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Thread: The WoV Thread

  1. #9181
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    The vaccine does nothing it has the same long term side effects as getting covid. How your body handles covid is complete depended on if you have a certain genetic makeup. Polish scientists figured this out. The researchers from the Medical University of Bialystok found that the gene was the fourth most important factor determining how seriously a person suffers from COVID-19, after age, weight and gender. Taking the vaccine just makes humans feel like they are doing something to protect themselves and others. It’s literally virtue signaling at this point. Just like all death covid death is random. I do believe They made a noble effort to create a vaccine to help us, but failed as they didn’t fully understand the virus mutations. But believe what you want the data is out there if you look at it. The problem is most people really can’t interpret statistics correctly including semi smart pro gamblers
    I'm fairly certain it has been beyond established that long covid is something that is no joke and numerous people have it or have had it.

    Fuck I met some kid at WSOP playing poker the one time I played. I believe he lives with his parents, no way he is 25. He got covid and even went to hospital. Whatever but his sense of smell was screwed for over a year until he got covid again. He was very serious about it, told us about his panic attacks and such. These stories are beyond abundant.

    I have NEVER come across anyone who had something like this from the vaccine. I would be surprised if the vaccine hasn't caused some issues somewhere but it is beyond established that the virus itself does far far far more damage.x

    The vaccine helped with the original strain (and those closer). The one that seemed to have had signficantly worse symptoms. (This new variant doesn't get into the lungs .. ) And while they failed in having a vaccine that had any chance of irradicating the disease - the vaccine has clearly reduced symptoms, long covid, hospitalization, etc.

    It wasn't a total success but it wasn't a total failure. It is the best we could do and it worked.

    There isn't much else to this. These youtube guys are mostly grifters. Diore, Brand. All these people who believe in their shit want to also believe in the conspiracies. Everything is twisted by money, right? Therefore you can't believe it. THese same conspiracy people never pause to think how much these youtube hacks get off Youtube payments with their grifts. Their apparent irrelevancy outside of Youtube. Listening to these folks somehow this is supposed to be better than MSM. It may be, it may not.

  2. #9182
    Redietz is like giving me a lecture on the issues with trials and studies. Then he goes on and shows some minority view study and waves it all around.

    Where do these people come from?

  3. #9183
    BTW I got the covid for first time AFAIK. Body aches, sore throat (nothing bad).. Really no more nasal discharge than allergies. Sore sinuses to go with the sore throat.

    I had a thing called Rigor last night which I've never had before. Having your body violently shake for a couple of minutes is a very bizarre thing to experience. At first you're like is this a medical problem? Like should I be worried? Being cold has never made me shiver like this. This is VIOLENT. So I get under the sheets and comforter but it does little. Then it stopped and I seemed fine. Apparently it is what your body does when it determines your need to be feverish... had no clue.

  4. #9184
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    BTW I got the covid for first time AFAIK. Body aches, sore throat (nothing bad).. Really no more nasal discharge than allergies. Sore sinuses to go with the sore throat.

    I had a thing called Rigor last night which I've never had before. Having your body violently shake for a couple of minutes is a very bizarre thing to experience. At first you're like is this a medical problem? Like should I be worried? Being cold has never made me shiver like this. This is VIOLENT. So I get under the sheets and comforter but it does little. Then it stopped and I seemed fine. Apparently it is what your body does when it determines your need to be feverish... had no clue.
    Speedy recovery, with mild symptoms to you AccoutinQ.

    I have stayed out of this discussion. But I had covid twice as I shared with this forum, each time. (and people like to make fun of)

    The first time, early on in the covid deal, there was an outbreak in my building. I knew of over a dozen people that contracted it at that same time. I am sure there were more. I got very sick that first time. Very sick with lung infection, fever and pressure making it hard to breath. Felt like someone was standing behind me squeezing me. That lasted less than a week, I think 6 days and went away. I was thinking that wasn't so bad, because at the time there were a lot of deaths. Felt good for 3 days and then it all came back for a second round, even worse for about another week. After that second round, I dealt with severe fatigue for about a month. It was like nothing I ever experiences. I couldn't stay awake for more than a couple hours. Some days I was awake as little as 8-9 hours.

    After about a month, things slowly improved. I resumed my Bj career, going out every day that summer. Then I had a complication of swelling around my heart. Not the heart, but around the heart. This was a not uncommon complication from covid. That resolved quickly with medication.

    Second time I got covid, a year and half later, I felt like I had a cold. My doctor wanted me to test so I did and tested positive. Had cold symptoms for 3 days or so and that was it.

    I am no doctor or medical expert, or any of that, but the two times I contracted covid were night and day as far as severity. What was the difference? Vaccines had come out and I was vaccinated 5 months before contracting covid the second time. THAT is enough for me. I believe in science and math. It is a little scary that these vaccines were rushed so, out of necessity, and when problems came up, they were corrected. And who knows, 5, 10 years down the road, I guess it is possible that everyone vaccinated, comes down with some issue related to the vaccine. Not likely, but possible. If that happens, I will leave it to science to come up with a fix. You either believe in things like science and math and the experts we have working the problems, or you become like the Amish. I choose science and math.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  5. #9185
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Redietz is like giving me a lecture on the issues with trials and studies. Then he goes on and shows some minority view study and waves it all around.

    Where do these people come from?
    Your hero Bill Gates proclaimed that catching Omicron is more effective than taking the Vaccine.
    Next Time?
    Another Lab Leak!?

    Last edited by monet; 06-30-2022 at 01:28 PM.

  6. #9186
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Burgers and fries are a tasty combination. Sometimes I eat some of the fries first and other times I eat some of the burger first. I never place the fries on the burger - I believe it is not uncommon to put the fries on the burger in Pittsburgh. A side of onion rings and a hamburger is also a great combination but this is out of scope.
    Due to salt restricted diet I no longer eat french fries. I also have a refrigerator in my van so buy 40 packs of bottled water at Walmart. Works out to about 13 cents a bottle. When I go thru a fast food line I'm no longer buying the combo meals. I just get the burger and grab a bottle of water out of the refrigerator. Then I throw the bun away. You wouldn't believe how much salt is in bread. A hamburger bun can have over 500 milligrams of salt in it.

    I get off pretty cheap at those fast food joints these days.
    Sounds like a smart move Mickey. I should probably cut back myself.
    You will not escape death.
    Imagine a world without salt.
    I ask for double salt and sometimes triple but I still cook with unsalted butter.
    Last edited by monet; 06-30-2022 at 01:29 PM.

  7. #9187
    People like accountinquestion want me to trust companies that make the vaccine and mass produce products like these.
    By the way, these are only 10 examples.
    On annual average the FDA recalls 1280 drugs that get released onto the market that they know should not be released.
    I take as little pharmaceuticals as possible as I don't believe in them and I am not trying to live forever.
    I do take Aspirin, Tylenol and NyQuil on occasion because I'm an idiot.
    I recently went kicking and screaming to the doctor to be tested for all STDs which was a waste of my time.
    Prior to that I can count on one hand how many times I have went to the doctor in the last 30 years.

    Valdecoxib (Bextra) death, heart attack, stroke and gastrointestinal bleeding.

    Pemoline (Cylert) liver damage.

    Bromfenac (Duract) death and liver damage.

    Levamisole (Ergamisol) eye surgery problems.

    Rofecoxib (Vioxx) heart attack and stroke.

    Isotretinoin (Accutane) birth defects, miscarriage, and premature deaths.
    Abortion against the law... take this medicine.

    Sibutramine (Meridia) heart attack and stroke.

    Terfenadine (Seldane) heart problems.

    Troglitazone (Rezulin) liver failure.

    Efalizumab (Raptiva) causes progressive multifocal Leukoencephalopathy.

  8. #9188
    Cluckerz gonna cluck.

    #Halfthedudes on this forum binge watch My Little Pony on VHS while eating Hamburger Helper and think they’re living the high life.
    Last edited by mcap; 06-30-2022 at 01:59 PM.

  9. #9189
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    BTW I got the covid for first time AFAIK. Body aches, sore throat (nothing bad).. Really no more nasal discharge than allergies. Sore sinuses to go with the sore throat.

    I had a thing called Rigor last night which I've never had before. Having your body violently shake for a couple of minutes is a very bizarre thing to experience. At first you're like is this a medical problem? Like should I be worried? Being cold has never made me shiver like this. This is VIOLENT. So I get under the sheets and comforter but it does little. Then it stopped and I seemed fine. Apparently it is what your body does when it determines your need to be feverish... had no clue.
    I have experienced the same Violent Shivers you did with the regular flu.
    What doesn't kill you will make you stronger.
    The second time I got Covid I slept for 30 hours and sort of lost track of time.
    Felt horrible for 3 to 4 days.
    Day 5 and 6 I was up and back to bowling.
    Covid is the same as the Flu for 96% of us.
    Toughen Up.
    Only the Strong will Survive.
    Playing Live Poker is probably the worst thing in the world as I always caught the Flu or something like it every single year in Vegas.
    It's a Cesspool.

    Edit: I should state that my wife works in the Casino now for over a year.
    She is Double Vaxxed and has still never caught it.
    She decided against being boosted.
    My uncle is UnVaxxed and never caught it either.
    They are beating the odds somehow.

    It would be interesting to get our antibodies tested and see which one of us has more but it doesn't really matter.
    Last edited by monet; 06-30-2022 at 02:10 PM.

  10. #9190
    How’s that cheeseburger Mac tasting Garnabby?

  11. #9191
    Originally Posted by Garnabby View Post
    Secret VCT codewor6, RI9 + ...

    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    You will not esca9e 6eath.
    ---> ISO three-letter country codes.

    I guess, as per my noting of "country code" in my previous post (to do with God's telephone number). Note the digits of 6996 above, and, in my previous post.

    Anyway, escaping death is the easy part. The hard part is to remain intact (after having escaped death).
    Can we at least get some salt with our fries?

  12. #9192
    Anyways, who gives a shit?
    You better vaccine up again and boost up while you can.
    Because BA.5 is coming and will be dominate in America by Mid-July.
    Get your Life Insurance and Funeral Arrangements in Order!
    See You In HELL!

  13. #9193
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Anyways, who gives a shit?
    You better vaccine up again and boost up while you can.
    It is an AP move. So said a dumb-ass, once upon a time.

    Elderly excluded.

  14. #9194
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    You will not escape death.
    Imagine a world without salt.
    I ask for double salt and sometimes triple but I still cook with unsalted butter.
    Sometimes I buy a quarter pound or half pound of baked potato wedges which are sold in the deli section of some of the grocery store chains which I presume is a little healthier than french fries and they taste pretty good as long as you get them before they overcook under the heat lamp. Anyway, just as you write, death is imminent for all of us. Along the way I have enjoyed french fries and onion rings with a hamburger or chicken burger. The regular serving of salt suits my taste for better or worse. Anyway food science is advancing pretty rapidly at this point, so maybe they will develop a salt substitute that tastes just as good as the real thing for flavoring. Just like the Beyond burger doesn't taste that much worse than a regular beef burger and coke zero doesn't taste that much worse than regular coke. Then we can enjoy the taste without some of the health drawbacks so that we feel better along the remaining stretch until doomsday.

  15. #9195
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    BTW I got the covid for first time AFAIK. Body aches, sore throat (nothing bad).. Really no more nasal discharge than allergies. Sore sinuses to go with the sore throat.

    I had a thing called Rigor last night which I've never had before. Having your body violently shake for a couple of minutes is a very bizarre thing to experience. At first you're like is this a medical problem? Like should I be worried? Being cold has never made me shiver like this. This is VIOLENT. So I get under the sheets and comforter but it does little. Then it stopped and I seemed fine. Apparently it is what your body does when it determines your need to be feverish... had no clue.
    I have experienced the same Violent Shivers you did with the regular flu.
    What doesn't kill you will make you stronger.
    The second time I got Covid I slept for 30 hours and sort of lost track of time.
    Felt horrible for 3 to 4 days.
    Day 5 and 6 I was up and back to bowling.
    Covid is the same as the Flu for 96% of us.
    Toughen Up.
    Only the Strong will Survive.
    Playing Live Poker is probably the worst thing in the world as I always caught the Flu or something like it every single year in Vegas.
    It's a Cesspool.

    Edit: I should state that my wife works in the Casino now for over a year.
    She is Double Vaxxed and has still never caught it.
    She decided against being boosted.
    My uncle is UnVaxxed and never caught it either.
    They are beating the odds somehow.

    It would be interesting to get our antibodies tested and see which one of us has more but it doesn't really matter.

    I used to catch a cold every single time I played live poker. Happened like the first five times in a row. And I don't get sick often.

  16. #9196
    Originally Posted by jpfromla View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Burgers and fries are a tasty combination. Sometimes I eat some of the fries first and other times I eat some of the burger first. I never place the fries on the burger - I believe it is not uncommon to put the fries on the burger in Pittsburgh. A side of onion rings and a hamburger is also a great combination but this is out of scope.
    Due to salt restricted diet I no longer eat french fries. I also have a refrigerator in my van so buy 40 packs of bottled water at Walmart. Works out to about 13 cents a bottle. When I go thru a fast food line I'm no longer buying the combo meals. I just get the burger and grab a bottle of water out of the refrigerator. Then I throw the bun away. You wouldn't believe how much salt is in bread. A hamburger bun can have over 500 milligrams of salt in it.

    I get off pretty cheap at those fast food joints these days.
    You need to find an In 'n Out Burger place. Order the protein burger. Instead of the bun, they wrap it in lettuce.
    Thanks for the tip.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  17. #9197
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Redietz is like giving me a lecture on the issues with trials and studies. Then he goes on and shows some minority view study and waves it all around.

    Where do these people come from?
    Your hero Bill Gates proclaimed that catching Omicron is more effective than taking the Vaccine.
    Next Time?
    Another Lab Leak!?

    "My hero". I guess he's a bad guy because he spends a lot of his excess money to actually help the world? Not everyone is a shitty person like you, Monet.

    Anyway, not many are claiming the vaccine is helping as much with Omnicron and sub-variants. Not many are pushing for vaccines anymore. Luckily the newest variants seem to cause less serious illness than the original strains. shrug.

    The vaccine was made for earliest strains and the thing has mutated so that A) it doesn't cause as much illness B) is far more transmissable C) it evades previous immunity

    It isn't like catching the original variant has 100% protected you from these new variants. Neither vaccine or prior infection have been some miracle. The most important thing and lucky for us is that these new variants seem to not do near as much.

  18. #9198
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post

    I would recommend to expand your horizons. If you haven't been aware of long term effects, you haven't been looking, frankly. It's not like these were my preferred directions -- I'm a child of moon landings and fervent optimism regarding science. I suggest as starting points the essay published in the British Medical Journal a few months back regarding the lack of evidence-based medicine and the corrosion of the entire clinical trial process. The BMJ is quite conservative and the oldest of the medical journals. Also, Phil Harper's substack writings regarding the Pfizer documents that a Texas court forced Pfizer to release. Pfizer wanted to sit on them for, get this, 75 years.

    If you watch the Been lecture, you'll early on get to the explanation of the zero efficacy points.

    FYI -- the Phase 3 trials for the Pfizer vaccine should be completed sometime in early 2024. That is not a typo.
    I'm fairly certain there are not that many longterm side-effects. The heart-inflamation thing is not going on longterm.

    You really put a lot of effort jumping around .. I wish I knew the types of invalid arguments but this "you need to expands your horizons" won't cut it. Almost all side-effects are over within 2 months and if they aren't, please tell me about them.

    "Thus, they may (I said may) be at more risk for all kinds of health issues." you said. oookay. I mean this statement isn't exactly not true but it is near meaningless.

    THe vaccines have been used for quite some time now and I have yet to hear about all these longterm effects we were warned of by the anti-vaxxers.

    Yes I can expand my horizons to nonsense and find an opposing view but I fail to see value in that approach.

    Pfizer not wanting to release info is not anything surprising. That is standard operating procedure. All it would do it help them be sued. I believe they were given government money and such so we could argue that this should be an exception but it does *not* point to anything nefarious.

    I'm also not sure what you're getting at about clinical trials and trying to tie it in. Yes, they have many issues but that doesn't mean they always have issues. Nor do this lack of a full trial point to anything either. It was clear that such an exception was needed.

    People seem to confuse the side-effects we've had over the years from meds for chronic disease and make that directly comparable to the vaccines. These few time shots that (from my understanding) are just proteins aren't near as bad. They're not really actively doing anything but existing for the body to respond to and destroy. My guess is that most drugs that we've learned had side-effects (with hindsight) may have had those side-effects go unnoticed if the victims only took these drugs 3 times.

    Welp we'll see in a few years when we all drop off from cancer.

    Well, here's the questions. Have you read the BMJ essay regarding lack of evidence based medicine in modern clinical trial processes? Have you read the Phil Harper Ivermectin series on substack? Have you actually read the reports on forums, on YouTube, of people with long term vaccine injuries?

    Because if you haven't done those things, and spent serious time with them, what's the point of my responding in any way? There are literally dozens of people who have real expertise whose reporting is available if you want to find it. I'm just doing a summary from a professional gambling perspective and from the perspective of someone who has a good sense of how propaganda is usually structured. The following are just easily available -- they aren't particularly damning. What bothers me isn't that the occasional end of the bell curve vaccine injury is happening. It's that there is almost no mainstream reporting of those injuries.

    There are dozens of these kinds of critiques out there -- I tried to find one Been interview that was the best I'd seen because the injured person had a biology doctorate and was walking us through how impossible it was to get medical coverage for her injuries. She patiently went through the identification of injury process, spending a lot of money, and was a terrific interview. I couldn't find it immediately, however, as I am not a Been subscriber.

    The majority of the heart issues "resolve," but they resolve with scarring, which means from an immediate basic functional perspective, all is usually well from a superficial won't-die-today perspective after a couple of months. But the scarring is there months and months later and may be permanent. So it affects people long-term.

    One of the disturbing, propaganda type things regarding the vaccine-injured that Been interviews -- these people are clearly still damaged, but as participants in the government study, they have been cleared and labeled as "recovered and cured."

    If you haven't looked into these things, I don't blame you. I'd prefer to not have learned this stuff. But my preferences take a back seat to reality recognition.

    A lot of this comes back to laziness. If answers matter, then doing a two-page google search of "vaccine injuries" isn't going to cut it. But if that's what you think research is, then you learn what you deserve.
    How do you feel about Dr. Fauci's propaganda?
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  19. #9199
    Regarding sodium and burgers, I think all fast food places offer a bunless option now.

    I get the double QP at McDonald's this way sometimes but I think they actually salt the pattie. It's got something like salt on it anyway

  20. #9200
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    BTW I got the covid for first time AFAIK. Body aches, sore throat (nothing bad).. Really no more nasal discharge than allergies. Sore sinuses to go with the sore throat.

    I had a thing called Rigor last night which I've never had before. Having your body violently shake for a couple of minutes is a very bizarre thing to experience. At first you're like is this a medical problem? Like should I be worried? Being cold has never made me shiver like this. This is VIOLENT. So I get under the sheets and comforter but it does little. Then it stopped and I seemed fine. Apparently it is what your body does when it determines your need to be feverish... had no clue.
    I have experienced the same Violent Shivers you did with the regular flu.
    What doesn't kill you will make you stronger.
    The second time I got Covid I slept for 30 hours and sort of lost track of time.
    Felt horrible for 3 to 4 days.
    Day 5 and 6 I was up and back to bowling.
    Covid is the same as the Flu for 96% of us.
    Toughen Up.
    Only the Strong will Survive.
    Playing Live Poker is probably the worst thing in the world as I always caught the Flu or something like it every single year in Vegas.
    It's a Cesspool.

    Edit: I should state that my wife works in the Casino now for over a year.
    She is Double Vaxxed and has still never caught it.
    She decided against being boosted.
    My uncle is UnVaxxed and never caught it either.
    They are beating the odds somehow.

    It would be interesting to get our antibodies tested and see which one of us has more but it doesn't really matter.
    I'm just going to say "what doesn't kill you will make you stronger" could not be more nonsensical. I remember saying this ... when I was a kid.

    Sounds great. Tough men we are! Until you survived and can barely walk up stairs without being terribly winded. I remember Trump walking up those stairs. You could watch him pause trying to catch his breath but the show had to go on. I give him props for that. He had a lot of specialized medical care which wasn't available to general public. Extreme privilege is a wonderful thing.

    Or you have some weird "brain-fog". It doesn't kill you, it just makes you dumber!

    Anyway, many times if it doesn't kill you it just makes you weaker.

    Probably an illness vs life experiences. Apply it to latter and not former.

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