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Thread: Documenting History

  1. #1
    Every gaming enthusiast knows how for almost 8 YEARS! I documented both my winning play strategies as well as the BS about advantage play and advantage players, in my UNDENIABLE TRUTH Gaming Today column. And I was informed that their most popular article ever was when they ran my publicly proposing a six-figure bet to self-proclaimed, but since failed, "luminary" sports bettor FEZZIK, that I indeed could prove my winnings-to-date--along with identifying where I had already put up my escrow--with their managing editor appropriately re-titling it "Gaming Today Columnist Throws Down The Gauntlet".

    Well, nothing could have thrilled Owner/Publisher Chuck DiRocco more. He couldn't stand the constant flow of nonsense from the likes of Jean Scott, Dan Paymar, and Bob Dancer, and he loathed Fezzik and his big mouth on local radio. The fact that Fezzik was part of the LVA crowd made this whole episode even more satisfying for him, as in the end, that entire bunch ran scurrying for the hills with their tails tucked firmly between their tails. There they were, proudly standing together talking and writing trash about me week after week as my articles continued to document my winning hundreds of thousands of dollars on "unbeatable" -EV machines....yet that entire LVA machine was rendered gutless & helpless by my big challenge.

    Those were certainly the days...but Wait! When arci made one of those to me here recently, and then predictably diverted and deflected and stalled himself into escaping the whole thing after I accepted and took identified action, it got me thinking. This is something I'd love the gaming world to see, and what better way to expose arcimedes/shadowman/spock/mroejacks and all his other silly aliases etc. etc. etc. as the lying phoney he's always been?! Oh what FUN! I've also been itching to tell what the Wizard told me & advertizes on his sites about non-random machines vs. what he did when actually confronted with the situation.So I made a call, and they're giving me a 2-time opening to write about it, as long as one of the articles fully explains the strategies I've used to help me become the winner I've been and continue to be, since quitting as a failed "AP". They're also allowing me to put in links to this forum so people can waste no time watching me explain my special plays videos that have been instrumental in helping me consistently win, and reading arci's own words as he weasels & lies his way into...and then out of...his challenge. GT's naturally not so much interested in an anonymous Internet hack's antics as they are in what I have to say about the machine--and any reaction that may come in from Shackleford and/or the Gaming Commission.

    This one's dedicated to you, Chuck!
    Last edited by Rob.Singer; 09-02-2013 at 11:01 AM.

  2. #2

    Let me know when the articles will run -- I'll make sure I get multiple copies of GT those issues.

    P.S. GT isn't, as I've said, the Mensa guide to gambling, but it is an enjoyable read. It's light and covers a lot of different stuff, including poker columns, LV celebrities and shows (with Monti Rock), some non-technical business columns, and it has local pinup girls.

  3. #3
    I will, but I have to have time to write them first, and that means it won't be right away.

    You're correct in that it isn't gambling mensa, but perhaps it will be after my strategies are explained. I never did that in the past in any publication because I didn't want it to appear I was "selling" strategy in any way.

  4. #4
    Rob, I don't know much about the newspaper business, but I would think that a publisher would need to plan in advance and therefore has some dates in mind for your articles. What is your time frame? If there is no time frame I become skeptical. Sorry.

  5. #5
    I don't think GT is locked into that kind of schedule, Alan. The editor should be able to run what he wants to run, pretty much. They have eight or nine regular columnists, some of whom (like sports) have date-relevant columns, but some of whom do not. They could always pull the keno column and the vp column for a couple of weeks. I suspect they'd run Rob after the football season, though. Or, quite possibly, since their "feature" article usually isn't earth-shattering, they might use Rob as their front-page headliner, which wouldn't disrupt anybody's regular columns at all.
    Last edited by redietz; 09-03-2013 at 05:24 AM.

  6. #6
    Thanks redietz, that's good to know. If the paper doesn't have any production schedules to "fit" then we should see Rob's articles sooner rather than later.

  7. #7
    Alan, have those IRS forms from Singer shown up yet? Didn't think so.

  8. #8
    Originally Posted by arcimede$ View Post
    Alan, have those IRS forms from Singer shown up yet? Didn't think so.
    They have not, frankly I hope they don't.

  9. #9
    How about his birth certificate. Oh no wait-----that's Obama.

  10. #10
    Two things about which I have an opinion:

    1) Rob probably has the tax forms.
    2) Arci is very much NOT Spock.

    Back to your regularly scheduled programming....

  11. #11
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Two things about which I have an opinion:

    1) Rob probably has the tax forms.
    2) Arci is very much NOT Spock.
    There is no question that Rob has his own tax returns. The issue was for me as an independent "reporter" to get Rob's tax returns directly from the IRS so that I could report to the forum the info to settle the dispute about claims. As I mentioned here many times, whether or not anyone actually won money and how much they won doesn't mean much to me when it comes to discussing any video poker strategy. What I was more interested in was a report from the IRS which supports Rob's claims about his controversial deductions. I did not sign a non disclosure agreement for Arc until I received Rob's tax returns. Rob said he was cancelling his order for the back tax returns. And I never liked this particular soap opera. But Under The Dome on CBS has two more episodes left and in recent weeks the story has been getting better. And I really look forward to Revolution returning to NBC soon.

  12. #12

    I thought Rob was using your forum to post his systems and his proof. Is he going to post something different or more complete on Gaming Today? Will it be available online? What happened? Did you two have a falling out?

  13. #13
    I don't know what Rob will be doing in the paper, but if it's an attack on certain AP's I wouldn't put it on this website -- so he would have to put it in the paper.

    I think Rob has covered his strategy pretty extensively here both with the videos and articles and forum posts. If he has more to say about his strategies, he is always welcome here to post it.

  14. #14
    I'll clear things up amid the speculation.

    I'm writing 2 articles under my old "Undeniable Truth" column title. Haven't started them yet. One will be a detailed explanation of my play strategies (SPS, RTT, & ARTT). After Chuck D. died his wife wanted me to start identifying my strategy for the readers and do less knocking around of the AP's. She let it go for a long time, but eventually since I wouldn't put the strategies anywhere but on my site, rather than go in and argue, I stopped sending in articles to them. I always refused payment, so I wrongly thought I could talk her out of it. What I'm doing is like a compromise for us both. The other article will be more education on why advantage play is nothing more than a state of mind, and I'll detail arci's ill-fated "tax return challenge". And so arci can sweat, here's the facts--which will be greatly expanded upon of course--as I'll demonstrate them:

    1. Challenge is proposed and the IRS form is identified. Arci "proclaims" that I will not accept it.

    2. One day later I accept. Absent any betting parameters and needing to get this done because of an upcoming trip, I chose the maximum # of years (7) to request, which are the middle 7 years of my 11-yr. professional gambling career. This made perfect sense, I sent my request form as well as my $399 in to the IRS, and I clearly explained all that I did on the forum. Prior to doing so there was a discussion about non-disclosure agreements, and I said I did not need one because I trusted Alan.

    3. Dazed and confused, arci took his needed time, but eventually threw together a plethora of deflections, diversions, and stalls by claiming he wanted an NDA just after saying he "had nothing to hide". Then of course, he claimed, after knowing which years I've already requested, that nothing would be valid unless I requested 2008 & 2009 for no known reason. I gave arci 2 weeks to tell us he had sent in his request, and when he came on pointing fingers and doing everything BUT what he knew needed to be done to get his form mailed, I did what I said and requested my forms not be sent from the IRS. I'll be using more descriptive wording and exact dates etc. so that anyone can go back and read how he squirmed out of his own challenge.

    Redietz is correct: GT can put up my articles probably any time they want. The paper has shrunk enormously since I left. I don't think adding or even subtracting anything will be a problem.

    I mailed in my cancellation request prior to leaving for SF. When I got back (and before hitting that beauty up at Harvey's) there was an IRS envelop here that confirmed receipt of my original 4506 request & fee, and also asked me to identify if my "3rd party" was a trustee, a mortgage co., an Atty., some others, or just identify. It mentioned something about filing schedule C's. So my cancellation request must have crossed this thing in the mail. I'm thinking if I ignore the request it'll be cancelled anyway.
    Last edited by Rob.Singer; 09-03-2013 at 09:28 PM.

  15. #15
    Looking forward to reading those articles, Rob. Keep us posted when you have them published.

  16. #16
    Rob, my guess is that if you don't confirm who the third party is, the tax returns will not be sent out. Whether or not you get your money back is another issue. LOL

  17. #17
    Rob, you can't say you accepted the "IRS challenge" and then back out. Either show the forms or not. But don't act like saying you're going to do something is the same as doing it. Talk is cheap.

  18. #18
    Originally Posted by quahaug View Post
    Rob, you can't say you accepted the "IRS challenge" and then back out. Either show the forms or not. But don't act like saying you're going to do something is the same as doing it. Talk is cheap.
    quahaug is correct about this. In all fairness, you should not even mention it again, Rob. It should be considered a "moot issue" as if it never happened, because in reality it never happened.

  19. #19
    While I used to read the GT and enjoyed Rob's column, all that this will accomplish is to recycle the same debate that was slowly fading here. Arci will still say the math says no--Rob will say screw the math here are the results--and off we go. Everyone will call everyone else a liar, and the insults will fly. Do we really want to start over with all the same arguments?

  20. #20
    Originally Posted by regnis View Post
    While I used to read the GT and enjoyed Rob's column, all that this will accomplish is to recycle the same debate that was slowly fading here. Arci will still say the math says no--Rob will say screw the math here are the results--and off we go. Everyone will call everyone else a liar, and the insults will fly. Do we really want to start over with all the same arguments?
    Perhaps GT wants to increase its circulation? Dancer, Fezzik, Scott and Arci will have to read the issues. :-)

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