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Thread: Young Axl Rose and Cake Cream in 2022! :D

  1. #281
    Axl felt "funny:" headache, body aches, sore throat.

    His home test said "covid," as did a test at a doctor's office.

    Soon the entire band and all their entourage had covid.

    Those who'd not been vaxed were soon bed-ridden; Billy was one of them.

    Axl had taken the needles so his symptoms were transitory.

    Axl peered down at Billy who was bare-ass naked, sweating profusely and groaning; then Billy went into convulsions, his body rising and falling violently.

    Axl noticed a rip open up in Billy's stomach: tiny hands gripped the gash and out from inside Billy crawled a little man with something large and latex in his hand; standing on Billy's sternum he draped the latex construction over himself.

    Axl gasped: the little man was festooned in a penis costume.

    As Billy bled out Axl used his i-phone to video the little guy, who started to tap dance and do back flips.

    Impressed and seeing a financial opportunity, Axl tried to capture the imp by covering him with a Ball jar, but failed; angered, the little guy squirted a viscous substance onto Axl's face.

    Axl screamed in mortal agony as his face began to dissolve.

    Dying, Axl shook the little prick's tiny paw and thanked him and the little prick told him he was welcome.

    Axl chilled before his date with St. Peter, a date which did not end well for him at all.
    Last edited by MisterV; 02-08-2023 at 12:48 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  2. #282
    Izzy called Axl's Cellphone and asked if he could give him the percentage of Royalties he would have gotten had he not quit.

    Axl thought and thought and told Izzy to meet him at the Local Marriott tomorrow. Izzy agreed. They chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes and hung up.

    Steven also called Axl's Cellphone and asked him if he could give him the percentage of Royalties he would have gotten had he not been fired. Axl thought and thought and told Steven to meet him at the Local Marriott tomorrow. Steven agreed. They chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes and hung up.

    Axl told all of Cake Cream he was going to go to the Local Marriott alone for a couple of days.

    Cake Cream were impressed he straight up told the truth right off the bat this time rather than the multiple lies about where he was really going like he done before.

    They were fine with him going to the Local Marriott by himself for a couple of days. He smiled and packed his bags and put on a bulletproof vest and a motorcycle helmet.

    He told them goodbye and they repeated it. He left and went to the Local Marriott. He booked a room and went up and chilled, anticipating tomorrow. He called both Izzy and Steven and told them the Room Number. They were excited.

    The next day, Izzy and Steven showed up at Axl's Room. Axl let them in. Axl agreed to give them the Royalties percentage, which was $100 Million each. They were happy. He drew up Contracts and called a Marriott Manager to sign as a Witness. The Contract stated that Izzy would promise to never quit again and Steven promised to not do anything that would cause him to get fired again. Izzy and Steven read, understood, agreed and signed. Axl signed too and the Manager signed as Witness. Axl smiled and Zelled Steven and Izzy $100 Million each. They smiled. Axl smiled back.

    They all thanked the Manager for signing as Witness and he welcomed them. He pointed out he was a huge Guns N'Roses Fan. They again thanked him and were welcomed.

    He left. Izzy, Axl, and Steven hung out and chilled for a long while and then both left.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  3. #283
    Izzy and Steven were talking loudly at a titty bar about how Axl had drawn up contracts; this was overheard by Judge V who was stuffing bills in a slut's g-string, and he was NOT amused.

    Upon his return to the courthouse the jaded jurist met with the district attorney who then filed a criminal action against Axl for the unauthorized practice of law: a warrant was issued.

    Two days later a team of US Marshalls tackled, arrested, and hauled Axl to jail while he was eating a strawbery blizzard at DQ.

    "Why are you arresting me?"

    Silence, then "Judge V will explain everything, now shut the fuck up asshole or I'll give you the George Floyd treatment."

    The following Monday, after spending the weekend in jail, Axl appeared before Judge V.

    "Axl, did you draw up contracts for Izzy and Steven?"

    "Sure I did, using a power of attorney; I am a powerful attorney."

    "No, you are a deluded fool. I've told you repeatedly that you are not an attorney and you cannot practice law. Five years hard labor."

    Sometime later as the prison bars slammed behind him Axl realized that stories about practicing law should only be written by lawyers and those intimately faimiliar with the subject; it never ends well when quasi-illiterate amateurs spew vapid, inane stories about legal issues that are simply without any basis in fact, as is the case here.

    Such authors should stick with what they know: in this case that would be limited to breathing in and out.

    Axl was very disappointed with Tasha for being such an ignorant twat; he vowed never to smile at her or shake her hand again, and this made him happy; he chilled for the next five years, sans bulletproof vest and motorcycle helmet.
    Last edited by MisterV; 02-09-2023 at 06:45 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  4. #284
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Izzy and Steven were talking loudly at a titty bar about how Axl had drawn up contracts; this was overheard by Judge V who was stuffing bills in a slut's g-string, and he was NOT amused.

    Upon his return to the courthouse the jaded jurist met with the district attorney who then filed a criminal action against Axl for the unauthorized practice of law: a warrant was issued.

    Two days later a team of US Marshalls tackled, arrested, and hauled Axl to jail while he was eating a strawbery blizzard at DQ.

    "Why are you arresting me?"

    Silence, then "Judge V will explain everything, now shut the fuck up asshole or I'll give you the George Floyd treatment."

    The following Monday, after spending the weekend in jail, Axl appeared before Judge V.

    "Axl, did you draw up contracts for Izzy and Steven?"

    "Sure I did, using a power of attorney; I am a powerful attorney."

    "No, you are a deluded fool. I've told you repeatedly that you are not an attorney and you cannot practice law. Five years hard labor."

    Sometime later as the prison bars slammed behind him Axl realized that stories about practicing law should only be written by lawyers and those intimately faimiliar with the subject; it never ends well when quasi-illiterate amateurs spew vapid, inane stories about legal issues that are simply without any basis in fact, as is the case here.

    Such authors should stick with what they know: in this case that would be limited to breathing in and out.

    Axl was very disappointed with Tasha for being such an ignorant twat; he vowed never to smile at her or shake her hand again, and this made him happy; he chilled for the next fivie years, sans bulletproof vest and motorcycle helmet.
    Actually, you don't have to be a Lawyer to draw up a Contract. I can draw up a Contract that states I'll give someone $250 for their pristine, unscratched First edition Beatles First Album. That someone signs, I sign, and we have two Witnesses that sign and affirm the Contract. I pay her the $250 and she gives me a copy and it's badly damaged, not the pristine, unscratched of the Beatles First Album Edition she signed for in the Contract. She keeps the pristine, unscratched First Album Edition. I could sue her for Fraud using the signed Contract. Court cases are filled with stuff ike this. Person didn't completely hold up their end of the Contracted deal, gets sued by Plaintiff.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  5. #285
    Here’s a short list of activities that only lawyers may perform:

    putting in appearances at court for a client
    offering specific legal advice to an individual
    conducting negotiations for settlement
    drafting legal documents, other than just filling in blanks

    Here’s a short list of activities that do not constitute the practice of law:

    filling in the blanks of a standard form contract
    preparing tax returns (without providing legal advice)
    providing general information on estate planning


    Yeah, you don't need to be a lawyer to fill in blanks on a form contract, but you must be one to draft a contract, to advise others about it, and to negotiate related settlement terms.

    Hell, I have "painted you a picture," clear as clear can be, and no doubt you'll scoff and write whatever drivel seems to fit your mood.
    What, Me Worry?

  6. #286
    Axl couldn't believe he had given Steven and Izzy $100 Million each, on top of the $250 he had given to Cake Cream and the $3 Million he gave to Woodstock. He had given away $453 Million! He now only had about $247 Million left out of about $700 Million.

    Axl wanted to recuperate some of his losses. He decided to do a risky thing. He decided to make an Axl Rose Album. Cake Cream had all gone to bed and Axl wrote a 10 song Album and went to a piano and sang and played on it for about an hour while singing the songs. It sounded good. He had record this into a cassette. He went to bed and slept.

    The next day, he woke up early and ate and got ready for the day. He made a beeline to Claven Records and gave Claven Records the Axl Rose tape. Claven Records loved it and offered him $100 Million to sell it to him. Axl agreed. Contract was drawn up and Axl read, understood, agreed and signed. He got $100 Million Zelled to him.

    He was excited.

    He thanked Claven Records and was welcomed.

    They chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes.

    Axl went back home. Already Axl Rose's Bitter Sweets album went to number one on Itunes. Fans loved this.

    Cake Cream were shocked that Axl made a Solo Album without telling any of them.

    Axl blushed. He admitted he needed the money after giving away $453 Million.

    Cake Cream admitted Bitter Sweets album sounded good.

    Axl thanked them and was welcomed.

    On Social Media,Fans were praising how good Bitter Sweets album was and were like,"Finally, Axl decided to go Solo! He's definitely got what it takes to be a Solo Artist! What a wonderful album!" "I wonder if Axl should leave Cake Cream to make more solo Albums." Cake Cream looked at him curiously.

    Axl blushed. He went on Social Media and pointed out this album was a spur of the moment album. He pointed out he was not going to leave Cake Cream to make more solo Albums.

    Cake Cream all smiled. Axl smiled back.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  7. #287
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Here’s a short list of activities that only lawyers may perform:

    putting in appearances at court for a client
    offering specific legal advice to an individual
    conducting negotiations for settlement
    drafting legal documents, other than just filling in blanks

    Here’s a short list of activities that do not constitute the practice of law:

    filling in the blanks of a standard form contract
    preparing tax returns (without providing legal advice)
    providing general information on estate planning


    Yeah, you don't need to be a lawyer to fill in blanks on a form contract, but you must be one to draft a contract, to advise others about it, and to negotiate related settlement terms.

    Hell, I have "painted you a picture," clear as clear can be, and no doubt you'll scoff and write whatever drivel seems to fit your mood.
    Does this mean a Contract written between two parties and no Lawyer mean it's not legally binding? Like the People who sue like in the "Copy, badly damaged Beatles Album and not pristine, unscratched First Album Edition for The Beatles?" scenario ?

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  8. #288
    Judge V noticed Axl having Rob Singer fairy dust and was powerless to stop him after all.

  9. #289
    Tasha, the issue is NOT whether the contract is valid; the issue is whether Axl engaged in the unauthorized practice of law (which he most certainly did).
    What, Me Worry?

  10. #290
    Axl had a bright idea. He wondered if Cake Cream and he should make a new Album and put it under the name Cream Rose.

    He told them his idea, and they were onboard. Axl wrote 10 brand new songs and called it Cream Rose. Axl and Mike sang all the songs in duets, Andy played Keyboard, Jimmy played Bass Guitar, James played Lead Guitar and Billy played drums. It sounded good. Axl suggested there be a rose made of cream for the album cover. Cake Cream agreed. They went to Claven Records and gave them Cream Rose by Cream Rose.

    Claven Records loved it and offered them $200 Million for Cream Rose. They agreed and Contracts were drawn, read, understood agreed and signed. Claven Records Zelled them a combined $200 Million. They thanked Claven Records and were welcomed. They all chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes and left.

    They went to a bar and had wings, fries, and Pepsi. They were wearing bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets and having fun and relaxed, enjoying each other's company. Fans asked them for Autographs and Selfies and they obliged. The Fans smiled and they smiled back.

    At the bar, Cream Rose's Cream Rose Album was already hitting number one on Itunes. Fans loved it. Cake Cream and Axl were happy. After the bar, they went home.

    At home, they chatted, watched TV and chilled.

    Claven Records called them and told them Fans REALLY wanted to see them perform live again.

    Cake Cream and Axl were skeptical due to the attempted bombing, but they didn't like letting down their Fans. They told Claven Records they weren't sure they should go back to live shows after the attempted bombing, but they also didn't like letting their fans down. They said they'd need to think about it. Claven Records said they understood. They all chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes.

    Cake Cream and Axl continued chatting and chilling.

    They soon got ready for bed and went to sleep.

    They woke up the next day and ate and got ready for the day. Social Media were praising Cream Rose Album. They were like,"Wow, the Cream Rose Album is such a good album! One of the best albums of the year! Cake Cream and Axl are a good group!"

    Cream Rose blushed. Cream Rose Album really was a good Album. Axl and Cake Cream made a wonderful Team.

    On Social Media, Fans were begging Cream Rose to do Cream Rose Album live. They said it would make them happy.

    Cream Rose stomachs all turned into knots. Their Fans really wanted to see them perform live. They were working for the Fans.

    Axl took a deep breath and said,"I think we should make our Fans happy and perform live again, just hire bomb experts."

    The rest of Cream Rose agreed.

    They all told Fans that they would be performing live again soon.

    The Fans responded that they were happy to hear that. Cream Rose all smiled.

    Cream Rose chilled until the next day.

    The next day, they hired Bomb experts and decided to do an impromptu show later on that day and charged $25 a ticket. They wore bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets and practiced for the impromptu show and then it was time for the show. Lots of Cream Rose Fans showed up. They performed behind bulletproof plexiglass barriers and the show was good. Fans were happy and they were happy too. The final sendoff happened to wild cheering. The show was over.

    Cream Rose were happy they decided to come back live for their Fans. They went to an Italian restaurant to celebrate them being back live. Fans were happy they came back live. They asked Cream Rose for Selfies and Autographs and they obliged. The Fans were happy and thanked them and were welcomed. The Fans went back to their own tables. They had a nice dinner and paid and left and went back home.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  11. #291
    Axl had eaten way too much cheese when they ate Italian; he became very constipated.

    Pills did not work, nor did anything else free the internal "logjam" which so troubled him.

    Fnally, on the third day of bloating, pain, and no BM's he asked Billy to do him a big favor; Billy agreed, they both shook hands and smiled.

    Billy got a tablespoon from the kitchen drawer; Axl dropped trou and told his lover to "start digging, and don't stop til you hit China."

    Ever helpful, Billy dug in and soon had spooned out over three pounds of hard feces: it was a slow process and it exhausted Billy.

    With more work yet to go, Axl called the ladies from the "Two girls and a cup" video and they soon came over and finished the job and then chowed down, videoing the entire process.

    The video soon had over one billion views and producers of porn clamored for more.

    Axl, Billy and the two girls decided to form a partnership; Axl hand wrote a three line contract with crayon on a napkin which they all signed, then they went out to the Italian restaurant where Axl pigged out.

    "It's all for my art" he said between forkfuls of lasagne, "and allows me to produce tokens of my affection for my fans."

    They smiled, chilled, and continued to breathe in, out, in, out: Billy lost the cadence and had to stop and start over but they all agreed that the shade of blue his face turned suited him.
    Last edited by MisterV; 02-10-2023 at 11:56 AM.
    What, Me Worry?

  12. #292
    Axl listened to Burgundy by Earl Sweatshirt and loved it. He wondered if he should make a cover of it and just alter some offensive lyrics

    He told the rest of Cream Rose his idea and they were wary of him covering a Rap song, but wanted to support him. They were like,"This is risky, but as long as you alter the offensive lyrics, it shouldn't be all that bad. "

    Axl smiled and suggested Billy play the drums, Mike rap "Cut that Punk off!" refrain, Andy play the keyboard, James play lead guitar, and Jimmy play bass guitar.

    Axl wrote

    What's up, champ?
    Why you so depressed and sad all the time like a little punk?
    What's the problem man? Champs want to hear you rap
    Don't nobody care about how you feel
    We want raps, champ
    My grandma's passin'
    But I'm too busy tryin' to get this damn album crackin' too see her
    So I apologize in advance if anything should happen

    Cut that punk off

    And my priorities messed up, I know it, I'm afraid I'm gonna blow it
    And all them expectations raising because daddy was a poet, right?
    Talk all you want I'm takin' no advice
    Champ, I'm about to relish in this anguish
    I'm stressin' over payment, so don't tell me that I made it

    Cut that punk off

    Only relatively famous in the midst of a tornado
    Misfitted, I'm not able, I'm not stable
    Abrasive as hell and they all pay me
    I'm chucklin', laughing to myself in public

    Cut that Punk off

    Heart racin' so blood is leaked, like I don't give a damn right?

    Hey, Thebe, what's up Champ? I heard you back, I need those raps, Champ? I need the verse, and I don't care about what you're going through, or what you gotta do, Champ. I need bars, sixteen of them.

    I don't mess with too much of y'all's crap
    Judging by the pants and the mall grip
    Gully, in the vans with the dark tints
    I'm a start crap type Champ

    Cut that Punk off

    Night life livin'
    Ridin' in the jeep, I'm a side-swipe champs
    What's your life like? It's aiight champ
    Hammer in the left, Freddie what's the price of it?
    Ridin' with the whip and I ain't got the license for it
    Jill's got me livin like my life is golden
    Sittin' on my sofa feeling chill and dormant
    If we could dance again while Mike records it
    what the hell you starin' at?

    Cut that Punk off

    Acting like you've never seen a dancing fool
    Bars hotter than the blocks we be at
    Stunt on these champs, they flop like Divac
    See that champ?
    For the time being, I'm a be that champ
    Believe that champ, you see that champ?
    For the time being I'm a be that champ
    Believe that, champ

    Cut that Punk off

    They made the Burgundy cover. It sounded good. They went to Claven Records and gave them the Burgundy cover and Claven Records loved it, but suggested they get permission and pay for the Burgundy cover. They got the permission and paid for the Burgundy cover and read, understood, agreed and signed Contracts. They were Zelled 10 million each for the Burgundy song. They thanked Claven Records and were welcomed.

    They chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes and left.

    Already, the Burgundy cover hit number one on Itunes and Fans loved it. Cream Rose Critics criticized 6 White Boys covering an African American's Rap Song, but the Fans were like,"Shut up! Cream Rose sounds good and they altered all offensive lyrics!"

    Cream Rose blushed shyly and happily.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  13. #293
    Meanwhile, down in da ghetto, the natives were getting restless.

    "We niggas can't let these mutha-fuckin crackers take our music" yelled one spear chucker between pulls on his MD 20-20 bottle; "Our lives matter and so does our music !"

    "Damn straight, we needs reparations" brayed a crack smoking brutha.

    The homies all shot up whatever was at hand simultaneously to show their support, then bailed into their stolen cars and motored to DQ where the members of Cream Rose were celebrating.

    Gunfire erupted from the riotous crowd: Mac-10's, AR's, Sig Sauers: hundreds of rounds were fired.

    All missed.

    Axl heard some noise and saw the horde of angry blacks outside.

    "I say, whatever is the matter with those nattering nabobs of niggativity?"

    He continued to enjoy his strawberry blizzard while carnage erupted outside.

    Cars were turned over and set on fire; the DQ was hit with several molotov cocktails and started to burn.

    "Time to go, lads" said Axl.

    Outside they were surrounded by a see of angry black faces; hoping to placate them Axl said "Anyone want some water melon?"

    What, Me Worry?

  14. #294
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Meanwhile, down in da ghetto, the natives were getting restless.

    "We niggas can't let these mutha-fuckin crackers take our music" yelled one spear chucker between pulls on his MD 20-20 bottle; "Our lives matter and so does our music !"

    "Damn straight, we needs reparations" brayed a crack smoking brutha.

    The homies all shot up whatever was at hand simultaneously to show their support, then bailed into their stolen cars and motored to DQ where the members of Cream Rose were celebrating.

    Gunfire erupted from the riotous crowd: Mac-10's, AR's, Sig Sauers: hundreds of rounds were fired.

    All missed.

    Axl heard some noise and saw the horde of angry blacks outside.

    "I say, whatever is the matter with those nattering nabobs of niggativity?"
    What the fuck V!?!?!?!?!?
    Mickey Crimm is a poser pro. He rides around in a moto-wheelchair telling slot hustlers he's Mickey Crimm, and some are in awe of a "forum legend" and show him the plays.

  15. #295
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Meanwhile, down in da ghetto, the natives were getting restless.

    "We niggas can't let these mutha-fuckin crackers take our music" yelled one spear chucker between pulls on his MD 20-20 bottle; "Our lives matter and so does our music !"

    "Damn straight, we needs reparations" brayed a crack smoking brutha.

    The homies all shot up whatever was at hand simultaneously to show their support, then bailed into their stolen cars and motored to DQ where the members of Cream Rose were celebrating.

    Gunfire erupted from the riotous crowd: Mac-10's, AR's, Sig Sauers: hundreds of rounds were fired.

    All missed.

    Axl heard some noise and saw the horde of angry blacks outside.

    "I say, whatever is the matter with those nattering nabobs of niggativity?"

    He continued to enjoy his strawberry blizzard while carnage erupted outside.

    Cars were turned over and set on fire; the DQ was hit with several molotov cocktails and started to burn.

    "Time to go, lads" said Axl.

    Outside they were surrounded by a see of angry black faces; hoping to placate them Axl said "Anyone want some water melon?"

    I changed all offensive lyrics in Burgundy by Earl Sweatshirt, the most notably being the infamous N Word which Earl and Vince(Both African Americans who came from the Hood, but they say "Igga," and not "Igger," say repeatedly. I changed the N word to Champ, so it's not offensive at all. I knew that there was no way a White guy like Axl saying,"Igga," would go over well nowadays, and I also changed more of Earl's lyrics such as him saying he was cross faded in public meaning high on drugs in public (laughing to myself in public was what I changed it to) and him saying,"We could smoke another blunt," to "We could dance again,"

    In fact, here's a link to Burgundy by Earl Sweatshirt. There's no way White boy Axl could get away with rapping this nowadays the same way Earl and Vince did.
    Last edited by Tasha; 02-11-2023 at 03:38 AM.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  16. #296
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    What the fuck V!?!?!?!?!?
    Hey mcap, pay no attention to that man behind the curtain, he was a rogue, a bounder, who overpowered me and seized control of my computer to post his scurrilous screed.

    I'm not REALLY a card-carrying, KKK robe-wearing racist; I was simply using whatever weapons were at hand to shake Tasha to her core and perhaps thus lead to an epiphany.

    Alas, she's still brain dead.
    What, Me Worry?

  17. #297
    Mr V, I'll let you in on a little secret. my Fictional Axl Rose story is already pre written and is on multiple Websites. Due to the posting limit imposed on me that is still in effect, I can't post the parts all concurrently on here like I'd be able to do on most Websites.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  18. #298
    Great, you'll dole out your jibberish in bits and drabs.
    What, Me Worry?

  19. #299
    They ate and got ready for bed and went to sleep.

    The next day, they woke up, ate, and got ready for the day . James, Jimmy, Mike and Andy wanted to go see a few movies and asked Axl and Billy if they wanted to come with them. Axl wanted to go, but Billy wanted to stay home and do Cocaine. Cream Rose shook their head, but it was agreed that Billy could do Cocaine as long as it was in the house. Billy smiled and the rest of Cream Rose went to see movie.

    Billy put a pizza in the oven and snorted Cocaine, took some Subutex, and fell asleep, forgetting he had a pizza in the oven.

    When he woke up, the house was on fire! No! Billy cried horrified! He called Axl and frightfully told him what he'd done.

    "Oh my God, Axl cried worried for Billy's safety. "I want you to leave the house immediately and come to the movie theater where we are. We can claim you were at the movie theater when the house caught on fire."

    Billy was crying. "Please don't tell anyone what happened."

    Axl sighed. "My top concern for you is your safety, not telling anyone else what happened."

    Billy heeded Axl's advice and ran out of the house and went to the movie theater.

    Axl said happily,"You survived! " He then quickly said,"You arrived!"

    Axl embraced him in a "I'm glad you're okay!" Hug! Billy was shaken.

    Andy, Mike, Jimmy, and James looked at Billy and Axl curiously, but Axl just shook his head and was like,"Let's just be happy Billy decided to go see movies with us!"

    They watched a couple of more movies and Jimmy, Andy, Mike and James wanted to go home.

    "No!" Axl and Billy cried in unison, panic looks on both of their faces!

    James, Jimmy, Andy and Mike wanted to know why Billy and Axl were so reluctant to go home.

    Billy burst into tears. Axl wrapped his arms around him. Axl said,"Why don't we all just go to the local Marriott?"

    Billy thanked him for his suggestion. Axl welcomed him Jimmy, James, Mike and Andy were confused on what the hell was going on.

    Axl said something like,"What's so special about our house anyway? It's just a regular house. Hotels are more fun anyways!"

    Billy had a guilty look on his face.

    Jimmy was like,"Why do you look so guilty, Billy?" Billy looked at the ground.

    James said ,"Billy, what's going on?" Billy ran and hopped in a Taxi to the Local Marriott and made a last minute booking.

    He settled in to his room and he soon heard knocks on his door.

    Billy didn't answer. He knew who it was. James, Jimmy, Mike Andy, and Axl.

    He pretended no one was in his room.

    Mike spoke,"William Anderson Parks you open this door right now, or we'll break it down!"

    Billy gulped and knew he had to face the music.

    He nervously opened the door. Andy, Mike, James and Jimmy looked furious, whereas Axl looked more understanding.

    "What the hell is going on? " Mike asked. Jimmy, James and Andy also wanted to know.

    Billy looked at the ground.

    Mike said,"We agreed to be more open with each other,"

    Axl wrapped his arms around Billy. "Just tell them the truth," Axl said soothingly.

    Billy took a deep breath and said,"The house caught on fire after I put a pizza in the oven, snorted Cocaine, took some Subutex and fell asleep. I forgot the pizza was in the oven.

    You mean you burned our house down? Mike was alarmed. Jimmy, James, and Andy were also alarmed.

    Axl pointed out that it was a mistake. Billy looked at Axl gratefully.

    Jimmy was like,"Our livelihood is in our house! The guitars, the drums, the keyboard are all burned thanks to you, you have ruined our Career!" James, Mike, and Andy backed up Jimmy.

    Axl was like,"Whoa, we should just be grateful that Billy didn't burn to death in the house and is still alive! We can replace the guitars, the drums, and the keyboard, but we can't replace Billy." Billy smiled shyly.

    James, Jimmy, Andy and Mike reluctantly agreed that Billy was more important than the musical instruments. Mike called the fire department from a working payphone as an anonymous tip and sent them to their house.

    The Fire Department went to the house and stopped the fire that luckily only engulfed the house and nothing else.

    Billy's burned house went viral on YouTube. Cream Rose decided to book some days at the hotel.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  20. #300
    Billy snorted some cocaine, took Subutex, showered, dried his flowing mane and forgot to turn the hair dryer off: then he passed out.

    The hair dryer overheated, melted, and caught fire; soon the suite, then the floor, then the entire Marriott was on fire.

    The fire alarms and the sprinkler system didn't work due to the technicians who installed and maintained them being drug-addicted clowns with a love of cocaine and Subutex who would rather snort than work competently, if at all.

    All of the firemen had snorted cocaine and taken Subutex as well at the start of their shift, and all were passed out in the fire house: their lack of response to the fire proved to be quite problematical.

    The conflagration quickly spread to adjoining buildings and then to adjoining city blocks, roaring and consuming everything in sight.

    Unchecked, the flames soon burned the city to the ground.

    All of the members of Cream Rose perished in the fire, as did over twenty thousand others; most of them had taken cocaine and Subutex and were passed out and thus unaware of the fire and of their resultant demise.

    Ultimately the cause of the fire was determined: "Coke snortin' douchebag" became synonymous with "Mrs. O'Leary's cow."
    Last edited by MisterV; 02-12-2023 at 12:10 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

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