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Thread: Young Axl Rose and Cake Cream in 2022! :D

  1. #161
    Axl looked at the Contract he signed to be Cake Cream's Manager. It said he had Power Of Attorney over Cake Cream. He assumed that meant that he could act as their Lawyer. Attorney meant Lawyer, so that must mean he has the power to act as their Attorney.

    He told Jimmy he could act as his Lawyer. Jimmy was like ,"Uh, Axl, you're not a Lawyer.

    "You guys gave me Power Of Attorney over you guys so that means I can act like your Lawyer. Axl answered.

    Cake Cream and Jimmy pointed out that Power Of Attorney did NOT mean that Axl could act as their Lawyer. They explained to him that Power Of Attorney basically meant that he was in charge of their finances and health decisions, such as if they become plagued with elderly Dementia or have serious health issues. Axl was one year younger than all of Cake Cream, so he most likely wouldn't be an eligible Power Of Attorney for them in their old age, but he could make important life decisions for them such as when he used the Defibrillator on James when James slipped into a Coma. Axl was touched that Cake Cream trusted him so much they gave him power over their health and finances. He thanked them and they welcomed him.

    Axl did have a say in whether or not Cake Cream could go on the stand such as the Axl Rose vs Brian Washington Court Case. He was their Legal Representative, but not their Lawyer.

    Cake Cream and Axl wondered if Axl could still act like Jimmy's Lawyer in Jimmy's case. This was a fine line since both Jimmy and James were Axl's Clients. Axl was like,"I'm pretty sure that me representing Jimmy is a conflict of interest since both Jimmy and James are my Clients. If Jimmy had hit some random dude Allison had sex with, the line to defend Jimmy would be much clearer. The fact that he hit James for having sex with Allison makes this line murky. Very murky."

    Axl and Cake Cream chatted more about this. Axl still wasn't clear what to do.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  2. #162
    Mr. X's shoe phone rang; it was Axl.

    "Just a minute Axl, I just shot myself through the head suicidally, but I'm OK now, I stuffed the hole with Charmin'; what's up?

    "Why weren't you in court for Jimmy's arraignment?"

    "Never mind, I can be there now," he responded, "But since you asked, I was trying to double my money by counting two tables at a time: no luck."

    They discussed how the hearing was tomorrow, and Mr. X promised he'd be there.

    Before checking out Mr. X examined the hole in his head; he removed the TP and stuffed a hand rag in the cavern, calling it good to go.

    "To infinity, and beyond" he yelled as he checked out and walked into the rain; "life is good."

    But little did he know that his life would soon be changing in oh so many ways...
    What, Me Worry?

  3. #163
    Axl thought and thought. Maybe he could get Older Axl to act as James's Lawyer and he could act as Jimmy's Lawyer? Technically, Older Axl and Axl were two different People, just close Family Members.

    Jimmy went to his room. Axl told Billy and Andy his thoughts and Billy asked "Axl, are you out of your mind? Asking Older Axl to act as James's Lawyer? Older Axl barely even wanted James to live with him and now you're thinking of asking him to act as James's Lawyer?

    Andy said,"Do you REALLY think Older Axl would go for this?

    Axl was like,"It can't hurt to ask him. Billy and Andy both shook their heads in a "Please don't do it!" Gesture.

    Axl said,"I'm still going for it!"

    Billy said verbally,"Baby, please don't ask Older Axl to act as James's Lawyer."

    Andy said,"It's a plain bad idea. A good Manager listens to his Clients' objections and pleas." Billy backed him up

    Axl's stomach churned. He understood that Andy and Billy definitely didn't want him to ask Older Axl to act as James's Lawyer.

    He told them he wouldn't ask Older Axl to act as James's Lawyer."

    Billy and Andy breathed sighs of relief.

    Axl said maybe he could just plain hire two different Lawyers for James and Jimmy.

    Billy and Andy said they thought that was better than asking Older Axl to act as James's Lawyer.

    Mike came out of his room(Jimmy was still in his room) and they all chatted about this.

    Mike said," Actually, letting James and Jimmy pick their OWN lawyers would be ideal."

    Billy, Axl, and Andy thought Mike's suggestion was good. Mike smiled.

    Jimmy came out of his room and Mike, Billy, Axl, and Andy asked him how he felt about picking his own lawyer for his upcoming court case against James.

    Jimmy responded,"I'd be okay with choosing my own lawyer." Everybody smiled.

    They went to a law firm and Jimmy chose his own lawyer. He paid the lawyer half upfront. He would pay him the rest after the case. His lawyer practiced the court case with him. They all chatted and then said their goodbyes and left.

    They went home and ate and drank. Jimmy fell asleep and Axl called James and gave him a warning to get his own lawyer, one that was NOT the same person Jimmy had chosen for obvious reasons. Axl told him Jimmy's lawyer's name. James thanked him for his suggestions and he welcomed him.

    The next day, James hired a different lawyer than Jimmy and paid him half upfront. They practiced the case.

    The next day, Jimmy's court date, Mike, Axl, Jimmy Billy and Andy got ready for the court date and went to court. Jimmy's lawyer practiced the court case with him again.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  4. #164

    A homeless man had sought and found shelter in the basement of the courthouse, entering via an accidentally unlocked door.

    He made a bed for himself of newspapers, rags and losing Mega Millions tickets and fell asleep, perchance to dream.

    Morning came, and he woke and lit up the first cigarette of the day, then absent-mindedly flicked the butt onto his bedding, causing an immediate conflagration.

    As it happened the courthouse above was packed with reporters, visitors, litigants and court personnel involved in the James / Jimmy case, and almost immediately the courthouse went up in flames.

    Mayhem in Dept. 2: screams and yodels pierced the air.

    Name:  Mason-County-Courthouse-Fire.jpg
Views: 240
Size:  87.3 KB
    What, Me Worry?

  5. #165
    Soon after, James and his lawyer came in and Jimmy glared at James. Axl thought,"Oh no," and begged Jimmy to not kick James's ass right there in the Courtroom. Everybody was wearing bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets.

    Jimmy said,"I won't hurt James. "

    Axl breathed a relieved sigh.

    Court was in Session and everybody was sworn in.

    Jimmy's lawyer brought up the fact that Jimmy was a good person and just temporarily lost his temper when he hit James with his Bass Guitar.

    James's lawyer said,"My client is the victim of this monster named Jimmy King. James Dobson, my Client almost died in the hospital due to Jimmy attacking him like a wild animal with his Bass Guitar. Jimmy is a wild animal."

    Axl was offended that James's Lawyer called Jimmy a monster and a wild animal. Jimmy wasn't a monster. Jimmy was a nice and sweet person who got screwed over by James and Allison. Even James looked offended by Jimmy being called a Monster and a wild animal. James shook his head.

    James went on the stand and said,"Jimmy isn't a wild animal or a monster. Jimmy is one of the sweetest and kindest people I know. I had sex with Allison, his ex girlfriend, and shouldn't have, and he has every right to be pissed off at me."

    James's Lawyer said,"Shut up, you stupid fool! We need to win this case!"

    Axl was appalled at James's Lawyer calling him a stupid fool and telling him to shut up."

    Mike, Billy and Andy were like,"Oh hell no!" They were also appalled by James's Lawyer.

    James also looked appalled. Jimmy looked appalled too. James made a huge questionable mistake by having sex with Allison, but he did not deserve for his Lawyer to speak to him and about him so incredibly rudely.

    Axl said,"Objection. You're fired for incredible rudeness and unprofessionalism to my Client." James looked grateful.

    James lawyer nastily responded,"I still get paid in full for agreeing to be this stupid Idiot's lawyer!"

    Axl paid him the rest of the money and told him,"Hit the bricks!" James's Lawyer said to James,"Good luck winning your case without a Lawyer, you stupid ass hole!" He smirked and left.

    Jimmy did NOT like how James's Lawyer spoke to and about him at all. He'd never seen such atrocious behavior from a lawyer in real life.

    But now, James was left with no lawyer.

    Jimmy told Axl in private, "If he apologizes to me for having sex with Allison, I'll be willing to completely forgive him. He never did apologize to me for having sex with Allison. That's all I REALLY want."

    Axl responded,"That's not an unreasonable thought and is the right thing for James to do. Allison is completely out of the picture, trust me."

    Jimmy smiled at Axl and Axl smiled back.

    The judge was like,"Wow. That was bad." The judge asked James if he wanted to press charges on Jimmy.

    Axl telepathically begged James to not press charges on Jimmy and to just apologize to Jimmy for having sex with Allison.

    James took a deep breath and said,"No. I don't want to press charges against Jimmy. I was in the wrong for having sex with Allison and shouldn't have done it."

    The judge asked him if he wanted to apologize to Jimmy for having sex with Allison.

    James took a deep breath and said," Jimmy, I'm sorry and I apologize for having sex with Allison."

    Jimmy said," I accept your apologies. I am sorry for assaulting you."

    James accepted his apologies and the judge said that there would be no charges pressed against Jimmy. Jimmy paid his lawyer the rest of the money he owed him.

    Court was adjourned and Cake Cream and Axl left and went to Burger King, like old times, eating and enjoying each other's company.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  6. #166
    Good grief, your ignorance of life and law is boundless.

    No fucking way would a trial happen as quickly as you say; first appearance and arraignment only.

    Was this a criminal or civil proceeding?

    Hard to say the way you garbled it all up.

    James would never have a lawyer ask him to testify this early in a case: patently ridiculous, and James' lawyer would NEVER make those comments in a real court action.

    Watching idiots such as yourself try to write courtroom dramas when they know jack shit about the subject and just make it up is cause for a massive face palm; sort of like watching an a six year old try to rebuild an engine.

    Give it up; stick to ... fuck it, you're good for nothing.

    Just breathe and consider yourself lucky.
    Last edited by MisterV; 01-11-2023 at 11:28 AM.
    What, Me Worry?

  7. #167
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Good grief, your ignorance of life and law is boundless.

    No fucking way would a trial happen as quickly as you say; first appearance and arraignment only.

    Was this a criminal or civil proceeding?

    Hard to say the way you garbled it all up.

    James would never have a lawyer ask him to testify this early in a case: patently ridiculous, and James' lawyer would NEVER make those comments in a real court action.

    Watching idiots such as yourself try to write courtroom dramas when they know jack shit about the subject and just make it up is cause for a massive face palm; sort of like watching an a six year old try to rebuild an engine.

    Give it up; stick to ... fuck it, you're good for nothing.

    Just breathe and consider yourself lucky.
    In my Fictional Axl Rose stories, Court hearings/cases happen very quickly. I rush the shit out of Court hearings/Court cases.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  8. #168
    Well, I guess in your personal version of Aristophanes' "Cloudcuckooland" anything is possible.
    What, Me Worry?

  9. #169
    Axl felt good having all five Cake Cream Members back together.

    Axl smiled. Fans were like,"Hey, all five Cake Cream Members and Axl are here! They begged Cake Cream and Axl for selfies and autographs and they obliged. The Fans were happy and left.

    James was particularly extra glad he ended his and Allison's budding relationship. His Brotherly Friendship with Jimmy was so worth more than Allison and his budding relationship. James couldn't believe he temporarily threw away a good brotherly friendship with Jimmy who he had known for years for a temporary fling. James told Jimmy that Allison was definitely out of the picture for him. Jimmy added she was out of the picture for him too. They smiled at each other.

    Axl decided to draw up a Contract that stated that no Cake Cream Member was ever allowed to have sex with any other Cake Cream's girlfriend (James, Jimmy, and Mike who were all straight) or any Cake Cream's boyfriend (Andy and Billy who were gay). He'd also add that he and Billy wouldn't cheat on each other. He'd make this Contract when they got home. They enjoyed their time at Burger King and went home.

    At home, Axl drew up the Contract, and everybody read it, understood, agreed and all 6 signed. Axl smiled. Cake Cream all smiled too.

    They went on Social Media and the Court Case today already went viral.

    Fans were disgusted and shocked by James's rude and unprofessional Lawyer and they laughed at Axl's "Hit the bricks," barb. They were like, "LMAO! Axl should have punched that Lawyer in the face for talking about and too James so rudely and insulting him!" Cake Cream and Axl laughed themselves. It felt good for Cake Cream and Axl to be laughing together again, back to basics.

    James's Lawyer was being boycotted against and he went on the news and claimed he was suing James for this! The Judge pointed out that he had no merit in suing James as James was the victim of his unprofessional and his rudeness and James hadn't said anything to deserve to be sued. The judge pointed out that if anything, James should be the one pressing charges against his Lawyer. The Lawyer sulked, realizing the judge was right.

    Cake Cream and Axl shook their heads at James's lawyer's audacity. They then all laughed at the Lawyer.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  10. #170
    The lawyer got the last laugh.

    He filed a bogus lawsuit against Cake Cream, claiming breach of contract; he falsified proof of service, and took a defaul judgment for $400 Million dollars.

    He then executed against the property owned by Cake Cream; soon all theirs was his.

    Don't fuck with guys who have the power to destroy you.
    What, Me Worry?

  11. #171
    Axl looked at Cake Cream and thought of how he had these 4 close Brothers and a Boyfriend who loved him dearly and how he loved them all too. Axl felt happy, the exact opposite of how he felt when he was ready to run away from Cake Cream and wanted out of the "Bakery."

    They chilled until the next day and decided they wanted to go to the Youth Fair. They got ready and put on bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets and had fun chilling at the Youth Fair.

    A Fan asked Axl how he felt about Cake Cream Members. Axl responded," Andy, Mike, Jimmy, and James are like my Brothers." Andy, James, Mike and Jimmy smiled.

    The Fan smirked and pointed out that he didn't say that Billy was like his Brother. Billy blushed.

    Axl had a look of panic, thinking about his and Billy's relationship and said,"Stuart is my actual Brother. I wouldn't say that me and Billy are like Stuart and I, but I'd say that Jimmy, Mike, Andy, and James are like Stuart and I. Billy is my close Friend, not my Brother." Billy smiled shyly.

    The Fan straight up asked Axl and Billy if they were Lovers. Axl and Billy both said ,"No," in unison. Cake Cream also said that Axl and Billy weren't dating.

    The Fan smirked skeptically and asked Billy and Axl if they'd ever kissed each other.

    They both said,"No," in Unison again. Cake Cream also said that Axl and Billy had never kissed each other before. The Fan had been filming this whole interaction. Axl suspiciously asked if he was filming this and the Fan said,"No," and ran off.

    Billy, Axl, and the rest of Cake Cream shook their heads, knowing exactly what the Fan had just done.

    Axl and Cake Cream light heartedly mentioned that this impromptu interview would most likely be going viral soon. They all laughed good naturedly. They had more fun at the Youth Fair and then went home and had pizza and soda.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  12. #172
    Axl is a drunk, male prostitute and Mr. Vee accidentally doused him with lighter fluid and set Axl flambe. Mr. Vee scared Axl straight.

  13. #173
    ^^ I always knew you were an underrated poster that had a lot of potential.

  14. #174
    The wicked lawyer put down the magnifying glass and stopped burning ants with it for a moment: his minion had returned.

    "Here's your phone back, and yeah I got it all on it up and see" the errant youth smiled grandly.

    Upon verification, the demented law dawg said "Cool, here's $500.00, piss off."

    The shitty shyster uploaded the video onto social media, popped a few more oxy's, and got back to the case he had been focusing on: looting a widow's estate, putting her out of her Beverly Hills home and forcing her out on the street.

    "I may have gone to a shitty law school, and I may only be able to practice in California, but I know how to flense and debone these infidels."

    Or so he thought...
    What, Me Worry?

  15. #175
    Billy said he was going to go to the movies. Cake Cream and Axl said they would go with him. Billy then claimed he was going to go to the Zoo. Billy then claimed he was going to go to the mall. They all said they would go with him. Billy then said he was going to go to the Supermarket. They all said they would go with him.

    Billy said,"Please! I just want to go out by myself!" He was acting like Axl kind of, LMAO!

    They let him go out by himself. Cake Cream and Axl had a feeling that Billy was really going to go buy more Cocaine.

    Billy was wearing a bulletproof vest and a motorcycle helmet. He went to a drug dealer and bought Cocaine from him. He thanked him and was welcomed.

    Billy went back home.

    Cake Cream and Axl pointed out he was home awfully early. Billy shyly blushed. He went to his room and snorted Cocaine. He then took some Subutex.

    He left his room and watched TV with Cake Cream and Axl.

    Axl wryly sang in the tune of Mr. Brownstone,"He's been dancing with Mr. Coco. Mr. Coco's been knocking. He won't leave him alone!" Billy blushed. Cake Cream and Axl all pointed out they knew that Billy just did more Cocaine. Billy admitted it and begged them to not tell anyone else.

    They were like,"We're not going to tell anyone else about your Cocaine use."

    Billy breathed a sigh of relief and thanked them and Cake Cream and Axl welcomed him.

    Axl asked,"Did you at least take your Subutex?"

    Billy responded,"Yes," I did.

    Axl smiled and replied,"At least you're being responsible." Cake Cream smiled too.

    They all reminded Billy to only do Cocaine in the house. Billy said,"I know." They all smiled. They continued to watch TV. Billy fell asleep on Axl's lap.

    Claven Records called Axl's Cellphone and told them that Fans wanted to see them perform at James L Knight Center in two days. They chatted a bit and then said their goodbyes.

    Axl told them that Claven Records said Fans wanted to see them perform at James L Knight Center in two days. Cake Cream really didn't want to perform in two days, but Axl once again pointed out they were working for the Fans. They reluctantly agreed to do another James L Knight Center performance. They watched more TV. Billy woke up and they told Billy about yet another James L Knight Center performance in two days. Billy groaned reluctantly but the rest of Cake Cream said,"We're working for the Fans, remember that " Axl smiled. They were repeating his Fan Mantra. They chilled and practiced for two days and then it was time for the show.

    They got ready and put on bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets and went to the James L Knight Center and practiced again and then the Show started. They performed behind bulletproof plexiglass barriers Fans were thrilled to have James and Jimmy playing Lead Guitar and Bass Guitar again, amicably close to each other like the good old times. The tension that was present the last time they played together seemed to have been water under the bridge. They sounded really good together. Two great Guitar Gods playing amicably next to each other. In fact, all of Cake Cream did a phenomenal jobs Fans cheered wildly. The show was beyond great.

    It was time for the Final Sendoff and everybody was happy, particularly James and Jimmy were happy. The budding Civil War between them ended. The Sendoff was great and the Fans cheered wildly and the Show was over. They went home.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  16. #176
    Billy went to the YMCA, looking for some action, and there he espied the "fan" who'd filmed the video currently raging across the 'net; he approached him.

    Billy threw the weasel to the ground, kicked him in the groin and said "Who paid you to film me?"

    He soon learned how the crooked lawyer had masterminded the entire thing.

    Billy left the ruffian on the floor, groaning, and decided something drastic had to be done.

    He researched as much as he could about the demented mouthpiece and was not impressed; turns out he came from a family of wealthy yet disreutable desert nomads who'd originally made their fortune ambushing and sacking caravans throughout the years, and when that dried up they turned to forging "priceless" antiquities for sale on the black market.

    The desert dwellers had exiled the runt of the litter to The West due to his seemingly incurable attraction to camels (Why are camels called "ships of the desert?" 'Cause they're filled with arab semen).

    Armed with these facts Billy put his plan into action.

    He contacted the JDL and told them the shyster was overheard threatening to kill Netanyahu; no slouches these Mossad types: douchedawg's left hand was quickly severed and placed surreptitiously on the baccarat layout at Cosmo.

    The pit boss noticed upon inspection that the Rolex was fake.

    "Yeah, I thought so" he chuckled.
    Last edited by MisterV; 01-13-2023 at 05:45 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  17. #177
    Claven Records called Axl's Cellphone and told them that the Fans wanted another show at the James L Knight Center tomorrow.

    Axl groaned reluctantly and told Claven Records to hold on. They did.

    He told Cake Cream that Claven Records said that the Fans wanted another show at the James L Knight Center tomorrow and the day after that.

    Cake Cream groaned reluctantly. They really didn't want to do another show tomorrow and the day after that. Axl said,"We're working for the Fans, remember that."

    Cake Cream once again decided to do the show tomorrow and the day after that. Axl smiled and told Claven Records that Cake Cream would do those shows. Claven Records were happy. They chatted and then soon said goodbye and hung up.

    Cake Cream practiced for the two shows, ate, and slept.

    The next day, it was time to get ready for the James L Knight Center Show again. Billy was having a hard time getting up. He was awake, he just didn't want to get out of bed. Cake Cream and Axl were like, "Billy, it's time to get ready for the show," and Billy was lethargic and was like,"Start the show without me. I'll meet up with you guys later."

    Cake Cream and Axl were like, "Starting the show without your amazing drumming is risky." Billy was like,"Yeah, whatever", and didn't want to get out of bed. He was like,"I'm coming later." Cake Cream and Axl were like,"Okay," reluctantly and went to the James L Knight Center without Billy.

    They started the show (They had on Bulletproof vest and motorcycle helmets) and Fans were immediately like,"Where the hell is Billy?"

    Axl addressed the elephant in the room and said,"We are down our Drummer, he is feeling a little sick now, but that doesn't mean we can't still have fun with our lead guitar, bass guitar, Singer, and keyboardist!" The Fans were like,"Okay." Jimmy, James, Andy and Mike performed for about an hour, and sounded good but Billy's awesome drumming was missing.

    Billy showed up about an hour into the set, clearly looking off. He was stumbling, sweating, jittery, looking very feverish, and played the Drums sloppily and lazily. Fans were like,"What the hell, Billy?" Cake Cream and Axl were also like,"What the hell, Billy?"

    Billy had a glassy look in his eyes and his eyes were dilated . He was slurring his words. Axl said,"Stop the show for a much needed break!" The show stopped for the much needed break. Axl asked the James L Knight Staff for a rapid Covid test package, a blood pressure machine, and a thermometer. They gave Axl a Covid test, a blood pressure machine, and a thermometer.

    Axl said to Billy,"Come here." Billy obediently came to Axl. Axl said,"I'm going to test your blood pressure. Billy obediently let Axl test his blood pressure. Axl was like, "160 over 100. This seems really high. This can't be good. I'm going to need you to remove your motorcycle helmet so I can test you for Covid and check your temperature. " Billy was like,"Okay." He removed his motorcycle helmet. Axl tested Billy's forehead and was like,"You've got a fever of 102. This is not a good sign. High blood pressure, high fever, I don't like the looks of this." He then used the Covid test on Billy. Billy put on his motorcycle helmet after the Covid test. Axl waited a couple of minutes and was like,"Your Covid Test says that you tested positive for Covid.

    I can't believe you did Covid and Came here. Axl quickly corrected himself and said,"I can't believe you got Covid and then came here. You showed up here hopped up on Covid, high blood pressure, and a high fever.. I'm so disappointed that you came here on Covid, a high fever and high blood pressure. We'll talk about this later.

    You really shouldn't be on stage right now in your condition. Go home and get some rest." You'll be healthy tomorrow and back tomorrow for the next show." In a lower voice, Axl asked Billy if he took his Subutex. Billy replied, "I forgot."

    Axl shook his head. Go home and take the Subutex please." In a louder voice (So that the audience could hear, he told Billy,"Please go home and take your medicine that starts with an S and feel better."

    Billy nodded and left. Axl said, "The show can resume." The Show resumed without Billy. Cake Cream and Axl knew exactly what happened. Billy had done Cocaine at home and then showed up to the Show under the influence of Cocaine. Axl had used "Covid," as shorthand for "Cocaine." They didn't want to tell their Fans that Billy had done Cocaine in the house and then come to the show hopped up on it.

    The final Sendoff happened and it was kind of weird without Billy, but Fans still cheered wildly. The show was soon over.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  18. #178
    Dr. Fauci happened to be in the audience; he went back stage after the show and examined Billy.

    "This man does NOT have covid" he announced; "No, this man has ebola."

    As he said this they watched blood seep out of Billy's eyes: he collapsed.

    The good doctor grabbed the live mike and said "This man his ebola. You've all been exposed. Go immediately to the hospital or else you'll all die in a couple of days. Thanks, and I hope you enjoyed the show."

    Mayhem ensued; dozens were crushed to death stampeding to the exit, and still others died in auto accidents as thousands of paniced fans all headed to the only hospital in town.

    Meanwhile, in his dark, dank spider-infested lair, the Shyster from Hell spoke with the ruffian who'd been attacked by Billy.

    "It looks like you were able to infect him with what I gave you" and he handed him another five hundred bucks.

    Alone, the demented lawyer mused about how easy it had been for him to get live ebola virus via the dark web.

    "Today Billy, tomorrow America. Allahu Akbar."

    __________________________________________________ ______________________

    *note: any resemblance to persons living or dead is just too damned bad
    Last edited by MisterV; 01-13-2023 at 07:36 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  19. #179
    After the show, they were approached by Medical Staff.

    The Medical Staff were like,"Care to get tested for Covid?" They had brought 5 Rapid Covid Tests.

    Axl, Jimmy, James, Andy, and Mike tried to run, but Cops came and told them they'd all be arrested if they refused the tests. The Cops pointed out that since Billy tested positive for Covid, all 5 of them needed to be tested for Covid since they all were in close contact with Billy. Actually, Billy had tested NEGATIVE for Covid when Axl had tested him, he didn't have Covid, Axl just lied to keep Billy's Cocaine addiction a secret.

    Axl said with a lot of serious authority,"I want it put in writing that these tests are against our will and we were told if we do not take the tests we will be arrested. I want all results to be strictly confidential and also put in writing that the results are to be strictly confidential. I want it clear that we will NOT be arrested after doing these tests. I will draw up the Contract myself and everyone will read it, understand it, to agree, and sign this legally binding Contract."

    Cake Cream was impressed by how quickly Axl put on his authoritative Manager hat. They agreed with what he was saying.

    The Medical Staff and police agreed to Axl's demands, uh, negotiations and Axl drew up the Contract very succinctly and thoroughly, making absolutely no mistakes. He made it clear that there was no technical loopholes in this Contract. Everyone read, understood, agreed and signed. Everyone got their own copies of this impromptu Contract.

    The Medical Staff did the rapid Covid Tests on everyone and they all tested NEGATIVE for Covid.

    They were free to leave and smirked and went home.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  20. #180
    The swarthy, crooked attorney unlocked his basement padlocks and descended, in search of The Ultimate Weapon.

    Overpowering stench assaulted him.

    Caged and angry, a loathesome animal shook its bars and roared.

    "Soon, Rob...soon" cooed douchedawg: "Very soon."

    Twenty minutes later the cage doors were unlocked and the demented juris doctor took the hulking troll by the hand, put him in a human scanner, scanned him and *poof* he disappeared into the ether.

    "That's all, folks: I've just released the double up bug, fortified with ebola, into the internet. Adios, muchachos."

    And with that he laughed, then laughed some more.
    What, Me Worry?

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