Originally Posted by mcap View Post
Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
Some of you guys are just figuring out that a forum owner/administrator has the ability to read PM's?

Why do you think you don't get more Pm's from Bot-type new members advertising everything under the sun? Far be it for me to defend Druff, but I would guess and am very comfortable that he only does this when someone alerts him that they received spam PM's. I'll bet he will tell you that is what occurred with this situation. BUT, anyone uncomfortable with it, probably shouldn't post here or any other forum.

While I have plenty of criticism with Druff, I am not only unconcerned about him reading PM's, but I am unconcerned with other information that a forum owner/administrator has on it's members. I don't know if there are any crossover members left at WoV, but I would be much more concerned with THAT guy. He (shackleford) took money to keep quiet and not voice his opinion and even signed a NDA on it. THAT is a guy that seemingly will sell out anyone for a buck. I would be much more concerned about him having information than Druff.
You might be misinterpreting people’s concerns. Ability to read PM’s, yeah he’s an admin. Thinking it’s appropriate to publicly expose to the entire forum the CONTENT of a PRIVATE message is something else completely, but that’s something you’ve done multiple times so you probably wouldn’t get that viewpoint.
Hate to agree with mcap on anything but he makes complete and utter sense in his post.
Notice how QueerJ keeps flip flopping.
One post hates Dan Druff... Next post, loves and praises him.
I told you long ago that the Backdoor Private Message System was nothing but EVIL and that I refuse to use it.
I have been nice and helped a couple people out on information about machines when asked.
I've also responded to maybe 3 or 4 comments but 95% of my PMs go straight into the trash.
Especially, any and all that Dan Druff ever sent me which I think is just one.
Not that I hate Dan Druff.
I just think it's funny to delete any and all PMs from any owner of any site.
Like, Fuck You... if you want to converse with me do it in public!