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Thread: Young Axl Rose and Cake Cream in 2022! :D

  1. #361
    They all went to DQ to feast on strawberry blizzards after the horrible meeting with Claven Records.

    "OK' said Axl, "About that loophole, that technicality..."

    They continued to dig into their ice cream confections, belching all the while, as Axl laid out his legal strategy.

    "I am taking Billy before a judge today to have his name legally changed."

    Cream Rose looked a bit baffled, but they continued to belch while attacking their blizzards.

    "Don't you see? They said "Billy" cannot be a member, but he won't be "Billy," he will be "Millie Vabillie."

    Cream Rose applauded, shook Axl's hand, thanked him, were welcomed in return, and then as a salute to his brilliance they stopped belching and instead lovingly farted out "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow" in perfect harmony and tune.

    Yes, this was a group that was going places.
    Last edited by MisterV; 02-23-2023 at 05:49 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  2. #362
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    They all went to DQ to feast on strawberry blizzards after the horrible meeting with Claven Records.

    "OK' said Axl, "About that loophole, that technicality..."

    They continued to dig into their ice cream confections, belching all the while, as Axl laid out his legal strategy.

    "I am taking Billy before a judge today to have his name legally changed."

    Cream Rose looked a bit baffled, but they continued to belch while attacking their blizzards.

    "Don't you see? They said "Billy" cannot be a member, but he won't be "Billy," he will be "Millie Vabillie."

    Cream Rose applauded, shook Axl's hand, thanked him, were welcomed in return, and then as a salute to his brilliance they stopped belching and instead lovingly farted out "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow" in perfect harmony and tune.

    Yes, this was a group that was going places.

    Mr. V, you've done it again! You are once again burning hot on what the "technical loophole," Axl thought of and told Cream Rose and Cream Rose all agreed.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  3. #363
    I can't wait to see what new name you choose.

    Adolph would work; funny, you never see kids named that any more, I wonder why?

    Or maybe Sambo (is Billy black?).

    Heck, go for the big kahuna: Jesus.

    Actually, I am hoping you change his name to Rob Singer.
    What, Me Worry?

  4. #364
    The technical loophole was that Billy was temporarily suspended from Cream Rose, not Cake Cream. Different Names. Axl told Jimmy, James, Andy, Billy and Mike to get ready for a Cake Cream Show. They were all on board with this. They chilled until the next day and there instruments arrived. Cake Cream was back! Jimmy played Bass Guitar, James played Lead Guitar, Mike sang the songs with Axl providing backing vocals, Billy played the drums, Andy played Keyboard. They sounded good. They all knew that all Claven Records Executives would be in a mandatory all day Meeting today.

    Axl and Cake Cream went to the James L Knight Center and made an impromptu Booking for a Cake Cream Show within three hours. Tickets went immediately on sale, for $25. Bomb experts showed up, and Cake Cream and Axl were all wearing bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets.

    They practiced, ate, and then the show started behind bulletproof plexiglass.

    $50,000 Cakers showed up to see Cake Cream. Cake Cream and Axl were happy! They did a phenomenal show, and the Cakers loved that Cake Cream was back! They loved it! Cake Cream and Axl loved the fans too! Everybody was having a good time! The final sendoff happened to wild cheering and the show was soon over.

    After the Show, they all went to the bar and had wings, fries and Coke Soda. They had fun chilling, drinking and eating.

    Fans in the bar congratulated them on his good the latest Cake Cream Show was and they smiled, thanked them and were welcomed. The Fans asked for Autographs and Selfies and they all obliged. The Fans thanked them and were welcomed. They all chatted for a while and then the Fans went back to their own tables.

    Cake Cream and Axl couldn't believe, in a good way, that they pulled off this technical loophole stunt so succinctly. They knew Claven Records would question this, but they knew Claven Records Executives were still in the all day Meeting and wouldn't know about the Cake Cream Show today until after the meeting was over later. The latest Cake Cream Show was already going viral on Social Media. Fans loved this! Cake Cream and Axl were happy. They finished eating and drinking and then went back to the hotel.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  5. #365
    Billy had to piss before leaving the bar.

    He was approached in the men's room by a seedy looking character.

    "Wanna by some blow?"

    Billy bought and immediately snorted up a shit load of blow.

    "This isn't quite working like it used to" he realized; "I gotta figure out how to get more bang for my buck."

    No one noticed or questioned him about it that night, so the next day he went to his local dealer and bought an ounce of the finest Peruivian flake, then went to Walgreens for some syringes, spoons, and lighters.

    He flirted briefly with an employee with a hideous handbag and then went home to shoot up.

    "They just don't understand" he thought while snorting up some monstrous lines and then injecting himself with more.

    "I just gotta be me."

    He figured out the perfect thing to say if the band gave him any grief, namely "If Stevie Nicks can keep it together while snorting and / or shooting up millions, so can I. Heck, I don't even have any holes in my nose yet. And if Craven Records doesn't like it, tell them to fuck off and go sign with Def Jam, they're coke-friendly."

    He smiled, shook his hand, then thanked and welcomed himself.

    "It's just SO tough to be a famous rock star" he thought while his brain zinged and zipped madly along.
    Last edited by MisterV; 02-23-2023 at 07:25 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  6. #366
    At the hotel, they ordered room service, ate, drank, and chilled until the next day.

    The next day, they all got up and got ready for the day.

    Claven Records called them and were like,"We saw the Cake Cream video! Billy is suspended from performing with you guys! You guys have violated the Contract you guys all signed!"

    Cream Rose/Cake Cream smugly pointed out that Billy was suspended from Cream Rose, not Cake Cream. Cake Cream performed yesterday, not Cream Rose. Technical loophole.

    Claven Records were like,"Damn, you guys got us good with that technical loophole. Technically, you guys are in the right."

    Cream Rose/Cake Cream all were smug.

    Claven Records and Cream Rose/Cake Cream all chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes and hung up.

    Billy claimed he was going to go to the movies. Everyone said they were coming with him.

    They were all expecting him to tell multiple lies about where he was really going, and actually plan to go buy more Cocaine and Subutex, but surprisingly, he was like," That's fine. I'm going to the movies for real."

    They were pleasantly surprised. They all got ready to go to the movies. They put on bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets. They went to the movies and had a great time, eating popcorn, drinking Coke, and just enjoying the movies. After the movies, they went to the park and hung out. After the park, they went back to the hotel. They chilled more.

    Wild Guns was doing a show tomorrow and Older Axl/W called CCCR(Cake Cream Cream Rose) and asked if they wanted to come see them perform. CCCR were up for this and W made plans to give them the tickets. They accepted. Soon, W was at the hotel and gave them the tickets. They were grateful and thanked him and were welcomed. They all chatted. Axl and W were particularly glad to see each other again. W and Axl and the rest of CCCR hung out for a long time, and then W left.

    CCCR were excited to be seeing a Wild Guns Show tomorrow. They chilled until the next day.

    The next day, they got up, ate, and got ready for the day.

    The Wild Guns Show was a morning show, so it was early in the day.

    They went to the Venue and Wild Guns were happy to see them. And vice versa. Everyone was wearing bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets. Wild Guns did a phenomenal Show, performing behind bulletproof plexiglass barrier. CCCR had front row tickets and cheered wildly, enjoying the Show. The Audience cheered wildly too. The final sendoff happened to even more wild cheering.

    After the show, Wild Guns and CCCR went to Denny's and had a nice late Brunch. They all chatted, having fun. They paid and left.
    Last edited by Tasha; 02-23-2023 at 07:51 PM.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  7. #367
    Craven Records called Axl.

    "We were wrong about wanting Billy to leave because he does cocaine. Flat wrong, and we are so, so sorry."

    "Why did you change your mind?" asked Axl.

    "Because we realized 'Who are we kidding? Pretty much all rock 'n roll groups do hard drugs, just the way it is."

    "Well, I don't do hard drugs" said Axl.

    "You should" said Craven Records, "What, do you want to be a square, the odd man out? Get with the program. Fact is, bring everybody over to Craven Records, I just bought ten ounces of killer Bolivian flake for you guys to try."

    Axl was tempted; he asked the boys and they all smiled, shook his hand, and said "Party on, Axl," so they went to Craven Records and got introduced to primo cocaine, and they liked it.

    They liked it a lot.

    While at Craven Records they heard death metal being played for the first time, and they liked it a lot too; whacked on coke they picked up their instruments, went into the studio and did some spontaneous, improvisational death metal tunes.

    Unknown to them it was recorded.

    Party over, they left and went to DQ for strawberry blizzards then returned to the hotel.

    The next day they were shocked to learn that their improv death metal tunes were going viral on the internet, not because the songs were good, but because they sucked.

    One critic said "Good grief, what a mess. Sounds like a bunch of coked up amateurs trying to play death metal."

    Axl contacted Craven Records to complain, but was told that due to the hostility the fans now had toward CR and WG, Craven Records was dropping them as clients.

    Axl was crushed, so he snorted a few lines and felt a lot, lot better.

    "Fuck them" he thought: "With enough cocaine I can rule the world."
    What, Me Worry?

  8. #368
    They went back to the hotel. They chilled in Billy and Axl's hotel room. They watched Boy Meets World, the episode where Jack and Eric have a conversation about who is older. Jack says,"I am older." Eric replies, "But I've lived longer." The TV Audience laughed and everyone looked at Axl. Axl blushed.

    Axl said,"Technically, this applies to me and you guys too. I was born before you, as I was born in 1962, and you guys were born in 1995 and 1996, but you guys are all older than me as I am 25 and you guys are 26 and 27. " Everyone smiled.

    They chilled more, just all enjoying each other's company. Axl wanted to entertain CCCR more, so he made up complete lies about his younger self. Heck, they didn't know him when he was younger, so they had no way to know he was straight up lying.

    He said,"When I was 8, I was a Boy Scout. I earned 20 badges." CCCR all smiled at him.

    When I was 10, I went on a Safari and got mauled by both a tiger and a wolf. The guide saved my life, giving me emergency medical attention!

    When I was 12, I got hit by lightning. I was wet and electrocuted, not a good combination at all. I was in so much pain. ended up in the hospital for two days

    When I was 13, I got bit on my leg by a Rattlesnake when I was walking home from school one day. The Doctors had to give me an anti venom shot. I was in the hospital for two days. The pain was unbearable.

    When I was 20, I was stuck on a Roller coaster that got stuck in the upside down position for an hour. I was beyond scared, holding onto the safety latch for dear life before emergency staff were able to get the ride working again and I was saved!

    When I was 10, I was sprayed by a skunk and stunk like crap until my Mom made me in tomato juice and the stinky skunk smell went away.

    When I was 17, I did Boot Camp for the Marines, but the Marines released me claiming that they didn't need me. CCCR all were smiling. They had a feeling that Axl was making up complete Bullshit just to entertain them.

    Jimmy was like,"Wow, you sure had a fascinating life when you were younger! I'm sure Older Axl would love for us to remind him of you and his fascinating younger life! Jimmy winked, knowing Axl just told them completely made up and entertaining bullshit.

    CCCR backed up Jimmy.

    Axl had a look of panic and begged CCCR to not remind Older Axl of what he just said to them. He claimed Older Axl was 60 and wouldn't remember what happened at least 40 years ago. CCCR all smiled and asked Axl if he just made up completely made up bullshit to entertain them. He admitted he made it all up to entertain them. CCCR were like,"We knew you made it up. You are a very entertaining storyteller." Axl blushed shyly. They chilled some more.
    Last edited by Tasha; 02-24-2023 at 04:50 PM.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  9. #369
    Tasha, are you drunk or just too stupid to notice that you reposted the same thread you posted earlier?

    Get a grip.
    What, Me Worry?

  10. #370
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Tasha, are you drunk or just too stupid to notice that you reposted the same thread you posted earlier?

    Get a grip.
    Thanks for the heads up. I accidentally reposted a Chapter, but luckily I saw your reply before the edit time limit ran out and quickly put the new Chapter.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  11. #371
    "You know, guys" said Axl "I am a good story teller because I found my inspiration, the key to unlocking my mind."

    They looked at him curiously, as if he were an amoeba under a microscope.

    "And the secret is ... drugs !"

    They applauded and shook his hand.

    "Yes, drugs, and I just happened to have a bunch of grade A blotter acid on hand earlier today and I laced the kipper fish we all just feasted on with it. You should all be getting off right about ... now ..."

    Axl smiled, but then he saw Billy start to float and turn into a cheshire cat, and Jimmy started eating his hands.

    "I hope I didn't use too much" Axl reflected.

    Soon they were all tripping their collective asses off, and it was strange, very strange.

    They all fixated for a long time on the TV: it groaned, expanded, turned purple and they could see and smell the sound.

    They left the hotel and ran into the park, stripped, then ran bare ass naked through the snow, doing cart wheels and squat thrusts all the while.

    Axl then took his merry pranksters to DQ where they ordered but only stared at their strawberry blizzards: they were too beautiful to eat.

    Ten hours later they'd all come down; they thanked Axl and were welcomed in return.
    Last edited by MisterV; 02-24-2023 at 08:07 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  12. #372
    The rest of CCCR went to their own rooms and Billy and Axl went to sleep. As they slept, a criminal broke into Billy and Axl's hotel room and shot Billy as he slept! CCCR didn't wear bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets when they were sleeping, just when they were going out. The criminal then ran for the hills. Billy woke up from the pain, woke up Axl and said,"Axl, I've been shot! Please help! Axl was panicked seeing the bullet shot in Billy's stomach . "Nooooo!" Axl cried horrified. Blood was already gushing out of poor Billy's stomach. Billy did nothing to deserve this. Axl grabbed hotel towels and tried to hold back Billy's bleeding. "Hold on Billy. I'm gonna need you to survive." Billy was trying hard to survive. "I'm scared, Axl, Billy said, frightfully. Axl responded,"I know. Just hang in there, sweetie."

    Axl called 911 and told them what happened and they rushed Paramedics to Billy and Axl's room. Paramedics worked on Billy and Axl got his and Billy's wallets and their cellphones and the chargers. Axl put shoes on Billy and himself. Paramedics brought Billy to the ambulance and Axl went with him. Paramedics worked on Billy hard. Axl and Billy held hands , Axl scared for Billy. Axl prayed to God to let Billy live. The Ambulance reached the hospital and Billy was admitted to the emergency room where doctors worked hard on him. Axl burst into tears. His boyfriend had just been shot. The Doctors removed the bullet from Billy's stomach and stitched him up and said that Billy would survive. Axl breathed a sigh of relief.

    Billy was grateful too. He thanked Axl , God, the Doctors, and the Paramedics for saving his life.

    He was welcomed. Billy and Axl were told that Billy would have to stay in the hospital for a little while to recover. Billy and Axl were just happy Billy survived. Billy fell asleep. Axl prayed to God, thanking him for letting Billy live.

    Axl soon fell asleep himself. When he awoke, Jimmy, James, Andy and Mike were in Billy's hospital room and were worried about Billy. Axl told them that Billy would survive. They all breathed sighs of relief.

    Billy soon woke up too and was grateful James, Jimmy, Andy, and Mike came to visit him.

    On Social Media, the Criminal was stupid enough to film himself shooting Billy and bragged about shooting Billy. He was an Idiot. Billy and the rest of CCCR were understandably horrified.

    Billy wondered why he was so cursed that multiple people wanted him dead.

    CCCR comforted Billy. They couldn't believe how many times Billy was almost killed. They all chatted and Doctors and nurses did more medical attention for Billy.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  13. #373
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    They all chatted and Doctors and nurses did more medical attention for Billy.
    Move over Elena Ferrante, Jonathan Franzen, and Virginia Woolf.

  14. #374
    Jimmy Chen, James Chan, Mike Cheng, and Andy Chang were elated that Claven Records had just signed their band Chinese Credence Clearwater Revival -- CCCR for short. They were practicing in the living room of one of them's mansion when James got the good news. They bowed and thanked one another and were welcomed.

    Andy went over to the window and opened it, then pulled down his pants and stuck his butt out the window before ripping a loud egg foo yung fart. He said, "This calls for a celebration!" Then he pulled his butt back inside and pulled up his pants.

    James was on his phone and he motioned for the others to see the latest viral video trending. It was Andy farting out the window. "Wow, that was quick!" Mike said.

    Jimmy shook his head. "No, no celebration just yet. What we need is what Cake Cream had. A time traveling rock star from the past working together with his older self in the present. We need our own pair of Axls. Just not Axl Roses."

    James suggested, "What about John Fogerty? He's not into drugs and he's a lot more disciplined. His hard working personality would really mesh well with us, being Chinese and all."

    "It's perfect!" Andy said. "I'll go get the magic jade wishing dragon." Soon he returned with an ornate and ancient looking box. Inside was a delicate dragon carved from jade. "Okay, magic dragon, please bring us a young John Fogerty." All four CCCR bandmates bowed and soon the room filled with dense fog. When the fog cleared, there was a little boy of about 5 years sitting on the sofa.

    "Shit," said Mike. "We forgot to specify how young. Now we have 5-year-old John Fogerty from 1950."

    The boy looked a the four Chinese men and starting crying. "Mommy!" he screamed. The four Chinamen looked at each other. They had no idea how to take care of a young child, let alone one who had time-traveled from 1950 and wouldn't know how to play on an iPad.

    CCCR called their new record label and explained the situation. Their new manager said he would call 2023 John Fogerty to come and pick up the boy. Several hours passed and finally old John Fogerty from the present showed up and collected his much younger self.

    "Too old for this shit," he muttered as he picked up the crying child and left the mansion.

  15. #375
    The Doctors and nurses later finished working on Billy for the time being. Billy was hungry and thirsty and doctors told him he could only eat and drink liquid foods. They soon brought him cream of broccoli soup and water.

    Axl fed Billy the cream of broccoli soup and gave him the water. Jimmy, James, Andy and Mike massaged Billy's stomach wound. Billy smiled weakly, happy that his brothers and boyfriend were taking care of him.

    The medical staff were amused by how deep CCCR love went for each other. It was easy to see the deep bond between all 6 of them. The medical staff left.

    Andy couldn't believe he tried to sell out Axl for $5,000. James couldn't believe he temporarily threw away a good brotherly friendship with Jimmy for a temporary fling with Allison that was already over. Jimmy couldn't believe he landed James in the hospital over Allison. All three were grateful all of them were forgiven.

    On Social Media, Billy getting shot was already viral. The Shooter, a man named Martin Charles Gordon was already in custody for shooting Billy.

    Axl said ,"Never trust a man who's three names could all be either a first name or a last name. "

    CCCR wryly said,"Like Michael Randall Johnson?" They all winked at Axl.

    Axl smiled wryly. "Not my real name, it was a fake name that showed up on my fake ID. I couldn't run around admitting that I was Axl Rose at the time who had traveled from 1987 to 2022 for obvious reasons."

    CCCR all admitted Axl had solid points. They all told him they were glad that Axl ended up in 2022 with them. Axl said he was glad too.

    Billy felt a little better. His shooter was in Custody and he had four brothers and a boyfriend who all loved him dearly and he was going to survive the gunshot to his stomach.

    Billy soon fell asleep again. Claven Records called Axl's phone and asked how Billy was holding up after getting shot in the stomach.

    Axl responded,"He's relatively doing okay. He's going to survive which is what makes all of us happy."

    Claven Records were like,"It's good that Billy survived and is doing relatively okay." Claven Records did a pause.

    Axl prompted them to go on.

    Claven Records continued,"We feel bad about temporarily suspending Billy from Cream Rose now that he could have died. We'd love to reinstate Billy back into Cream Rose."

    Axl told Claven Records to hold on and they did

    Axl told them that Claven Records felt guilty about temporarily suspending Billy from Cream Rose now that he could have died and wanted to reinstate Billy.

    CCCR all were okay with Billy being reinstated back to Cream Rose and Axl smiled and told Claven Records the good news. Claven Records were happy.

    CCCR all chatted minus Billy who was still asleep.

    Billy woke up soon and the majority of CCCR told Billy the good news that Claven Records wanted to reinstate Billy back into Cream Rose.

    Billy was hesitant. He had been the intended Victim the first time, Axl got shot multiple times protecting him, John Wilson broke into their house and nearly murdered Billy, Cake Cream and Axl were all nearly bombed, he almost burned to death(Okay, that one was all his own fault), and now some random guy shot him in his stomach, trying to murder him. Billy wasn't so sure he wanted to be part of Cream Rose anymore. He told CCCR his feelings and they understood Billy's hesitations.

    All of CCCR acknowledged that Billy had perfectly good reasons for being hesitant about being in Cream Rose.

    Billy called Claven Records and told him he was hesitant about being part of Cream Rose again. He told them his reasons and Claven Records acknowledged Billy was completely right to feel hesitant. Billy thanked them and was welcomed. Claven Records and Billy chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes and hung up.

    Billy couldn't believe he basically just quit Cream Rose, but knew his life had been in danger multiple times. CCCR all knew Billy had valid reasons for basically quitting Cream Rose. The Guy had nearly DIED five times in just the last couple of months, although one of them was completely his own fault. Billy didn't like letting Fans down, but he knew he had to protect his life. CCCR all knew Billy had to protect his life.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  16. #376
    Billy lay in his hospital bed, twitching and jonesing for some cocaine: none to be had.

    What to do?

    He called for a nurse and lied to her, saying he was in great pain and needed a strong narcotic; he was given one and he liked it, he liked it a lot.

    For the next two days he lay in bed, dreaming of floating in the clouds and becoming one with DQ strawberry blizzards; it was better than cocaine, if such a thing were possible.

    Billy was discharged from the hospital and as he'd quit CCCR he needed to find something new to do as well as a new home.

    "First thing, I need to score some good drugs" he concluded, so off he went to the rough side of town.

    He'd read something scribbled on a bathroom wall about a Walgreens employee hooking you up for a price, so he went there to score.

    He spotted her behind the counter: her hideous hand bag was the first clue.

    He told her he wanted some strong pain killers and she sold him a sack full of all different types: he shook her hand, thanked her, and was welcomed in return.

    Billy bought a pup tent at Wally World and set it up on the sidewalk outside Craven Records and proceeded to binge on meds for ten days straight.

    At the end he was a changed man.
    Last edited by MisterV; 02-25-2023 at 10:15 AM.
    What, Me Worry?

  17. #377
    James, Jimmy, Andy, and Mike all fell asleep. Billy was still in a lot of pain. He said he wanted a painkiller.

    Axl pointed out that Billy was a Cocaine Addict and needed to be careful when it came to painkillers. Billy was like,"Please Axl, I feel like my insides are on fire. I'll take anything to help with this burning pain."

    Axl gently caressed Billy's hair and told him he'd call for Billy's doctor. Billy smiled weakly.

    Axl called Billy's Doctor and the Doctor came and Billy told him he was in a lot of pain.

    The Doctor asked if Billy took any drugs or special medicines.

    Billy and Axl looked at each other uneasily, both thinking about Billy's Cocaine Addiction.

    Axl was like,"Just tell him, Billy. Tell him the truth about it. He can help with your pain if he knows about it.

    Billy took a deep breath and said,"I'm a Cocaine Addict and take Subutex to counteract the Cocaine Addiction.

    Axl nodded.

    The Doctor was like,"I'll give you Gromdian, a pain killer specifically for Cocaine and Subutex Users. You'll feel better soon, buddy.

    Axl and Billy smiled and thanked the Doctor and were welcomed. The Doctor left and came back with Gromdian. Billy took the Gromdian and soon felt better. He thanked the Doctor once again and was welcomed.

    The Doctor left. Axl and Billy chatted and then both fell asleep.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  18. #378
    Everyone woke up later. Axl looked at CCCR deeply and wondered about the future of CCCR now that Billy basically quit CCCR.

    Axl thought about Lilo And Stitch and how Ohana meant "Nobody gets left behind." Maybe they all should basically quit CCCR since Billy did.

    He told CCCR,"In Lilo And Stitch, Ohana means nobody gets left behind. Since Billy basically quit CCCR, we all should basically quit CCCR too."

    CCCR giggled.

    Axl asked them confused,"What's so funny?"

    Jimmy responded,"In Lilo And Stitch, the quote is,"Ohana means Family, and Family means no one gets left behind."

    CCCR confirmed this.

    Axl was like,"Okay. We are a family, and we shouldn't leave Billy behind by continuing CCCR without him."

    CCCR all agreed it wouldn't be right to continue CCCR without Billy. Billy felt kind of guilty, but happy his Boyfriend and brothers were willing to basically quit CCCR in solidarity with him and to support him.

    Claven Records were called and James, Jimmy, Andy, Mike, and Axl all said they were basically quitting CCCR in solidarity and support of Billy.

    Claven Records were like,"That's disappointing, but we respect your decisions." They all chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes and hung up. Timothy soon called and said he was coming to the hospital to check on Billy and have them sign paperwork that stated they all basically quit CCCR. They all agreed. They chatted with him and then said their goodbyes and hung up.

    Timothy soon came and checked on Billy, and gave them all,"Basically quitting CCCR," contracts.

    CCCR all read, understood agreed and signed the Contracts. Timothy thanked them and they all chatted and soon Timothy left.

    CCCR couldn't believe they all basically quit CCCR for Billy, but knew it was the right decision. They all went on Social Media and announced that they all decided to basically quit CCCR for Billy.

    Fans were disappointed, but understood.

    Axl said to CCCR, "Where do we go? Where do we go? Where do we go now?"

    CCCR all smiled, but Axl really didn't know where they went now. They basically agreed to stop their income with no more live CCCR shows for the time being.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  19. #379
    Back at the hotel Axl gathered the boys together for a 'come to Jesus' meeting.

    "OK, we shit our own nest, what do we do next? The hotel wants us to pay the bill and we've no money."

    "What? We had hundreds of millions, what happened?"

    "Oh, didn't I tell you?" asked Axl cupidly: "I used it all up last week at the casino. I'd read about some 'can't lose special plays' put out years ago by some clown who called himself Rob Singer but it was a bust. Sorry, all gone."

    They all smiled and shook his hand, thanking him for removing the burden of having too much money, and he welcomed them.

    "We're being evicted, we gotta go; so, what do you want to do after this?"

    "I'm gonna cut the soles off my shoes, sit in a tree and learn to play the flute" announced Jimmy.

    "And I'm going to get my G.E.D. and work at DQ" said Mike, "those strawberry blizzards are addictive."

    "I plan to get married, have two kids, then have a messy divorce and bitter, multi-year custody battle" predicted James.

    Andy sat in the corner, crying, then said "I don't know what I am going to do, I'd always dreamed of being a rock 'n roll star; we had it, then blew it. I guess there is nothing left for me to do other than kill myself."

    They all smiled and agreed that would be for the best; he thanked them, shook their hand and was welcomed.

    Thus inspired, Andy got up, went to the balcony and did a swan dive off the twentieth floor.

    "What about you, Axl, what will you do next?" they all asked.

    Axl thought for a moment, then smiled and said "I'm going to write down the story of what we have done here. I found a place to publish it for free, an obscure, little viewed place without any rules to speak of where I can both flame arrogant gambling blowhards and finally tell the true story."

    They clapped, shook his hand and decided to go chow down at DQ on strawberry blizzards "just because."

    "Oh, we need to give everyone a final salute before we leave" said Axl; they all dropped trou, hung a moon off the balcony and let loose with some huge cheek rippers; Mike even cut loose with a small turd and they clapped with glee.

    "To infinity, and beyond" they sang as they closed the hotel door.
    Last edited by MisterV; 02-26-2023 at 01:12 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  20. #380
    Axl got a call from the Marriott Hotel offering their apologies for Billy getting shot and offered them a huge secure Penthouse Suite

    Axl responded thoughtfully,"Billy won't get to enjoy the huge secure Penthouse since he's laying up in a hospital bed after being shot in his stomach."

    It's a REALLY good Penthouse Suite. We're offering it to you guys free of charge and we'll make it three months. Axl told the Marriott to hold on and they did.

    Axl told CCCR what the Marriott was offering and James, Andy, Mike, and Jimmy were all okay with it but Billy had his doubts, being he was a gunshot victim lying in a hospital room. The rest of CCCR agreed Billy had valid doubts.

    Axl suggested a unanimous vote if they take the Penthouse Suite or not. James, Andy, Mike and Jimmy all wanted the Penthouse Suite.

    Billy begrudgingly agreed to the Penthouse Suite. He knew his Brothers all wanted the Penthouse Suite and he knew it was all his fault they had to be in the hotel in the first place.

    It was settled. Axl spoke to the Marriott Hotel and told them they all agreed to the Penthouse Suite.

    The Marriott was like,"Okay, excellent." They chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes and hung up.

    Axl said that he should check out the Penthouse Suite and they all agreed.

    Axl went to the Hotel and went to the Marriott and was upset to see that the Marriott staff had already taken out CCCR personal possessions and put them in the Penthouse Suite without CCCR permission. He spoke up and The Marriott Hotel apologized for moving their items without permission and offered them $6,000 in meal comps. Axl accepted their apologies and the $6,000. He was given 6 Keycards and thanked the Marriott Hotel and was welcomed.

    He went to the Penthouse Suite and enjoyed the spacious and luxurious Penthouse. There were 6 beds which was ridiculous as Billy and Axl slept in the same bed, but it was a nice gesture nonetheless. It was fully furnished and comfortable. Axl felt he could forget his troubles for a while and just truly relax and unwind. Axl drank some wine, ate some chocolates, took a luxurious bath, dried off, put on pajamas, ordered room service, ate, watched some TV, and fell asleep.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

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