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Thread: Alan vs. KJ

  1. #521
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post

    "I joined these forums to share experiences and learn from other AP's".
    I did that! But you people just want to troll. So we troll.

  2. #522
    Sometimes you never know who is really smart, just as you never know who really has money.

    Take for example the curious case of Christopher Langan, "The smartest man in the world."

    Seems to me his intelligence not only set him apart from the herd, it made him feel the herd was beneath him.

    He didn't teach, never tried at business, and he didn't earn lots of money: he simply played his cards in a way that suited him.

    I think they were pretty well-played.
    What, Me Worry?

  3. #523
    For the disconnect between IQ and gambling IQ, you need look no further than the guy that started this particular discussion about IQ, Garnabby.

    He has a signature that implies the house always win, unless they are letting the player win so they can give an even worst beating.

    No disconnect there.

  4. #524
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I have a relative, my mother's uncle, so I guess that is a great uncle. He lives in South Jersey, retired now. He was valedictorian of his high school. Not a big school. I think someone said just over 100 students in his graduating class. He went to a major east coast university, not Ivy league or anything, but a well known major university where he was valedictorian of his college class of over a thousand (this was 50 years ago or so). I don't know his IQ...never asked, but don't need to to know he is the smartest person I have ever encountered.

    After graduating college, he went home to his small town in New Jersey and worked in a car wash. He managed that car wash for 40 years for a high school classmate that didn't go to college. Book smart and high IQ isn't everything.

    I'll give you another example, right here in the gambling community, right on this forum. Not to pick on anybody, but there is a guy, that occasionally posts on this forum, usually after a holiday weekend, although we were spared over Xmas and New Years and seemingly MLK weekend. So this guy is about my age, a bit younger and plays blackjack for a living here in Vegas. He has a college education, and I am told is very smart. That hasn't translated into a great deal of success with his card counting career.

    Gambling smarts and knowledge and understanding the gambling industry and how things work is a whole different thing that book smart and high IQ's. This is a gambling forum (supposedly). That is what I am interested in. You guys wanting to compare IQs just seems like a a bit of a Napolean Complex to me. After telling everyone how high your IQ is what is next? Oh wait, we have already been subjected to that.

    You're not going to get very far in life if you don't have a reasonable IQ. IQ correlates VERY HIGHLY to a general success in life. Those people with the very highest IQs are often not very functional. Often some form of mental illness comes with those types of IQs.

    You sit here and tell everyone how they're wrong for comparing IQs (as if that is really happening) then you start to lecture us by your own comparisons. You just work from a different angle but your IQ isn't high enough for you to be aware of this.

    I can give you a counter example about the 1 person I know on this forum personally. Perfect SAT score and played in biggest poker games at the time AFAIK. Beat cash games to get there. (No high variance tournament lick) Gee, could a high IQ have to do with both !?!?

    Me personally I have no clue what my IQ is but I'm not near as functional as people in my HS who I believe had lower IQs. The #1 and #2 from my HS both went to Harvard and I'm pretty sure my IQ was higher than either of them. I'd bet money they would have agreed. Does that mean I'm smarter than them? Nah. They had a more broadly functional intelligence. Sure I can do weird math problems but I sucked at school and pretty much everything else academic. Depressed, liked to drink too much, various other issues. No wonder I haven't really ever amounted to much in particular, but I still live well for what little work I do. This wouldn't be the case if I had a middling IQ.

    Likewise I'm sure many people on here have a higher IQ than me.

  5. #525
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I have a relative, my mother's uncle, so I guess that is a great uncle. He lives in South Jersey, retired now. He was valedictorian of his high school. Not a big school. I think someone said just over 100 students in his graduating class. He went to a major east coast university, not Ivy league or anything, but a well known major university where he was valedictorian of his college class of over a thousand (this was 50 years ago or so). I don't know his IQ...never asked, but don't need to to know he is the smartest person I have ever encountered.

    After graduating college, he went home to his small town in New Jersey and worked in a car wash. He managed that car wash for 40 years for a high school classmate that didn't go to college. Book smart and high IQ isn't everything.

    I'll give you another example, right here in the gambling community, right on this forum. Not to pick on anybody, but there is a guy, that occasionally posts on this forum, usually after a holiday weekend, although we were spared over Xmas and New Years and seemingly MLK weekend. So this guy is about my age, a bit younger and plays blackjack for a living here in Vegas. He has a college education, and I am told is very smart. That hasn't translated into a great deal of success with his card counting career.

    Gambling smarts and knowledge and understanding the gambling industry and how things work is a whole different thing that book smart and high IQ's. This is a gambling forum (supposedly). That is what I am interested in. You guys wanting to compare IQs just seems like a a bit of a Napolean Complex to me. After telling everyone how high your IQ is what is next? Oh wait, we have already been subjected to that.

    You're not going to get very far in life if you don't have a reasonable IQ. IQ correlates VERY HIGHLY to a general success in life. Those people with the very highest IQs are often not very functional. Often some form of mental illness comes with those types of IQs.

    You sit here and tell everyone how they're wrong for comparing IQs (as if that is really happening) then you start to lecture us by your own comparisons. You just work from a different angle but your IQ isn't high enough for you to be aware of this.

    I can give you a counter example about the 1 person I know on this forum personally. Perfect SAT score and played in biggest poker games at the time AFAIK. Beat cash games to get there. (No high variance tournament lick) Gee, could a high IQ have to do with both !?!?

    Me personally I have no clue what my IQ is but I'm not near as functional as people in my HS who I believe had lower IQs. The #1 and #2 from my HS both went to Harvard and I'm pretty sure my IQ was higher than either of them. I'd bet money they would have agreed. Does that mean I'm smarter than them? Nah. They had a more broadly functional intelligence. Sure I can do weird math problems but I sucked at school and pretty much everything else academic. Depressed, liked to drink too much, various other issues. No wonder I haven't really ever amounted to much in particular, but I still live well for what little work I do. This wouldn't be the case if I had a middling IQ.

    Likewise I'm sure many people on here have a higher IQ than me.
    I put these two posts, yours and the one of mine that you quoted, into this so called IQ "estimator".

    Yours received an above average of 105. Mine an above average of 102. Since you are obviously much smarter than I, why don't you tell me what conclusions you draw from that.

    Furthermore, I put posts from Mission146 and Mickeycrimm from the slavery thread. Mission received a 99 and mickey an 85. I am not sure why mickeys was so low, he probably said something that the biased "estimator" viewed as racist.

    I would put either Mission or mickey as smarter than I, especially gambling smarts, which is all I really care about on this forum.

    So, this is all a bunch of nonsense, started by Garnabby of all people that YOU are running with and choosing to judge people by.

    I don't use a spell check when I post. About half of my posts are done on my phone and my phone has an auto-correct feature that changes words to something not typed that make no sense. I also frequently capitalize something that shouldn't be or vice versa and insert comma (and overuse quotations). I see these things. Sometimes I will correct something, sometimes I let it go. I usually just don't care.

    But for fun I took one of my post, and cleaned up some of the grammar, misspellings, punctuation and according to the estimator, my IQ jumped 18 points. I am aware of these things, I just don't care. I am making a point on a gambling forum, not writing a term paper. You are using this nonsense to be judgmental and draw conclusions about people's intelligence.....biased opinions about people you have decided you don't like. Just stop. Go back to being a somewhat normal poster.

  6. #526
    Just put two recent posts by Rob Singer. One said he is average at 86 IQ, the other said he is a genius at 136 IQ.

    These two conclusions and the large disparity should end this discussion, that should have never occurred in the first place. This is nonsense.

  7. #527
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post

    The problem with Coach Belly using the Socratic Method is that it's almost always asymmetric. If someone posits questions back to him that expose flaws or contradictions on his end, he just ignores them or goes non sequitur. Go back and check his recent posts. Whenever a question gets tossed at him that he doesn't want to answer, he goes non sequitur or clams up until a completely different topic presents itself.
    Exactly! He uses it to fuck with people! When you try to counter the Socratic method with the Socratic method, which is to say use his own tactics against him, he just ignores that you're doing it. Essentially, what he does is establish a set of rules by which the discourse is supposed to take place, but then he proceeds to ignore the very rules that he established.

  8. #528
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    If you think IQ and "book smart" are somehow the same thing then you clearly don't have a very high IQ.


    You never told anyone anything except you supposedly count and bet small under the radar. It has been the most bland-ass stuff I've ever read (on here). All the shit you talk about is something anyone with a not so high IQ and a library card can figure out anyway.

    I'm not bullying anyone. I just am not going to automatically give you a pass from here on out. You're still hella sketchy.
    I'm going to agree with this. There's usually a pretty strong correlation between being, 'Book smart,' and having a high IQ, but the two aren't the same thing.

    For example, many of the spatial/perception logic questions that you'll find on an IQ test; they don't teach those in a book; at least, not any book we were presented in school. I remember one in particular where you had to select the picture that didn't belong, but in order to do that, you had to mentally rotate all of the pictures so that a particular part of the picture was either at the very top or very bottom (it either wouldn't have worked if it had been the sides, or it would have been much harder for me, at least)...once you had the correct part of the picture on top, then you had to see how the other objects in the picture related to the part that you now have mentally put on top for all of the pictures. Ultimately, what you ended up with is that most of the little objects in the bigger pictures related the same, except one of the ones had a diagonal aspect that was going the wrong way compared to the others.

    Again, they don't teach that in a book! I just remember that one because I ended up getting it right and it was the one that I spent the most time on. I think there was one other similar visual one for which I couldn't figure out the gimmick, so I just guessed. Maybe I somehow guessed that one (it was one of the few multiple choice) right and got 2-5 undeserved IQ points.

    That said, I couldn't count cards because I find Blackjack boring as hell and, quite simply, absolutely would not have the patience to do that. I'd rather sit at a machine and smash buttons waiting on a must-hit to pop because I can at least read something on my phone with my opposite hand.
    Last edited by Mission146; 01-19-2022 at 06:28 AM.

  9. #529
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I have a relative, my mother's uncle, so I guess that is a great uncle. He lives in South Jersey, retired now. He was valedictorian of his high school. Not a big school. I think someone said just over 100 students in his graduating class. He went to a major east coast university, not Ivy league or anything, but a well known major university where he was valedictorian of his college class of over a thousand (this was 50 years ago or so). I don't know his IQ...never asked, but don't need to to know he is the smartest person I have ever encountered.

    After graduating college, he went home to his small town in New Jersey and worked in a car wash. He managed that car wash for 40 years for a high school classmate that didn't go to college. Book smart and high IQ isn't everything.

    I'll give you another example, right here in the gambling community, right on this forum. Not to pick on anybody, but there is a guy, that occasionally posts on this forum, usually after a holiday weekend, although we were spared over Xmas and New Years and seemingly MLK weekend. So this guy is about my age, a bit younger and plays blackjack for a living here in Vegas. He has a college education, and I am told is very smart. That hasn't translated into a great deal of success with his card counting career.

    Gambling smarts and knowledge and understanding the gambling industry and how things work is a whole different thing that book smart and high IQ's. This is a gambling forum (supposedly). That is what I am interested in. You guys wanting to compare IQs just seems like a a bit of a Napolean Complex to me. After telling everyone how high your IQ is what is next? Oh wait, we have already been subjected to that.
    First of all, I'm not the one who started the conversation.

    Secondly, someone would need to have a low IQ to be unable to recognize that mine is high. I'm not exactly sure that I've ever shared the specific result of my only proctored test on the Forums before for exactly the reason that you're pointing out. Furthermore, I'll be the first to admit that, having only ever taken one proper IQ test, variance might have been on my side...or I could have just been having a really good day. Perhaps my IQ shouldn't have ever been 163 at all (which it almost certainly IS NOT now, if it ever was), but the average of three tests would have put me in the high-140's or somewhere in the 150's anyway. Who knows? I recall being pretty peak that was during the Summer, so I wasn't bogged down with work and school and only had my job to worry about, so I was generally very well rested.

    Anyway, you're not elucidating anything for me or anyone here when you say, "IQ isn't everything." If I'm in the 99.99x% range for IQ, then I must be in the 99.99999----(?) range for laziness! I'm probably also playing solitaire with one or two missing.

    Honestly, you seem to have an inferiority complex on this one---almost as if you can't stand for some of the folks here to be superior to you in just one capacity. Have you ever had a proper IQ test? I figure the majority of the participants on gambling forums, at least as well as I can guess, would be on the high side of average; typically higher. To have an interest in gambling beyond the mere act of gambling, even for the idiots who come up with betting systems that they somehow believe in, requires a keen interest in how things work together---which would be probabilities, payouts and variance (generally speaking) in the case of gambling.

    I would also say, and this is with all due respect, that you're the only participant who seems to have any problem with IQ being the topic.

    Garnabby---For this post (excluding this line)-Estimated IQ: 128 (High Intelligence)---I don't see too many big words above. Truce?

  10. #530
    Okay, "Elucidating," might have been a little unnecessary.

    ADDED: The point that I was trying to make in the last section to KewlJ is that's he's almost certainly right in the pack here, IQ-wise. He's even perhaps in the top half, or maybe even the top quarter of the pack, so I don't know why this discussion should offend him.
    Last edited by Mission146; 01-19-2022 at 06:20 AM.

  11. #531

    I'll never quite get over how most of you guys continue to try to make up whatever shit to rationalize one way or the other. But, the last thing worth doing is to try to psychoanalyze acquaintances. The best that could happen is that one will be right about the other. Lol.

    Insecurity can prompt our desire for self-improvement. It can jolt us into action and push us toward higher goals. Insecurity is only harmful when we compare our weakest link to someone's strongest link.
    Intelligent people tend to be more reflective, meticulous, doubtful, and insecure in their day-to-day lives.
    Some gifted children are mistakenly suspected of having ADHD, autism, or another condition with behavioral elements. Along with other gifted characteristics, many gifted children have sensory sensitivities. Such kids may become exhausted by classroom noise or be bothered by the flicker and buzz of fluorescent light. They may complain about scratchy shirt labels or sock seams and recoil from harsh sounds, "bad" smells, or certain food textures. They may also talk rapidly or compulsively, have boundless energy, display compulsive habits or tics, or have obsessive thoughts about a single idea or goal. Heightened sensitivity combined with heightened intensity is known as "overexcitability." Kids with overexcitability experience a more intense range of emotions – whether happy, sad, or angry – than a regular kid. Sensitive kids are also more prone to depression, guilt, and more likely to have physical responses to emotions, such as stomach pains or headaches due to anxiety. They may also have behavior problems because of frustration or boredom.
    While the average person has some homosexual proclivities, the genius has even more; the genius is closer to homosexuality than the average person is, just as the genius is closer to insanity than the average person is.

    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Sometimes you never know who is really smart, just as you never know who really has money.

    The one who looks like neither a man nor a woman.

    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    Would someone put a fucking muzzle on Garbaggeby already?

    Can't Keep A Good Man Down (Lil Rob Album).

    Garnabby is online now
    Garnabby's Avatar

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    Aug 2020
    626 ------------------> = (25^2 + 1)

    Say, did anyone notice that 207 = 3*69. From my post, , which followed closely on the heels of my remark about Nikola Tesla's mysterious musing about the digits 3, 6, and 9.

    Name:  320px-Tesla_circa_1890.jpeg
Views: 304
Size:  32.0 KB
    Last edited by Garnabby; 01-19-2022 at 10:14 AM.
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

    Blog at

  12. #532
    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post

    ADDED: The point that I was trying to make in the last section to KewlJ is that's he's almost certainly right in the pack here, IQ-wise. He's even perhaps in the top half, or maybe even the top quarter of the pack, so I don't know why this discussion should offend him.
    This offends me because it is another way that the haters are hating, trolling and making up lies about me and others.

    Garnabby stated my IQ is 93 based on this "estimator". Accountinquestion has now twice referenced me having a low IQ ("IQ isn't high enough to be aware" and "clearly you don't have a very high IQ")

    I don't know what my IQ is. I had one test and it was 20 years ago. If it is now 93 it has dropped significantly. Now people are telling us their SAT scores. Again, 20 years ago for me, probably twice that for most, 3 times as long for some. I did real well in the Math, in the average range for English. Again, this was 20 years ago for me. 40, 50, 60 for some. I just see this as another reason, another attempt to hate and try to put people down and yes I do find that offensive.

  13. #533
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post

    ADDED: The point that I was trying to make in the last section to KewlJ is that's he's almost certainly right in the pack here, IQ-wise. He's even perhaps in the top half, or maybe even the top quarter of the pack, so I don't know why this discussion should offend him.
    This offends me because it is another way that the haters are hating, trolling and making up lies about me and others.

    Garnabby stated my IQ is 93 based on this "estimator". Accountinquestion has now twice referenced me having a low IQ ("IQ isn't high enough to be aware" and "clearly you don't have a very high IQ")

    I don't know what my IQ is. I had one test and it was 20 years ago. If it is now 93 it has dropped significantly. Now people are telling us their SAT scores. Again, 20 years ago for me, probably twice that for most, 3 times as long for some. I did real well in the Math, in the average range for English. Again, this was 20 years ago for me. 40, 50, 60 for some. I just see this as another reason, another attempt to hate and try to put people down and yes I do find that offensive.
    Can I coach you on some breathing exercises?

    Garnabby scored me based on a post in which I was intentionally (and obviously) being silly, so my conclusion is he didn't really mean anything by it. A few other people made some comments about the evaluator tool, then after looking at posts of mine that were more intellectually substantial (from an idea standpoint) and the scores not being much different, I figured out what the evaluator wanted and then deliberately stated something very obvious in a flowery way to demonstrate how easy the thing is to beat.

    As far as Accountinquestion is concerned, it didn't seem that he said anything about you until you made a post in which you insulted (in fairness, not specifically), 'Some of you,' for wanting to discuss IQ because we are insecure. That didn't really bother me, personally, because I know damn well where most of my flaws are and I most definitely do play, "I'm smarter than you," games from time-to-time, though this discussion wasn't meant to be such an instance.

    Besides, I don't think anyone can really prove they are significantly smarter than most others on this medium. Discussions would have to be real-time in order to do that. You can basically get an idea for whether or not a person is generally intelligent and that's about the extent of it. "Winning," one of the games of that nature in this medium only demonstrates literary talent and ability to research.

    But, maybe a little bit of bragging. What's wrong with that? Like card counting, it's a skill that is developed over time, so why not allow for a little pride in oneself? Is just a little really so bad? I'd like to think I have enough of an inclination to admit my shortcomings that I don't have to be perfectly humble as relates my strengths.

    Actually, never mind the breathing exercises. I don't actually know any; it was just a joke.
    Last edited by Mission146; 01-19-2022 at 11:01 AM.

  14. #534
    A bunch of people on the internet humblebragging about how smart they are. This thread has reached peak meta. *slow clap*

  15. #535
    Originally Posted by unJon View Post
    A bunch of people on the internet humblebragging about how smart they are. This thread has reached peak meta. *slow clap*
    I do not humblebrag when it comes to my intelligence; I only brag.

  16. #536

    Earth's core is rapidly cooling, study reveals.
    Is our planet becoming 'inactive'?

    Make up your Fucking Minds.
    The Earth's Temperature is rising on the surface and cooling at the core.
    Fuck Science.
    Fucking Scam.

  17. #537
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post

    ADDED: The point that I was trying to make in the last section to KewlJ is that's he's almost certainly right in the pack here, IQ-wise. He's even perhaps in the top half, or maybe even the top quarter of the pack, so I don't know why this discussion should offend him.
    This offends me because it is another way that the haters are hating, trolling and making up lies about me and others.

    Garnabby stated my IQ is 93 based on this "estimator". Accountinquestion has now twice referenced me having a low IQ ("IQ isn't high enough to be aware" and "clearly you don't have a very high IQ")

    I don't know what my IQ is. I had one test and it was 20 years ago. If it is now 93 it has dropped significantly. Now people are telling us their SAT scores. Again, 20 years ago for me, probably twice that for most, 3 times as long for some. I did real well in the Math, in the average range for English. Again, this was 20 years ago for me. 40, 50, 60 for some. I just see this as another reason, another attempt to hate and try to put people down and yes I do find that offensive.
    What an idiot. You find this stuff "offensive" because it's not one of your concocted stories about yourself. And you weren't able to toss in a few non-chalant variables in order that few could detect the amount of bullshit you just dropped.

  18. #538
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post

    What an idiot. You find this stuff "offensive" because it's not one of your concocted stories about yourself. And you weren't able to toss in a few non-chalant variables in order that few could detect the amount of bullshit you just dropped.
    Always cracks me up when great grandpa Newell talks about shoveling bullshit.

    Why are you 'colored' dudes so damned angry?

  19. #539
    Originally Posted by monet View Post

    Earth's core is rapidly cooling, study reveals.
    Is our planet becoming 'inactive'?

    Make up your Fucking Minds.
    The Earth's Temperature is rising on the surface and cooling at the core.
    Fuck Science.
    Fucking Scam.
    Monet, I posted in the smart money sports bets. Just wanted to make sure you saw.

  20. #540
    Originally Posted by unJon View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post

    Earth's core is rapidly cooling, study reveals.
    Is our planet becoming 'inactive'?

    Make up your Fucking Minds.
    The Earth's Temperature is rising on the surface and cooling at the core.
    Fuck Science.
    Fucking Scam.
    Monet, I posted in the smart money sports bets. Just wanted to make sure you saw.
    Schizophrenia at its finest.
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

    Blog at

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