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Thread: song reco

  1. #241
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Thanks for the link Monet, I'm looking forward to listening to it (Boxing Hall of Fame guests, so it should be great). I agree about Jason Patric/Miller really giving a candid podcast with Rosenbaum and excellent points about wokism as you pointed out,along with giving credit where credit is due to the Lost Boys director (Joel Schumacher,RIP),set designer,etc. . Who knows what the inside story is regarding Jackie's stinginess as you wrote. I also never watched Smallville, however Rosenbaum's face was familiar to me so I figured I must have seen him in some other shit as a character actor. Looking at IMDB I noticed that one of the films I had seen him in was Poolhall Junkies (straight to video IIRC).
    No worries.
    This podcast had a great flow and Mike was clearly in great form as it is his element.
    I'm not sure Sugar Shane even needed to be there as the real entertainment came from Hearns and Leonard.
    If Haggler was alive and he did the podcast that would of been the icing on the cake and made much more sense.
    In any case I really do highly recommend this podcast if you are a boxing fan of that era which I think you are.
    I still go back and watch those fights from time to time as they are some of the best boxing matches ever.
    Love me some Hearns, Haggler, Leonard, Durán... etc. etc.
    On another note I listened to the Mickey Ward Podcast with Mike but it did not even come close to the same flow as the Co-Host Fucked it up in my opinion.
    And Ward isn't as flamboyant as Hearns, Leonard and Iron Mike.
    He is way more soft spoken.
    Same goes for the Oscar De La Hoya interview as the Co-Host is mucking it up.
    And De La Hoya was a bit too serious and depressing although he seemed very authentic for a guy with all that money.
    I immediately went to the Boxing Podcast Guests for Iron Mike since that makes the most sense to me for his platform.
    I did watch the Bill Burr 2 hour Podcast with Mike and Piven and I have to say that Mike called out Bill Burr many times and rightfully so IMO.
    Piven held it together but it was a bit awkward and anytime I can see Burr squirm, I really enjoy that.
    I like Piven on the Podcast but I'm unsure how they can or could actually afford him.
    Maybe at that time he didn't have much work because of Covid.
    Gee, I hope Keystone isn't too pissed off at me since I turned the Song Reco Thread into the Podcast Reco Thread.

    Fun Fact, I guess...
    John Cusack and Jeremy Piven were childhood best friends.
    The actors were inseparable as kids and grew up attending a theater school run by Piven's parents.
    Till Piven stole Julia Roberts away from Cusack and they hated each other for 20 years before making amends.
    No, wait, that was those other two guys we talked about before.
    I watched the Hotboxin' podcast with Hearns, Mosely and Leonard. I can see what you mean about Iron Mike being able to manage the podcast terrifically by himself. Also, when you have a superstar with a podcast they can get the big names like these 3 Hall of Fame boxers. It was a great episode and Leonard and Hearns going at it was awesome as you wrote. As you noticed, Iron Mike played the role of instigator trying to stir the pot a bit. Champion boxers will always have fire running through their veins and that's what made them champions in the first place. Thanks for letting me know about these later Hotboxin' podcasts with Piven, the new host in the David Spade podcast, and with Mike by himself - I will check some of these other episodes out.
    Boxing is great and I think that is what has caused me not to really watch much MMA - I guess I just like the stuff I grew up with and really enjoyed.

    Edit:Thanks for the info regarding Piven and Cusack - I didn't know about that.

  2. #242
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    I watched the Hotboxin' podcast with Hearns, Mosely and Leonard. I can see what you mean about Iron Mike being able to manage the podcast terrifically by himself. Also, when you have a superstar with a podcast they can get the big names like these 3 Hall of Fame boxers. It was a great episode and Leonard and Hearns going at it was awesome as you wrote. As you noticed, Iron Mike played the role of instigator trying to stir the pot a bit. Champion boxers will always have fire running through their veins and that's what made them champions in the first place. Thanks for letting me know about these later Hotboxin' podcasts with Piven, the new host in the David Spade podcast, and with Mike by himself - I will check some of these other episodes out.
    Boxing is great and I think that is what has caused me not to really watch much MMA - I guess I just like the stuff I grew up with and really enjoyed.

    Edit:Thanks for the info regarding Piven and Cusack - I didn't know about that.
    No doubt, that was one entertaining podcast with Tommy the Hit Man Hearns.
    So continuing on in this journey of course I had to watch That Championship Season.
    I had never heard of it prior to the Jason Patric interview.
    And since it featured Bruce Dern, Stacy Keach, Roberty Mitchum, Martin Sheen and Paul Sorvino... how could I not watch it?
    I found it free on Youtube as some guy had it uploaded in 23 continuous parts.
    I highly doubt that the 1999 TV Version used any of the racial slurs that was in this 1982 film.
    I loved it but I don't think people today would be able to handle it.
    Heavy Movie that is dialogued based although they did use some great music at the end to invoke emotions.
    So I can't imagine they used racial slurs in the 2011 Broadway Version and I wonder if they used them in the award winning 72/73 Broadway Version??
    I find that very interesting since the 1982 Film version was so heavy handed.
    I expect that the 72/73 version did because I found an old interview of Jason Miller and he stated that it was a very instrumental part of the book and subject material.
    I am surprised at how well this book, play and movie did over 40 years because it seems very niche to me.
    I mean it hits home to me because I can relate to Scranton PA as I grew up near Pittsburgh.
    And I can relate to the sports and constant betrayal and corruption.
    But I am a bit surprised that women and the general public would have interest in this.
    Anyways, if you have interest I will link two of the interviews in this thread and the movie over at the Movie Reco Thread.
    I found the 7 minute Sunday Conversation to be funny since Jason Patric seemed very upbeat about his father and everything involved.
    I'm guessing he was like that so he could sell more tickets because it was a different Patric that we seen on that podcast interview.
    Another side note is Jason Patric's father Jason Miller is in the Exorcist but that movie is too demonic for me.
    I kind of want to watch it to see him and I always love me some Max Von Sydow but I haven't watched that film since I was about 8 or 9 years old.
    I already have nightmares as it is these days and I'd just be asking for more trouble watching Linda Blair spit up Green Split Pea Soup at everyone.

  3. #243
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    I watched the Hotboxin' podcast with Hearns, Mosely and Leonard. I can see what you mean about Iron Mike being able to manage the podcast terrifically by himself. Also, when you have a superstar with a podcast they can get the big names like these 3 Hall of Fame boxers. It was a great episode and Leonard and Hearns going at it was awesome as you wrote. As you noticed, Iron Mike played the role of instigator trying to stir the pot a bit. Champion boxers will always have fire running through their veins and that's what made them champions in the first place. Thanks for letting me know about these later Hotboxin' podcasts with Piven, the new host in the David Spade podcast, and with Mike by himself - I will check some of these other episodes out.
    Boxing is great and I think that is what has caused me not to really watch much MMA - I guess I just like the stuff I grew up with and really enjoyed.

    Edit:Thanks for the info regarding Piven and Cusack - I didn't know about that.
    No doubt, that was one entertaining podcast with Tommy the Hit Man Hearns.
    So continuing on in this journey of course I had to watch That Championship Season.
    I had never heard of it prior to the Jason Patric interview.
    And since it featured Bruce Dern, Stacy Keach, Roberty Mitchum, Martin Sheen and Paul Sorvino... how could I not watch it?
    I found it free on Youtube as some guy had it uploaded in 23 continuous parts.
    I highly doubt that the 1999 TV Version used any of the racial slurs that was in this 1982 film.
    I loved it but I don't think people today would be able to handle it.
    Heavy Movie that is dialogued based although they did use some great music at the end to invoke emotions.
    So I can't imagine they used racial slurs in the 2011 Broadway Version and I wonder if they used them in the award winning 72/73 Broadway Version??
    I find that very interesting since the 1982 Film version was so heavy handed.
    I expect that the 72/73 version did because I found an old interview of Jason Miller and he stated that it was a very instrumental part of the book and subject material.
    I am surprised at how well this book, play and movie did over 40 years because it seems very niche to me.
    I mean it hits home to me because I can relate to Scranton PA as I grew up near Pittsburgh.
    And I can relate to the sports and constant betrayal and corruption.
    But I am a bit surprised that women and the general public would have interest in this.
    Anyways, if you have interest I will link two of the interviews in this thread and the movie over at the Movie Reco Thread.
    I found the 7 minute Sunday Conversation to be funny since Jason Patric seemed very upbeat about his father and everything involved.
    I'm guessing he was like that so he could sell more tickets because it was a different Patric that we seen on that podcast interview.
    Another side note is Jason Patric's father Jason Miller is in the Exorcist but that movie is too demonic for me.
    I kind of want to watch it to see him and I always love me some Max Von Sydow but I haven't watched that film since I was about 8 or 9 years old.
    I already have nightmares as it is these days and I'd just be asking for more trouble watching Linda Blair spit up Green Split Pea Soup at everyone.
    Thanks for the links Monet. I've never seen the movie either so I will putlocker it (rather than watch it piecemeal on youtube).

  4. #244
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Thanks for the links Monet. I've never seen the movie either so I will putlocker it (rather than watch it piecemeal on youtube).
    Thanks for the link.
    So I checked on Jason Miller a bit.
    Funny that he was in that movie The Ninth Configuration that we watched awhile back with Stacy Keach as Killer Kane.
    He and his son have the knack of being in films without me knowing they are in the film.
    Turns out Miller was in Rudy too as he was the Notre Dame Coach.
    I missed that.
    Not sure how he pissed his career away as his son stated.
    Seems like he was in and around Hollywood up till his death in 2001.
    I guess his son expected more.

    I guess Jason Miller did this movie for the money.
    Tim Robbins is in it...

    Last edited by monet; 09-20-2022 at 09:26 AM.

  5. #245
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Thanks for the links Monet. I've never seen the movie either so I will putlocker it (rather than watch it piecemeal on youtube).
    Thanks for the link.
    So I checked on Jason Miller a bit.
    Funny that he was in that movie The Ninth Configuration that we watched awhile back with Stacy Keach as Killer Kane.
    He and his son have the knack of being in films without me knowing they are in the film.
    Turns out Miller was in Rudy too as he was the Notre Dame Coach.
    I missed that.
    Not sure how he pissed his career away as his son stated.
    Seems like he was in and around Hollywood up till his death in 2001.
    I guess his son expected more.

    I guess Jason Miller did this movie for the money.
    Tim Robbins is in it...
    I did not see Toy Soldiers Monet, but we're in the same boat - I recognize that Jason Miller fucker in other movies, but never paid enough attention (reminds me of the situation with Leon from Blade Runner - Brion James;saw him in a lot of shit but never really looked more in depth)

  6. #246
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    I did not see Toy Soldiers Monet, but we're in the same boat - I recognize that Jason Miller fucker in other movies, but never paid enough attention (reminds me of the situation with Leon from Blade Runner - Brion James;saw him in a lot of shit but never really looked more in depth)
    I don't think I seen it either.
    I may have as my father would watch something like that but I don't remember it.
    I may have even caught That Championship Season with my pops but can't remember it as I was too young to understand the content.
    I just watched a bit of a movie review of that movie After Dark, My Sweet.
    I didn't watch much of it because I don't want to spoil any of it for me.
    But Ebert started out talking about Hard Boiled Writer, James Myers Thompson.
    What is very interesting about him is that he wrote 29 Pulp Crime Novels but was completely ignored in his day by the critics.
    10 to 15 years after his death he became the hottest writer in Hollywood which is bitter sweet indeed.
    I think that showcases how difficult writing truly is.
    Or maybe he was unwilling to butcher up his work for money.
    Stacey Keach refuses to go away in our conversations as he starred in The Killer Inside Me (1976) which was one of James Myers works.
    Thompson wrote primarily about grifters, losers, sociopaths and psychopaths.
    I can relate to the first 3.
    It's thanks to him that we got The Grifters (1990).
    He also wrote The Getaway (1972).

    Starting at the 8 minute mark they break down a Clint Eastwood movie that I have on DVD and enjoy from time to time.
    They talk about the Jason Patric movie around the 11 minute mark.
    Even back in 1990 Siskel was complaining about how society was starting to become WOKE and less Macho.

    Last edited by monet; 09-21-2022 at 05:01 AM.

  7. #247
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    I did not see Toy Soldiers Monet, but we're in the same boat - I recognize that Jason Miller fucker in other movies, but never paid enough attention (reminds me of the situation with Leon from Blade Runner - Brion James;saw him in a lot of shit but never really looked more in depth)
    I don't think I seen it either.
    I may have as my father would watch something like that but I don't remember it.
    I may have even caught That Championship Season with my pops but can't remember it as I was too young to understand the content.
    I just watched a bit of a movie review of that movie After Dark, My Sweet.
    I didn't watch much of it because I don't want to spoil any of it for me.
    But Ebert started out talking about Hard Boiled Writer, James Myers Thompson.
    What is very interesting about him is that he wrote 29 Pulp Crime Novels but was completely ignored in his day by the critics.
    10 to 15 years after his death he became the hottest writer in Hollywood which is bitter sweet indeed.
    I think that showcases how difficult writing truly is.
    Or maybe he was unwilling to butcher up his work for money.
    Stacey Keach refuses to go away in our conversations as he starred in The Killer Inside Me (1976) which was one of James Myers works.
    Thompson wrote primarily about grifters, losers, sociopaths and psychopaths.
    I can relate to the first 3.
    It's thanks to him that we got The Grifters (1990).
    He also wrote The Getaway (1972).

    Starting at the 8 minute mark they break down a Clint Eastwood movie that I have on DVD and enjoy from time to time.
    They talk about the Jason Patric movie around the 11 minute mark.
    Even back in 1990 Siskel was complaining about how society was starting to become WOKE and less Macho.
    I liked it when Siskel says that Clint's character in the movie doesn't mind risking his own life or the lives of his cast and crew and that the movie his character was making was just an excuse to go big game hunting. I don't remember seeing this one so I will putlocker it. thanks for the reco.
    Yeah Stacey Keach is a bad mother fucker. I don't remember seeing Killer Inside Me (or its 2010 remake for that matter) so I appreciate the mention. Both the Eastwood and Keach movies involve sociapthic/psychopathic behaviors it sounds like. Grifters was an all time classic in my book (this was before Cusack was fully woke IMHO). Anyway, films about these types are fun since we get to experience their deviltry without risk to ourselves unlike the casinos where we do have to deal with them (mostly via avoidance and a short one liner,smile, and nod followed by quick departure to another part of the shop or total withdrawal from the shop for a stretch).

  8. #248

  9. #249
    I've been writing a lot lately, so this song really makes sense, and who doesn't love Weird Al??
    It is imperative that you watch the video while listening to this song.

    Last edited by monet; 10-03-2022 at 03:27 AM.

  10. #250
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I've been writing a lot lately, so this song really makes sense, and who doesn't love Weird Al??
    It is imperative that you watch the video while listening to this song.
    Good one Monet, thanks.

  11. #251
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I've been writing a lot lately, so this song really makes sense, and who doesn't love Weird Al??
    It is imperative that you watch the video while listening to this song.
    Good one Monet, thanks.
    This is one of the many cases where Weird Al's version is better than the original or at the very least will make you discover the original Marvin Gaye, "Got to Give Up" and the copy Robin Thicke version of Blurred Lines which created massive controversy and I think got sued for copyright.

  12. #252
    Now this is one that really interests me because I never really got into Puff Daddy at all.
    I find it amazing how Weird Al really didn't copy the original video and it seems like he made the song and video into something of his own.
    I prefer the Weird Al version because I can relate more and of course I'm biased being white and not into rap music very much.
    Although the original song is more of a mixture between rap and rock and roll.
    I think both versions are worth a listen and viewing to decide for oneself.
    You can't watch the Weird Al version, It's all about the Pentiums, on this website but the video link will take you over there.
    The amazing thing about Weird Al is that he does many of these songs live with costume changes showing his incredible talent and range.
    I didn't know he was over here in Vegas back in June or I would of went.
    Yes, Weird Al has about 20 Million in the bank and still touring.
    I guess he just loves it and has stayed relevant or popular since 1976 when he was a regular on the Dr. Demento Show.
    I'm not sure if this is true but I heard that Weird Al bought Starbucks Stock near the ground floor and hasn't sold it so I doubt he ever has to worry.
    Another major thing about Weird Al is that he is always nice and very down to Earth willing to take a moment to talk to his fans or be interviewed and seems to be genuine in his answers.

    This Lyric deserves a serious mention...

    Hey fella, I bet you're still livin' in your parents' cellar
    Downloadin' pictures of Sarah Michelle Gellar
    And postin' "Me too!" like some brain-dead AOL-er
    I should do the world a favor and cap you like Old Yeller
    You're just about as useless as jpegs to Hellen Keller

    Oh and this is next level...

    Play me online? Well, you know that I'll beat you
    If I ever meet you I'll control-alt-delete you

    Last edited by monet; 10-04-2022 at 09:10 PM.

  13. #253
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Now this is one that really interests me because I never really got into Puff Daddy at all.
    I find it amazing how Weird Al really didn't copy the original video and it seems like he made the song and video into something of his own.
    I prefer the Weird Al version because I can relate more and of course I'm biased being white and not into rap music very much.
    Although the original song is more of a mixture between rap and rock and roll.
    I think both versions are worth a listen and viewing to decide for oneself.
    You can't watch the Weird Al version, It's all about the Pentiums, on this website but the video link will take you over there.
    The amazing thing about Weird Al is that he does many of these songs live with costume changes showing his incredible talent and range.
    I didn't know he was over here in Vegas back in June or I would of went.
    Yes, Weird Al has about 20 Million in the bank and still touring.
    I guess he just loves it and has stayed relevant or popular since 1976 when he was a regular on the Dr. Demento Show.
    I'm not sure if this is true but I heard that Weird Al bought Starbucks Stock near the ground floor and hasn't sold it so I doubt he ever has to worry.
    Another major thing about Weird Al is that he is always nice and very down to Earth willing to take a moment to talk to his fans or be interviewed and seems to be genuine in his answers.

    This Lyric deserves a serious mention...

    Hey fella, I bet you're still livin' in your parents' cellar
    Downloadin' pictures of Sarah Michelle Gellar
    And postin' "Me too!" like some brain-dead AOL-er
    I should do the world a favor and cap you like Old Yeller
    You're just about as useless as jpegs to Hellen Keller

    Oh and this is next level...

    Play me online? Well, you know that I'll beat you
    If I ever meet you I'll control-alt-delete you

    Thanks Monet. Yes Weird Al is great. I always really loved his Michael Jackson parody (Fat) that you posted earlier (and Eat It). Also the I Lost on Jeopardy parody. I'll check out these parodies of Marvin Gaye and Puff Daddy which I haven't heard as I haven't been up on his newer material. You'll recall his funny movie UHF no doubt.

  14. #254
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Thanks Monet. Yes Weird Al is great. I always really loved his Michael Jackson parody (Fat) that you posted earlier (and Eat It). Also the I Lost on Jeopardy parody. I'll check out these parodies of Marvin Gaye and Puff Daddy which I haven't heard as I haven't been up on his newer material. You'll recall his funny movie UHF no doubt.
    He created 14 albums over 40+ years.
    Many went gold and platinum.
    He is one of only three artists who have achieved a Top 40 hit every decade since the 1980s on the Hot 100 (the other two are Michael Jackson and Madonna).
    Mariah Carey did something that confuses me though as I would think she would be a part of that list.
    She had a number 1 hit in all 4 of those decades.
    Anyways, Weird Al has plenty that miss but many that hit for me.
    What is amazing is how he and his band can crisscross through all genres of music and play the exact song they are parodying from ear.
    I can list many interesting examples but if you never seen his video parodying Nirvana you need to check it out.
    It might be his best parody as it is damn near identical to the original as he used the same stage, got almost all the same people that were in the original.
    And it is just damn funny.

    Smells Like Teen Spirit?
    No... Smells Like Nirvana!

  15. #255
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Thanks Monet. Yes Weird Al is great. I always really loved his Michael Jackson parody (Fat) that you posted earlier (and Eat It). Also the I Lost on Jeopardy parody. I'll check out these parodies of Marvin Gaye and Puff Daddy which I haven't heard as I haven't been up on his newer material. You'll recall his funny movie UHF no doubt.
    He created 14 albums over 40+ years.
    Many went gold and platinum.
    He is one of only three artists who have achieved a Top 40 hit every decade since the 1980s on the Hot 100 (the other two are Michael Jackson and Madonna).
    Mariah Carey did something that confuses me though as I would think she would be a part of that list.
    She had a number 1 hit in all 4 of those decades.
    Anyways, Weird Al has plenty that miss but many that hit for me.
    What is amazing is how he and his band can crisscross through all genres of music and play the exact song they are parodying from ear.
    I can list many interesting examples but if you never seen his video parodying Nirvana you need to check it out.
    It might be his best parody as it is damn near identical to the original as he used the same stage, got almost all the same people that were in the original.
    And it is just damn funny.

    Smells Like Teen Spirit?
    No... Smells Like Nirvana!
    Yes, that's right, I totally forgot about the Nirvana one - a total masterpiece. I remember watching it on MTV back on the day.

  16. #256

  17. #257
    Your song selections remind me of this friend I had back in Cleveland who I played Speed Chess with.
    He was really into this type of Funk and music.
    I'm curious if you actually own a turn table and 45s or Vinyl?
    This song isn't too bad but they really hit you over the head with how hot the girl is and how much she hits your spot!
    I guess that's the point.

  18. #258
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Your song selections remind me of this friend I had back in Cleveland who I played Speed Chess with.
    He was really into this type of Funk and music.
    I'm curious if you actually own a turn table and 45s or Vinyl?
    This song isn't too bad but they really hit you over the head with how hot the girl is and how much she hits your spot!
    I guess that's the point.
    No I do not own a turn table or any vinyl Monet. However I had a couple friends from high school who, a little later after high school, did some part time DJ stuff and I would listen to a lot of funk albums as they figured out their lineups for parties and what not.
    In some alternate world, I could imagine myself handing this reco off to a gentleman's club DJ (burned onto a CD back in the day or USB stick in the here and now) with a $20 or three in hand (or directly to the dancer herself at an earlier time) just before my favorite dancer on that shift was up. The problem is later in the song the pacing gets too fast, so the song would have to get cut off early I guess (and the routine would have to be somewhat short).
    Anyway, Hunley's frequent guest Spidey (professional mentalist) on Hunley's solo channel has put together a decent vid on the Bobbi/Garrett cheating deal:
    Last edited by tableplay; 10-06-2022 at 02:06 AM.

  19. #259
    Thanks for the video!
    I skimmed through it in about 5 minutes.
    That guy is long winded lol.
    He went through a bunch of information that was redundant for me but I still enjoyed it.
    Thanks for answering my questions.
    I could imagine you having 45s but in todays endless ease of YouTube, why even bother, unless its just something you love.
    I couldn't stand it last night after watching endless videos of the upcoming PGA Tour 2K23 Tiger Woods.
    GreenManGaming had an 18% discount for the standard PC Digital Version coming out on October 14th so that saved me 10 bucks or so.
    Total Cost was 50 dollars.
    I can fade that action.
    Even though I prefer Hard Copies.
    The game just looks too good for me to pass up or wait for a larger discount.
    I like that they added a 3 click option to the swing giving you the choice between stick or click.
    And it seems like this game has a ton of options.
    At least I didn't go crazy and buy the 110 dollar version that basically gives you nothing as you can unlock all that content through the game.

    On a related note I was banging out The Golf Club 2019 last night on the PS4 which looks awesome on my 60 inch TV.
    I won this tournament that is called The Columbus Cup shooting 6 under par.
    I play on pro/medium difficulty for the time being.
    Anyways, the course reminded me of a mix of Firestone and Latrobe CC (Arnold Palmers Home and Course).
    In this version the graphics were pretty awesome so I know the 2023 version will be better.
    If you made it through this entire post I'm sorry for all the nonsense and rambling.
    I'm a little Geeked right now.
    My life is about to be over for the next year or so as I'm gonna get lost in this online golf shit.
    Happened to me in the mid to late 90's with Jane's Fighters Anthology.
    I lost at least 3 years of my life to stupid Fighter Jet Simulation games.

    Last edited by monet; 10-06-2022 at 03:03 PM.

  20. #260
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Thanks for the video!
    I skimmed through it in about 5 minutes.
    That guy is long winded lol.
    He went through a bunch of information that was redundant for me but I still enjoyed it.
    Thanks for answering my questions.
    I could imagine you having 45s but in todays endless ease of YouTube, why even bother, unless its just something you love.
    I couldn't stand it last night after watching endless videos of the upcoming PGA Tour 2K23 Tiger Woods.
    GreenManGaming had an 18% discount for the standard PC Digital Version coming out on October 14th so that saved me 10 bucks or so.
    Total Cost was 50 dollars.
    I can fade that action.
    Even though I prefer Hard Copies.
    The game just looks too good for me to pass up or wait for a larger discount.
    I like that they added a 3 click option to the swing giving you the choice between stick or click.
    And it seems like this game has a ton of options.
    At least I didn't go crazy and buy the 110 dollar version that basically gives you nothing as you can unlock all that content through the game.

    On a related note I was banging out The Golf Club 2019 last night on the PS4 which looks awesome on my 60 inch TV.
    I won this tournament that is called The Columbus Cup shooting 6 under par.
    I play on pro/medium difficulty for the time being.
    Anyways, the course reminded me of a mix of Firestone and Latrobe CC (Arnold Palmers Home and Course).
    In this version the graphics were pretty awesome so I know the 2023 version will be better.
    If you made it through this entire post I'm sorry for all the nonsense and rambling.
    I'm a little Geeked right now.
    My life is about to be over for the next year or so as I'm gonna get lost in this online golf shit.
    Happened to me in the mid to late 90's with Jane's Fighters Anthology.
    I lost at least 3 years of my life to stupid Fighter Jet Simulation games.
    Maybe you can monetize your golf sim skill set (if you wish to) since some of these online tournies probably give out prizes. No problem on the Spidey/mentalist podcast link - since it was one of Hunley's regular guests (on his solo channel as mentioned) who put it together, I figured it would be of more interest to you than it might otherwise so I'm glad you enjoyed it. Hunley often has Spidey and a couple other people on there for four-person panel celebrity body language/behavior discussions (Amber Heard/Depp, Marilyn Manson accuser etc.).

    So if I had been the cheater, I would have said to Garrett (with a burning stare into his eyes) "So Garret, what's the move here if I have put you on a bluff ? Is the move 'fold the hand so Garrett doesn't get mad?' I'm all ears Garrett" in a feeble attempt to allay some of the suspicion, LOL.
    Last edited by tableplay; 10-06-2022 at 05:16 PM.

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