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Thread: The WoV Thread

  1. #9141
    He spreads his seed with wild abandon yet none of it seems to stick?

    What, is he shooting blanks?

    The only game in life that "matters" is to reproduce and nurture your offspring through adulthood.

    My guess is that 99.99% of his "seed" is aimed at his computer screen.

    Grow up, Little Man.
    What, Me Worry?

  2. #9142
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    He spreads his seed with wild abandon yet none of it seems to stick?

    What, is he shooting blanks?

    The only game in life that "matters" is to reproduce and nurture your offspring through adulthood.

    My guess is that 99.99% of his "seed" is aimed at his computer screen.

    Grow up, Little Man.
    Unlike rob I would instantly escrow the money for any bet regarding what I make with Todd. Provided you loser fucks put up a ten percent of what I escrow to be paid when you back the fuck out. Fake ass lawyer a fake ass blackjack player with pussy jb sucking them both off

  3. #9143
    Bottom line is Jason/ kewj is fake. He’s a drama queer board fuck

    If I seen him in real life I would sew his mouth shut with my asshole hair so when I was fucking him no one could hear him scream

  4. #9144
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue
    Fake ass lawyer a fake ass blackjack player with pussy jb sucking them both off
    My, such a colorful fantasy; OK no more fecal painting for you, back in to your fake ass play pen and NO MORE SUGAR!
    What, Me Worry?

  5. #9145
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Bottom line is Jason/ kewj is fake. He’s a drama queer board fuck

    If I seen him in real life I would sew his mouth shut with my asshole hair so when I was fucking him no one could hear him scream

    Okay, for the record, I have zero issues with anything kewlJ has posted regarding blackjack, living in Las Vegas, and gambling in general.

    Having said that, I was eating my red beans and rice from Popeye's, read Seed's last line, and choked up a wad of beans and rice onto my keyboard.

    You guys are absolutely terrible. I know Keystone and Seed are not fans of each other, but the potential for a reboot of The Man Show is here at VCT. Raunchier, uglier, and funnier than the original.

  6. #9146
    My first reaction was to take seedvalue up on his 100k wager

    BUT, these wagers NEVER come to fruition, so there is probably no way to win. Just a further exercise on wasting time.

    Whatever info seedvalue has or thinks he has probably came from Mdawg, but if he is seriously claiming to have financial records that I don't make what I claim, he is just bullshitting or has info on the wrong person.

    But really statements like he made about "sewing my mouth shut with his ass hairs", just proves he is a completely deranged Mfer and removes any possibility that I would seriously deal with him. It is just more of the crazy talk that VCT has become synonymous with.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 06-25-2022 at 12:26 PM.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  7. #9147
    Originally Posted by Garnabby View Post
    Kj, doesn't it concern you that your only supporters anywhere are Red, who thinks that "someone, sometime, somewhere" is going to do a thesis on this place about Coach's real name, and family, that people won't still be as gullible in the next centuries, and, MrV, who is too "high" (on some otherwise useless plant) to know better?
    I mostly ignore you too because you too, as most here have proven to be nuts, but I will answer.

    What is this crap about supporters? I am not looking for supporters? What would they be supporting?

    If you substituted "supporters" for people that know who and what I am, which is exactly what I have portrayed myself, well then you are wrong as usual and further showing what a real dimwit you are. Most members of this or any forum that I participate on, know that. Well let me re-phrase that....most real players (excluding the trolls and game players) know that.

    You seem to be substituting popularity (which I could care less about) with credibility.

    What is it you think Garnabby, that I am a male proustite as seedvalue absurdly claims? No wonder you sit here babbling numbers and other incoherent ramblings to yourself.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  8. #9148
    Speaking of these bets that will never happen, I can’t believe anyone would escrow a large amount of money with a professional poker player.

  9. #9149
    Originally Posted by Garnabby View Post
    Kj, doesn't it concern you that your only supporters anywhere are Red, who thinks that "someone, sometime, somewhere" is going to do a thesis on this place about Coach's real name, and family, that people won't still be as gullible in the next centuries, and, MrV, who is too "high" (on some otherwise useless plant) to know better?
    I see you deleted it but I no longer identify as a toaster.

  10. #9150
    Originally Posted by Garnabby View Post
    Hey, in the land of fruits and nuts, the only reasonable person is the one who speaks only to himself. (Monet excepted, maybe along with his "boy", Pooey. Money does a lot of talking to himself, as well. Ha.)

    You didn't really or actually answer my question about Red, and MrV.

    Regardless, you don't think that jbjb was "pulling our legs", earlier on about you being legitimate? Jbjb is for only jbjb, another thoroughly unhappy person. Almost as bitter at life as Ozzy boy, who's clinically compelled to rank every thing.
    You really do love it here.
    You contribute plenty.
    Keep up the good work!

  11. #9151
    lol... Garnabby deleting posts again.
    Are you worried that someone will quote you?
    Nobody cares to quote you except for me.
    It's nice that you feel bad for Solar Boy.
    William Yung and I have secret invisible conversations on this forum.

  12. #9152
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    Speaking of these bets that will never happen, I can’t believe anyone would escrow a large amount of money with a professional poker player.
    Poker players are easy to find. As long as it's not enough that they would jump on a cruise ship to the Caribbean I don't see a problem.

    The only thing I would worry about with Dan is the fact that he is vaxxed up, boosted, and who knows what else. I might want a sudden death protocol.

  13. #9153
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Bottom line is Jason/ kewj is fake. He’s a drama queer board fuck

    If I seen him in real life I would sew his mouth shut with my asshole hair so when I was fucking him no one could hear him scream
    I knew Little Seed was a transvestite

  14. #9154
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    Speaking of these bets that will never happen, I can’t believe anyone would escrow a large amount of money with a professional poker player.
    Poker players are easy to find. As long as it's not enough that they would jump on a cruise ship to the Caribbean I don't see a problem.

    The only thing I would worry about with Dan is the fact that he is vaxxed up, boosted, and who knows what else. I might want a sudden death protocol.
    Probably has TWO boosters. RIP.

  15. #9155
    Kind of an interesting development over at WoV. For those that don't read that forum, a little recap, because this intriguing. The Mdawg thread draws very little interest and comments except from Mdawg himself with his daily reports. So Mdawg escalated, as these guys always do to generate more attention. (think Singer). Mdawg reported a loss of nearly quarter of a million dollars the other day (one day play). That generated the attention he was hoping for as a number of players weighed in skeptical.

    The one person that weighed in that I found interesting is Shackleford, who wanted to know how Mdawg would go about verifying this should someone accept the challenge that is included with every Mdawg post.

    So is Shackleford finally about to challenge Mdawg's claims. I mean a quarter million dollar loss in one session ought to be able to be fairly easily verified right? Or as I suspect, does Shackleford see an opportunity for another payday, hoping Mdawg will pay him yet again, to back away, keep quiet and not pursue any challenge?

    If I were a betting man.....
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  16. #9156
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    Speaking of these bets that will never happen, I can’t believe anyone would escrow a large amount of money with a professional poker player.
    Poker players are easy to find. As long as it's not enough that they would jump on a cruise ship to the Caribbean I don't see a problem.

    The only thing I would worry about with Dan is the fact that he is vaxxed up, boosted, and who knows what else. I might want a sudden death protocol.

    According to the latest study, from Harvard I believe, after six months, having gotten two shots is actually a negative against the latest three strains. There is, at best, no protection.

    After about two weeks, boosters go to zero efficacy against the three new strains.

    So yeah, time to get insurance if you're relying on boosters.

  17. #9157
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    Speaking of these bets that will never happen, I can’t believe anyone would escrow a large amount of money with a professional poker player.
    Poker players are easy to find. As long as it's not enough that they would jump on a cruise ship to the Caribbean I don't see a problem.

    The only thing I would worry about with Dan is the fact that he is vaxxed up, boosted, and who knows what else. I might want a sudden death protocol.

    According to the latest study, from Harvard I believe, after six months, having gotten two shots is actually a negative against the latest three strains. There is, at best, no protection.

    After about two weeks, boosters go to zero efficacy against the three new strains.

    So yeah, time to get insurance if you're relying on boosters.
    Please give a reference to this Harvard study. Thanks.

  18. #9158
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post

    Poker players are easy to find. As long as it's not enough that they would jump on a cruise ship to the Caribbean I don't see a problem.

    The only thing I would worry about with Dan is the fact that he is vaxxed up, boosted, and who knows what else. I might want a sudden death protocol.

    According to the latest study, from Harvard I believe, after six months, having gotten two shots is actually a negative against the latest three strains. There is, at best, no protection.

    After about two weeks, boosters go to zero efficacy against the three new strains.

    So yeah, time to get insurance if you're relying on boosters.
    Please give a reference to this Harvard study. Thanks.

    It was a letter from Harvard researchers to the New England Journal of Medicine, published a couple of days ago. The title is "Neutralization Escape by SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Subvariants BA.2.12.1, BA.4, and BA.5"

    The phrase "Neutralization Escape" essentially means that the virus has escaped vaccine effects. If I read this correctly, although the numbers studied were small, every subject demonstrated the same effect, or in this case, lack of vaccine effect.

    Let me track down a lecture from a guy who does daily lectures on this stuff.

  19. #9159
    I'm of the french-fry-first generation, and I suddenly find myself taking you seriously.

    What does this mean?

    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    time to get insurance if you're relying on boosters.

  20. #9160
    1) The boosters are of zero help after two weeks. One of the main problems is that people engage in more risky behaviors after having been double vaxxed and boosted, so that these people are actually likely to show a negative vaccine effect in the future. In other words, they may be more likely to get infected than the unvaxxed because their behaviors have been riskier.

    2) If people have taken vaccines and boosters, and the vaccines level out at zero efficacy at some point (a couple of weeks for boosters), then the people who have taken the vaccines and boosters have absorbed all of the risks of the vaccines and boosters sans any real benefits. Thus, they may (I said may) be at more risk for all kinds of health issues.

    I found it. Here's a lecture that sums up the letter from Harvard and some other studies and tries to tie the stuff together in some kind of overall context.

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