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Thread: eliot jacobson calls For Violence and protests on climate change

  1. #21
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post

    I just want to add that Trump's crew is basically fascist in that it's trying to circumvent a one man/one vote process, which makes it anti-democratic. But much of the structure of American politics is anti-democratic. The Electoral College, the way Senate seats are apportioned with no regard to population, the way the Supreme Court is appointed via Senate vetting -- all of these are anti-democratic structures.
    Pretty sure fascism can be either far left or right. Here is Meriam-Webster definition

    Definition of fascism
    1often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
    2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
    early instances of army fascism and brutality
    — J. W. Aldridge

    Trump was a regime. He exalted nation and race above the individual. (Although he would claim to be pro-individual but I'm not sure what he did for individuals vs corporations/capital.) He looks up to dictators and admires them. Now the last 2 parts he didn't support - severe economic and social regimentation and forcible suppression of opposition. (Although the latter could be argued when he gassed that church to clean em out for his photo-op with the upside down Bible).

    He had a strong tendency to autocratic and dictatorial control. It was just that his coup people were basically all incompetent rubes. They thought they could and would have taken over the country. I take this sort of shit fairly serious and is why I am pro 2nd amendment and QUITE well armed. IMO to save the country from those cock-suckers from Jan 6th who wanted to take away my right to vote. Fuck that shit.

    The word fascist probably fits some historical leftist guys closer, but I'm confident we can also use it for Trump. None of his fans agreed but with the benefit hindsight who the fuck are they kidding!??!

    Wow your pro second amendment plot twist. I don’t even own a gun. Not because I’m against the right to bear arms but because it would make it easier for me to blow someone away in the heat of battle.

    Here’s some interesting facts

    A single electric car contains more cobalt then 1000 smart phone batteries. Cobalt mining is fantastic for the environment right ?

    The blades on a single wind turbine have more plastic then 5 million smart phones. Plastic is also wonderful for the environment right ?

    O and one solar array that can power ONE data center lol uses more glass then 50 million phones.

    By the way in a lab yes you can prove CO2 is a greenhouse gas that can increase temperatures. This happens at around 50,000 ppm 😂 a .5c temperature change was observed at this level

    Remember Guys like Elliot would have you believe that at in 30,000 feet of atmosphere it only takes 100ppm to have the same green house effect as the 50,000 ppm in a lab.

    Now you may know the prevailing theory to prove this is something called CO2 forcing but the problem is this is just a theory unproven in other words bullshit …. pay me while I study this.

    Since the CO2 Greenhouse gas effect is unraveling the pivot to Methane is now the threat.

    It’s a very interesting complicated grift lol

    Everyone trying to profit on the natural evolution and flow of the climate. Deserts once were filled with water and plants.

  2. #22
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post

    I just want to add that Trump's crew is basically fascist in that it's trying to circumvent a one man/one vote process, which makes it anti-democratic. But much of the structure of American politics is anti-democratic. The Electoral College, the way Senate seats are apportioned with no regard to population, the way the Supreme Court is appointed via Senate vetting -- all of these are anti-democratic structures.
    Pretty sure fascism can be either far left or right. Here is Meriam-Webster definition

    Definition of fascism
    1often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
    2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
    early instances of army fascism and brutality
    — J. W. Aldridge

    Trump was a regime. He exalted nation and race above the individual. (Although he would claim to be pro-individual but I'm not sure what he did for individuals vs corporations/capital.) He looks up to dictators and admires them. Now the last 2 parts he didn't support - severe economic and social regimentation and forcible suppression of opposition. (Although the latter could be argued when he gassed that church to clean em out for his photo-op with the upside down Bible).

    He had a strong tendency to autocratic and dictatorial control. It was just that his coup people were basically all incompetent rubes. They thought they could and would have taken over the country. I take this sort of shit fairly serious and is why I am pro 2nd amendment and QUITE well armed. IMO to save the country from those cock-suckers from Jan 6th who wanted to take away my right to vote. Fuck that shit.

    The word fascist probably fits some historical leftist guys closer, but I'm confident we can also use it for Trump. None of his fans agreed but with the benefit hindsight who the fuck are they kidding!??!

    Wow your pro second amendment plot twist. I don’t even own a gun. Not because I’m against the right to bear arms but because it would make it easier for me to blow someone away in the heat of battle.

    Here’s some interesting facts

    A single electric car contains more cobalt then 1000 smart phone batteries. Cobalt mining is fantastic for the environment right ?

    The blades on a single wind turbine have more plastic then 5 million smart phones. Plastic is also wonderful for the environment right ?

    O and one solar array that can power ONE data center lol uses more glass then 50 million phones.

    By the way in a lab yes you can prove CO2 is a greenhouse gas that can increase temperatures. This happens at around 50,000 ppm 😂 a .5c temperature change was observed at this level

    Remember Guys like Elliot would have you believe that at in 30,000 feet of atmosphere it only takes 100ppm to have the same green house effect as the 50,000 ppm in a lab.

    Now you may know the prevailing theory to prove this is something called CO2 forcing but the problem is this is just a theory unproven in other words bullshit …. pay me while I study this.

    Since the CO2 Greenhouse gas effect is unraveling the pivot to Methane is now the threat.

    It’s a very interesting complicated grift lol

    Everyone trying to profit on the natural evolution and flow of the climate. Deserts once were filled with water and plants.
    Here’s one low cost solution if anyone was actually worried could implement. The worldwide use of reflective roofing could produce a global cooling effect equivalent to offsetting 24 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide - the equivalent of taking 300 million cars off the road for 20 years.

    No money in painting some rooftops white. We Can’t have some uneducated redneck painting contractors , and roofers getting all that work. No no no

  3. #23
    83 degrees today beautiful

  4. #24
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post

    I just want to add that Trump's crew is basically fascist in that it's trying to circumvent a one man/one vote process, which makes it anti-democratic. But much of the structure of American politics is anti-democratic. The Electoral College, the way Senate seats are apportioned with no regard to population, the way the Supreme Court is appointed via Senate vetting -- all of these are anti-democratic structures.
    Pretty sure fascism can be either far left or right. Here is Meriam-Webster definition

    Definition of fascism
    1often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
    2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
    early instances of army fascism and brutality
    — J. W. Aldridge

    Trump was a regime. He exalted nation and race above the individual. (Although he would claim to be pro-individual but I'm not sure what he did for individuals vs corporations/capital.) He looks up to dictators and admires them. Now the last 2 parts he didn't support - severe economic and social regimentation and forcible suppression of opposition. (Although the latter could be argued when he gassed that church to clean em out for his photo-op with the upside down Bible).

    He had a strong tendency to autocratic and dictatorial control. It was just that his coup people were basically all incompetent rubes. They thought they could and would have taken over the country. I take this sort of shit fairly serious and is why I am pro 2nd amendment and QUITE well armed. IMO to save the country from those cock-suckers from Jan 6th who wanted to take away my right to vote. Fuck that shit.

    The word fascist probably fits some historical leftist guys closer, but I'm confident we can also use it for Trump. None of his fans agreed but with the benefit hindsight who the fuck are they kidding!??!
    Damn, boy. You can't see the woke ass bullshit by Merriam-Webster? Try Wikipedia. They define fascism as a far right ideology. Absolutely, 100%, a fucking lie. Merriam tries to cloud the issue to.


    Fascism is state owned businesses and collectivized labor. Everyone working for the state. Communism is the same thing....just some subtle differences. Fascism and communism are cousins. They both grew out of marxism.


    Trump was using nothing more than diplomacy with the despots. FUCK YOUR PUNK ASS FOR SAYING HE LOOKS UP TO THEM. ARE YOU REALLY THAT STUPID? I THINK YOU ARE.



    You are one of the lefty idiots that traded energy independence with its accompanying low gas prices, tax cuts, low inflation, rising wages, secure border, for....gas prices doubling, raging inflation, higher taxes, millions pouring across the border....and IRS audits.

    How are you so fucking mentally attached to that guy? jfc not even going to respond past this. I didn't say he burned a church, but he gassed the front lawn with teargas so he could stroll up there. That was my only point.

    [X] "forcible suppression of the opposition."

    Yea, I'm a leftist because I believe in the 2nd amendment and our right to vote. GTFO. Wrong side? Because I believe in Democracy and at least the fucked up "vote" that we get to use? That I believe guns should be used to defend against a tyrannical fascist government?

    The day Trump talked about the Mexicans coming over the border is the day he was labeled a racist by me. I can get the quote but... "and I assume some are good people". Like, it is in question that SOME illegal Mexicans are hard-working honest people. That one statement right there sticks in my mind. It is the day I turned against him because I saw where this shit was going.

    lol @ merrian webster being "woke-ass".. Oh man thats a new one.. I can't even begin to have an opinion on such craziness. Jesus dude.

    Fascism is not an ideology btw. Ideologies can be fascist, but fascism is not an ideology.

    Not sure what he did for minorities. I just skimmed If you have a good link that shows how he has done more since Lincoln I'd like to see it. (And yes, it appears he actually said this. Come'on you gotta LOL)

    He praised so many dictators. They then use this as propaganda elsewhere. You can make the argument that it is diplomacy. I think we'd need to compare how often he said this shit about authoritarian types vs western types to see how the argument of "diplomacy" would hold up. It might make sense in that context.

    You're clearly not anywhere near the independent centrist you like to think of yourself as.

    BTW there are clearly conservatives that don't like Trump. The Bush family, Romney, many others, they're not all leftists bro. Just like myself. I'm not conservative either though but whatever...

  5. #25
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post

    I just want to add that Trump's crew is basically fascist in that it's trying to circumvent a one man/one vote process, which makes it anti-democratic. But much of the structure of American politics is anti-democratic. The Electoral College, the way Senate seats are apportioned with no regard to population, the way the Supreme Court is appointed via Senate vetting -- all of these are anti-democratic structures.
    Pretty sure fascism can be either far left or right. Here is Meriam-Webster definition

    Definition of fascism
    1often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
    2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
    early instances of army fascism and brutality
    — J. W. Aldridge

    Trump was a regime. He exalted nation and race above the individual. (Although he would claim to be pro-individual but I'm not sure what he did for individuals vs corporations/capital.) He looks up to dictators and admires them. Now the last 2 parts he didn't support - severe economic and social regimentation and forcible suppression of opposition. (Although the latter could be argued when he gassed that church to clean em out for his photo-op with the upside down Bible).

    He had a strong tendency to autocratic and dictatorial control. It was just that his coup people were basically all incompetent rubes. They thought they could and would have taken over the country. I take this sort of shit fairly serious and is why I am pro 2nd amendment and QUITE well armed. IMO to save the country from those cock-suckers from Jan 6th who wanted to take away my right to vote. Fuck that shit.

    The word fascist probably fits some historical leftist guys closer, but I'm confident we can also use it for Trump. None of his fans agreed but with the benefit hindsight who the fuck are they kidding!??!

    Wow your pro second amendment plot twist. I don’t even own a gun. Not because I’m against the right to bear arms but because it would make it easier for me to blow someone away in the heat of battle.

    Here’s some interesting facts

    A single electric car contains more cobalt then 1000 smart phone batteries. Cobalt mining is fantastic for the environment right ?

    The blades on a single wind turbine have more plastic then 5 million smart phones. Plastic is also wonderful for the environment right ?

    O and one solar array that can power ONE data center lol uses more glass then 50 million phones.

    By the way in a lab yes you can prove CO2 is a greenhouse gas that can increase temperatures. This happens at around 50,000 ppm �� a .5c temperature change was observed at this level

    Remember Guys like Elliot would have you believe that at in 30,000 feet of atmosphere it only takes 100ppm to have the same green house effect as the 50,000 ppm in a lab.

    Now you may know the prevailing theory to prove this is something called CO2 forcing but the problem is this is just a theory unproven in other words bullshit …. pay me while I study this.

    Since the CO2 Greenhouse gas effect is unraveling the pivot to Methane is now the threat.

    It’s a very interesting complicated grift lol

    Everyone trying to profit on the natural evolution and flow of the climate. Deserts once were filled with water and plants.
    Every time I've come back at you with facts you stop responding. I've asked you to back up your facts and you NEVER have.. I'm not arguing with you anymore. Waste of time. I'd rather go outside where it is 83 and enjoy the day.

    This was just about does the word "Fascist" fit Trump and that was the only convo I cared to give my opinion on.

    I'd love to know how long Merriam has had that definition of fascism. When did they change it due to their "woke-ass"ness? Seemed like a reasonably neutral place to get a definition of what a fascist is and I gave my opinions going off that.

    In regards to climate change, it is epicly awesome how often you guys fall back on the crutch of "well they were paid to research this". Even when paid by gas companies and having come up with an answer the oil execs didn't like, they were STILL wrong because they were PAID. just what in the literal fuck? So nonsensical.

  6. #26
    Also, I'd suggest you guys read about the origins of the word "fascism". is first link I found. Originally they were against the socialists. You can find history sites all over. It is history - not fake news. Sorry if this bothers you guys. Not looking to start up an argument, just trying to inform the ignorant.

  7. #27
    I would like to correct myself. Fascism is obviously an ideology but the way liberals apply it I'm not so sure.

  8. #28
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    Pretty sure fascism can be either far left or right. Here is Meriam-Webster definition

    Definition of fascism
    1often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
    2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
    early instances of army fascism and brutality
    — J. W. Aldridge

    Trump was a regime. He exalted nation and race above the individual. (Although he would claim to be pro-individual but I'm not sure what he did for individuals vs corporations/capital.) He looks up to dictators and admires them. Now the last 2 parts he didn't support - severe economic and social regimentation and forcible suppression of opposition. (Although the latter could be argued when he gassed that church to clean em out for his photo-op with the upside down Bible).

    He had a strong tendency to autocratic and dictatorial control. It was just that his coup people were basically all incompetent rubes. They thought they could and would have taken over the country. I take this sort of shit fairly serious and is why I am pro 2nd amendment and QUITE well armed. IMO to save the country from those cock-suckers from Jan 6th who wanted to take away my right to vote. Fuck that shit.

    The word fascist probably fits some historical leftist guys closer, but I'm confident we can also use it for Trump. None of his fans agreed but with the benefit hindsight who the fuck are they kidding!??!

    Wow your pro second amendment plot twist. I don’t even own a gun. Not because I’m against the right to bear arms but because it would make it easier for me to blow someone away in the heat of battle.

    Here’s some interesting facts

    A single electric car contains more cobalt then 1000 smart phone batteries. Cobalt mining is fantastic for the environment right ?

    The blades on a single wind turbine have more plastic then 5 million smart phones. Plastic is also wonderful for the environment right ?

    O and one solar array that can power ONE data center lol uses more glass then 50 million phones.

    By the way in a lab yes you can prove CO2 is a greenhouse gas that can increase temperatures. This happens at around 50,000 ppm �� a .5c temperature change was observed at this level

    Remember Guys like Elliot would have you believe that at in 30,000 feet of atmosphere it only takes 100ppm to have the same green house effect as the 50,000 ppm in a lab.

    Now you may know the prevailing theory to prove this is something called CO2 forcing but the problem is this is just a theory unproven in other words bullshit …. pay me while I study this.

    Since the CO2 Greenhouse gas effect is unraveling the pivot to Methane is now the threat.

    It’s a very interesting complicated grift lol

    Everyone trying to profit on the natural evolution and flow of the climate. Deserts once were filled with water and plants.
    Every time I've come back at you with facts you stop responding. I've asked you to back up your facts and you NEVER have.. I'm not arguing with you anymore. Waste of time. I'd rather go outside where it is 83 and enjoy the day.

    This was just about does the word "Fascist" fit Trump and that was the only convo I cared to give my opinion on.

    I'd love to know how long Merriam has had that definition of fascism. When did they change it due to their "woke-ass"ness? Seemed like a reasonably neutral place to get a definition of what a fascist is and I gave my opinions going off that.

    In regards to climate change, it is epicly awesome how often you guys fall back on the crutch of "well they were paid to research this". Even when paid by gas companies and having come up with an answer the oil execs didn't like, they were STILL wrong because they were PAID. just what in the literal fuck? So nonsensical.
    I’ve responded I’m not debating you on politics buddy. Believe whatever they tell you to.

    I’ve given you accurate information on climate it’s not my job to source my research here. When I did you refused to read it lol. I’m a professional gambler if there is a wager you would like to make we can discuss.

    I will say you have been successfully divided, conquered, and segmented by your political gods. They really have worked you over to their benefit.

    By the way Mexicans is fine to say. So is Americans, Brazilians, man or woman. I don’t understand how calling someone from Mexico a Mexican is racist. Having employed a few hundred illegal immigrant Mexicans over the years I don’t think they think it’s racist. They are hard working people who are just trying to better themselves. I don’t think most republicans care about immigration as long as it’s legal. Borders do matter.

    It climbed to about 91 today. I made sure to run the sprinklers extra to get lawn good and hydrated.

  9. #29
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    Pretty sure fascism can be either far left or right. Here is Meriam-Webster definition

    Definition of fascism
    1often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
    2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
    early instances of army fascism and brutality
    — J. W. Aldridge

    Trump was a regime. He exalted nation and race above the individual. (Although he would claim to be pro-individual but I'm not sure what he did for individuals vs corporations/capital.) He looks up to dictators and admires them. Now the last 2 parts he didn't support - severe economic and social regimentation and forcible suppression of opposition. (Although the latter could be argued when he gassed that church to clean em out for his photo-op with the upside down Bible).

    He had a strong tendency to autocratic and dictatorial control. It was just that his coup people were basically all incompetent rubes. They thought they could and would have taken over the country. I take this sort of shit fairly serious and is why I am pro 2nd amendment and QUITE well armed. IMO to save the country from those cock-suckers from Jan 6th who wanted to take away my right to vote. Fuck that shit.

    The word fascist probably fits some historical leftist guys closer, but I'm confident we can also use it for Trump. None of his fans agreed but with the benefit hindsight who the fuck are they kidding!??!

    Wow your pro second amendment plot twist. I don’t even own a gun. Not because I’m against the right to bear arms but because it would make it easier for me to blow someone away in the heat of battle.

    Here’s some interesting facts

    A single electric car contains more cobalt then 1000 smart phone batteries. Cobalt mining is fantastic for the environment right ?

    The blades on a single wind turbine have more plastic then 5 million smart phones. Plastic is also wonderful for the environment right ?

    O and one solar array that can power ONE data center lol uses more glass then 50 million phones.

    By the way in a lab yes you can prove CO2 is a greenhouse gas that can increase temperatures. This happens at around 50,000 ppm �� a .5c temperature change was observed at this level

    Remember Guys like Elliot would have you believe that at in 30,000 feet of atmosphere it only takes 100ppm to have the same green house effect as the 50,000 ppm in a lab.

    Now you may know the prevailing theory to prove this is something called CO2 forcing but the problem is this is just a theory unproven in other words bullshit …. pay me while I study this.

    Since the CO2 Greenhouse gas effect is unraveling the pivot to Methane is now the threat.

    It’s a very interesting complicated grift lol

    Everyone trying to profit on the natural evolution and flow of the climate. Deserts once were filled with water and plants.
    Every time I've come back at you with facts you stop responding. I've asked you to back up your facts and you NEVER have.. I'm not arguing with you anymore. Waste of time. I'd rather go outside where it is 83 and enjoy the day.

    This was just about does the word "Fascist" fit Trump and that was the only convo I cared to give my opinion on.

    I'd love to know how long Merriam has had that definition of fascism. When did they change it due to their "woke-ass"ness? Seemed like a reasonably neutral place to get a definition of what a fascist is and I gave my opinions going off that.

    In regards to climate change, it is epicly awesome how often you guys fall back on the crutch of "well they were paid to research this". Even when paid by gas companies and having come up with an answer the oil execs didn't like, they were STILL wrong because they were PAID. just what in the literal fuck? So nonsensical.
    One follow up you don’t understand the oil companies research, and actions taken over the years. You fail to see what’s right in front of you. Including who has funded most of the research. I don’t want to correct you. I’m sure if you actually read the studies with an open mind the light bulb would go off. But just like most people in the world the 99 percent that you clearly are a part of you don’t have the mental capacity to understand. No hope for you

  10. #30
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    I would like to correct myself. Fascism is obviously an ideology but the way liberals apply it I'm not so sure.
    For whom it may concern, I thought this was an interesting take on Biden's speech that frames what is and isn't fascism in today's world, and how fascism that doth protest too much that it isn't fascism is still fascism. Parties don't get to decide for themselves if they should be called fascist. And calling the "other side" fascist (and being correct) doesn't mean you yourself are not fascist.

    I basically agree with everything that Weinstein says here.

  11. #31
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post

    Wow your pro second amendment plot twist. I don’t even own a gun. Not because I’m against the right to bear arms but because it would make it easier for me to blow someone away in the heat of battle.

    Here’s some interesting facts

    A single electric car contains more cobalt then 1000 smart phone batteries. Cobalt mining is fantastic for the environment right ?

    The blades on a single wind turbine have more plastic then 5 million smart phones. Plastic is also wonderful for the environment right ?

    O and one solar array that can power ONE data center lol uses more glass then 50 million phones.

    By the way in a lab yes you can prove CO2 is a greenhouse gas that can increase temperatures. This happens at around 50,000 ppm �� a .5c temperature change was observed at this level

    Remember Guys like Elliot would have you believe that at in 30,000 feet of atmosphere it only takes 100ppm to have the same green house effect as the 50,000 ppm in a lab.

    Now you may know the prevailing theory to prove this is something called CO2 forcing but the problem is this is just a theory unproven in other words bullshit …. pay me while I study this.

    Since the CO2 Greenhouse gas effect is unraveling the pivot to Methane is now the threat.

    It’s a very interesting complicated grift lol

    Everyone trying to profit on the natural evolution and flow of the climate. Deserts once were filled with water and plants.
    Every time I've come back at you with facts you stop responding. I've asked you to back up your facts and you NEVER have.. I'm not arguing with you anymore. Waste of time. I'd rather go outside where it is 83 and enjoy the day.

    This was just about does the word "Fascist" fit Trump and that was the only convo I cared to give my opinion on.

    I'd love to know how long Merriam has had that definition of fascism. When did they change it due to their "woke-ass"ness? Seemed like a reasonably neutral place to get a definition of what a fascist is and I gave my opinions going off that.

    In regards to climate change, it is epicly awesome how often you guys fall back on the crutch of "well they were paid to research this". Even when paid by gas companies and having come up with an answer the oil execs didn't like, they were STILL wrong because they were PAID. just what in the literal fuck? So nonsensical.
    I’ve responded I’m not debating you on politics buddy. Believe whatever they tell you to.

    I’ve given you accurate information on climate it’s not my job to source my research here. When I did you refused to read it lol. I’m a professional gambler if there is a wager you would like to make we can discuss.

    I will say you have been successfully divided, conquered, and segmented by your political gods. They really have worked you over to their benefit.

    By the way Mexicans is fine to say. So is Americans, Brazilians, man or woman. I don’t understand how calling someone from Mexico a Mexican is racist. Having employed a few hundred illegal immigrant Mexicans over the years I don’t think they think it’s racist. They are hard working people who are just trying to better themselves. I don’t think most republicans care about immigration as long as it’s legal. Borders do matter.

    It climbed to about 91 today. I made sure to run the sprinklers extra to get lawn good and hydrated.
    Yes, you are a gambler. Not a scientist or anything of that nature. You got that right at least.

    I never said calling a Mexican a Mexican is a racist issue. Pay attention.

    This is from UN report that came out recently and this sums up real evidence and not the bullshit you constantly spew.

    Recent flooding in Pakistan, which the country's climate minister claimed had covered a third of the country in water, is the latest example of extreme weather that is devastating swathes of the globe. The heatwave across Europe including the UK this summer, prolonged drought in China, a megadrought in the US and near-famine conditions in parts of Africa also reflect increasingly prevalent extremes of weather. The secretary general of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, said: "There is nothing natural about the new scale of these disasters. They are the price of humanity's fossil fuel addiction. This year's United in Science report shows climate impacts heading into uncharted territory of destruction."

    News is driven by money. Who wants to hear about the shit above? Not many...

    When you've given your "accurate information" and I asked about it, always crickets.

  12. #32
    One follow up you don’t understand the oil companies research, and actions taken over the years. You fail to see what’s right in front of you. Including who has funded most of the research. I don’t want to correct you. I’m sure if you actually read the studies with an open mind the light bulb would go off. But just like most people in the world the 99 percent that you clearly are a part of you don’t have the mental capacity to understand. No hope for you
    I don't fail to see it. You make a ludicrous argument. If you take it to its logical conclusion, we can't follow any research because it was funded by SOMEONE. So stupid. Endless project, everyone else stupid and everyone else has mental illness. LOL.

    It is a clownworld... buckle up as this shit starts to unfortunately increasingly come to fruition.

  13. #33
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    One follow up you don’t understand the oil companies research, and actions taken over the years. You fail to see what’s right in front of you. Including who has funded most of the research. I don’t want to correct you. I’m sure if you actually read the studies with an open mind the light bulb would go off. But just like most people in the world the 99 percent that you clearly are a part of you don’t have the mental capacity to understand. No hope for you
    I don't fail to see it. You make a ludicrous argument. If you take it to its logical conclusion, we can't follow any research because it was funded by SOMEONE. So stupid. Endless project, everyone else stupid and everyone else has mental illness. LOL.

    It is a clownworld... buckle up as this shit starts to unfortunately increasingly come to fruition.

    Nothing is coming to fruition and I will be here everyday on this forum to remind you of that.

    I don’t even understand what you keep blabbing about who funds what. Again you miss the point. Looking at who funds what and who Benefits is critical to understanding the bias that may exist in the research. In the case of the oil companies funding their own research maybe you need to look into what they did. If you can’t understand well that’s on you. Imagine oil companies profiting off their research on climate change how is that possible? Is it happening? Lol you don’t even know that’s why you are lost buddy

  14. #34
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    One follow up you don’t understand the oil companies research, and actions taken over the years. You fail to see what’s right in front of you. Including who has funded most of the research. I don’t want to correct you. I’m sure if you actually read the studies with an open mind the light bulb would go off. But just like most people in the world the 99 percent that you clearly are a part of you don’t have the mental capacity to understand. No hope for you
    I don't fail to see it. You make a ludicrous argument. If you take it to its logical conclusion, we can't follow any research because it was funded by SOMEONE. So stupid. Endless project, everyone else stupid and everyone else has mental illness. LOL.

    It is a clownworld... buckle up as this shit starts to unfortunately increasingly come to fruition.

    Nothing is coming to fruition and I will be here everyday on this forum to remind you of that.

    I don’t even understand what you keep blabbing about who funds what. Again you miss the point. Looking at who funds what and who Benefits is critical to understanding the bias that may exist in the research. In the case of the oil companies funding their own research maybe you need to look into what they did. If you can’t understand well that’s on you. Imagine oil companies profiting off their research on climate change how is that possible? Is it happening? Lol you don’t even know that’s why you are lost buddy
    Just bought a 50 gallon drum of oil for my BBQ. Can’t wait to use some lighter fluid and oil fire some bison

  15. #35
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    I don't fail to see it. You make a ludicrous argument. If you take it to its logical conclusion, we can't follow any research because it was funded by SOMEONE. So stupid. Endless project, everyone else stupid and everyone else has mental illness. LOL.

    It is a clownworld... buckle up as this shit starts to unfortunately increasingly come to fruition.

    Nothing is coming to fruition and I will be here everyday on this forum to remind you of that.

    I don’t even understand what you keep blabbing about who funds what. Again you miss the point. Looking at who funds what and who Benefits is critical to understanding the bias that may exist in the research. In the case of the oil companies funding their own research maybe you need to look into what they did. If you can’t understand well that’s on you. Imagine oil companies profiting off their research on climate change how is that possible? Is it happening? Lol you don’t even know that’s why you are lost buddy
    Just bought a 50 gallon drum of oil for my BBQ. Can’t wait to use some lighter fluid and oil fire some bison
    Goddam that sounds nasty as fuck. Good luck bro, you got it all figured out.

  16. #36
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    I would like to correct myself. Fascism is obviously an ideology but the way liberals apply it I'm not so sure.
    For whom it may concern, I thought this was an interesting take on Biden's speech that frames what is and isn't fascism in today's world, and how fascism that doth protest too much that it isn't fascism is still fascism. Parties don't get to decide for themselves if they should be called fascist. And calling the "other side" fascist (and being correct) doesn't mean you yourself are not fascist.

    I basically agree with everything that Weinstein says here.

    No wonder you are so confused. You get your opinions from mumbling idiots. You and your lefty friends don't get to change the real definition of fascism to suit your needs.It is what it is for 100 years.

    One of the favorite things fascists like to do is call conservatives fascists.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  17. #37
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    One follow up you don’t understand the oil companies research, and actions taken over the years. You fail to see what’s right in front of you. Including who has funded most of the research. I don’t want to correct you. I’m sure if you actually read the studies with an open mind the light bulb would go off. But just like most people in the world the 99 percent that you clearly are a part of you don’t have the mental capacity to understand. No hope for you
    I don't fail to see it. You make a ludicrous argument. If you take it to its logical conclusion, we can't follow any research because it was funded by SOMEONE. So stupid. Endless project, everyone else stupid and everyone else has mental illness. LOL.

    It is a clownworld... buckle up as this shit starts to unfortunately increasingly come to fruition.

    Nothing is coming to fruition and I will be here everyday on this forum to remind you of that.

    I don’t even understand what you keep blabbing about who funds what. Again you miss the point. Looking at who funds what and who Benefits is critical to understanding the bias that may exist in the research. In the case of the oil companies funding their own research maybe you need to look into what they did. If you can’t understand well that’s on you. Imagine oil companies profiting off their research on climate change how is that possible? Is it happening? Lol you don’t even know that’s why you are lost buddy
    Oh I agree about the funding. My point is the way this thinking is applied by you guys, it seems like a type of universal excuse. Every researcher is paid by someone... And even if they're not, they have an incentive to come up with interesting results. That doesn't begin to explain the level of research put into this over many decades now. Many of those guys are a lot smarter than you. You've done nothing to impress me except that hustle cards like a beast apparently. Thats cool but don't think for a second that makes you someone important and worth listening to on any level outside the AP world.

    I'll let the lurkers make up their mind and who the clueless one is.

  18. #38
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    Every time I've come back at you with facts you stop responding. I've asked you to back up your facts and you NEVER have.. I'm not arguing with you anymore. Waste of time. I'd rather go outside where it is 83 and enjoy the day.

    This was just about does the word "Fascist" fit Trump and that was the only convo I cared to give my opinion on.

    I'd love to know how long Merriam has had that definition of fascism. When did they change it due to their "woke-ass"ness? Seemed like a reasonably neutral place to get a definition of what a fascist is and I gave my opinions going off that.

    In regards to climate change, it is epicly awesome how often you guys fall back on the crutch of "well they were paid to research this". Even when paid by gas companies and having come up with an answer the oil execs didn't like, they were STILL wrong because they were PAID. just what in the literal fuck? So nonsensical.
    I’ve responded I’m not debating you on politics buddy. Believe whatever they tell you to.

    I’ve given you accurate information on climate it’s not my job to source my research here. When I did you refused to read it lol. I’m a professional gambler if there is a wager you would like to make we can discuss.

    I will say you have been successfully divided, conquered, and segmented by your political gods. They really have worked you over to their benefit.

    By the way Mexicans is fine to say. So is Americans, Brazilians, man or woman. I don’t understand how calling someone from Mexico a Mexican is racist. Having employed a few hundred illegal immigrant Mexicans over the years I don’t think they think it’s racist. They are hard working people who are just trying to better themselves. I don’t think most republicans care about immigration as long as it’s legal. Borders do matter.

    It climbed to about 91 today. I made sure to run the sprinklers extra to get lawn good and hydrated.
    Yes, you are a gambler. Not a scientist or anything of that nature. You got that right at least.

    I never said calling a Mexican a Mexican is a racist issue. Pay attention.

    This is from UN report that came out recently and this sums up real evidence and not the bullshit you constantly spew.

    Recent flooding in Pakistan, which the country's climate minister claimed had covered a third of the country in water, is the latest example of extreme weather that is devastating swathes of the globe. The heatwave across Europe including the UK this summer, prolonged drought in China, a megadrought in the US and near-famine conditions in parts of Africa also reflect increasingly prevalent extremes of weather. The secretary general of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, said: "There is nothing natural about the new scale of these disasters. They are the price of humanity's fossil fuel addiction. This year's United in Science report shows climate impacts heading into uncharted territory of destruction."

    News is driven by money. Who wants to hear about the shit above? Not many...

    When you've given your "accurate information" and I asked about it, always crickets.
    LOL. This idiot is getting his opinions from the marxist UN.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  19. #39
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    I don't fail to see it. You make a ludicrous argument. If you take it to its logical conclusion, we can't follow any research because it was funded by SOMEONE. So stupid. Endless project, everyone else stupid and everyone else has mental illness. LOL.

    It is a clownworld... buckle up as this shit starts to unfortunately increasingly come to fruition.

    Nothing is coming to fruition and I will be here everyday on this forum to remind you of that.

    I don’t even understand what you keep blabbing about who funds what. Again you miss the point. Looking at who funds what and who Benefits is critical to understanding the bias that may exist in the research. In the case of the oil companies funding their own research maybe you need to look into what they did. If you can’t understand well that’s on you. Imagine oil companies profiting off their research on climate change how is that possible? Is it happening? Lol you don’t even know that’s why you are lost buddy
    Oh I agree about the funding. My point is the way this thinking is applied by you guys, it seems like a type of universal excuse. Every researcher is paid by someone... And even if they're not, they have an incentive to come up with interesting results. That doesn't begin to explain the level of research put into this over many decades now. Many of those guys are a lot smarter than you. You've done nothing to impress me except that hustle cards like a beast apparently. Thats cool but don't think for a second that makes you someone important and worth listening to on any level outside the AP world.

    I'll let the lurkers make up their mind and who the clueless one is.
    What would impress you ? I’ve beat every type of gambling I set out to learn starting with poker. I’ve made tens of millions of dollars and used my gambling money to open real businesses that create jobs. I have made people who work with me millionaires. Your right none of that is particular impressive in the grand scheme of life. It’s certainly not something that makes me a fucking expert on climate change. But since my entire goal is to hustle the climate zealots for some coin I think I have a good enough understanding to do just that.

    Once again no money will be wagered on anything real regarding climate. All the normal excuses will be made how I’m nuts or I can’t be trusted. My word and money is as good as it gets in this game period I never scammed no one.

    I don’t want you to be impressed by me. Just stop feeding into the bullshit the government tells you. You seem to be very very angry at the world.

  20. #40
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post

    Nothing is coming to fruition and I will be here everyday on this forum to remind you of that.

    I don’t even understand what you keep blabbing about who funds what. Again you miss the point. Looking at who funds what and who Benefits is critical to understanding the bias that may exist in the research. In the case of the oil companies funding their own research maybe you need to look into what they did. If you can’t understand well that’s on you. Imagine oil companies profiting off their research on climate change how is that possible? Is it happening? Lol you don’t even know that’s why you are lost buddy
    Just bought a 50 gallon drum of oil for my BBQ. Can’t wait to use some lighter fluid and oil fire some bison
    Goddam that sounds nasty as fuck. Good luck bro, you got it all figured out.
    Hotter the fire the better. I have a pretty elaborate over the top setup. I’m extra lol

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