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Thread: Young Axl Rose and Cake Cream in 2022! :D

  1. #221
    Tasha curled up in the corner of her "uncle's" crapped out RV and started to think: this was a rare event.

    "Now that I have two time-traveling Axl's, where can I take this?"

    A rat bit her toe: an epiphany.

    "I know, Cake Cream and Wild Water will devote all their energy to saving the world."

    She smiled.

    The following morning she took a dump at the McDonalds nearby and washed herself in their bathroom, then went back to her hovel to write.

    "But how will Axl's save the world?"

    "Ah, I know: through their music."

    She felt war was wrong, and only love could save the world.

    "Hmm...what rhymes with 'Putin?'"

    The latest episode of her narrative had the bands singing their new song, "You're Darn Tootin', We All Love Putin."

    Most of the fans didn't know or care who Putin was, but the song had a good beat so they liked it: all except for some Ukrainians.

    "Those imbeciles !" growled one.

    "Giving aid and comfort to the enemy."

    Very familiar with all things military by now, they left the concert and broke into the nearby army depot and hot-wired and armed an A-1 Abrams.

    A round of HE hit the bus carrying Cake Cream and Wild Water away from the concert venue.

    Tasha was frantic: how could this happen in HER story?

    She sipped her strawberry blizzard and pondered the great mysteries of life.
    Last edited by MisterV; 01-25-2023 at 04:13 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  2. #222

  3. #223
    Originally Posted by theywontpayontuesday View Post
    I was also thinking that Cake Cream and Axl wearing motorcycle helmets would seem reminiscent of Daft Punk's helmets, except Cake Cream and Axl wear motorcycle helmets because Axl has a paranoia about them getting hit in the head with items. Besides, Axl got shot on stage multiple times, so he's extra paranoid with protecting his and Cake Cream heads with the motorcycle helmets.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  4. #224
    They got ready for bed and went to sleep. When they awoke, they ate and got ready for the day.

    Cake Cream and Axl were able to chill, no Cake Cream Show today.

    They watched a South Park episode where Cartman was singing a song in front of a large audience at a Concert. He was singing off key, so he got booed and said,"Screw you guys, I'm going home!" And stormed off the stage angrily.

    Axl said,"I would have said,"Screw you guys, I'm going home!" And left in Cartman's position too. Getting booed is no fun."

    Cake Cream giggled.

    Axl was like,"What's so funny?"

    They showed him the infamous Riverport Concert Riot clip where he stopped the concert and dove in headfirst off the stage and into the crowd and smacked someone in the head and then angrily left early.

    Axl said incredulously, "I dove in headfirst off the stage and into the crowd and smacked someone in the head and angrily left early? I must have been on some dumb shait to do that."

    "Actually, you were sober in this era," Jimmy said. Cake Cream backed up Jimmy.

    "I was sober and did that?" Axl responded.

    Cake Cream responded,"Remember this was around the time you went crazy in the early 90's."

    Axl nodded and was like,"Man if I did that now, I'd probably be kicked out of Guns N'Roses for that!"

    Cake Cream wasn't sure if Axl would have been kicked out of Guns N'Roses for that in 2022.

    Axl did some research on the infamous Riverport Concert Riot and wondered how he in the near future ended up being arrested for starting a Riot when he didn't expect a Riot.

    Axl said,"If anything, I should have been arrested for assault for smacking the guy in the head, not starting a Riot."

    Cake Cream were like,"You have valid points, but this was a long time ago. Luckily, this is water under the bridge in 2022."

    Axl smiled. Cake Cream smiled back. They chatted a little more about the infamous Riverport Concert Riot.

    They all had a good day, just chilling.

    The next day, it was Billy's 27th birthday. Cake Cream and Axl decided to just throw him a private birthday party, just them 6. They ordered birthday cake, ice cream, cookies, chips, soda from Instacart and ordered no contact pizza. The food and soda arrived.

    They set up the party and Billy was delighted his 4 Brothers and Boyfriend threw him a party, for just them 6. Axl said,"Happy birthday, Baby," and Billy blushed happily. Jimmy, James, Andy, and Mike were like,"Happy birthday, Billy. Billy smiled even more happily. The party was fun and Cake Cream and Axl enjoyed Billy's private birthday party. They got to chill today too. They had a fun day.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  5. #225
    Axl opened the door to check the weather; just like when the allies hung Japanese war criminals after WWII, there was a little nip in the air.

    "How's the weather?" asked Billy.


    "I didn't ask what's for dinner, silly; oh, never mind, just chill."

    "Yea, like I said: chilly."

    "Axl, I said 'chill.'"

    "That's what I said."

    "Oh, never mind; what should we do next?"

    What, Me Worry?

  6. #226
    Axl was just about to settle his ass in his favorite chair when someone knocked on the door. He got back up to check, but not before blushing happily in Billy's general direction. Billy blushed back. Then Billy's face turned redder, approaching maroon. Suddenly he passed an enormous fart, the likes of which Axl had never smelled or heard before. Billy blushed again. "I think that one exhibited all three states of matter: gas, liquid and sold. Excuse me while I change."

    Axl was impressed with Billy's recollection of 6th grade science. The knocking continued. Axl opened the door expecting Mormon missionaries or Jehovah's Witnesses. Instead, it was an old man. His hair was white and he wore a faded "Muskets N' Marigolds" t-shirt and J. Crew cargo pants. His sneakers looked Walmart brand. He had a small scar on his nose in the same place as Billy's nose scar.

    "May I help you?" inquired Axl inquisitively.

    "I'm Billy from 60 years in the future, nutsack. Where's 2023 Billy?" old man retorted, retortfully.

    Axl didn't want to deal with more time travel shit, so he did his best impression of a Mexican housekeeper. "Mee-stair Bee-Lee no here sen-yor. Not cum back teel nex moanth. O-kay bye."

    The old man didn't want to deal with more Axl shit, so he sprayed Axl in the face with a can of aerosol diarrhea, which is a thing in the year 2083.

    "Aaaaahhh! FUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKK!!!" screamed Axl, screamily.

    Younger Billy heard the commotion and came out to see what was going on. When he locked eyes with the old man, a strange feeling came over him, like he had been woken up from a deep slumber.

    "Get dressed, younger me. You need to come with me if you want to live." the old man barked.

    "Are you...? I mean..." Younger Billy stuttered, stutterfully.

    "Yes, I'm you from 60 years in the future. I'll explain more in the car. We need to leave NOW, and before you ask, NO. Axl cannot come with us." older Billy said, saidingly.

  7. #227
    They got ready for bed and went to sleep.

    The next day, there were still no Cake Cream Shows. Wild Guns however had a Show today.

    Cake Cream and Axl were getting a little suspicious. Were they becoming irrelevant with the "birth of the "New brothers," Wild Water?

    Axl and Cake Cream decided to go to Claven Records. They got ready and went to Claven Records. They were wearing bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets.

    At Claven Records, they straight up asked Timothy if they were becoming irrelevant.

    Timothy gave them an uncomfortable look. Cake Cream and Axl knew bad news was coming.

    They were like," Just tell us the truth, Timothy. We're adults and can handle it."

    Timothy took a deep breath and said,"It's just that Cake Cream was being hailed as the new Guns N'Roses, when you guys aren't. Wild Water actually is the New Guns N'Roses. So now that the TRUE New Guns N'Roses, Wild Water are now in the spotlight, you guys are kind of by the wayside obscurity has beens now. Wild Guns is huge right now."

    Cake Cream and Axl were like,"Ouch. This can't be good.

    Timothy was like,"A lot of Music Fans are fickle. Sorry about this."

    Cake Cream and Axl thanked him for telling them the truth and giving them sympathy. They all had weird looking smiles. They all wanted to cry but wanted to look strong. Timothy welcomed them.

    They all chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes and Cake Cream and Axl went home.

    Cake Cream and Axl couldn't believe that they were irrelevant has beens all ready. They JUST became hugely successful.

    They wallowed in their misery for that day, just hanging out and commiserating. Axl wondered internally if he should dump Cake Cream and go join the wildly successful Wild Guns. His conscience told him not to do it, not to betray Cake Cream for Wild Guns. He was torn.

    Axl was fighting back resentment. Cake Cream was now considered irrelevant has beens and Wild Water/Wild Guns were really successful. He knew that it would be a really big douchebag move to dump Cake Cream for Wild Water/Wild Guns, but Cake Cream were irrelevant has beens now. What Manager would want to be Manager of an irrelevant has beens Band? His heart was saying,"Stay with Cake Cream. Don't dump them for Wild Water/Wild Guns. Cake Cream is a good band and is YOUR band. "His brain was saying,"Dump Cake Cream for Wild Water/Wild Guns. Wild Water is the New Guns N'Roses. Cake Cream is not. Go where the huge success is."

    Once again, he was torn. He felt conflicted.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  8. #228
    "Follow the money" thought Axl.

    He pulled his cock out of Billy's ass and told him "I'm not butt-fucking an irrelevant has-been, now get the fuck out of here."

    Billy qualied and cried but after a few slaps and a swift kick he left.

    Axl called Wild Water: they told him to fuck off, he was irrelevant: that stung.

    Flummoxed, Axl stared at the crucifix over his bed and moaned "Why me, Lord?"

    A booming voice answered: "Because you are an unadulterated shit, that's why."

    Axl was baffled: where was the voice coming from?

    He soon discovered it was coming from Sparky, the gerbil he kept around to spice up his sex life.

    "Sparky, what should I do?"

    "Fuck me if I know asshole, I'm just a fucking gerbil."

    With that the gerbil snapped his little paws together and disappeared in a cloud of smoke.
    What, Me Worry?

  9. #229
    Cake Cream went up to Axl and each and every one of them all said,"We love you, Axl. And you love us. We're a good Family. Please don't leave us."

    Axl had temporarily forgotten about the telepathic relationship all 6 of them had. They must have been reading his mind and been reading his inner conflict about whether or not he should dump them for the currently wildly successful Wild Guns Supergroup. Them telling him that broke him in the good way to listen to his heart and stay with Cake Cream. He had 4 Brothers and a Boyfriend who all loved him and who he loved too.

    He answered with a smile,"I love all of you guys too. I'm not leaving you guys."

    Cake Cream all smiled. Axl knew he made the right decision by deciding to stick with Cake Cream and not dump them for the currently wildly successful Wild Guns Supergroup. Cake Cream was his family. So what if Cake Cream were considered irrelevant has beens now? They were a good as gold group.

    They decided to go to the mall and hang out. They were wearing bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets.

    Cake Cream hecklers asked Axl how it felt to be the Manager of Cake Cream, who was now an irrelevant has been Band.

    Axl responded, "I love being Cake Cream's Manager. They are as good as gold. In fact, they're so good, they're even better than gold. They're Bronze, which is even better than gold!

    Cake Cream had to lovingly shake their heads at Axl thinking that Bronze was better than gold. Bronze was worse than gold. They understood what he was trying to say however. Cake Cream was all smiling.

    The hecklers were filming this and laughed. It really was funny, Axl thinking Bronze was better than gold. The hecklers soon left.

    Cake Cream told Axl in private, "Bronze is WORSE than gold, not better."

    Axl realized his mistake and blushed.

    Cake Cream thanked him for standing up for them even though he got the precious metals mixed up.

    He welcomed them. They had fun chilling at the mall.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  10. #230
    The phone for Cake Cream didn't ring for weeks; they amused themselves by burning ants with magnifying glasses, playing "War" and participating in the ongoing late night circle jerk.

    But then ... opportunity knocked: Axl got a call from the entertainment director at Chinook Winds tribal casino in Lincoln City, Oregon.

    "Hello, Axl? This is Alfred E. Neuman calling, hoping Cake Cream can play this Friday and Saturday night as part of our Seaweed Festival; we had Four Jacks and a Jill lined up but Jill just died of old age."

    "Sure, we'll be there; will you send us a private jet, like we're used to?"

    There was silence, then "Uh, no...but Chief Hiawatha here will let you borrow his travois to help haul your equipment."

    Axl explained that wasn't necessary, that they'd take the bus: he ended the call, told the band, and then they went inside their industrial-size freezer and chilled, smiling and shaking hands all the while.

    Cake Cream was back.
    Last edited by MisterV; 01-28-2023 at 05:44 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  11. #231
    Old Billy from the year 2083 and Young Billy from the year 2023 turned into the parking lot of Chinook Winds Tribal Casino in Lincoln City, Oregon. A warm chinook wind was blowing and the Billies thought it was a good name for the casino. Old Billy ripped a weak squeaker that smelled of cabbage.

    "This is how the end of the world as you know it happens." Old Billy said.

    "How does a tribal casino bring forth the end times, William?" Young Billy asked. He thought William was a more distinguished name for the older version of himself, and he didn't care if Axl's real name was William. Axl was not just a hasbeen, but a wannabe and a fartknocker to boot.

    "Not the casino itself, but the band playing tonight. Cake Cream." Old Billy said.

    "You mean my old band? Before I was kicked out for being a coke fiend all we did is chat for a while and blush happily and eat no-contact pizza!" Young Billy protested.

    "You'll see. Before we go in we'll need some disguises." Old Billy warned. He then reached over the back of his seat and grabbed two inflatable penis costumes. "I bought these off a guy named Nathan, but not that Nathan. He said he didn't need them any more because he won the ghetto lottery."

  12. #232
    After the mall, they went back home and already Axl's "Bronze is even better than gold," impromptu interview was going viral on YouTube.

    Axl and Cake Cream blushed. Fans of Cake Cream and Axl were like,"LMAO! We should make this a hashtag and a meme. #"Bronzeisbetterthangold#"-Axl Rose.

    Soon there were a lot of Memes being posted on Social Media comparing gold and bronze and saying stuff like, "That awkward moment when bronze is better than gold."

    On SNL, the opening Montage said,"I am a World Class Olympian Runner and they had the audacity to give me the GOLD medal! How DARE they? How insulting! I wanted the damn BRONZE medal! The Bronze medal is better than the Gold medal, don't you know? "The Audience cheered wildly and laughed heartily.

    Cake Cream and Axl laughed at how viral Axl's "Bronze is better than gold," thing is.

    They chilled more and then went to bed.

    The next day, they woke up, ate, and got ready for the day. They were able to chill again since there wasn't any Cake Cream Shows for today.

    On the News, there were even multiple segments about the bronze is better than gold thing. There were even jewelry experts that pointed out that Axl's quote actually didn't seem all that off. These jewelry experts pointed out that bronze was a very hard metal, whereas gold was a very soft medal. Meaning bronze is stronger physically than gold. News Anchors were pleasantly surprised.

    Axl was beginning to hatch a plan. Maybe he could make Cake Cream's third album and call it Bronze Cake, and have a huge picture of a bronze cake. Why not strike while the iron was still hot on this one?

    He told Cake Cream his plan and they thought it was just the perfect title for their third album. They agreed to record Bronze Cake.

    He wrote 10 more songs and Mike sang the songs, Andy played Keyboard, Jimmy played Bass Guitar, James played Lead Guitar, and Billy played the Drums. It sounded good. Since today was Sunday, they'd have to wait until Monday to give this to Claven Records. They chilled for the rest of the day.

    The next day, they woke up, ate, and got ready to go to Claven Records. They were wearing bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets and left to go to Claven Records.

    At Claven Records, they gave Timothy Bronze Cake, he listened to it and loved it. He offered them 50 million each, plus Royalties to sell Bronze Cake to Claven Records. He drew up some Contracts for them. They all read, understood, agreed, and signed. They sold Bronze Cake to Claven Records. Timothy smiled and Zelled them 50 Million each. They each thanked Timothy and vice versa and were welcomed and vice versa. They all chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes and Cake Cream and Axl went back home.

    Already, Bronze Cake hit number one on Itunes. Fans loved it! Were Cake Cream and Axl back on top? Was this officially their Comeback Album?

    On top of this, in a good way, bronze, the metal was now in a frenzy. Bronze was now trending on Google and in the top three searches on Google. People were clamoring to buy bronze now. Bronze stock went up a LOT. It was a VERY hot commodity now. Axl couldn't believe his,"Bronze is better than gold," quip was the catalyst for all of this.

    Cake Cream and Axl smiled. They chilled for the rest of the day.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  13. #233
    Cake cream drove an old, converted school bus cross country to the Oregon coast to make the gig; enroute they went crazy on nitrous, amyl nitrate, and fart smelling.

    They arrived a bit dazed and confused but were soon smiling and shaking hands like whirling dervishes.

    Axl wandered the casino floor and spotted what seemed a familiar face: "Now where have I seen that guy before?"

    Then he remembered: he'd seen the short dago on a you tube video some dead journalist once posted; he only remembered the dago because his gambling claims had totally pegged his bullshit meter.

    Curious, he approached the dago and said "Aren't you whatshisname...Bob Dancer?"

    The dago didn't respond; he stared fixedly at the object in front of him, then finally said "Eureka, I finally figured out how to beat this thing."

    Axl was confused because the dago was staring at a mop.

    "Uh, how...?"

    "I'll really clean up with this" mused the dago; but before he could begin his nightly janitorial duties he repositioned the sock he'd stuffed down the front of his pants and chuckled "for the ladies."
    What, Me Worry?

  14. #234
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    On the News, there were even multiple segments about the bronze is better than gold thing. There were even jewelry experts that pointed out that Axl's quote actually didn't seem all that off. These jewelry experts pointed out that bronze was a very hard metal, whereas gold was a very soft medal. Meaning bronze is stronger physically than gold. News Anchors were pleasantly surprised.

    On top of this, in a good way, bronze, the metal was now in a frenzy. Bronze was now trending on Google and in the top three searches on Google. People were clamoring to buy bronze now. Bronze stock went up a LOT. It was a VERY hot commodity now. Axl couldn't believe his,"Bronze is better than gold," quip was the catalyst for all of this.

    Cake Cream and Axl smiled. They chilled for the rest of the day.
    Tasha bronze is an ALLOY of copper and tin. You dont buy stocks in bronze the way you invest in pure metals. And who cares what news anchors think? Hoda and Kathie Lee have the combined IQ of a squirrel.

  15. #235
    Mr. Neuman directed Cake Cream to their dressing room; Axl thought it was the nicest, if only, tee-pee he'd ever been in.

    The band chilled, smiled, and shook hands to warm up for the evening's show; Axl discharged his managerial responsibilities by feeding them as many Klondike bars as they could stomach, and they thanked him.

    Show time.

    The audience was very thin; just a few old ladies and a homeless vagabond who'd snuck under the tent for warmth; must folks had opted to watch the simulataneous fireworks display, part of Lincoln City's world-renowned yearly Seaweed Festival (Who knew fireworks could be designed to look like kelp when they exploded? Ah, the powers of man).

    It was soon evident that Cake Cream's heart wasn't into performing for a handful of people; they sounded off key, sloppy, and uncaring.

    Soon the few patrons walked out, hurling insults and rotten fruit en route; Billy's motorcycle helmet was festooned with shreds of banana, pear and kiwi: he smiled.

    The show was over, their come back had fizzled.

    Alone, they smiled, shook hands, and thanked one another profusely for shaking hands.

    The entertainment director paid them their twenty bucks each and gave them a comp for the deli; most opted for candy, but one ordered french fries.
    Last edited by MisterV; 01-29-2023 at 12:31 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  16. #236
    Bronze Cake was a huge success. Cake Cream and Axl got bookings for shows again. They had a booking for the James L Knight Center again to perform Bronze Cake on Wednesday. They were excited. They practiced and chilled for those two days. Wild Guns didn't have any shows booked for Wednesday, so Cake Cream and Axl gave Wild Guns free tickets to see Cake Cream perform Bronze Cake at the James L Knight Center. Wild Guns were excited. Wild Guns, Cake Cream, and Axl were all wearing bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets.

    Cake Cream performed behind bulletproof plexiglass barriers and Fans cheered wildly. Wild Guns was cheering wildly too. Cake Cream was really good and Fans were happy to see them performing again. The final sendoff happened to more wild cheering and then the Show was over. Wild Guns, Cake Cream and Axl went to dinner again, just having a good time together again. They all paid and left.

    Cake Cream and Axl went home and got ready for bed and slept.

    When they awoke, they ate and got ready for the day. Already Bronze Cake performance was going viral. Fans were like,"Cake Cream and Axl are BACK after their irrelevancy!"

    Some responses were like,"They were only irrelevant for a couple of days. LMAO! That's really not a long time away at all."

    Claven Records called Cake Cream and Axl and congratulated them on how good Bronze Cake Show was. They all thanked them and were welcomed. They chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes and hung up.

    They watched MTV and there was a Segment on Cake Cream. Of course Cake Cream and Axl were interested.

    A Music Critic said, "Cake Cream doesn't really sound like any other Band that exists right now. Cake Cream definitely has their own signature sound. In fact, I'd say that Cake Cream is a brand new sound. That's why they sound so unique and good. No one sounds like them. They're definitely innovative. They're a first Generation sound.

    Cake Cream and Axl looked at each other happily. Did Cake Cream create a brand new sound? Axl knew that Cake Cream sounded better than Guns N'Roses, but them having their own sound is actually a pretty big deal. Soon that segment went viral.

    Fans were like,"The Music Critic is right. Cake Cream is their own signature sound. Soon Guinness World Records were mentioning possibly adding Cake Cream as ,"Original Sound," which is once again a pretty big deal. The Guinness World Records were already considering putting Cake Cream in GWR for ,"Most Grammys won in a single night by a New Band," for their 6 Grammy win.

    Although the 5 Grammys were given back, they still won 6 Grammys that night. They were also considering putting them in the GWR for the fact that they had their Debut(All The Sweet Filling), their Sophomore Album(Tasty Cake Reloaded), and their Junior Album(Bronze Cake) the same year, something that was practically unheard of. They were also considering putting them in GWR for Wealthiest Music Band for earning roughly 2 billion in a single year.

    Cake Cream and Axl were happy. Cake Cream was definitely a Dark Horse in the music world. They went from VERY unknown earlier this year, to being wildly successful, wildly famous, and very wealthy.
    Last edited by Tasha; 01-29-2023 at 06:43 PM.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  17. #237
    Axl received his advance copy of "Guiness Book of World Records."

    He felt nervous, like a cat on a hot tin roof, anticipating what he'd see.

    Huh? WTF?

    Instead of awarding them world records for musical achievements, the only world record awarded to them was for "most irrelevant band ever."

    He went to Cake Cream and they all had a good, group cry together, it was cathartic and picked up their spirits.

    Axl suggested they go out and eat waffles and they all thanked him for such a wonderful idea.

    "Do you think we could play again at Chinook Winds Casino?" asked Billy while he poured Jemima on his waffles.

    "I guess, but I thought you didn't like the turn out."

    "I didn't, but I enjoyed the tribal ceremonies, especially the one with peyote; I mean, who knew tee-pees could fly?"

    Axl knew, and it was all he could do to hold his tongue.
    What, Me Worry?

  18. #238
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Axl received his advance copy of "Guiness Book of World Records."

    He felt nervous, like a cat on a hot tin roof, anticipating what he'd see.

    Huh? WTF?

    Instead of awarding them world records for musical achievements, the only world record awarded to them was for "most irrelevant band ever."

    He went to Cake Cream and they all had a good, group cry together, it was cathartic and picked up their spirits.

    Axl suggested they go out and eat waffles and they all thanked him for such a wonderful idea.

    "Do you think we could play again at Chinook Winds Casino?" asked Billy while he poured Jemima on his waffles.

    "I guess, but I thought you didn't like the turn out."

    "I didn't, but I enjoyed the tribal ceremonies, especially the one with peyote; I mean, who knew tee-pees could fly?"

    Axl knew, and it was all he could do to hold his tongue.

    Cake Cream won 6 Grammys in a single night, had three albums go to number one in less than two months, and are the wealthiest Band in the world. They wouldn't be in the Guinness World Records for Most Irrelevant Band ever.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  19. #239
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    Cake Cream won 6 Grammys in a single night, had three albums go to number one in less than two months, and are the wealthiest Band in the world. They wouldn't be in the Guinness World Records for Most Irrelevant Band ever.
    The audience for popular music is very fickle, Tasha: they will turn on you in a heartbeat.

    For example, remember Tiny Tim?

    Hero one day, laughing stock the next.

    Or how about Vanilla Ice?

    Irrelevancy happens.

    You yourself recently wrote how quickly they became irrelevant when a new band eclipesed them; what, are you saying you lied?

    Are you a big fat liar?
    What, Me Worry?

  20. #240
    It was the year 2050 and the Grammys had added dozens of new categories to account for all the time traveling musicians and inadvertent existence of multiple copies of the same musician in this universe. Caked on Bronze Creamer N' Water Guns was nominated for Best Old Album by a Super-Dee-Duper band. All 235 current members (including 55 Axl Roses and 23 Jewel Kilchers) were excited for the big night. They ordered an entire Pizza Hut's worth of no-contact pizza and an entire Little Debbie's Bakery's worth of cookies and cakes. They all shook hands, which took about 4 hours because there needed to be 27495 distinct pairs of shaking hands. Then they all blushed happily inside an abandoned Walmart that had been converted to the super-duper band's HQ. Axl Rose #22 retreated to a corner and sat in pensive silence reminiscing about Nathan in the penis costume, but not that Nathan.

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    By Alan Mendelson in forum Whatever's On Your Mind
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    Last Post: 02-27-2013, 10:44 PM

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