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Thread: Alan vs. KJ

  1. #241
    I'm shocked a man serving hobo accompanied a murderer to the police station.

    I'm shocked.


  2. #242
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    I'm shocked a man serving hobo accompanied a murderer to the police station.

    I'm shocked.

    Idk Maxi, you seem to have your wires crossed here. Either the initial story isn’t believable and he didn’t know a jailhouse lawyer murderer therefore didn’t accompany him to the police station, or the story is believable and he did. You can’t have it both ways man.

  3. #243
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    I'm shocked a man serving hobo accompanied a murderer to the police station.

    I'm shocked.

    Idk Maxi, you seem to have your wires crossed here. Either the initial story isn’t believable and he didn’t know a jailhouse lawyer murderer therefore didn’t accompany him to the police station, or the story is believable and he did. You can’t have it both ways man.
    Hard to say when it's Tales of the Hobo Life your reading. I don't believe the guys claims as to what he told Man Servant he accomplished as a jailhouse lawyer. I do believe Crimm accompanied a murderer to the police station. Cause that's something a man serving hobo would do.

  4. #244
    Druff needs to fix his Ignore feature. When I put someone on my ignore list I don't want anything to do with them. But everytime they post Druff has a message that says "This message is hidden because (this person) is on your ignore list."

    Yes, the person is on my ignore list. So why am I being told they made a post? I'm supposed to be ignoring that person. Remember?

    There was a time when maxpen followed my strategies, made comments about them, and thanked me for it. And you can bet your ass he will still follow anything I write on gambling strategy. There just won't be any acknowledgement or thanks anymore.

    It's people like him that soured me on revealing gambling strategies. They will use the information but turn right around and make personal attacks on you.

    maxpuke and I had a cordial relationship on this forum. But one day he threw it all out the window with a vicious personal attack on me. It says a lot about a person that would do that. maxpunk is a filthy piece of shit. He's not even man enough to admit he did it. Let me know if he ever admits it because I don't read a fucking thing the homo writes anymore.

    There's a reason maxpunk never writes anything technical about gambling on this forum. He doesn't know jackshit. He's a stepandfetchit on a slot team. He works for wages. Gets a bonus if he hits a jackpot.

    Here's the link to conclusive proof maxpunk is the one that started it all:
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  5. #245
    This is turning uglier than the Hatfield and McCoys.

  6. #246
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    I'm shocked a man serving hobo accompanied a murderer to the police station.

    I'm shocked.

    Idk Maxi, you seem to have your wires crossed here. Either the initial story isn’t believable and he didn’t know a jailhouse lawyer murderer therefore didn’t accompany him to the police station, or the story is believable and he did. You can’t have it both ways man.
    I just remembered something. Bill Hartman was one of the key people I met in 1996 when my gambling career took off. I wrote about him on page 3 of the Laughlin RFB 362 thread on WoV almost 8 years ago.

    Check out page 3
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  7. #247
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    This is turning uglier than the Hatfield and McCoys.
    The Hatfields and McCoys weren't that ugly....compared to chocolate-lips kew.

  8. #248
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post

    The Hatfields and McCoys weren't that ugly....compared to chocolate-lips kew.
    Gotta love the Black guy talking about people's lips.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 01-09-2022 at 04:12 PM.

  9. #249
    Let me make sure I understand this:

    KewlJ, it is now your claim that you are not gay. I really don't care one way or another, and never did, but what is a little annoying about that is that it seems like you got some undue sympathy when your partner died (and you discussed it) because, if you're not gay, then there was no partner. Even then, I don't really care...I'm just going to assume that everything you say vis-a-vis your personal life, both previously and ongoing, is probably a lie.

  10. #250
    If Kewl is not gay, that means I have to take his poster off my ceiling and put Farrah Fawcett back up!!

  11. #251
    With all that the UNKOOL1 has said over the last few days, most likely covering his behind, I have come out with 5 possible categories for him 1- Fraud( like Chrissy Mitchell without financial gain) 2- Weasel( like his buddy Rusty) 3- Liar 4-UNKOOL(given) or last but not least 5- ALL OF THE ABOVE.

  12. #252
    I vote all of the above.

  13. #253
    Originally Posted by regnis View Post
    If Kewl is not gay, that means I have to take his poster off my ceiling and put Farrah Fawcett back up!!
    I had that poster, regnis. In fact, I used it in a Speech 101 class at Penn State. I gave a speech about giving speeches, and when it came time to talk about the body of a speech, I rolled up the movie screen and had that poster staring at the audience.

    The thing about that poster, if you look real close, you could say she looks a little bit like a dude, although in 1975 that didn't occur to anyone.

  14. #254
    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    Let me make sure I understand this:

    KewlJ, it is now your claim that you are not gay. I really don't care one way or another, and never did, but what is a little annoying about that is that it seems like you got some undue sympathy when your partner died (and you discussed it) because, if you're not gay, then there was no partner. Even then, I don't really care...I'm just going to assume that everything you say vis-a-vis your personal life, both previously and ongoing, is probably a lie.
    Mission, I will respond to your post because I feel you deserve it because you did the interview with me. Give me a couple hours til I get home.

  15. #255
    This is one off those sites that keeps on giving.

  16. #256
    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    Let me make sure I understand this:

    KewlJ, it is now your claim that you are not gay. I really don't care one way or another, and never did, but what is a little annoying about that is that it seems like you got some undue sympathy when your partner died (and you discussed it) because, if you're not gay, then there was no partner. Even then, I don't really care...I'm just going to assume that everything you say vis-a-vis your personal life, both previously and ongoing, is probably a lie.
    Ok, I know there is only a very handful of blackjack type professional level players here, but I think most members will understand these references.

    Johnny Chang of the MIT blackjack team, rather infamously dressed in disguise as a woman in order to play.

    Kenny Uston had about 40 not just disguises but complete personality with back stories, in order to play.

    EVERY professional level (and that doesn't have to mean blackjack is your only source of income) blackjack player has at one time or another used some semblance of disguise in order to play, or increase longevity. It may be something as simple as wearing a cap when you usually don't, changing hair style, change in facial hair, wearing glasses, or it could be as elaborate as Chang and Uston. But EVERY serious player has in some way attempted to change his appearance to throw off casino personnel. THAT is just the way things are.

    So what I did was the equivalent of a disguise, electronically. We know, and anyone that doesn't should be aware that casino industry personnel monitor these gambling forum, and social media platforms looking for information to identify advantage players. At the top of that list would be the database companies. They employ people that just do this. Individual casinos not as much, but there certainly are some casino employees that may take it upon themselves, outside their official capacity, to do this. Some casino industry employees don't even attempt to hide the fact. Stanford Wong once confirmed that there were casino management employees among his Green Chip membership. This is just a fact and particularly in a place like Las Vegas.

    So the question I have posed a couple times over the past few days and will again is Why would you think that a professional player, who has managed to stay ahead of the casinos in Las Vegas for 12 years now, be running around to all these different forums revealing everything in God's name about himself?

    Hindsight being 20/20, I am sure it is easy to look back and say, "yeah he wouldn't". As a matter of fact my email was blowing up yesterday with AP's that I network with and consider online friends, all claiming they knew what I was doing. Maybe they did, maybe they didn't. Maybe some of the AP's here and other forums did. Doesn't matter, it wasn't for the benefit of any one of you people. It was about casino industry people that monitor or are on these forums, and to that, I succeeded! As MaxPen would say "I won the internet".

    I did what I did so that I could share some of my experiences, most of my experience and almost in real time. Without a "deflect' or electronic disguise like that, I could have never done that.

    I also shared some things in my personal life that were very real. The unexpected loss of the person I was married to. Several medical conditions. Because these things effected my blackjack play, career and journey. I just made sure anyone looking for me was looking for someone completely different than they thought.

    Now it just so happens that because I picked a "gay" persona as my disguise, a number of very bigotted, homophobic type people came out of the woodwork attacking me, like Singer, Blackhole, Moses, Mdawg and a few others. (Coach belly's attacks were more anti-AP and less specific anti-gay, so I will leave him off that list). That wasn't planned on my part. But it disn't hurt the cause.

    I am not going to discuss this any further. No need. No offense to anyone, but I don't care what anyone thinks. I didn't come to these forums to make friends. I don't meet people and make friends off the forums. I don't have some agenda like Mdawg has or Rob had for years and year of needing people to believe my gambling escapades that defy math and the way things work. I don't need to call myself the GOAT or the "Pope of Las Vegas". That crap isn't what I am about, so it doesn't matter what anyone thinks. As a matter of fact, I am better off people thinking all sorts of stuff under the sun about who I am.

    And if people can't separate what I share about blackjack and some of the way I apply techniques, from the digital disguise I have employed....well again, that is on them. Welcome to the world of casino advantage play in the 21st century.

  17. #257

  18. #258
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    And if people can't separate what I share about blackjack and some of the way I apply techniques, from the digital disguise I have employed....well again, that is on them. Welcome to the world of casino advantage play in the 21st century.
    You're a nut bro. I've always been suspect about you even being a professional blackjack player but people who know more than me insist you are - yet no one verifiable has ever met you. Now you're claiming you lied about your sexual orientation for years to throw off the casinos? Clearly you lie more than is needed whatever the truth is here. It should throw everything you say into question.

    This is not the "world of casino advantage play" anymore than Zenkings rants.

  19. #259
    I'm having a very hard time believing that kewlJ's gay thing was an act, for various reasons.

    What a bizarre turn of events.
    Check out my poker forum, and weekly internet radio show at

  20. #260
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    And if people can't separate what I share about blackjack and some of the way I apply techniques, from the digital disguise I have employed....well again, that is on them. Welcome to the world of casino advantage play in the 21st century.
    You're a nut bro. I've always been suspect about you even being a professional blackjack player but people who know more than me insist you are - yet no one verifiable has ever met you. Now you're claiming you lied about your sexual orientation for years to throw off the casinos? Clearly you lie more than is needed whatever the truth is here. It should throw everything you say into question.

    This is not the "world of casino advantage play" anymore than Zenkings rants.

    I'm gonna state the obvious. Apply Ockham's Razor.

    If you think kewlJ is a professional blackjack player, what is more likely:

    (1) The internet persona with its life events.
    (2) The internet persona and life events as a mirage.

    To me, it's not even close.

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