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Thread: Documentaries

  1. #61
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Are all these going to be Alec Baldwin Jokes??

    15 Minute Jack is pretty funny.
    You can fast forward the Sly Stallone part.
    Top Ten Tic Tok Titties of the Week is always funny.
    This one has some more Baldwin stuff in it:

  2. #62
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    This one has some more Baldwin stuff in it:
    I heard Reno is currently in the middle of a Blizzard right now!
    Bundle up warm of course...

  3. #63

  4. #64
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    This one has some more Baldwin stuff in it:
    I heard Reno is currently in the middle of a Blizzard right now!
    Bundle up warm of course...

    Gem of a movie.
    No snow issues Monet - not in Reno right now.

  5. #65
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Gem of a movie.
    No snow issues Monet - not in Reno right now.
    Good to hear.
    These guys said if we take the vaccine we won't get Covid.!/x/status/1474946202714079236

  6. #66
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Gem of a movie.
    No snow issues Monet - not in Reno right now.
    Good to hear.
    These guys said if we take the vaccine we won't get Covid.!/x/status/1474946202714079236
    Holy moving target Batman !!

  7. #67
    Tableplay and Gymkata brought me here...

  8. #68
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Tableplay and Gymkata brought me here...

    Baldwin 11 dropped:
    Also I am planning to watch Gymkata in full.

  9. #69
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Baldwin 11 dropped:
    Also I am planning to watch Gymkata in full.
    10 was better.
    I found 11 to be somewhat boring.
    They played Alec Baldwin videos and mocked over him.
    I don't mind mocking or sarcasm but this format didn't work very well.
    I'd rather listen to them dig up dots with family and friend connections.
    After 11 episodes you are going to have some duds.

    I'd like to see them do a dive on Gymkata.
    This film may have been funded by the CIA.
    I could see that.
    It had a propaganda message at the end dealing with Regan's Star Wars.
    They must of had to pay Yugoslavia a ton of money with that 4 million dollar budget.
    Although, the movie does have a look of good film quality.
    Money well spent IMO... the movie is highly entertaining for some of us.
    Movies shot on location look much better than a Hollywood Set in California.

  10. #70
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Baldwin 11 dropped:
    Also I am planning to watch Gymkata in full.
    10 was better.
    I found 11 to be somewhat boring.
    They played Alec Baldwin videos and mocked over him.
    I don't mind mocking or sarcasm but this format didn't work very well.
    I'd rather listen to them dig up dots with family and friend connections.
    After 11 episodes you are going to have some duds.

    I'd like to see them do a dive on Gymkata.
    This film may have been funded by the CIA.
    I could see that.
    It had a propaganda message at the end dealing with Regan's Star Wars.
    They must of had to pay Yugoslavia a ton of money with that 4 million dollar budget.
    Although, the movie does have a look of good film quality.
    Money well spent IMO... the movie is highly entertaining for some of us.
    Movies shot on location look much better than a Hollywood Set in California.
    Yes the CIA 3-part series they did was fascinating and makes a lot of sense. As for Gymkata (which I have now putlockered as an MP4 file), aside from the fact that it will be a good memory refresher from completing forgetting most of it due to the length of time since I viewed it last, I will have gotten my money's worth (so to speak) from the comedic elements (made even more funny since it is supposed to be taken seriously), along with watching someone with superhuman agility like Kurt Thomas do some amazing stunts and fight scenes. Not only that, but I will be watching it through the eyes of someone looking for CIA footprints which itself is entertaining.

  11. #71
    I totally forgot about the 1994 movie The Shadow. Baldwin was the lead in that movie and it was a good movie IMHO. The pinball machine, which was based on the movie, is absolutely amazing.

  12. #72
    This probably belongs in the 2022 Monopoly Game Piece thread, but, what the heck, I'm posting it here:
    Rogan just dropped an Oliver Stone podcast.

  13. #73
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    This probably belongs in the 2022 Monopoly Game Piece thread, but, what the heck, I'm posting it here:
    Rogan just dropped an Oliver Stone podcast.
    lol Monopoly.
    I listened to this interview a few days ago.
    Kind of odd.
    Oliver Stone bulldozed his way through a bunch of redundant JFK information.
    He was in a rush to catch a flight.
    It felt like he was in town and Rogan rushed to make it happen.
    Stone seemed a bit confrontational with Rogan which was a bit funny to me.
    They kissed and made up at the end, firing up a blunt and getting high and Stone accused Rogan of Bogarting that joint.
    Stone seemed on edge and was just going too fast.
    I think the point he was trying to make was that America hasn't been America since after WW2.
    He was saying the CIA and other Agencies are in control and continue to get bigger and bigger.
    IMO he is another guy with 70 Million in the bank telling us its all Fucked Up and we can change it but its clear we can't change it.
    Not without some sort of massive revolution that would cause a river of blood and as history proves we would resort back to some form of corrupt government anyway.

    Turns out Oliver Stone claims to have taken the Sputnik V Vaccine.
    Possible Russian Asset lol.
    I still want to watch his new JFK Revisited but I want to see the 4 hour version so I am waiting for that to be released.

    I thought the Adam Curry interview was better but it had other issues.
    First off, Adam Curry smokes marijuana 8 hours a day.
    Brain is fried, even though I agree with some of the things he talks about.
    At the end of that interview they got into Flat and Crater Earth Theories and it got ugly and funny at the same time.

    So I went and looked up Crater Earth on YouTube last night after listening to that 3 hour podcast.
    I stumbled upon Garnabby's YouTube Channel.
    Pretty wild shit on that channel.
    Not sure where the the first video begins but I watched this one and was highly entertained.
    Garnabby goes by Godgevlamste on YouTube...

    Last edited by monet; 01-09-2022 at 06:54 AM.

  14. #74
    Oliver Stone seems to think that Russia and China are two great allies working to fix Climate Change.
    He also claims that America is insane lol.
    He is probably working for the Chinese CIA that we never hear about.
    The first video goes longer in the interview but they turn the audio way down.
    I wouldn't mind hearing the whole interview but I haven't made the effort to find it.

  15. #75
    If you want to watch Garnabby break down Gematria and the Crater Earth Theory, from start to finish, here is the Video Playlist in Order...

  16. #76
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    If you want to watch Garnabby break down Gematria and the Crater Earth Theory, from start to finish, here is the Video Playlist in Order...

    If he believes the moon is a reflection of a gigantic earth then he must also believe the moon landings were a hoax. I watched Gymkata again after the 36 year hiatus and my conclusion is that Thorg was the frontrunner to win the contest, but got overconfident.

  17. #77
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    I watched Gymkata again after the 36 year hiatus and my conclusion is that Thorg was the frontrunner to win the contest, but got overconfident.
    One of the funniest parts was at the very end when they are riding back into the town.
    His dad still has the arrow in his back.
    Do they help him?
    The princess comes up to his son and hugs him and celebrates.
    Meanwhile the dad is hunched over and nobody is helping him.
    Dude has an arrow in his back for goodness sake lol.
    Nobody seems to care.

  18. #78
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Oliver Stone seems to think that Russia and China are two great allies working to fix Climate Change.
    He also claims that America is insane lol.
    He is probably working for the Chinese CIA that we never hear about.
    The first video goes longer in the interview but they turn the audio way down.
    I wouldn't mind hearing the whole interview but I haven't made the effort to find it.
    Groubert has provided us with the tools to see things as they are (i.e. that many films and film makers are intelligence assets - which I now believe wholeheartedly).

  19. #79
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    If he believes the moon is a reflection of a gigantic earth then he must also believe the moon landings were a hoax.
    I never questioned it but lately I have become very skeptical that we landed on the moon.
    You are telling me that after 50 some odd years we can't go back with all the advancements?
    I have a hard time believing they shot a tin can through MINUS... MINUS 455 degree Fahrenheit temperature and the Van Allen Radiation Belt?
    Now they claim the Van Allen Belt has doors or windows that you can time it perfectly and get through without a blemish.
    Mind you they perfectly shot through this from Earth and back off the Moon with pinpoint precision?
    And they did this in a rush within 5 to 7 years??
    They can't even beat the common cold for goodness sake!

  20. #80
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    I watched Gymkata again after the 36 year hiatus and my conclusion is that Thorg was the frontrunner to win the contest, but got overconfident.
    One of the funniest parts was at the very end when they are riding back into the town.
    His dad still has the arrow in his back.
    Do they help him?
    The princess comes up to his son and hugs him and celebrates.
    Meanwhile the dad is hunched over and nobody is helping him.
    Dude has an arrow in his back for goodness sake lol.
    Nobody seems to care.
    Great point, that was quite hilarious. What do his dad and Thorg have in common ? They both overcame serious arrow wounds (to no avail for Thorg since he got pitch-forked by a mob in the coo-coos nest town of crazies). You would think that the town of crazies would have all killed themselves off long before any contestants arrived. A splinter group of royal guardsmen went on to form the group Devo.

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