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Thread: eliot jacobson calls For Violence and protests on climate change

  1. #461
    Haven't had enough of the Climate Con?

  2. #462
    Why always Jordan Peterson? You'd think the deniers would have a wider audience if they know the truth which is accepted all over the globe by the large majority of actual scientists. Peterson has been given enough chances from me wasting my time paying any attention to him.

    I was curious what his background is. Psychology.. he even had a associate professorship at harvard. From my limited observation soft science academics often get where they are due to politics of some sort. Manipulation. Can't really do that with hard sciences. So all at once Jordan has a chance to make far more money being an infuencer type. It all kinda fits with my worldview. Guy is super sharp regardless, likely a real operator / manipulator. His polished his pander is magnificent.

    But anyway... Media doesnt like talking about climate stuff much. It does not make for happy media consumers. The only guys who are not directly related to the climate and talk about it often are these uhm trumpesque pandering types. It brings the clicks no the contrarian right who sits around jerking off thinking they're independent thinkers because they fall for this shit.

  3. #463
    ^^ I should edit my posts. I'll be better. After all - for many this is their one stop shop for unambiguous end of first-world lifestyles at minimum and what is most likely global starvation. lolz

    Here is another one. So great salt lake is drying up. Government trying to figure out what to do. Salinitiy going way up, killing off lowest level of food chain. Migratory birds rely on the lake. Chain reactions are starting.

    What option do they have in their toolbox? Don't pay farmers to grow food so there is more water to flow in. Yep thats the best mitigation they have start paying farmers for crops. Wow what mitigation and it has barely started !

  4. #464
    Awww Shit, the WEF at it again...

  5. #465
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Awww Shit, the WEF at it again...

    So I thought it was all the grant writers trying to hang on to their jobs so they made this all up. You know, 1000s or more, all across the world.Now I learn it is John Kerry's daughter and the WEF !

    She needs to go die. Not sure what the argument is that she should be listened to outside of nepotism. Gee daddy, what can I do with myself? I'm of middling talent.

    TBH I kinda like Shapiro related to the rest of these guys. He is kinda respectable.

    It is one thing to point out that Earth warming has people wanting more control. It is an other one to say they have manufactured this. No, the WEF did not manufacture this. Kinda a stupid thing to say.

    It is probably the case that some eco-fascist type government is needed but it ain't happening and why I stand behind the whole WE'RE FUCKING DOOMED. This isn't covid jab bullshit.

  6. #466
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Awww Shit, the WEF at it again...

    So I thought it was all the grant writers trying to hang on to their jobs so they made this all up. You know, 1000s or more, all across the world.Now I learn it is John Kerry's daughter and the WEF !

    She needs to go die. Not sure what the argument is that she should be listened to outside of nepotism. Gee daddy, what can I do with myself? I'm of middling talent.

    TBH I kinda like Shapiro related to the rest of these guys. He is kinda respectable.

    It is one thing to point out that Earth warming has people wanting more control. It is an other one to say they have manufactured this. No, the WEF did not manufacture this. Kinda a stupid thing to say.

    It is probably the case that some eco-fascist type government is needed but it ain't happening and why I stand behind the whole WE'RE FUCKING DOOMED. This isn't covid jab bullshit.


    What a complete lunatic

    Capital allocators who are orders of magnitude smarter then you disagree lol.

    Elliot the pussy free cuck

  7. #467
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Awww Shit, the WEF at it again...

    So I thought it was all the grant writers trying to hang on to their jobs so they made this all up. You know, 1000s or more, all across the world.Now I learn it is John Kerry's daughter and the WEF !

    She needs to go die. Not sure what the argument is that she should be listened to outside of nepotism. Gee daddy, what can I do with myself? I'm of middling talent.

    TBH I kinda like Shapiro related to the rest of these guys. He is kinda respectable.

    It is one thing to point out that Earth warming has people wanting more control. It is an other one to say they have manufactured this. No, the WEF did not manufacture this. Kinda a stupid thing to say.

    It is probably the case that some eco-fascist type government is needed but it ain't happening and why I stand behind the whole WE'RE FUCKING DOOMED. This isn't covid jab bullshit.


    What a complete lunatic

    Capital allocators who are orders of magnitude smarter then you disagree lol.

    Elliot the pussy free cuck
    I'm only a small fraction of the lunatic you are. The day people find me arguing in the mirror about my penis length is the last day you'll see me.

    No clue what you mean by "capital allocators". Everyone is a capital allocator in the US. You should be more specific if you're going to make clown statements.

  8. #468
    Speaking of clarity, and precision, even our thoughts are of the universe, a product of it, and, so, even final answers are supposed to be somewhat fuzzy. Locking ourselves into one or the other, well, is the catch of death.

    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    It is probably the case that some eco-fascist type government is needed but it ain't happening and why I stand behind the whole WE'RE FUCKING DOOMED. This isn't covid jab bullshit.
    ---> Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction.

    Hysterically dire as it sounds, however, it's where you end up instead of

    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Yes - changing everything in the sentence makes it a different sentence. We agree.
    ---> Dancing with the Stars (American TV series).

    if you don't learn how to extricate yourself from time and space (find the theory of everything) to connect, say, the big bang/crunch cycles of the universe proper, ha, as with

    Originally Posted by TheGrimReaper View Post
    Putting three 6's for the three f's, the sixth letter of the alphabet, and, three 5's for the remaining s's, we have

    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    I enjoyed Devil's Advocate and thanks 6or the good memory with the link to the ending scene - I wi5h Al Pacino's be5t day5 weren't behind him, but 6ather Time is unde6eated as they say.
    ---> My Instant Death [666] Ability Is So Overpowered, No One in This Other World Stands a Chance Against Me[555]! [Ha.]

    Father Time's image comes from the ancient Roman god of time, Saturn. The ancient Greeks often referred to Saturn as Kronos or Chronos, which means “time." Saturn was usually portrayed as an old man with a scythe since his functions related to farming, and his yearly festival was a harvest celebration.

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    134 = 2 x 67; (134^2 - 67^2) = 13467 = 1*√9*[6*(10 + 0^0) + 7^0]^2 ---> 1961, and July 2.
    Yes, Tablepooey, numerals for some of the letters changes things beyond only that of the letters, but, it puts the numerals (math) on the words (physics). I like it when the numerals work themselves through their exponents, as with the 13467 result above. Blends in with a particular sort and degree of math and physics. Self-similar operations of numbers. The Eigenvalues, axes, or bases, etc, of the universe proper.

    Anyway, it's the Chinese Zodiac New Year's Day, today, to go with the twelve signs of the Zodiac. The Ox for 1961, a couple of years ago. Now I wonder that it was essentially the year before 2022, as the basis of 2022, instead of its latter part. (1961 + 61) = 2022, with the 61st year to continue on to July 2, 2023; or, is it the 62nd year to then? I've naturally come to take, say, dimension-3 to be the ordinal, fourth dimension, going from cardinal dimensions 0, 1, 2, to 3. Ah, just, noticed that (2022 / 12) = 168.5 = (169 - 0.6 + 0.1) ---> 1961.

    Oh, one other thing for now. Now I thought to put the entire alphabet into the anagram solver, six times over, eight characters less than the maximum 164 allowed.

    abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx yzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuv wxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrst uvwxyz
    ---> Consumed: How Markets Corrupt Children, Infantilize Adults, and Swallow Citizens Whole.

    TheGrimReaper TheGrimReaper is offline
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    Sep 2022
    136 ------------> 136 = (-1 + 137) ---> 1/137, or, (-0^0 + .197) ---> 0.197
    Last edited by TheGrimReaper; 01-22-2023 at 10:41 AM.
    Drug Rehabilitation + Haliburton County for the local thus clinics. The one in Haliburton town temporarily closed yields the closest, 4cast. 137 posts at NetVoid's forum, + 184 here =321.0, to overlap 3456 at the 3's, as the dimensions from 0 to 6, four by

    The unused, Zodiac bits: 'dakadu, Lake+151?s (164 char. max) seed the final two lines of the anagram solver -of lies/revenge. Franc Baconis for the capital L yields 141=69+ᘔᘖ; 397=[(10-6+9-1)^3-(1+ᘔ+ᘖ+1)^3].

    Thanks. CIA.0!


  9. #469
    Originally Posted by TheGrimReaper View Post

    Yes, Tablepooey, numerals for some of the letters changes things beyond only that of the letters, but, it puts the numerals (math) on the words (physics). I like it when the numerals work themselves through their exponents, as with the 13467 result above. Blends in with a particular sort and degree of math and physics. Self-similar operations of numbers. The Eigenvalues, axes, or bases, etc, of the universe proper.

    Anyway, it's the Chinese Zodiac New Year's Day, today, to go with the twelve signs of the Zodiac. The Ox for 1961, a couple of years ago. Now I wonder that it was essentially the year before 2022, as the basis of 2022, instead of its latter part. (1961 + 61) = 2022, with the 61st year to continue on to July 2, 2023; or, is it the 62nd year to then? I've naturally come to take, say, dimension-3 to be the ordinal, fourth dimension, going from cardinal dimensions 0, 1, 2, to 3. Ah, just, noticed that (2022 / 12) = 168.5 = (169 - 0.6 + 0.1) ---> 1961.
    Another moronic post can now be added to the massive trash pile of posts you have already created with your multiple aliases.

  10. #470
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Another moronic post can now be added to the massive trash pile of posts you have already created with your multiple aliases.
    ---> Antipseudohypertantricautopyronecrotranshomopedosa domasobeastiality.

    What a "liberated" word, once dissected. Anyway, what's the point of joining a "nudist colony" (in terms of free speech, like this one) if you're not going to take off your "clothes"? I guess that I identify with "Seed", in this respect. Someone who's not afraid of his "sexuality", or whatever. It's a waste of freedom otherwise. Lol, people griping about every thing under the sun, but, in the end, all for nothing, with nothing to hope for, win, or lose.

    You guys are more uptight than the moderated boards.

    [I don't know why the editor for this forum, and others, parse the lines at specific intervals. One word or line in the editor window, but, not in the posts.]
    Last edited by TheGrimReaper; 01-22-2023 at 11:03 PM.
    Drug Rehabilitation + Haliburton County for the local thus clinics. The one in Haliburton town temporarily closed yields the closest, 4cast. 137 posts at NetVoid's forum, + 184 here =321.0, to overlap 3456 at the 3's, as the dimensions from 0 to 6, four by

    The unused, Zodiac bits: 'dakadu, Lake+151?s (164 char. max) seed the final two lines of the anagram solver -of lies/revenge. Franc Baconis for the capital L yields 141=69+ᘔᘖ; 397=[(10-6+9-1)^3-(1+ᘔ+ᘖ+1)^3].

    Thanks. CIA.0!


  11. #471
    What in the Fuck???
    So, he basically owns the WHO.
    I also read that the FDA is 70% funded by Big Pharma?
    That's not a conflict of interest at all.
    Nice of him to give Fauci at least 18 Million to do some "virus research".
    I guess 155 Million to the CDC isn't that much.
    Doesn't mean a thing!
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Last edited by monet; 01-24-2023 at 03:14 AM.

  12. #472
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    What in the Fuck???
    So, he basically owns the WHO.
    I also read that the FDA is 70% funded by Big Pharma?
    That's not a conflict of interest at all.
    Nice of him to give Fauci at least 18 Million to do some "virus research".
    I guess 155 Million to the CDC isn't that much.
    Doesn't mean a thing!
    Recall that the epidemiologist Neil Ferguson from Imperial College (it shows that Bill donated 280 million to Imperial College), whose models were used to inform the necessity of lockdowns in the UK, was caught violating a lockdown with his girlfriend.

    Name:  nGtJ7dl.jpg
Views: 302
Size:  44.2 KB

  13. #473
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    What in the Fuck???
    So, he basically owns the WHO.
    I also read that the FDA is 70% funded by Big Pharma?
    That's not a conflict of interest at all.
    Nice of him to give Fauci at least 18 Million to do some "virus research".
    I guess 155 Million to the CDC isn't that much.
    Doesn't mean a thing!
    You’re just suffering from dual confirmation and survivorship biases.

  14. #474
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    What in the Fuck???
    So, he basically owns the WHO.
    I also read that the FDA is 70% funded by Big Pharma?
    That's not a conflict of interest at all.
    Nice of him to give Fauci at least 18 Million to do some "virus research".
    I guess 155 Million to the CDC isn't that much.
    Doesn't mean a thing!
    So funny.. the guy tries to finance things that are effective in bringing positive change to the people and it is some big conspiracy..

    Monet would be screaming about fluoride in the water if it was still a thing.

    The FDA having the drug stuff funded by Big Pharma is crazy but hard to complain about taxes then also complain about that. Not sure what you think the alternative should be.

  15. #475
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    What in the Fuck???
    So, he basically owns the WHO.
    I also read that the FDA is 70% funded by Big Pharma?
    That's not a conflict of interest at all.
    Nice of him to give Fauci at least 18 Million to do some "virus research".
    I guess 155 Million to the CDC isn't that much.
    Doesn't mean a thing!
    Recall that the epidemiologist Neil Ferguson from Imperial College (it shows that Bill donated 280 million to Imperial College), whose models were used to inform the necessity of lockdowns in the UK, was caught violating a lockdown with his girlfriend.

    Name:  nGtJ7dl.jpg
Views: 302
Size:  44.2 KB
    And so what is your point? He had a woman visit him. Hypcrocrisy sure but unless she was using mass transportation I fail to see how this was anywhere near risky behavior. Very lame of him. More lame that he was caught. (Wonder how?)

    But. it wasn't like he was caught having a party in his house. Sure though, read a ton into this. The smart guys yall are. Got'em in the BIG LIE.

    Monet probably has his gf on lockdown anyway and Tableplay probably hasn't seen a naked girl outside $$$.

  16. #476
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    And so what is your point?
    He built the models that created the lockdown policy in the UK and then disregarded the lockdowns - I guess he was a big believer in the models he built and the threat that Covid-19 posed. Anyway, no big deal - he probably just resigned after that for the heck of it.

  17. #477
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    And so what is your point?
    He built the models that created the lockdown policy in the UK and then disregarded the lockdowns - I guess he was a big believer in the models he built and the threat that Covid-19 posed. Anyway, no big deal - he probably just resigned after that for the heck of it.
    He probably resigned because he knew it cast a bad light on the government position. He still has plenty of posiitions in various places similar to that one.

    Literally this is a conspiracy because a guy wanted to fuck his girlfriend and did so and had already caught it prior.

  18. #478
    The people at the top have no interest in limiting their consumption of fossil fuels.
    But they do seem to have an interest in limiting yours, mine and depopulating the Earth...

  19. #479
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    The people at the top have no interest in limiting their consumption of fossil fuels.
    But they do seem to have an interest in limiting yours, mine and depopulating the Earth...

    Ahh Jordan Peterson the guy who leads beta-cucks to self-realization.

    Always the same few bullshit artists. Dore and Jordan are clearly in #1 and #2.

  20. #480
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    He probably resigned because he knew it cast a bad light on the government position. He still has plenty of posiitions in various places similar to that one.
    He probably resigned because he was probably told he would be fired if he didn't resign.

    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Literally this is a conspiracy because a guy wanted to fuck his girlfriend and did so and had already caught it prior.
    Clearly his models determined that he was engaged in dangerous behavior, otherwise it would not have been in violation of the lockdown policy that his models informed. He violated the lockdown because he knew his models were bunk and that it wasn't dangerous to go fuck his girlfriend.
    A lot of people wanted to fuck their girlfriends during the lockdown but didn't because of the restrictions. A lot of people wanted to run a business, but instead went bankrupt because of his models. I completely agree with him that his models were bunk and I completely disregarded the US lockdowns like he did in the UK.

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