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Thread: eliot jacobson calls For Violence and protests on climate change

  1. #1
    This guy is becoming more and more unhinged by the day. If you read his twitter and blog it’s clear he is going insane. Today he called for the youth to take to the streets and shut the entire system down below is the quote from his twitter

    “ I'm just saying, when I was younger we had our protests, our activism, our successes and failures. But we never had anything like XR -- shut the whole f&%king system down today activism.

    Please every youth who can, take to the streets and shut the whole f&%king system down! “

    Guys like this should be forced to undergo some type of mental examination. It’s really scary their mental state. It’s no wonder respected climate scientist who agree with many of his claims block him. The authorities should monitor this guy.

  2. #2
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    The authorities should monitor this guy.
    I'm against Big Brother and Rats but even I realize that we are all monitored 24/7.

  3. #3
    More from this freak

    “True, driving stakes into trees, camping out in trees, chained to trees, even painting trees to make their wood worthless -- all very excellent. I don't mean to diminish previous efforts”

  4. #4
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    The authorities should monitor this guy.
    I'm against Big Brother and Rats but even I realize that we are all monitored 24/7.

    Yeah I agree but this guy he could be the next unabomber !

    Daddy gave him everything he’s not even that smart IQ wise he just spent all his time in college. Classic over achiever who lacks real self esteem, rich kid who got zero pussy as a teen. Now he wants everyone to follow his cult agenda. Scary

  5. #5
    Obviously very significant mental issues.

  6. #6
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Obviously very significant mental issues.
    You don’t think so ? Maybe because your mind is also warped by politicians.

    Take a look at todays poll by the future Unabomber


    2023 with worse drought, heatwaves, flooding & fires than 2022.

    2024: with a fascist takeover of the US

    2025: after El Nino and breaking 1.5°C.

    2030 after Thwaites glacier collapse.

    2035 after the first BOE.

    When will modern industrial civilization collapse?”

    Notice how This freak shoehorns in A Fascist takeover in 2024 😂

    These semi intelligent people had their mind broken during the pandemic. What a fall for this guy

  7. #7
    None of this is going to happen besides El Niño which of course has nothing to do with anything man made

  8. #8
    I’ve been in every state this year from Indiana to Maine there’s nothing different about the weather then years past IMO. In fact it seems kind of mild the summer in a few of these states. Sea level is lower then average on the coast. Idk it seems like maybe California should manage their natural resources better instead of trying to get every kid to transition to the opposite sex at the age of 8

  9. #9
    He put the "fascist takeover" line in there because emissions laws and such would be gutted by the hardcore right GOP, so there is a logical rationale there for the line.

  10. #10
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    He put the "fascist takeover" line in there because emissions laws and such would be gutted by the hardcore right GOP, so there is a logical rationale there for the line.

    Yeah there is nothing fascist about the right, and there’s nothing communist about the left. Furthermore most people are in the middle. It’s just the extreme views get the most publicized as news stations understand negativity bias drives ratings.

    Divide and conquer the dumb or in this case the semi smart
    Last edited by Treeshade; 09-12-2022 at 08:09 AM.

  11. #11
    You need to go back millions of years not a few hundred or thousand to understand the climate. All the smartest people who have argued the other side point to this. All the flawed inputs in models that overtime are skewed so much that the model is useless. The earth has went through these changes time and time again without emissions. Instead of waisting time using the current climate change narrative basically to profit governments should have been using technology to prepare for more extreme weather events. That would have happened regardless of fusel fuel consumption.

  12. #12
    If we didn’t ban HCFC and CFC we would be doing much better.

  13. #13
    I’m hopeful that casinos would give away cruises to the north and South Pole after the BLue Ocean event. That would be a promotion worth playing for

  14. #14
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    He put the "fascist takeover" line in there because emissions laws and such would be gutted by the hardcore right GOP, so there is a logical rationale there for the line.

    Yeah there is nothing fascist about the right, and there’s nothing communist about the left. Furthermore most people are in the middle. It’s just the extreme views get the most publicized as news stations understand negativity bias drives ratings.

    Divide and conquer the dumb or in this case the semi smart

    Conflict drives the ratings, both for television and social media. That's why you get headlines by monetized sites that include words like "slammed." Even something as politically neutral (in theory) as ESPN has been exposed as hyping conflict whenever possible in their shows. There was an announcer recently who exposed the ESPN preferences for strong opinions, even if they were wrong. Wrong was preferable to neutral.

  15. #15
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    He put the "fascist takeover" line in there because emissions laws and such would be gutted by the hardcore right GOP, so there is a logical rationale there for the line.
    If you and Jacobsen are claiming that fascism is a far right ideology you are as stupid as the Wikipedia ideologues that also call fascism a right wing ideology. Here's some history you can't refute.

    Both fascism and communism grew out of marxism. The russians took it one way the Italians took it another. Mussolini was a socialist. Wikipedia says he was "originally" a socialist to mislead the ignorant. As if he changed when he gained power. No the fuck he didn't.

    The truth is Mussolini continued his socialist ways while in power. The state name while he was in power was the Italian Social Republic. He nationalized the corporations and collectivized labor. There is not an arch conservative anywhere in this country that would nationalize the corps and collectivize labor. It is totally foreign to a conservative's nature. Conservatives want government to get the fuck out of the way of business and labor.

    All the authoritarianism in this country comes from the left. You and Jacobsen are both lefty authoritarian bags of shit. You're both dangerous to democracy. You are both fascists.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  16. #16
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    He put the "fascist takeover" line in there because emissions laws and such would be gutted by the hardcore right GOP, so there is a logical rationale there for the line.
    If you and Jacobsen are claiming that fascism is a far right ideology you are as stupid as the Wikipedia ideologues that also call fascism a right wing ideology. Here's some history you can't refute.

    Both fascism and communism grew out of marxism. The russians took it one way the Italians took it another. Mussolini was a socialist. Wikipedia says he was "originally" a socialist to mislead the ignorant. As if he changed when he gained power. No the fuck he didn't.

    The truth is Mussolini continued his socialist ways while in power. The state name while he was in power was the Italian Social Republic. He nationalized the corporations and collectivized labor. There is not an arch conservative anywhere in this country that would nationalize the corps and collectivize labor. It is totally foreign to a conservative's nature. Conservatives want government to get the fuck out of the way of business and labor.

    All the authoritarianism in this country comes from the left. You and Jacobsen are both lefty authoritarian bags of shit. You're both dangerous to democracy. You are both fascists.

    It's nice when you draw conclusions based on something you admit you don't know anything about. You begin with "If I'm claiming that fascism is a far-right ideology" and then go off the rails. Well, I have how many posts here, 7000 or so, and I can't say that I've ever said fascism is a far right ideology. But you go with it, mickey. Then declare that I'm a fascist, after you started the entire post by admitting you don't know if I'm saying that fascism is exclusively, or even primarily, a far right ideology.

    So let's get this pinned down. You start with the word "if," then provide no evidence (because there isn't any) about something I've posted, then declare I'm fascist based on me saying something you don't know if I've said. Okay, those are some skills you have there, mickey. Didn't know you were telepathic.

    I guess this explains how you knew Rob did the double up bug. Telepathy. Rob telepaths the machines. You telepath Rob and me. Makes perfect sense.

    Your ability to evaluate simple evidence, or lack thereof, has some serious issues.

    I just want to add that Trump's crew is basically fascist in that it's trying to circumvent a one man/one vote process, which makes it anti-democratic. But much of the structure of American politics is anti-democratic. The Electoral College, the way Senate seats are apportioned with no regard to population, the way the Supreme Court is appointed via Senate vetting -- all of these are anti-democratic structures.
    Last edited by redietz; 09-12-2022 at 04:20 PM.

  17. #17
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post

    I just want to add that Trump's crew is basically fascist in that it's trying to circumvent a one man/one vote process, which makes it anti-democratic. But much of the structure of American politics is anti-democratic. The Electoral College, the way Senate seats are apportioned with no regard to population, the way the Supreme Court is appointed via Senate vetting -- all of these are anti-democratic structures.
    Pretty sure fascism can be either far left or right. Here is Meriam-Webster definition

    Definition of fascism
    1often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
    2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
    early instances of army fascism and brutality
    — J. W. Aldridge

    Trump was a regime. He exalted nation and race above the individual. (Although he would claim to be pro-individual but I'm not sure what he did for individuals vs corporations/capital.) He looks up to dictators and admires them. Now the last 2 parts he didn't support - severe economic and social regimentation and forcible suppression of opposition. (Although the latter could be argued when he gassed that church to clean em out for his photo-op with the upside down Bible).

    He had a strong tendency to autocratic and dictatorial control. It was just that his coup people were basically all incompetent rubes. They thought they could and would have taken over the country. I take this sort of shit fairly serious and is why I am pro 2nd amendment and QUITE well armed. IMO to save the country from those cock-suckers from Jan 6th who wanted to take away my right to vote. Fuck that shit.

    The word fascist probably fits some historical leftist guys closer, but I'm confident we can also use it for Trump. None of his fans agreed but with the benefit hindsight who the fuck are they kidding!??!

  18. #18
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    He put the "fascist takeover" line in there because emissions laws and such would be gutted by the hardcore right GOP, so there is a logical rationale there for the line.
    If you and Jacobsen are claiming that fascism is a far right ideology you are as stupid as the Wikipedia ideologues that also call fascism a right wing ideology. Here's some history you can't refute.

    Both fascism and communism grew out of marxism. The russians took it one way the Italians took it another. Mussolini was a socialist. Wikipedia says he was "originally" a socialist to mislead the ignorant. As if he changed when he gained power. No the fuck he didn't.

    The truth is Mussolini continued his socialist ways while in power. The state name while he was in power was the Italian Social Republic. He nationalized the corporations and collectivized labor. There is not an arch conservative anywhere in this country that would nationalize the corps and collectivize labor. It is totally foreign to a conservative's nature. Conservatives want government to get the fuck out of the way of business and labor.

    All the authoritarianism in this country comes from the left. You and Jacobsen are both lefty authoritarian bags of shit. You're both dangerous to democracy. You are both fascists.

    It's nice when you draw conclusions based on something you admit you don't know anything about. You begin with "If I'm claiming that fascism is a far-right ideology" and then go off the rails. Well, I have how many posts here, 7000 or so, and I can't say that I've ever said fascism is a far right ideology. But you go with it, mickey. Then declare that I'm a fascist, after you started the entire post by admitting you don't know if I'm saying that fascism is exclusively, or even primarily, a far right ideology.

    So let's get this pinned down. You start with the word "if," then provide no evidence (because there isn't any) about something I've posted, then declare I'm fascist based on me saying something you don't know if I've said. Okay, those are some skills you have there, mickey. Didn't know you were telepathic.

    I guess this explains how you knew Rob did the double up bug. Telepathy. Rob telepaths the machines. You telepath Rob and me. Makes perfect sense.

    Your ability to evaluate simple evidence, or lack thereof, has some serious issues.

    I just want to add that Trump's crew is basically fascist in that it's trying to circumvent a one man/one vote process, which makes it anti-democratic. But much of the structure of American politics is anti-democratic. The Electoral College, the way Senate seats are apportioned with no regard to population, the way the Supreme Court is appointed via Senate vetting -- all of these are anti-democratic structures.
    Bob Ditz always goes off the rails when someone pegs him for what he is, a communist piece of shit that is trying to protect his fascist cousins. Then he writes a bunch of non-sensical bullshit to try to cover it up. Rob is right. Ditz is just plain weird. A weird fascist. Dude, you have some serious issues. Get help.

    And you can't even get it right that we are not a democracy. We're a constitutional republic. The founders knew full well the tyranny of the majority so set the system up to protect the minority. Democracy is two lions and a wildebeest voting on what's for dinner. Damn, you're dumb. If we were a democracy then California and New York would be running the country. Thank God we are not a democracy. Get it thru your thick head that we are not a democracy.

    And why the fuck are you pretending you care about democracy you communist/fascist fuck?
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  19. #19
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    I guess this explains how you knew Rob did the double up bug. Telepathy. Rob telepaths the machines. You telepath Rob and me. Makes perfect sense.Your ability to evaluate simple evidence, or lack thereof, has some serious issues.
    Ditz, your ability to evaluate simple evidence, or lack thereof, has some serious issues. Everyone on VCT knows I said I found it "likely" that Rob did the double up play. But in your zeal to find something--anything--to discredit me you turn "likely" into "I guess this explains how you 'knew' Rob did the double up bug."

    Now, we all know you washed out of journalism so I will have to explain it to you. "Knew" implies certainty. "Likely" means not certain but may be true.

    When I said it was "likely" Rob put down the double up play it meant I couldn't be certain but thought it highly possible. You turned that into "knew." Dumbass.

    Perhaps some remedial classes on adjectives and verbs would do you good.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  20. #20
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post

    I just want to add that Trump's crew is basically fascist in that it's trying to circumvent a one man/one vote process, which makes it anti-democratic. But much of the structure of American politics is anti-democratic. The Electoral College, the way Senate seats are apportioned with no regard to population, the way the Supreme Court is appointed via Senate vetting -- all of these are anti-democratic structures.
    Pretty sure fascism can be either far left or right. Here is Meriam-Webster definition

    Definition of fascism
    1often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
    2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
    early instances of army fascism and brutality
    — J. W. Aldridge

    Trump was a regime. He exalted nation and race above the individual. (Although he would claim to be pro-individual but I'm not sure what he did for individuals vs corporations/capital.) He looks up to dictators and admires them. Now the last 2 parts he didn't support - severe economic and social regimentation and forcible suppression of opposition. (Although the latter could be argued when he gassed that church to clean em out for his photo-op with the upside down Bible).

    He had a strong tendency to autocratic and dictatorial control. It was just that his coup people were basically all incompetent rubes. They thought they could and would have taken over the country. I take this sort of shit fairly serious and is why I am pro 2nd amendment and QUITE well armed. IMO to save the country from those cock-suckers from Jan 6th who wanted to take away my right to vote. Fuck that shit.

    The word fascist probably fits some historical leftist guys closer, but I'm confident we can also use it for Trump. None of his fans agreed but with the benefit hindsight who the fuck are they kidding!??!
    Damn, boy. You can't see the woke ass bullshit by Merriam-Webster? Try Wikipedia. They define fascism as a far right ideology. Absolutely, 100%, a fucking lie. Merriam tries to cloud the issue to.


    Fascism is state owned businesses and collectivized labor. Everyone working for the state. Communism is the same thing....just some subtle differences. Fascism and communism are cousins. They both grew out of marxism.


    Trump was using nothing more than diplomacy with the despots. FUCK YOUR PUNK ASS FOR SAYING HE LOOKS UP TO THEM. ARE YOU REALLY THAT STUPID? I THINK YOU ARE.



    You are one of the lefty idiots that traded energy independence with its accompanying low gas prices, tax cuts, low inflation, rising wages, secure border, for....gas prices doubling, raging inflation, higher taxes, millions pouring across the border....and IRS audits.

    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 09-13-2022 at 05:07 AM.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

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