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Thread: Pennsylvania AP opportunity

  1. #41
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    The Fetterman campaign's brilliant move was letting 70% of the democrat vote take place through the mail, as opposed to just 20% republicans, before agreeing to a debate. Thats how many people couldn't change their vote after seeing the debate.
    Did Pennsylvania have full blown mail in voting this year? By that, I mean where they send a ballot to every voter?

    I understood the need for that in 2020 during covid, but it should not be continued. Nevada mailed ballots to everyone this year and it is just wrong. Living in a apartment or condo complex as I do, there are dozens of ballots in the trashcan in the mailroom. Anyone could have picked them up and "voted" for these people.

    I just think except for elderly and disabled, people who want to vote should at least make the effort to go vote. Most places gave like a two week window to vote, so there is ample opportunity.

  2. #42
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    It is unfathomable to me how a goofball slug like Fetterman ever got elected to anything. I'm embarrassed for Pennsylvanians. It is not a knock on Oz that he lost. It is a knock on the intelligence of a majority of Pennsylvanians.
    Over 2 million voted for that lunatic Mastriano so no argument here that PA is full of dim bulbs.

  3. #43
    Why don't we just get on with it and carve this country up like the Looney MAGA crowd wants.

    We would have the entire east coast, including eastern part of Pa as a center-left country.

    Illinois, Michigan, wisc, Minnesota as a center moderate country.

    California and the West Coast up to Washington and including southern Nevada a left leaning country.

    And the rest of the country can do whatever they like. Crown Trump king if they want. And walk around with guns strapped to their sides like it is the wild West.

    And you know what? MAGA-land would be a third world country because every damn one of those states takes more that they pay into the federal Govt. Look it up!

  4. #44
    And as for Oz. Exit polls show the top reason people voted against him wasn't about abortion or any political position he had. It wasn't this association with Trump. It was the perceived view that he was a non-Pennsylvanian using Pa for entry into the Senate "club".

    He lists his residency as his in-laws home in Montgomery County Pa. Is there anyone who honesty believes this multimillionaire is living permanently in his in-laws home?

  5. #45
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Why don't we just get on with it and carve this country up like the Looney MAGA crowd wants.

    We would have the entire east coast, including eastern part of Pa as a center-left country.

    Illinois, Michigan, wisc, Minnesota as a center moderate country.

    California and the West Coast up to Washington and including southern Nevada a left leaning country.

    And the rest of the country can do whatever they like. Crown Trump king if they want. And walk around with guns strapped to their sides like it is the wild West.

    And you know what? MAGA-land would be a third world country because every damn one of those states takes more that they pay into the federal Govt. Look it up!
    First of all MAGA's aren't loonies. Under the MAGA's we had low inflation, energy independence, job growth, wage growth, secure border, stronger NATO, etc.

    Dems have taken us to record inflation, high crime, an outrageously unsecure border and foreign dependence on oil. If anyone are the looney tunes it's the Dems.

    More moderate republicans need to quit calling MAGA's loonies. You are not just shooting yourself in the foot, you are shooting yourself in the head. Republicans can't win any elections without the MAGA's. When the MAGA's lose interest because they've been relegated to the sidelines and branded as loonies it's all over for the republican party. Republicans will never win another election at anything.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  6. #46

  7. #47
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    And as for Oz. Exit polls show the top reason people voted against him wasn't about abortion or any political position he had. It wasn't this association with Trump. It was the perceived view that he was a non-Pennsylvanian using Pa for entry into the Senate "club".

    He lists his residency as his in-laws home in Montgomery County Pa. Is there anyone who honesty believes this multimillionaire is living permanently in his in-laws home?

    Hey gunz what do the exit polls say about the the Brain dead idiots of Pennsylvania that voted for Tony Deluca lol

    He got 76 percent of the vote beating the green candidate Queonia “Zarah” Livingston here’s the problem

    HE DIED OVER A MONTH AGO Lolololololololololol

    This proves my point guys head to Pennsylvania and take every dollar. Go after everyone cons frauds do whatever you want these fucking idiots are lost

  8. #48
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    I'm not sure if you mean by "disqualified".

    If Democrats found him best choice then they should have not put him up? lol. Why?

    Or are you literally meaning disqualified by the government?
    If someone is not mentally qualified because of medical reasons like a stroke, or traumatic Brain injury they should be disqualified. Fetterbread could have been declared clinically Brain dead and they would have rolled him out in a bed for people to vote for him.

    People keep saying OZ is a quack doctor lol the guy is a Fucking Heart surgeon for crying out loud. It just goes to show how utterly stupid the population is. All because they have victim mentality and hate trump. Lol idiots but go ahead and defend it. Pure comedy at this point lol
    So you're saying that some government agency/doctor should be able to tell us who can no longer run as a politician? You didn't really answer my question. If that is what you're saying you are far far more of a liberal than me. Thats sorta what "disqualify" means.
    See my last response lol yes I don’t think a literal dead guy should be on the ballot nor should someone In fetterbreads condition.

    It’s a flaw that needs to be fixed. It’s not a left or right thing. It just common sense
    Last edited by Treeshade; 11-11-2022 at 12:48 AM.

  9. #49
    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post

    Loony toon Candidates lol Oz is literally a heart surgeon gunplay. Even if you wanted to be heart surgeon you couldn’t. This guy is counting cards and sucking cock for EV and is calling heart surgeons looney toon lol. You really are one stupid dude.

    But you fit right in voting for a guy who never had a job was a trust fund baby that lived off his family’s money his entire life. Yeah he’s so much more qualified then a heart surgeon lol.

    2 for one then 3 for 1 ….for months lol fucking moron state

    Jack me
    How would KewlJ have voted for Fetterman? Is KewlJ a legal resident of Pennsylvania, and if so, why is that? I'd think he would be a resident of Nevada as he lives there, evidently owns a place there and Nevada has no state income tax on personal income.

    As far as political qualifications, if being a surgeon is the standard for being politically qualified, then everyone who voted for Trump over Ben Carson in the 2016 Republican Primary must also be an idiot. Ben Carson would be damn near the most qualified person alive, by that standard.

    If you're going to make terrible arguments, the least you could do is remember recent history when you do. You're making this so easy right now.

    More than that, Fetterman was a Mayor for more than twelve years and also Pennsylvania's Lieutenant Governor for a few years. I don't know in what world Oz is more politically qualified than Fetterman, unless you think being a heart surgeon automatically trumps, I don't know, actually holding political office for more than a decade and a half.

    Bro wut ?

    The guys not all there I’m talking about the guy you voted for on the day of the election. It’s not even close between who could do the job Better at this point. No one gives a fuck about what you did yesterday. It’s all about who can do the best job today and going forward. All this shit just once again shows how lazy and stupid people have become. I mean PA voted a dead guy for office ahahahhahahahahahaha. Let me guess it’s because of his past performance lol. Get the fuck out of here with this nonsense. If reasonable humans like you cannot see how absurd it is to vote in feathbread then what the fuck we going to do as a country? Continue to spiral out of control ? Stop it

  10. #50
    John Karl Fetterman is 100,000 % fake and never worked a real job in his life. - Jimmy Dore -

  11. #51
    I heard that John Fetterman eats babies.

  12. #52
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    Why don’t you tell us how you really feel. The mission position, so to speak.
    I mean, I've been pretty clear about the fact that I am a Libertarian. I side with the general Libertarian viewpoint on most issues. Abortion is probably the issue where you see the most division amongst Libertarians; on that issue, I am pro-choice without restrictions. That said, I do think it should be left up to the states.

    Gun control is...a very difficult issue for me to take a side on. I'd probably just abstain from voting if ever there was a state-level question that was profered as a ballot measure. That said, I am against any Federal laws that would be aimed at restricting gun ownership in any way.
    Well you do seem more like an actual libertarian than someone else on this forum who claims to be (V)
    Mission is a Libertarian in Name Only (LINO), dude sides with the Democratic Liberals at least 98% of the time.
    Stop Fucking taking party sides.
    This country has only two sides.
    The Haves and Have Nots.
    And this is the country of Lie, Cheat and Steal so you can Eat, Drink and Be Merry.
    And we do plenty of Killing all around the world so we can continue on in our debauchery.
    And for the record, I am no better and just as guilty but at least I admit it.
    #NEVERREGISTERORVOTE (because it is futile).
    Real Nice Assholes, now you got me hashtagging.
    I hate that shit.
    Next thing I'll be creating Fucking MEMEs.
    As If I know what any of that is.
    Back to my escape with the PGA Tour 2k23 and the TGC.

  13. #53
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    And as for Oz. Exit polls show the top reason people voted against him wasn't about abortion or any political position he had. It wasn't this association with Trump. It was the perceived view that he was a non-Pennsylvanian using Pa for entry into the Senate "club".

    He lists his residency as his in-laws home in Montgomery County Pa. Is there anyone who honesty believes this multimillionaire is living permanently in his in-laws home?

    Hey gunz what do the exit polls say about the the Brain dead idiots of Pennsylvania that voted for Tony Deluca lol

    He got 76 percent of the vote beating the green candidate Queonia “Zarah” Livingston here’s the problem

    HE DIED OVER A MONTH AGO Lolololololololololol

    This proves my point guys head to Pennsylvania and take every dollar. Go after everyone cons frauds do whatever you want these fucking idiots are lost
    They didn't want the third-party candidate and it was too late to change the ballot. They were basically voting on whether to have the Green Party candidate or have a special election instead. I'm sure many were unaware the dude died.
    Last edited by Mission146; 11-11-2022 at 08:34 AM.

  14. #54
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post

    Bro wut ?

    The guys not all there I’m talking about the guy you voted for on the day of the election. It’s not even close between who could do the job Better at this point. No one gives a fuck about what you did yesterday. It’s all about who can do the best job today and going forward. All this shit just once again shows how lazy and stupid people have become. I mean PA voted a dead guy for office ahahahhahahahahahaha. Let me guess it’s because of his past performance lol. Get the fuck out of here with this nonsense. If reasonable humans like you cannot see how absurd it is to vote in feathbread then what the fuck we going to do as a country? Continue to spiral out of control ? Stop it
    I didn't vote for Fetterman, as I have already said. Have you thought about reading posts before you respond to them?

    Fetterman is a blue stamp; I don't know why this is so difficult for you. All he has to be mentally capable of doing is understanding the difference between the words, "Yay," and, "Nay," and picking the one that he is told to pick. In the unlikely event that he cannot rise to that menial task, then he can resign, and would be replaced by a different Democrat. That's why they voted for him.

    I'm not arguing that Oz seems to be more aware/better at speaking, etc., than Fetterman. I concede that. That's why, in my reply to Mickey, I said I didn't understand why Fetterman would debate Oz under any set of conditions.

    The choices were a guy who just had a stroke v. a TV Celebrity (quack) doctor who doesn't even live in the state that he purports to want to represent. Had Oz not been endorsed by Trump, then McCormick would have won the Primary and, most likely (especially assuming Fetterman still has a stroke), the Senate seat.

    That's the problem. Both candidates had significant baggage and it was the choice for which pile of shit was least smelly.

    If you want to know who's really to blame, here's a hint: He can generally be found at his resort in Florida.
    Last edited by Mission146; 11-11-2022 at 08:43 AM.

  15. #55
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post

    I mean, I've been pretty clear about the fact that I am a Libertarian. I side with the general Libertarian viewpoint on most issues. Abortion is probably the issue where you see the most division amongst Libertarians; on that issue, I am pro-choice without restrictions. That said, I do think it should be left up to the states.

    Gun control is...a very difficult issue for me to take a side on. I'd probably just abstain from voting if ever there was a state-level question that was profered as a ballot measure. That said, I am against any Federal laws that would be aimed at restricting gun ownership in any way.
    Well you do seem more like an actual libertarian than someone else on this forum who claims to be (V)
    Mission is a Libertarian in Name Only (LINO), dude sides with the Democratic Liberals at least 98% of the time.
    Stop Fucking taking party sides.
    This country has only two sides.
    The Haves and Have Nots.
    And this is the country of Lie, Cheat and Steal so you can Eat, Drink and Be Merry.
    And we do plenty of Killing all around the world so we can continue on in our debauchery.
    And for the record, I am no better and just as guilty but at least I admit it.
    #NEVERREGISTERORVOTE (because it is futile).
    Real Nice Assholes, now you got me hashtagging.
    I hate that shit.
    Next thing I'll be creating Fucking MEMEs.
    As If I know what any of that is.
    Back to my escape with the PGA Tour 2k23 and the TGC.
    I haven't voted for a Democrat for a statewide or national office since 2012, but make up your own reality as you like.

    If you mean that I tend to be liberal on social issues, I've never denied that. Most Libertarians are.

  16. #56
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Why don't we just get on with it and carve this country up like the Looney MAGA crowd wants.

    We would have the entire east coast, including eastern part of Pa as a center-left country.

    Illinois, Michigan, wisc, Minnesota as a center moderate country.

    California and the West Coast up to Washington and including southern Nevada a left leaning country.

    And the rest of the country can do whatever they like. Crown Trump king if they want. And walk around with guns strapped to their sides like it is the wild West.

    And you know what? MAGA-land would be a third world country because every damn one of those states takes more that they pay into the federal Govt. Look it up!
    If this sort of break up occurred, all that would happen is the new smaller countries resulting from the break-up would eventually break up themselves into still smaller countries.

  17. #57
    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post

    Bro wut ?

    The guys not all there I’m talking about the guy you voted for on the day of the election. It’s not even close between who could do the job Better at this point. No one gives a fuck about what you did yesterday. It’s all about who can do the best job today and going forward. All this shit just once again shows how lazy and stupid people have become. I mean PA voted a dead guy for office ahahahhahahahahahaha. Let me guess it’s because of his past performance lol. Get the fuck out of here with this nonsense. If reasonable humans like you cannot see how absurd it is to vote in feathbread then what the fuck we going to do as a country? Continue to spiral out of control ? Stop it
    I didn't vote for Fetterman, as I have already said. Have you thought about reading posts before you respond to them?

    Fetterman is a blue stamp; I don't know why this is so difficult for you. All he has to be mentally capable of doing is understanding the difference between the words, "Yay," and, "Nay," and picking the one that he is told to pick. In the unlikely event that he cannot rise to that menial task, then he can resign, and would be replaced by a different Democrat. That's why they voted for him.

    I'm not arguing that Oz seems to be more aware/better at speaking, etc., than Fetterman. I concede that. That's why, in my reply to Mickey, I said I didn't understand why Fetterman would debate Oz under any set of conditions.

    The choices were a guy who just had a stroke v. a TV Celebrity (quack) doctor who doesn't even live in the state that he purports to want to represent. Had Oz not been endorsed by Trump, then McCormick would have won the Primary and, most likely (especially assuming Fetterman still has a stroke), the Senate seat.

    That's the problem. Both candidates had significant baggage and it was the choice for which pile of shit was least smelly.

    If you want to know who's really to blame, here's a hint: He can generally be found at his resort in Florida.
    The "quack" doctor you refer to graduated magna cum laude at Harvard . The 'carpetbagger" also graduated from University of Pennsylvania Medical School. He was a surgeon at Columbia University Irving Medical Center. He holds a number of patents on medical devices related to heart surgery. In other words he invented what are very important medical devices that are used today. He was also an open heart surgeon and heart transplant surgeon.

    All the criticism directed at Oz by the medical establishment was caused by one thing and one thing only. He's a conservative. When I was in intensive care one of my doctors noticed that I frequently watched Fox News. He confided in me that he was also a conservative. But he also told me that he couldn't divulge that to just anybody especially the medical establishment because it would severely harm his career. With the medical establishment conservative doctors go to the back of the bus. They are not welcome in the medical profession.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  18. #58
    Magna cum into a sock; who gives a shit? That doesn't politically qualify him. That doesn't make him an actual Pennsylvanian. That doesn't mean he didn't hawk bullshit dietary supplements.

    I'm not saying he's not a good heart surgeon. He's the best heart surgeon in the world ever to live, for all I know. I don't know where to find the national rankings for heart surgeons.

    The carpetbagger 'moved in' with his in-laws. By your standards, I'm a resident of Missouri...even more so, in fact, because I graduated from college much more recently than Oz did.

    I never paid attention to the criticism directed at Oz by the medical establishment because I hold the medical establishment's political opinions as generally irrelevant. Perhaps the medical establishment would do well to create workplace guidelines that politics are not to be discussed in the workplace under any conditions, but that is none of my concern.

    You'll also notice that I didn't jump on the making fun of Trump because his wife picked Oz, or whatever stupid thing it was. That shit was published by the New York Times, so I immediately assume that it's probably a lie. I also don't like this fucking, "Confidential sources," bullshit in journalism as being carte fucking blanche to publish any bullshit you feel like publishing.

    You want to know why Oz lost to Fetterman and I'm giving my, quite objective, opinion as to why. I should assume my opinion is quite objective on the grounds that I didn't give a shit who won. When you go far enough back to the Primary, it's really simple: Trump endorsed the wrong dude. McCormick almost beat Oz anyway, and with Trump's endorsement, McCormick would have nailed Oz to the cross.

  19. #59
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    The "quack" doctor you refer to graduated magna cum laude at Harvard . The 'carpetbagger" also graduated from University of Pennsylvania Medical School. He was a surgeon at Columbia University Irving Medical Center. He holds a number of patents on medical devices related to heart surgery. In other words he invented what are very important medical devices that are used today. He was also an open heart surgeon and heart transplant surgeon.

    All the criticism directed at Oz by the medical establishment was caused by one thing and one thing only. He's a conservative. When I was in intensive care one of my doctors noticed that I frequently watched Fox News. He confided in me that he was also a conservative. But he also told me that he couldn't divulge that to just anybody especially the medical establishment because it would severely harm his career. With the medical establishment conservative doctors go to the back of the bus. They are not welcome in the medical profession.
    Mickey, the good "doctor" stopped seeing patients years ago after he became famous. He is still board certified yes, but he doesn't practice medicine. When Oprah spun him off to his own show and he started pushing weight loss pills and cancer cures, he really ceased being a doctor of medicine and became an entertainer. In 2014, Oz told the New Yorker magazine that cancer was gold. That there was such interest in cancer treatments that he could sell cancer remedies every day.

    Think about how sad and sick that really is. People have cancer or have a family member who has cancer and they are desperate and looking for a miracle, which makes them gullible. And the good doctor says here take this magic remedy and you will be cured.

    Dr Oz's second career as a pitchman, mirrors the former owner of this website, where he endorsed products, cures and remedies for a price.

    And this was long before any political ambitions or that anyone even knew what his politicals views were.

  20. #60
    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    Magna cum into a sock; who gives a shit? That doesn't politically qualify him. That doesn't make him an actual Pennsylvanian. That doesn't mean he didn't hawk bullshit dietary supplements.

    I'm not saying he's not a good heart surgeon. He's the best heart surgeon in the world ever to live, for all I know. I don't know where to find the national rankings for heart surgeons.

    The carpetbagger 'moved in' with his in-laws. By your standards, I'm a resident of Missouri...even more so, in fact, because I graduated from college much more recently than Oz did.

    I never paid attention to the criticism directed at Oz by the medical establishment because I hold the medical establishment's political opinions as generally irrelevant. Perhaps the medical establishment would do well to create workplace guidelines that politics are not to be discussed in the workplace under any conditions, but that is none of my concern.

    You'll also notice that I didn't jump on the making fun of Trump because his wife picked Oz, or whatever stupid thing it was. That shit was published by the New York Times, so I immediately assume that it's probably a lie. I also don't like this fucking, "Confidential sources," bullshit in journalism as being carte fucking blanche to publish any bullshit you feel like publishing.

    You want to know why Oz lost to Fetterman and I'm giving my, quite objective, opinion as to why. I should assume my opinion is quite objective on the grounds that I didn't give a shit who won. When you go far enough back to the Primary, it's really simple: Trump endorsed the wrong dude. McCormick almost beat Oz anyway, and with Trump's endorsement, McCormick would have nailed Oz to the cross.
    You are slightly off on why Oz lost. The real reason he lost is because a majority of Pennsylvanian voters are stoooooooooopid.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

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