnes and Noble.

    Just one thing. The top two services in the mag did not exist outside of the mag. If you know anything about how folks buy, literally 95% of readers would be looking to hire the top two or three services, not numbers four through 10. So Numbers three through 10 were real. Real people, real services, and with good reputations. But the top two, which got glowing, enthusiastic reviews, did not have real histories outside of the SSR.

    What was genius was the mechanism they employed. The rankings were allegedly based on surveys submitted by readers. The questionnaires were in the back of the magazine. Well, there was nothing to stop the folks publishing SSR from getting hundreds of questionnaires and having friends and family fill them out with the top two non-historical, not-real services. And if anyone went to the trouble of tracking down the SSR offices and somehow demanding to see the questionnaires, there were likely actual questionnaires saying the two non-existent services were great.

    Genius scam. Broke no laws, really, if the questionnaires were on file. The mag can't be held responsible for what readers fill out, after all.

    So this thing was published in the 90's, and lo and behold, I'm in Las Vegas with a client and his friends 20 years later, and one of them comes up to me and asks what I think of this magazine. He pulls an SSR out of his briefcase. I love that he had this thing and asked me.

    The very first national ad I ran, in GamePlan Magazine, I offered to take a polygraph to verify any of the ad information. It was the only way I could see cutting through the scam bullshit that was 90% of the handicapping industry.

  19. #39
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    I bring this up as an example of how gambling reputations can be all bark and no bite.

    There was something called the Sports Service Report, a glossy mag sent for free to thousands of people before each football season. The SSR listed what it said were the top 10 services based on readers filling out questionnaires in the back of the magazine. The mag had some good football articles. Its bios of handicappers were accurate to the extent they were real. Let me return to that. The magazine actually looked better than 90% of the mags in Barnes and Noble.

    Just one thing. The top two services in the mag did not exist outside of the mag. If you know anything about how folks buy, literally 95% of readers would be looking to hire the top two or three services, not numbers four through 10. So Numbers three through 10 were real. Real people, real services, and with good reputations. But the top two, which got glowing, enthusiastic reviews, did not have real histories outside of the SSR.

    What was genius was the mechanism they employed. The rankings were allegedly based on surveys submitted by readers. The questionnaires were in the back of the magazine. Well, there was nothing to stop the folks publishing SSR from getting hundreds of questionnaires and having friends and family fill them out with the top two non-historical, not-real services. And if anyone went to the trouble of tracking down the SSR offices and somehow demanding to see the questionnaires, there were likely actual questionnaires saying the two non-existent services were great.

    Genius scam. Broke no laws, really, if the questionnaires were on file. The mag can't be held responsible for what readers fill out, after all.

    So this thing was published in the 90's, and lo and behold, I'm in Las Vegas with a client and his friends 20 years later, and one of them comes up to me and asks what I think of this magazine. He pulls an SSR out of his briefcase. I love that he had this thing and asked me.

    The very first national ad I ran, in GamePlan Magazine, I offered to take a polygraph to verify any of the ad information. It was the only way I could see cutting through the scam bullshit that was 90% of the handicapping industry.
    I remember that magazine well if it’s the one I’m thinking of. I don’t recall the names but the top 2 were listed as being in CA ( maybe San Diego?) and somewhere in the upper Midwest. They ranked handicappers from A-F and you could assume there was s plenty of payoffs and friendships acknowledged. The Feist group was given middling grades and the Feiner group and other Long Island based scammers were all given F’s.

    I seriously doubt any returned questionnaires were even looked at and certainly weren’t considered. It truly was one of the most creative scams of all time in an industry built on them. Hell they ever sold the book on newsstands in its initial years.

    Right up there with buying a list of known degenerates and split mailing the “Lock of the Century” across the country with both sides of a big game. Just asking to be remembered with a small token of appreciation for the person that made your winning possible.

  20. #40
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    I bring this up as an example of how gambling reputations can be all bark and no bite.

    There was something called the Sports Service Report, a glossy mag sent for free to thousands of people before each football season. The SSR listed what it said were the top 10 services based on readers filling out questionnaires in the back of the magazine. The mag had some good football articles. Its bios of handicappers were accurate to the extent they were real. Let me return to that. The magazine actually looked better than 90% of the mags in Barnes and Noble.

    Just one thing. The top two services in the mag did not exist outside of the mag. If you know anything about how folks buy, literally 95% of readers would be looking to hire the top two or three services, not numbers four through 10. So Numbers three through 10 were real. Real people, real services, and with good reputations. But the top two, which got glowing, enthusiastic reviews, did not have real histories outside of the SSR.

    What was genius was the mechanism they employed. The rankings were allegedly based on surveys submitted by readers. The questionnaires were in the back of the magazine. Well, there was nothing to stop the folks publishing SSR from getting hundreds of questionnaires and having friends and family fill them out with the top two non-historical, not-real services. And if anyone went to the trouble of tracking down the SSR offices and somehow demanding to see the questionnaires, there were likely actual questionnaires saying the two non-existent services were great.

    Genius scam. Broke no laws, really, if the questionnaires were on file. The mag can't be held responsible for what readers fill out, after all.

    So this thing was published in the 90's, and lo and behold, I'm in Las Vegas with a client and his friends 20 years later, and one of them comes up to me and asks what I think of this magazine. He pulls an SSR out of his briefcase. I love that he had this thing and asked me.

    The very first national ad I ran, in GamePlan Magazine, I offered to take a polygraph to verify any of the ad information. It was the only way I could see cutting through the scam bullshit that was 90% of the handicapping industry.
    I remember that magazine well if it’s the one I’m thinking of. I don’t recall the names but the top 2 were listed as being in CA ( maybe San Diego?) and somewhere in the upper Midwest. They ranked handicappers from A-F and you could assume there was s plenty of payoffs and friendships acknowledged. The Feist group was given middling grades and the Feiner group and other Long Island based scammers were all given F’s.

    I seriously doubt any returned questionnaires were even looked at and certainly weren’t considered. It truly was one of the most creative scams of all time in an industry built on them. Hell they ever sold the book on newsstands in its initial years.

    Right up there with buying a list of known degenerates and split mailing the “Lock of the Century” across the country with both sides of a big game. Just asking to be remembered with a small token of appreciation for the person that made your winning possible.

    Yes, it did make it to newsstands at one point. One of the top two they listed was an outfit they named "Blazer Sports" or "Blaze Sports" or something like that. One of my guys had an old copy and gave it to me for Christmas about a decade ago, so I do have a copy somewhere around here. I'll track it down at some point.

    My best guess is that they just plucked the rest of the top 10 from the various monitors in existence at the time. So Feist and Donn Wagner (Alleghenies Analysis) were in there. I don't actually think there were many pay-offs for the non-top 10 (I could be wrong). Wagner lived in State College (Penn State) at the same time I did in the 80's and 90's. I think the SSR just found some names, reprinted bios, and listed them. If potential clients saw the same names of services as listed in the top 10 by monitors, and then saw that two services got way better reviews in SSR than the known services, that worked elegantly.

    The non-top services never get much of a look from things like this. I know, from being in "Tipsters or Gypsters?" for years. I might be #7 in college profit and #3 in percentage a given year, but those kinds of results never generated much income.

    The thing about SSR -- handicappers knew each other from ads and being in monitors like McCusker or AADSS or The National Handicapper's Bowl. Plus we saw each other's ads and mailers. There were really between a hundred and 200 of us nationally. So when some alleged hotshot outfit and owner nobody ever heard of at all suddenly popped like "Blazer Sports," it was really obvious.

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