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Thread: Adele cancels all of her shows at last minute, fans outraged, many out big money

  1. #21
    Originally Posted by jpfromla View Post
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post
    I’m with Monet and Accounting question. No idea who she is, listened to some of her songs didn’t recognize a-one of them.
    She sang/wrote the Title song to the James Bond film "Skyfall"
    Are you kidding? If these lonely old men don't know a thing about Adele, they won't be watching entertaining Bond movies.

    Her biggest song has always been Rolling In The Deep. You had to be a basement-dwelling recluse not to have known about it.

  2. #22
    Originally Posted by jpfromla View Post
    She sang/wrote the Title song to the James Bond film "Skyfall"
    SkyFall was Trash.
    I have literally watched SkyFall at least 10 times and only remember the ending with the helicopter.
    That Movie is Forgettable.
    Daniel Craig is the worst Bond and has the worst Bond Movies.
    Daniel Craig is Forgettable.
    That song by this bitch where she keeps singing SkyFall was horrible... hate that song.
    Still don't know who Adele is and I don't care enough to look it up.
    The Day the Music died was in the mid 2000's... RIP

  3. #23
    The only reason I heard of her is because her billboards we're plastered all over the Strip for the last few weeks. Add me to the list that could give a fuck who she is.

    Anyone paying 5k to see a concert or any event for that matter has to be a special kind of stupid.......RIP

    I can't even stand fucking with the crowds to see any of this shit for free.

  4. #24
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    The only reason I heard of her is because her billboards we're plastered all over the Strip for the last few weeks. Add me to the list that could give a fuck who she is.

    Anyone paying 5k to see a concert or any event for that matter has to be a special kind of stupid.......RIP

    I can't even stand fucking with the crowds to see any of this shit for free.
    Going to any music concert these days is a complete nightmare.
    Everyone is holding up their cellphones recording the event right in front of your face.
    I don't understand why people want to watch the event on their phone instead of enjoying the experience in person.
    Fuck Cellphones.
    Fuck Recording Videos.
    And even though I have taken many pictures with my cellphone and posted them online... Fuck taking pictures with a cellphone.
    I'm doing better not taking pictures and not carrying my cellphone around with me.
    And I still have the iphone5 and will never change it unless it burns out.
    I'm going back to the rotary phone.
    Best Phone Ring and Dial Noise Ever!
    And while I am at it, Fuck all you people who personalize your ringtone for each individual caller.
    Fuck Rintones in general... mine is the classic phone ring.

  5. #25
    This is Barney

    Al Del is very greatest singer. Attached is most moving song is the Gladiator theme song where Al del sings the last chorus

    Last edited by Barney; 01-22-2022 at 08:26 PM.

  6. #26
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by jpfromla View Post
    She sang/wrote the Title song to the James Bond film "Skyfall"
    SkyFall was Trash.
    I have literally watched SkyFall at least 10 times and only remember the ending with the helicopter.
    That Movie is Forgettable.
    Daniel Craig is the worst Bond and has the worst Bond Movies.
    Daniel Craig is Forgettable.
    That song by this bitch where she keeps singing SkyFall was horrible... hate that song.
    Still don't know who Adele is and I don't care enough to look it up.
    The Day the Music died was in the mid 2000's... RIP
    The Skyfall song was the worst song of any James Bond movie (I'm pretty sure I've seen all of them, even the most recent completely horrible Woke pile of shit that just came out a couple months ago). It's amazing that anyone cares who this cunt is and why she cancelled her concert.

  7. #27
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    The Skyfall song was the worst song of any James Bond movie (I'm pretty sure I've seen all of them, even the most recent completely horrible Woke pile of shit that just came out a couple months ago). It's amazing that anyone cares who this cunt is and why she cancelled her concert.
    I rented the new James Bond Movie at Redbox one night a week or so ago.
    It was nice to see the classic car.
    Probably the best part of the movie but they over did the machine gun scene.
    I literally have forgotten the rest of the movie.
    Craig didn't even want to make it.
    All I remember is they are going to make 007 some black girl now.
    The Bond movies have been dead since Craig took over... RIP.
    Pierce Bronson deserved more movies but the PC World took over and he wasn't the right fit for the Woke Producers anymore.
    Octopussy might be the best name for a Bond Movie.
    George Lazenby made the most entertaining Bond Movie Ever and Kojak may have been the best vilian.
    They are showing reruns of Kojak on one of my TV Channels now.
    Good Show.
    True Story... Telly Savalas used to play and hang out at Caesars Palace.
    And Evil Knievel used to bet 2 grand on sports per day.
    His hangout was the Maxim.
    Back when Men were Men and Women loved them for it.
    Last edited by monet; 01-22-2022 at 08:39 PM.

  8. #28
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by jpfromla View Post
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post
    I’m with Monet and Accounting question. No idea who she is, listened to some of her songs didn’t recognize a-one of them.
    She sang/wrote the Title song to the James Bond film "Skyfall"
    Are you kidding? If these lonely old men don't know a thing about Adele, they won't be watching entertaining Bond movies.

    Her biggest song has always been Rolling In The Deep. You had to be a basement-dwelling recluse not to have known about it.
    Actually, LOL, this is completely true for me. I used to like James Bond movies but stopped being interested in them about 16years ago. Last one I remember seeing was the Casino Royale, I think it was called.

  9. #29
    lol the world has gone insane.
    5k MaxPen... according to an article I read they stated as high as 30k lol lol lol
    It appears she is a loon anyways as the article also said she did the same thing back in 2017.

    The singer was said to be earning $685,000, or half a million pounds, per performance.
    Black market tickets were reported to be exchanging hands for $30,000.
    Although Adele said all the shows will be rescheduled, she didn’t say when.

  10. #30
    Adele's most famous song. Video recorded when she was still fat. I used to hear this song all the time in the bars when I was still drinking.

    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  11. #31
    Fuck, you guys have some boring entertainment preferences, no offense.

    I have seen exactly zero James Bond movies from beginning to end. The N64 game was pretty good back in the day, though.

  12. #32
    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    Fuck, you guys have some boring entertainment preferences, no offense.

    I have seen exactly zero James Bond movies from beginning to end. The N64 game was pretty good back in the day, though.
    I've seen countless ones but don't know if I have seen one to completion in the last 20 years. Dgenben mentioned Casino Royale. I believe I went to see that one in the theater due to the gambling angle but may have it mixed up.

    Regardless those movies are a bit too formulistic. More aimed at simpletons like Singer.

  13. #33
    I just cleaned up this thread.

    Became hijacked by a discussion about internet jukeboxes and CDs, so I moved that stuff to its own thread here:

    I also banned Garnabby from this thread, because he's cluttering it with nonsense, and I deleted 22 posts with zero value to either thread.
    Check out my poker forum, and weekly internet radio show at

  14. #34
    Anyway, more news has come out. Yes, it seems Adele was full of shit, and indeed there was a lot more to the story.

    Read these two articles....

    Daily Mail:

    The Sun:

    Both are quite detailed.

    Here's the cliffs of what I got out of them:

    - Adele wanted a simple show where she mostly sings, and does little else. Caesars wanted a spectaular show with elaborate sets and effects. The two sides were constantly clashing over this.

    - Adele's biggest fight was over Caesars' demand that Adele have a 60-person choir backing her up. Adele absolutely did not want this.

    - Adele has well documented stage fright, and has admitted in several past interviews that she hates performing and that it makes her physically ill, due to anxiety. Unlike egotistical perromers like Criss Angel, Adele hates applause, and it makes her feel awkward.

    - Adele was having major fights with her (famous) set designer Brit "Es" Esmerelda, especially after Adele kept claiming to be "unhappy" with Es' work despite millions being spent on the set. It seemed that Adele was basically browbeat by Caesars into agreeing to have semi-elaborate sets, only to renege on the agreement once she saw the sets completed. This caused "endless changes" to the sets and the show, and the two sides could simply never reconcile something which made both happy.

    - It is unlikely that any makeup dates will happen before June, and very possible that it won't be until 2023. Some believe there will never be a makeup show. Adele has never made up any of her other past missed concerts.

    - People were highly doubting that Adele would really complete 24 shows in 12 weekends, given her hatred of performing. One person called it "madness" that she even attempted such a thing, given how difficult it is for her to get through a single performance.

    - In addition to canceling those two series of shows I mentioned in 2011 and 2017 due to "throat problems", she also cancelled shows in 2008 and 2016. The 2008 cancellation is most eyebrow-raising, as there was seemingly no reason for it, and she was only 20 and not that famous yet. This was huge opportunity for her, and yet she backed out of it.

    - Caesars employees were threatened with termination if any of them spoke to the media about Adele's show cancellations. This strongly implies the situation was about a lot more than just COVID.

    This really seems like a bad marriage, where Caesars (the man) wants to get married, the woman (Adele) very reluctantly agrees but isn't really into it, and then the man starts demanding that the woman makes all kinds of changes if she's going to be his wife. The result? A runaway bride.

    This show never should have been. I understand the temptation for Caesars to bring such a coveted act to its stage, but they should have seen this one coming. At the very least, they should have agreed upon a show concept beforehand, and then contractually bound Adele to it, with penalties for pulling out.

    Here it looks like they just haphazardly signed her, believing it would be a huge boon to them, and didn't bother to research that she hates performing, hates elaborate shows, and probably couldn't complete a 24-show residency if her life depended upon it.

    What a fail.
    Check out my poker forum, and weekly internet radio show at

  15. #35
    Another of Adele's more famous songs:

    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  16. #36
    Isn't Covid the go-to excuse for getting out of basically anything these days?

    It makes no sense that her contract didn't, line item by line item, identify every agreed-to specific of the show, along with the penalties that would be levied for non-compliance. And given her propensity to invite trouble into so many of her past shows, this just elaborates upon the incredible incompetence level of the Caesar's booking team.

  17. #37
    And another:

    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 01-25-2022 at 04:20 AM.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  18. #38
    This seems more senseless on the part of Caesars than Adele, to me, though the cancellation (and fact that the dates may never be made up) is ultimately on both parties.

    I'm not an Adele fan, or anything, but being familiar with a few of her songs, I would think that her crowd would be wanting her to just come out and sing. I couldn't imagine that her fans were expecting over-the-top theatrics and visuals, but what do I know?

  19. #39
    Here is a video of Adele live at some awards show or another in 2021:

    Take note of the standing in one place in front of a video screen and singing.

  20. #40
    Here's a full show:

    I only listened to the closer, Rolling in the Deep, though I clicked around at two-three minute intervals. Honestly, I'm not sure that she moved from that spot during the entire performance. That's just not what she does; she goes out and sings the songs. I can't imagine that she'd have objected to anything they wanted to do with the video wall or lights (as long as they didn't break her concentration), or whatever.

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