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Thread: Climate Change scientist list smarter then Rat Fink Elliot

  1. #21
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    Wow. It must be fake. Lets ignore all the "droughts" all over the globe happening simultaneously. Whether the Western US, Central US, Europe, and other places with brown people who don't speak English.

    But Danny knows a singular place where it was colder! HAH! GOTCHA he thinks!

    "Droughts" no longer seem to be localized. They are now global.

    Look at places having their water supplies severely strained.

    It's a joke that so many people seem to live on a different planet.
    Just like all the scientists I posted above right they are a joke ? The ones who’s research is not tainted by grants. Maybe read some of the stuff they have published instead of sucking the cock of The Rat fraud Elliot. Im sure Elliot thinks he is more intelligent then Freeman Dyson
    You have ignored multiple follow-up questions after you've made specific claims. You then feed me a list of like 50 scientists and expect me to go research them? What about all the other scientists on the other list? If we were to compare numbers what do you feel the ratio would be?

    This Dyson guy is clearly a brilliant person, but he is far from the only brilliant person. I wonder which side other brilliant people are on?

    You're so dumb outside of gambling you didn't post the references to the claims/beleifs these people made/expressed. Typical ! Then telling of what you find to be "evidence".

    And you say I'm the crazy one who needs therapy.. A-huh
    Don't ever complain to me again about insulting someone when you have no problem doing it.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  2. #22
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post

    Just like all the scientists I posted above right they are a joke ? The ones who’s research is not tainted by grants. Maybe read some of the stuff they have published instead of sucking the cock of The Rat fraud Elliot. Im sure Elliot thinks he is more intelligent then Freeman Dyson
    You have ignored multiple follow-up questions after you've made specific claims. You then feed me a list of like 50 scientists and expect me to go research them? What about all the other scientists on the other list? If we were to compare numbers what do you feel the ratio would be?

    This Dyson guy is clearly a brilliant person, but he is far from the only brilliant person. I wonder which side other brilliant people are on?

    You're so dumb outside of gambling you didn't post the references to the claims/beleifs these people made/expressed. Typical ! Then telling of what you find to be "evidence".

    And you say I'm the crazy one who needs therapy.. A-huh
    Don't ever complain to me again about insulting someone when you have no problem doing it.
    Seedvalue has deserved every bit he has received. I rarely complain about you insulting people and when I did it was because well thats all you were doing. Oh I see, Seedvalue said I was sucking Eliot's cock. I guess thats not offensive in your book? Thats just like normal acceptable talk? I don't think any insult I said was as bad as that. He's also the guy who goes on and on about the mental illness shit when anyone who has read the dude's posts can tell he's the real whackadoo. What am I supposed to do? roll over like a bitch? We have some things in common Mick!

    How does seedvalue have any clue these people weren't tainted by granted? Freeman ok. But for every Freeman I can find just as degreed (?) people who disagree with him.

    I've had the same belief about this for decades. Eliot didn't bring anything about except I don't think I've ever come across a public doomer. I discovered a friend was one and I've started going down that path. But lets get this straight - I am not really doing anything either to fix climate change. I try to not be so wasteful but in general I've given up. The only difference between you is I can be honest with myself about where this shit is going and how fast it'll get here. When I was younger I thought maybe humanity could turn it around but as I get older and really understand people - no fuckin' way.

    I can point out how the temperatures keep trending up and people will say thats natural. As if the climate it supposed to change at such a rate. Nah, nothing there. Just nature bro.

    Seedvalue calling me a nihilist? Wrong - A nihilist wouldn't care. I actually care. I have morals because I would have liked to have seen the world not go down this path. People lie to themselves endlessly. He's far more of a nihilist than myself but seems to not understand the word.

    I like you guys because the company of liberals tilts me twice as bad. Believing the global consensus of scientists for decades does not make one a libtard or whatever the fuck.

    <smooches> I love each and every one of you.

  3. #23
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post

    Total cringe. LOL

    Keep swinging solar boy.
    bzzzzzzzzzt. bzzzzzzzt.

    Wheres my can of OFF?

    That's as epic fail as another nickname of yours - DiDi

    At least you're not regaling us with how you thought a 15 year old girl was into you and your gray beard. EPIC FAIL. LOL
    In fact, if an actual live female can stand your presence for more than two hours you should glom onto her faster than you can post a weak ass reply here.

    Your I know you are but what am I sorta stuff doesn't work very well. 15 year old liking my gray beard? I remember one into me soon after I shaved it off, but she was literally a kid. I was chuckling on the inside and haven't had a beard since. I think you're confused, gnat.

    I've never even seen you post one thing about gambling. Like I said. A gnat. Nothing you say is either amusing or informative. Just out there being a nuisance.

    Contrary to what you may wish to believe, I mostly hang out with women these days. Rare am I in the company of a man. When I was younger, I had oodles of girls after me. But whatever, I'm not here to brag over dumb irrelevant shit. Tall, thin, square jawline. I'm not the best at the approach but I can almost always charm em. Pretty easy. Be smart, Be handsome. Be witty. Listen to them. Thats about all you need... and is far more than what most men have to offer. It isn't as big of a deal as you seem to make it out to be, Danny. But I'm sure reading bible versus on the front porch has treated you well.

    "Dismissed" Now that one actually had me chuckled. Talk about keep swinging.. ahahhaahhaha that got me laughing so much I had a bit of a cough


    ps - if I say <mic drop> on my own post, does that make it true?
    Last edited by accountinquestion; 08-16-2022 at 07:44 PM.

  4. #24
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    You have ignored multiple follow-up questions after you've made specific claims. You then feed me a list of like 50 scientists and expect me to go research them? What about all the other scientists on the other list? If we were to compare numbers what do you feel the ratio would be?

    This Dyson guy is clearly a brilliant person, but he is far from the only brilliant person. I wonder which side other brilliant people are on?

    You're so dumb outside of gambling you didn't post the references to the claims/beleifs these people made/expressed. Typical ! Then telling of what you find to be "evidence".

    And you say I'm the crazy one who needs therapy.. A-huh
    Let me make something perfectly clear. Based on your post there is absolutely nothing physical or intellectual that I wouldn’t bet against you on. Including whatever you currently do to make a living. I could probably open a business in your home town, and within a few years be better at whatever you do. I don’t say that lightly as I wouldn’t even say that about gunplay. But you are a very special type of deranged lunatic with a
    nihilistic view of the world. The world would be a much happier and productive place without people who think like you.

    Google each name their views and works come up instantly. There are many many more then what I posted

    Or keep waiting for the end of the world. I will
    Be here to remind you and fraud Elliot how wrong you are for as long as druff keeps the website up. It’s like the people who think Vegas is going to be a ghost town soon because of lake mead. It takes a special type of nihilism to believe some of the things you do
    I'm not waiting for the world to end. I'll be dead by then.

    There are nihilists and there are optimists. I saw someone tweet that 15% of people would get on a plane piloted by Trump if he had 2 hours of training. I don't think I disagree. Those are not the nihilist. Those are the faithful.

    I'll stick the the realist side.

    As far as the deranged this and that it is fairly clear you're once again projecting. With your obsession going after kewl, multiple twitter accounts, obsession with your penis that demonstrates who the "deranged" one is.

    Neither Elliot or myself have said the world will end during the lifetime of this website but nasty things are coming and we're on a path that basically unavoidable.

    I've asked you to back up facts you've stated and you just go run off and hide. You're not going to prove SHIT dumbass. Just endless projection and trying to impress people you don't know on an internet forum. You know, just like all successful people.

    I can make equally stupid claims that can't be backed up, just like you do. However, I'm smart enough to realize it is teh internet and smart enough to realize people on here will just clown on that shit.

    So which happens first Lake Mead rises or water is piped in from the ocean via desalination plants?
    Sorry freak I was busy today actually creating value for other humans maybe you should try it. I can back every single claim about myself including my bank account dick wad. You have only read one side of the climate problem it’s obvious. I provided the list of scientist for you. Not my problem if you don’t care to look at all the facts. Was a nice 85 degrees low humidity today where I was. Beautiful day. Good night love

  5. #25
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    I can back every single claim about myself including y bank account dick wad.
    Do it.
    What, Me Worry?

  6. #26
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    bzzzzzzzzzt. bzzzzzzzt.

    Wheres my can of OFF?

    That's as epic fail as another nickname of yours - DiDi

    At least you're not regaling us with how you thought a 15 year old girl was into you and your gray beard. EPIC FAIL. LOL
    In fact, if an actual live female can stand your presence for more than two hours you should glom onto her faster than you can post a weak ass reply here.

    Your I know you are but what am I sorta stuff doesn't work very well. 15 year old liking my gray beard? I remember one into me soon after I shaved it off, but she was literally a kid. I was chuckling on the inside and haven't had a beard since. I think you're confused, gnat.

    I've never even seen you post one thing about gambling. Like I said. A gnat. Nothing you say is either amusing or informative. Just out there being a nuisance.

    Contrary to what you may wish to believe, I mostly hang out with women these days. Rare am I in the company of a man. When I was younger, I had oodles of girls after me. But whatever, I'm not here to brag over dumb irrelevant shit. Tall, thin, square jawline. I'm not the best at the approach but I can almost always charm em. Pretty easy. Be smart, Be handsome. Be witty. Listen to them. Thats about all you need... and is far more than what most men have to offer. It isn't as big of a deal as you seem to make it out to be, Danny. But I'm sure reading bible versus on the front porch has treated you well.

    "Dismissed" Now that one actually had me chuckled. Talk about keep swinging.. ahahhaahhaha that got me laughing so much I had a bit of a cough


    ps - if I say <mic drop> on my own post, does that make it true?

    You remember a 15 year old into you? What was that like 35 years

    That's about as possible as Hunter's laptop being Russian disinformation. Another one of your proclamations that could not have been more wrong.

    Keep swinging douche.

  7. #27
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post


    That's as epic fail as another nickname of yours - DiDi

    At least you're not regaling us with how you thought a 15 year old girl was into you and your gray beard. EPIC FAIL. LOL
    In fact, if an actual live female can stand your presence for more than two hours you should glom onto her faster than you can post a weak ass reply here.

    Your I know you are but what am I sorta stuff doesn't work very well. 15 year old liking my gray beard? I remember one into me soon after I shaved it off, but she was literally a kid. I was chuckling on the inside and haven't had a beard since. I think you're confused, gnat.

    I've never even seen you post one thing about gambling. Like I said. A gnat. Nothing you say is either amusing or informative. Just out there being a nuisance.

    Contrary to what you may wish to believe, I mostly hang out with women these days. Rare am I in the company of a man. When I was younger, I had oodles of girls after me. But whatever, I'm not here to brag over dumb irrelevant shit. Tall, thin, square jawline. I'm not the best at the approach but I can almost always charm em. Pretty easy. Be smart, Be handsome. Be witty. Listen to them. Thats about all you need... and is far more than what most men have to offer. It isn't as big of a deal as you seem to make it out to be, Danny. But I'm sure reading bible versus on the front porch has treated you well.

    "Dismissed" Now that one actually had me chuckled. Talk about keep swinging.. ahahhaahhaha that got me laughing so much I had a bit of a cough


    ps - if I say <mic drop> on my own post, does that make it true?

    You remember a 15 year old into you? What was that like 35 years

    That's about as possible as Hunter's laptop being Russian disinformation. Another one of your proclamations that could not have been more wrong.

    Keep swinging douche.
    I had a gray beard 35 years ago? Too smart. Too smart. I was trying to figure out what you're talking about because you clearly pay more attention to me than I do. I assume you are referencing me mentioning I shaved my beard off and noticed this young girl kept looking at me the next day or so while standing in line to checkin at a hotel. It was kinda weird but I decided hey I'm going beardless from here on. Nothing more to the story bro except physically I'm far from a repulsive person. But you need your dreams...

    Somehow you kept this story stored back in your memory banks where it has burned a deep imprint. Whatever.

    The only thing I remember about you is you are a God-fearing Christian and loves Trump. You stood with him when he gassed a Christian Church to clear out the frontyard so he could stroll up with a photo-op of an upside down Bible. Yet you still backed him. You are not a person I would associate with unless I didn't really know you. That is another truth.

    If you don't think Hunter Biden's laptop could have been Russian disinformation then you're an idiot twice over in your 2 sentences. I guess i was wrong but it still isn't entirely clear what happened but NYT seemed to suggest it was Hunter's laptop that he dropped off and so now that has been accepted as likely to have been the case. Regardless, I don't care at this point because Hunter has been revealed as the sleazy utterly worthless person and the Democrat upper-party sucks even more for rigging this election in Biden's favor. I have never been a Biden guy but clearly Biden preferred immensely over Trump. There was a lot of murky shit behind that laptop but at this point I don't care. The way it was disseminated. Specifically avoiding news organizations that'd be critical. LOL Be proud that you just believed such a thing. I'm happy being skeptical in that situation.

    It is like the lab vs meat market for source of Covid. The pro-Trump side wanted to immediately believe that it had to be some evil Chinese doing but it was really just Trump rambling on to his followers. Others were skeptical. No one will ever know but in the end it seems more likely to have come out of the meat market. But yanno.. escaped lab pathogens is so more exciting. The more in-depth scientific papers seem to think it did come from the meat market simply by tracing back the connections of the very first cases etc. Same shit as your example just your side was likely wrong.

    I will continue to base my observations on odds and logic. Sometimes I'll be wrong but I'll be right far more often.

  8. #28
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Libtards are Funny.
    The Bombshells start around the 2 minute mark in the video.
    It's a tipping point and the walls are closing in!

  9. #29
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    But I'm sure reading bible versus on the front porch has treated you well.
    An optional theory and or belief for those of you who do not enjoy reading bible versus.
    The comment section is even better as everyone seems to be in total agreement lol.
    Probably the best information is that the music industry is recording at the wrong Megahertz, intentionally, to cause death to our organic bodies.
    If only they would lower it a bit we would all be healed lol.
    440MHz vs 432MHz starting around the 29:30 mark in the video.
    Damn Fucking Draco's!!
    I suggest this video to those of you who get high and make sure you get really high before you watch this video.
    You can watch it stone cold sober but for maximum entertainment you need drugs.
    I don't how you can mention George Lucas and Star Wars without mentioning Dune first.
    Rex questioned it and was close but failed to remember Dune and Frank Herbert.
    How the Fuck can you be into all this crazy and not know who Frank Herbert and Dune is???
    Fucking Posers lol.

    Just so you all understand, this video correlates to our Global Warming and Climate Change Problems.
    All part of the Draconian Plan.
    You can all thank our AI GOD for the Galactic Federation!!
    Oh, by the way, this Fucker "Leak Project" has just under 400k subscribers on Youtube!

    Last edited by monet; 08-17-2022 at 03:29 PM.

  10. #30
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Oh, by the way, this Fucker "Leak Project" has just under 400k subscribers on Youtube!
    Monet, below is a link to the latest Baldwin drop. Please disregard if you have already listened to it.

  11. #31
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Monet, below is a link to the latest Baldwin drop. Please disregard if you have already listened to it.
    I started it last night but only got about 10 minutes into it.
    Looks like a good one.
    I bought all 11 seasons of Curb Your Enthusiasm.
    I'm currently on season 5.
    Worth the purchase.

    Here is something I just ran across.
    No wonder why Nevada has the worst school system lol
    20% discount on all Weed Products if you can prove that you are a Nevada Teacher.
    I don't understand how this can be justified?
    This shit is pretty insane lol...
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  12. #32
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Monet, below is a link to the latest Baldwin drop. Please disregard if you have already listened to it.
    I started it last night but only got about 10 minutes into it.
    Looks like a good one.
    I bought all 11 seasons of Curb Your Enthusiasm.
    I'm currently on season 5.
    Worth the purchase.

    Here is something I just ran across.
    No wonder why Nevada has the worst school system lol
    20% discount on all Weed Products if you can prove that you are a Nevada Teacher.
    I don't understand how this can be justified?
    This shit is pretty insane lol...
    For those young folks who are as yet undecided on a choice of careers, this sort of discount just might be the catalyst for a vocation in teaching or education (assuming they have future discounts besides the remainder of this month). I wonder if an annual 10% pay raise for those teachers that run tranny classroom bookreading days each week is next.

  13. #33

  14. #34
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Monet on drugs > me on drugs
    Don't bogart that joint, pass it over to me...
    What, Me Worry?

  15. #35
    I've had both experiences.
    I enjoy the paranoia freakouts the best though.
    For the first couple of years I didn't understand the concept of a proper dose.
    At times I would be catatonic for 2 to 3 hours and high for 16 to 20 hours.
    I'd be seeing things in reverse and my concept of time was all Fucked Up.
    Sometimes it would feel like I was popping in and out of my body.
    After 3 years of doing it wrong I finally got the concept of taking smaller doses of butter or brownies.
    Much easier to surf the waves when you take less.
    Homemade Edibles > Smoking

    If you really want to get into it the proper way to cook is with higher temp and shorter time.
    They have a chart online here somewhere.
    Decarb is Bullshit IMO and not necessary.

    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Last edited by monet; 08-18-2022 at 01:05 PM.

  16. #36
    I like weed, it is a drug you can take over your life time without much of a problem.

    But the best feeling I ever got from a drug was from MDA in college.

    Only tried cocaine a few times in my life and never got off on it: probably cut too much.

    LSD was a bit too intense.

    But MDA...eurphoria, energy, mild hallucinations: the druggies trifecta.

    I stopped doing it when I was tripping with my GF and she started screaming uncontrollably for about five to ten minutes; she later told me she was looking at the chain suspending a hanging lamp and it turned into a snake.

    "Reality is for people who can't handle drugs."
    What, Me Worry?

  17. #37
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    I like weed, it is a drug you can take over your life time without much of a problem.

    But the best feeling I ever got from a drug was from MDA in college.

    Only tried cocaine a few times in my life and never got off on it: probably cut too much.

    LSD was a bit too intense.

    But MDA...eurphoria, energy, mild hallucinations: the druggies trifecta.

    I stopped doing it when I was tripping with my GF and she started screaming uncontrollably for about five to ten minutes; she later told me she was looking at the chain suspending a hanging lamp and it turned into a snake.

    "Reality is for people who can't handle drugs."
    You are crushing me in the experimenting department.
    Edibles spin me around plenty.
    I don't need to mess with anything stronger.

    I was playing DartBot just now and got my second lifetime 180.
    Trying these new Robson Dart Flights which I'm still uncertain about.
    A somewhat perfect left to right throw that I got lucky with.
    Second Dart had the Flight pop off but I'm 99% sure that it still counts as long as the tips are in the board and you retrieve them before a dart "falls out".
    I've had 3 Robin Hoods so far breaking 3 stems which is a rare occurrence for greenhorn players.
    That's why one of the stems is red as I didn't have another aluminum silver.
    Still playing around with system combinations.
    I seem to be doing better with the heavier set ups around 25 grams compared to lighter systems.
    Probably time to turn the board and clean it a bit as this 20 area is getting banged up a bit.
    Looks more beat up in the picture than in real life.
    Currently, the odds of me throwing a 180 seem to be around 165 to 1.
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Last edited by monet; 08-18-2022 at 06:19 PM.

  18. #38
    Well tossed.

    I like to see how many throws it takes to get all three in the bulls eye.

    Had three in a row two times.
    What, Me Worry?

  19. #39
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Well tossed.

    I like to see how many throws it takes to get all three in the bulls eye.

    Had three in a row two times.
    Yeah, certainly more difficult but only worth 150 points.
    I'm lucky to get two greens when I try for the Bull.
    That damn Steel Spider is pesky knocking out my throws around the Eye.
    But, ummm. you're on a soft tip dart board and usually they have a wider target area from my understanding.
    Unless you are on a Galaxy G3 which has two sides with the more difficult pro version.
    Those Trebles and Doubles on that board are a bit of a joke as they look very difficult to hit.
    This guy at WorldWide Darts probably has the best dart content on YouTube.
    The guy seems to have a very high average.
    Mine is still around 45.
    He measures all three boards in the video

  20. #40
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Libtards are Funny.
    The Bombshells start around the 2 minute mark in the video.
    It's a tipping point and the walls are closing in!

    Thanks for the video. I put it up on PFA.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

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