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Thread: Father of Colorado gay club shooter

  1. #21
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Before you start going on about nonsense please tell us where the dragshows for children thing is occurring?
    When Sox fan made this statement about kids and drag shows I searched for some info, because I had never heard of any such thing. The only thing I could find was recently some far right politicians in Arizona introduced a bill banning kids at Drag shows. This was in response to 2 drags shows, one at Arizona State university and one at a local high school that were billed as family friendly events. I am quite sure these weren't your drags show that are at gay clubs and bars which are adult themed. Like I said, 60 years ago, Milton Berle would dress as a women, and everyone thought that was good clean entertainment. Again, not my kind of thing, but a far cry from what Soxfan is talking about at adult venues.

  2. #22
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Before you start going on about nonsense please tell us where the dragshows for children thing is occurring?
    When Sox fan made this statement about kids and drag shows I searched for some info, because I had never heard of any such thing. The only thing I could find was recently some far right politicians in Arizona introduced a bill banning kids at Drag shows. This was in response to 2 drags shows, one at Arizona State university and one at a local high school that were billed as family friendly events. I am quite sure these weren't your drags show that are at gay clubs and bars which are adult themed. Like I said, 60 years ago, Milton Berle would dress as a women, and everyone thought that was good clean entertainment. Again, not my kind of thing, but a far cry from what Soxfan is talking about at adult venues.
    I can also remember jocks wearing costumes during Christmas as cross-dressers. Same thing with Milton Berle. These instances seem doubtful to have much of a sexual aspect to them. Total apples and oranges dopey ass talking point. Like everything else in this world, cross dressing/trans has so many different reasons/approaches. Putting them all together in one big pot helps the far left, the far right, and the simpletons.

  3. #23
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    I can also remember jocks wearing costumes during Christmas as cross-dressers. Same thing with Milton Berle. These instances seem doubtful to have much of a sexual aspect to them. Total apples and oranges dopey ass talking point. Like everything else in this world, cross dressing/trans has so many different reasons/approaches. Putting them all together in one big pot helps the far left, the far right, and the soxfan.
    Fixed that typo

  4. #24
    After last nights shooting ay Walmart in Virginia, I have been watching the discussions on several different news outlets. Same old discussions as after every mass shooting. Democrats scream gun control. Republicans counter saying the problem isn't guns but mental illness and we need more mental illness detection ect.

    The U.S. has far more mass shooting that other similarly advanced nations. So let me ask this. Do we have a higher rate of mental illness here? Is there something in the water or air we breath increasing our rate of mental illness? Of course not. Other countries have crazy people just the same as we do. The difference is the easy access to guns. Anybody that won't admit that is just not being honest.

    Now I am a gun owner. Never was before I moved to Vegas, but I am now. And with the way things are in this country, I am not about to give up my gun and right to protection. I wish things weren't the way they are, but...they are. So I am not advocating taking away guns like Australia and Canada did. Our constitution guarantees the right to guns. And I don't want to change that.

    But come on people....assault military weapons? the shooting last night was a handgun, but most of these mass shootings are done with assault weapons. There is no need for ordinary people to have these. they aren't about hunting or anything. Their purpose is one thing only....killing as many people as you can as quickly as you can.

    We had an assault weapons ban in this country that expired in 2004. Just check the data on the frequency of these shooting since that ban expired. And let's not confuse the issue like mickey is doing with comments about the black inner city gang bangers shooting each other. THAT has been going on forever. I would like to somehow put an end to that also, but it is an entirely different issue. What I am talking about is some disgruntled, usually young white guy, walking into malls, clubs, schools (far too often schools), walmarts, movie theaters, churches, synagogues, anywhere people gather and just killing people for no other reason than to see how many they can kill.

  5. #25
    Assault weapons don't help, but I'd imagine the massive uptick in social media (which is as toxic as this place) have a lot more to it. A lot more cess pools to play in.

  6. #26
    I was born in the 1980's. Through the first half of my life, you might hear about a murder here and there. Maybe a robbery gone bad, maybe a fight broke out and someone got killed. But you didn't hear about all these shootings at schools, malls, churches, ect. The first shooting of this type I remember was Columbine and I was in high school. Now it happens every week, every day. Never in my years of school, was there an active shooter drill. I just don't get why we, are choosing to go backwards and be less civilized.

  7. #27
    Blame several factors.

    Social media. Now there is instant exchange of unfiltered, often dangerous ideas.

    Drugs. Families decimated, kids brought up in the aftermath.

    Religion. Either none, or extreme religion; used to be a "normal" religion helped instill morality without zeal.

    Violent video games. Life imitates art.

    Divisive culture / politics. Lost souls searching for meaning grab onto crazy notions and tolerate nothing else.

    Media exposure. The national publicity of a slaughter implants the notion in the noggin of losers who want to die anyway; they then figure "If I'm gonna go, I want people to know about it...they never cared before."

    Per Pogo: "We have met the enemy, and it is us."
    What, Me Worry?

  8. #28
    I blame all the drugs the parents were doing in the 60s and 70s.

  9. #29
    VCT poster of the day goes to hey hey !!

  10. #30
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    Assault weapons don't help, but I'd imagine the massive uptick in social media (which is as toxic as this place) have a lot more to it. A lot more cess pools to play in.
    Assault weapons help people fetishicize the process of being a killer while enabling these people to be far more effective. Wonder how much training it takes for someone to be as good with a handgun as they would be with a long gun.

    Kinda like youtube making every thug a Constitutionalist..

    The worst part of all this is that guns are meant to take on TYRANNY and instead we have all these fucking losers shooting kids and LGBT people. There seems to be no way to stop this without severely curtailing 2nd amendment. So pathetic.

    That being said lets give a brief rundown of our assault rifles. I am but a minor collector amongst the people I know but .. I have.. hmm

    2 AR-15s
    a Tavor
    Saiga AK
    Pretty wooden ak-47 chambered for 308 vepr.

    A few misc handguns and a deerrifle.

    Frankly I have too many guns and only have most of them due to peer pressure.

    These days I tend to believe they'll be needed to deal with fascist loving magafucktards who want me to live under tyranny...
    Last edited by accountinquestion; 11-23-2022 at 09:38 PM.

  11. #31
    The way social algo’s work to essentially give you your own echo chamber/confirmation bias feedback loop has to make psychos more psychos.

  12. #32
    Can someone tell me why 99.99% of male flight attendants are gay?

  13. #33
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    The way social algo’s work to essentially give you your own echo chamber/confirmation bias feedback loop has to make psychos more psychos.
    Yea that could be a big part of it.

    Youtube removed the ability to block channels. My understanding is you have to login and remove your view history so what videos won't be recommended to you going forward. I mean sure you can just not watch them but one would think Youtube would just give one the tools to block a channel they might find offensive or disturbing in some manner. Nah.

  14. #34
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Can someone tell me why 99.99% of male flight attendants are gay?
    Ok, you made me curios enough about it to google it.

    Flight attendant jobs are relatively easy to get.

    They also like the uniforms and the access to meeting new men every day.

    In particular they like all the travel so they can visit gay bars or areas in different cities & countries.

  15. #35
    There's got to be more to it than that. I was thinking that it was considered a female job like cocktailing, therefore men are not interested. But then I began thinking there's got to be more than that since I have to imagine in this day and age there's got to be a huge amount of guys who would love to travel and have whatever benefits come with being a flight attendant.

    There has to be some standard unspoken hiring practice, perhaps they think it's a terrible Idea to have straight men and females traveling together like that, staying in the same places, etc. Perhaps the Captians didn't want the competition back in the day and it's a tradition that stuck.

    When I first started traveling I didn't have any clue it was a gay-dominated job. I slowly noticed most all the male flight attendants were gay.

  16. #36
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    There's got to be more to it than that. I was thinking that it was considered a female job like cocktailing, therefore men are not interested. But then I began thinking there's got to be more than that since I have to imagine in this day and age there's got to be a huge amount of guys who would love to travel and have whatever benefits come with being a flight attendant.

    There has to be some standard unspoken hiring practice, perhaps they think it's a terrible Idea to have straight men and females traveling together like that, staying in the same places, etc. Perhaps the Captians didn't want the competition back in the day and it's a tradition that stuck.

    When I first started traveling I didn't have any clue it was a gay-dominated job. I slowly noticed most all the male flight attendants were gay.
    Ok, lol you are making me do a lot of research and indeed there is more to it than that.

    Prior to WWII all flight crew members were considered a male job.

    In those days flight attendants often had to help load the luggage and do more manual labor (planes & airports were much smaller) Also at the time planes were associated strongly with the military & engineering so it was considered a masculine profession.

    Closer to WWII the traditional duties started to shift more towards feminine work, serving drinks etc & airlines found they could both save money by hiring dainty women who weighed less than men thereby saving on fuel costs & and also use the sex appeal of the women to market to male customers.

    During WWII there was a shortage of men so it firmly shifted into being considered a woman’s job. After WWII many airlines hired back male stewards but by then it was considered a woman’s job and male stewards were often ridiculed as being homosexual even though most of them were straight.

    Throughout the 50s & 60s airlines mostly hired female.

    In the early 70s legal action under the civil rights act of 1964 forced the airlines to hire more male flight attendants.

    By this time as it was considered a feminine job it was primarily gay men who pursued this job, both because they didn’t care that it was considered feminine & also as mentioned in my first post it provided them a lot of access to pursue sexual partners as in coworkers, new travelers every day, overnight stays in different cities constantly, etc.

    The more you know……

  17. #37
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    The way social algo’s work to essentially give you your own echo chamber/confirmation bias feedback loop has to make psychos more psychos.!/x/status/1595592078469132288

  18. #38
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    The way social algo’s work to essentially give you your own echo chamber/confirmation bias feedback loop has to make psychos more psychos.!/x/status/1595592078469132288
    On Dr. Jebra’s twitter profile is says she has an upcoming book called Is My Fetus Trans?

  19. #39
    Dr. Jebra and any holiday, especially religious ones, can fuck off!

  20. #40
    But...she's right.

    The way we conceive of Thanksgiving, the story we learned at school, is bullshit, but hey, I like feasting so "no worries."

    What, Me Worry?

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