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Thread: When Weakness Prevails, Show Them The Meaning of Strength

  1. #561
    Originally Posted by monet
    MaxPen needs to back out asap.
    He shows up and they are going to have 20 people filming him from different angles with cell phones.His face and information will be plastered everywhere on these gambling forums and who knows where else!?
    He can maintain anonymity by wearing a covid protective face mask, lightly smoked sun glasses and a baseball hat, at least I think he can.

    Might help a bit if Max affected a limp, too.

    Or he can just go whole hog have someone push him around in a wheelchair, all covered in a blanket.

    Tuesday...the two competitors finally face off to determine whose version of reality reigns supreme.
    What, Me Worry?

  2. #562
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    MaxPen needs to back out asap.
    He shows up and they are going to have 20 people filming him from different angles with cell phones.
    His face and information will be plastered everywhere on these gambling forums and who knows where else!?
    I don't see how he can trust any of them?
    He could still make the bet, that we all know will never happen but he shouldn't show up face to face.
    Monet is 100% correct. With every new post it becomes ever so increasinly obvious what a complete sick fuck this person posting as Rob Singer is. For any AP or player that value there anonymity, there is absolutely no benefit to meeting or engaging with him personally. It is not like he is going to pay off any bet that has been made. The best you can hope for is to expose him as the fraud that he is. BUT he has already been exposed as that fraud a dozen time. It doesn't seem to matter on this forum where there are members that celebrate his trolling.

    All he wants is attention....he craves attention. It is long past time for all of us to just stop feeding this nasty ass troll, failed advantage player and gambling addict.

  3. #563
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    MaxPen needs to back out asap.
    He shows up and they are going to have 20 people filming him from different angles with cell phones.
    His face and information will be plastered everywhere on these gambling forums and who knows where else!?
    I don't see how he can trust any of them?
    He could still make the bet, that we all know will never happen but he shouldn't show up face to face.
    Monet is 100% correct. With every new post it becomes ever so increasinly obvious what a complete sick fuck this person posting as Rob Singer is. For any AP or player that value there anonymity, there is absolutely no benefit to meeting or engaging with him personally. It is not like he is going to pay off any bet that has been made. The best you can hope for is to expose him as the fraud that he is. BUT he has already been exposed as that fraud a dozen time. It doesn't seem to matter on this forum where there are members that celebrate his trolling.

    All he wants is attention....he craves attention. It is long past time for all of us to just stop feeding this nasty ass troll, failed advantage player and gambling addict.
    Just what I thought. The Brokeback Boys are setting it up where maxie can back out of showing.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  4. #564
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post

    I said I was shown a pic of a $1.5 million jackpot that was quad 3's. I didn't remember the denom. That could easily be hit on $10 with the correct multipliers.

    That's one of the reasons why I thought I could find a place to host the game. Because I know shit like that is done. I didn't know if $25 was even a denom setting for the game. That I stated up front.
    You said you seen the picture before. The one Rob posted. Now your story has changed. But you led everyone to believe you seen that exact same picture before.
    Your cred is toast. But we knew that anyway.
    The pic is the same pic dummy....That's also why I knew immediately what was going on. That pic is at a minimum months old.
    Now let's see.

    At the beginning of this thread you said you never seen a $25 UX before.

    And you said the pic is the same as one you seen months ago.

    But then you said you can't remember if it was $25 denom or $10 denom.

    If it was $25 denom how does that jive with your previous statement that you never seen $25 UX before?

    And If it was $10 denom you seen then it would absolutely be a different picture than what Rob posted.

    You can't have your cake and eat it to, maxie. You are saying you seen this exact pic before but then you are also saying you can't remember the denom.

    So what you are saying is "I know it's the same picture but I don't know if it's the same picture."
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  5. #565
    Speaking of video we need to get Alan Mendelson back in the thread. He's the only legitimate newsman here. (Yes, I know. Redietz' cousin has a girlfriend who's nephew was a janitor in a newsroom so red knows all about it). But Red lives in a treehouse with no electricity or running water in a holler in Tennessee. To far away.

    An interview should be in order. Alan should have exclusive rights to interview Rob. Since Rob worked the double up bug for about 3 mil and also made this all time record 1.5 mil hit on UX....that should make him:


    I think everyone here will be in agreement on that. Everyone should be proud that one of our own VCT members achieved such an accomplishment.

    And it would put a big feather in Alan's hat for nailing the exclusive interview.
    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 05-29-2022 at 02:32 AM.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  6. #566
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Do mickey and Alan believe I hit this? Well, they've both said they have no reason to disbelieve the pictures unless and until somebody comes up with some evidence to the contrary.
    I'm not speaking for Mickey but this is in fact my position.

    Maxpen you and Boy Wonder took a shot. You both claimed other players hit these jackpots and an employee at Caesars had the photos.

    You had your chance to get the photos or to at least say you were working on it.

    But then Boy Wonder pulled the rug out from under you to change his story the the photos were a fake.

    The photos cant be a fake AND be the photos of actual hits at Caesars Palace belonging to other players.

    When the facts don't fit your argument you do what's always been done on forums: you attack the person.

    You attack Rob's safe and its contents, you attack my career, you attack Mickey.

    And then the rest of the gang joins you.

    Redietz is trying to rebuild his credibility after being slammed for not posting picks in advance.

    MrV joins in because if he can pile on he'll never pass it up.

    Kewlj is kewlj.

    So far the only smart one is Boy Wonder who realized he got caught and he's shutting up. For now. He might get stupid again.

    So here we are on Sunday morning. I still havent seen proof that Rob hit it or DIDN'T hit it.

    What's your proof?

    Insults aren't proof. NOR ARE BETS.

    And if you want to know what the "broken down reporter feels" here it is:

    Maxpen admit there are no pre existing photos. Rob will never produce proof because that's Rob.

    You will never know if these hits happened. Move on with your lives because the more you dwell on this the dumber you are.


  7. #567
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Speaking of video we need to get Alan Mendelson back in the thread. He's the only legitimate newsman here. (Yes, I know. Redietz' cousin has a girlfriend who's nephew was a janitor in a newsroom so red knows all about it). But Red lives in a treehouse with no electricity or running water in a holler in Tennessee. To far away.

    An interview should be in order. Alan should have exclusive rights to interview Rob. Since Rob worked the double up bug for about 3 mil and also made this all time record 1.5 mil hit on UX....that should make him:


    I think everyone here will be in agreement on that. Everyone should be proud that one of our own VCT members achieved such an accomplishment.

    And it would put a big feather in Alan's hat for nailing the exclusive interview.
    I would love to do this.

  8. #568
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Speaking of video we need to get Alan Mendelson back in the thread. He's the only legitimate newsman here. (Yes, I know. Redietz' cousin has a girlfriend who's nephew was a janitor in a newsroom so red knows all about it). But Red lives in a treehouse with no electricity or running water in a holler in Tennessee. To far away.

    An interview should be in order. Alan should have exclusive rights to interview Rob. Since Rob worked the double up bug for about 3 mil and also made this all time record 1.5 mil hit on UX....that should make him:


    I think everyone here will be in agreement on that. Everyone should be proud that one of our own VCT members achieved such an accomplishment.

    And it would put a big feather in Alan's hat for nailing the exclusive interview.
    I think you're on to something there. The Tuesday South Point Showdown could be bigger than Evil Knievel's grand canyon rocket jump. I think there are a couple of things that need a little clarification.

    1. Maybe I missed it but I see all this talk about a South Point Showdown on Tuesday that both participants have agreed to, but I don't seem to see an agreed upon time. That's a little weird. One would think both of these high rolling gamblers would want to nail down that little detail or it gives the other one an out. "I was there! Right at 8:00 AM!" "Well I was there at 1:00 PM..Where were you?". Seems like High Noon would be appropriate.

    2. One participant claims to have placed a lot of money 'in escrow' with a semi-famous Las Vegas attorney. The other participant doesn't claim to have made a similar deposit, but doesn't seem opposed to it. It seems like MaxPen should at least attempt to contact attorney Robert Nersesian to determine if in fact he is holding money for Singer and what the exact terms of this escrow are. That conversation alone would tell us a lot about the likelihood of the showdown happening.

    Other than the facts that neither party knows exactly when the other will actually be at South Point and they haven't agreed to the exact terms of this 'escrow' that one claims to have already completed, I just don't see how this can go wrong. There's plenty of time to work out the details.

  9. #569
    Originally Posted by unowme View Post
    I think you're on to something there. The Tuesday South Point Showdown could be bigger than Evil Knievel's grand canyon rocket jump. I think there are a couple of things that need a little clarification.

    1. Maybe I missed it but I see all this talk about a South Point Showdown on Tuesday that both participants have agreed to, but I don't seem to see an agreed upon time. That's a little weird. One would think both of these high rolling gamblers would want to nail down that little detail or it gives the other one an out. "I was there! Right at 8:00 AM!" "Well I was there at 1:00 PM..Where were you?". Seems like High Noon would be appropriate.

    2. One participant claims to have placed a lot of money 'in escrow' with a semi-famous Las Vegas attorney. The other participant doesn't claim to have made a similar deposit, but doesn't seem opposed to it. It seems like MaxPen should at least attempt to contact attorney Robert Nersesian to determine if in fact he is holding money for Singer and what the exact terms of this escrow are. That conversation alone would tell us a lot about the likelihood of the showdown happening.

    Other than the facts that neither party knows exactly when the other will actually be at South Point and they haven't agreed to the exact terms of this 'escrow' that one claims to have already completed, I just don't see how this can go wrong. There's plenty of time to work out the details.
    No Showdown.
    No Bet.
    No Rebate.
    No Players Card.
    No Comp.
    No Tip... except for 20,000 Dollars that gets Chopped and Taxed.
    No Value in Posting and we should all Stop Immediately as it will come back to bite us.
    No Editing!
    Nobody Really Cares.
    Nobody Made Any Money on 18 Consecutive Elevens, Except the House.
    Drunken Injuns Cheat Pale Face.
    Redskins Cheat Queers.
    Evil Empire Never Loses.
    Extortion Crew Never Tipped a Player.
    Rob and MC Win for Wasting Everyone's Precious Time which is the only thing anyone really has.
    Wise Up.
    The End Is Nigh.
    Reaper Comes Soon.
    We Will Be Judged.
    Nobody Here Makes It Into God's Kingdom.
    Rats and Cockroaches Rule the Earth.
    Last edited by monet; 05-29-2022 at 04:36 AM.

  10. #570
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by unowme View Post
    I think you're on to something there. The Tuesday South Point Showdown could be bigger than Evil Knievel's grand canyon rocket jump. I think there are a couple of things that need a little clarification.

    1. Maybe I missed it but I see all this talk about a South Point Showdown on Tuesday that both participants have agreed to, but I don't seem to see an agreed upon time. That's a little weird. One would think both of these high rolling gamblers would want to nail down that little detail or it gives the other one an out. "I was there! Right at 8:00 AM!" "Well I was there at 1:00 PM..Where were you?". Seems like High Noon would be appropriate.

    2. One participant claims to have placed a lot of money 'in escrow' with a semi-famous Las Vegas attorney. The other participant doesn't claim to have made a similar deposit, but doesn't seem opposed to it. It seems like MaxPen should at least attempt to contact attorney Robert Nersesian to determine if in fact he is holding money for Singer and what the exact terms of this escrow are. That conversation alone would tell us a lot about the likelihood of the showdown happening.

    Other than the facts that neither party knows exactly when the other will actually be at South Point and they haven't agreed to the exact terms of this 'escrow' that one claims to have already completed, I just don't see how this can go wrong. There's plenty of time to work out the details.
    No Showdown.
    No Bet.
    No Rebate.
    No Players Card.
    No Comp.
    No Tip... except for 20,000 Dollars that gets Chopped and Taxed.
    No Value in Posting and we should all Stop Immediately as it will come back to bite us.
    No Editing!
    Nobody Really Cares.
    Nobody Made Any Money on 18 Consecutive Elevens, Except the House.
    Drunken Injuns Cheat Pale Face.
    Redskins Cheat Queers.
    Evil Empire Never Loses.
    Extortion Crew Never Tipped a Player.
    Rob and MC Win for Wasting Everyone's Precious Time which is the only thing anyone really has.
    Wise Up.
    The End Is Nigh.
    Reaper Comes Soon.
    We Will Be Judged.
    Nobody Here Makes It Into God's Kingdom.
    Rats and Cockroaches Rule the Earth.
    Party Pooper.

  11. #571
    It seems everyone has become somewhat weary of all this. Yes it would be much simpler if people didn't let a big win like this get to them, but it seems in gambling you have an awful lot of very envious people when someone else scores a huge win.

    I'll do any interview, even if it's with a "broken down reporter" (is that what max calls you?). He says I'm a "broken down old shoe", whatever that is The "old" part is right and there's nothing I or anyone else can do about age, but I don't think he'd want to test the "broken down" part--at least not for the next few years. This is NOT the 73 I saw when I was a young man--not by miles.

    I'll make a few statements here before stepping down from what appears to be MY podium. Then if you like, continue on.

    I got interested in what to me was a new VP game a few months ago, so I played it just a few times at quarters and didn't do so well. But then I came across it in $5 and thought that was an interesting denomination for a game that could yield large payouts. So I gave it a try, and a dealt $160k royal was the result. I knew if I posted it here it would drive the hate & envy tribe nuts. THAT sounded like fun!

    My problem is, we're far more into traveling & relaxing these days than I am into playing VP any more. So I had an idea: find this same multi-play game at the $25 level, go in at least feeling like a big deal player one last time with $400k in action, then win or lose and walk away from this game. Play ends for everybody--I just didn't want it to be death that ended it for me. And I'm really not a fan of 70-yr. olds mingling with the younger generations, who own and deserve casino entertainment.

    The rest you know. I hit the winner of a lifetime for a VP player. And after the last picture I knew this one would be unbearable. But I'm not doing much for a few weeks before we hit the road again. We'd have left this miserable heat behind yesterday if we didn't have a family function to attend in Tucson on the 14th. So I decided to engage with the people who will never accept that I hit this thing. It's pointless to give any further proof of the win beyond the actual pictures. ANYTHING I do would be attacked,and the squad always keeps peeling down the onion for more crazy theories, just so they can cope. I hit it, they don't like it, and they ESPECIALLY don't like that they can't find any evidence anywhere that I did not hit it. If you were me, it's the perfect storm.

    Where are we? Well, while "they're" all riled up and in frantic panic mode--which will last until my death or they hear something bad finally happened to me--Im simply relaxing very comfortably with my wife and dog. I BBQ'd last night and today she's making a lasagna with homemade bread, salad and a nice Reserve Chianti. Tomorrow night I'm taking her to Arrowhead Grill. Just happy doing nothing in our old age.

    But there is something else: this meet at SP which will never happen, mostly because it's obvious max could never come up with 6-figures in cash, and after messing around with $640k with Fezzik and that HP crowd I learned once is enuf. I was in my mind hoping to be to pay max (and kew) back for constantly telling me they were coming over here to see the Newell, but no-showed instead. I just don't have the heart to do that back, even if it's no travel for them. And it would do nothing to change their one-track need to believe I didn't hit this winner anyway. I see it's good entertainment for everyone but as I said, my gambling days are over.

    My suggestion for those who just can't get over the fact that it was ME who hit this, and the fact that none of your heroes have been able to find evidence to the contrary because it does not exist, is to just tune out. The feeling will pass, and tomorrow's a new day. Let it go. You all should have far more important and much more enjoyable things to do. And it's Memorial Day weekend. Spend at least SOME time honoring those veterans who did not make it home.

  12. #572
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    You just keep everything from a first person perspective, as if you are handling the camera. That way, as an advantage player, your face is never on film. Now you'd have to narrate some, but I don't think casinos are doing much in the way of voice matching -- LOL. And if you film outside, near valet, which is the way Rob.Singer said he'd arrive, you're technically not on the casino floor, so you could get by without formal permission to film. Just an hour-long video of nobody showing up with 700K.

    It would be riveting in a sick way. Instead of Where's Waldo, it would be Where's Rob Singer? I bet Dancer, who gives classes at SP, could be talked (I'd pay him) into a brief cameo where he walks by and asks who you're waiting for or something. And you say, didn't you hear? Singer won 1.5 million. He's bringing 700K here today to prove it. And then do a spiel where you ask him what he thinks is harder, singing or dancing?

    Damn, I'd love to do this. Maybe I could get Brent Musburger for a cameo (he does a radio show at SP).

    I'll be there in July. Maybe if Rob doesn't show up Tuesday, we could talk him into July.
    MaxPen needs to back out asap.
    He shows up and they are going to have 20 people filming him from different angles with cell phones.
    His face and information will be plastered everywhere on these gambling forums and who knows where else!?
    I don't see how he can trust any of them?
    He could still make the bet, that we all know will never happen but he shouldn't show up face to face.

    Monet, you gotta read between the lines. This isn't like you. You're sharper than this. You have to think of it as an AP opportunity.

    MaxPen is a handle. MaxPen the person doesn't have to show up. Anybody could be MaxPen. I could be MaxPen. You could be MaxPen. It's actually an opportunity for MaxPen to NOT be MaxPen. All that matters is that A MaxPen shows up and does the show.

    Think of it like Pierce Brosnan and the guys with the hats in the museum scene at the end of The Thomas Crowne Affair. MaxPen can be there as long as many MaxPens are there. Or he doesn't have to be there at all. It could work to MaxPen's AP advantage long-term.

    See? Would work like a charm.

  13. #573
    Like, if I were a few years younger, and Rob was so hot to have kewlJ show up for something, I'd just be kewlJ. So I show up and Rob has the option, tell the people he has primed to photograph kewlJ that I'm NOT kewlJ, in which case they'd get pissy with him and not be happy, or he could NOT tell them I'm not kewlJ, in which case casino personnel have a MacGuffin (me) as kewlJ.

    Casinos are evil, monet. These are opportunities for misdirection without breaking the nuts and bolts of the alleged wagers.

    I'd love to be trespassed or banned. I've always welcomed it.

  14. #574
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Monet, you gotta read between the lines. This isn't like you. You're sharper than this. You have to think of it as an AP opportunity.

    MaxPen is a handle. MaxPen the person doesn't have to show up. Anybody could be MaxPen. I could be MaxPen. You could be MaxPen. It's actually an opportunity for MaxPen to NOT be MaxPen. All that matters is that A MaxPen shows up and does the show.

    Think of it like Pierce Brosnan and the guys with the hats in the museum scene at the end of The Thomas Crowne Affair. MaxPen can be there as long as many MaxPens are there. Or he doesn't have to be there at all. It could work to MaxPen's AP advantage long-term.

    See? Would work like a charm.
    I got blindsided here.
    I didn't see this angle.
    That is the problem with my up the middle tactics.
    Even though you have a 90% chance of success, sometimes you get outflanked.
    Nicely Done!

  15. #575
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I got blindsided here.
    I didn't see this angle.
    That is the problem with my up the middle tactics.
    Even though you have a 90% chance of success, sometimes you get outflanked.
    Nicely Done!
    ---> Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction.

    Oh, if stupidity were a weapon.

    Obviously, MaxPen is a handle to an account at VCT. Singer need only ask the person that he relatively recently posted pictures to something in his living room. The correct MaxPen would reply, no, sir, the pictures were of repairs to my bathroom.

    Anyway, carry on like ten-year-olds, and, a guy who refuses to be in the room unless everyone else there is smarter.

    Total waste of time except to make more of an ass of yourselves - if possible for MrV, and Alan.

    Well, too bad that KJ, either, didn't see the "angle". Ha.

    P.S. Don't ever take me, either, seriously here. In a place that was a complete joke from the beginning. (Like I was the only one for a very long time who spoke up, from the beginning, about the Wizard being another complete joke. And, all the flack that resulted. Come on, get a life, you guys.)
    Last edited by Garnabby; 05-29-2022 at 08:04 AM.
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

    Blog at

  16. #576
    Originally Posted by unowme View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Speaking of video we need to get Alan Mendelson back in the thread. He's the only legitimate newsman here. (Yes, I know. Redietz' cousin has a girlfriend who's nephew was a janitor in a newsroom so red knows all about it). But Red lives in a treehouse with no electricity or running water in a holler in Tennessee. To far away.

    An interview should be in order. Alan should have exclusive rights to interview Rob. Since Rob worked the double up bug for about 3 mil and also made this all time record 1.5 mil hit on UX....that should make him:


    I think everyone here will be in agreement on that. Everyone should be proud that one of our own VCT members achieved such an accomplishment.

    And it would put a big feather in Alan's hat for nailing the exclusive interview.
    I think you're on to something there. The Tuesday South Point Showdown could be bigger than Evil Knievel's grand canyon rocket jump. I think there are a couple of things that need a little clarification.

    1. Maybe I missed it but I see all this talk about a South Point Showdown on Tuesday that both participants have agreed to, but I don't seem to see an agreed upon time. That's a little weird. One would think both of these high rolling gamblers would want to nail down that little detail or it gives the other one an out. "I was there! Right at 8:00 AM!" "Well I was there at 1:00 PM..Where were you?". Seems like High Noon would be appropriate.

    2. One participant claims to have placed a lot of money 'in escrow' with a semi-famous Las Vegas attorney. The other participant doesn't claim to have made a similar deposit, but doesn't seem opposed to it. It seems like MaxPen should at least attempt to contact attorney Robert Nersesian to determine if in fact he is holding money for Singer and what the exact terms of this escrow are. That conversation alone would tell us a lot about the likelihood of the showdown happening.

    Other than the facts that neither party knows exactly when the other will actually be at South Point and they haven't agreed to the exact terms of this 'escrow' that one claims to have already completed, I just don't see how this can go wrong. There's plenty of time to work out the details.
    The problem is Rob throws so much bullshit that people don't remember what's going on. It's noon at the Silverado Bar at Southpoint. I will be there.

    Alan, bring your reporting self. We can have a good laugh at your good old buddy that literally torched you on these forums in the past when he doesn't show up. Let alone with $700k in a bag. I will buy you lunch. Along with anyone else who wants to show up. I already know what you look like. So I will find you.

    I will be there. The question is who else will be?

    Name:  Screenshot_20220527-150422.jpg
Views: 1184
Size:  34.9 KB

  17. #577
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    I will be there. The question is who else will be?
    ---> Little White Lie (web series).
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

    Blog at

  18. #578
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Originally Posted by unowme View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Speaking of video we need to get Alan Mendelson back in the thread. He's the only legitimate newsman here. (Yes, I know. Redietz' cousin has a girlfriend who's nephew was a janitor in a newsroom so red knows all about it). But Red lives in a treehouse with no electricity or running water in a holler in Tennessee. To far away.

    An interview should be in order. Alan should have exclusive rights to interview Rob. Since Rob worked the double up bug for about 3 mil and also made this all time record 1.5 mil hit on UX....that should make him:


    I think everyone here will be in agreement on that. Everyone should be proud that one of our own VCT members achieved such an accomplishment.

    And it would put a big feather in Alan's hat for nailing the exclusive interview.
    I think you're on to something there. The Tuesday South Point Showdown could be bigger than Evil Knievel's grand canyon rocket jump. I think there are a couple of things that need a little clarification.

    1. Maybe I missed it but I see all this talk about a South Point Showdown on Tuesday that both participants have agreed to, but I don't seem to see an agreed upon time. That's a little weird. One would think both of these high rolling gamblers would want to nail down that little detail or it gives the other one an out. "I was there! Right at 8:00 AM!" "Well I was there at 1:00 PM..Where were you?". Seems like High Noon would be appropriate.

    2. One participant claims to have placed a lot of money 'in escrow' with a semi-famous Las Vegas attorney. The other participant doesn't claim to have made a similar deposit, but doesn't seem opposed to it. It seems like MaxPen should at least attempt to contact attorney Robert Nersesian to determine if in fact he is holding money for Singer and what the exact terms of this escrow are. That conversation alone would tell us a lot about the likelihood of the showdown happening.

    Other than the facts that neither party knows exactly when the other will actually be at South Point and they haven't agreed to the exact terms of this 'escrow' that one claims to have already completed, I just don't see how this can go wrong. There's plenty of time to work out the details.
    The problem is Rob throws so much bullshit that people don't remember what's going on. It's noon at the Silverado Bar at Southpoint. I will be there.

    Alan, bring your reporting self. We can have a good laugh at your good old buddy that literally torched you on these forums in the past when he doesn't show up. Let alone with $700k in a bag. I will buy you lunch. Along with anyone else who wants to show up. I already know what you look like. So I will find you.

    I will be there. The question is who else will be?

    Name:  Screenshot_20220527-150422.jpg
Views: 1184
Size:  34.9 KB
    Thanks. I missed the time on that. High Noon is so appropriate!

    Name:  1952_High Noon_20.jpg
Views: 527
Size:  290.3 KB

  19. #579
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    It seems everyone has become somewhat weary of all this. Yes it would be much simpler if people didn't let a big win like this get to them, but it seems in gambling you have an awful lot of very envious people when someone else scores a huge win.

    I'll do any interview, even if it's with a "broken down reporter" (is that what max calls you?). He says I'm a "broken down old shoe", whatever that is The "old" part is right and there's nothing I or anyone else can do about age, but I don't think he'd want to test the "broken down" part--at least not for the next few years. This is NOT the 73 I saw when I was a young man--not by miles.

    I'll make a few statements here before stepping down from what appears to be MY podium. Then if you like, continue on.

    I got interested in what to me was a new VP game a few months ago, so I played it just a few times at quarters and didn't do so well. But then I came across it in $5 and thought that was an interesting denomination for a game that could yield large payouts. So I gave it a try, and a dealt $160k royal was the result. I knew if I posted it here it would drive the hate & envy tribe nuts. THAT sounded like fun!

    My problem is, we're far more into traveling & relaxing these days than I am into playing VP any more. So I had an idea: find this same multi-play game at the $25 level, go in at least feeling like a big deal player one last time with $400k in action, then win or lose and walk away from this game. Play ends for everybody--I just didn't want it to be death that ended it for me. And I'm really not a fan of 70-yr. olds mingling with the younger generations, who own and deserve casino entertainment.

    The rest you know. I hit the winner of a lifetime for a VP player. And after the last picture I knew this one would be unbearable. But I'm not doing much for a few weeks before we hit the road again. We'd have left this miserable heat behind yesterday if we didn't have a family function to attend in Tucson on the 14th. So I decided to engage with the people who will never accept that I hit this thing. It's pointless to give any further proof of the win beyond the actual pictures. ANYTHING I do would be attacked,and the squad always keeps peeling down the onion for more crazy theories, just so they can cope. I hit it, they don't like it, and they ESPECIALLY don't like that they can't find any evidence anywhere that I did not hit it. If you were me, it's the perfect storm.

    Where are we? Well, while "they're" all riled up and in frantic panic mode--which will last until my death or they hear something bad finally happened to me--Im simply relaxing very comfortably with my wife and dog. I BBQ'd last night and today she's making a lasagna with homemade bread, salad and a nice Reserve Chianti. Tomorrow night I'm taking her to Arrowhead Grill. Just happy doing nothing in our old age.

    But there is something else: this meet at SP which will never happen, mostly because it's obvious max could never come up with 6-figures in cash, and after messing around with $640k with Fezzik and that HP crowd I learned once is enuf. I was in my mind hoping to be to pay max (and kew) back for constantly telling me they were coming over here to see the Newell, but no-showed instead. I just don't have the heart to do that back, even if it's no travel for them. And it would do nothing to change their one-track need to believe I didn't hit this winner anyway. I see it's good entertainment for everyone but as I said, my gambling days are over.

    My suggestion for those who just can't get over the fact that it was ME who hit this, and the fact that none of your heroes have been able to find evidence to the contrary because it does not exist, is to just tune out. The feeling will pass, and tomorrow's a new day. Let it go. You all should have far more important and much more enjoyable things to do. And it's Memorial Day weekend. Spend at least SOME time honoring those veterans who did not make it home.
    Yeah,,, I'm the guy who can't meet that

    I literally put a little over a 1/3 on my kitchen counter for a pic the other night. Your ass clowning self posted a $19.99 starter pack of stage money with one real $100 on top.

    You're a joke. You don't have anything escrowed with anyone. You're not showing up at Southpoint. You're nothing but a bullshit artist.

  20. #580
    Ha. Looks like I outdrew you, "partners", with the 7:21 am time.

    P.S. No one has bet anything at all, until it's escrowed.
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

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