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Thread: The Adventures of MDawg (in progress)

  1. #3381
    Kewlj, I'm very, very disappointed. I thought for sure you would be a fan of Wink Martindale.

    Regarding your other comments, hey, wellbush starting with 2K and turning it into 50K, even if purely fiction, tallies more street cred with many people than MDawg's tales of starting with a lot of money and making more. Wellbush's modest starting point may garner more supporters.

    And even though wellbush's response in Post #3375 sounds a lot more like MDawg than any of wellbush's previous posts, you can blame that on me. I kind of figured a little lesson in grammar could conceivably have that effect.

  2. #3382
    Originally Posted by jdaewoo View Post
    Originally Posted by wellbush View Post
    You're correct re detractors'. You're not necessarily correct re "countless" coz ("coz" is another english error, but who's being pedantic?) I was using the term in the sense of 'numerous.' I'll get back to you re EV.
    Fuck off you trolling cunt.

  3. #3383
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    I kind of figured a little lesson in grammar could conceivably have that effect.
    Speaking of grammar and relatedly spelling. On my home computer I use a spell check feature, that captures about half of my many spelling issues. Today "shawdows" slipped by the spell checker.

    And what is even worse is it changes some words that make sense to words that do not make sence. Today it changed 'whole' to 'who'. This is actually a frequent change made. It also changed 'he' to 'is'. Where I wrote "let's assume he isn't Mdawg" to let's assume is isn't Mdawg.

    As if I don't have enough trouble.

  4. #3384
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    I kind of figured a little lesson in grammar could conceivably have that effect.
    Speaking of grammar and relatedly spelling. On my home computer I use a spell check feature, that captures about half of my many spelling issues. Today "shawdows" slipped by the spell checker.

    And what is even worse is it changes some words that make sense to words that do not make sence. Today it changed 'whole' to 'who'. This is actually a frequent change made. It also changed 'he' to 'is'. Where I wrote "let's assume he isn't Mdawg" to let's assume is isn't Mdawg.

    As if I don't have enough trouble.
    I 100 percent believe you. Lots of People have Problems with Autocorrect/Spell Checker putting something a similar word/phrase and it changing what they really wanted to say. For instance, RS on WOV originally meant something like, "Lucky you," an innocent thing. His Autocorrect.... Put "Fuck you," and RS soon said that his Autocorrect put that when he REALLY wanted to say "Lucky you." Beachbumbabs said she ALMOST gave him his first ever Suspension but something told her to not do it since RS doesn't ever curse and she was glad she hadn't given him the Suspension and had held off on it.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  5. #3385
    Last edited by MDawg; 01-19-2023 at 12:07 PM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  6. #3386
    Welcome Back Dawg!
    Pull up a chair and stay awhile so Dan and Rat Fink Boz can get more information and use it against you.
    I'm sure KJ and others won't be far behind them.
    Place is infested and probably always has been.

  7. #3387
    Yesterday at WoV, Maddog posted that his most recent LV trip had ended. Of course another 2 week trip, up 150k, comped suites AND he won a large undisclosed amount in a drawing...because that is the way Las Vegas works. I decided not to comment on that (until now) as there is just no sense. BUT, I cannot allow this post today to stand without comment, as there are several references to blackjack, double deck, no less, and card counting, that are just pure fantasy.

    Maddog: I went back to playing more DD Blackjack at some points during the trip, and I definitely varied the bet quite a bit.

    What was crazy was during one session a pit boss called out "All in!" on a certain hand which actually I was reaching for the chips at the same moment the pit boss said that, but this particularly dealer was dealing to me so fast (one on one, private table) that I didn't have time to place the table max chips down. Sure enough, Blackjack!

    It was at an obvious moment when the count was high, among other things.

    I actually took it easier on Blackjack than usual, varying my bet only, say...with a 20X or so spread, but I got most of the biguns.

    Ok, so he talks of high counts, so he is card counting and spreading 1-20 on a double deck game, a private table double deck game at one of the sweatiest casinos in Vegas (Cosmo), that uses top technology to spot and stop card counters. This is just pure bullshit, starting with the 1-20 spread at double deck.

    Next, the pitboss called "all in", meaning he knew Mdog would be betting large before he even bet. What does that tell you? If the "story" were true, it tells you the pit boss was counting along and knew the count was high. The pit boss identifies a card counter at high stakes and allows it. Again, this is nonsense. It is bullshit. This is not the way Las Vegas works.

    And third, a card counter does not win MOST of his biggest bets. That is just a statement by someone that has absolutely no idea how card counting really works. Even at a strong positive count, the card counter is only playing at 2-3% advantage at best. Winning most of these counts is approaching 18 y.o. in row nonsense. Of course this player did tell us he once won 60 hands in a row playing blackjack so....

    I have come to terms that this guy is writing pure fantasy, as these guys do, for whatever reason they do, needing attention or what not, but for Michael Shackleford, the so called Wizard of Vegas, to allow such a misrepresentative of how Las Vegas Works, just pure make believe is way beyond sad. It is sickening. What the fuck Shackleford! This is bullshit. Just the same as if you allowed someone to claim they win by Martingaling, which isn't so different than this bullshit. Shame on you Mr Las Vegas "wizard".
    Last edited by kewlJ; 02-09-2023 at 12:41 PM.

  8. #3388
    On a positive note for Maddog: I don't see any accounts of prostitutes arrested for drugging him and stealing from him this trip. Congrats on that.

  9. #3389
    What's your problem with his post?

    At most casinos I play at, the Pit Boss will sit down next to me and help me keep count.

    C'mon man.....
    Laces Out!__DAN!

  10. #3390
    Originally Posted by Ray Finkle View Post
    What's your problem with his post?

    At most casinos I play at, the Pit Boss will sit down next to me and help me keep count.

    C'mon man.....
    Exactly Ray Finkle. well said.

    Just thinking to myself, if a player could spread 1-20 at double deck at one of the sweatiest casinos on the strip, with no consequences, I and everyone else with even a small 6 figure BR could easily make several million dollars a year. BUT that is just not reality. It is NOT the way it works.

    It is just offensive to me, a player that has made a living from blackjack for 20 years, 13 in Vegas and works at understanding what is and isn't tolerated, everything from playing limits, to session length, to read this kind of complete made up bullshit.

    This guys bullshit stories ignore everything about Vegas, from surveillance departments working to ID card counters, to pit bosses, who have to answer for such large wins (sometimes at the cost of their jobs), to databases organizations like OSN, Biometrics and Griffin whose sole business is to identify card counters, advantage players and cheats. Casinos pay a lot of money to subscribe to these databases to help them identify card counters (among others) so they can ban or bar them.

    Don't get me wrong, players can and do win despite all these things. But you have to work at it. It is a constant battle. You have to identify what is and isn't acceptable. What is and isn't going to be tolerated. At no time is there some pit critter acting like this guy claims. This is just fantasy-fiction stuff. It isn't real. It isn't reality or how things in the real world or Real Las Vegas works.

    And that is offensive to me. Just the same as Rob's claims of special plays, hot and cold machines and "largest VP jackpots in the history of Las Vegas" are offensive to me.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 02-09-2023 at 01:11 PM.

  11. #3391
    "It is just offensive to me"

    And that's his one and only reason for posting it.

    Why do you let those clowns manipulate you?
    Laces Out!__DAN!

  12. #3392
    Kew, you're jealous as hell at the guy's wealth, so you make up stories on how he has some "inheritance" or he uses "family money" so your insignificant, weak life is able to cope with the stress of being lacking-in-willpower enough not to torment yourself by reading his reports. Then you go on some malcontent rant AGAIN trying to make it all about you--the absolute expert. And you finish off your self-humiliation by trying to push your false narrative about MDawg being the guy in that hooker story. Only people with depraved lives like yours would keep on with that agenda. Oh I forgot: you can't stand Shack because he doesn't see this whole thing the same as a nervous little twit would.

    Just the fact that your lies are all wrong about myself tells me that you're making at least a lot of wrong assumptions about him....and how much you tell whoppers about your own pitiful existence. Who else comes on like a clipped-wing little fairy and whines and moans over anybody's reports anywhere, showing how puny and lacking-in-strength they are when it comes to such unimportant issues. You're like a nosey, incompetent old lady with no life who's simply waiting to die.

    Wise up.
    When you get tired of concocting stories about him, me, and yourself, let the world know....before you drop dead of a heart attack.

  13. #3393
    Rob, with out going back and posting quotes, which you can find in the first several pages of this very thread, I will just remind you, that when Mdawg began posting this BS, you were right there calling bullshit as loud as anyone. And you were right. The fact that you now support this person, and his claims has nothing to do with anything except you found common ground in disliking and attacking me. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

    This nonsense about jealous is just that. I think we all recognize that your whole 'Rob Singer' schtick is born out of jealousy. At the beginning your jealousy of one Bob Dancer, who you chose your screen name from, expanding to all AP's, players that really make money from casinos, using real math, not voodoo concepts like hot and cold cycles and "special plays". This whole Rob Singer schtick is about players who were able to do what you couldn't...what you failed at.

    Most AP's and real players make more than me. I am not jealous of a single one. I am genuinely happy for even thrilled with any player, that can beat the casino industry on a regular basis at any level, above or below mine. I am not in competition with anyone, except myself. And that is not competition, it is just setting and reaching for goals.

    And while I am most definitely not jealous of anyone as far as money, or what they earn, I am jealous or in awe is a better term of some AP's and they mathematical knowledge that allows them to do things, I can't even comprehend when explained to me. If you want to label that be it.

    And here is a little news flash for you. There are AP's that I suspect, don't know for sure, but my gut from everything I know, tells me are at least embellishing monetary amounts. I have never said a word. I speak up only when claims defy the math and or reality to how Las Vegas and/or the gambling industry works.

  14. #3394
    In regards to Shackleford, "can't stand" or hate is not accurate at all. Freddy and others HATE Shackleford.

    For me, Shackleford is one of those people I am in awe of their mathematical abilities. I think his story is a great story. Left working for the social security administration, a nice safe job and life, to pursue his passion. He did get very lucky in that LCB overpaid for his websites, but good for him. A great story and I am happy for him.

    What I don't like is how he sells out. I didn't like when he went to work (or did consulting work) for the Venetian. When a math guy goes to work for the casino industry that is fine. But when it is one of us, AP's, players that play against and fight the battle with the industry, I don't like it. I just don't. A lot of big name guys have done so throughout time, including Stanford Wong and Lawrence Revere, but I just don't like it. I think I have made that clear over the years.

    But this thing with Mdog, is a whole new level. Shackleford has been paid off by Mdog to enable these bullshit claims, right down to a NDA preventing him from saying what he thinks as an expert in the field. Even worse is that these claims occur on a forum bearing Shackleford name and likeness. These people like Mdog (and you, Rob) always need an enabler. Shackleford is that enabler for Mdog. And because he was paid off. THAT is the extent of my dislike of Shackleford.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 02-09-2023 at 02:21 PM.

  15. #3395
    What you're never going to realize that others with meaningful lives do, is that there a TON of gambling and BJ experts who read MDawg's reports and see his interesting pictures, who simply just let it go, without getting all that acid churning around in their stomachs--especially the ones with weakened, diseased hearts like you have. Hear attack here we come!

    For some reason, you think everyone cares what your opinions are on someone who's way out of your league in the resources and the living life dept. All you do is show what a complete loser you are by belly-aching over a gambler who manipulates you like a bobblehead.

    Everyone laughs at you, except maybe for that hillbilly tax-evader from Mars. And no one either asked you to show what a weakling you are whenever someone who irritates you puts up postings of their gambling success, or requires you to do it in order to confirm what a total fool you really are.

    In other words, the fact that you have no life and easily get so lathered up about others who do, makes you one big idiot. A laughingstock.

    How's that square with your "Hey guys-: I'm a pro BJ player who wins every year, and although I constantly whine about MDawg winning huge amounts while he gets gigantic comps (which "just can't be because that's not how LV works....and I'm the preeminent expert on all things Vegas of course" ) if people don't believe I regularly out-smart and out-sweat casino security, then these doubters are haters and homophobes!

  16. #3396
    It's always the bullshitters who hate when the reality spotlight gets turned on other bullshitters.

    I've always believed it was the responsibility of those who know how things work to debunk the writing and hype of those who push farfetched narratives. In fact, I think it would be great if Dan started a companion site to Poker Fraud Alert called Gambling Fraud Alert. There are enough nebulous, illogical, out on the fringe claims on this forum alone to merit several episodes.

    If Dan were start up Gambling Fraud Alert, the first month could feature the illustrious poster above. Can you imagine trying to verify a million-dollar jackpot story on a live podcast by arguing that the casino won't allow you to publicize it? And that you're too smart to own anything? Would be a helluva show.

    Occasionally, telling the truth pays off, if not in a mega-financial way, at least in a way that salutes verifiable expertise. KewlJ has likely had some book and/or script offers over the course of the last decade.

    Over the last few years, meanwhile, "Rob Singer" has claimed to have helmed a video poker roundtable at G2E and to be in line for his column resuming at Gaming Today. Of course, there was no such roundtable, and the editor who allegedly offered Rob the position at GT hadn't been employed by them for more than a year. All one had to do to verify this stuff was make a couple phone calls.

    What would be great would be a dual-guest format for Gambling Fraud Alert featuring kewlJ and Rob Singer. That would be fun. Who wouldn't listen to that? Maybe Dan could substitute a Gambling Fraud Alert show for Poker Fraud Alert once every couple of months. I'm sure Rob Singer would love the opportunity to demonstrate his expertise.

  17. #3397
    Yes, Mdogs pictures are interesting. On that we agree. I think his story, had he told it honestly, of a higher end player, mini-whale type player, who plays, loses more than he wins and is comped accordingly, maybe even to the point of playing the comp game well, would have been interesting to everyone, AP, and recreational gamblers alike. For most of us it would have been a glimpse into a comp level we don't receive.

    Other that that Rob, YOU don't seem to realize that every time you make one of these posts, with comments about heart attacks (I am no more susceptible to a heart attack than any other person and my heart is healthier than most people because I exercise and take care of myself), or comments about the "slum high-rise" that I live in when everyone knows the building and the mid 6 figure on up to 7 figure units, or comments you and others make about me working at a burger joint, or as a male prostitute, or your "sugardaddy" comments or all the comments and attack of my family, confirms that you know who I am and what I do and you hate that. Every single time you or one of these other guys says this shit, you are confirming. And not just with me, but comments about Dan Druff, and redietz and any others that you attack.

    And you and a few others have this bizarre notion that with this type of trolling, you are winning something. Can you explain what exactly you are winning? What has it gained you financially or otherwise. How is your life better? All it does it makes a guy who is unhappy with what he has accomplished in the gambling world and feels lousy about himself in that regard, feel better because he shits on others. But you win NOTHING Rob. It does nothing to affect your life or mine.

    What also is now very apparent is your obsession with me. Since I now no longer post at GF, more or less playing with you as I have done since you exited here in humiliation, you have no choice but to reappear here, proving yet again, just who owns who(m). You are the freaking guy who thinks he is winning something, when you have in fact already lost before it even started.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 02-09-2023 at 04:04 PM.

  18. #3398
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    I've always believed it was the responsibility of those who know how things work to debunk the writing and hype of those who push farfetched narratives.
    It is! In every field or category this is exactly how it works. And I believe that is the way it should work with gambling claims as well. The problem is that in gambling, the people or players who really know and play, it isn't to their benefit to do so. It is actually to their benefit to say and do nothing, creating even more losing players. I just happen to think a little differently, or stronger than most other AP's and real winning players, that allowing BS claims is wrong. Sometimes doing what is right isn't about money or what benefits you personally.

  19. #3399
    Bbbwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh, the verminous r-e-dietz got the serious temerity to open his yap about the bulls-shits! I mean this cat is the modern days Magnum P-I so better get Higgins, Rick and t-C on a case, hey hey!!!!

  20. #3400
    In my experience it's always the mediocrities in a field that display a particular fervor for exposing impostors. Is it to suppress the fear that they are in some sense impostors themselves? I don't know.

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