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Thread: Recent interview with Eliot Jacobson

  1. #141
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Mr. Jacobson,

    I'm not really a fan of your career arc, but I did want to comment on the author of the forward to your book. A very good friend of mine worked with Zender in Las Vegas and says they learned a lot from him. Zender was a helluva expert and teacher, so if he's vouching for you, you must be a helluva expert and teacher.

    My question is this -- did you go full-in dark side because you were in competition for assignments and dollars with somebody like Zender? Or did you ever consider just teaching basic math and how to stop cheaters as opposed to stopping advantage play? In other words, did you commit to full dark sider all at once, or was there a process where you helped stop cheats, then consulted on math, then eventually started undercutting honest advantage players?
    It always perplexes me that anyone thinks that I ever did anything in my life because I could make $$$ at it. I'm a misanthrope and nihilist on a good day. I am looking forward to the collapse of modern industrial civilization, humanity is a virus on this planet (humanity vs. humans is an important distinction). But, I also believe in the value of education and the value of information in the public domain. The fact that Grosjean wouldn't publish his stuff freely was my biggest motivation. F&%k Grosjean! I just wanted to subvert his work and give it away. I told him I would stop my work if he would just make his book available for the masses at a reasonble price. Think of my work as any one of 1000 YouTube channels giving away how the magic trick is done -- trivial once you see the method.

    I am an academic. That's what I've always been. Knowledge is awesome. Give it away. Those who think it should be owned only by AP's are wrong. Those who think casinos should punish AP's for knowing certain things are wrong. I'll provide the information, then let those who are motivated enough and smart enough to learn it and implement it be the ones who win.

    Is it too much to say that I have never been on any side? Believe me, those in the casino industry know this, after I was Phil Ivey's expert witness against Crockford's and also because I testified for the State of Florida as their expert against the Seminole tribe and Hard Rock. But somehow "surveillance" has become my de-facto home base. An occupation populated by intelligent, inquisitive, thoughtful and curious intellectuals who just want to figure the magic out for themselves, a substantial percentage are former APs.

    By the way, I love Bill Zender. He is an extraordinary person, mentor and friend.
    Last edited by Eliot; 07-22-2022 at 05:48 PM.

  2. #142
    Originally Posted by Eliot View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Mr. Jacobson,

    I'm not really a fan of your career arc, but I did want to comment on the author of the forward to your book. A very good friend of mine worked with Zender in Las Vegas and says they learned a lot from him. Zender was a helluva expert and teacher, so if he's vouching for you, you must be a helluva expert and teacher.

    My question is this -- did you go full-in dark side because you were in competition for assignments and dollars with somebody like Zender? Or did you ever consider just teaching basic math and how to stop cheaters as opposed to stopping advantage play? In other words, did you commit to full dark sider all at once, or was there a process where you helped stop cheats, then consulted on math, then eventually started undercutting honest advantage players?
    It always perplexes me that anyone thinks that I ever did anything in my life because I could make $$$ at it. I'm a misanthrope and nihilist on a good day. I am looking forward to the collapse of modern industrial civilization, humanity is a virus on this planet. But, I also believe in the value of education and the value of information in the public domain. The fact that Grosjean wouldn't publish his stuff freely was my biggest motivation. F&%k Grosjean! I just wanted to subvert his work and give it away. I told him I would stop my work if he would just make his book available for the masses at a reasonble price. Think of my work as any one of 1000 YouTube channels giving away how the magic trick is done -- trivial once you see the method.

    I am an academic. That's what I've always been. Knowledge is awesome. Give it away. Those who think it should be owned only by AP's are wrong. Those who think casinos should punish AP's for knowing certain things are wrong. I'll provide the information, then let those who are motivated enough and smart enough to learn it and implement it be the ones who win.

    Is it too much to say that I have never been on any side? Believe me, those in the casino industry know this, after I was Phil Ivey's expert witness against Crockford's and also because I testified for the State of Florida as their expert against the Seminole tribe and Hard Rock. But somehow "surveillance" has become my de-facto home base. An occupation populated by intelligent, inquisitive, thoughtful and curious intellectuals who just want to figure the magic out for themselves, a substantial percentage are former APs.

    By the way, I love Bill Zender. He is an extraordinary person, mentor and friend.
    When civilization unravels people like you won't last long. Hopefully you get to experience that day.....RIP

    Were you not selling the original version of your book for hundreds of dollars on Amazon and eBay?

    Someone gave me a copy of that piece of junk. I got lucky and dumped it shortly before your reprints to some dummy for over $700.

    So, I guess I do owe you a thank you for that.

  3. #143
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Originally Posted by Eliot View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Mr. Jacobson,

    I'm not really a fan of your career arc, but I did want to comment on the author of the forward to your book. A very good friend of mine worked with Zender in Las Vegas and says they learned a lot from him. Zender was a helluva expert and teacher, so if he's vouching for you, you must be a helluva expert and teacher.

    My question is this -- did you go full-in dark side because you were in competition for assignments and dollars with somebody like Zender? Or did you ever consider just teaching basic math and how to stop cheaters as opposed to stopping advantage play? In other words, did you commit to full dark sider all at once, or was there a process where you helped stop cheats, then consulted on math, then eventually started undercutting honest advantage players?
    It always perplexes me that anyone thinks that I ever did anything in my life because I could make $$$ at it. I'm a misanthrope and nihilist on a good day. I am looking forward to the collapse of modern industrial civilization, humanity is a virus on this planet. But, I also believe in the value of education and the value of information in the public domain. The fact that Grosjean wouldn't publish his stuff freely was my biggest motivation. F&%k Grosjean! I just wanted to subvert his work and give it away. I told him I would stop my work if he would just make his book available for the masses at a reasonble price. Think of my work as any one of 1000 YouTube channels giving away how the magic trick is done -- trivial once you see the method.

    I am an academic. That's what I've always been. Knowledge is awesome. Give it away. Those who think it should be owned only by AP's are wrong. Those who think casinos should punish AP's for knowing certain things are wrong. I'll provide the information, then let those who are motivated enough and smart enough to learn it and implement it be the ones who win.

    Is it too much to say that I have never been on any side? Believe me, those in the casino industry know this, after I was Phil Ivey's expert witness against Crockford's and also because I testified for the State of Florida as their expert against the Seminole tribe and Hard Rock. But somehow "surveillance" has become my de-facto home base. An occupation populated by intelligent, inquisitive, thoughtful and curious intellectuals who just want to figure the magic out for themselves, a substantial percentage are former APs.

    By the way, I love Bill Zender. He is an extraordinary person, mentor and friend.
    When civilization unravels people like you won't last long. Hopefully you get to experience that day.....RIP

    Were you not selling the original version of your book for hundreds of dollars on Amazon and eBay?

    Someone gave me a copy of that piece of junk. I got lucky and dumped it shortly before your reprints to some dummy for over $700.

    So, I guess I do owe you a thank you for that.
    Resellers can sell books for what the market allows, I don't get a penny from that. At times, resellers were offering my book for nearly $5k, of which I earned $0.00. The most I ever sold a copy for was $75 on e-Bay, shortly after my publisher died from ALS and I had 2 boxes left over. When I finally decided to put it up myself (I had the pdf's, just needed a new cover and ISBN), I sold it for the minimum Amazon would allow.

    I don't think it's hard to fact check reality, but you sure seem to be doing a good job at avoiding the task. Again, this obsession that I am interested in $$$ is one that APs can't get past. How could a person not be like you? Motivated by greed and material success?

  4. #144
    Originally Posted by Eliot View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Mr. Jacobson,

    I'm not really a fan of your career arc, but I did want to comment on the author of the forward to your book. A very good friend of mine worked with Zender in Las Vegas and says they learned a lot from him. Zender was a helluva expert and teacher, so if he's vouching for you, you must be a helluva expert and teacher.

    My question is this -- did you go full-in dark side because you were in competition for assignments and dollars with somebody like Zender? Or did you ever consider just teaching basic math and how to stop cheaters as opposed to stopping advantage play? In other words, did you commit to full dark sider all at once, or was there a process where you helped stop cheats, then consulted on math, then eventually started undercutting honest advantage players?
    It always perplexes me that anyone thinks that I ever did anything in my life because I could make $$$ at it. I'm a misanthrope and nihilist on a good day. I am looking forward to the collapse of modern industrial civilization, humanity is a virus on this planet (humanity vs. humans is an important distinction). But, I also believe in the value of education and the value of information in the public domain. The fact that Grosjean wouldn't publish his stuff freely was my biggest motivation. F&%k Grosjean! I just wanted to subvert his work and give it away. I told him I would stop my work if he would just make his book available for the masses at a reasonble price. Think of my work as any one of 1000 YouTube channels giving away how the magic trick is done -- trivial once you see the method.

    I am an academic. That's what I've always been. Knowledge is awesome. Give it away. Those who think it should be owned only by AP's are wrong. Those who think casinos should punish AP's for knowing certain things are wrong. I'll provide the information, then let those who are motivated enough and smart enough to learn it and implement it be the ones who win.

    Is it too much to say that I have never been on any side? Believe me, those in the casino industry know this, after I was Phil Ivey's expert witness against Crockford's and also because I testified for the State of Florida as their expert against the Seminole tribe and Hard Rock. But somehow "surveillance" has become my de-facto home base. An occupation populated by intelligent, inquisitive, thoughtful and curious intellectuals who just want to figure the magic out for themselves, a substantial percentage are former APs.

    By the way, I love Bill Zender. He is an extraordinary person, mentor and friend.
    Here's where I'm coming from on this. My late wife had a couple of Ph.Ds, and she took a 35% pay cut to teach in academia because teaching was her thing. The majority of my friends are in academia, and I'm more or less embedded in academia. I'm pretty much left of Marx on economic issues (although considered right of Hannity on woke issues -- everyone hates me). So I get your share-the-info attitude, but I perceive corporate casinos as exploitative monsters wringing income for one-percenter stockholders out of a largely innumerate working class. Because of this, I could never allow my "share knowledge" priorities to override my "attack the evil empire" priorities.

    So when someone likes you flips back and forth like Clint Eastwood in A Fistful of Dollars, I don't really know what to do with it, other than not trust you with my grandma's apple pie recipe.

  5. #145
    Eliot, you make it very difficult to not dislike you. (double negative )

    How can you even begin to compare AP's to the casino industry? Cheaters...maybe, but that is not APing to me. AP's play the games, the casino's games by the casino's rules and win. Who are they hurting? Maybe the casinos bottom line just a hair. You will forgive me if I don't shed a tear over that.

    Now the casino industry is the single most predatory industry I can think of. Let's look at some of their practices. Filling players with free drinks so they will make bad decisions and lose all their money, even more than they intended to play and lose. Cashing checks right there at the casino, paychecks, Govt checks like tax refund, used to even be social security checks before they went to direct deposit. This is done so the recipient, including the father with his paycheck lose all their money before they ever make it home to pay the rent and buy groceries and cloths for the kids.

    I can list more, but will stop here. Why anyone would want to help this predatory industry, other than monetary reasons (your own pay day) is beyond me.

    So take your "casinos have just as much right to the information" BS and shove it.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  6. #146
    When Grosjean's book pops up on ebay every year or 2, selling for a couple thousand dollars, does he get a cut of that? I don't think he does.

    He just wanted to limit the copies so too many people didn't have it which would immediately kill the plays.

    I see nothing wrong with that.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  7. #147
    This is pretty much my position on moving toward renewable energy. I'm all for it but it has to be done correctly. Rushing into it is going to lead to disaster. It has to be done slowly and methodically and given enough time to work.

    The goal of 50% of cars being electric by 2030 is just not realistic. We just don't and will not have the electrical grid for it by then. And 100% by 2035? Forget it. The fools rushing in are designing it to collapse.

    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  8. #148
    Originally Posted by Eliot View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Originally Posted by Eliot View Post
    It always perplexes me that anyone thinks that I ever did anything in my life because I could make $$$ at it. I'm a misanthrope and nihilist on a good day. I am looking forward to the collapse of modern industrial civilization, humanity is a virus on this planet. But, I also believe in the value of education and the value of information in the public domain. The fact that Grosjean wouldn't publish his stuff freely was my biggest motivation. F&%k Grosjean! I just wanted to subvert his work and give it away. I told him I would stop my work if he would just make his book available for the masses at a reasonble price. Think of my work as any one of 1000 YouTube channels giving away how the magic trick is done -- trivial once you see the method.

    I am an academic. That's what I've always been. Knowledge is awesome. Give it away. Those who think it should be owned only by AP's are wrong. Those who think casinos should punish AP's for knowing certain things are wrong. I'll provide the information, then let those who are motivated enough and smart enough to learn it and implement it be the ones who win.

    Is it too much to say that I have never been on any side? Believe me, those in the casino industry know this, after I was Phil Ivey's expert witness against Crockford's and also because I testified for the State of Florida as their expert against the Seminole tribe and Hard Rock. But somehow "surveillance" has become my de-facto home base. An occupation populated by intelligent, inquisitive, thoughtful and curious intellectuals who just want to figure the magic out for themselves, a substantial percentage are former APs.

    By the way, I love Bill Zender. He is an extraordinary person, mentor and friend.
    When civilization unravels people like you won't last long. Hopefully you get to experience that day.....RIP

    Were you not selling the original version of your book for hundreds of dollars on Amazon and eBay?

    Someone gave me a copy of that piece of junk. I got lucky and dumped it shortly before your reprints to some dummy for over $700.

    So, I guess I do owe you a thank you for that.
    Resellers can sell books for what the market allows, I don't get a penny from that. At times, resellers were offering my book for nearly $5k, of which I earned $0.00. The most I ever sold a copy for was $75 on e-Bay, shortly after my publisher died from ALS and I had 2 boxes left over. When I finally decided to put it up myself (I had the pdf's, just needed a new cover and ISBN), I sold it for the minimum Amazon would allow.

    I don't think it's hard to fact check reality, but you sure seem to be doing a good job at avoiding the task. Again, this obsession that I am interested in $$$ is one that APs can't get past. How could a person not be like you? Motivated by greed and material success?
    Im not motivated by money or material possessions for myself.
    Money is just a way we to keep score.
    I do it for the sole reason to destroy the casino for as much as possible to hurt their bottom line. If I could bankrupt one I would do so. Fuck surveillance and all the data bases. How many Middle Aged women can they throw out ? How many Retired men living on social security can they trespass ? How many dead people can they paper? I had one casino looking for 15 dead people fuck them. There are unlimited people, and there’s nothing people like you can do about it. If you hate humanity so much jump.

  9. #149
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Eliot, you make it very difficult to not dislike you. (double negative )

    How can you even begin to compare AP's to the casino industry? Cheaters...maybe, but that is not APing to me. AP's play the games, the casino's games by the casino's rules and win. Who are they hurting? Maybe the casinos bottom line just a hair. You will forgive me if I don't shed a tear over that.

    Now the casino industry is the single most predatory industry I can think of. Let's look at some of their practices. Filling players with free drinks so they will make bad decisions and lose all their money, even more than they intended to play and lose. Cashing checks right there at the casino, paychecks, Govt checks like tax refund, used to even be social security checks before they went to direct deposit. This is done so the recipient, including the father with his paycheck lose all their money before they ever make it home to pay the rent and buy groceries and cloths for the kids.

    I can list more, but will stop here. Why anyone would want to help this predatory industry, other than monetary reasons (your own pay day) is beyond me.

    So take your "casinos have just as much right to the information" BS and shove it.
    There's a good reason I quit at the peak of my career and didn't milk it for another 10 years. If you get that, you will understand how alike we are.

    I was nauseous with disgust at everything about the industry ... players, casinos, AP's, security, table games companies, just f&%ing everything and everyone. This board is a perfect example of how f&%ed up most AP's are, yet I'm supposed to think they somehow are superior humans. I know many cases where APs have sold other APs out in a heartbeat if there was competition from the other team. It's disgusting behavior, at best. Yet it is the very mentality you think is better than casinos.

    KewlJ, I have followed you for over a decade, and know pretty much exactly who you are as an AP, believing everything you post about yourself (unlike many others here), believing your methodologies and results. So, you choose this brotherhood, do you really like most of these people? Think about that before you go belittling those on the casino side.

    I have friends on both sides of the table. Good friends. I get multiple emails every day from folks on both sides, asking favors and analysis. I never hesitate to respond honestly and everything is free. I take my shots from both sides when they come and they come every day. So, you can think casinos are evil and your pals are righteous, or you can take a step back and assess humans trying to go through life as best they can given they are living in the days that the collapse of everything is making just f&&ktastic. You can choose to just be kind and generous, or you can choose to be something else. That's the choice.
    Last edited by Eliot; 07-22-2022 at 07:35 PM.

  10. #150
    Originally Posted by Eliot View Post
    I was nauseous with disgust at everything about the industry ... players, casinos, AP's, security, table games companies, just f&%ing everything and everyone. This board is a perfect example of how f&%ed up most AP's are, yet I'm supposed to think they somehow are superior humans.

    KewlJ, I have followed you for over a decade, and know pretty much exactly who you are as an AP, believing everything you post about yourself (unlike many others here), believing your methodologies and results. So, you choose this brotherhood, do you really like most of these people? Think about that before you go belittling those on the casino side.
    Your "friends" on the casino side do not really benefit from your work. Your reasoning seems quite self-serving. The APs on this board are not representative of much except the intersection of being kicked off/hate WOV and cantankerous.

    Helping casinos? My belief is that the APs take more off the owners of the casino. I don't think the savings realized by casinos by you fucking over APs will make much difference in any employee's paycheck. Casinos thrive off the misery of others. Not everyone is gambling a few times a year and having fun. People are broken by these places and these "nice people" have a higher standard of living off this behavior.

    The fact that you think there is some commonality amongst casino employees is kinda striking. They're the same type of salary seekers you'll find in many industries. Of course they'll be likeable in the right context. Tell me a profession where that isn't true.

    APs on the other hand don't directly prey on people. They're independent. I suppose there are casinos that have been so beat up by APs they've had to staff down but likely very very common.

    Your reasoning doesn't really add up for me.

    Yes, what you have done has helped casino bottom lines. I have a hard time believing what you did personally helps these casino employees to any meaningful degree. It definitely fucks over the professions of APs.

  11. #151
    Eliot thank you for the kind words about believing me. I actually find it strange that I feel the need to thank someone with half a brain that has been able to figure out that I am who I say, doing what I say, making a very modest living. It's just dealing with so many "haters" hating for reason that have nothing to do with my play, that when someone recognizes that now, I feel like I should acknowledge it. Very sad I know.

    I too have friends in the industry, not executive as you likely do, but people that work the pits and floor. Each of them will tell me and have told me they are not proud of the industry they work for. It is a job. And I don't hold that against them. So if you say you are in it for the money, that is fine. But when you say it is not about money and both sides deserve your help, I have a problem with that.

    And finally, you ask do I like these people? These people on this forum? A few, not many though. Most are KJ haters about things totally unrelated to my play. I just refuse to allow them to drive me from a forum.

    But do I like people in the gambling community in general? I have made some good friends that have helped me along the way and that I network and communicate with regularly. One top AP located in Vegas has even helped me, providing some work and plays this current year, when my opportunities have been limited due to being doxed. The gambling/AP community has changed in the last 5-7 years, to be more and more like this forum, dominated by haters and trolls, but overall, I have benefited, especially earlier in my career and do like most of the people that I encountered along the way.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  12. #152
    Originally Posted by Eliot View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Eliot, you make it very difficult to not dislike you. (double negative )

    How can you even begin to compare AP's to the casino industry? Cheaters...maybe, but that is not APing to me. AP's play the games, the casino's games by the casino's rules and win. Who are they hurting? Maybe the casinos bottom line just a hair. You will forgive me if I don't shed a tear over that.

    Now the casino industry is the single most predatory industry I can think of. Let's look at some of their practices. Filling players with free drinks so they will make bad decisions and lose all their money, even more than they intended to play and lose. Cashing checks right there at the casino, paychecks, Govt checks like tax refund, used to even be social security checks before they went to direct deposit. This is done so the recipient, including the father with his paycheck lose all their money before they ever make it home to pay the rent and buy groceries and cloths for the kids.

    I can list more, but will stop here. Why anyone would want to help this predatory industry, other than monetary reasons (your own pay day) is beyond me.

    So take your "casinos have just as much right to the information" BS and shove it.
    There's a good reason I quit at the peak of my career and didn't milk it for another 10 years. If you get that, you will understand how alike we are.

    I was nauseous with disgust at everything about the industry ... players, casinos, AP's, security, table games companies, just f&%ing everything and everyone. This board is a perfect example of how f&%ed up most AP's are, yet I'm supposed to think they somehow are superior humans.

    KewlJ, I have followed you for over a decade, and know pretty much exactly who you are as an AP, believing everything you post about yourself (unlike many others here), believing your methodologies and results. So, you choose this brotherhood, do you really like most of these people? Think about that before you go belittling those on the casino side.

    I have friends on both sides of the table. Good friends. I get multiple emails every day from folks on both sides, asking favors and analysis. I never hesitate to respond honestly and everything is free. I take my shots from both sides when they come and they come every day. So, you can think casinos are evil and your pals are righteous, or you can take a step back and assess humans trying to go through life as best they can given they are living in the days that the collapse of everything is making just f&&ktastic. You can choose to just be kind and generous, or you can choose to be something else. That's the choice.

    Nothing is collapsing mother Fucker. The worlds not going anywhere just because you hate it and wish it so.

    You grew up with a silver spoon. You don’t know real struggle because you never lived it. Therefore you can’t appreciate anything.

    Intelligence is a gift from god. I know you don’t believe in god you semi smart freak. This is why You don’t have any empathy or compassion. It’s always been about what you know. Casinos are the most predatory industry in the world. They do everything they can to take every dollar from their customers.

    Your lucky you didn’t take the bet. Because all I wanted to do was steal your money.

    Con you and give the money away to people who need it. Payback for all the years you have helped casinos.

    Humans are not going anywhere. Civilization will be here well after you die. Your Slightly above average IQ has you confused about life.

    Sharp my ass. Just another kid who grew up with low self esteem who hates the world.

    Take a walk

  13. #153
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    When Grosjean's book pops up on ebay every year or 2, selling for a couple thousand dollars, does he get a cut of that? I don't think he does.

    He just wanted to limit the copies so too many people didn't have it which would immediately kill the plays.

    I see nothing wrong with that.
    Grosjean's Runs circles around this guy

    Clearly he was jealous of James.

  14. #154
    The guy said humans are a virus on this planet lol

    Hack this guys life and take everything


  15. #155
    Eliot is in good company when it comes to fucking over AP's.

    Go back to the 50's and there were gamblers smart enough to know that in single deck blackjack it was at player advantage when the remaining deck was rich with tens and aces. That fucking Thorp fucked them over by publishing the information.

    How about that asshole at the Golden Nugget Poker Room that invented split limit poker and banned no-limit, pot-limit and spread limit from the room. Something that got copied by all the rooms in Vegas. Do you know how much more difficult that made the game for the cash game pros? I can't remember that asshole's name now.

    How about Bob Dancer teaching how to beat video poker to gamblers everywhere but also giving seminars to casino execs telling them how not to get beat by video poker pros.

    Don't forget David Sklansky. Have you ever read any of Sklansky's books that teach strategic gambling? He's done plenty of work for the casinos. He was Bob Stupak's math guy. And he was also the math guy for Lyle Berman and the Grand Casinos of Mississippi and Minnesota. As a matter of fact it was Sklansky that advised Berman to take out the multitude of exploitable $5 IGT Vision machines that Berman had on his properties. Do you know how many slot AP's got fucked over on that one?

    This is just a short list of those that have played both sides of the fence. Eliot is in pretty good company.

    Oh! and don't forget Mikey Shackleford working for Venetian.

    Question: Who do you think both blackjack pros and the casino personell charged with identifying and stopping them learned advantage blackjack from?
    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 07-23-2022 at 02:43 AM.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  16. #156
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    When civilization unravels people like you won't last long. Hopefully you get to experience that day.....RIP

    Were you not selling the original version of your book for hundreds of dollars on Amazon and eBay?

    Someone gave me a copy of that piece of junk. I got lucky and dumped it shortly before your reprints to some dummy for over $700.

    So, I guess I do owe you a thank you for that.
    How many times have I told you guys this idiot mental midget max is a poser pro? He thinks the book is a piece of shit because he doesn't understand the math.

    If max has made one thin dime gambling it's because of math work done by someone else.

    So max thought the book was a piece of shit and decided to scam someone out of $700 for it?

    Fucking poser pro and scam artist.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  17. #157

    Will you send me a signed copy of your book? And no, I'm not joking. If so, let me know and ill send you an address, I would be willing to pay any fees or whatever associated with sending it.

    I recently bought an original beyond counting and Steve Forte Casino Game Protection. I doubt I will ever take the time to read any of them, but I do like collecting things for some odd reason.

  18. #158
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    Question: Who do you think both blackjack pros and the casino personell charged with identifying and stopping them learned advantage blackjack from?
    Max Rubin ?

  19. #159
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    If max has made one thin dime gambling it's because of math work done by someone else.
    I am pretty sure this isn't true, but what if it was? Isn't APing about making money from casinos?

    I have made over 1.6 million as an advantage player and every cent is from doing things using the math from others. Some with my own twists, but the basic math and concepts from others. I don't think my money spends differently or is worth less because of it.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  20. #160
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    If max has made one thin dime gambling it's because of math work done by someone else.
    I am pretty sure this isn't true, but what if it was? Isn't APing about making money from casinos?

    I have made over 1.6 million as an advantage player and every cent is from doing things using the math from others. Some with my own twists, but the basic math and concepts from others. I don't think my money spends differently or is worth less because of it.


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