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Thread: Documentaries

  1. #81
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Great point, that was quite hilarious. What do his dad and Thorg have in common ? They both overcame serious arrow wounds (to no avail for Thorg since he got pitch-forked by a mob in the coo-coos nest town of crazies). You would think that the town of crazies would have all killed themselves off long before any contestants arrived. A splinter group of royal guardsmen went on to form the group Devo.
    That movie is so good though.
    I have to limit myself with viewing pleasure so I don't get burnt out.
    I love the whole training sequence in the beginning.
    I love how Kurt Thomas is like yeah whatever... don't worry about it... I got this.
    I love the sound effects as I stated before.
    The movie is just so damn good in my opinion.
    It's a whole different viewing experience if you have a few friends who enjoy it and either get drunk or high while watching.
    I'm not sure why I love the movie so much.
    I'm sure its a combination of nostalgia, my childhood and the simple nature of the movie.
    Fuck... I wish you wouldn't of reminded me because I can't stop typing about it.

  2. #82
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    If he believes the moon is a reflection of a gigantic earth then he must also believe the moon landings were a hoax.
    I never questioned it but lately I have become very skeptical that we landed on the moon.
    You are telling me that after 50 some odd years we can't go back with all the advancements?
    I have a hard time believing they shot a tin can through MINUS... MINUS 455 degree Fahrenheit temperature and the Van Allen Radiation Belt?
    Now they claim the Van Allen Belt has doors or windows that you can time it perfectly and get through without a blemish.
    Mind you they perfectly shot through this from Earth and back off the Moon with pinpoint precision?
    And they did this in a rush within 5 to 7 years??
    They can't even beat the common cold for goodness sake!
    The Lockheed A-12, which was a precursor to the SR-71 Blackbird, had its first flight in 1962 according to Wikipedia. The damn thing looks modern to me even by today's standards. For the reasons you state above, along with the somewhat conflicting point that we had the ability to create the A-12 in the early 60's (which to me demonstrates we did have outstanding technical capabilities), I remain open-minded on whether we landed on the moon or not. After listening to Groubert's insights, it's entirely possible that the whole moon-landing thing was a CIA-backed propaganda piece.
    Name:  dKG1PfM.png
Views: 232
Size:  158.8 KB

  3. #83
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Great point, that was quite hilarious. What do his dad and Thorg have in common ? They both overcame serious arrow wounds (to no avail for Thorg since he got pitch-forked by a mob in the coo-coos nest town of crazies). You would think that the town of crazies would have all killed themselves off long before any contestants arrived. A splinter group of royal guardsmen went on to form the group Devo.
    That movie is so good though.
    I have to limit myself with viewing pleasure so I don't get burnt out.
    I love the whole training sequence in the beginning.
    I love how Kurt Thomas is like yeah whatever... don't worry about it... I got this.
    I love the sound effects as I stated before.
    The movie is just so damn good in my opinion.
    It's a whole different viewing experience if you have a few friends who enjoy it and either get drunk or high while watching.
    I'm not sure why I love the movie so much.
    I'm sure its a combination of nostalgia, my childhood and the simple nature of the movie.
    Fuck... I wish you wouldn't of reminded me because I can't stop typing about it.
    Okay, the nostalgia thing of a time that can never be again, full of people that can't be made like that ever again makes the film worthwhile no matter what. I am totally on the same page with you in this regard because I am a very nostalgic person (like yourself).

  4. #84
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    The Lockheed A-12, which was a precursor to the SR-71 Blackbird, had its first flight in 1962 according to Wikipedia. The damn thing looks modern to me even by today's standards. For the reasons you state above, along with the somewhat conflicting point that we had the ability to create the A-12 in the early 60's (which to me demonstrates we did have outstanding technical capabilities), I remain open-minded on whether we landed on the moon or not. After listening to Groubert's insights, it's entirely possible that the whole moon-landing thing was a CIA-backed propaganda piece.
    Name:  dKG1PfM.png
Views: 232
Size:  158.8 KB
    Don't get me wrong... I don't know... I don't know anything.
    One thing is clear.
    In about 65 years we went from the Horse and Buggy to the Model T to the Airplane to Jets to Rocket Ships landing on the moon!
    1904 to 1969.
    What the Fuck... I mean What the Fuck lol.

  5. #85
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    The Lockheed A-12, which was a precursor to the SR-71 Blackbird, had its first flight in 1962 according to Wikipedia. The damn thing looks modern to me even by today's standards. For the reasons you state above, along with the somewhat conflicting point that we had the ability to create the A-12 in the early 60's (which to me demonstrates we did have outstanding technical capabilities), I remain open-minded on whether we landed on the moon or not. After listening to Groubert's insights, it's entirely possible that the whole moon-landing thing was a CIA-backed propaganda piece.
    Name:  dKG1PfM.png
Views: 232
Size:  158.8 KB
    Don't get me wrong... I don't know... I don't know anything.
    One thing is clear.
    In about 65 years we went from the Horse and Buggy to the Model T to the Airplane to Jets to Rocket Ships landing on the moon!
    1904 to 1969.
    What the Fuck... I mean What the Fuck lol.
    Monet, what we know for certain is that to shut the door on either viewpoint is foolish.
    The other thing we know for certain is that the crater earth theory is bunk.

  6. #86
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Monet, what we know for certain is that to shut the door on either viewpoint is foolish.
    The other thing we know for certain is that the crater earth theory is bunk.
    It's entertaining for about 20 minutes though lol.
    I found the Mind Control Video much better than the first three Moon Reflection Videos.
    In that Mind Control Video the guy claims that Hitler became Walt Disney lol.

  7. #87
    Baldwin 12 just dropped:

  8. #88
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Baldwin 12 just dropped:
    Thanks for posting.
    They did it a couple days early.
    Usually a Friday thing.
    I fell asleep listening to it.
    Seems to be getting redundant.
    3 People on that podcast is a bad format IMO.
    They need to get back to finding dots.
    They said they were going to do Lord Buckley weeks ago.
    Still waiting.
    I thought the rundown on Mort Sahl was interesting.
    Funny how Lenny Bruce gets all the attention and it seems Mort Sahl is forgotten.

  9. #89
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Baldwin 12 just dropped:
    Thanks for posting.
    They did it a couple days early.
    Usually a Friday thing.
    I fell asleep listening to it.
    Seems to be getting redundant.
    3 People on that podcast is a bad format IMO.
    They need to get back to finding dots.
    They said they were going to do Lord Buckley weeks ago.
    Still waiting.
    I thought the rundown on Mort Sahl was interesting.
    Funny how Lenny Bruce gets all the attention and it seems Mort Sahl is forgotten.
    No problem. Yes this one had a lot of similarities to Baldwin 11 - commentary on a Baldwin instagram video during the video. I guess they tried to get into the weeds regarding search warrant logistics and legalities. Anyhow I agree that they should get back to the dots.

  10. #90

  11. #91

  12. #92
    13.5 was better than 11,12 and 13 but the story seems to be running flat.
    I figure it will pick up once the investigation is completed and charges are made.
    When the lawsuits roll around, in 5 years, I suppose that might be interesting too but they will probably be settled with NDA's.
    I expect another Baldwin video post in the near future though.
    He seems to really like to record himself and post his thoughts to social media.
    I suppose we all do but he takes it to another level.

    If you want to watch America's Untold Stories live they have Part 4 coming up at 2:30.
    It looks like Sirhan Sirhan isn't getting paroled.

  13. #93
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    13.5 was better than 11,12 and 13 but the story seems to be running flat.
    I figure it will pick up once the investigation is completed and charges are made.
    When the lawsuits roll around, in 5 years, I suppose that might be interesting too but they will probably be settled with NDA's.
    I expect another Baldwin video post in the near future though.
    He seems to really like to record himself and post his thoughts to social media.
    I suppose we all do but he takes it to another level.

    If you want to watch America's Untold Stories live they have Part 4 coming up at 2:30.
    It looks like Sirhan Sirhan isn't getting paroled.

    Thanks Monet. I will watch it after the episode is done and uploaded. In B13.5 I recall them mentioning that the Sirhan episode is a big episode, so I am looking forward to it. Anyway, I agree with your opinion regarding B13.5 - the best part of it (IMHO) was how Mark totally broke down how small film festivals work along with his dissection of Artistic Director David Nugent. Mark knew exactly what Nugent is all about (starfucker) and his point about no big stars coming forward to support Baldwin (except Woody Allen I guess) was very illuminating. I think he even mentioned that George Clooney and Nick Cage (indirectly) took some jabs at Baldwin. The part where someone watching (or listening to) the podcast complained about Mark's expletive "starfucker" and then got completely shut down by Mark was also entertaining.
    Thanks again for making me aware of America's Untold Stories.

  14. #94
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Thanks Monet. I will watch it after the episode is done and uploaded. In B13.5 I recall them mentioning that the Sirhan episode is a big episode, so I am looking forward to it. Anyway, I agree with your opinion regarding B13.5 - the best part of it (IMHO) was how Mark totally broke down how small film festivals work along with his dissection of Artistic Director David Nugent. Mark knew exactly what Nugent is all about (starfucker) and his point about no big stars coming forward to support Baldwin (except Woody Allen I guess) was very illuminating. I think he even mentioned that George Clooney and Nick Cage (indirectly) took some jabs at Baldwin. The part where someone watching (or listening to) the podcast complained about Mark's expletive "starfucker" and then got completely shut down by Mark was also entertaining.
    Thanks again for making me aware of America's Untold Stories.
    Yeah, Mark is pretty funny and I find myself on his side of issues most of the time.
    The guy says he wrote for National Lampoon so there is that.
    Speaking of StarFuckers... I'd like to see him do a deep dive on the Quaids.
    First Randy but also that sneaky bastard Dennis.
    I'm guessing the dots would be endless.!/x/status/1483923120687747075

  15. #95

  16. #96
    I'm about 2 hours into this #1768 - Dr. Robert Epstein Podcast.
    At first I was a bit bored.
    I was close to shutting it off.
    However, I'm glad I didn't.
    It was a slow burn that turned into a freighting horror show.
    Very scary stuff.
    At one point, I was thinking, they are going to kill this guy for this type of research and public information.
    And 45 minutes later he actually stated the powers that be told him he would be in an accident very soon.
    He didn't die but 2 months later his wife was killed in an odd car crash.
    And they didn't investigate the vehicle or accident and they sold the vehicle to someone in Mexico!
    This shit is scary and you see how the CIA and Government is working together with Big Tech (Google) to control the masses.

    So I came online here to recommend this podcast and I was looking up a few things about it.
    Turns out they have a Reddit Thread discussing it.
    Just about every comment was trashing this guy and how they were bored to tears from the podcast.
    I disagree with all of them.
    This podcast is a must listen IMO.
    I highly doubt they will be able to link any videos to YouTube from this podcast because YouTube would strike it down.
    Reddit Thread linked below...

  17. #97
    I scrolled through that Reddit Thread for a good while.
    They tore him up and down in that thread.
    I think I only found one person and myself who actually enjoyed the podcast because we were the only two who listened to the whole thing.
    Most people shut it off after the first 30 minutes.
    Perhaps if you get time you can listen to it tableplay.
    Let me know if I am off base on this guy and podcast.
    I seen other people accusing him of actually murdering his wife but I have a hard time believing that at this time.
    I feel like most of these people didn't actually listen to the podcast or process the information being discussed.

  18. #98
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I scrolled through that Reddit Thread for a good while.
    They tore him up and down in that thread.
    I think I only found one person and myself who actually enjoyed the podcast because we were the only two who listened to the whole thing.
    Most people shut it off after the first 30 minutes.
    Perhaps if you get time you can listen to it tableplay.
    Let me know if I am off base on this guy and podcast.
    I seen other people accusing him of actually murdering his wife but I have a hard time believing that at this time.
    I feel like most of these people didn't actually listen to the podcast or process the information being discussed.
    Thanks for the reco Monet. I am going to listen to it now. BTW, the latest Russell Brand podcast perfectly illustrates how scared the overlords are of Rogan. Russell covers the bullshit 270 "Dr." letter trying to get Rogan pulled off Spotify, etc.
    Last edited by tableplay; 01-22-2022 at 02:43 AM.

  19. #99
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Thanks for the reco Monet. I am going to listen to it now. BTW, the latest Russell Brand podcast perfectly illustrates how scared the overlords are of Rogan. Russell covers the bullshit 270 "Dr." letter trying to get Rogan pulled off Spotify, etc.
    Listening to it now.
    Funny how Russell Brand is a better news source than anything on my tele.

  20. #100
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I scrolled through that Reddit Thread for a good while.
    They tore him up and down in that thread.
    I think I only found one person and myself who actually enjoyed the podcast because we were the only two who listened to the whole thing.
    Most people shut it off after the first 30 minutes.
    Perhaps if you get time you can listen to it tableplay.
    Let me know if I am off base on this guy and podcast.
    I seen other people accusing him of actually murdering his wife but I have a hard time believing that at this time.
    I feel like most of these people didn't actually listen to the podcast or process the information being discussed.
    I listened to the podcast in full. To start things off, the people saying this guy murdered his wife are absurd. Based on Joe's questions and general demeanor, I doubt very much he will have this guy on again. He didn't really answer Joe's questions ever during this podcast. He also said things that were simply not true ("you'll never use Google again Joe after I show you this"; Joe: "Really ?"). For example he said that "Don't be evil" no longer appears in the Google slogan, but Joe and Jamie disproved that on the podcast since they found the longer slogan which still contains it. He mostly stated obvious things - it's obvious that Google,Twitter, and Facebook control the media narrative and have deep invasion of privacy in the Western world. The dude says he is a tech guy and that Windows 10 is bad but he uses Windows 8.1 - Joe asked him if uses Linux or Unix and he skirted the question. He also deflected when Joe asked him if he could see his phone since Epstein said that he had a phone with all sorts of privacy safeguards. The entire eastern bloc (Russia,Poland,Hungary,Czech Republic, etc.) would not feel a thing if Google,Facebook, and Twitter disappeared - they have Yandex and their own versions of Facebook and Twitter. I think they also have their own browsers, but I'm not sure. I do think that the Brave browser Epstein mentions is pretty good. Rogan is a businessman so he humors this guest, but basically this guy has a cushy fluff job at Harvard conducting fluff research in the fluff profession of Psychology, which is a great gig if you can get it. Kind of like those lucky enough to secure fully tenured sociology professorships - you're set for life;absolute gravy with fantastic medical,dental and retirement (although who would retire when your work is just fluff). It's obvious statement after obvious statement. He talks about the military industrial complex as if it is breaking news. But of course there is no doubt that these big tech companies are the information gatekeepers of the western countries. Anyway Rogan needs filler guests when he needs to get a podcast out and the big guns like Malone,Musk,Mike Tyson or Dave Chappelle are not available. Epstein said things that were simply untrue such as that Google can shut down the entire internet (and the don't be evil thing I wrote about above). But they can't do that. A person can use a different browser and type the underlying IP address rather than the text URL to get to a site. A tech savvy person would just run Linux with some lightweight linux browser and thy're off to the races for example. And the Eastern Bloc countries along with China would not be affected at all. They would have a good laugh. Then you have people who live on fishing boats who don't know what the internet is and don't have cell phones or anything. Same with people that live in the remote Amazon forest or remote small villages in South America and other parts of the world. A Tibetan monk's life is just meditation,farming,monastery upkeep and martial arts. They could give a fuck about the internet or any sort of tech. There's that island off the coast of India where the people were throwing spears at an Indian Helicopter that tried to land their to check on the populace so the Indian government just decided to leave them alone and made a law against anyone going to the island. So this podcast is just pandering to the Western Middle Class. Joe should get a top Russian hacker on the show to give us the real skinny on privacy concerns, not some Harvard fluff professor.
    Last edited by tableplay; 01-22-2022 at 06:51 AM.

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