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Thread: A collection of Vegas Fairy tales

  1. #61
    Don't even engage, MrV. This dude is more fucked up that Singer, and Mdawg combined. More made up alternative reality. If he had anything on me he would post it. Rob played that game for 6 years, claiming to know this and that about me, where I worked, where I lived. He knew nothing, I even begged him to post where he thought I worked, and of course he wouldn't. These guys are just looking to slander and discredit someone they don't like. That is what trollville is today.

    While the things seedvalue is claiming are so outlandish, he is getting no replies from even members that don't like me (even they know how ridiculous these claims are). But as these guys often do, he is revealing a very disturbing homophobia, bigotry and hate in his wild imagination. These haters always expose themselves.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  2. #62
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Don't even engage, MrV. This dude is more fucked up that Singer, and Mdawg combined. More made up alternative reality. If he had anything on me he would post it. Rob played that game for 6 years, claiming to know this and that about me, where I worked, where I lived. He knew nothing, I even begged him to post where he thought I worked, and of course he wouldn't. These guys are just looking to slander and discredit someone they don't like. That is what trollville is today.

    While the things seedvalue is claiming are so outlandish, he is getting no replies from even members that don't like me (even they know how ridiculous these claims are). But as these guys often do, he is revealing a very disturbing homophobia, bigotry and hate in his wild imagination. These haters always expose themselves.
    Im the sick one ? Here’s you enjoy breaking up a family. What type of person revels in the destruction of a family with young kids ? These are your words below

    “ I was enjoying some success, but was lonely. The next year, my partner picked up and followed me to Vegas. He left behind even more that I did. He left friends, family, and ex-wife and 3 young sons. Their loss was my gain. We once again became roommates and formed the business partnership I described above”

    You extort these men for your sick perverted self. Money power over them and sex.

    Once again to address your false claims about me being a bigot or homophobe. I’m an alpha male with a big fucking dick. My girl loves to dom gay boys and sissy’s for fun and pleasure. I don’t care about beta sissy gay boy’s choices in life.

    What I do care about is dangerous gay narcissistic psychopaths such as yourself who extort married bisexual men. This is your play , not the blackjack. Your nothing more then a con man

  3. #63
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Don't even engage, MrV. This dude is more fucked up that Singer, and Mdawg combined. More made up alternative reality. If he had anything on me he would post it. Rob played that game for 6 years, claiming to know this and that about me, where I worked, where I lived. He knew nothing, I even begged him to post where he thought I worked, and of course he wouldn't. These guys are just looking to slander and discredit someone they don't like. That is what trollville is today.

    While the things seedvalue is claiming are so outlandish, he is getting no replies from even members that don't like me (even they know how ridiculous these claims are). But as these guys often do, he is revealing a very disturbing homophobia, bigotry and hate in his wild imagination. These haters always expose themselves.
    Im the sick one ? Here’s you enjoy breaking up a family. What type of person revels in the destruction of a family with young kids ? These are your words below

    “ I was enjoying some success, but was lonely. The next year, my partner picked up and followed me to Vegas. He left behind even more that I did. He left friends, family, and ex-wife and 3 young sons. Their loss was my gain. We once again became roommates and formed the business partnership I described above”

    You extort these men for your sick perverted self. Money power over them and sex.

    Once again to address your false claims about me being a bigot or homophobe. I’m an alpha male with a big fucking dick. My girl loves to dom gay boys and sissy’s for fun and pleasure. I don’t care about beta sissy gay boy’s choices in life.

    What I do care about is dangerous gay narcissistic psychopaths such as yourself who extort married bisexual men. This is your play , not the blackjack. Your nothing more then a con man

    Your miscalculation about me is thinking I’m a troll or someone willing to lose. I play to win at all cost In everything. There will only be one winner, and in scenarios were a winner is not possible I choose mutual destruction over defeat. You will lose I guarantee it

  4. #64
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post

    Im the sick one ? Here’s you enjoy breaking up a family. What type of person revels in the destruction of a family young kids ? These are your words below

    “ I was enjoying some success, but was lonely. The next year, my partner picked up and followed me to Vegas. He left behind even more that I did. He left friends, family, and ex-wife and 3 young sons. Their loss was my gain. We once again became roommates and formed the business partnership I described above”

    You extort these men for your sick perverted self. Money power over them and sex.

    Once again to address your false claims about me being a bigot or homophobe. I’m an alpha male with a big fucking dick. My girl loves to dom gay boys and sissy’s for fun and pleasure. I don’t care about beta sissy gay boy’s choices in life.

    What I do care about is dangerous gay narcissistic psychopaths such as yourself who extort married bisexual men. This is your play , not the blackjack. Your nothing more then a con man
    Dude you don't know what you are talking about. When I met my partner after I moved to Philadelphia in 2001, he was already divorced, and had been for a number of years. His wife had remarried so there was a stepdad in the equation. two of his three kids were 18 or 19, the other 9 or 10. And he didn't have much contact with them. Birthdays, Christmas, I remember 1 high school graduation, he went to. THAT was 2001-2002 when I met him. And we were platonic friends at that point, and roommates to cut expenses.

    10 years later, in 2011, when he followed me by a year to Las Vegas, 2 of his three sons were full grown adults, and he didn't have much of a relationship with them. The youngest was still at home (I believe having graduated from high school and in first year of college) and he saw him periodically. So if I wrote "young sons" and I don't know that I did, but if I did, it was in error.

    I had nothing to do with breaking up his marriage. That occurred years before I ever met him. So just stop your fucking lying, you sick pup.

    And the dude was on disability for a very bad back, having had I don't know how many operations, on the day I met him and remained so until he passed. At the time he passed he received just over $1000 a month in disability. I mean this is the person you think I seduced for his money? I never took a dime from this man and in the end when he passed, it cost me money, because I distributed some money to his kids. I figured he helped me earn some money handling our video poker play, so I wanted to return that to his kids.

    So the guys marriage was over 5 years before I even met him. He had no money to speak of when I met him and no money when he passed, and I distributed some of my own money to his kids. yeah I seduced him for his money. IDIOT!
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  5. #65
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    he is getting no replies from even members that don't like me.
    I nominated him for VCT ROTY and MVP.

    I think the guy is doing a great service, and he is 100% more credible than you.

    You (tewlj) are a pathological liar.

    You are incapable of posting truthfully.

    Nothing you write should be believed.

  6. #66
    All I know is if kewl was who he claims he would have packed up some time ago due to the issues caused by these forums. Instead, he is one crusade to prove there are other liars on the internet. He does this at great risk to himself.

  7. #67
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    All I know is if kewl was who he claims he would have packed up some time ago due to the issues caused by these forums. Instead, he is one crusade to prove there are other liars on the internet. He does this at great risk to himself.
    I can't argue with that. I have a real problem with people bullying me and trying to drive me away from anything I want to do. But really this has become way beyond net negative for me.

    Trust me I am almost there for real.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  8. #68
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue
    Your miscalculation about me is thinking I’m a troll or someone willing to lose. I play to win at all cost In everything. There will only be one winner, and in scenarios were a winner is not possible I choose mutual destruction over defeat. You will lose I guarantee it
    I'm tempted to dismiss this as just more VCT schoolyard bullshit, but coupled with his other patently absurd, ridiculous claims and his obvious agenda of intimidation I gotta wonder what his end game is.

    Probably just another bullshit artist with too much time on his hands but then again he could be the proverbial whack job with an insane grudge and the desire to act on it.

    His "mutual destruction over defeat" seems a red flag.

    Oh well, not all the children play nicely in the VCT sand box.
    What, Me Worry?

  9. #69
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue
    Your miscalculation about me is thinking I’m a troll or someone willing to lose. I play to win at all cost In everything. There will only be one winner, and in scenarios were a winner is not possible I choose mutual destruction over defeat. You will lose I guarantee it
    I'm tempted to dismiss this as just more VCT schoolyard bullshit, but coupled with his other patently absurd, ridiculous claims and his obvious agenda of intimidation I gotta wonder what his end game is.

    Probably just another bullshit artist with too much time on his hands but then again he could be the proverbial whack job with an insane grudge and the desire to act on it.

    His "mutual destruction over defeat" seems a red flag.

    Oh well, not all the children play nicely in the VCT sand box.

    You seem to be mentally challenged in your old age. Maybe catch up by reading the post since Dan commented.

    Once again You should bet on yourself against me in something. Easy money right

  10. #70
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue
    Maybe catch up by reading the post since Dan commented.
    Your little act of contrition changes nothing.

    Originally Posted by Seedvalue
    Once again You should bet on yourself against me in something. Easy money right

    You're just a bullshit artist.
    What, Me Worry?

  11. #71
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue
    Maybe catch up by reading the post since Dan commented.
    Your little act of contrition changes nothing.

    Originally Posted by Seedvalue
    Once again You should bet on yourself against me in something. Easy money right

    You're just a bullshit artist.

    Yup all fake bro all fake

    Red flag

  12. #72
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue
    Yup all fake bro all fake
    Thanks for clarifying that; OK SV, back on the short bus...
    What, Me Worry?

  13. #73
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue
    Yup all fake bro all fake
    Thanks for clarifying that; OK SV, back on the short bus...

    You want to bet I can pass the bar with some study even tho I never went to law school ? I be willing to bet you 500k to 1 million on this. Just to show you how trivial your life has been. I mean most lawyers feel like they are some how far superior then the rest of us. It’s amusing to be honest. How semi smart people can convince themselves they are so important. When In fact none of us are really that important.

    Whatever thing you think you have a perceived edge against me I’m willing to entertain a bet against you. This is a gambling board right ? Do you have anything to contribute in the form of gambling? Or are you just the gays lawyer?

  14. #74
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue
    Yup all fake bro all fake
    Thanks for clarifying that; OK SV, back on the short bus...

    You want to bet I can pass the bar with some study even tho I never went to law school ? I be willing to bet you 500k to 1 million on this. Just to show you how trivial your life has been. I mean most lawyers feel like they are some how far superior then the rest of us. It’s amusing to be honest. How semi smart people can convince themselves they are so important. When In fact none of us are really that important.

    Whatever thing you think you have a perceived edge against me I’m willing to entertain a bet against you. This is a gambling board right ? Do you have anything to contribute in the form of gambling? Or are you just the gays lawyer?
    LOL. You know, Seed, I spent the majority of my life in the top one-half of one percent in any intelligence test you could give me, AND in the top one half of one percent in any cardio test you could give me, and I've been waiting my whole life to say that in a context where I might appear humble next to "the other guy." So thanks for that. Sadly, I'm no longer in the top one half of one percent in anything except handicapping college football. And my girlfriend, unfortunately, is better than me.

    Anyway, I've done an outline for a "Let's Kill All the Lawyers" blog series, and I figure you and MrV should be the first to know. I will tell you when I get the first one polished up and published. The theme is that the American adversarial court system has actually laid the structural foundation for the red/blue dichotomy where facts matter less than winning and everyone stays in their informational silos. Where nobody admits they are wrong, and it's all about stating your case loudly and obfuscating any counter-arguments.

  15. #75
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue
    This is a gambling board right ? Do you have anything to contribute in the form of gambling?
    No, smartass, it is not a gambling board; it is a board dedicated to Las Vegas Talk.

    There's other boards that focus primarily on gambling.

    Oh, enough of the "I will bet you a million" bullshit: not interested.

    Not afraid, just not interested.

    You think you're the apex poster here, do you?

    Go ahead and prove it with your keyboard.
    What, Me Worry?

  16. #76
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue
    This is a gambling board right ? Do you have anything to contribute in the form of gambling?
    No, smartass, it is not a gambling board; it is a board dedicated to Las Vegas Talk.

    There's other boards that focus primarily on gambling.

    Oh, enough of the "I will bet you a million" bullshit: not interested.

    Not afraid, just not interested.

    You think you're the apex poster here, do you?

    Go ahead and prove it with your keyboard.
    No I literally just want to take your money so I can give it away to something that would benefit society. Maybe create some jobs with it. Anything is better then a lawyer having the money

  17. #77
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue
    This is a gambling board right ? Do you have anything to contribute in the form of gambling?
    No, smartass, it is not a gambling board; it is a board dedicated to Las Vegas Talk.

    There's other boards that focus primarily on gambling.

    Oh, enough of the "I will bet you a million" bullshit: not interested.

    Not afraid, just not interested.

    You think you're the apex poster here, do you?

    Go ahead and prove it with your keyboard.
    No I literally just want to take your money so I can give it away to something that would benefit society. Maybe create some jobs with it. Anything is better then a lawyer having the money
    You are on all those boards as well. Contributing nothing just like here. You don’t even have enough disposable income to place a bet. Very odd for a successful lawyer. Chances are you are as fake as the blackjack savant

  18. #78
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    All I know is if kewl was who he claims he would have packed up some time ago due to the issues caused by these forums. Instead, he is one crusade to prove there are other liars on the internet. He does this at great risk to himself.
    I can't argue with that. I have a real problem with people bullying me and trying to drive me away from anything I want to do. But really this has become way beyond net negative for me.

    Trust me I am almost there for real.

    Here we have our fake blackjack player savant trying to meet a forum member called strictlyAP in Vegas. Most likely to get his cock sucked raw


    “ At the start of the season, I projected the eagles at 8-8. Today @ 4-5 and looking at the remaining schedule, I would project them @ 6-10.

    Oakland was always a strong matchup for the Eagles. As long as Jackson, McCoy, Celek and Cooper were playing the Eagles offense would be too strong for Oakland defense, with either Foles or Vick playing qb, while Oakland's offense isn't strong enough to take advantage of the Eagles really weak defense. So I'm with Mission, it was just a lopsided win over a weak team that they happened to match up well against.

    And that is too take nothing away from Nick Foles. He did something only a few qb's have done in the long history of the NFL and he had accomplished it before the end of the third quarter. I hope he continues to progress.

    And now enough about the Eagles. Let's hear how strictlyAP, is going to take his roughly $1100 win from those two games and reach his goal of a $20 grand win for the trip. :-) “

  19. #79

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