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Thread: Singer VS Crimm

  1. #1
    Two gritty veteran forum warriors with very colourful history's are currently in a battle for first to get to 10k posts, this is a VCT milestone. The only other pioneer to accomplish this is AWOL defunct crybaby Alan/Andrew. Singer has a comfortable lead currently sitting at 9670 with a somewhat inconsistent erratic posting volume. Crimm has 9209 posts and has a lot more momentum going then Robbie has. Which one of these hardcores is going to get there first ? Reliving the forum glory days when these two jokers, had some of the best back in forths in the last 15+ years. One thing is certain whatever happens, these two are an absolute shoe in for the forum Hall of Fame.

  2. #2
    Neck and neck; who will falter and who will grab the brass ring>

    So much at stake.

    What, Me Worry?

  3. #3
    If Kewlj is posting here it will be slobby Robby. If Kew takes a break Mick has a chance.

  4. #4
    I know Ozzy and a few others celebrate the act of the troll. I don't.

    Mickeycrimm is a real advantage player and a top notch one at that. He has shared some of his story, some of what he does in great detail, supported by the math, and has at times called out those making claims that can't be because they defy of those being Singer. AP's and really anyone have a right to do this, if the math doesn't work.

    Rob Singer is a guy who for decades now has made claims that defy math. I am not even speaking of the double up bug claim, which is a real claim, just one that he stole. I am talking about all the progression system wagering claims, special plays, stop limit, machines telepathing information, duplicate short term variance type wins, overcoming long-term negative expectation. Mickeycrimm and others had and still have every right to challenge these math defying claims.

    And because Singer can't answer for these challenges to claims that defy math, he personally attacks those that legitimately challenge. This is a pure troll play. And the play of a bully meant to send a message to others, not to challenge his fantasy claims. Mickey, just refused to allow this bullying and trolled back.

    I get that Ozzy and others enjoy that, but for God sakes, don't even mention Singer in the same breath as Mickeycrimm. One is a real advantage player who has shared his story and plays backed by mathematics. The other an internet troll/bully making claims that defy math.

    And now others seem to be following that same playbook. When they can't answer legitimate challenges to their claims that defy math, they resort to personal attacks.

  5. #5
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I know Ozzy and a few others celebrate the act of the troll. I don't.

    Mickeycrimm is a real advantage player and a top notch one at that. He has shared some of his story, some of what he does in great detail, supported by the math, and has at times called out those making claims that can't be because they defy of those being Singer. AP's and really anyone have a right to do this, if the math doesn't work.

    Rob Singer is a guy who for decades now has made claims that defy math. I am not even speaking of the double up bug claim, which is a real claim, just one that he stole. I am talking about all the progression system wagering claims, special plays, stop limit, machines telepathing information, duplicate short term variance type wins, overcoming long-term negative expectation. Mickeycrimm and others had and still have every right to challenge these math defying claims.

    And because Singer can't answer for these challenges to claims that defy math, he personally attacks those that legitimately challenge. This is a pure troll play. And the play of a bully meant to send a message to others, not to challenge his fantasy claims. Mickey, just refused to allow this bullying and trolled back.

    I get that Ozzy and others enjoy that, but for God sakes, don't even mention Singer in the same breath as Mickeycrimm. One is a real advantage player who has shared his story and plays backed by mathematics. The other an internet troll/bully making claims that defy math.

    And now others seem to be following that same playbook. When they can't answer legitimate challenges to their claims that defy math, they resort to personal attacks.

    Kewl, who is more evil Putin or Singer?

  6. #6
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I know Ozzy and a few others celebrate the act of the troll. I don't.

    Mickeycrimm is a real advantage player and a top notch one at that. He has shared some of his story, some of what he does in great detail, supported by the math, and has at times called out those making claims that can't be because they defy of those being Singer. AP's and really anyone have a right to do this, if the math doesn't work.

    Rob Singer is a guy who for decades now has made claims that defy math. I am not even speaking of the double up bug claim, which is a real claim, just one that he stole. I am talking about all the progression system wagering claims, special plays, stop limit, machines telepathing information, duplicate short term variance type wins, overcoming long-term negative expectation. Mickeycrimm and others had and still have every right to challenge these math defying claims.

    And because Singer can't answer for these challenges to claims that defy math, he personally attacks those that legitimately challenge. This is a pure troll play. And the play of a bully meant to send a message to others, not to challenge his fantasy claims. Mickey, just refused to allow this bullying and trolled back.

    I get that Ozzy and others enjoy that, but for God sakes, don't even mention Singer in the same breath as Mickeycrimm. One is a real advantage player who has shared his story and plays backed by mathematics. The other an internet troll/bully making claims that defy math.

    And now others seem to be following that same playbook. When they can't answer legitimate challenges to their claims that defy math, they resort to personal attacks.
    Another going-nowhere essay from the most prolific forum-phony of all time.

  7. #7
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I know Ozzy and a few others celebrate the act of the troll. I don't.

    And now others seem to be following that same playbook. When they can't answer legitimate challenges to their claims that defy math, they resort to personal attacks.

    Kewl, who is more evil Putin or Singer?
    Kewwwl, puuuhleeze. I sincerely want to read your take.

    Let me put it another way, who cause a greater harm to the world?

    Well let me put it yet another way..

    Is it more admirable to valiantly defend your homeland of Ukraine or more admirable to make sure no one believes Rob Singer?

    Which of these 2 group of defenders is more important?

  8. #8
    Don't be an asshole, AinQ. I never said or implied Singer, Mdog or any person intentionally misleading other gamblers and players were on a level with madmen world leaders murdering people.

    This isn't supposed to be a political forum and I try to steer clear of political discussions, even as horrendous as the Ukranian situation is. What this is supposed to be is a gambling forum. And to that, people that repeatedly spout bullshit claims that defy math, reality and serve to harm other that will attempt to duplicate, should be called out. And if the person is going to continue to repeat the BS claims, then the calling out should also be continuous.

    I had this very discussion with Norm Wattenberger on the blackjack forum that I first called someone out for claims that defied math. It so happens the poster was the leading poster on that forum (isn't that always the case). The guy had 14,000 posts when no one else even had 4000. And most of his 14,000 posts were about his bullshit super duper count and claims that defied math. I criticized Norm, a math guy for not calling out the claims. Norm responded that he had called out the claims as BS and he was right...he had. Maybe half dozen time. But the guy made these claims thousands of times! THAT is the way these guys work. They just keep repeating their BS claims, knowing they can overwhelm anyone challenging them. It then becomes a case of a lie repeated enough times becomes accepted as the truth.

    Well, I sorry if it bothers you, but I won't let that happen. As long as these BSers continue to repeat their claims, I will continue to call them out.

  9. #9
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    What this is supposed to be is a gambling forum. And to that, people that repeatedly spout bullshit claims that defy math, reality and serve to harm other that will attempt to duplicate, should be called out. And if the person is going to continue to repeat the BS claims, then the calling out should also be continuous.
    Spike/Evenbob and a few others are over on Gambling Forums continually saying they consistently beat roulette. You post a lot over there yet you never call them out on their bullshit. Why? Here you say people that defy the math should be continually called out. Why aren't you calling them out?
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  10. #10
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Spike/Evenbob and a few others are over on Gambling Forums continually saying they consistently beat roulette. You post a lot over there yet you never call them out on their bullshit. Why? Here you say people that defy the math should be continually called out. Why aren't you calling them out?
    I don't read Spike, nor the roulette threads. I am also trying not to participate there much as the owner allowed people to doxx a fulltime player, trying to harm or end their career. THAT I cannot support. Why are YOU reading him and if it bothers you, you should say something.

    But here is the difference with Spike. 1) No one takes him seriously. It is obvious from his long history he wants to argue. Now before you claim the same of Singer, there were people on this forum like SlingShot who admitted to trying to use Singer's progression system. And surely there were others. The guy wrote 2 books for God sakes.

    Also, again, I don't read Spike, so I don't know what his claims are as to specifics. What I have read I don't remember him promoting progression wagering. I only remember him vaguely saying he beats roulette with no explanation. So I have nothing to challenge. Again, if YOU have read something more specific, YOU should challenge him.

  11. #11
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    What this is supposed to be is a gambling forum. And to that, people that repeatedly spout bullshit claims that defy math, reality and serve to harm other that will attempt to duplicate, should be called out. And if the person is going to continue to repeat the BS claims, then the calling out should also be continuous.
    Spike/Evenbob and a few others are over on Gambling Forums continually saying they consistently beat roulette. You post a lot over there yet you never call them out on their bullshit. Why? Here you say people that defy the math should be continually called out. Why aren't you calling them out?
    Well certainly one would expect kew to follow thru on his claim of being the AP Sheriff on all internet gaming forums. However, the administrator over at GF caught onto, exposed, and excoriated kew for being full of shit on multiple occasions. So we can understand his timidness and excuse for once again, failing to do what he espouses.

    According to kew, people who seem to defy gambling math should be called out . But just like our lying president's despicable cowering from behind pansy-ass NATO's allowing Putin to do whatever inhumane actions he chooses after our Joey promised the people of Ukraine he'd "always have their back" in 2014, all liberals seem to meltdown like warm, rotten butter when actual rubber hits the road.
    Last edited by Rob.Singer; 03-07-2022 at 04:55 PM.

  12. #12
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    However, the administrator over at GF caught onto, exposed, and excoriated kew for being full of shit on multiple occasions.
    This is another Singer lie. The administrator NEVER said I was full of shit. What he said was "I wasn't special". I had requested that Mdog and Moses not be allowed to doxx me, potentially harming my career. His response was that I wasn't special....a position no other gambling forum administrator would take. But of course that guy isn't a gambling guy...he is a guy that runs forums....all different kind of forums. And that is why few real gambling people and even fewer AP's participate there. There once was a whole group of real players and AP's, mickey and myself and Axel and several others that were there.

    So you know what that retard (The GF administrator) does when someone doxxes like Mdog and Moses did? His penalty is he slows their internet access down for a few days. This is also a penalty he imposes on me when I say something negative about him.

  13. #13
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    What this is supposed to be is a gambling forum. And to that, people that repeatedly spout bullshit claims that defy math, reality and serve to harm other that will attempt to duplicate, should be called out. And if the person is going to continue to repeat the BS claims, then the calling out should also be continuous.
    Spike/Evenbob and a few others are over on Gambling Forums continually saying they consistently beat roulette. You post a lot over there yet you never call them out on their bullshit. Why? Here you say people that defy the math should be continually called out. Why aren't you calling them out?
    Well certainly one would expect kew to follow thru on his claim of being the AP Sheriff on all internet gaming forums. However, the administrator over at GF caught onto, exposed, and excoriated kew for being full of shit on multiple occasions. So we can understand his timidness and excuse for once again, failing to do what he espouses.

    According to kew, people who seem to defy gambling math should be called out . But just like our lying president's despicable cowering from behind pansy-ass NATO's allowing Putin to do whatever inhumane actions he chooses after our Joey promised the people of Ukraine he'd "always have their back" in 2014, all liberals seem to meltdown like warm, rotten butter when actual rubber hits the road.
    Rob if you had to vote for the lesser of the evils, who would you choose ? Senile Bumbling Biden or you're buddy Barrack Osama ?

  14. #14
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Don't be an asshole, AinQ. I never said or implied Singer, Mdog or any person intentionally misleading other gamblers and players were on a level with madmen world leaders murdering people.

    This isn't supposed to be a political forum and I try to steer clear of political discussions, even as horrendous as the Ukranian situation is. What this is supposed to be is a gambling forum. And to that, people that repeatedly spout bullshit claims that defy math, reality and serve to harm other that will attempt to duplicate, should be called out. And if the person is going to continue to repeat the BS claims, then the calling out should also be continuous.

    I had this very discussion with Norm Wattenberger on the blackjack forum that I first called someone out for claims that defied math. It so happens the poster was the leading poster on that forum (isn't that always the case). The guy had 14,000 posts when no one else even had 4000. And most of his 14,000 posts were about his bullshit super duper count and claims that defied math. I criticized Norm, a math guy for not calling out the claims. Norm responded that he had called out the claims as BS and he was right...he had. Maybe half dozen time. But the guy made these claims thousands of times! THAT is the way these guys work. They just keep repeating their BS claims, knowing they can overwhelm anyone challenging them. It then becomes a case of a lie repeated enough times becomes accepted as the truth.

    Well, I sorry if it bothers you, but I won't let that happen. As long as these BSers continue to repeat their claims, I will continue to call them out.
    Kewl, I try to not take this stuff too seriously. I've had similar issues as you do in the past. Ultimately I'm just razzing you. It is too enticing to me when you take yourself so seriously. I'm basically an anti-social troll.

    Asshole or not, I hope I made a few people chuckle. Your obsession with the goofball that is Rob Singer is one of the best most consistent things this forum has going for it.

    You keep on being you and regardless of what the admin of GF says, YOU ARE SPECIAL.


  15. #15
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Spike/Evenbob and a few others are over on Gambling Forums continually saying they consistently beat roulette. You post a lot over there yet you never call them out on their bullshit. Why? Here you say people that defy the math should be continually called out. Why aren't you calling them out?
    I don't read Spike, nor the roulette threads. I am also trying not to participate there much as the owner allowed people to doxx a fulltime player, trying to harm or end their career. THAT I cannot support. Why are YOU reading him and if it bothers you, you should say something.

    But here is the difference with Spike. 1) No one takes him seriously. It is obvious from his long history he wants to argue. Now before you claim the same of Singer, there were people on this forum like SlingShot who admitted to trying to use Singer's progression system. And surely there were others. The guy wrote 2 books for God sakes.

    Also, again, I don't read Spike, so I don't know what his claims are as to specifics. What I have read I don't remember him promoting progression wagering. I only remember him vaguely saying he beats roulette with no explanation. So I have nothing to challenge. Again, if YOU have read something more specific, YOU should challenge him.
    Spike says he beats roulette everyday and you are saying you don't give a fuck about his math defying lies. Why are you giving HIM a pass? You just said anyone that says they defy the math sould be called out everyday. But here you are not doing it. That makes you a bald face liar.

    And it means you are really going after people not because of math defying claims but because you have a grudge.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  16. #16
    The administration at GF have absolutely no credibility. Just go back to it's founding and all of the fake profiles they created. And they still steal posts from other sites.

  17. #17

  18. #18
    GF might be a farce overall, but I have a lot more respect for the Admin over there then I do for weasel boy Rusty and his "house". At least the restrictions are at a bare minimum over at GF.

  19. #19
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    However, the administrator over at GF caught onto, exposed, and excoriated kew for being full of shit on multiple occasions.
    This is another Singer lie. The administrator NEVER said I was full of shit. What he said was "I wasn't special". I had requested that Mdog and Moses not be allowed to doxx me, potentially harming my career. His response was that I wasn't special....a position no other gambling forum administrator would take. But of course that guy isn't a gambling guy...he is a guy that runs forums....all different kind of forums. And that is why few real gambling people and even fewer AP's participate there. There once was a whole group of real players and AP's, mickey and myself and Axel and several others that were there.

    So you know what that retard (The GF administrator) does when someone doxxes like Mdog and Moses did? His penalty is he slows their internet access down for a few days. This is also a penalty he imposes on me when I say something negative about him.
    Kew is not special like he wants to believe he is, because he's always so full of shit.

    You know that's true, I know that's true, and the GF admin. obviously knows it's true. You also know what a laughing stock you are across the forums. Plus you love licking hairy asses.

    So take your medicine and stop having nervous breakdowns!

  20. #20
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Kew is not special like he wants to believe he is, because he's always so full of shit.

    You know that's true, I know that's true, and the GF admin. obviously knows it's true. You also know what a laughing stock you are across the forums. Plus you love licking hairy asses.

    So take your medicine and stop having nervous breakdowns!
    I have never heard anyone....not a single person on any gambling forum, talk about licking hairy asses other than you, completely infatuated with gay male sex. I have no doubt you are the biggest, closeted fag on the internet.

    Rob hates fags and he hates blacks because Rob is a closeted fag of African heritage. Self hate!

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