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Thread: Note to Dan: Rob Singer and Dan Druff Sharing Account at Gambling Forums

  1. #41
    reaper, 'likes" are misleading on any forum. It is a measure of popularity, rather than helpfulness or quality of post as it is supposed to be. At Norm's blackjack forum, I had a "helpful rating" of better than 93%, for most of my time. That was like 3rd highest on the forum. Then after I challenged the dude with the super duper count, every single post I made received an "unhelpful vote". So those things really mean nothing. It is a popularity feature, no more.

    AT GF, it was even worse, because the member that Posted as Beachbumbabsclitoris, who some say was MaxPen, would "like" almost every single person's post. If two people were arguing BBBclitoris would "like" both sides of the argument. Clearly just mocking the system.

  2. #42
    Hey Garnabby, are you saying OopsIdiditAgain is YOU?

    I thought it was Tasha.

    Gotta wonder: Does one "liking" their own posts really count?

    KJ: Red started it but you ran with it, and I thank you both for this new arrow to add to the quiver of Absurdity.
    What, Me Worry?

  3. #43
    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post

    Don't be obtuse.

    Obtuse THIS you retard!

    I am not going back looking for things, but wasn't there an incident where one of your kids got hurt? Bicycle accident of something? and was rushed to the ER or hospital? You shared that. It was part of your life. We share things that are part of our lives.

    Your mother is a bad example i think. Do you live with your mother? (maybe you do), but if not that makes it a more distant, not immediately family member. So I say again, if someone were married and still loved their wife and she passed, or a child passed, you might share that as it would be a big, big thing in your life. So suppose a child had passed. Lets say got hit by a car while riding a bike. And you shared that and while you are mourning this very devastating thing, a Rob Singer, piece of shit type, comes along and says she was a crackhead and a slut, blowing all the boys in her class.

    I mean dude, game playing on forums, and all that aside, there are just things that are way over the line of human decency.

  4. #44
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post

    Don't be obtuse.

    Obtuse THIS you retard!

    I am not going back looking for things, but wasn't there an incident where one of your kids got hurt? Bicycle accident of something? and was rushed to the ER or hospital? You shared that. It was part of your life. We share things that are part of our lives.

    Your mother is a bad example i think. Do you live with your mother? (maybe you do), but if not that makes it a more distant, not immediately family member. So I say again, if someone were married and still loved their wife and she passed, or a child passed, you might share that as it would be a big, big thing in your life. So suppose a child had passed. Lets say got hit by a car while riding a bike. And you shared that and while you are mourning this very devastating thing, a Rob Singer, piece of shit type, comes along and says she was a crackhead and a slut, blowing all the boys in her class.

    I mean dude, game playing on forums, and all that aside, there are just things that are way over the line of human decency.
    I have to be honest, not that I recall. My son has been in the hospital for various reasons and had to have a surgery when he was six months old. He could have had the surgery at a couple of weeks old, but there would have been a non-zero risk of death (compared to zero by waiting six months), so we opted to go with the six months.

    Anyway, I guess someone could make fun of that, if they wanted to, but it wouldn't bother me. Fifteen years ago now. I'd probably just think the person bringing that up to get at me is kind of a dumbass.

    Mother, fiancee, kids, anyone. My point is that anything that I would share on here I have already fully dealt with. I don't live with my mother.

    The most likely case is I would just disappear for several months until I had dealt with it. I sometimes disappear for basically no reason anyway. lol. The only thing that I can be positive about is, if a situation like the one you described JUST happened, I wouldn't be sharing it here. Might as well hand the posters here crossbows, shave my chest and paint a bullseye on it as do that.

  5. #45
    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    Might as well hand the posters here crossbows, shave my chest and paint a bullseye on it as do that.
    I don't live my life or make ANY decisions based on what some low life hateful trollish person might do. If you are doing that, you have one hell of a nerve saying such a person controls me.

  6. #46
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Hey Garnabby, are you saying OopsIdiditAgain is YOU?

    I thought it was Tasha.

    Gotta wonder: Does one "liking" their own posts really count?

    KJ: Red started it but you ran with it, and I thank you both for this new arrow to add to the quiver of Absurdity.
    Oops I Did It Again wasn't me, it was just an Account who posted with a Cookie Monster Avatar to reference my Cookie Monster Account that was briefly on here. On GF, I do have a Cookie Monster Avatar myself.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  7. #47
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    reaper, 'likes" are misleading on any forum. It is a measure of popularity, rather than helpfulness or quality of post as it is supposed to be. At Norm's blackjack forum, I had a "helpful rating" of better than 93%, for most of my time. That was like 3rd highest on the forum. Then after I challenged the dude with the super duper count, every single post I made received an "unhelpful vote". So those things really mean nothing. It is a popularity feature, no more.

    AT GF, it was even worse, because the member that Posted as Beachbumbabsclitoris, who some say was MaxPen, would "like" almost every single person's post. If two people were arguing BBBclitoris would "like" both sides of the argument. Clearly just mocking the system.
    I reported BWC for liking EVERY single post I ever made on GF. I asked him to stop liking EVERY single post I made as it caused my Alert Notifications to be like 150. It's annoying when you think you seriously got a lot of replies only to see 140 of those Alerts are "likes," from the same person. He kept going even after I politely asked him to stop, so I publicly reported him to the Admins for liking EVERY single post I made.

    The Admins asked him why he kept liking EVERY single post I made and he replied he likes EVERY post. The Admins told me a way to turn off Alerts and ironically, I already found out the way to turn off Alerts very shortly after reporting him. Other GF Posters ragged and dragged me for reporting him for liking EVERY single post I made.

    They were like,"Wouldn't someone liking ALL if your posts be a GOOD thing? I replied something like,"His constant liking of all my posts is stinking up my Alerts Inbox. I asked him to stop, he kept going, so I reported him. Posters continued to rag and drag me. Months later, there was a new thread started by another Poster who was sick of BWC liking EVERY single post he ever made. He reported BWC. Multiple Posters also said they didn't like BWC liking EVERY single post they made. They also reported him.

    The Admins were like,"BWC is out of control with liking EVERY single post ever made. This is excessive. We have turned off BWC ability to like posts. " Posters were grateful. When I reported BWC liking EVERY single post I made, Posters ragged and dragged me for reporting him. Months later, multiple Posters agreed his liking EVERY single posts was excessive and out of control and reported him. I turned out to be right and vindicated. I was ahead of my time on that one!
    Last edited by Tasha; 01-28-2023 at 03:28 PM.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  8. #48
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    Might as well hand the posters here crossbows, shave my chest and paint a bullseye on it as do that.
    I don't live my life or make ANY decisions based on what some low life hateful trollish person might do. If you are doing that, you have one hell of a nerve saying such a person controls me.
    I guess you could look at it that way. I suppose where you get frazzled by things of this nature, I would simply get annoyed. By not participating, I remove the capacity of would-be trolls to cause me annoyance.

    Think about this: How much cumulative time have you spent interacting with Singer, thinking about interactions with Singer, posting about Singer, contacting random members of his family, etc.? If you had all that time spent all at once, think of all of the things you could do with it! It's not going to get added on to the back half of your life; it's gone. Maybe you do find it entertaining. I mostly don't, but perhaps in extremely small doses.

    Mostly, I just think it's a waste of time. Usually, if my time is going to be controlled by someone else, I get some sort of paycheck in exchange or have an invoice to submit and be paid on.

  9. #49
    Now that I thoroughly own kew--and I mean THOROUGHLY--along with his freaky & even more pathetic baby bro BTW, I believe I'll try and make some dough off of it. I'm gonna sell some of his parts. After all, who wouldn't want a piece of this Man About Town, a person who knows MGM execs who aren't shy about feeding kew private info on their players....right to his dumpy high-rise apt.!

    The first item is the little guy's tiny brain. Yes I know, it barely functions and there are numerous crossed wires in there. But it could be donated to your kid's high school lab!

    Next up is his muscles. Um....well, I can't find any, so we'll have to skip that one.

    Now we're looking at his balls. empty sac. Who'd have thought?

    Next I've got his 4" dick, you know, the one that caused him to choose to become gay, because, as especially I know well, the ladies do like size. The guys? Well, that's one of the big reasons they choose the queer route. They know they'd just get humiliated by women, but they also know how sickly desperate similar men are. I'll even clean the brown stains off of it.

    Yeah I'm all the way in redietz' head also. But being that he's 100% Martian, I can't figure his weird biology.

    There's also one religion-hating, God hating/denying, creep over here that also has a deep hatred of me. The phony jbjb, whom Alan pegged as a fake from the get-go. Hey wait--is jbjb saying I'M God? We'll need more than an incoherent one-liner to get that straight.

    In the meantime, I'm busy trying to figure out how so many posters have been able to hack into my GF account and make posts as me.

    Kew---show us how weak and pathetic you are again!

  10. #50
    So the troll that left here with his tail between his legs, totally humiliated when first MaxPen and the Dan Druff proved him a lying sack of shit, is back trolling and hating.

    Remember when he left here he said he would never post anywhere again, but has made several hundred posts at GF since then.

    I have ignored him at GF today. Haven't even visited the forum, so he comes here. Now tell me who owns who(m)?

    Of course he has no BS claim that he can push because there is no one left believing his nonsense, so he trolls and hates. That is all he is. Pathetic old has been or maybe more accurately never was

  11. #51
    Originally Posted by TheGrimReaper View Post
    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    I see the rest of this thread is just a variation of the same pointless nonsense that every other thread is.
    Says another WoV ding-a-ling who looks for meaning on gambling forums. Oh, that's right, you're still trying to turn a buck by it on the backs of the gamblers, and, so, there's still some supposed meaning in it for you, too.

    As per usual, I "translated" the first or last line of the post. The last line.

    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    The more things stay the same, the more they stay the same. Wait, that's not how that one is supposed to go.

    Sam the Sham & The Pharaohs and The Shamettes.

    Ha. You are defectively useless if not more so, than KJ.

  12. #52
    Didn't take much hurt to get kew to display his weaknesses and lies again!

  13. #53
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Didn't take much hurt to get kew to display his weaknesses and lies again!
    You are just delusional old boy. That is not a bust or jab, you just no longer reside in reality or anything close to it.

    Any medical professional that read your post several posts above or really any number of your posts would recommend you be removed from society.

  14. #54
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    This Fucking Forum is filled with Rats...
    Yes indeed, and here is a song from back in the day to commemorate this wonderful new reality...

    Tasha should sing it: apt.
    What, Me Worry?

  15. #55
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Now that I thoroughly own kew--and I mean THOROUGHLY--along with his freaky & even more pathetic baby bro BTW, I believe I'll try and make some dough off of it. I'm gonna sell some of his parts. After all, who wouldn't want a piece of this Man About Town, a person who knows MGM execs who aren't shy about feeding kew private info on their players....right to his dumpy high-rise apt.!

    The first item is the little guy's tiny brain. Yes I know, it barely functions and there are numerous crossed wires in there. But it could be donated to your kid's high school lab!

    Next up is his muscles. Um....well, I can't find any, so we'll have to skip that one.

    Now we're looking at his balls. empty sac. Who'd have thought?

    Next I've got his 4" dick, you know, the one that caused him to choose to become gay, because, as especially I know well, the ladies do like size. The guys? Well, that's one of the big reasons they choose the queer route. They know they'd just get humiliated by women, but they also know how sickly desperate similar men are. I'll even clean the brown stains off of it.

    Yeah I'm all the way in redietz' head also. But being that he's 100% Martian, I can't figure his weird biology.

    There's also one religion-hating, God hating/denying, creep over here that also has a deep hatred of me. The phony jbjb, whom Alan pegged as a fake from the get-go. Hey wait--is jbjb saying I'M God? We'll need more than an incoherent one-liner to get that straight.

    In the meantime, I'm busy trying to figure out how so many posters have been able to hack into my GF account and make posts as me.

    Kew---show us how weak and pathetic you are again!
    Don't forget to flush yourself on the way out.

  16. #56
    Originally Posted by theywontpayontuesday View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Now that I thoroughly own kew--and I mean THOROUGHLY--along with his freaky & even more pathetic baby bro BTW, I believe I'll try and make some dough off of it. I'm gonna sell some of his parts. After all, who wouldn't want a piece of this Man About Town, a person who knows MGM execs who aren't shy about feeding kew private info on their players....right to his dumpy high-rise apt.!

    The first item is the little guy's tiny brain. Yes I know, it barely functions and there are numerous crossed wires in there. But it could be donated to your kid's high school lab!

    Next up is his muscles. Um....well, I can't find any, so we'll have to skip that one.

    Now we're looking at his balls. empty sac. Who'd have thought?

    Next I've got his 4" dick, you know, the one that caused him to choose to become gay, because, as especially I know well, the ladies do like size. The guys? Well, that's one of the big reasons they choose the queer route. They know they'd just get humiliated by women, but they also know how sickly desperate similar men are. I'll even clean the brown stains off of it.

    Yeah I'm all the way in redietz' head also. But being that he's 100% Martian, I can't figure his weird biology.

    There's also one religion-hating, God hating/denying, creep over here that also has a deep hatred of me. The phony jbjb, whom Alan pegged as a fake from the get-go. Hey wait--is jbjb saying I'M God? We'll need more than an incoherent one-liner to get that straight.

    In the meantime, I'm busy trying to figure out how so many posters have been able to hack into my GF account and make posts as me.

    Kew---show us how weak and pathetic you are again!
    Don't forget to flush yourself on the way out.
    Since you quoted him, I'll respond.

    No I don't hate Rob. He's just a buffoon!

    And as for Alan. I was sincere when I said I was hoping to run into him when in Vegas back in November and show him the juicy table games AP world.

  17. #57
    I saw the posts. Obviously a joke. Not worried about it.

    This did make me finally register an account at GamblingForums, though.
    Check out my poker forum, and weekly internet radio show at

  18. #58
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I saw the posts. Obviously a joke. Not worried about it.
    It's not that anybody familiar with you from here or PFA is going to believe that Rob posting as you is actually you, but what about someone new to the community? They could read that and form a negative opinion of you, not understanding it is just another attempt to discredit you.

    THAT is why I am surprised GF has allowed this. It just further shows that forum is not to be taken seriously. When you announce that there is nothing members can do that will result in anything more that the bizarre 'punishment' of having your account temporarily slowed down, you will have the trolls and game players ratcheting up their attempted to discredit people to support their own agenda.

  19. #59
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I saw the posts. Obviously a joke. Not worried about it.

    This did make me finally register an account at GamblingForums, though.

    I got some legal advice. The problem is that if you don't flag the first instance where it's "obviously a joke," then the possibility exists for creep. In other words, the poster takes it one step further and less obvious, and then another step and less obvious, and finally, they can get away with posts that are truly ambiguous as to who posted them. If you don't pushback immediately, you are giving implicit something-or-other (I think the word used was consent, but not sure) for them to do this. So the legal problem is that if you consent to an inch, you have a hard time drawing the line at a yard because you have already given consent since you know of the posts and have not acted.

    I suggest Todd track down a lawyer friend and ask if it would be prudent to formally protest the "obvious joke" to GF so his protest is on record.
    Last edited by redietz; 01-29-2023 at 11:13 AM.

  20. #60
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I saw the posts. Obviously a joke. Not worried about it.
    It's not that anybody familiar with you from here or PFA is going to believe that Rob posting as you is actually you, but what about someone new to the community? They could read that and form a negative opinion of you, not understanding it is just another attempt to discredit you.

    THAT is why I am surprised GF has allowed this. It just further shows that forum is not to be taken seriously. When you announce that there is nothing members can do that will result in anything more that the bizarre 'punishment' of having your account temporarily slowed down, you will have the trolls and game players ratcheting up their attempted to discredit people to support their own agenda.
    GF ownership is a farce. They're not new to online forums and have had others in the past. The original premise was the "Best" gambling minds on there. The majority of those "big names" where phony and made up by the owners.

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