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Thread: Short term vs long term and quitting while ahead (continued)

  1. #381
    Dear Half Smoke,

    Do you think my entire interview with the LA Business Journal made it into print?

    Your friend,

  2. #382
    Originally Posted by Half Smoke View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by Half Smoke View Post

    re Alan's claim that he inerviewed four Presidents - this will be my last post on this subject - but here are quotes from Alan re his career at CBS when interviewed by the L.A. Business Journal:

    "How did you like working at CBS News?

    I was miserable. I wanted to be a reporter and a correspondent. But they wouldn’t let me.

    Why did you finally leave CBS News?

    When I broke the story that the Hunt family failed to meet their margin call for silver futures. I was the only one in the country who had it. But when I got back to the studio, they told me someone else was doing the story on the air.

    How did you interpret that?

    That I would never get on the air at CBS. That’s when I decided to leave. I thought, if I can’t get on television with this story, when will I ever?"

    Call me naive, but I don't see how the quote above is germane to Alan's claim to have interviewed four presidents.

    Instead of implying this or offering oblique that, just make a wager. I'm sure with a few thousand sent along to Todd, the debate could be brought to a close.

    listen to this Bozo telling to make a wager with Todd

    coming from a guy who brags to everyone that he's a great capper but is too chickenshit to post any pics

    I don't agree with Singer too often but he's right about this guy - it's a Bozo the Clown act


    No, Half Smoke, I was suggesting you send the money to Todd to hold. You can make the wager with me, Alan, whomever. The courage of your convictions and all that.

    Same goes for the "posting of pics." I've been in a public, invitation-only competition during football seasons called The Wise Guys for more than 30 years. So that's two games a week that were publicly available either through a national newsletter sold on newsstands throughout the entire country or online. That's 30+ years, public plays, two plays a week during football seasons.

    Now, if you want to make a wager on the truth/falsity of that, again, ship along some cash to Todd. Courage of your convictions and all that.

    Or just keep up with the anonymous blathering. I get it. You prefer to believe whatever you want to believe. Kids are like that.

  3. #383

  4. #384
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post

    make the wager with me, Alan, whomever.

    Same goes for the "posting of pics." I've been in a public, invitation-only competition during football seasons called The Wise Guys for more than 30 years. So that's two games a week that were publicly available either through a national newsletter sold on newsstands throughout the entire country or online. That's 30+ years, public plays, two plays a week during football seasons.

    hey you, Mr. Moron - nobody gives a flying fuck about your Wise Guys bullshit that you've mentioned about 1,000 times here that nobody has ever heard of - I repeat you just brag here and make no picks here because you're chickenshit

    I repeat, Monet would kick your chickenshit ass capping which will never happen because YOU will never make a wager or post a pic here

    re Alan:

    he mentioned CBS as a main place for me to start my research - like I'm really going to spend many hours researching this bullshit when if it was true he could very easily prove it

    no consider this carefully Mr. Moron - think it thru - what chance do you think there is that CBS sent him out to interview a President or 2 Presidents when he wasn't even a reporter there_______________????

    as quoted by his own words in a published interview

    Reporter - "How did you like working at CBS News? "

    Alan answers: "I was miserable. I wanted to be a reporter and a correspondent. But they wouldn’t let me. "

    Last edited by Half Smoke; 05-26-2022 at 02:13 AM.
    the foolish sayings of a rich man often pass for words of wisdom by the fools around him

  5. #385
    No presidents at CBS. I was with the Queen when she visited Harlem and I was with King Juan Carlos when he was in NYC. I was the producer for the BBC and for a network in Spain but forgive me I don't remember the network. It might have been TVE -- Television Espana.

    At the time I was a producer with CBS News Syndication which served international clients of CBS News.

    I also produced election night when the CBC covered Carter's election. (CBC - Canadian Broadcasting Corp)

    No presidents at CBS. But I also lunched with Paul Volcker when I was Vice President of the Economic News Broadcasters Association. I was president when I was at WTVJ.

    My FILM is in the archives of CBS News.

    Edited to add:

    I'll save you some Google "research" time:
    Last edited by Alan Mendelson; 05-26-2022 at 02:34 AM.

  6. #386
    I dunno.
    I had a miserable 18 days of pain in sports recently.
    I was stuck 15k at one point and still stuck 8k now.
    I did have a 3 day win streak since the Tampa Bay Sweep.
    2 days ago I went 10-0 if that means anything.
    8-0 in MLB and 2-0 in the NHL.
    I didn't bet enough.
    I never bet enough.
    It's tough being a Fucking Pussy.

    Perhaps the worm has turned.
    I dunno.
    I'm scared and scarred.

    I'll be nice and give you all my picks for today.
    Even though I'm mad at most of you and don't feel like sharing.
    Just Kidding Pikachu's.
    You all know that I don't give a Fuck and I Love you all... maybe not all but some of you.

    Yanks Money Line if you are scared
    Run Line if you are Brave.
    If you are really Brave, welp, take the Braves with the Run Line.
    Braves Money Line if you are scared.
    What Color Sox do you like?
    Red for me.
    Fuck those Black Sox!
    Same Situation.
    Money Line if you are scared.
    Red Sox -1.5 if you are Brave.
    You may have to get on the Alternate Run Line depending on where you bet.
    The game is Even Money Straight Up right now.
    So if you are Rich you can bet the Farm on the Red Sox and not have to lay any juice currently.
    Poor People, like most of you and me, have to Parlay this shit.
    The Twins are a big favorite so you are forced to take the Run Line getting +115 currently which seems good to me.
    You are getting a plus taking the Oilers on the Money Line so I like that at +135 or +130 currently.
    And you have to take the Home Team in the Rangers/Whalers Series.
    Hard to get off of that train.
    Whalers Money Line at -150 so that's too much... take the Puck Line at +175 which just feels better.

    Here, let me help you make this easier.

    3 Teamer
    Red Sox

    You decide if you want the money line or Run Line.
    The Money Lines are low enough to bet them IMO but I always like the Run Line.
    The Braves are my fourth pick so you have to be brave to bet them and if you go with the Run Line you get a nice +175.
    I don't love the Rangers game.
    I like the Oilers to close it out more so but Playoff Hockey is a different animal.
    Home Teams have the advantage IMO.
    Refs don't call as many penalties and the defense plays different.
    Odd to see two teams blow a 3-0 lead in the playoffs *shrug*.

    I like the Cardinals too but can't bet everything.
    I'm staying off the Auto 2 Teamer of Dodgers RL and Cubs RL today.
    The Cubs/Reds OVER 8.5 looks like a lock but no such thing as a lock.
    If I win all these picks... you're welcome.
    Bosworth put a wicked curse on me for the month of May.
    Fuck that Rat!
    Last edited by monet; 05-26-2022 at 05:13 AM.

  7. #387
    Originally Posted by Half Smoke View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post

    make the wager with me, Alan, whomever.

    Same goes for the "posting of pics." I've been in a public, invitation-only competition during football seasons called The Wise Guys for more than 30 years. So that's two games a week that were publicly available either through a national newsletter sold on newsstands throughout the entire country or online. That's 30+ years, public plays, two plays a week during football seasons.

    hey you, Mr. Moron - nobody gives a flying fuck about your Wise Guys bullshit that you've mentioned about 1,000 times here that nobody has ever heard of - I repeat you just brag here and make no picks here because you're chickenshit

    I repeat, Monet would kick your chickenshit ass capping which will never happen because YOU will never make a wager or post a pic here

    re Alan:

    he mentioned CBS as a main place for me to start my research - like I'm really going to spend many hours researching this bullshit when if it was true he could very easily prove it

    no consider this carefully Mr. Moron - think it thru - what chance do you think there is that CBS sent him out to interview a President or 2 Presidents when he wasn't even a reporter there_______________????

    as quoted by his own words in a published interview

    Reporter - "How did you like working at CBS News? "

    Alan answers: "I was miserable. I wanted to be a reporter and a correspondent. But they wouldn’t let me. "


    I realize the prestige of "posting pics" on VCT far outweighs the clout and notoriety of having selections printed in a national newsletter named Playbook, which was available across the country for decades on all newsstands. I clearly made the wrong choice as to where to "post my pics."

    For this, I deeply apologize. My reputation would certainly have been boosted far more by having Half Smoke monitor me via VCT. I have no excuses. I have never been much of a businessman or judge of expertise. Half Smoke, whoever he is, clearly is The Man.

    And I would never allow monet to beat my ass with anything but a cat-o-nine tails. That would really turn me on, and then monet would have to fight off my advances, leaving our significant others to film the debauchery.

    If anyone would like me to post pics of my selections from Playbook's newsletters, just let me know. Half Smoke, if you furnish a name and address, I'll be glad to FedEx them overnight. You the Man!

  8. #388
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    No presidents at CBS. I was with the Queen when she visited Harlem and I was with King Juan Carlos when he was in NYC. I was the producer for the BBC and for a network in Spain but forgive me I don't remember the network. It might have been TVE -- Television Espana.

    At the time I was a producer with CBS News Syndication which served international clients of CBS News.

    I also produced election night when the CBC covered Carter's election. (CBC - Canadian Broadcasting Corp)

    No presidents at CBS. But I also lunched with Paul Volcker when I was Vice President of the Economic News Broadcasters Association. I was president when I was at WTVJ.

    My FILM is in the archives of CBS News.

    Edited to add:

    I'll save you some Google "research" time:

    LOL. It must be brutal for those who've done nothing to accept that someone has done something. Just brutal.

    Hey, Half Smoke, what have you been doing for the last 40 years? Why don't you provide your name so we can evaluate your doings? My brother-in-law owned a private investigating franchise. I'm sure we could publicize your adventures and accomplishments properly if you just provided a name. Don't be shy. I'm sure you're bubbling over with life experiences and gambling expertise.

  9. #389
    I would like to state that I do post many sports picks beforehand.
    Many times I post the picks with 7 or more hours to make a bet.
    I post pictures of winners and losers.
    It's not all prestige.
    I admit when I lose.
    Which is often.
    I don't know many people that can post 5 and 6 teamers beforehand and show the tickets after the games.
    Nor do I know many people who have hit 1200 dollar six teamers but I don't know many sports bettors.
    And real bettors who are rich only bet straight bets.
    I'm a phony.
    But I am over 100k ahead in sports since the Smart Money Thread was created.
    Believe it or Not makes no difference to me.
    Everything on the interwebs is a lie.
    6 Teamer today with all Puck and Run Line will net you about 207 to 1.
    You can't go around to the Kiosks and bet 5 dollar tickets.
    That would take all day.
    And a month to cash all the tickets out if you hit.
    And many Kiosks have a 1000 dollar win limit.
    And the bigger books don't sweat 6 teamers that pay 167k.
    They are more than happy to take the action.
    Last edited by monet; 05-26-2022 at 07:06 AM.

  10. #390
    Redietz, dare I tell the story about sleeping in the Queen's bed?

    Okay, here goes:

    When I was at WTVJ in Miami I was sent to Montego Bay with a camera crew to cover the Miami to Montego Bay yacht race.

    Normally we wouldn't cover this but two yachts strayed into Cuban waters and were seized by Cuban gunboats.

    We went to Montego Bay to cover the event. Cuba released the yachts after a couple of days.

    We didnt have regular hotel reservations but the Montego Bay Yacht Club was nice enough to put us up. I stayed in the suite used by Royals when they visit. And I slept in the Queen's bed. Alone.

    No, I didnt take a photo.

  11. #391
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I'm staying off the Auto 2 Teamer of Dodgers RL and Cubs RL today.
    The Cubs/Reds OVER 8.5 looks like a lock but no such thing as a lock.
    Anyone got an update on the score to this game??
    No such thing as a lock... right... lol lol lol!?

    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    6 Teamer today with all Puck and Run Line will net you about 207 to 1.
    You can't go around to the Kiosks and bet 5 dollar tickets.
    That would take all day.
    And a month to cash all the tickets out if you hit.
    And many Kiosks have a 1000 dollar win limit.
    And the bigger books don't sweat 6 teamers that pay 167k.
    They are more than happy to take the action.
    Oooops, I was wrong.
    The 6 teamer pays 246 to 1 if it hits.
    And you don't need the Puck Line with the Oilers as the Money Line is a plus.

  12. #392
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I'm staying off the Auto 2 Teamer of Dodgers RL and Cubs RL today.
    The Cubs/Reds OVER 8.5 looks like a lock but no such thing as a lock.
    Anyone got an update on the score to this game??
    No such thing as a lock... right... lol lol lol!?

    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    6 Teamer today with all Puck and Run Line will net you about 207 to 1.
    You can't go around to the Kiosks and bet 5 dollar tickets.
    That would take all day.
    And a month to cash all the tickets out if you hit.
    And many Kiosks have a 1000 dollar win limit.
    And the bigger books don't sweat 6 teamers that pay 167k.
    They are more than happy to take the action.
    Oooops, I was wrong.
    The 6 teamer pays 246 to 1 if it hits.
    And you don't need the Puck Line with the Oilers as the Money Line is a plus.

    Hey, monet. On your advice, I loaded up a fantasy team with players from the Cubs and Reds. Sitting 13th out of 100 right now. Will let you know how it turns out. Top 19 cash. Reds were due to score a few runs, eh?

  13. #393
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Hey, monet. On your advice, I loaded up a fantasy team with players from the Cubs and Reds. Sitting 13th out of 100 right now. Will let you know how it turns out. Top 19 cash. Reds were due to score a few runs, eh?
    I hope you do well in your fantasy.
    Ewww... I don't like that word in my mouth or on my keyboard.
    Anyways, I wasn't expecting the Reds to score but I was expecting both of those pitchers to get shelled.
    They give up a ton of ERA.

  14. #394
    lol Top of the 6th Rain Delay... 5 Innings is Official, right!?
    Oh yeah, 15 outs for the visitors if the home team is leading and if the home team gets 15 outs it is official no matter what.

  15. #395
    Half smoke, what do you think redietz’ clients would think about him charging them a fee but giving you the picks for free?
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  16. #396
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Half smoke, what do you think redietz’ clients would think about him charging them a fee but giving you the picks for free?
    It's pretty Evil to charge people for sports picks, in my opinion that is.
    I live in a glass house though so I got to be careful with these stones.
    As you have stated before, mickeycrimm, anyone can close their eyes and pick 50%.
    Therefore they only need a little bit of knowledge to push them into winning territory.
    But that is just my opinion.
    Of course it can't be that easy as the Books are making 100s of Millions per year per joint lol.
    Getting worse now as every state in the world is making sports wagering legal and even the announcers on games are promoting the odds on FanDuel lol.
    It used to be Taboo for Sports Announcers to talk about gambling and the odds.
    Except for the Greek and the Swami.

  17. #397
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Hey, monet. On your advice, I loaded up a fantasy team with players from the Cubs and Reds. Sitting 13th out of 100 right now. Will let you know how it turns out. Top 19 cash. Reds were due to score a few runs, eh?
    I hope you do well in your fantasy.
    Ewww... I don't like that word in my mouth or on my keyboard.
    Anyways, I wasn't expecting the Reds to score but I was expecting both of those pitchers to get shelled.
    They give up a ton of ERA.

    I know nothing about baseball, but if you run the numbers, that ballpark is the most runs per game in the league right now. Almost impossible to take an Under unless you get two primo pitchers. And these two teams don't have two primo pitchers.

  18. #398
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Half smoke, what do you think redietz’ clients would think about him charging them a fee but giving you the picks for free?
    It's pretty Evil to charge people for sports picks, in my opinion that is.
    I live in a glass house though so I got to be careful with these stones.
    As you have stated before, mickeycrimm, anyone can close their eyes and pick 50%.
    Therefore they only need a little bit of knowledge to push them into winning territory.
    But that is just my opinion.
    Of course it can't be that easy as the Books are making 100s of Millions per year per joint lol.
    Getting worse now as every state in the world is making sports wagering legal and even the announcers on games are promoting the odds on FanDuel lol.
    It used to be Taboo for Sports Announcers to talk about gambling and the odds.
    Except for the Greek and the Swami.
    Well, if the handicapper works on percent of profit and the handicapper handles the money (think LLC), I don't see how anybody could argue with it. Especially if the people know each other and can verify that the handicapper is using more or less the same plays for everybody.

  19. #399
    I have a serious question, monet, since I know nothing about baseball.

    How can the Reds keep a guy batting .158 in clean-up? I mean, what the fuck? You've played 40 games. You would think you'd have to stop insulting the other players and put somebody else, anybody, in the fourth slot.

  20. #400
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    I have a serious question, monet, since I know nothing about baseball.

    How can the Reds keep a guy batting .158 in clean-up? I mean, what the fuck? You've played 40 games. You would think you'd have to stop insulting the other players and put somebody else, anybody, in the fourth slot.
    Hey... it was working for a couple weeks right?
    They went 10-7 when I was betting against them lol.
    They win today making it 11-7.
    They are on a roll and I'm pretty sure the OVER is safer with this team but I expect a major losing streak again in the near future.

    I really expect the Giants to destroy them but the Giants pitching matchups do have large ERAs going against the Reds.
    I'll either be betting the Giants Run Line or the Over.

    These Reds are going to get smashed from June 6th all the way up to July 6th.
    You heard it here first.
    It's gonna be a month of money raining down from heaven on me!
    Take off a couple days against the Bucco's.
    After that the Reds get smashed again by the Rays, Yanks and Cards.
    Book It!
    Last edited by monet; 05-26-2022 at 01:42 PM.

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