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Thread: Alan vs. KJ

  1. #601
    Just like Joe Biden and his den of stooges, when kew is faced with explaining one of his many, many lies, he pretends the discomfort doesn't exist and moves on.

    Kew, MDawg being wealthy is EXACTLY the problem with you. You are forever bothered by those who live better than you, succeed more than you, and have more than you. That's why you have a penchant for labeling others as "bitter". It's you in a nutshell.

    It's obvious you made an enormous forum/reputation-destroying mistake by claiming that MGM execs gave you dawg's gaming records. Got that cleared through your good buddy Nersesian, right? This is a good example of why everyone laughs at and knows how full of shit you always are, and how that type behavior is the basis in everything you say and do. You make up scenarios that help you cope, then force yourself into believing them so you don't go out of your mind. Classic suicide stuff in the making.

  2. #602
    You guys twisting words with your terminology like "MGM execs". Makes it sound like some big wig that will give out records to just anybody for the asking.

    I shouldn't have needed to spell it out but I have a friend that works at that particular organization that passed some info "unofficially". He also does this with database info about me. I am sure it is frowned upon within the company, maybe technically illegal (I have no idea) but that is the way life works sometimes.

    As for me being jealous of anyone because they are well off. Complete hog wash. I have said 20 times now I would have found mdog's story very interesting if he had just stuck to the truth. A rich dude gambling at levels most of us d9nt experience and getting comped accordingly at levels most of us will never experience. I would have found that fascinating! It is all the winning that is BS.

  3. #603
    Rob, you can go on and on with this suicide type nonsence but I think you know I am extremely happy with my life, where I am at and what I do. Honestly I have a great life and while not rich better than I really imagined when I started down this path.

    I guess that is your whole problem. You just hate that I am somewhat successful as an AP and enjoy doing it when you failed.

    Just relax, stop hating and enjoy what you have.

  4. #604
    Rob just gets a little salty when the wind picks up and starts blowing the camper around the trailer park.

  5. #605
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Rob, you can go on and on with this suicide type nonsence but I think you know I am extremely happy with my life, where I am at and what I do. Honestly I have a great life and while not rich better than I really imagined when I started down this path.

    I guess that is your whole problem. You just hate that I am somewhat successful as an AP and enjoy doing it when you failed.

    Just relax, stop hating and enjoy what you have.
    You just confirmed the second biggest problem serial liars have: DENIAL!

    There's always a very high probability you need to attempt to steady your squirm whenever you read the truth about yourself that comes directly on-target. You do it by obvious denials. Too bad everybody on every forum (I'm assuming comrade redietz was taken by Covid) already knows you and your "trying to set the records straight" is just more of the same nonsense from the forum wimp.

  6. #606
    Rob, you might get more traction if instead of devoting your analytical powers to flaming KJ you focused them instead on how to actively thwart our country's adversaries from furthering their agenda at our expense.

    By report you did it before, so why not join the agency again?

    Don't you miss all the cloak and dagger stuff?

    You know, where instead of "getting it out of your system" via homophobic slurs you actually shot, stabbed, and threw "bad guys" (and girls, and children) out of helicopters?

    You'd be James Bond again, but this time with a Corolla instead of an Aston Martin.
    What, Me Worry?

  7. #607
    Too old.

    And I don't drive rice burners.

  8. #608
    Yeah, I can relate.

    While retirement has many pleasant moments there's always the "damn, I'm out of the game" feeling.
    What, Me Worry?

  9. #609
    Wait a minute..... Kewlj isn't ACTUALLY Gay? He's actually Straight?Doesn't that mean he lied about his Male Partner dying?

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  10. #610
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Yeah, I can relate.

    While retirement has many pleasant moments there's always the "damn, I'm out of the game" feeling.
    It's for sure that feeling you're out of the game is something we have to deal with at times. I get it when I drive to and from the grocery store or to get take-out or anything else. Everyone but me seems to always be in a hurry as they stress out trying to get to where they gotta go. I no longer get upset at drivers who flip or cut me off for going the speed limit or stopping at yellow lights and stop signs--I just smile or wave at them, then keep my 10mm handy in case they're having a bad day at work, are being investigated by the IRS, or just had an argument with their spouse etc. People are very on edge and unpredictable these days, and they are SO unhappy overall. I'm kinda glad we're not really a part of this scoundrel-infested world anymore.

    An upside (other than those many pleasant moments) is being able to wear my Maga hat or Let's Go Brandon shirt anywhere I choose without some company or the govt telling me I'm fired if I show up in either again. I can show my support for Israel and the Jewish people without offending some ignorant boss somewhere. Unfortunately but true, while that State does have serious issues with the Palestinians, they do not have the scourge of the blacks and all the "walking on eggs" and "apologizing for being white" that comes with it. Like it or not, the majority of blacks in this country are bad actors--maybe by by just a slight bit but true nonetheless. But I can use and say the word nigger when referring to the many thugs in that group, and not get cancelled or have my career ruined. If a forum nukes me then it has zero effect because my real life is so good. And yes, I can bash queers and transgender freaks and throw up at the thought of gay marriage, with most people agreeing with me on the inside but nervous enough to scold me for it on the outside.

    Retirement also means freedom. After dinner tonight we're getting in the car and driving overnight to Incline Village to meet a couple we used to know in Hawaii.

    I'm am so glad I'm not trying to make it in this f'd-up world any more. I'd get fired on day 1.

  11. #611
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    Wait a minute..... Kewlj isn't ACTUALLY Gay? He's actually Straight?Doesn't that mean he lied about his Male Partner dying?
    Kewlj isn't ACTUALLY gay in the same way that you aren't ACTUALLY a begging degenerate piece of shit that needs self ban from every casino within easy bus access of your hovel.

  12. #612
    Originally Posted by jdaewoo View Post
    Kewlj isn't ACTUALLY gay in the same way that you aren't ACTUALLY a begging degenerate piece of shit that needs self ban from every casino within easy bus access of your hovel.
    What a Fucking Cunt you are.
    134 posts of nothing but pure troll.

  13. #613
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by jdaewoo View Post
    Kewlj isn't ACTUALLY gay in the same way that you aren't ACTUALLY a begging degenerate piece of shit that needs self ban from every casino within easy bus access of your hovel.
    What a Fucking Cunt you are.
    134 posts of nothing but pure troll.
    Thank you. I put Jdaewoo on Ignore when he kept harassing me with that same shit even for non Gambling Threads and posts. I smiled politely and asked him politely to stop and he continued. I FINALLY went off on him after he harassed me over and over with this same harassing shit and someone else told ME off and rallied for MY permanent banning instead of saying something like,"You know, Jdaewoo, Tasha's right. You are harrasing her and she asked you politely to stop and you're still harassing her. Knock it off." I put them BOTH of my Ignore List. I don't have to take the Harassment.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  14. #614
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by jdaewoo View Post
    Kewlj isn't ACTUALLY gay in the same way that you aren't ACTUALLY a begging degenerate piece of shit that needs self ban from every casino within easy bus access of your hovel.
    What a Fucking Cunt you are.
    134 posts of nothing but pure troll.
    Thank you. I put Jdaewoo on Ignore when he kept harassing me with that same shit even for non Gambling Threads and posts. I smiled politely and asked him politely to stop and he continued. I FINALLY went off on him after he harassed me over and over with this same harassing shit and someone else told ME off and rallied for MY permanent banning instead of saying something like,"You know, Jdaewoo, Tasha's right. You are harrasing her and she asked you politely to stop and you're still harassing her. Knock it off." I put them BOTH of my Ignore List. I don't have to take the Harassment.
    Looks like the retard is getting bolder with her STARBURGER sock over at WoV, not even hiding it anymore using her catch phrases like Hmmm. Even Soopoo called her out on it but got warned by OD. It’s obvious to everyone but like when AP did it, everyone knows it and laughs about it.

    Sounds like the Brit must feel bad for the retard.

  15. #615
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post

    What a Fucking Cunt you are.
    134 posts of nothing but pure troll.
    Thank you. I put Jdaewoo on Ignore when he kept harassing me with that same shit even for non Gambling Threads and posts. I smiled politely and asked him politely to stop and he continued. I FINALLY went off on him after he harassed me over and over with this same harassing shit and someone else told ME off and rallied for MY permanent banning instead of saying something like,"You know, Jdaewoo, Tasha's right. You are harrasing her and she asked you politely to stop and you're still harassing her. Knock it off." I put them BOTH of my Ignore List. I don't have to take the Harassment.
    Looks like the retard is getting bolder with her STARBURGER sock over at WoV, not even hiding it anymore using her catch phrases like Hmmm. Even Soopoo called her out on it but got warned by OD. It’s obvious to everyone but like when AP did it, everyone knows it and laughs about it.

    Sounds like the Brit must feel bad for the retard.
    OnceDear is a loyal fan of Tasha's lurking in 8th position, due to being an irrelevant 1.7 posts per month slug. Most of his 20 posts per year were dedicated to her. Your second place spot is very secure Boz, the persistent uncreative/repetitive one line wonder has no chance of leap frogging from his current 3rd place unless he gets a hell of a lot more creative. He should stick to his primary account !

  16. #616
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post

    Thank you. I put Jdaewoo on Ignore when he kept harassing me with that same shit even for non Gambling Threads and posts. I smiled politely and asked him politely to stop and he continued. I FINALLY went off on him after he harassed me over and over with this same harassing shit and someone else told ME off and rallied for MY permanent banning instead of saying something like,"You know, Jdaewoo, Tasha's right. You are harrasing her and she asked you politely to stop and you're still harassing her. Knock it off." I put them BOTH of my Ignore List. I don't have to take the Harassment.
    Looks like the retard is getting bolder with her STARBURGER sock over at WoV, not even hiding it anymore using her catch phrases like Hmmm. Even Soopoo called her out on it but got warned by OD. It’s obvious to everyone but like when AP did it, everyone knows it and laughs about it.

    Sounds like the Brit must feel bad for the retard.
    OnceDear is a loyal fan of Tasha's lurking in 8th position, due to being an irrelevant 1.7 posts per month slug. Most of his 20 posts per year were dedicated to her. Your second place spot is very secure Boz, the persistent uncreative/repetitive one line wonder has no chance of leap frogging from his current 3rd place unless he gets a hell of a lot more creative. He should stick to his primary account !
    Starburger isn't me and I REALLY wish People would stop accusing me of being Random Posters. Multiple Legitimate Newbies have fled after being accused of being me and never returned. Besides, Starburger said they made a $300 bet and lost. When have I EVER made a $300 bet? $300 is about half my paycheck! I had trouble paying $100 bets, WHY would I make a $300 bet? O.O

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  17. #617
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post

    Looks like the retard is getting bolder with her STARBURGER sock over at WoV, not even hiding it anymore using her catch phrases like Hmmm. Even Soopoo called her out on it but got warned by OD. It’s obvious to everyone but like when AP did it, everyone knows it and laughs about it.

    Sounds like the Brit must feel bad for the retard.
    OnceDear is a loyal fan of Tasha's lurking in 8th position, due to being an irrelevant 1.7 posts per month slug. Most of his 20 posts per year were dedicated to her. Your second place spot is very secure Boz, the persistent uncreative/repetitive one line wonder has no chance of leap frogging from his current 3rd place unless he gets a hell of a lot more creative. He should stick to his primary account !
    Starburger isn't me and I REALLY wish People would stop accusing me of being Random Posters. Multiple Legitimate Newbies have fled after being accused of being me and never returned. Besides, Starburger said they made a $300 bet and lost. When have I EVER made a $300 bet? $300 is about half my paycheck! I had trouble paying $100 bets, WHY would I make a $300 bet? O.O
    Fuck you, it’s YOU and you know it. It’s why everything thinks you are such a piece of shit, because you LIE and continue to LIE. Even after being caught lying you keep at it, lying and lying again. And then promising to not do it again. You are seriously fucked in the head.

  18. #618
    Posts that show this is you or you have a twin that the best part of ran down your mothers leg, just like you.

    “ Hmm. Maybe "need," isn't the term I should have used. I think I should have said something like,"There will be a new Vaccine being made and pushed for every new Variant that pops up."

    “ Doxing can be a slippery slope. As I see it, saying you saw a Poster on this Website at Bellagio isn't Doxing, but taking a picture of a said Poster at Bellagio and posting it on here without their permission is a form of doxing.”

    Typical stupid analogy that it uses to try and make others think it’s IQ is above 80.

    You LIE Tasha and you know it.

  19. #619
    Tasha, you should follow Boz's lead. Every single time he's created one of his many doozies, he has admitted/taken credit for all of them. Jig is up Tusha, even though you have the most sock/dupes in the history of forums, you're not anywhere near as elite as another well known member. He's the sock/dupe King and will surpass you for total amount of dupes in the near future. Pure genius !

  20. #620
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    Tasha, you should follow Boz's lead. Every single time he's created one of his many doozies, he has admitted/taken credit for all of them. Jig is up Tusha, even though you have the most sock/dupes in the history of forums, you're not anywhere near as elite as another well known member. He's the sock/dupe King and will surpass you for total amount of dupes in the near future. Pure genius !
    But I am not Starburger and would REALLY like those unfair Accusations to stop.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

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