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Thread: The Coronavirus Scam

  1. #561
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Thanks for posting that graphic and information.
    Not sure they can figure out the 1 to 10 year side effects just yet, can they??
    I find it interesting when I google that title nothing comes up.
    When I use Duck Duck Go many links come up immediately.
    Both Yeadon and Malone have talked about the long term consequences. They have both been spot on to what was going to happen from the beginning. Regardless there is enough info now that you would have to be a fool, if you have done any independent research, to line up for this Jesus Juice.....RIP

  2. #562

  3. #563
    The Dutch are ready to party!!
    errr Peaceful Protest!

  4. #564
    Look at this bullshit now.
    Rewriting the dictionaries I see.
    Long Live Big Brother!
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  5. #565
    Do you remember Fauci's big statement about his critics "I REPRESENT SCIENCE!!!"

    I love the way reporter, Peter Doocy just exposed Fauci. In questioning Fauci Doocy asked

    "So everyone coming into the country should be covid tested?"

    Fauci after some thought said "Yes! Everyone flying into the country should be covid tested."

    Doocy followed up with "And should people walking across the southern border be tested."

    Fauci's response "That's another issue." Fauci wouldn't say yes to testing the illegals coming into the country.

    Fauci exposed himself bigtime. If he really represents science then the answer to whether illegals crossing the southern border should be tested should be YES.

    The science is the same for both those flying in and those walking across the border. Both groups should be tested. Fauci is clearly playing politics with the science.
    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 12-05-2021 at 12:26 AM.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  6. #566
    What most of you don't understand is that these vaccines are for profit and your leaders, who are making the mandates, get more profit per shot taken.
    Hence, they want every individual in the world to get the shot and each subsequent shot that they mandate.
    You are being played... RIP.

    By the way, members of Congress make 12 times more than the Average American Household and more than 50% are millionaires.
    Not to mention all the backdoor stock trades that their friends and family make for them.
    They have beaten the Stock Market for a 6% annual Profit since 1985 lol lol lol... that's a statistical fact!
    You really think they care about you?
    Enjoy your next Booster!
    Remember your vote matters so choose carefully lol lol lol... what a crock of shit.
    Voting Matters lol lol lol.

  7. #567
    Late as usual but interesting.
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  8. #568
    Serious question. When making a tin-foil hat do you put the shiney side on the inside or outside?


  9. #569
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  10. #570
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    and now the cunts want people who've taken the 1st three to take a 4th booster shot.

  11. #571
    Been looking into this Yeadon guy as he seems quoted the most. First thing I came across he wrote an article that said 40k deaths and the surge would be done in UK. He wasn't anywhere close.

    His biggest claim to fame is that he was a VP of Pfizer. You guys know how many VPs Pfizer has? LOTS. He is more impressive than a lot of the VPs, but if you want to weigh his life accomplishments against those who scoff at him. Again, won't be anywhere close.

    just goes on and on.. in a country of 300+ million, you're going to find crackpots even at the top.

  12. #572
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    and now the cunts want people who've taken the 1st three to take a 4th booster shot.
    This is a bit of news to me.
    Is a fourth shot available?
    From my understanding the big wig at Merck said that he wants his company to make another booster because of the Moronic Variant.
    Of course he doesn't want to make this fourth booster shot because of financial gain... right??
    I seen England is on the pathway to forcing everyone to get a vaccine passport now.
    Pretty soon we are all going to have to move to Florida.

    As I said before my wife got the first two shots.
    I told her that the third booster shot is available but she hasn't pushed me to make the appointment.
    I guess she is over the idea that she needs to keep getting these shots.
    This might sound extreme but I've been buying a ton of survival equipment.
    I may have to move deep into the woods or mountains if these officials start to force everyone to shoot up.
    If they make it mandatory to have the jab to go to the grocery store I can send in my wife but if they start fining and jailing people... well its over and I may have to become Grizzly Adams.

    People say we comply on this and that but eventually a line in the sand is drawn.
    These forced experiments is where I draw the line.
    Enough is enough.
    Its bad enough they force us to pay for the roads, maintain the roads, pay to drive on the roads, pay to be insured on the roads but now they take our tax dollars and pay Big Pharma for R&D to create drugs against the Corona.
    Then, Big Pharma makes a pill for 17 dollars and sells it back to the public who paid to create the pill for 750 dollars.
    Tell me that isn't Fucked Up?
    And the Government does this shit to us and our tax dollars all the time!
    Russel Brand talked about it on his last upload.
    I didn't like his remake of Arthur but he has been uploading pretty good content on his youtube channel.
    That's not exactly fair.
    I didn't like his remake compared to the original.
    How are you going to remake a Dudley Moore movie??

    Last edited by monet; 12-15-2021 at 11:49 PM.

  13. #573
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    and now the cunts want people who've taken the 1st three to take a 4th booster shot.
    This is a bit of news to me.
    Is a fourth shot available?
    From my understanding the big wig at Merck said that he wants his company to make another booster because of the Moronic Variant.
    Of course he doesn't want to make this fourth booster shot because of financial gain... right??
    I seen England is on the pathway to forcing everyone to get a vaccine passport now.
    Pretty soon we are all going to have to move to Florida.

    As I said before my wife got the first two shots.
    I told her that the third booster shot is available but she hasn't pushed me to make the appointment.
    I guess she is over the idea that she needs to keep getting these shots.
    This might sound extreme but I've been buying a ton of survival equipment.
    I may have to move deep into the woods or mountains if these officials start to force everyone to shoot up.
    If they make it mandatory to have the jab to go to the grocery store I can send in my wife but if they start fining and jailing people... well its over and I may have to become Grizzly Adams.

    People say we comply on this and that but eventually a line in the sand is drawn.
    These forced experiments is where I draw the line.
    Enough is enough.
    Its bad enough they force us to pay for the roads, maintain the roads, pay to drive on the roads, pay to be insured on the roads but now they take our tax dollars and pay Big Pharma for R&D to create drugs against the Corona.
    Then, Big Pharma makes a pill for 17 dollars and sells it back to the public who paid to create the pill for 750 dollars.
    Tell me that isn't Fucked Up?
    And the Government does this shit to us and our tax dollars all the time!
    Russel Brand talked about it on his last upload.
    I didn't like his remake of Arthur but he has been uploading pretty good content on his youtube channel.
    That's not exactly fair.
    I didn't like his remake compared to the original.
    How are you going to remake a Dudley Moore movie??
    Yes the Dudley Moore one was classic (the Arthur song was a chart topper too as you know).

  14. #574
    Eight heart inflammation cases among young kids who got COVID-19 shot - U.S. CDC

    Shooting up kids and adults with this poison is unacceptable.
    Stop the madness!

  15. #575
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Eight heart inflammation cases among young kids who got COVID-19 shot - U.S. CDC

    Shooting up kids and adults with this poison is unacceptable.
    Stop the madness!
    Just get COVID and die already you cunt.

  16. #576
    Originally Posted by jdaewoo View Post
    Just get COVID and die already you cunt.
    Already got Covid.
    Full Recovery within 8 days.
    No help from any doctors either and I didn't seek out help from any hospital or health care provider so I didn't burden your precious system.
    Now STFU Faggot!

  17. #577

  18. #578

    CDC recommends shorter COVID isolation, quarantine for all.
    Now you only have to isolate 5 days instead of the previous 10 day recommendation.
    If you have no more symptoms you can go about your daily routine but you have to wear a mask everywhere and that includes inside your house lol lol lol lol lol lol.
    Stop the Fucking Bullshit already.

  19. #579

  20. #580
    Originally Posted by monet View Post

    CDC recommends shorter COVID isolation, quarantine for all.
    Now you only have to isolate 5 days instead of the previous 10 day recommendation.
    If you have no more symptoms you can go about your daily routine but you have to wear a mask everywhere and that includes inside your house lol lol lol lol lol lol.
    Stop the Fucking Bullshit already.
    You wear a mask if you are around people otherwise you wouldn't be isolating in any capacity. HELLO? EARTH TO MONET.

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