The TR program had been going downhill for years. Eldo has just about killed it. I used to have emails and such with marketing VP Holdren. My wife did trip with Horseshoe GM to Vegas 2015 or 2016. They had dinner with the execs then. These 7* players were told by Caesars Execs they were getting out gambling as their main business, and going to conventions and hotels.
It certainly shows today. Also it almost appears the TR program is about getting rid of long term players. We have been 7* or Diam every year since at least 2008. That is EACH of us. We could see the end coming starting 2018. It almost insane some of their actions. After making Diam Plus in July of covid year 2020. They shut off all offers and emails about anything. When I inquired, I never got a reasonable answer.
My wife could not play until after Labor day. Made Diam Plus in 2 visits to a Caesar property, lost $8000. They reduced her comps, offers by December.
Numerous old time 7* and Diam friends are giving up on Caesars. Biggest complaints are no Lounges, and can't get rooms. They give the rooms to new players, with new cards !
We are moving on.