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Thread: Recent interview with Eliot Jacobson

  1. #161
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Calm down Seedvalue. Everything isn't a pissing contest. I am just saying, APing is about making money from the casinos, whatever each individual does, goals are ect.

    It just seems a strange attempt at a putdown (which is what mickey intended), to say whatever you have made it is because of other people's math. I am a low/mid level solo player, but what if someone has made 10 million, 20 million? Is that any less valuable because they used information and math from others that came before them?
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  2. #162
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post

    Will you send me a signed copy of your book? And no, I'm not joking. If so, let me know and ill send you an address, I would be willing to pay any fees or whatever associated with sending it.

    I recently bought an original beyond counting and Steve Forte Casino Game Protection. I doubt I will ever take the time to read any of them, but I do like collecting things for some odd reason.
    Of course! Free to you. Just send me an email with the info.

    I ran out of my author's copies and ordered a new batch last week. They should arrive later this week and I'll turn it around at that time.

    I think Steve Forte's book is even harder to get than Grosjean's, so good job on that!



  3. #163
    Originally Posted by Eliot View Post
    Just send me an email with the info.
    PM me the info too, little buddy.

  4. #164
    Brown Pelicans have been dying off the coast of California every year there are massive wild fires on the west coast. You can plot that shit like clockwork since a little before 2009 it’s been happening. One of the Reasons is the fire retardant used to fight the fires ends up in the ocean and as the chemicals breakdown its poisoning their food supply. Manage the forest correctly and you don’t have the fires, and the poisoning of the marine life. But good luck getting anything Done on that front. California is too worried about sex education for kindergartners.

    Elliot the fraud says the pelicans suddenly dying Are the result of global warming. The canary in the coal mine he says. In 2009 the brown pelican was removed from the endangered species list. Almost wiped out because of DDT. Not because of global warming.

    Considering roughly 80 percent of the brown pelicans breed off the coast of Mexico the problem most certainly lies there. Over fishing for sardines and the lack of controls down there are one of the biggest factors .

    But here is how the climate frauds try and frame the pelican problem

    From Elliot

    “These pelicans are a “canary in the coal mine” for humanity — they are carrying a message to us about what is happening to our planet right now. Their message is not an academic model showing the percent of pelicans that starve on one axis and the CO₂ concentration on the other; it’s hundreds of weak and disoriented pelicans on the beaches today and 420 ppm CO₂ today.”

    Is the death of all these pelicans the result of humans? Most certainly we are contributing to it. However It’s not because we drive gas guzzling cars, and use coal fired ovens in the backyard to cook some bison steaks. It’s over fishing and other failed policies and management.

    But Elliot misleads his readers saying its 420ppm CO2 today that is the problem.

    Fake news as always from this fraud

  5. #165
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Calm down Seedvalue. Everything isn't a pissing contest. I am just saying, APing is about making money from the casinos, whatever each individual does, goals are ect.

    It just seems a strange attempt at a putdown (which is what mickey intended), to say whatever you have made it is because of other people's math. I am a low/mid level solo player, but what if someone has made 10 million, 20 million? Is that any less valuable because they used information and math from others that came before them?

    No I didn’t say that.

    It be kind of stupid not to use every piece of information at your disposal.

    However the highest edges that you will find almost always come from situations an AP will find that is not published to the masses. I can tell you there is nothing published on the things I’m currently doing. How long that last is always the problem

  6. #166
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Fake news as always from this fraud
    I'm doubling down on Seedvalue for Ozzy's rookie of the year and poster of the year.

    And, I'm gonna use the double-up bug to make sure he wins.

  7. #167
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by Eliot View Post
    Just send me an email with the info.
    PM me the info too, little buddy.
    You want my mailing address, is that what you are getting at?

  8. #168
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    You want my mailing address, is that what you are getting at?
    Were you asking for a book to be sent to an email address, little buddy?

    Send to me whatever address you were getting at in your quote below...

    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    let me know and ill send you an address

  9. #169
    Math proficiency has very little to do with today's top earning players. As a matter of fact if you find yourself needing a math expert the play is not worth your time.

    I know a lot of exceptional mathletes that know next to nothing about exploiting advantages that are right in front of their face. Because they are focused on the details all the time.

  10. #170
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Math proficiency has very little to do with today's top earning players.
    So you are in agreement with Seedvalue?

  11. #171
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Math proficiency has very little to do with today's top earning players.
    So you are in agreement with Seedvalue?
    Yes, with regards to his last post if that is what you are asking.

  12. #172
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Are you also in agreement with the quote below?...

    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    If max has made one thin dime gambling it's because of math work done by someone else.

  13. #173
    Smelly Belly is in full troll overdrive today, making up for lost time.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  14. #174
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Are you also in agreement with the quote below?...

    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    If max has made one thin dime gambling it's because of math work done by someone else.

    In some cases math has nothing to do with what I do. Basic math can quantify the results just like anything in life. Basic math is pretty much all I am proficient at. It's all that is needed in the majority of cases. Anyone who knows me knows that I don't rely on others for anything. I do my own work.

    Back when I used to play a lot of blackjack side bets. In those instances it was 100% true.

  15. #175
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Smelly Belly is in full troll overdrive today, making up for lost time.
    He thinks he smells something. Probably needs a shower.

  16. #176
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Basic math can quantify the results
    Does basic math quantify the expected results?

  17. #177
    A little bit of everything in this thread: anger, betrayal, hopelessnes / existential angst and self-righteousness.

    *sips coffee, pets cat*
    What, Me Worry?

  18. #178
    I wouldn’t do work for the “dark side” if asked, however I do wonder what percentage of AP’s would?

    I think the percentage would be very high. Remember, this practice is normal in every other industry, but for some reason in the AP field it is considered a sin.

    For example, I know a casino that receives pre shuffled cards for their baccarat game. They take off the plastic wrapper, remove them from the box, then have a player cut them. Straight into the shoe they go. No shuffle, no riffle, no nothing.

    So as far as doing work for the dark side being a sin:
    I do wonder how much of it is AP’s dislike for the casino industry, primarily for being predatory? VS. because it screws over AP’s by providing the casinos info.
    Because if it is solely the latter, this happens in every industry and it is accepted.

    Like I said, I wouldn’t do work for a casino, primarily due to my dislike for casino practices.
    Anyway, back to the percentages of AP’s that would do work if asked, I believe it’s well over 50%. If the AP’s are in a bad financial situation, I believe over 80%.

  19. #179
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Belly is in full troll overdrive today
    You can't deal with the truth, that's why you must lie to make your point.

  20. #180
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    But Elliot misleads his readers saying its 420ppm CO2 today that is the problem.

    Fake news as always from this fraud
    So what is your source that it isn't 420 ppm? I have no clue but have been taking Elliot at his word in regards to numbers.

    The fact that we have huge record breaking heat-waves that are no longer localized and seem to have taken on a simulaneous global nature. I'm not sure what is up with that but common sense tells me it is really bad. Eventually the droughts kill the water and lots of stuff will die off. Who knows how it'll play out. Going to have less protein in our diets on our way out?

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