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Thread: Why aren't people talking about how bad things have been?

  1. #1
    Machines tightened up badly, more competition, less opportunities, empty casinos.

  2. #2
    1- Greed 2- Hmm I wonder why ?? 3- combination of 1,2&4. 4- Vid after effects, inflation, less disposable income etc etc.
    Last edited by Ozzy; 12-10-2022 at 10:02 PM.

  3. #3
    ^^ Older boomers are starting to take their final dirt naps. You know guys and gals 5+ years older then Singer.

  4. #4
    Inflation - costs are going up, and it is being passed to the players.

  5. #5

    Historians will look back, shake their heads, and say "WTF were they thinking?"

    With the proliferation of gambling across this fair land Nevada no longer offers the only games in town: I can play the same games sin city offers by driving a short distance from my home, or even online if I wanted to try that path.

    Instead of tightening, Las Vegas strip casinos should loosen things up, offer inexpensive, decent food, and games with superb RTP.

    Sure, keep the fine dining places but make them more affordable.

    Improve the quality and quantity of entertainment (not sure how, but the current offerings just don't cut it).

    LV was doing OK by emphasizing the nightclub scene pre-covid, maybe it is still a good profit maker, I dunno...

    But sin city needs to differentiate itself from the tribal and other casinos which are closer to the home of potential customers, give them a unique reason to come there.
    What, Me Worry?

  6. #6
    Lowering the RTP is clearly shortterm thinking. I guess if everyone has 85% then they don't have to worry but people have less and less fun when they can only spin through their money 6 times before losing it vs 12 times. Casinos get the money in the end but people have a better time... whatever - not like you guys don't get that.

    What markets have they started lowering RTP?

  7. #7
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Lowering the RTP is clearly shortterm thinking. I guess if everyone has 85% then they don't have to worry but people have less and less fun when they can only spin through their money 6 times before losing it vs 12 times. Casinos get the money in the end but people have a better time... whatever - not like you guys don't get that.

    What markets have they started lowering RTP?
    Machines set at 85% is legal extortion. I can tell within a few thousand spins if a Buffalo Diamond or Regal is set at that putrid amount, pretty obvious tells. An argument can be made for the casinos to set them at 88% or so, because the average casino gives the average civilian 2% back in perks. Thus leaving the casino with a reasonable 10% profit on a penny machine. Ideally in a perfect world you want 90-94% but that's becoming rarer then ever before. Greedy pigs !

  8. #8
    About five or more years ago I asked a slot tech at my favorite tribal joint, Chinook Winds, what the RTP was and he said mid to upper eighties.

    I suspect that is typical of tribal joints.
    What, Me Worry?

  9. #9
    I'm really discouraged by how empty the casinos have been. January will be even worse.

  10. #10
    Time for sin city to reinvent itself.

    How about legalizing prostitution and requiring 98% RTP on slots?

    Sure, and while they're at it, get rid of those resort / parking fees.
    What, Me Worry?

  11. #11
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Time for sin city to reinvent itself.

    How about legalizing prostitution and requiring 98% RTP on slots?

    Sure, and while they're at it, get rid of those resort / parking fees.
    Do you not follow the news? The economy is being cooled off by the federal reserve and since casinos are not so important to most people, the casinos are suffering and reacting to less dumb money out there. This is the beginning of the end of AP slots or at least the end of slot APs.

  12. #12

    I guess chicken little was right, the sky really is falling.


    *sips coffee, pets cat*
    What, Me Worry?

  13. #13
    I also noticed that Stinking Rich doesn't pay out nearly as good as it did in say 2018. It used to give out a lot of good frequent Bonuses and the pays were much better. I saw a guy blow roughly $600 in less than an hour, ouch! And he only got about ONE decent Bonus. He was lucky he had won some money on a Lottery ticket, or he wouldn't have had any money left. also remember someone saying something like,"A couple of years ago, a $20 playing Slots would frequently net me a nice dinner for two plus a movie ticket for two and popcorn and drinks for two people. Now, a $20 is gone in seconds.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

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