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Thread: Alan vs. KJ

  1. #561
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    This place should be crawling with people who have IQs north of 140. Or maybe not this place exactly, but the AP world. The AP thing attracts people with high IQs so it shouldn't be hard to believe. I am not so sure about a lot of the regular posters on here though.

    I suspect many guys who aren't posting about COVID, "jabs", or Kewl/Rob have genius IQs on here.
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  2. #562
    Pfuckoff ---> Ffokcufp

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    636 = [37 + 733^(1/2)]*[37 - 733^(1/2)]
    Last edited by Garnabby; 01-20-2022 at 11:23 AM.
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

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  3. #563
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    I'm going to try and not pick on Kewl but it just annoys me to see the sort of stuff he put out there. Just nonsense. I guess maybe I am being a bully.

    Fact is if you have a high IQ you're going to have life a lot easier. Look at Mickey Crimm and his life. He has very little formal education but he went into a library popped off some books and has basically written some primers on how to do machine stuff. He clearly has a fairly high IQ. People without a reasonably high IQ would have never been able to do that sort of thing. Yet he isn't "book smart" ..

    I read something recently where there was a study about people with high IQs in sales positions. IIRC it was posited that IQ wouldn't matter so much and it was more the social skills. It turned out that there was a huge correlation with IQ. Perhaps IQ mattered even more? (don't recall) Just the fluid intelligence/being able to think on one's feet are all an IQ thing. It isn't just figuring out puzzles on a test.

    Even testing the upper bounds of IQ is kinda a joke. You can put a time limit on it, but then that can trigger testing anxiety issue or something. You can give people unlimited time and then people who are willing to put a lot of effort into stuff have higher scores.

    It is a fascinating thing though. You just know there are people out there that understand things considerably beyond what you're even aware of....
    I can definitely believe that with sales positions, but I think one would do best to have that rare combination of High IQ and rock solid social skills. As you mentioned, you have to be able to think on your feet---which involves getting a quick read on your mark...excuse me, customer...and figuring out what you need to say to manipulate them...excuse me...make clear the features and benefits of the product.

    It's so much easier, in my opinion, with telemarketing because you don't have to regulate anything about your body language or facial expressions; it's all voice control, which is easy, if that's the only thing you have to focus on. The marks, I mean, customers, can often tell you're faking it if they can see your eyes.

    So, I think the best salesperson has a high IQ, rock solid social skills and is also a sociopath. Being a sociopath would be a huge advantage because they could actually convince the customers that they care about their well-being and aren't just trying to get a commission. They would also tend (in my observations) to be better at warming the customers up with small talk, which I was absolutely never good at. Nothing beyond, "How are you today?", for me, when it comes to in-person sales, just right to business. I could do the small talk thing in telemarketing because, again, you only have to control your voice. With commissions, you could actually make pretty decent money (especially relative to the cost of living in that area) once upon a time if you were good at it.

    Small talk was also easy in telemarketing because people LOVE talking about the weather. I never started the sales day without taking a hard look at the national weather map.
    I've never done sales. It is also something you would improve at over time. I have wondered before would I have been any good? THere are also many different types of scenarios you do sales.

    Anyway my whole point here is just that people who tend to not have a high IQ want to write off generalized intelligence as something one can only use to solve test problems. That isn't anywhere near true. High intelligence really is a blessing in many ways but can also be a curse. Really smart people tend to not be as happy and have depression issues. Retards seem to tend to lie to themselves throughout their lives about whatever. Or maybe don't see the truth to begin with?

    Top of AP world should be no different. People are never going to talk about really good plays anyway but the smartest amongst us will tend to have insight but who knows if they even post. I have a pretty high IQ but I'm also so incredibly undisciplined nothing useful has ever become of it. shrug
    Success in Sales & Marketing has less to do with the quality & need of the product and/or service--and a WHOLE lot more to do with you and your ability to develop the relationship. Doing what you said you were going to do, along with respectful communication throughout the process, are the #1 & #2 most important aspects of gaining your potential target's trust. IQ levels have nothing to do with this.

    Trust=A Successful Endeavor. And this is why next to nobody has ever bought the concocted pile of bullshit that kew has been trying to sell.

  4. #564
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post

    Success in Sales & Marketing has less to do with the quality & need of the product and/or service--and a WHOLE lot more to do with you and your ability to develop the relationship. Doing what you said you were going to do, along with respectful communication throughout the process, are the #1 & #2 most important aspects of gaining your potential target's trust. IQ levels have nothing to do with this.

    Trust=A Successful Endeavor. And this is why next to nobody has ever bought the concocted pile of bullshit that kew has been trying to sell.
    I don't know what your sales background is and it could well be more years than mine, or that could just be in your experience, but mine is that trust isn't really relevant. I tend to think that it might depend on what it is you are trying to sell, also. Whether it be furniture, hotel rooms or credit cards and credit card fee products...most of my sales experience lies in one-time transactions, so you don't really establish a long-term relationship.

    I would think the only time that long-term relationships were relevant to anything I was doing was when dealing with booking blocks of rooms to either groups coming in for a special event, or to companies sending in workers, when I was in the hotel industry. I will say that the hotel providing what it said it was going to provide is of the utmost importance when dealing with those entities, and also giving concessions in the event of any sort of dispute with an eye towards the long-term business you will get from them, but that's just that market segment specifically.

    In the telemarketing world, my, 'Relationship,' if you even wanted to call it that, began and ended with that phone call, so the sale was just a single transaction. Granted, you wanted the contact to basically like you and find you pleasant, but there really wasn't much in the way of trust-building or developing a relationship with them. There might have been a bit of relationship building for the long-term furniture sellers, more so than with me to be sure as I knew I wouldn't be doing it very long, but I think even the long-term sellers viewed most interactions as a single transaction.

    So, when it comes to the concept of, 'Trust,' I think that's just a matter of what sort of sales you do. For my type of sales, I tend to think making a quick and positive first impression was the most relevant factor. People were naturally distrustful of telemarketers, and rightfully so, even if they already had business with the company---so the biggest thing there was just getting the customer's guard down.

  5. #565
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    I've never done sales. It is also something you would improve at over time. I have wondered before would I have been any good? THere are also many different types of scenarios you do sales.

    Anyway my whole point here is just that people who tend to not have a high IQ want to write off generalized intelligence as something one can only use to solve test problems. That isn't anywhere near true. High intelligence really is a blessing in many ways but can also be a curse. Really smart people tend to not be as happy and have depression issues. Retards seem to tend to lie to themselves throughout their lives about whatever. Or maybe don't see the truth to begin with?

    Top of AP world should be no different. People are never going to talk about really good plays anyway but the smartest amongst us will tend to have insight but who knows if they even post. I have a pretty high IQ but I'm also so incredibly undisciplined nothing useful has ever become of it. shrug
    As Rob has maybe pointed out, I think a lot of it depends on the sort of sales you do. In my case, I really couldn't do a great job feigning interest in the small talk with in-person sales (furniture) because my body language or facial expressions would betray my boredom. Again, telemarketing is just voice control, but another aspect of telemarketing that I think would help those with high IQ is that it helps a ton to know everything there is to know about the credit card or the credit card product so that you can answer any question the contact asks instantly. Being able to answer the questions instantly projects confidence, which people respect and also lets people know that you know what you're selling.

    Beyond answering questions quickly, a high IQ will also help a telemarketer think on his or her toes so as to answer the questions truthfully, but also in such a way that the answers will not put the contact off. The easiest example of this (which virtually everyone knew how to do) was, "Selling on low commitment," which just means that you would want to finish most answers with the fact that the contact could call and cancel if they read the terms and did not like what they saw. There are more subtle techniques specific to individual cards and products, but I wouldn't want to bore you.
    Last edited by Mission146; 01-20-2022 at 12:18 PM.

  6. #566
    The conversation is irrelevant.
    Ambition always trumps Intelligence.
    Give them to me young, hungry, and stupid, and in no time, I'll make em' rich.

  7. #567
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    The conversation is irrelevant.
    Ambition always trumps Intelligence.
    Give them to me young, hungry, and stupid, and in no time, I'll make em' rich.
    If I'm interested in buying something hungry is recognizable and acceptable, but I walk away from stupid, the young are unreliable, and I don't trust people with lily white teeth.

  8. #568
    Originally Posted by Garnabby View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    VCT Rules!
    Here you go, Monet. I wanted you to have my version of your 4,500th post. I save all my posts. I don't think that I've ever lost a single thing here.

    Originally Posted by monet

    Time is an illusion and does not exist. Had to edit this post. Garnabby fucked me up with his quote. I couldn't quote it properly. Nicely Done.
    "TIME IS AN ILLUSION AND DOES NOT EXIST. Had to edit this post. Garnabby fucked me up with his quote. I couldn't quote it properly. Nicely Done. (VCT secret codeword RIP.)"


    Created and Produced by Total TeleVision productions: The Story of Underdog, Tennessee Tuxedo and the Rest.

    Arnold has written numerous books about comic books, animation and music. The first, The Best of The Harveyville Fun Times!, focused on the comic book publisher Harvey Comics. The second was Created and Produced by Total TeleVision productions: The Story of Underdog, Tennessee Tuxedo and the Rest. If You're Cracked, You're Happy: The History of Cracked Mazagine, a two-volume set followed in 2011. Next, Arnold wrote Mark Arnold Picks On The Beatles[3] and Frozen in Ice: The Story of Walt Disney Productions 1966-1985. He has continued to write additional books about DePatie-Freleng, The Monkees and the Chipmunks.

    I guess here that Underdog / under God was(?) MDawg; Tennesse Tuxedo was(?) Redietz, and the Rest are everyone else who was an illusion. Funny-odd, mention of the Dawg came up along with Redietz. No love lost there. Ha.

    He cited Lincoln's words "under God" as defining words that set the US apart from other nations.

    Originally Posted by monet

    Expect a 4500 reference post in the near future from Bill Yung, whom I think is banned from this site but was able to resurrect himself in the form of Garnabby. Well Played. And he says he doesn't enjoy posting here at VCT... RIP.
    I think that this may be my third resurrection here. You'd have to ask Mr. Tablepooey about that one, as truly "smart" (loutish) individuals don't worry about such glorified or exalted, "numerals".

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    4,500 -----------------> 4,500 = 1,500*3 ---> 153.

    The Gospel of John (chapter 7*3:1–14) includes the narrative of the miraculous catch of 153 fish as the third appearance of Jesus after his resurrection.

    Oh, time as an illusion is sort of a Hamiltonian view of physics, with, I guess, energy, itself, playing second fiddle to momentum. But, there must be a fundamental mechanism of time however encoded into the universe. Yes, it's there, but, we just don't see it in an effective way. Momentum as more of a quantum property of matter, which like mind, doesn't really or actually exist either, at least according to old Einstein, whose theories centered on energy. Something like this.

    Now you've kept me up past my bedtime. This morning, strange and unusual as it was, I awoke from a dream about the mob having elevator-ed me to the 100th floor of some construction site, or something - hard to tell from such a vantage point. The other victim in the elevator beside me had, just, been coaxed out the back opening of that elevator. You know, it made me think some more about death. I mean, what the fuck difference between dying in a hospital, with, say, Covid-19, and, being coaxed off some ledge? Why is the former one scary, but, the latter not so much?

    Today, 07:34 AM #568
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    649 ----> Actually, it's post #650. The recent deletions have changed the post numerals. Anyway, I'm just working my up to post #666, from post #659. I guess that this is actually post #660. Ha, a neat numeral to put Mcap's latest bit. As stated in the previous post, I had planned to bugger off, anyway, after post #666. Making my final run to the Super Bowl stuff.

    Originally Posted by mcap

    Consider that this is what he does with every single post in any thread he posts in.

    Strange Events Witnessed in the Past Twenty Years.

    Happy Endings Are Stories That Haven't Ended Yet.

    You guys are too busy pretending, to add anything to any forum. Truth be told there, old Mcap, nobody cares what Dan has to say about Adele, call her "Ordeal". Or about Dan's sports predictions. Or about what anyone else has to say here. My posts were, by far, the most intelligent and interesting thing to happen here. The simple odds, going by just the numerical "coincidence", against the progression of the ones after post #555 were beyond astronomical. Sorry that you and the others missed out. Again, what went on here, and the other such forums, was nothing more than psychotic drool. A long "gambling joke" journey of mine that began about 15 years ago, and is about to end in real time with the truly greatest gambling jokes of all time.

    The only thing that could have made this forum famous was my initial promise to post my theory of everything here. But, at some point, one has to give up on such promises. Let 'er go I say. All you five self-described geniuses (with 731 ghost readers) will find another way. Lol lol lol. Ha.

    The fact that Dan tries to clean up such threads, days later, well, shows a particular sort of schizophrenia. I mean, who in their right mind cares about any gambling post, let alone someone called "Ordeal"? I guess that he, like Redietz, is under the same delusion about future generations coming here to parse out who was whom, to identify all posters and their descendants. Totally psychotic.

    Call these last seven or eight or so posts, and the others deleted along the way, the hidden, as yet to be discovered, unpublished works of old Garnabby. How great it is. Ha.

    And, again, yeah, I love the night live ... .

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    Last edited by Garnabby; 01-25-2022 at 09:03 AM.
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

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  9. #569
    Originally Posted by Garnabby View Post
    My posts were, by far, the most intelligent and interesting thing to happen here.
    Newsflash, the only person who thinks that is you.

  10. #570
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by Garnabby View Post
    My posts were, by far, the most intelligent and interesting thing to happen here.
    Newsflash, the only person who thinks that is you.
    Does anyone actually read Garnabby's posts?

    If it was 50 years ago he would definitely be institutionalized.


  11. #571
    Originally Posted by MaxPen
    Does anyone actually read Garnabby's posts? If it was 50 years ago he would definitely be institutionalized. RIP
    "What a waste it is to lose one's mind. Or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is." --- Dan Quayle
    What, Me Worry?

  12. #572
    You can scroll past Garnabby much faster when you have him on ignore.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  13. #573
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by Garnabby View Post
    My posts were, by far, the most intelligent and interesting thing to happen here.
    Newsflash, the only person who thinks that is you.
    Whoops! That's my point. Exactly. Cunt.

    VCT secret codeword RI☧ ... Newsflash, the only ☧erson who thinks that is ...


    The Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross (Haydn).

    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    You can scroll past Garnabby much faster when you have him on ignore.
    VCT secret codeword RIP ... You can scroll past 6arnabby much faster when you have him on i9nore.


    Cemetery Church Rectory and Ancient Order of Hibernians Hall.

    Yeah, no love lost between Old Crimm, and Max, either. Hey, Mickey, what's the genealogy of the Order of Hibernians? Must be another race of "dicklickers". You (smart) guys. Ha.

    Maxpen, aka dicklicker, is the shit stain in the underwear of life.
    Very interesting how the first, and last rebukes, one or the other of which I usually go with, here of the usual five or six dissenters, ended up without p's, and, then, g's, let alone in two spots each. A regular couple of pigs, I guess. Get it? Almost uses up all the letters of a couple of sets of p's and g's, with the ' for an i. How about sisi pigs?

    The irony is that I did make some normal posts in the Druff "Ordeal" thread. One about MrV. verbatim reposting the same stuff over and over, to the point of the mental disorder, audiophilia. The other about you guys, being overly annoying, at the experimental mercy of the casinos. Do you really believe that neither of the "million" wires that hook a slot machine to some main computer turns it "off", or "on". Like Monet claiming that he doesn't walk around with a cell phone for a microchip, but, he practically lives in the casinos under a thousand different video and live cameras.

    Funny how I knew just when to insert those two normal posts.

    No, the problem with Dan, the reason that he's some washed-up (smart) poker player is clearly because it's so easy to get up his "skirt". Like I said a few times before, well, it's not overly hard to do that, but, a matter of "balancing" things so that he doesn't go nuclear instead of just Nazi censoring stuff. Because can't really and actually just delete the parts of our lives that just didn't work out. Yes, can just about set the old "watch" according to the Druff, another "Old Faithful" with some crack in the "manifold".

    Something like this.

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    661 <-------------
    Physicist William Thomson, Lord Kelvin (1824-1907 = (1906 + 1) ---> 1961) published 661 papers on a wide range of scientific topics.
    How about a little homegrown encore from chilly Canada ... ?

    Well, I'm off to copy and paste yet another masterpiece.
    Last edited by Garnabby; 01-25-2022 at 06:27 PM.
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

    Blog at

  14. #574
    Originally Posted by Garnabby View Post
    Whoops! That's my point. Exactly. Cunt.
    Then why didn't you write what I wrote if that was your point you sack of shit.

  15. #575
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by Garnabby View Post
    My posts were, by far, the most intelligent and interesting thing to happen here.
    Newsflash, the only person who thinks that is you.
    Does anyone actually read Garnabby's posts?

    If it was 50 years ago he would definitely be institutionalized.

    It's possible that Canada didn't defund mental health facilities like we did stateside so he may end up getting the treatment he needs.

  16. #576
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Newsflash, the only person who thinks that is you.
    Does anyone actually read Garnabby's posts?

    If it was 50 years ago he would definitely be institutionalized.

    It's possible that Canada didn't defund mental health facilities like we did stateside so he may end up getting the treatment he needs.

    During the 15-year period from 1960 to 1976, nearly two-thirds of Canada's 47,633 beds for the mentally ill were closed.

    Cameroonian Federation of Sports for the Intellectually Disabled.

    Cameroonian Federation of Sports the Intellectually Disabled (FECASDI) is the national sports federation for sportspeople with intellectual disabilities competing in International Sports Federation for Persons with Intellectual Disability (INAS) and Paralympic events. They organize national ID sports championships.
    Maybe, Red knows a few "typsters and gypsters" who enter such betting contests.

    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by Garnabby View Post
    Whoops! That's my point. Exactly. Cunt.
    Then why didn't you write what I wrote if that was your point you sack of shit.
    Being called a sack of shit by Tablepooey says a lot ...


    Kansas City College of Osteopathy.

    What on Earth could this mean? I guess that he could use a little manipulation of the bones, joints and muscles. More than a bit tense given that all I did was parrot a few of his very own words to me.

    Anyway, you gotta admit that my previous reply was right on the mark with a lot of stuff. Such as Tablepooey and Mickey finally being matched up, as predicted by my reply at , and, with the placement of the p's and g's, as reflected in each of the two persons specified. The peace-to-you symbol even at the word, (rest in) peace. And, how the symbol for it is of a crossed-out P. I don't know, maybe, sort of like bookends around the other comments, as pp to gg, as in pages of a good game.

    I'm thinking that I might have gone a little hard on Monet, with the cellphone crack. But, you have to admit that he just might be the most photographed person alive, or dead. Imagine if he got royalties. Lol lol lol.

    Well, I get the feeling that we are slowly working toward something here. All of those 42's, and 137's, coming out. Now I recall another of the deleted works of Garnabby. Something about [(-1 +37) + 42] = 78 = (1 + 1)*(4*10 - 1) ---> 114_411. Who knows, whatever, I tried.

    About forgiveness, and letting go.

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    662 <-------------- 662 = (137*4 + 114) ---> 137_411_114.
    Last edited by Garnabby; 01-26-2022 at 05:33 PM.
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

    Blog at

  17. #577
    Originally Posted by Garnabby View Post
    It's possible that Canada didn't defund mental health facilities like we did stateside so he may end up getting the treatment he needs.
    During the 15-year period from 1960 to 1976, nearly two-thirds of Canada's 47,633 beds for the mentally ill were closed.
    The word used was possible, but your reading skills are pathetic. You'll just have to make due as an outpatient then if you decide to try and get help.

  18. #578
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by Garnabby View Post
    It's possible that Canada didn't defund mental health facilities like we did stateside so he may end up getting the treatment he needs.
    During the 15-year period from 1960 to 1976, nearly two-thirds of Canada's 47,633 beds for the mentally ill were closed.
    The word used was possible, but your reading skills are pathetic. You'll just have to make due as an outpatient then if you decide to try and get help.
    I meant only that I'm beyond any such of your mindless attempts at even comprehending my such confinement.

    Don't believe me? Feast your eyes on this lovely then.

    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    The word used was possible, but your reading skills are pathetic. You'll just have to make due as an outpatient then if you decide to try and get help.

    List of United States presidential elections where the winner lost the popular vote.

    Now, on to the same anagram, but with the added "VCT secret codeword-RIP" descrambler, to get a closer look into your, too, very own subconscious.

    VCT secret codeword RIP ... The word used was possible, but your reading skills are pathetic. You'll just have to make due as an outpatient then if you decide to try and get help.


    When you're up to your neck in alligators, it's easy to forget that the initial objective was to drain the swamp.

    Remind you of anyone in particular? Ha, how in the name of glorious Hell could this have happened? I think that this is the reason that you are so uptight, Mr. Tablepooey. Your poop in a loop. Always stepping in it.

    Originally Posted by Garnabby View Post
    What on Earth could this mean? I guess that he could use a little manipulation of the bones, joints and muscles. More than a bit tense given that all I did was parrot a few of his very own words to me.
    Which nicely brings me back around to the word, Cameroonian. Gosh, made me think of Cincinnatian, as if to make fun of the Bengals.

    What is "cincinnatian"

    a. Of or pertaining to the city of Cincinnati in Ohio. n. An inhabitant of Cincinnati.

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    663 ---> 663 = (1,000 - 337) ---> 1337 ---> 137.

    Now to similarly clean up the numeral, 662 a bit.

    If you'll notice, a few of the numerals to do with it in my previous reply were paired off. Firstly, 137 went with 42, which it should (but is too far from the scope of this forum to begin to explain), and, then, 137 went with 411_114. But, again, in my previous reply, there was a 411_114 that went thus unaccompanied. Just as the 662 went thus unaccompanied. Well, for the sake of symmetry, it's nice to express that 662 as ᘔ*331, by the old, inverted-2 trick. This way, it may be read as a 7 to give 7331 ---> 731, which is the reverse of my interpretation above of the numeral, 663. So, I think, that the numerals, 42, and, then, 137, each do a turn on their own. Something like this.

    Don't quote me on it. I'm past my bedtime, again. Likely lots of typos to fix up, on another day. Sort of looks like I may have to do a series of #666 posts, maybe, three or six, to properly and fully finish things up here, especially if the Chiefs are finally victorious. I mean, I will have to lay out my professed "undeniable" reasoning for this, since the day after the Eagles were eliminated. As I wrote before, but Dan deleted, last year I predicted it - on my very first try - to the nth degree in exquisite mathematical detail. Can I do it, again? Only time will tell. But, in either case, I shall vanish with the wind. Spine tingling either way. A graduation into the next realm. A new experience even if the numerals finally decide to abandon me. More precisely, the anagrams with gematria.
    Last edited by Garnabby; 01-26-2022 at 09:06 PM.
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

    Blog at

  19. #579
    Originally Posted by Garnabby View Post

    I meant only that I'm beyond any such of your mindless attempts at even comprehending my such confinement.

    Don't believe me? Feast your eyes on this lovely then.
    It is often impossible to know what you meant if you don't write what you meant. For example if you write that "the moon is made of green cheese" and then later state (after being corrected) that what you really meant is that you like to suck cocks who would know it from the original statement about the moon ?

  20. #580
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    It is often impossible to know what you meant if you don't write what you meant. For example if you write that "the moon is made of green cheese" and then later state (after being corrected) that what you really meant is that you like to suck cocks who would know it from the original statement about the moon ?
    I would like to see your sentence about the Moon and Sucking Certain Appendages on Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey.
    I think Jack Handey wrote this video below for Garnabby.

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