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Thread: Recent interview with Eliot Jacobson

  1. #81
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    yes it's quite humorous to thank someone for posting a video.
    Except you'd 100% never done it if either of you knew what was in the video.

    You jerk-off every other guy who agrees with you politically regardless of content. Like some support group stuff.

    You seem like an ok guy though but just pointing out. Maybe you aren't even aware.

    People are fascinating to me.

    Like why does seedvalue know so much about women's clothing? Here's this guy with huge AP teams, a big penis, fucks tons of women, but SOMEHOW knows about various brands and styles of womenswear? Riddle me that one.

    These are things that fascinate some of us.
    My women likes to shop. So as I sit there I often look at the names of things and troll kewj with it. Helps pass the hour or so it takes her to try on different things. What I find interesting is the sheer number of different names they come up with for the same item.

  2. #82
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Monet, it's always best to believe whatever someone decides to ram down your throat. For example the illegal drug use and prostitute content on Hunter Biden's laptop was just fake news. I know that because CNN told me that. Also everyone knows a person just can't make any money at casinos. And, so what if during the most recent U.S. presidential election people were caught on camera stuffing thousands of absentee ballots into ballot drop off sites at 2:00AM to 3:00 AM with gloves on even though it is illegal to drop even one absentee ballot into a drop off box if it is not your own. It's all just conspiratorial nonsense. Everyone goes to drop boxes at 2AM in the morning with gloves on.
    Viruses are not created in laboratories and viruses never escape from such facilities...

  3. #83
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    Ok, so you are REALLY REALLY grasping at straws. I believe that is what you're trying to convey in this response, no?
    Yes, you got me - It is much more efficient to write "I am really really grasping at straws" in order to convey that I am really really grasping at straws rather than all that blathering I was doing since the blathering could be interpreted as having some other meaning such as believe everything you are told to believe hook, line and sinker.
    The blathering served a point. That point being that you're nonsensical. I misread a UX screen and did bad math based on that!!! oohhh my!

    What is inefficient is telling your little forum buttbuddy thank you everytime he posts any irrelevant video. Why the fuck do you think anyone else cares that you have a need to thank Monet for every video? (even when they demonstrate your view is wrong.)

    Yes there is nothing wrong with it. Just very childlike. Maybe you can keep that in private messages? Then you could thank him for every post!

  4. #84
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post

    Don't even bother tableplay.
    They won't even listen to their own religious heroes.
    You have to remember that these idiots are taking every shot and every booster that is offered to them.
    Sheep gonna Sheep which is odd in a Forum full of Wolves.

    I 100% know you didn't watch this. The headline uses a quote for a reason. He's telling you why people believe what they believe and why this has been seen as a"liberal conspiracy". He isn't saying it IS a liberal conspiracy.

    You should actually watch what you post, Monet. Or maybe realize you don't know enough to publicly express your opinion.

    He basically supports my view. I don't disagree with anything he says in this video. He talks about US medical 2x the cost for medical but worse outcomes then socialized medicine then goes into why the fucking muppets lock stock and barrel support this. He then ties it into earth warming denial.

    For those who say the "science isn't decided" Yes. Much like weather forecasters don't have it down 100%. One could say the science is undecided blah blah and they're never entirely _wrong_.

    The problem with "sciences is undecided" is meteorologists are actually more right than wrong.

    Much like the prediction of climate change and how it'll play out is beyond our ability it is the same with weather in general.

    IMO the ecosytems will start to collapse and will lead to food shortages. It doesn't take much. We already are seeing some of this. Anyway, all this will cause very unstable societies. Riots and violence until at some point it just collapse and people start to starve in even first world countries.

    Look around at all the drying up water supplies. "drought" Think about how it'll be in 20 years and how even more fragile our existence will be due to the need to engineer our basic survival.

    Perhaps there will be a way to engineer a way out of it. Maybe not. I'm not holding my breath and once that solution dies the world will just burn.

    20 years is a reasonable timeline would you care to place a wager on what you think will happen in the next 20 years ?

    Let me know what you want to bet on and we can figure something out. Same structure I was talking with Eliott about.
    I believe that heat records will continually be broken at a rate higher than 1980-2000. Probably the same as last 20 years but I don't really study these things because they're not important. I have little clue how this plays out only that temperatures go up, up, up and things didn't evolve for those temperatures. I also know we're going to have severe water shortages.

    I guess I'd bet that the temperatures in the next 20 years will have broke records prior to 2000 pretty much constantly (well within reason). This demonstrates that Earth heating is not some few year anomaly.

    TBH betting on forums and over the course of 20 years and all that is stupid. Wonder what the rate of online bets is and how often people follow through with them.

    I am not sure the temperature will get us, it'll also be lack of rain.

    No one has studied at what temperature things die etc. It just can't reasonably be done. Like a big biosphere thing where temperature is controlled? Anyway for various reasons that isn't happening so we just don't know.
    Last edited by accountinquestion; 07-21-2022 at 05:40 AM.

  5. #85
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    I 100% know you didn't watch this. The headline uses a quote for a reason. He's telling you why people believe what they believe and why this has been seen as a"liberal conspiracy". He isn't saying it IS a liberal conspiracy.

    You should actually watch what you post, Monet. Or maybe realize you don't know enough to publicly express your opinion.

    He basically supports my view. I don't disagree with anything he says in this video. He talks about US medical 2x the cost for medical but worse outcomes then socialized medicine then goes into why the fucking muppets lock stock and barrel support this. He then ties it into earth warming denial.

    For those who say the "science isn't decided" Yes. Much like weather forecasters don't have it down 100%. One could say the science is undecided blah blah and they're never entirely _wrong_.

    The problem with "sciences is undecided" is meteorologists are actually more right than wrong.

    Much like the prediction of climate change and how it'll play out is beyond our ability it is the same with weather in general.

    IMO the ecosytems will start to collapse and will lead to food shortages. It doesn't take much. We already are seeing some of this. Anyway, all this will cause very unstable societies. Riots and violence until at some point it just collapse and people start to starve in even first world countries.

    Look around at all the drying up water supplies. "drought" Think about how it'll be in 20 years and how even more fragile our existence will be due to the need to engineer our basic survival.

    Perhaps there will be a way to engineer a way out of it. Maybe not. I'm not holding my breath and once that solution dies the world will just burn.

    20 years is a reasonable timeline would you care to place a wager on what you think will happen in the next 20 years ?

    Let me know what you want to bet on and we can figure something out. Same structure I was talking with Eliott about.
    I believe that heat records will continually be broken at a rate higher than 1980-2000. Probably the same as last 20 years but I don't really study these things because they're not important. I have little clue how this plays out only that temperatures go up, up, up and things didn't evolve for those temperatures. I also know we're going to have severe water shortages.

    I guess I'd bet that the temperatures in the next 20 years will have broke records prior to 2000 pretty much constantly (well within reason). This demonstrates that Earth heating is not some few year anomaly.

    TBH betting on forums and over the course of 20 years and all that is stupid. Wonder what the rate of online bets is and how often people follow through with them.

    I am not sure the temperature will get us, it'll also be lack of rain.

    No one has studied at what temperature things die etc. It just can't reasonably be done. Like a big biosphere thing where temperature is controlled? Anyway for various reasons that isn't happening so we just don't know.
    This I why I’m suggesting some sort of irrevocable trust structure with the bet. Something that would be concrete and not run through a website owner or some random.

    Will this temperature increases result in famine, and death here in the United States or another similar country?

    How will are life be disrupted ? Will the temperature increase result in a significant drop in GDP ? Will my beach house be under water I mean it’s only a few steps away from the sand.

  6. #86
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post

    20 years is a reasonable timeline would you care to place a wager on what you think will happen in the next 20 years ?

    Let me know what you want to bet on and we can figure something out. Same structure I was talking with Eliott about.
    I believe that heat records will continually be broken at a rate higher than 1980-2000. Probably the same as last 20 years but I don't really study these things because they're not important. I have little clue how this plays out only that temperatures go up, up, up and things didn't evolve for those temperatures. I also know we're going to have severe water shortages.

    I guess I'd bet that the temperatures in the next 20 years will have broke records prior to 2000 pretty much constantly (well within reason). This demonstrates that Earth heating is not some few year anomaly.

    TBH betting on forums and over the course of 20 years and all that is stupid. Wonder what the rate of online bets is and how often people follow through with them.

    I am not sure the temperature will get us, it'll also be lack of rain.

    No one has studied at what temperature things die etc. It just can't reasonably be done. Like a big biosphere thing where temperature is controlled? Anyway for various reasons that isn't happening so we just don't know.
    This I why I’m suggesting some sort of irrevocable trust structure with the bet. Something that would be concrete and not run through a website owner or some random.

    Will this temperature increases result in famine, and death here in the United States or another similar country?

    How will are life be disrupted ? Will the temperature increase result in a significant drop in GDP ? Will my beach house be under water I mean it’s only a few steps away from the sand.
    The fact that it could be structured in a trust doesn't make it more appealing. BTW I was kidding about the 100 million if it wasn't abundantly clear. I'm not broke but far far from rich. Regardless, even if what I said was true, a trust etc has so many issues with it. I mean the money clearly has to be invested during this time leading up to the bet or inflation will kill the results and many other issues. If you want to help out your swinger kids then I'd suggest just investing normally.

    I'd say there is a good chance your house will be screwed. It'll be screwed far before it is "under water". When the ocean is lapping against the foundation then you'll probably need to give it up. I mean we agree ice melts at higher temperatures, right? That is one of the easier ones. They don't quite understand the weather patterns that will lead to the polar caps melting but they can fairly easily calculate the volume the seas will rise when it does happen. And it most assuredly will, unfortunately.

    Not only the above but lets think about this for a brief second. If there was significant famine in the US and I won the bet, do you think that would be a wise use of my progeny's inheritence? However, I have no kids so why would I ever want to tie up capital for such a pursuit regardless? Even then the bet makes little sense. World is fucked - here is your worthless money to buy grains. Hope the rest of civil infrastructure is still in place to execute this bet. lol

    At the end of the day there is never ever something I wish I was more wrong about. That doesn't mean I'll watch some self-selective crap videos to reassure myself.

    Oh famine in the US. Yes, it seems very unlikely that it will affect us as much as third world countries. However, a lot of low-lying places will be underwater and other places will have fucked weather patterns. All this need to move about will cause immigration issues all over. People will be moving around and more crowded. Resources will dwindle as there is less to go around. This leads to desperate men. Anyway it will be interesting but not pretty. The level of depression as it starts to sink in is largely unfathomable.
    Last edited by accountinquestion; 07-21-2022 at 06:41 AM.

  7. #87
    The videos were enlightening. It's always best to get all points of view. Those that don't study both sides of an issue are just not informed on that issue.

    And some people get so religiously fanatical on an issue that they become violent. Take accountinquestion, for example. This guy isn't going to listen to anything that goes against his religiously fanatical beliefs on climate change. He's a climate alarmist that means to tell you, by god, that the world is coming to an end so YOU better get your shit together, spend trillions of dollars by next week to fix the problem, or else.

    It's the "or else" you have to watch out for. AIQ is only a couple of steps away from turning into the Unabomber. You remember the Unabomber. His schtick was technology was ruining the world. So when no one would listen he started crying out "WHY WON'T YOU LISTEN TO ME!!" He resorted to mailing bombs and letters decrying the advancement of technology to get people to listen to him.

    AIQ is in the "WHY WON'T YOU LISTEN TO ME!!" stage. On climate change he is the equivalent of a religious fanatic. The only people he is going to listen to are those that are as fanatical as him on the issue.

    It's reached the point where AIQ is probably quietly studying how to assemble IED's.

    Don't reveal your mailing address on VCT.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  8. #88
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Monet, it's always best to believe whatever someone decides to ram down your throat. For example the illegal drug use and prostitute content on Hunter Biden's laptop was just fake news. I know that because CNN told me that. Also everyone knows a person just can't make any money at casinos. And, so what if during the most recent U.S. presidential election people were caught on camera stuffing thousands of absentee ballots into ballot drop off sites at 2:00AM to 3:00 AM with gloves on even though it is illegal to drop even one absentee ballot into a drop off box if it is not your own. It's all just conspiratorial nonsense. Everyone goes to drop boxes at 2AM in the morning with gloves on.
    Viruses are not created in laboratories and viruses never escape from such facilities...

    There's only one viewpoint - presenting views other than the MSM narrative like we did is heresy.

  9. #89
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    The videos were enlightening. It's always best to get all points of view. Those that don't study both sides of an issue are just not informed on that issue.

    And some people get so religiously fanatical on an issue that they become violent. Take accountinquestion, for example. This guy isn't going to listen to anything that goes against his religiously fanatical beliefs on climate change. He's a climate alarmist that means to tell you, by god, that the world is coming to an end so YOU better get your shit together, spend trillions of dollars by next week to fix the problem, or else.

    It's the "or else" you have to watch out for. AIQ is only a couple of steps away from turning into the Unabomber. You remember the Unabomber. His schtick was technology was ruining the world. So when no one would listen he started crying out "WHY WON'T YOU LISTEN TO ME!!" He resorted to mailing bombs and letters decrying the advancement of technology to get people to listen to him.

    AIQ is in the "WHY WON'T YOU LISTEN TO ME!!" stage. On climate change he is the equivalent of a religious fanatic. The only people he is going to listen to are those that are as fanatical as him on the issue.

    It's reached the point where AIQ is probably quietly studying how to assemble IED's.

    Don't reveal your mailing address on VCT.
    It is funny how you avoid the argument in question and just go for the nonsensical insults. I'm just stating what I believe will happen. You're the one who keep on making up my views in a pathetic attempt at avoiding the argument on it's own merits. There is nothing religous about my beliefs. I've responded to the actual questions etc, unlike you. These are the same views I've had for near 30 years with some refinement. It is the same thing people far smarter and successful than you have been telling us for decades.

    I won't listen to guys who start up making their point by bringing up Al Gore to make some connection with the audience who is there looking for reinforcement. Just like I won't listen to scientific papers who do similar things. (But TBH they wouldn't go anywhere in actual scientific community where finding the truth > being right.)

    You just constantly put words in my mouth. I've said it is largely too late and addressed all your previous question directly but then it goes silent until you start it up with the insults. Whatever, tell yourself you're winning the argument. Thats how it usually is....

    Glad you no longer have to eat a can of beans + ALPO for the protein with your friends around the campfire. Those were the days, no?

    I'll leave it at the following, Mick ol' boy.

    Climate change religion > Religion of Rob Singer.

    PS -
    It's always best to get all points of view. Those that don't study both sides of an issue are just not informed on that issue.
    That simply is not true. You might like to read why people think the earth is flat because you feel a liberal education is important but many of us have no need to see both sides of that issue. Much like climate change. Bro, it is beyond decided. Like I said, don't shoot the messenger.

    BTW I actually watched the first 2 videos Monet posted and yea they pretty much totally agree with me. lhaha... Anyway, avoid anything of substance and get back to the insults. I can do that too.... pointess, but I can do it too.

  10. #90
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    The videos were enlightening. It's always best to get all points of view. Those that don't study both sides of an issue are just not informed on that issue.

    And some people get so religiously fanatical on an issue that they become violent. Take accountinquestion, for example. This guy isn't going to listen to anything that goes against his religiously fanatical beliefs on climate change. He's a climate alarmist that means to tell you, by god, that the world is coming to an end so YOU better get your shit together, spend trillions of dollars by next week to fix the problem, or else.

    It's the "or else" you have to watch out for. AIQ is only a couple of steps away from turning into the Unabomber. You remember the Unabomber. His schtick was technology was ruining the world. So when no one would listen he started crying out "WHY WON'T YOU LISTEN TO ME!!" He resorted to mailing bombs and letters decrying the advancement of technology to get people to listen to him.

    AIQ is in the "WHY WON'T YOU LISTEN TO ME!!" stage. On climate change he is the equivalent of a religious fanatic. The only people he is going to listen to are those that are as fanatical as him on the issue.

    It's reached the point where AIQ is probably quietly studying how to assemble IED's.

    Don't reveal your mailing address on VCT.
    It is funny how you avoid the argument in question and just go for the nonsensical insults. I'm just stating what I believe will happen. You're the one who keep on making up my views in a pathetic attempt at avoiding the argument on it's own merits. There is nothing religous about my beliefs. I've responded to the actual questions etc, unlike you. These are the same views I've had for near 30 years with some refinement. It is the same thing people far smarter and successful than you have been telling us for decades.

    I won't listen to guys who start up making their point by bringing up Al Gore to make some connection with the audience who is there looking for reinforcement. Just like I won't listen to scientific papers who do similar things. (But TBH they wouldn't go anywhere in actual scientific community where finding the truth > being right.)

    You just constantly put words in my mouth. I've said it is largely too late and addressed all your previous question directly but then it goes silent until you start it up with the insults. Whatever, tell yourself you're winning the argument. Thats how it usually is....

    Glad you no longer have to eat a can of beans + ALPO for the protein with your friends around the campfire. Those were the days, no?

    I'll leave it at the following, Mick ol' boy.

    Climate change religion > Religion of Rob Singer.

    PS -
    It's always best to get all points of view. Those that don't study both sides of an issue are just not informed on that issue.
    That simply is not true. You might like to read why people think the earth is flat because you feel a liberal education is important but many of us have no need to see both sides of that issue. Much like climate change. Bro, it is beyond decided. Like I said, don't shoot the messenger.

    BTW I actually watched the first 2 videos Monet posted and yea they pretty much totally agree with me. lhaha... Anyway, avoid anything of substance and get back to the insults. I can do that too.... pointess, but I can do it too.
    Avoiding what argument? Like I said, you are a fanatic. Why should I continue to argue with a fanatic?
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  11. #91
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    Avoiding what argument? Like I said, you are a fanatic. Why should I continue to argue with a fanatic?
    Hahaha.. ok, for sake of argument I am a fanatic. Many very very smart people share my beliefs. Typically people who are far on the bell curve can see around the biases their masters bring about. Ok, so they're all fanatics, but you know what? Unfortunately they're right. There are many many "fanatics" by your standard but I'm quite sure you'd argue with them all the time. It also doesn't suggest they're wrong.

    You just have no decent response. I get it.

    I can argue with data all the time. You guys argue with your feelings.

    You were (and are?) clearly a fanatic for Trump. <shrug> I called him a fascist and in the end the dude was literally trying to take the country over in some half-baked coup which would lead to removing my right to vote. Fuck that. You're his nigga not me.

  12. #92
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    I believe that heat records will continually be broken at a rate higher than 1980-2000. Probably the same as last 20 years but I don't really study these things because they're not important. I have little clue how this plays out only that temperatures go up, up, up and things didn't evolve for those temperatures. I also know we're going to have severe water shortages.

    I guess I'd bet that the temperatures in the next 20 years will have broke records prior to 2000 pretty much constantly (well within reason). This demonstrates that Earth heating is not some few year anomaly.

    TBH betting on forums and over the course of 20 years and all that is stupid. Wonder what the rate of online bets is and how often people follow through with them.

    I am not sure the temperature will get us, it'll also be lack of rain.

    No one has studied at what temperature things die etc. It just can't reasonably be done. Like a big biosphere thing where temperature is controlled? Anyway for various reasons that isn't happening so we just don't know.
    This I why I’m suggesting some sort of irrevocable trust structure with the bet. Something that would be concrete and not run through a website owner or some random.

    Will this temperature increases result in famine, and death here in the United States or another similar country?

    How will are life be disrupted ? Will the temperature increase result in a significant drop in GDP ? Will my beach house be under water I mean it’s only a few steps away from the sand.
    The fact that it could be structured in a trust doesn't make it more appealing. BTW I was kidding about the 100 million if it wasn't abundantly clear. I'm not broke but far far from rich. Regardless, even if what I said was true, a trust etc has so many issues with it. I mean the money clearly has to be invested during this time leading up to the bet or inflation will kill the results and many other issues. If you want to help out your swinger kids then I'd suggest just investing normally.

    I'd say there is a good chance your house will be screwed. It'll be screwed far before it is "under water". When the ocean is lapping against the foundation then you'll probably need to give it up. I mean we agree ice melts at higher temperatures, right? That is one of the easier ones. They don't quite understand the weather patterns that will lead to the polar caps melting but they can fairly easily calculate the volume the seas will rise when it does happen. And it most assuredly will, unfortunately.

    Not only the above but lets think about this for a brief second. If there was significant famine in the US and I won the bet, do you think that would be a wise use of my progeny's inheritence? However, I have no kids so why would I ever want to tie up capital for such a pursuit regardless? Even then the bet makes little sense. World is fucked - here is your worthless money to buy grains. Hope the rest of civil infrastructure is still in place to execute this bet. lol

    At the end of the day there is never ever something I wish I was more wrong about. That doesn't mean I'll watch some self-selective crap videos to reassure myself.

    Oh famine in the US. Yes, it seems very unlikely that it will affect us as much as third world countries. However, a lot of low-lying places will be underwater and other places will have fucked weather patterns. All this need to move about will cause immigration issues all over. People will be moving around and more crowded. Resources will dwindle as there is less to go around. This leads to desperate men. Anyway it will be interesting but not pretty. The level of depression as it starts to sink in is largely unfathomable.
    I’m not aware if my kids swing or not I don’t get into their sex life that’s just weird.

    Yes I’m rich from gambling so what. I’m not asking for investment advice on trust I’m well versed in this area.

    But I will take the bet that my beach house will not have the ocean lapping at the foundation in 20 years. The bet structured in a trust correctly is the best way to proceed with this type of wager.

    I’m not hear to convince you one way or another about climate change. I’m just looking for someone with your conviction to bet against me. There’s always some weird excuse not to. Elliot said he would but only by his rules with his website, and his juice basically. I want an even playing field. Let me know we can discuss this in private on here. Civil

  13. #93
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post

    This I why I’m suggesting some sort of irrevocable trust structure with the bet. Something that would be concrete and not run through a website owner or some random.

    Will this temperature increases result in famine, and death here in the United States or another similar country?

    How will are life be disrupted ? Will the temperature increase result in a significant drop in GDP ? Will my beach house be under water I mean it’s only a few steps away from the sand.
    The fact that it could be structured in a trust doesn't make it more appealing. BTW I was kidding about the 100 million if it wasn't abundantly clear. I'm not broke but far far from rich. Regardless, even if what I said was true, a trust etc has so many issues with it. I mean the money clearly has to be invested during this time leading up to the bet or inflation will kill the results and many other issues. If you want to help out your swinger kids then I'd suggest just investing normally.

    I'd say there is a good chance your house will be screwed. It'll be screwed far before it is "under water". When the ocean is lapping against the foundation then you'll probably need to give it up. I mean we agree ice melts at higher temperatures, right? That is one of the easier ones. They don't quite understand the weather patterns that will lead to the polar caps melting but they can fairly easily calculate the volume the seas will rise when it does happen. And it most assuredly will, unfortunately.

    Not only the above but lets think about this for a brief second. If there was significant famine in the US and I won the bet, do you think that would be a wise use of my progeny's inheritence? However, I have no kids so why would I ever want to tie up capital for such a pursuit regardless? Even then the bet makes little sense. World is fucked - here is your worthless money to buy grains. Hope the rest of civil infrastructure is still in place to execute this bet. lol

    At the end of the day there is never ever something I wish I was more wrong about. That doesn't mean I'll watch some self-selective crap videos to reassure myself.

    Oh famine in the US. Yes, it seems very unlikely that it will affect us as much as third world countries. However, a lot of low-lying places will be underwater and other places will have fucked weather patterns. All this need to move about will cause immigration issues all over. People will be moving around and more crowded. Resources will dwindle as there is less to go around. This leads to desperate men. Anyway it will be interesting but not pretty. The level of depression as it starts to sink in is largely unfathomable.
    I’m not aware if my kids swing or not I don’t get into their sex life that’s just weird.

    Yes I’m rich from gambling so what. I’m not asking for investment advice on trust I’m well versed in this area.

    But I will take the bet that my beach house will not have the ocean lapping at the foundation in 20 years. The bet structured in a trust correctly is the best way to proceed with this type of wager.

    I’m not hear to convince you one way or another about climate change. I’m just looking for someone with your conviction to bet against me. There’s always some weird excuse not to. Elliot said he would but only by his rules with his website, and his juice basically. I want an even playing field. Let me know we can discuss this in private on here. Civil

    Another thing
    Famine in third world countries run by dictators and corrupt officials can never be a measure of the effects of climate change. It’s why I specifically said the US or a similar country.

  14. #94
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    The fact that it could be structured in a trust doesn't make it more appealing. BTW I was kidding about the 100 million if it wasn't abundantly clear. I'm not broke but far far from rich. Regardless, even if what I said was true, a trust etc has so many issues with it. I mean the money clearly has to be invested during this time leading up to the bet or inflation will kill the results and many other issues. If you want to help out your swinger kids then I'd suggest just investing normally.

    I'd say there is a good chance your house will be screwed. It'll be screwed far before it is "under water". When the ocean is lapping against the foundation then you'll probably need to give it up. I mean we agree ice melts at higher temperatures, right? That is one of the easier ones. They don't quite understand the weather patterns that will lead to the polar caps melting but they can fairly easily calculate the volume the seas will rise when it does happen. And it most assuredly will, unfortunately.

    Not only the above but lets think about this for a brief second. If there was significant famine in the US and I won the bet, do you think that would be a wise use of my progeny's inheritence? However, I have no kids so why would I ever want to tie up capital for such a pursuit regardless? Even then the bet makes little sense. World is fucked - here is your worthless money to buy grains. Hope the rest of civil infrastructure is still in place to execute this bet. lol

    At the end of the day there is never ever something I wish I was more wrong about. That doesn't mean I'll watch some self-selective crap videos to reassure myself.

    Oh famine in the US. Yes, it seems very unlikely that it will affect us as much as third world countries. However, a lot of low-lying places will be underwater and other places will have fucked weather patterns. All this need to move about will cause immigration issues all over. People will be moving around and more crowded. Resources will dwindle as there is less to go around. This leads to desperate men. Anyway it will be interesting but not pretty. The level of depression as it starts to sink in is largely unfathomable.
    I’m not aware if my kids swing or not I don’t get into their sex life that’s just weird.

    Yes I’m rich from gambling so what. I’m not asking for investment advice on trust I’m well versed in this area.

    But I will take the bet that my beach house will not have the ocean lapping at the foundation in 20 years. The bet structured in a trust correctly is the best way to proceed with this type of wager.

    I’m not hear to convince you one way or another about climate change. I’m just looking for someone with your conviction to bet against me. There’s always some weird excuse not to. Elliot said he would but only by his rules with his website, and his juice basically. I want an even playing field. Let me know we can discuss this in private on here. Civil

    Another thing
    Famine in third world countries run by dictators and corrupt officials can never be a measure of the effects of climate change. It’s why I specifically said the US or a similar country.

    Also go out and start fucking to have some kids man. Then your life would change

  15. #95
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    Avoiding what argument? Like I said, you are a fanatic. Why should I continue to argue with a fanatic?
    Hahaha.. ok, for sake of argument I am a fanatic. Many very very smart people share my beliefs. Typically people who are far on the bell curve can see around the biases their masters bring about. Ok, so they're all fanatics, but you know what? Unfortunately they're right. There are many many "fanatics" by your standard but I'm quite sure you'd argue with them all the time. It also doesn't suggest they're wrong.

    You just have no decent response. I get it.

    I can argue with data all the time. You guys argue with your feelings.

    You were (and are?) clearly a fanatic for Trump. <shrug> I called him a fascist and in the end the dude was literally trying to take the country over in some half-baked coup which would lead to removing my right to vote. Fuck that. You're his nigga not me.
    I support the policies that got Trump elected. And unlike those bags of shit you endorse for President, who will lie to you over and over again to get elected, and you believe those lies lock stock and barrel, Trump kept his word.

    If Trump changes his policies I will no longer support him.

    But your idiot libtard politicians change their policies over and over again and you still support those idiots. Thats because YOU are an idiot to.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  16. #96
    How the hell did this thread turn into a Climate control thread? I thought for sure it was going to be a rake Eliot Jacobson over the coals thread. He's a smart cookie, he put an abrupt stop to that by getting all of you guys to start talking about climate control. +1 Eliot Jacobson

  17. #97
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    I’m not aware if my kids swing or not I don’t get into their sex life that’s just weird.

    Yes I’m rich from gambling so what. I’m not asking for investment advice on trust I’m well versed in this area.

    But I will take the bet that my beach house will not have the ocean lapping at the foundation in 20 years. The bet structured in a trust correctly is the best way to proceed with this type of wager.

    I’m not hear to convince you one way or another about climate change. I’m just looking for someone with your conviction to bet against me. There’s always some weird excuse not to. Elliot said he would but only by his rules with his website, and his juice basically. I want an even playing field. Let me know we can discuss this in private on here. Civil
    Well the swinger kid was shorthand for all the women you got pregnant from their breeding fantasies or whatever the fuck you talked about previously.

    I have no clue where you beachhouse is or height relative to the ocean. I was just off what a typical beach would be. My guess is your house isn't that close to the "beach" like you claimed.

    I love these "lets bet on it" between 2 people who don't even know the identities of the other. Does that EVER happen?

    I have the conviction but I just understand how pointless it'd be. Lol trust and all that. That makes it even more ridiculous for someone to take this on.

    I'm not sure what an even playing field is. You set your odds and propose the bet just like Eliot does. Just like you'd do with me. You propose your terms and I'm supposed to take the bet.

  18. #98
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post

    Also go out and start fucking to have some kids man. Then your life would change
    Yea, I want to deal with child support and be constrained on my travel. I don't even have pets for this reason. In addition I'm quite happy not having to be concerned about all this.

    Not my monkeys not my circus.

  19. #99
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    Ok, so you are REALLY REALLY grasping at straws. I believe that is what you're trying to convey in this response, no?
    Yes, you got me - It is much more efficient to write "I am really really grasping at straws" in order to convey that I am really really grasping at straws rather than all that blathering I was doing since the blathering could be interpreted as having some other meaning such as believe everything you are told to believe hook, line and sinker.
    The blathering served a point. That point being that you're nonsensical. I misread a UX screen and did bad math based on that!!! oohhh my!

    What is inefficient is telling your little forum buttbuddy thank you everytime he posts any irrelevant video. Why the fuck do you think anyone else cares that you have a need to thank Monet for every video? (even when they demonstrate your view is wrong.)

    Yes there is nothing wrong with it. Just very childlike. Maybe you can keep that in private messages? Then you could thank him for every post!
    I brought up the UX thing to make the general point that you don't look at things in detail. It took 3 posts from me basically spelling out the details before you stopped doubling down on your incorrect beliefs about UX and the probabilities of certain card outcomes. Then when it became clear to you that you were wrong you simply dismissed it as "my bad". You have the expectation that the burden of proof is always on the person who either has a different viewpoint than you or who just wants to present alternate viewpoints than your dogmatic beliefs (Eliot did the same thing - I posted an alternate view point video so that both beliefs were on the table and then he makes all sorts of assumptions about my own beliefs). You expect the other person to do the heavy lifting. Then, when a person is actually stupid enough to provide research and details to you, at a later time you then get back to repeating the same questions that the person already answered so it's actually a waste of time to engage in discussion with you for this reason alone.

  20. #100
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    I support the policies that got Trump elected. And unlike those bags of shit you endorse for President, who will lie to you over and over again to get elected, and you believe those lies lock stock and barrel, Trump kept his word.

    If Trump changes his policies I will no longer support him.

    But your idiot libtard politicians change their policies over and over again and you still support those idiots. Thats because YOU are an idiot to.
    lol "bags of shit". Just like you're centrist. I'm not even sure whom you're talking about. Biden? Find where I supported him. I'd probably bet on that. And if I did support him it is only due to how much I despised Trump. Given how Trump tried to take over the country and invalidate the votes of American I'm completely happy with my opinion of him. How does that not make him also a "bag of shit" ?

    I'm not sure what policies you are referring to about libtards. Lots I don't agree with from Democrats just like lots I agree with from Republicans. I'm actually far more of a true centrist than your fantasies about yourself.

    Is his attempt at invalidating the votes of American's part of these policies you agree wtih?
    Last edited by accountinquestion; 07-21-2022 at 08:45 AM.

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