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Thread: Debunking "Replacement Theory." Or Not.

  1. #1

  2. #2
    The Buffalo Shooter is a wingnut left winger racist.

    Whites, especially white males, have been demonized in order to facilitate replacement. White males are actually the last ethnic group where it is politically correct to denigrate them.

    Woke Hollywood has already replaced many white actors. If you are a white male you need not apply. This will be going on in all professions.

    I don't dislike black liberals as they are trying to help their own race. It's white woke ass liberals I can't stand. The MF'ers hate their own race and do everything they can to blackball us..
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  3. #3
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    The Buffalo Shooter is a wingnut left winger racist.

    Whites, especially white males, have been demonized in order to facilitate replacement. White males are actually the last ethnic group where it is politically correct to denigrate them.

    Woke Hollywood has already replaced many white actors. If you are a white male you need not apply. This will be going on in all professions.

    I don't dislike black liberals as they are trying to help their own race. It's white woke ass liberals I can't stand. The MF'ers hate their own race and do everything they can to blackball us..
    I think you meant WhiteBall us

  4. #4
    I cannot believe I am sort of defending Tucker Carlson. I'm not defending what he says; I'm more defending him for what his detractors refuse to say. The following should have likely been broken down into three entries, but I wanted to get it all done since the three pieces I examine (CNN, Business Insider, USA Today) were all published within hours of each other.


  5. #5
    I'm really starting to get tired of this world and especially Commiefornia.

    The job descriptions at CHANI, a queer- and feminist-led company that makes a popular astrology app, list a variety of perks to entice potential employees: salaries starting at $80,000 a year, an annual tech stipend, a nice 401(k) match and four months of paid parental leave. The Los Angeles-based company also offers a more unusual benefit: "unlimited menstrual leave for people with uteruses."

    Unlimited Menstrual Leave for People with Uteruses???
    This shit is way out of control.
    What happened to Equal Rights???
    Not so Equal.
    As usual, women want to win in all directions.
    Last edited by monet; 05-26-2022 at 01:13 PM.

  6. #6
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I'm really starting to get tired of this world and especially Commiefornia.

    The job descriptions at CHANI, a queer- and feminist-led company that makes a popular astrology app, list a variety of perks to entice potential employees: salaries starting at $80,000 a year, an annual tech stipend, a nice 401(k) match and four months of paid parental leave. The Los Angeles-based company also offers a more unusual benefit: "unlimited menstrual leave for people with uteruses."

    Unlimited Menstrual Leave for People with Uteruses???
    This shit is way out of control.
    What happened to Equal Rights???
    Not so Equal.
    As usual, women want to win in all directions.

    Monet, if you're so hung up on this, just get yourself a uterus. Can't be that hard. Nobody said the uterus must be on the inside. Just hook it to your belt with Velcro. They're not that big. Just a few inches by a few inches. They look like the little babies if a face hugger from Alien cross-bred with the monster from It Conquered the World...Almost.

  7. #7
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Monet, if you're so hung up on this, just get yourself a uterus. Can't be that hard. Nobody said the uterus must be on the inside. Just hook it to your belt with Velcro. They're not that big. Just a few inches by a few inches. They look like the little babies if a face hugger from Alien cross-bred with the monster from It Conquered the World...Almost.
    Not sure why I would have to do all that?
    I thought all you have to do today is to IDENTIFY as a woman and you can have phantom PMS.
    Seems Legit to me.

  8. #8
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I'm really starting to get tired of this world and especially Commiefornia.

    The job descriptions at CHANI, a queer- and feminist-led company that makes a popular astrology app, list a variety of perks to entice potential employees: salaries starting at $80,000 a year, an annual tech stipend, a nice 401(k) match and four months of paid parental leave. The Los Angeles-based company also offers a more unusual benefit: "unlimited menstrual leave for people with uteruses."

    Unlimited Menstrual Leave for People with Uteruses???
    This shit is way out of control.
    What happened to Equal Rights???
    Not so Equal.
    As usual, women want to win in all directions.
    Ok, I said I won't troll so I'll behave but damn you're one backwards dude.

    I will agree that "unlimited" leave for the period is a bit far but how is it unequal? You don't have to deal with periods. If you want to have a uterus implanted in order to get one it would likely be a first in the history of man but I sure as fuck won't be stopping you.

    It is also unequal that women have to deal with that. Who are we to blame? God?

  9. #9
    It is pretty obvious to me that white people are breeding less. The large majority of all the smart people I knew from college days seems to have no bred. Some people are all about that domesticated life but I know far too many white people not breeding.

    A lot of them are smart enough to extrapolate how shitty this world is about to become so the whole exercise is moot.


  10. #10
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Ok, I said I won't troll so I'll behave but damn you're one backwards dude.

    I will agree that "unlimited" leave for the period is a bit far but how is it unequal? You don't have to deal with periods. If you want to have a uterus implanted in order to get one it would likely be a first in the history of man but I sure as fuck won't be stopping you.

    It is also unequal that women have to deal with that. Who are we to blame? God?
    Uhh, ok, you convinced me.
    Nicely Done.
    Can I be a Fowards Dude now?

  11. #11
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    It is pretty obvious to me that white people are breeding less. The large majority of all the smart people I knew from college days seems to have no bred. Some people are all about that domesticated life but I know far too many white people not breeding.

    A lot of them are smart enough to extrapolate how shitty this world is about to become so the whole exercise is moot.

    Down With Whitey!!
    As I stated previously, it has already been proven or theorized that the entire world will eventually be a mix of White, Asian and Portuguese.
    Therefore, you are correct that the whole exercise is moot.
    But it certainly can be considered fun.
    Especially if you are a sex addict like myself.
    Probably more of an addiction to pleasure as it seems clear that I am most likely a Hedonist.
    Not that I want to be one but I am what I am and that's all that I am.
    I blame the 80's.
    But I also love the 80's.
    Tough Life and Contradiction.
    Especially when you believe that the teachings of the Judeo-Christians got it right.
    Last edited by monet; 06-01-2022 at 08:58 AM.

  12. #12
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    It is pretty obvious to me that white people are breeding less. The large majority of all the smart people I knew from college days seems to have no bred. Some people are all about that domesticated life but I know far too many white people not breeding.

    A lot of them are smart enough to extrapolate how shitty this world is about to become so the whole exercise is moot.

    Internet porn has caused the small dick beta white male to stop fucking. This is why there has been an explosion of transgendered white men to female. These dating apps are closing out the small dick men. It lets the alpha take their rightful spot atop the sexual pyramid. I tend to donate sperm as much as they allow and continue to have unprotected bareback sex with as many women as possible. My life partner insist I do this because she agrees I need to help keep the white race alive. Just don’t come asking me for Child support I did my part. If all the alpha white men banned it together we could fuck our way out of this doomsday scenario.

  13. #13
    The other night Bill Maher was shocked to hear they sold tampons in the men's rooms at University of California-Berkely. He thought it strange that men would wear tampons. He failed to figure out what was really going on. The tampons were for women who had transgendered to men and used men's restrooms. The tampons were available for when they got their periods. That shows what a crock all this transgender bullshit is.

    The B in LGBTQ stands for Bi-Sexual. That implies there are only two sexes.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  14. #14
    For those interested in the trans topics, a friend of mine who taught physical anthropology explained to me that there are, technically, at minimum seven or eight genetically different sexes with various X and Y chromosome mixes, but that the triple X and XXY kinds of genetics are very, very rare, with just a handful having actual avant garde chromosomes. Klinefelter Syndrome is one example.

    These are some of my blog entries on the subject of trans politics:


    and: https://theskepticalgambler.blogspot...athletics.html

    Obviously, I am not on board with trans individuals who are genetically male crossing over into women's sports. It's ridiculous. I think the arguments against far outweigh the slim positives.

  15. #15
    They are not coming for our children right??
    Disney pushing more Gay Shit down our throats in their new movie Lightyear that got banned in 14 countries so far... RIP.

  16. #16
    Welp, white replacement theory just got a shot of steroids. White people going to just go to other states to get that abortion.

  17. #17
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Welp, white replacement theory just got a shot of steroids. White people going to just go to other states to get that abortion.
    I’m out here fucking two and three women a week bare back trying to save the white race, and cucks like you are home jacking to the BNWO. Sick world we live in

  18. #18
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    I’m out here fucking two and three women a week bare back trying to save the white race, and cucks like you are home jacking to the BNWO. Sick world we live in
    You really are the Fucking Man!
    I love it when you talk like this.
    Keep Up the Good Work!
    Us Whites are counting on you!!

  19. #19
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    I’m out here fucking two and three women a week bare back...
    Hmmm, sounds suspiciously like your typical negroid ghetto dweller, not concerned about anything other than himself, not concerned about paying child support 'cause he doesn't own a damned thing.
    What, Me Worry?

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