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Thread: MDawg, don't do this again

  1. #61
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    I stopped posting at this forum simply because it was taking up too much extra time to post at yet another forum. For a while I posted at just one forum, but lately have fallen into occasionally posting at another one or two as well.

    I do still read some of the VCT forum and sometimes send PMs to members here.

    I make an appearance today just to clarify what exactly DanDruff did. I did send PMs to some of the members here, but only to members who had communicated with me via PM at some point in the past.

    The PMs were worded as follows:

    Vote for MDawg

    With some of the PMs including an additional line so that they read:

    Vote for MDawg

    Give UNKewlJ a heart attack!

    Another thing about my deleted PMs at VCT is that most of them were in response to old incoming PMs from members, such that anyone looking at the PMs would see some topic in the subject line that had nothing to do with that poll. Meaning - that Druff had to open and read each PM to determine that it had to do with the poll.

    I researched this, checked, and the standard forum software used here would not allow Admin to read PMs. In fact, the creators of this forum software have steadfastly refused to implement any feature that would allow Admin to read PMs.

    Druff would have to have some kind of aftermarket modification installed to read PMs easily, or open up the actual database and pore through it carefully to figure out what was in PMs. In other words, Druff must have gone through affirmative steps simply to be able to read PMs, it’s not something easily done, or normally done.

    It is also possible that because multiple PMs were sent out that were identical, that some aftermarket modification alerted Druff to that a member was sending what appeared to be Spam, but still, he’d have to access the PMs to know what exactly was being written, and again, to do that requires either effort to go through the database, or a modification that would allow reading all PMs. And maybe I’m giving Druff too much credit that he was alerted to anything, maybe he’s been reading our PMs all along.

    Certainly, now that it is publicly clear that reading PMs isn’t so easily done and is not a standard part of forum software, I’d expect Druff to try to make excuses for what he did, maybe lie about how exactly or why exactly he did it, so as to keep his secret snooping mechanism - secret. Once someone does something like this, I’d question most anything he did in the future, and I feel even better about having stopped posting at this forum a year and a half ago.

    Over the past year or longer I have sent Druff PMs where I have pointed out in precise detail where he has revealed that he doesn’t know what he is talking about on multiple gaming topics. Whether this has anything to do with his targeting me for invasion of private messages, all I can say is that Druff isn’t like normal people and has a habit of ignoring or not even responding to messages or emails that he doesn’t care about. Most forum Admins at least give the courtesy of a response, not Druff. So, for Druff to go to the effort of reading all my PMs, and post a thread about it, he must have really wanted to do all that. Or maybe he’s always been monitoring our PMs.

    Anyway, now you know that he has the capability to read PMs at this forum, and is willing to do that.

    Your knowledge of vBulletin forum software leaves a lot to be desired.

    You're correct that the Admin panel of vBulletin does not allow for deletion of specific PMs. It's either all-or-nothing when it comes to PM deletion there.

    However, the database is a different story. It is very easy to locate the database entry where the PMs are stored, and each has a timestamp field (so the PM can be dated properly for the recipient). Thus, it was not at all difficult to just take all the PMs you sent during that short period of time, and wipe them from the database.

    None of this required reading any PMs, nor did it involve breaching any accounts. I just wiped about 50 records from the database (approximately 25 messages, times 2 because it shows up once in the sender's sent folder and once in the inbox of the recipient).

    I have an MS in Computer Science. I'm not just some dolt who threw up a forum on some leased server space. That's how I was able to thwart some attacks some years ago being made on this forum by a angry WoV user who didn't like that certain banned members there were allowed to post here.

    However, what I did to remove your messages requires relatively little technical knowledge. It also requires relatively little technical knowledge to read people's PMs via the database, so watch out on other forums.

    Therefore, as I said in my other post, I would highly advise you do NOT give out personal information in any forum PMs (not just here, but all forums), and take it to e-mail. I don't read PMs on this forum, but of course you can't know that for sure, so to be safe you just shouldn't post anything personal there.

    I will say that I take user privacy very seriously, and would not use anyone's info or messages here in any unethical fashion. I also will never give or sell e-mail addresses (or any other account info) to third parties. I do appreciate that there is some level trust you have in me when you sign up here.
    Check out my poker forum, and weekly internet radio show at

  2. #62
    You wrote "Wrong" and then admitted everything that I said, including my explanation in my second post (not quoted by you) about how the forum software works. This paints you in the light of not a straight shooter. At this point, I wouldn't necessarily believe anything more you have to say about this, especially given that you knew what was in the PMs and yet imply you didn't read them.

    So you used the second method I outlined, poring through the database. Then you try to imply that you deleted my PMs without reading them, which of course makes no sense in that you knew what their content was and posted it publicly.
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    MDawg spammed a bunch of PMs to encourage people to vote for him.
    This also doesn't explain why you took this action in the first place (hey...let me read through MDawg's PMs today see what he has to say).

    Finally, you say that you don't read PMs on this forum (even though you obviously read mine) but we'll never know if you are or are not. Great.
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I don't read PMs on this forum, but of course you can't know that for sure, so to be safe you just shouldn't post anything personal there.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  3. #63
    It cracks me up that Mdawg is fighting Dan Druff over this.

    Mdawg who hadn't participated here, except apparently some PM's to Dan telling Dan he didn't know what he is talking about concerning various gambling comments, all of the sudden PMed 25 people, asking them to vote for him in this meaningless poll. THAT is spam folks! And against the rules. So Dan Druff deleted the spam. And now Mdawg is crying about it. Funny stuff!

    I have had two occasions that discussions of AP play, actually started via PM and took both to email. I don't know why any other AP would not think to do the same. And that is not a slap at Dan Druff or saying I don't trust him. I do. Don't like everything he does, but I trust him. I believe he is one of us (AP's). But for all I know Dan Druff could sell this forum tomorrow to some online company or almost anyone, that I wouldn't trust with anything.

    AP's fight a battle on a regular basis with the casino industry. Maybe card counters are more aware of it than others, even other forms of AP. The industry and even more so, the database companies, and game protection companies and people, to everything under the sun to identify AP's. You should never forget that fact.

  4. #64
    I didn't even know there was a poll. I usually only check the Las Vegas section of this forum. So what's all the scuttlebutt about?

    Interesting. We have a self-proclaimed high-rolling, always-winning, multi-millionaire who is begging people to vote for them, regarding some super silly question/poll.


  5. #65
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I deleted the PMs you sent yesterday.
    MDawg PMd me yesterday.

    I read it, and didn't consider it "spam", an attempt to influence my vote, or to encourage me to vote at all.

    I'd post the message it publicly, but it's been deleted from my inbox.

    So let me get this straight, the forum Admin intercepted, read and deleted private communications between members?

    Members are capable of deleting PMs themselves, why would the Admins need to do that?

    Doesn't "PM" mean "Private Message"?

    What's private about it if another member can read it and censor it?
    You make a good point coach.
    I guess this site isn't as free as we thought.
    The Man always trying to keep us under his thumb.
    Or is it foot?
    You know what I'm sayin'.

    a person would have to be really stooooooooooopid to believe a PM on a board like this is actually private and will not be read by someone other than the recipient of the PM

    Name:  hysterical-laughter.gif
Views: 346
Size:  417.0 KB

    the foolish sayings of a rich man often pass for words of wisdom by the fools around him

  6. #66
    Originally Posted by Half Smoke View Post
    a person would have to be really stooooooooooopid to believe a PM on a board like this is actually private and will not be read by someone other than the recipient of the PM.
    This only makes my case stronger that nobody should be getting involved in the backdoor PM Message system and that most people who do are trying to scam in one way or another. Just keep everything you want to post out here in the open for all to see. A case could be made that an individual should never post on the internet and perhaps not even log into the interwebs but an addict like me got to addict.

  7. #67
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    A case could be made that an individual should never post on the internet and perhaps not even log into the interwebs but an addict like me got to addict.
    I made the same mistake. But it's spilled milk now.

  8. #68
    No time to wait, today, for old Ozzy to chime in, commiserate with Monet and Tablepooey, and the other gambling hags, about how each other is doing.

    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    A case could be made that an individual should never post on the internet and perhaps not even log into the interwebs but an addict like me got to addict.
    I made the same mistake. But it's spilled milk now.
    Is it spilled or spilt? Although both spilled and spilt can function as the past tense for the verb spill, modern writers use spilled much more often. Even in fixed phrases like spilt milk, the two variants are roughly equal.

    However, spilt is more likely to appear as part of fixed phrases, like spilt milk, over which there is no use crying.
    More concerning is the love triangle stuff going on in plain sight. Some real "spilt milk". Ha.

    Love Addicts Anonymous

    Triangles: The Agony
    & the Ecstasy

    Donated by Susan P.

    Psychologically, triangles are very complicated. Most people don’t seek them out—at least not consciously. They just seem to happen. One moment you are happily single. The next thing you know you are in love with someone who is married. Or you are happily married and suddenly you realize your partner is seeing someone else.

    Sane people get out of a triangles as soon as they realize they are in one. Love addicts stay engaged hoping things will resolve themselves in time. This is because love addicts can’t let go. They have no tolerance for separation anxiety. Once they have bonded with someone, letting go is like death to them. Some love addicts in a triangle will die trying to get to a resolution. They kill themselves or they kill someone in the triangle. The media is full of Crimes of the Heart.

    One of the reasons love addicts have a high tolerance for the pain of a triangle is because when they were children the natural triangle between the mother, father and child, went horribly wrong. Usually the child was rejected by one of the parents and incested by the other—not necessarily sexual incest but certainly covert or emotional incest. The rejection/incest magnifies the triangle. The Oedipus experience, in which the child adores one parent and is in competition with the other, is not outgrown with little impact on the child’s future. Instead it becomes rooted in the child’s psyche and wounds him or her.

    All this means that the triangle is familiar and in some respects comfortable. This, in turn, means that the person involved has a high tolerance for the pain and suffering of the triangle once they get involved in one. Furthermore some love addicts unconsciously try to resolve the wound of their childhood by recreating the triangle of their childhood—over and over again. They are obsessed with the idea that things will end differently each time. Unfortunately, this is not how you heal the wounds of childhood. You don’t go back to the scene of the crime and commit the crime all over again. You go back to the scene of the crime in therapy with an enlightened witness to guide you. You go back to grieve, forgive, let go and move on.

    There are also those who accept the down side of the triangle for the ecstasy that often goes with it. Triangles can be like roller coasters. When one person in the triangle is, momentarily, the front runner he or she is as high as a kite. But everyone pays such a high price for the thrill of being chosen at any given moment—the winner of the competition. This, too, is often tied in with the early Oedipus experience in which the child is trying to get the parent she adores to choose her over the other parent.

    The most important thing to know about triangles is that they are unhealthy, painful, and potentially dangerous. Dr. Phil says this over and over again and I concur. We are meant to be monogamous for more reasons than I can recount here. Only hedonists and sex addicts really defend the agony and ecstasy of the triangle. I also agree with Dr. Phil when he says there are rarely three willing partners in a ménagé a trois. Someone is usually unhappy even if they don’t admit it. So if you ever find yourself in a triangle get out. Walk away. Cut your losses. Even if you are married with kids, walk away until your partner gets into recovery and gives up his, or her, penchant for multiple partners.

    Andrea, John & Sandra

    Sometime around 2002 a well-known counselor got a call from a woman named Andrea. She said she wanted to discuss her boyfriend. As soon as she arrived for her session Andrea began talking about John and “his” addiction. “I love him,” she said, “and he loves me, but I can’t get him to stop seeing this other woman.” The counselor listened for about twenty minutes and then quickly speculated that John might be a romance addict—someone who gets high off of the euphoria of romance. Romance addicts usually have multiple partners and get addicted to the honeymoon phase of a relationship. They sometimes have one full time partner to give them a sense of stability, but one person is never enough for them.

    As the counselor listened to Andrea she waited for her to pause so she could get her to begin focusing on herself. She, the counselor believed, was a codependent love addict—the partner in a relationship who hangs on for dear life and has a high tolerance for suffering neglect, and sometimes, abuse. Codependent love addicts (also known as relationships addicts) are constantly trying to fix a relationship. Their sensitivity to separation anxiety makes it impossible for them to cut their losses and move on. Andrea was not, unfortunately, willing to talk about herself so the counselor found herself getting drawn into what would turn out to be one of the most complicated and bizarre triangles of her career. By “drawn in” I mean that, against her better judgment, she agreed to see Andrea the next day along with her boyfriend John. It seemed like a good idea at the time.

    The next day Andrea and John arrived for their session. The counselor gave up trying to help Andrea with her codependency and instead tried to help John with his romance addiction. He became the “identified patient.”

    John had always been a romance addict. He was handsome and intelligent. He loved women and began cheating on his wife of twenty years six months into the marriage. After his divorce he dated up to five women at a time. Five minutes into the session the counselor asked him why he was there. “I want to settle down,” he said. “I want to stop being a womanizer.” “Can you help me?” he asked. “I don’t know,” the counselor said. “Are you willing to change?” “Yes,” he said quickly.

    The counselor outlined a program of recovery for John. It was simple. Recovery for romance addicts is monogamy. “Choose the woman you want to settle down with,” she told John, “and we will work through the anxiety you feel when you commit to just one woman.” John agreed to this plan and made an appointment for the next night.

    The next night John arrived promptly at 8:00 o’clock with a woman named Sandra. He introduced her to the counselor as the woman he truly loved and wanted to settle down with. The counselor felt a little uncomfortable and wasn’t quite sure what to do. She had assumed, for some reason, that John would come back the next night with Andrea.

    Sandra was nice. John was nice. They were obviously in love. They held hands during the session and looked adoringly into each other’s eyes. So what was the problem? Unfortunately, as the counselor was soon to learn, John was just as much in love with Andrea and had the innate ability to be in the moment with each of these women. When he was with Andrea she had his full attention. When he was with Sandra she was the only one for him. The counselor was not sure whether she should categorize him as a good con artist or a sick man, but since she tended to be a compassionate person by nature, she decided that what she was calling John’s romance addiction was not the result of narcissism per se but a deep-seated fear of intimacy with any one woman.

    The counselor recommended some books to John and Sandra and sent them on their way. “Get into couples therapy,” she said “and go to some workshops.” She also asked John to come back if he felt himself backsliding from his commitment to Sandra and the monogamous lifestyle. Little did she know what she was saying.

    Two days later John called the counselor. “I have to see you,” he said, “it is urgent. I have changed my mind. Andrea is the one I want to be with. I love her.” Against her better judgment (for the second time but not the last), the counselor agreed to see John and Andrea. Right off she confronted John about his ambivalence. “I don’t want to get caught up in this triangle,” she declared. “You have to choose one woman here.” “There is no doubt about it,” he declared. “Andrea is my choice.” “OK,” she finally said. Then she repeated the same advice she had given him and Sandra. “Get into couples therapy and go to some workshops.” For good measure she added, “Get into individual therapy too, and read some books.” Finally, as an afterthought she threw in “Stay the course.”

    A week later Andrea called the counselor. “John is cheating on me,” she said. I caught him with Sandra. I am following them now. They are just leaving the hotel. What shall I do?” “Go home,” the counselor suggested. Call me tomorrow. I need some time to think about this.”

    I wish I could say the counselor threw in the towel at this point, but she was a bit of a drama queen herself and really thought she might be able to help. Talk about denial. So for a couple of weeks she continued to see Andrea, Sandra and John. She continued to declare that John had to choose. Finally, she did an intervention. She told John that the sessions were going nowhere and that he needed to choose between Sandra and Andrea once and for all. Then, in separate sessions, she suggested to Andrea and Sandra that they both leave John if he did not make a choice and stick to it. Of course, all three members of the triangle were seriously addicted by this time and so the women continued to enable John and he continued to be ambivalent. The counselor refused to see them anymore and thought that was the end of it.

    A few months later Andrea called the counselor to say that John had chosen her the night before but that now he was in the bathroom crying. She felt he was having a nervous breakdown because he was giving up the other woman. The counselor thought that perhaps this time John really was trying to choose and was now in full blown withdrawal because the other relationship was over. The counselor knew, by this time, that she was in over her head so she suggested that Andrea find a clinic where she could take John. Andrea quickly made arrangements to take John to a rehab center in the Mid-West that specialized in treating love addicts. For a moment the counselor thought they were actually making progress.

    As it turned out the professional therapists at the clinic did no better than the counselor. After three weeks at the center John was supposed to bring Andrea to family week (because she was, supposedly the one he had chosen and, by the way, was paying the bill). Well he did bring Andrea, but a week later he talked his primary therapist at the center into letting him bring Sandra for another family week because, after all, he was still was not sure who he wanted to settle down with. So John turned the clinic upside down by having both women come visit him. As Andrea was leaving she almost ran into Sandra in the parking lot. Then to make things worse John took off for the weekend with Sandra and when he returned on Monday he was asked to leave the center. Everybody admitted defeat and sent John packing.

    For awhile the counselor received some emails from the three of them. John decided to marry Andrea and Sandra started stalking the two of them. She sent threatening emails and then called John’s boss and told him what was going on. John was fired from his job. Then John decided to go back with Sandra and Andrea kicked him out of the house. The counselor, who lived to tell the story, eventually lost track of my three clients and for all she knows the triangle could still be going on. Which is the point of this story. Triangles are extremely toxic and can be very addictive.

    One final note about triangles. There is a lot of role playing and everyone’s role changes from time to time. The three major roles in any triangle are the Victim, the Narcissist and the Rescuer. One player may start out as a victim and end up becoming the rescuer or narcissist.

    In the case study above, Andrea, was the first woman to meet John so when he started cheating on her she was the victim and he the narcissist. Sandra was initially a victim because John said he was not seeing anyone else. When Andrea and Sandra found out about each other, and made the decision to stay, and “work things out,” they both stopped being the victim and became willing participants.

    Andrea (the more codependent of the two) decided the best way to resolve the situation was to become John’s rescuer so she brought him to me for help—and later the clinic. When John willingly came to me for help he stopped being the narcissist for awhile, and became (because his romance addiction was rooted in some deep-seated childhood trauma) a victim. When John brought Sandra to the rehab center he became the narcissist again. His self-gratification was all that mattered to him. Then, both women, by coming to family week, began to compete for who was the best rescuer. Finally, when John married Andrea, Sandra became the narcissist by stalking them both.

    It can't be said enough. If you are in a triangle get out. Don’t play the game hoping to win. It is not worth it.
    Drug Rehabilitation + Haliburton County for the local thus clinics. The one in Haliburton town temporarily closed yields the closest, 4cast. 137 posts at NetVoid's forum, + 184 here =321.0, to overlap 3456 at the 3's, as the dimensions from 0 to 6, four by

    The unused, Zodiac bits: 'dakadu, Lake+151?s (164 char. max) seed the final two lines of the anagram solver -of lies/revenge. Franc Baconis for the capital L yields 141=69+ᘔᘖ; 397=[(10-6+9-1)^3-(1+ᘔ+ᘖ+1)^3].

    Thanks. CIA.0!


  9. #69
    Originally Posted by TheGrimReaper View Post
    No time to wait, today, for old Ozzy to chime in, commiserate with Monet and Tablepooey, and the other gambling hags, about how each other is doing.

    Is it spilled or spilt? Although both spilled and spilt can function as the past tense for the verb spill, modern writers use spilled much more often. Even in fixed phrases like spilt milk, the two variants are roughly equal.

    However, spilt is more likely to appear as part of fixed phrases, like spilt milk, over which there is no use crying.
    More concerning is the love triangle stuff going on in plain sight. Some real "spilt milk". Ha.

    Love Addicts Anonymous

    Triangles: The Agony
    & the Ecstasy

    Donated by Susan P.

    Psychologically, triangles are very complicated. Most people don’t seek them out—at least not consciously. They just seem to happen. One moment you are happily single. The next thing you know you are in love with someone who is married. Or you are happily married and suddenly you realize your partner is seeing someone else.

    Sane people get out of a triangles as soon as they realize they are in one. Love addicts stay engaged hoping things will resolve themselves in time. This is because love addicts can’t let go. They have no tolerance for separation anxiety. Once they have bonded with someone, letting go is like death to them. Some love addicts in a triangle will die trying to get to a resolution. They kill themselves or they kill someone in the triangle. The media is full of Crimes of the Heart.

    One of the reasons love addicts have a high tolerance for the pain of a triangle is because when they were children the natural triangle between the mother, father and child, went horribly wrong. Usually the child was rejected by one of the parents and incested by the other—not necessarily sexual incest but certainly covert or emotional incest. The rejection/incest magnifies the triangle. The Oedipus experience, in which the child adores one parent and is in competition with the other, is not outgrown with little impact on the child’s future. Instead it becomes rooted in the child’s psyche and wounds him or her.

    All this means that the triangle is familiar and in some respects comfortable. This, in turn, means that the person involved has a high tolerance for the pain and suffering of the triangle once they get involved in one. Furthermore some love addicts unconsciously try to resolve the wound of their childhood by recreating the triangle of their childhood—over and over again. They are obsessed with the idea that things will end differently each time. Unfortunately, this is not how you heal the wounds of childhood. You don’t go back to the scene of the crime and commit the crime all over again. You go back to the scene of the crime in therapy with an enlightened witness to guide you. You go back to grieve, forgive, let go and move on.

    There are also those who accept the down side of the triangle for the ecstasy that often goes with it. Triangles can be like roller coasters. When one person in the triangle is, momentarily, the front runner he or she is as high as a kite. But everyone pays such a high price for the thrill of being chosen at any given moment—the winner of the competition. This, too, is often tied in with the early Oedipus experience in which the child is trying to get the parent she adores to choose her over the other parent.

    The most important thing to know about triangles is that they are unhealthy, painful, and potentially dangerous. Dr. Phil says this over and over again and I concur. We are meant to be monogamous for more reasons than I can recount here. Only hedonists and sex addicts really defend the agony and ecstasy of the triangle. I also agree with Dr. Phil when he says there are rarely three willing partners in a ménagé a trois. Someone is usually unhappy even if they don’t admit it. So if you ever find yourself in a triangle get out. Walk away. Cut your losses. Even if you are married with kids, walk away until your partner gets into recovery and gives up his, or her, penchant for multiple partners.

    Andrea, John & Sandra

    Sometime around 2002 a well-known counselor got a call from a woman named Andrea. She said she wanted to discuss her boyfriend. As soon as she arrived for her session Andrea began talking about John and “his” addiction. “I love him,” she said, “and he loves me, but I can’t get him to stop seeing this other woman.” The counselor listened for about twenty minutes and then quickly speculated that John might be a romance addict—someone who gets high off of the euphoria of romance. Romance addicts usually have multiple partners and get addicted to the honeymoon phase of a relationship. They sometimes have one full time partner to give them a sense of stability, but one person is never enough for them.

    As the counselor listened to Andrea she waited for her to pause so she could get her to begin focusing on herself. She, the counselor believed, was a codependent love addict—the partner in a relationship who hangs on for dear life and has a high tolerance for suffering neglect, and sometimes, abuse. Codependent love addicts (also known as relationships addicts) are constantly trying to fix a relationship. Their sensitivity to separation anxiety makes it impossible for them to cut their losses and move on. Andrea was not, unfortunately, willing to talk about herself so the counselor found herself getting drawn into what would turn out to be one of the most complicated and bizarre triangles of her career. By “drawn in” I mean that, against her better judgment, she agreed to see Andrea the next day along with her boyfriend John. It seemed like a good idea at the time.

    The next day Andrea and John arrived for their session. The counselor gave up trying to help Andrea with her codependency and instead tried to help John with his romance addiction. He became the “identified patient.”

    John had always been a romance addict. He was handsome and intelligent. He loved women and began cheating on his wife of twenty years six months into the marriage. After his divorce he dated up to five women at a time. Five minutes into the session the counselor asked him why he was there. “I want to settle down,” he said. “I want to stop being a womanizer.” “Can you help me?” he asked. “I don’t know,” the counselor said. “Are you willing to change?” “Yes,” he said quickly.

    The counselor outlined a program of recovery for John. It was simple. Recovery for romance addicts is monogamy. “Choose the woman you want to settle down with,” she told John, “and we will work through the anxiety you feel when you commit to just one woman.” John agreed to this plan and made an appointment for the next night.

    The next night John arrived promptly at 8:00 o’clock with a woman named Sandra. He introduced her to the counselor as the woman he truly loved and wanted to settle down with. The counselor felt a little uncomfortable and wasn’t quite sure what to do. She had assumed, for some reason, that John would come back the next night with Andrea.

    Sandra was nice. John was nice. They were obviously in love. They held hands during the session and looked adoringly into each other’s eyes. So what was the problem? Unfortunately, as the counselor was soon to learn, John was just as much in love with Andrea and had the innate ability to be in the moment with each of these women. When he was with Andrea she had his full attention. When he was with Sandra she was the only one for him. The counselor was not sure whether she should categorize him as a good con artist or a sick man, but since she tended to be a compassionate person by nature, she decided that what she was calling John’s romance addiction was not the result of narcissism per se but a deep-seated fear of intimacy with any one woman.

    The counselor recommended some books to John and Sandra and sent them on their way. “Get into couples therapy,” she said “and go to some workshops.” She also asked John to come back if he felt himself backsliding from his commitment to Sandra and the monogamous lifestyle. Little did she know what she was saying.

    Two days later John called the counselor. “I have to see you,” he said, “it is urgent. I have changed my mind. Andrea is the one I want to be with. I love her.” Against her better judgment (for the second time but not the last), the counselor agreed to see John and Andrea. Right off she confronted John about his ambivalence. “I don’t want to get caught up in this triangle,” she declared. “You have to choose one woman here.” “There is no doubt about it,” he declared. “Andrea is my choice.” “OK,” she finally said. Then she repeated the same advice she had given him and Sandra. “Get into couples therapy and go to some workshops.” For good measure she added, “Get into individual therapy too, and read some books.” Finally, as an afterthought she threw in “Stay the course.”

    A week later Andrea called the counselor. “John is cheating on me,” she said. I caught him with Sandra. I am following them now. They are just leaving the hotel. What shall I do?” “Go home,” the counselor suggested. Call me tomorrow. I need some time to think about this.”

    I wish I could say the counselor threw in the towel at this point, but she was a bit of a drama queen herself and really thought she might be able to help. Talk about denial. So for a couple of weeks she continued to see Andrea, Sandra and John. She continued to declare that John had to choose. Finally, she did an intervention. She told John that the sessions were going nowhere and that he needed to choose between Sandra and Andrea once and for all. Then, in separate sessions, she suggested to Andrea and Sandra that they both leave John if he did not make a choice and stick to it. Of course, all three members of the triangle were seriously addicted by this time and so the women continued to enable John and he continued to be ambivalent. The counselor refused to see them anymore and thought that was the end of it.

    A few months later Andrea called the counselor to say that John had chosen her the night before but that now he was in the bathroom crying. She felt he was having a nervous breakdown because he was giving up the other woman. The counselor thought that perhaps this time John really was trying to choose and was now in full blown withdrawal because the other relationship was over. The counselor knew, by this time, that she was in over her head so she suggested that Andrea find a clinic where she could take John. Andrea quickly made arrangements to take John to a rehab center in the Mid-West that specialized in treating love addicts. For a moment the counselor thought they were actually making progress.

    As it turned out the professional therapists at the clinic did no better than the counselor. After three weeks at the center John was supposed to bring Andrea to family week (because she was, supposedly the one he had chosen and, by the way, was paying the bill). Well he did bring Andrea, but a week later he talked his primary therapist at the center into letting him bring Sandra for another family week because, after all, he was still was not sure who he wanted to settle down with. So John turned the clinic upside down by having both women come visit him. As Andrea was leaving she almost ran into Sandra in the parking lot. Then to make things worse John took off for the weekend with Sandra and when he returned on Monday he was asked to leave the center. Everybody admitted defeat and sent John packing.

    For awhile the counselor received some emails from the three of them. John decided to marry Andrea and Sandra started stalking the two of them. She sent threatening emails and then called John’s boss and told him what was going on. John was fired from his job. Then John decided to go back with Sandra and Andrea kicked him out of the house. The counselor, who lived to tell the story, eventually lost track of my three clients and for all she knows the triangle could still be going on. Which is the point of this story. Triangles are extremely toxic and can be very addictive.

    One final note about triangles. There is a lot of role playing and everyone’s role changes from time to time. The three major roles in any triangle are the Victim, the Narcissist and the Rescuer. One player may start out as a victim and end up becoming the rescuer or narcissist.

    In the case study above, Andrea, was the first woman to meet John so when he started cheating on her she was the victim and he the narcissist. Sandra was initially a victim because John said he was not seeing anyone else. When Andrea and Sandra found out about each other, and made the decision to stay, and “work things out,” they both stopped being the victim and became willing participants.

    Andrea (the more codependent of the two) decided the best way to resolve the situation was to become John’s rescuer so she brought him to me for help—and later the clinic. When John willingly came to me for help he stopped being the narcissist for awhile, and became (because his romance addiction was rooted in some deep-seated childhood trauma) a victim. When John brought Sandra to the rehab center he became the narcissist again. His self-gratification was all that mattered to him. Then, both women, by coming to family week, began to compete for who was the best rescuer. Finally, when John married Andrea, Sandra became the narcissist by stalking them both.

    It can't be said enough. If you are in a triangle get out. Don’t play the game hoping to win. It is not worth it.
    I feel bad for anyone who actually read this entire post.

  10. #70
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I feel bad for anyone who actually read this entire post.
    Yeah, but it totally encapsulates what goes on at the gambling forums. And, so, a much quicker read that really and actually ends up somewhere. Ha.

    Double P.S.S. There is nothing more moronic than KJ, and AW, going at it. The trivial bits. The Eigenvalues or axes, of it.

    Coles Notes are student guides to literature, published in Canada. The Coles bookstore first published Coles Notes in 1948. The first title published was on the French novella Colomba by Prosper Mérimée. Wikipedia

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    132 ----> The sum of all two-digit numbers that you can make from 132 is 132: 12 + 13 + 21 + 23 + 31 + 32 = 132. It is the smallest number with this property. As well, 132 = (66 + 66), with the 66 already thus inverted.
    Last edited by TheGrimReaper; 01-21-2023 at 10:16 AM.
    Drug Rehabilitation + Haliburton County for the local thus clinics. The one in Haliburton town temporarily closed yields the closest, 4cast. 137 posts at NetVoid's forum, + 184 here =321.0, to overlap 3456 at the 3's, as the dimensions from 0 to 6, four by

    The unused, Zodiac bits: 'dakadu, Lake+151?s (164 char. max) seed the final two lines of the anagram solver -of lies/revenge. Franc Baconis for the capital L yields 141=69+ᘔᘖ; 397=[(10-6+9-1)^3-(1+ᘔ+ᘖ+1)^3].

    Thanks. CIA.0!


  11. #71
    Douchedawg wrote " Admin is able to delete all of a user's PMs, or able to delete all sent PMs of a user. There is no standard Admin capability in this forum to delete select user PMs."

    Dan says "You're correct that the Admin panel of vBulletin does not allow for deletion of specific PMs. It's either all-or-nothing when it comes to PM deletion there. However, the database is a different story. It is very easy to locate the database entry where the PMs are stored, and each has a timestamp field (so the PM can be dated properly for the recipient). Thus, it was not at all difficult to just take all the PMs you sent during that short period of time, and wipe them from the database."

    Game, set and match to Mr. Druff.

    Will the tick-ridden hound admit he was wrong and apologize?

    Bwa ha ha, that ain't what pathological narcissists do.

    C'mon dawg, keep attacking Dan: he "only" has an MS in computer science as opposed to a JD from a piece of shit law school: funny stuff.
    What, Me Worry?

  12. #72
    Pathological narcissists pretend that they know all about, say, blackjack, and computer science, especially when it comes to evaluating the thus truthfulness of such posters. Fortunately, few in the real world could fall for it.

    Here's something from ProBoards.

    To remphasize, regardless of what happens, an Admin cannot go in and read anyone's private messages. The exception would be if the admin was a participant in the message. After that, you have no control over what that other participant might do with the message they received. There's no terms of service that says that someone can't forward a message from one person to another.
    I have yet to come across an internet forum, for myself, or another's, that outright allows deletions of any or all PM's from the admin's control panel. Someone should go to the vBulletin Boards forum to ask about it. Did Druff mean that he could generically delete all PM's by deleting the forum, itself? Why would an administrator require such information? Are not the posters ostensively allowed to send a message to whomever they choose?

    Anyway, I doubt that online forums per se are mentioned, let alone studied, at any level of computer science.

    Oh, and, yes, the two are totally different types of boards, but, from the policy point of view.
    Last edited by TheGrimReaper; 01-21-2023 at 12:06 PM.
    Drug Rehabilitation + Haliburton County for the local thus clinics. The one in Haliburton town temporarily closed yields the closest, 4cast. 137 posts at NetVoid's forum, + 184 here =321.0, to overlap 3456 at the 3's, as the dimensions from 0 to 6, four by

    The unused, Zodiac bits: 'dakadu, Lake+151?s (164 char. max) seed the final two lines of the anagram solver -of lies/revenge. Franc Baconis for the capital L yields 141=69+ᘔᘖ; 397=[(10-6+9-1)^3-(1+ᘔ+ᘖ+1)^3].

    Thanks. CIA.0!


  13. #73
    select * from vbulletins.messages as a where a.user='MDAWG';

    select * from vbulletins.messages as a where a.user='monet' and contains(a.messagetext, 'bonus poker deluxe');

    just a little humor - I have no idea what the database table name(s) and column names(s) was/were that Dan queried.
    Last edited by tableplay; 01-21-2023 at 03:46 PM.

  14. #74
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Douchedawg wrote " Admin is able to delete all of a user's PMs, or able to delete all sent PMs of a user. There is no standard Admin capability in this forum to delete select user PMs."

    Dan says "You're correct that the Admin panel of vBulletin does not allow for deletion of specific PMs. It's either all-or-nothing when it comes to PM deletion there. However, the database is a different story. It is very easy to locate the database entry where the PMs are stored, and each has a timestamp field (so the PM can be dated properly for the recipient). Thus, it was not at all difficult to just take all the PMs you sent during that short period of time, and wipe them from the database."

    Game, set and match to Mr. Druff.

    Will the tick-ridden hound admit he was wrong and apologize?

    Bwa ha ha, that ain't what pathological narcissists do.

    C'mon dawg, keep attacking Dan: he "only" has an MS in computer science as opposed to a JD from a piece of shit law school: funny stuff.
    Did Druff answer how he knew to delete Mdawg's PMs in the first place?

    I don't care enough to look again but I don't think he did.

  15. #75
    Originally Posted by smurgerburger View Post

    Did Druff answer how he knew to delete Mdawg's PMs in the first place?

    I don't care enough to look again but I don't think he did.
    Does it really matter? If Mdawg PMed 25 members, that he thought were Mdawg friendly and would vote for him, he was probably wrong about a couple of them and they informed Druff. But even if that didn't happen and Druff just noticed that a member who hasn't participated here in a couple years all of the sudden sent 25 PM's to 25 different members, doesn't he have a right to check that. Druff does have a no spam rule.

    And again, you guys that are offended that an administrator could look at PM's, well I don't know what to tell you. I just assumed administrators have that ability. Like I said, I have taken a couple conversations started with PM's to email for just that reason.

    Understand that Mdawg only brought this up, hoping some of you would be upset about it to deflect from the this:

    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Interesting. We have a self-proclaimed high-rolling, always-winning, multi-millionaire who is begging people to vote for them, regarding some super silly question/poll.
    He tried to rig a ridiculous, meaningless poll and got caught.

    And for those that read GF, Mdawg posted really nasty post towards Axelwolf rehashing the captain Morgan stuff for the 100th times. This guy Mdawg is really, really pissed now. His story is up in flames! Hookers are robbing him. The self-proclaimed "Pope of Las Vegas" is dead, or at least his silly story.

    I sure hope he isn't lying about the comps he gets too, because I know for a fact he didn't have a very good year gambling in 2022. I sure as hell hope he got some decent comps for those donations.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 01-21-2023 at 11:53 PM.

  16. #76
    OMG the answer is GET A LIFE. Walk away from these retards.

  17. #77
    Originally Posted by smurgerburger View Post
    Did Druff answer how he knew to delete Mdawg's PMs in the first place?
    Druff shows up sporadically to post sports junk, make political statements, make mountains of molehills, post progressively more filth, and, to take permanent unilateral actions. Moreover, it doesn't matter what he answers to or how, if he just doesn't make any sense. You can't debate anything with such a person. Someone who runs message boards solely for this reason.

    I mean, one email could be spam, but, hundreds not. You can't say that 25 just are spam, were there so many active members here, because, as far as I know, you are perfectly allowed to send 25 PM's at once. So, to legitimately claim it was spam, Druff had to check 'em. But, as far as I know, he claimed that he didn't, and, so, he just assumed it was spam. Many arguments to make without knowing exactly what he did, or not. Which is also fundamental poker logic. Which explains, as far as I know, his not winning any major tournaments after the first few - a sign of fluke luck. How to know that the supposed emails to delete in general, along with all emails, had at all pointed to Dawg? How then to selectively delete only Dawg's? It just can't make any sense given Druff's bit.

    Originally Posted by theywontpayontuesday View Post
    OMG the answer is GET A LIFE. Walk away from these retards.
    It's never really so simple. One has to deal with a lot of junk on the road to something decent. There are a lot of irritants to the pursuit of the truth, whichever. Intellectually lazy persons who just lock onto one or other side of something to go the procrustean route of making everything fit. Persons who couldn't really, in theory, or, actually, in practice, prove out the simplest of things, yet, they go on and on. But, each of us shares the same native languages of logic, etc, which exist no matter how things are expressed.

    Of course, no one need do their "homework" for them, show the work, let alone argue, with fools, solely about being fools. People who make every thing a shitshow, say, about masochists/sadists, and pathological narcissists.
    Last edited by TheGrimReaper; 01-22-2023 at 03:40 AM.
    Drug Rehabilitation + Haliburton County for the local thus clinics. The one in Haliburton town temporarily closed yields the closest, 4cast. 137 posts at NetVoid's forum, + 184 here =321.0, to overlap 3456 at the 3's, as the dimensions from 0 to 6, four by

    The unused, Zodiac bits: 'dakadu, Lake+151?s (164 char. max) seed the final two lines of the anagram solver -of lies/revenge. Franc Baconis for the capital L yields 141=69+ᘔᘖ; 397=[(10-6+9-1)^3-(1+ᘔ+ᘖ+1)^3].

    Thanks. CIA.0!


  18. #78
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by smurgerburger View Post

    Did Druff answer how he knew to delete Mdawg's PMs in the first place?

    I don't care enough to look again but I don't think he did.
    Does it really matter? If Mdawg PMed 25 members, that he thought were Mdawg friendly and would vote for him, he was probably wrong about a couple of them and they informed Druff. But even if that didn't happen and Druff just noticed that a member who hasn't participated here in a couple years all of the sudden sent 25 PM's to 25 different members, doesn't he have a right to check that. Druff does have a no spam rule.

    And again, you guys that are offended that an administrator could look at PM's, well I don't know what to tell you. I just assumed administrators have that ability. Like I said, I have taken a couple conversations started with PM's to email for just that reason.

    Understand that Mdawg only brought this up, hoping some of you would be upset about it to deflect from the this:

    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Interesting. We have a self-proclaimed high-rolling, always-winning, multi-millionaire who is begging people to vote for them, regarding some super silly question/poll.
    He tried to rig a ridiculous, meaningless poll and got caught.

    And for those that read GF, Mdawg posted really nasty post towards Axelwolf rehashing the captain Morgan stuff for the 100th times. This guy Mdawg is really, really pissed now. His story is up in flames! Hookers are robbing him. The self-proclaimed "Pope of Las Vegas" is dead, or at least his silly story.

    I sure hope he isn't lying about the comps he gets too, because I know for a fact he didn't have a very good year gambling in 2022. I sure as hell hope he got some decent comps for those donations.
    And I know for a fact you have committed crimes and use sexual exploitation. I have the testimony and Witnesses waiting for you Mother fucker. Fake loser fuck

    I want to ruin you for eve. Come at me bitch Keep calling me something I’m not lier fuck loser.

  19. #79
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Come on MrV, you know me better than that. I did my homework...There was no such property. So I am not speculating that this mansion story by Mdog is just another Mdog fairytale, I know it for a fact.
    Golly, what type of mental disease or defect would cause someone to make such a claim?

    Has he out-Santosed Santos?
    What mental disease or disorder would cause a person to post pictures of cash and chips, and rolex watches, and even food, some half eaten, and talk about their "trophy wife", and all the other bizarre things Mdawg posts about and posts pictures about?

    I am not a mental health expert, nor did I sleep in a Holiday Inn Express last night (Holiday Inn Express still a thing?), but I think it falls under narcissism, or maybe the technical term, Narcissistic personality disorder, defined among other things asan inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration. I would add a need to impress.

    You never met or encountered someone Like me loser lier fraud fuck. Fraud bitch ass poor freak

  20. #80
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Now, If this Mdog person is returning, I have a question for him. No, it isn't about the hooker that drugged him and stole his watch. But rather, the mid 7 figure mansion in Las Vegas that he announced he had purchased back in June 2021. How are things going at the mansion, Mdog?
    KJ, you can research that one yourself.

    You have his real name, so call the county and find out if there is any property in his name, then follow up if there is.

    Come on MrV, you know me better than that. I did my homework. There was no such property.

    MDog will tell you that no one could have looked into it because the property was purchased under a family trust rather than an individual name. But guess what, that doesn't mean that it still isn't public information.

    The great "pope of Las Vegas" (or is it dope of Las Vegas) doesn't seem to understand that Las Vegas is not Beverly Hills, or any of a number of places in California with all these 7 and 8 figure homes. Vegas has very few actually. In part because even with the current real estate prices on the rise over the last year or so, Vegas is still far below most other places in real estate prices. A mansion here is a million dollars or two. There just aren't many properties in the mid 7 figure range, so it is not hard to track and find.

    Even the new Home that Raiders owner Mark Davis built or is building is only about 10 million and that is really a significant mansion with a lot of property. Wayne Newton's old home on Sunset road, formerly Casa de Shenandoah with 9 different houses on 40+ acres, stables and fields for 50 horses, and a garage that houses 100 cars is back on the market for 20 million (will probably sell for half that). But this is rare. Liberace's mansion on Shirley lane over near UNLV, completely renovated just 5 years ago, just sold last year for only 2 million. Vegas just isn't a place with an abundance of mid 7 or 8 figure mansions.

    I think the second part of why there aren't an abundance of such properties is because people that can afford that don't live in Vegas. They live somewhere else, so if they buy an expensive property in Vegas to visit or live part-time, they buy a condo and there are a lot of mid 7 figure condos around town, even in my building.

    So I am not speculating that this mansion story by Mdog is just another Mdog fairytale, I know it for a fact.

    This is how fucking stupid poor people are.

    I own zero in my name

    Most people with real money own things in trust or different business structures. It’s fucking so trivial to do. Poor uneducated freaks like you have no clue.

    Broke ass failed lawyers who do drugs all day obviously don’t understand it either.

    You’ve sucked to much cock and ate to many sweaty closet gay ass to know anything about asset protection.

    So fucking fake !!!

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