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Thread: Documentaries

  1. #281
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Yes this Kanye West guy (I hadn't really known much about him until the Tim Pool interview. Also Lex dumbfuck Fridman has an interview with him where they both completely jump the shark. It's an absolute implosion which I recommend you listen to if you want to hear someone go totally off the reservation).

    Anyway M8 here is the free link you requested (I am going to listen to it myself a little later):
    Thanks for the link.
    I fell asleep, after the first hour, listening to it on the Info Wars website.
    The media and youtube videos really edited it to fit their agenda.
    Completely different when you listen to the entire discussion with context.
    It seems obvious that Kanye is trying to understand the bible and the words of Jesus.
    He is most likely getting horrible advice from the established Church who want his money or tithes.
    Kanye makes a lot of sense but he struggles to coherently put his thoughts together in the right order.
    And people are chomping at the bit to be offended by him.
    They hear his words but they don't understand what he is trying to express.
    All they think they hear is that he hates the Jews lol.
    I thought his impression of Yahoo Netting was pretty funny though.
    I still have another hour or two left on the interview.

    What I really find funny is that many of the Jews hate the Palestinians.
    Of course that is Righteous Anger or Racism lol.
    As I have said before, everyone is going to be biased towards their own Race, Religion or Creed.
    I love the White People on Twitter who bash other white people and tweet out how hard the Black Man has it.
    I always tweet back to them that They Are White lol.

    The Black Masked Suit that Kanye wore on the show is pretty Fucking Hilarious though lol.
    I hope he commits to wearing it 24/7 as it makes me laugh every time I see it and him talking with it on.
    Last edited by monet; 12-02-2022 at 03:26 PM.

  2. #282
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Yes this Kanye West guy (I hadn't really known much about him until the Tim Pool interview. Also Lex dumbfuck Fridman has an interview with him where they both completely jump the shark. It's an absolute implosion which I recommend you listen to if you want to hear someone go totally off the reservation).
    I listened to a couple of minutes of the Lex/Kanye Podcast but gave up on it when Lex started to get uppity about being a Russian Jew.
    I didn't even know that Kanye did the Tim Pool podcast so thanks for the heads up.
    I totally agree that Lex jumped the shark as you say.
    He completely broke character and got all fake emotional.
    Lex is riding the coattails of Joe Rogan and I find his interviewing style slow and boring, but you already know this.
    Tim Dillion did it best when he roasted Lex but Tim sold out about a year or two ago and is focused on promoting his next comedy show.
    Both Tim Dillion and Bill Burr can Fuck Off with their fake persona bullshit.
    I do believe that Tim still has more real life rage compared to Burr though.
    Bill Burr got soft when he married the African American Feminist and started to make millions of dollars and selling out places like Fenway Park.

  3. #283
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Yes this Kanye West guy (I hadn't really known much about him until the Tim Pool interview. Also Lex dumbfuck Fridman has an interview with him where they both completely jump the shark. It's an absolute implosion which I recommend you listen to if you want to hear someone go totally off the reservation).
    I listened to a couple of minutes of the Lex/Kanye Podcast but gave up on it when Lex started to get uppity about being a Russian Jew.
    I didn't even know that Kanye did the Tim Pool podcast so thanks for the heads up.
    I totally agree that Lex jumped the shark as you say.
    He completely broke character and got all fake emotional.
    Lex is riding the coattails of Joe Rogan and I find his interviewing style slow and boring, but you already know this.
    Tim Dillion did it best when he roasted Lex but Tim sold out about a year or two ago and is focused on promoting his next comedy show.
    Both Tim Dillion and Bill Burr can Fuck Off with their fake persona bullshit.
    I do believe that Tim still has more real life rage compared to Burr though.
    Bill Burr got soft when he married the African American Feminist and started to make millions of dollars and selling out places like Fenway Park.
    Great points regarding the Jones/Kanye and Lex/Kanye interviews Monet. Just a heads up about the Tim Pool interview - Kanye West walks out of the interview with his posse about 20 minutes into the Pool podcast (it was meant to go for at least 1 1/2 hours or more I think).

    Well I had a chance to listen to the Jones/Kanye podcast (on Rumble) using my corrected link - thanks for the heads up about this podcast. Like I wrote above, I agree with your points about it. It was lucky that I visually watched it at the beginning to see Kanye's masked costume or I would have missed it since I usually just listen to, rather than watch an entire podcast.

    Obviously everyone is trying to milk Kanye by riding on his fearless honesty. It kind of reminds me of how Don King milked Mike Tyson. More generally, I'm glad the podcast reminds the listener of the deep state fucks that try to control everything from forced vaccines to what entertainers like Kanye West can think or do.

  4. #284
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Great points regarding the Jones/Kanye and Lex/Kanye interviews Monet. Just a heads up about the Tim Pool interview - Kanye West walks out of the interview with his posse about 20 minutes into the Pool podcast (it was meant to go for at least 1 1/2 hours or more I think).

    Well I had a chance to listen to the Jones/Kanye podcast (on Rumble) using my corrected link - thanks for the heads up about this podcast. Like I wrote above, I agree with your points about it. It was lucky that I visually watched it at the beginning to see Kanye's masked costume or I would have missed it since I usually just listen to, rather than watch an entire podcast.

    Obviously everyone is trying to milk Kanye by riding on his fearless honesty. It kind of reminds me of how Don King milked Mike Tyson. More generally, I'm glad the podcast reminds the listener of the deep state fucks that try to control everything from forced vaccines to what entertainers like Kanye West can think or do.
    I agree with a lot of what Ben Shapiro preaches but I think he got too much pressure on this subject and has now gone full blown attack mode.
    I remember a few weeks or so ago when Shapiro was basically on Kanye West's side.
    I guess now he doesn't think the jokes or subject is as funny anymore.
    I still think that Netting Yoo-Hoo Yahoo joke and voice was insanely funny.
    Offensive? Perhaps but no more offensive than Balenciaga.
    Also, how can you not think that black mask and covering isn't hilarious??
    He is obviously parodying terrorists when they do their ransom or beheading videos.

    And many people disagree with Ben's Ideology and think that he is completely nuts.
    I'm not one of them.
    Like I say, I agree with a shit load of what Ben Shapiro yells about.
    I also believe and find many things funny that Kanye West has been screaming about lately.
    Both of them are entertainers in my opinion.
    I'm pretty sure Ben has to say these things, on air now, because of his synagogue and all of his connections tied into his wealth and money stream.
    I also find it hilarious how Jerry Seinfeld got all bent out of shape from Dave Chappelle's SNL Monologue.
    We are talking about a guy who constantly makes fun of other people for a living.
    I guess Jerry can dish it out but can't take it?
    Seems odd because when he was on Norm Macdonald's podcast, they were having a great time cracking on the Jews.
    It seems apparent that you never attack the Jewish People in the Entertainment Industry or on this Forum, lulz.
    My dad said it best.
    I'm not racist.
    I hate all people, equally.

    Last edited by monet; 12-03-2022 at 12:55 AM.

  5. #285
    Nobody gonna talk about how America stole every Nazi Scientist that they could and created NASA let alone many other Institutions and Technology?
    I get it, Nazis and the Nazi Ideology is the devil, but they only hung the military personal.
    However, we captured as many Nazi Scientists as possible and gave them money, property and a job.
    Seems like a contradiction to me.
    People are literally driving VW's around to this day.
    Ask Alyssa Milano lol.

  6. #286
    World Economic Forum Nazi Symbol.
    It sure does looks like it.
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  7. #287
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Nobody gonna talk about how America stole every Nazi Scientist that they could and created NASA let alone many other Institutions and Technology?
    I get it, Nazis and the Nazi Ideology is the devil, but they only hung the military personal.
    However, we captured as many Nazi Scientists as possible and gave them money, property and a job.
    Seems like a contradiction to me.
    People are literally driving VW's around to this day.
    Ask Alyssa Milano lol.
    Indeed. The genius Wernher Von Braun comes to mind as you know. And of course IBM provided punch card machines to the Nazis in the 1930's. Thanks for the link to the Shapiro diatribe of Kanye West. Shapiro's handlers give him free reign to express his own opinions most of the time, but of course when needed, he will need to say certain things to keep it all going as you state above regarding his money connections and infrastructure.
    Upton Sinclair:"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."
    Name:  zWhi1p4.png
Views: 380
Size:  233.8 KB

  8. #288
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Indeed. The genius Wernher Von Braun comes to mind as you know. And of course IBM provided punch card machines to the Nazis in the 1930's. Thanks for the link to the Shapiro diatribe of Kanye West. Shapiro's handlers give him free reign to express his own opinions most of the time, but of course when needed, he will need to say certain things to keep it all going as you state above regarding his money connections and infrastructure.
    Upton Sinclair:"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."
    I read something years ago that said we integrated over 1600 scientists and workers from Nazi Germany and put them into our society.
    You gonna tell me they just stopped being Nazis???
    And what did they teach their children?
    Maybe they taught them how to indoctrinate our Youth 50 to 70 some odd years later?

  9. #289
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Indeed. The genius Wernher Von Braun comes to mind as you know. And of course IBM provided punch card machines to the Nazis in the 1930's. Thanks for the link to the Shapiro diatribe of Kanye West. Shapiro's handlers give him free reign to express his own opinions most of the time, but of course when needed, he will need to say certain things to keep it all going as you state above regarding his money connections and infrastructure.
    Upton Sinclair:"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."
    I read something years ago that said we integrated over 1600 scientists and workers from Nazi Germany and put them into our society.
    You gonna tell me they just stopped being Nazis???
    And what did they teach their children?
    Maybe they taught them how to indoctrinate our Youth 50 to 70 some odd years later?
    Exactly. That's why Leftists are basically fascists that try to force regular people (non-leftists if you will) to get an untested "vaccine" and to force non-leftists to put their kids in drag queen reading hour sessions under guard of Antifa. They learned these tactics from Nazi influences. The picture of the WEF with the Nazi symbol hidden in plain site you posted shows one precisely what these cunts are all about.
    Just the tip of the iceberg as you know.

  10. #290

  11. #291
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Will be watching this one shortly:
    Thanks for posting because I'm not sure I would of found it otherwise.
    Have to cue it up later on.

  12. #292
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Will be watching this one shortly:
    Thanks for posting because I'm not sure I would of found it otherwise.
    Have to cue it up later on.
    No problem Monet. I watched it and it had some solid info regarding the dangers of the covid "vaccine".

    Also I watched Paradise City a couple days ago as I had mentioned I would. It was mediocre and played more like a TV movie, but worth a watch if you've got nothing going on.

  13. #293
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    No problem Monet. I watched it and it had some solid info regarding the dangers of the covid "vaccine".

    Also I watched Paradise City a couple days ago as I had mentioned I would. It was mediocre and played more like a TV movie, but worth a watch if you've got nothing going on.
    I thought it was pretty good information.
    I watched and listened to it as I was cooking and doing dishes.
    When that bitch said that zero deaths have occurred from the shot, I couldn't believe it.
    She was saying that the Covid "Vaccine" is safer than Aspirin (NSAIDS) lol.
    I about lost my shit on that propaganda.

    In the end it really doesn't matter.
    They have all the control, and they are going to get us through the wheat, air, water, corn and every other thing we need to survive.
    Whenever someone tells me I can't, or I have to have something that is when I call bullshit.
    I will do and say what I want when I want, and nobody is going to force me to put anything in my body.
    I'd rather die.

  14. #294
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    When that bitch said that zero deaths have occurred from the shot, I couldn't believe it.
    She was saying that the Covid "Vaccine" is safer than Aspirin (NSAIDS) lol.
    Yes. IIRC Steve Kirsch said it was more like 100 times the number of "vaccine" deaths reported (in the VAERS system) which put the number at about 1.4M (IIRC). By the look of those long black clots (and the numerous CCTV footage in this doc of people dropping dead) fished out by doctors and pathologists, it doesn't seem like a fun way to go either (obviously there are other mechanisms the "vaccine" causes death besides these uber clots, but that was really something). Grace Lee called the cops on Steve Kirsch rather than answer his questions. Isn't she a gem of a person ?

    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    In the end it really doesn't matter.
    They have all the control, and they are going to get us through the wheat, air, water, corn and every other thing we need to survive.
    Whenever someone tells me I can't, or I have to have something that is when I call bullshit.
    I will do and say what I want when I want, and nobody is going to force me to put anything in my body.
    I'd rather die.
    Since they now hold all the cards, stating plainly what their objectives are is common. The World Economic Forum we were just discussing is a perfect example - their mission statement presents clearly that their goal is to directly shape global agendas. Same thing with Bill Gates, who said that his goal is population control. He's untouchable, so why not ?
    I like how this documentary shows another example of how deep the propaganda machine is. Of course we already saw this level of propaganda power with the Trump election and presidency.
    These fuckers are pure evil and I agree with you in regards to not allowing them to boss us around no matter what.

  15. #295
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    When that bitch said that zero deaths have occurred from the shot, I couldn't believe it.
    She was saying that the Covid "Vaccine" is safer than Aspirin (NSAIDS) lol.
    Yes. IIRC Steve Kirsch said it was more like 100 times the number of "vaccine" deaths reported (in the VAERS system) which put the number at about 1.4M (IIRC). By the look of those long black clots (and the numerous CCTV footage in this doc of people dropping dead) fished out by doctors and pathologists, it doesn't seem like a fun way to go either (obviously there are other mechanisms the "vaccine" causes death besides these uber clots, but that was really something). Grace Lee called the cops on Steve Kirsch rather than answer his questions. Isn't she a gem of a person ?

    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    In the end it really doesn't matter.
    They have all the control, and they are going to get us through the wheat, air, water, corn and every other thing we need to survive.
    Whenever someone tells me I can't, or I have to have something that is when I call bullshit.
    I will do and say what I want when I want, and nobody is going to force me to put anything in my body.
    I'd rather die.
    Since they now hold all the cards, stating plainly what their objectives are is common. The World Economic Forum we were just discussing is a perfect example - their mission statement presents clearly that their goal is to directly shape global agendas. Same thing with Bill Gates, who said that his goal is population control. He's untouchable, so why not ?
    I like how this documentary shows another example of how deep the propaganda machine is. Of course we already saw this level of propaganda power with the Trump election and presidency.
    These fuckers are pure evil and I agree with you in regards to not allowing them to boss us around no matter what.
    No doubt and another thing that really freaked me out about that documentary was all the crazy upbeat Covid Vaccine songs.
    Dolly Parton changing the words of one of her songs to sing about how everyone needs to get vaxxed?
    Depressing to see how many puppets, the powers that be, really do control.
    And I still don't understand how all the officials and media can outright lie to everyone and never apologize or say they were wrong about any of it.
    Mind Boggling.

  16. #296
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    And I still don't understand how all the officials and media can outright lie to everyone and never apologize or say they were wrong about any of it.
    Mind Boggling.
    They know we know. And they know there is nothing we can do about it (for example the election process is fully compromised). They are laughing in our faces.

  17. #297
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    And I still don't understand how all the officials and media can outright lie to everyone and never apologize or say they were wrong about any of it.
    Mind Boggling.
    They know we know. And they know there is nothing we can do about it (for example the election process is fully compromised). They are laughing in our faces.
    You got a point.
    Kirstie Alley will be voting Democrat for the next 20 years, And she became a Republican in 2016!!
    She also believed in Xenu and the Galactic Federation though.

  18. #298
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Kirstie Alley will be voting Democrat for the next 20 years, And she became a Republican in 2016!!
    She also believed in Xenu and the Galactic Federation though.
    She probably attends services at the same local chapter that her close friend John Travolta does.

  19. #299
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    She probably attends services at the same local chapter that her close friend John Travolta does.
    Not anymore lol.

  20. #300
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    She probably attends services at the same local chapter that her close friend John Travolta does.
    Not anymore lol.
    Ok got it Monet - she's passed. I thought the RIP as the colloquial "RIP" that MaxPen introduced to VCT (the tip off should have been her voting pattern for the future 20 years - which I had taken literally, LOL). Apologies and thanks for the heads up - didn't know about her passing until your most recent post in this thread.

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