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Thread: Joe's Woes

  1. #41
    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    Maximum age for first term president should be 62, US acts like it’s more of a minimum age. If you’re old enough for a traditional retirement and age based benefits, you’re too old to be president.

    What’s best for an aging leader and many people of their age range who he will be naturally biased towards is generally shitting on the future or passing the buck, what’s to worry about when you’ll be gone, fuck those kids.

    Either that, or to prevent age-bias, run them through a battery of physical and mental tests, the results of which are public. Hell, make the testing itself public.

    Plus, how can you have every American filling out a standard job application giving prospective employers access to high school and college grades and such, but presidential candidates get to hide whatever details they prefer? Being president is a job -- the people are the employer. Every candidate's grades, every misdemeanor or arrest, every SAT score and IQ test, should be available to the public.

    How can getting into a college be more transparent than becoming president?

    Biden should have had televised Alzheimer's tests. Trump should have been disqualified for hiding all of his grades and taxes every step of the way. If a person is an idiot, either proven via psych testing or his grades, then why is he a candidate for president?
    What would making the tests public do? Donald Trump would fail a second grade reading comprehension test and the Evangelicals would love him more for it. If nothing else, it would mean the two groups had more in common.

    Other than listening to these snowflake righties bitch (though, not as annoyingly as the Far Left) all the time, I don't really hear from or about Biden all that much, so I immediately prefer him to Donald Trump. As far as Biden's policies, it seems like he really can't get that much accomplished, which is just fine with me, because usually things getting accomplished leads to having to hear one side or the other bitch about something, so I'll take nothing getting accomplished.
    What is your lefty ass talking about? Biden has accomplished one hell of a lot in just one year being president:

    By cancelling oil leases, drilling and pipeline contracts Biden has accomplished gas prices rising by 50% so far.

    By cancelling Trump's conditions for pulling out of Afghanistan Biden accomplished pulling the troops out before the civilians. He accomplished pissing off the NATO countries, getting 13 Americans killed, leaving hundreds of Americans stranded in Afghanistan. He accomplished getting condemned by the English parliament, and getting the other NATO countries to call the Afghan pullout the biggest debacle in NATO history. Oh, and he accomplished leaving billions of dollars worth of our military equipment on the ground.

    By cancelling "Stay in Mexico" and not enforcing immigration laws Biden accomplished flooding the country with over 2 million covid infected illegals who are placing tremendous strain on social and police and medical services while taxpayers are footing the bill.

    Biden's blunderful foreign policy has accomplished getting the Iranians to thumb their noses at us, emboldening the Chinese to consider invading Taiwan, and getting Putin to amass troops on the Ukrainian boder for a potential invasion.

    By printing 8 trillion dollars in the last year Biden has accomplished an inflation rate of 10% with no end in sight.

    Biden has accomplished appointing people to federal posts not because they are the best qualified but because they are gay, trans or LGBT. So incompetence reigns in the federal bureaucracy.

    Biden has accomplished a two-tiered justice system in the DOJ. Right wing protesters get the book thrown at them, left wing protestors get the charges dropped.

    Biden has accomplished a weak military by infiltrating it with woke ass bullshit.

    Another Biden accomplishment just announced today. There is no federal solution to the covid problem.

    Biden has been a failure in everything except....I point to one success by him. His wokism and policies have weakened the Democratic party to the point they are going to be wiped out in the midterm elections. Republicans will take back over the house and senate. Now that's an accomplishment by Biden that I like.

    Independent voters sway the presidential elections and they have learned their lesson. Trump will return to the Presidency in 2024 (as long as he is in good health) to fix all of Biden's "accomplishments."
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  2. #42

    You're getting the really short version because I don't think I can do politics with you and I'm not convinced you read my posts anyway.

    1.) I'm a Libertarian, not a lefty.

    2.) Biden is not 100% responsible for the increase to gas prices, though I am sure he bears more than 0% responsibility...which is not a position I would typically take on POTUS because, in general, I don't think they have much direct influence over economic matters on a day-to-day basis. The biggest matter at hand is the demand for fuel compared to overall world production and distribution...but I can't imagine citing numbers and making a logical argument will advance my position with you, so I'm just going to leave it there.

    3.) "Stay in Mexico," do you want to have workers, or not? As it stands now, people are already flatly refusing to work and employers have to practically beg people to come take jobs. Personally, if Mexicans want to come up here and take the jobs that n0ot only do other Americans seem not to want---but are actually directly refusing---then I'm all for it.

    No offense to them, but I also think they will work for less, (but still hopefully within legal wages) which decreases payroll expenses and, ideally, helps assuage the upward trajectory in prices, especially since the consumer focus has shifted to a large degree from services to goods over the last two years.

    IOW, if you care about prices, you should want more immigrant workers.

    4.) I don't know anything about foreign policy, regardless of who is in office and have no opinion.

    5.) Oh, please, as if we weren't printing new money when Trump was in office. He also signed the, "Relief and recovery," bills Congress put on his desk---stimulus, expanded unemployment, etc...Besides, you seem to assume that I'd be in favor of any of those things, when I was not in favor of any of them...not with Biden, not with Trump. Obviously, these disbursements are also largely responsible to increases in consumer demand which, you guessed it, cause prices to increase.

    6.) Incompetence already reigned in the Federal bureaucracy. How long was Scaramucci the communications director, seventeen minutes?

    7.) I'd have gunned down those storming the Capitol Building after first giving those people a reasonable time to leave; and I'd have gunned down those doing looting and rioting in other places (including the autonomous zone in Portland) after first giving those people a reasonable time to leave. I see no meaningful difference in the actions of the two groups. It all amounts to treason.

    8.) I lack sufficient knowledge on military policy to offer an informed opinion.

    9.) What would you want the Feds to do about Covid? I think they should promote (not force) the vaccines, have whatever policies they wish for Federal holdings and Federal employees and otherwise leave how to handle the matter for State Governors.

    10.) I don't mind them getting wiped out in the midterms. I'm always going to be a fan of the two bodies of Congress hopefully being different parties in the majority and, if they are to be the same, preferably being different in the majority to the party that the POTUS is.

    11.) I still would not want Trump to win in 2024. Whatever happened to Paul Ryan? I probably wouldn't mind if Paul Ryan made a run at it. Can't say I'd automatically vote for him, but I would think about it.

  3. #43
    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post

    You're getting the really short version because I don't think I can do politics with you and I'm not convinced you read my posts anyway.

    1.) I'm a Libertarian, not a lefty.

    2.) Biden is not 100% responsible for the increase to gas prices, though I am sure he bears more than 0% responsibility...which is not a position I would typically take on POTUS because, in general, I don't think they have much direct influence over economic matters on a day-to-day basis. The biggest matter at hand is the demand for fuel compared to overall world production and distribution...but I can't imagine citing numbers and making a logical argument will advance my position with you, so I'm just going to leave it there.

    3.) "Stay in Mexico," do you want to have workers, or not? As it stands now, people are already flatly refusing to work and employers have to practically beg people to come take jobs. Personally, if Mexicans want to come up here and take the jobs that n0ot only do other Americans seem not to want---but are actually directly refusing---then I'm all for it.

    No offense to them, but I also think they will work for less, (but still hopefully within legal wages) which decreases payroll expenses and, ideally, helps assuage the upward trajectory in prices, especially since the consumer focus has shifted to a large degree from services to goods over the last two years.

    IOW, if you care about prices, you should want more immigrant workers.

    4.) I don't know anything about foreign policy, regardless of who is in office and have no opinion.

    5.) Oh, please, as if we weren't printing new money when Trump was in office. He also signed the, "Relief and recovery," bills Congress put on his desk---stimulus, expanded unemployment, etc...Besides, you seem to assume that I'd be in favor of any of those things, when I was not in favor of any of them...not with Biden, not with Trump. Obviously, these disbursements are also largely responsible to increases in consumer demand which, you guessed it, cause prices to increase.

    6.) Incompetence already reigned in the Federal bureaucracy. How long was Scaramucci the communications director, seventeen minutes?

    7.) I'd have gunned down those storming the Capitol Building after first giving those people a reasonable time to leave; and I'd have gunned down those doing looting and rioting in other places (including the autonomous zone in Portland) after first giving those people a reasonable time to leave. I see no meaningful difference in the actions of the two groups. It all amounts to treason.

    8.) I lack sufficient knowledge on military policy to offer an informed opinion.

    9.) What would you want the Feds to do about Covid? I think they should promote (not force) the vaccines, have whatever policies they wish for Federal holdings and Federal employees and otherwise leave how to handle the matter for State Governors.

    10.) I don't mind them getting wiped out in the midterms. I'm always going to be a fan of the two bodies of Congress hopefully being different parties in the majority and, if they are to be the same, preferably being different in the majority to the party that the POTUS is.

    11.) I still would not want Trump to win in 2024. Whatever happened to Paul Ryan? I probably wouldn't mind if Paul Ryan made a run at it. Can't say I'd automatically vote for him, but I would think about it.
    Trump took us to energy independence which we hadn't seen in 70 years. Biden quickly took us back to foreign dependence on oil. That caused the spike in gas prices. Then Biden begged the Arabs and Russia to produce more oil. The heighth of incompetence is cancelling the Keystone Pipeline and simultaneously approving the Nord Stream Pipeline for the Russians. Trump opened up the ANWR oil, largest reserve in U.S, Biden quickly closed it back down. Idiot.

    I have no problem with Mexicans taking jobs in the U.S. They just need to cross the border legally. It is illegal for Americans to cross the Mexican border without going thru a checkpoint. So why should Mexicans be allowed to cross our border without going thru a checkpoint?

    When Biden ran for president he castigated Trump for doing a bad job on covid and promised he would stop covid dead in its tracks.

    Yeah, a couple trillion gets printed under Trump so Biden should be allowed to print 13 trillion sending inflation spiraling. You betcha.

    I just listened to an ex soldier on youtube explain what wokism does to the military. Soldiers are in the military to defend the country. And at the same time wokism is teaching them that America is an evil fascist racist country. Do you know what kind of quandry that puts the soldiers in? They start questioning themselves about why they are defending an evil fascist racist country. Morale goes to shit. Soldiers leave the service.

    Ryan is a RINO. Good riddance!
    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 12-28-2021 at 10:33 PM.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  4. #44
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post

    You're getting the really short version because I don't think I can do politics with you and I'm not convinced you read my posts anyway.

    1.) I'm a Libertarian, not a lefty.

    2.) Biden is not 100% responsible for the increase to gas prices, though I am sure he bears more than 0% responsibility...which is not a position I would typically take on POTUS because, in general, I don't think they have much direct influence over economic matters on a day-to-day basis. The biggest matter at hand is the demand for fuel compared to overall world production and distribution...but I can't imagine citing numbers and making a logical argument will advance my position with you, so I'm just going to leave it there.

    3.) "Stay in Mexico," do you want to have workers, or not? As it stands now, people are already flatly refusing to work and employers have to practically beg people to come take jobs. Personally, if Mexicans want to come up here and take the jobs that n0ot only do other Americans seem not to want---but are actually directly refusing---then I'm all for it.

    No offense to them, but I also think they will work for less, (but still hopefully within legal wages) which decreases payroll expenses and, ideally, helps assuage the upward trajectory in prices, especially since the consumer focus has shifted to a large degree from services to goods over the last two years.

    IOW, if you care about prices, you should want more immigrant workers.

    4.) I don't know anything about foreign policy, regardless of who is in office and have no opinion.

    5.) Oh, please, as if we weren't printing new money when Trump was in office. He also signed the, "Relief and recovery," bills Congress put on his desk---stimulus, expanded unemployment, etc...Besides, you seem to assume that I'd be in favor of any of those things, when I was not in favor of any of them...not with Biden, not with Trump. Obviously, these disbursements are also largely responsible to increases in consumer demand which, you guessed it, cause prices to increase.

    6.) Incompetence already reigned in the Federal bureaucracy. How long was Scaramucci the communications director, seventeen minutes?

    7.) I'd have gunned down those storming the Capitol Building after first giving those people a reasonable time to leave; and I'd have gunned down those doing looting and rioting in other places (including the autonomous zone in Portland) after first giving those people a reasonable time to leave. I see no meaningful difference in the actions of the two groups. It all amounts to treason.

    8.) I lack sufficient knowledge on military policy to offer an informed opinion.

    9.) What would you want the Feds to do about Covid? I think they should promote (not force) the vaccines, have whatever policies they wish for Federal holdings and Federal employees and otherwise leave how to handle the matter for State Governors.

    10.) I don't mind them getting wiped out in the midterms. I'm always going to be a fan of the two bodies of Congress hopefully being different parties in the majority and, if they are to be the same, preferably being different in the majority to the party that the POTUS is.

    11.) I still would not want Trump to win in 2024. Whatever happened to Paul Ryan? I probably wouldn't mind if Paul Ryan made a run at it. Can't say I'd automatically vote for him, but I would think about it.
    Trump took us to energy independence which we hadn't seen in 70 years. Biden quickly took us back to foreign dependence on oil. That caused the spike in gas prices. Then Biden begged the Arabs and Russia to produce more oil. The heighth of incompetence is cancelling the Keystone Pipeline and simultaneously approving the Nord Stream Pipeline for the Russians. Trump opened up the ANWR oil, largest reserve in U.S, Biden quickly closed it back down. Idiot.

    I have no problem with Mexicans taking jobs in the U.S. They just need to cross the border legally. It is illegal for Americans to cross the Mexican border without going thru a checkpoint. So why should Mexicans be allowed to cross our border without going thru a checkpoint?

    When Biden ran for president he castigated Trump for doing a bad job on covid and promised he would stop covid dead in its tracks.

    Yeah, a couple trillion gets printed under Trump so Biden should be allowed to print 13 trillion sending inflation spiraling. You betcha.

    I just listened to an ex soldier on youtube explain what wokism does to the military. Soldiers are in the military to defend the country. And at the same time wokism is teaching them that America is an evil fascist racist country. Do you know what kind of quandry that puts the soldiers in? They start questioning themselves about why they are defending an evil fascist racist country. Morale goes to shit. Soldiers leave the service.

    Ryan is a RINO. Good riddance!
    1.) Energy independence is much easier to achieve when nobody is going anywhere. That said, I will give Trump a ton of credit for filling up the strategic reserves at bargain basement prices.

    2.) Increased demand is primarily responsible for the shift in gas prices. You transfer raw materials to the manufacturer and then the manufacturer transfers finishes product to the retailer who then gets it to the consumer. With Covid-19, there was a shift from service-based spending to goods-based spending and said shift:

    Resulted in us bringing in a ton of imports. Specifically, as of September, we brought more in during ANY month of this year than we did during the highest month of 2019, which was May.

    But, at all levels, these things need to be transported...which results in the use of fuel and increases demand for fuel.

    I agree with everything else you said, but those things normally wouldn't have an instant impact on the prices. I think we should drill wherever it's economically feasible to drill. I don't need to be a, "Good steward," for people who I don't know are ever going to exist. It's our planet right now and we should do whatever the fuck we want with it...and also whatever holds down prices.

    3.) I don't care if they cross the border legally, or not, as I support open borders. Keep in mind there's a difference between that and citizenship. Ideally, absent times of war, it wouldn't be illegal for anyone to cross from anywhere to anywhere.

    4.) It's interesting that you would start taking everything politicians say at face value. I don't care what letter appears by their last name, I just assume everything every single one of them says is a lie.

    5.) Both should have printed $0 in new money, is my point. The bigger problem was the stimulus money and expanded unemployment, anyway.

    6.) I don't know anything about the opinions of soldiers. I'm not a soldier, so it's none of my business. I should imagine that soldiers are all over the political spectrum, individually and likely have different individual opinions on matters such as morale, as well.

    7.) What makes Ryan a RINO?

  5. #45
    Joe Biden thinks this year is 2020?

  6. #46
    Fake Russian Trump Collusion for 4 years.
    Biden proves he is working for Putin in this speech.

  7. #47
    Just like in the Civilization Games.
    Our troops are just passing through.
    We mean you no harm.

    As I have said before.
    Expect Blood in the Streets.
    Mankind Loves War.
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  8. #48
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Just like in the Civilization Games.
    Our troops are just passing through.
    We mean you no harm.

    As I have said before.
    Expect Blood in the Streets.
    Mankind Loves War.
    I wonder what the offshore books have as far as futures lines.

  9. #49

  10. #50
    Sometimes Uncle Joe comes off as a bit of a stoner.
    What, Me Worry?

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