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Thread: eliot jacobson calls For Violence and protests on climate change

  1. #481
    Mental health experts are reporting a new mental disorder they are calling Climate Catastrophism Disorder. They say young people are bombarded by continual fantastical forecasts of impending doom. To the point they are now suffering mentally.

    In 2005, is his movie, An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore said that in ten years there would no longer be snow on Kilimanjoro and the the north pole ice caps would melt. These are examples of forecasts of doom that did not materialize. It's been 18 years. Kilimanjoro has more snow today and the ice cap is larger today than it was in 2005.

    Greta Thunberg is the poster girl for Climate Catastrophism Disorder. She and AOC say the world has only 12 years left. Of course, they said that a couple of years ago so we probably only have ten years left if you listen to them.

    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  2. #482
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    The people at the top have no interest in limiting their consumption of fossil fuels.
    But they do seem to have an interest in limiting yours, mine and depopulating the Earth...

    Ahh Jordan Peterson the guy who leads beta-cucks to self-realization.

    Always the same few bullshit artists. Dore and Jordan are clearly in #1 and #2.
    So what if Jordan's guest was the Alfred P Sloan professor of meteorology at MIT, a consultant to the Global Modeling and Simulation Group at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, and a distinguished visiting scientist at California Institute of Technology's Jet Propulsion Laboratory - you know a lot more about climate science than he does.

  3. #483
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    So what if Jordan's guest was the Alfred P Sloan professor of meteorology at MIT, a consultant to the Global Modeling and Simulation Group at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, and a distinguished visiting scientist at California Institute of Technology's Jet Propulsion Laboratory - you know a lot more about climate science than he does.
    I don't think question would listen to it nor do I think he cares but Richard Siegmund Lindzen is very detailed and lays it out in simple terms for anyone to understand.
    The guy is basically on another level compared to anyone on this board.
    But you know... Climate Change is the narrative and they ain't giving up on it, rofl.

    An interesting point that he made about India was that not too long ago they had a population of 200 Million and were Starving to death.
    Now they are over 1 Billion and export food!

  4. #484
    In other news, Scott Raymond Adams (Creator of Dilbert) recently put out a video that said the Anti-Vaxxers Won!
    These Bots are Fucking Sick in the Head lol.

    I'll never understand how people think or thought the Covid Vaccine was Safe and Effective when J&J had to recall millions of vials and throw them in the trash because they were not safe and effective and killing people who took it.

    Last edited by monet; 01-25-2023 at 08:54 AM.

  5. #485
    Originally Posted by TheGrimReaper View Post
    Hey, as I still come here now and then to read the "comics", would you guys mind putting the "Look at me, I'm an expert" climate stuff in the documentaries thread? I'd like to be able separate the retarded Vegas stuff from the cult stuff, respectively, at a glance. Thanks in advance! The Reaper.
    Nobody is claiming to be an expert here.
    That's the point.
    Nothing can be done, to reverse any of this, anyways, if it is a threat.
    Two things are facts about all of this.

    1. Nature has been trying to eradicate mankind from the face of the Earth and will never stop till she does so.
    2. The Powers that Be are using the Fear of Climate Change to make huge profits from the Wage Slaves.

  6. #486
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    An interesting point that he made about India was that not too long ago they had a population of 200 Million and were Starving to death.
    Now they are over 1 Billion and export food!
    The episode was chock full of good points such as your India example of his points. He also pointed out the simple fact that non-man-made climate variation is big enough to make it nearly impossible to figure out what role Man, if any, has played in climate change. Who knows, Dr. Lindzen might have read the Nature article Accountinquestion linked to which said the same thing (

    From the nature article:
    Name:  HMcGXvT.png
Views: 262
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  7. #487
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    So what if Jordan's guest was the Alfred P Sloan professor of meteorology at MIT, a consultant to the Global Modeling and Simulation Group at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, and a distinguished visiting scientist at California Institute of Technology's Jet Propulsion Laboratory - you know a lot more about climate science than he does.
    You were the one who was a whiney ass over me putting words in your mouth. I'm not sure where *anyone* suggested I know more about climate science than him.

    The question is - Does he know more than all the people who disagree with him? In some small areas he may. I believe he also admitted one of his earlier papers had a lot of sloppy math in them.

    I'd totally listen to the guy if he was having a debate with someone on the other side. Jordan Peterson is just going to be constant softballs and you wouldn't even be aware if he is misleading.

    Fact is the kind of guys who would benefit from this the most wouldn't ever watch it. THey need to stay in their little safe zones or whatever the fuck they're called.

  8. #488
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    In other news, Scott Raymond Adams (Creator of Dilbert) recently put out a video that said the Anti-Vaxxers Won!
    These Bots are Fucking Sick in the Head lol.

    I'll never understand how people think or thought the Covid Vaccine was Safe and Effective when J&J had to recall millions of vials and throw them in the trash because they were not safe and effective and killing people who took it.

    This has nothing to do with climate change. The vax wasn't near as effective as people would have liked but it was still effective in preventing hospitalizations. That is fine with me because I *HATE* socializing purposeful stupidity.

    They also weren't as safe as people would have liked and yes this was likely overlooked by a lot of press.

    Where's the wonder drug ivermectin? Where are all the people dying of cancer.

    Oh wait some dude has a heart attack playing football !! talk about changing goalposts. Can't make this shit up.

  9. #489
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by TheGrimReaper View Post
    Hey, as I still come here now and then to read the "comics", would you guys mind putting the "Look at me, I'm an expert" climate stuff in the documentaries thread? I'd like to be able separate the retarded Vegas stuff from the cult stuff, respectively, at a glance. Thanks in advance! The Reaper.
    Nobody is claiming to be an expert here.
    That's the point.
    Nothing can be done, to reverse any of this, anyways, if it is a threat.
    Two things are facts about all of this.

    1. Nature has been trying to eradicate mankind from the face of the Earth and will never stop till she does so.
    2. The Powers that Be are using the Fear of Climate Change to make huge profits from the Wage Slaves.

    I agree #1.

    #2 is coo-coo bird level shit.

  10. #490
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    An interesting point that he made about India was that not too long ago they had a population of 200 Million and were Starving to death.
    Now they are over 1 Billion and export food!
    The episode was chock full of good points such as your India example of his points. He also pointed out the simple fact that non-man-made climate variation is big enough to make it nearly impossible to figure out what role Man, if any, has played in climate change. Who knows, Dr. Lindzen might have read the Nature article Accountinquestion linked to which said the same thing (

    From the nature article:
    Name:  HMcGXvT.png
Views: 262
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    This Indian thing has nothing to do with anything. More magical thinking. Oh somehow India will keep producing food regardless of the temperature. Not sure how we get from A to B but yes, there has been a lot of ag tech but this idea that we can engineer our way out of everything is weak logic. IMO our only real hope is maybe they can get fusion to work.

    I'm with Eliot, most of this shit we see to mitigate stuff is just to make a warm feeling. Green whitewashing. There is little hope without a drastic overhaul of society which is never going to happen at the level needed.

    I like your quote.. That line refers to this particular study of Greenland. Look around. Reality should be the proof, not what Jordan says, Eliot, or anyone else. Droughts on a global scale. Tons of other data much like the Greenland data that suggest something very sad is occurring.
    Last edited by accountinquestion; 01-25-2023 at 12:32 PM.

  11. #491
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    So I thought it was all the grant writers trying to hang on to their jobs so they made this all up. You know, 1000s or more, all across the world.Now I learn it is John Kerry's daughter and the WEF !

    She needs to go die. Not sure what the argument is that she should be listened to outside of nepotism. Gee daddy, what can I do with myself? I'm of middling talent.

    TBH I kinda like Shapiro related to the rest of these guys. He is kinda respectable.

    It is one thing to point out that Earth warming has people wanting more control. It is an other one to say they have manufactured this. No, the WEF did not manufacture this. Kinda a stupid thing to say.

    It is probably the case that some eco-fascist type government is needed but it ain't happening and why I stand behind the whole WE'RE FUCKING DOOMED. This isn't covid jab bullshit.


    What a complete lunatic

    Capital allocators who are orders of magnitude smarter then you disagree lol.

    Elliot the pussy free cuck
    I'm only a small fraction of the lunatic you are. The day people find me arguing in the mirror about my penis length is the last day you'll see me.

    No clue what you mean by "capital allocators". Everyone is a capital allocator in the US. You should be more specific if you're going to make clown statements.

    There’s literally nothing you are better then me at in life. I know this because of your stupid post and lack of love.

    Elliot is a fraud always has been always will be. Most of the gambling authors are frauds in general with the exception of James G.

    Once again I can verify my net worth and bet it all against your stupid Theory’s. Elliot is a fraud so he backed out. Food will be abundant energy will eventually cost nothing and life will continue to get better. You literally have to be a complete and utter failure at life to believe otherwise.

    Climate change lol

  12. #492
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    #2 is coo-coo bird level shit.
    You're right.
    Nobody with wealth and power ever tried to exploit the peasants for more wealth and power.
    As If this world wasn't built by slaves and those who owned and controlled the slaves.
    Newsflash... Slavery is still a huge part of society around the world.
    And we aren't even talking about the wage debt slaves yet who are constantly raped for every tax dollar you can imagine but not see.
    Over 325 Different Taxes on the American Population alone, and those are only the ones they tell us about.
    Freedom... yeah right lol.

  13. #493
    Oh, Gee, Look... The Powers that Be are at it again trying to exploit the working man.
    A month or so ago they crushed the Rail Workers in America.
    This time they are in France trying to raise the retirement age.
    At least in France they are Striking and shutting shit down.
    But, I'm guessing that the Leaders will put them in Jail and seize their bank accounts like they did in Canada.
    So yes, The Man is always trying to take more away from the 99%.

  14. #494
    I'm Coo-Coo Bat Shit Crazy???
    This Fucking Guy, Klaus Schwab, is saying that it's time for the Global Reset and he's doing it out in the open!!
    And that it's necessary!
    This is literally Nazism right in front of your eyes.
    But, yeah, I'm The Fucking Crazy Bird, lulz.

    This is your Fucking Hero accountinquestion.
    He is literally preaching your Global Warming Bullshit.
    He starts with that shit around the 3:10 mark.

  15. #495
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    So what if Jordan's guest was the Alfred P Sloan professor of meteorology at MIT, a consultant to the Global Modeling and Simulation Group at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, and a distinguished visiting scientist at California Institute of Technology's Jet Propulsion Laboratory - you know a lot more about climate science than he does.
    You were the one who was a whiney ass over me putting words in your mouth. I'm not sure where *anyone* suggested I know more about climate science than him.
    I did not write that you said you know more than him. I highlighted my exact words above in red. Another straw man from King Strawman.
    Last edited by tableplay; 01-25-2023 at 05:23 PM.

  16. #496
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    This Indian thing has nothing to do with anything.
    The point that India can produce plenty of food in the wake of climate change was intended to point out that India can produce plenty of food in the wake of climate change. The idea that Dr. Lindzen meant something about being able to engineer our way out of everything comes from you, he never said anything like that King Strawman.
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    I like your quote.. That line refers to this particular study of Greenland. Look around. Reality should be the proof, not what Jordan says, Eliot, or anyone else. Droughts on a global scale. Tons of other data much like the Greenland data that suggest something very sad is occurring.
    What's amazing is your inability to understand even a simple argument. Here I am not even contesting that there is climate change - only the proportion of it caused by natural variability versus the proportion of it caused by Man. Yet you think I am arguing that there is not a changing environment (see your text in red above for plain proof that that is what you think that I am arguing against).

    Since it is very difficult to determine man's role in the wake of the very large amount of natural climate variation, climate fraudsters made up shit, but luckily their e-mail's were hacked and exposed.
    Last edited by tableplay; 01-25-2023 at 05:34 PM.

  17. #497
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    This Indian thing has nothing to do with anything.
    The point that India can produce plenty of food in the wake of climate change was intended to point out that India can produce plenty of food in the wake of climate change. The idea that Dr. Lindzen meant something about being able to engineer our way out of everything comes from you, he never said anything like that King Strawman.
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    I like your quote.. That line refers to this particular study of Greenland.
    So then, if it is a particular study for Greenland, why did you use it to argue your point about the whole world being in trouble rather than just Greenland ? Since it is very difficult to determine man's role in the wake of the very large amount of natural climate variation, climate fraudsters made up shit, but luckily their e-mail's were hacked and exposed.
    Don't Fuck with tableplay on this subject... he knows what he's talking about!

  18. #498
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    The point that India can produce plenty of food in the wake of climate change was intended to point out that India can produce plenty of food in the wake of climate change. The idea that Dr. Lindzen meant something about being able to engineer our way out of everything comes from you, he never said anything like that King Strawman.
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    I like your quote.. That line refers to this particular study of Greenland.
    So then, if it is a particular study for Greenland, why did you use it to argue your point about the whole world being in trouble rather than just Greenland ? Since it is very difficult to determine man's role in the wake of the very large amount of natural climate variation, climate fraudsters made up shit, but luckily their e-mail's were hacked and exposed.
    Don't Fuck with tableplay on this subject... he knows what he's talking about!
    I'm glad you caught that before I deleted it Monet. I deleted it in favor of the current reply since I did not want to raise too many points for Accountinquestion at the same time as he get confused quite easily as you can see. I appreciate the compliment.

  19. #499
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    And we aren't even talking about the wage debt slaves yet who are constantly raped for every tax dollar you can imagine but not see.
    Over 325 Different Taxes on the American Population alone, and those are only the ones they tell us about.
    Freedom... yeah right lol.
    IMHO that's actually the whole idea of the climate fraudsters pinning climate change on Man rather than the much larger culprit - natural (non-man-made) climate variability:
    You can penalize and tax Man but you cannot penalize and tax mother nature.

  20. #500
    Sorry, Monet, but you have to be the dumbest fucker, ever, right after Tablepooey, a totally mixed up and confused piece of shit with a fertilizer mouth. With "daughter" Ozzy eating a mile of it just to see where it comes from. Ha.

    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    The point that India can produce plenty of food in the wake of climate change was intended to point out that India can produce plenty of food in the wake of climate change. The idea that Dr. Lindzen meant something about being able to engineer our way out of everything comes from you, he never said anything like that King Strawman.

    So then, if it is a particular study for Greenland, why did you use it to argue your point about the whole world being in trouble rather than just Greenland ? Since it is very difficult to determine man's role in the wake of the very large amount of natural climate variation, climate fraudsters made up shit, but luckily their e-mail's were hacked and exposed.
    Don't Fuck with tableplay on this subject... he knows what he's talking about!
    I'm glad you caught that before I deleted it Monet. I deleted it in favor of the current reply since I did not want to raise too many points for Accountinquestion at the same time as he get confused quite easily as you can see. I appreciate the compliment.
    The story was first broken by climate change denialists, who argued that the emails showed that global warming was a scientific conspiracy and that scientists manipulated climate data and attempted to suppress critics. The CRU rejected this, saying that the emails had been taken out of context. confirmed that climate change deniers misrepresented the contents of the emails. Columnist James Delingpole popularised the term "Climategate" to describe the controversy.

    ... 6ut luckily their e-mai1's were hacked an6 exposed.
    ---> Wa[c]ko Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd.

    I'm glad you caught that 6efore 1 delete6 it Monet.
    ---> Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie. [Dogma and Ritual of High Magic]

    Don't Fuck with tableplay on this subject... he knows what he's talking about!
    ---> List of The Tonight Show with Jay Leno sketches.!?partial=true

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    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    You saw the full context of the e-mails I posted earlier for yourself retard. After reading them, only a dimwitted fool like you would then believe
    Why don't you just give it up? You guys are a bunch of cuckoos. Ha! Ha! Ha!
    Last edited by TheGrimReaper; 01-25-2023 at 07:19 PM.
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    The unused, Zodiac bits: 'dakadu, Lake+151?s (164 char. max) seed the final two lines of the anagram solver -of lies/revenge. Franc Baconis for the capital L yields 141=69+ᘔᘖ; 397=[(10-6+9-1)^3-(1+ᘔ+ᘖ+1)^3].

    Thanks. CIA.0!


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