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Thread: Professional Sportsbetting

  1. #281
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    You didn't have a "mild" 2nd bout because of all those shots. You became less vulnerable to serious COVID illness due to a much higher immunity level from getting sick the 1st time.
    I won't argue this because it is very possible, even probable that immunity rises, at least for a period after contracting a virus. At least sometimes, but not always. Think of the common cold which is a virus. Having had a cold doesn't protect you from getting another.

    I do remember that after I recovered from the first bout with covid, I was thinking I probably was protected for at least some period of time. After Casinos re-opened in June 2020, I was out everyday, in the summer and early fall playing. Then in late fall, when much of the country started spending more time indoors, cases started rising again and among those rising cases where people getting the virus for a second time. This was still pre-vaccine. And many of those people that got covid for a second time had worse outcomes the second time around.

    Look, it comes down to one thing. Either you believe in science and medical advancements, or you don't. I have had two heart valve replacements in the last 12 years. Had it been 60 years prior those wouldn't have been available, and I probably wouldn't be here. So, I believe in science and medical advancements. They don't get everything right, but they are advancements.

    Believing in science and medical advancements is really the same argument as believing in the math in gambling. You either believe in the math or you believe in voodoo things like progression wagering, and "special plays", hot and cold cycles. I will choose science and math every time.

  2. #282
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Wife and I are fully vaxxed and followed all the proscribed hygienic measure put out by the CDC and thus far we avoided Covid.

    My impression of masks: they help prevent someone who has covid from spreading it, as opposed to preventing a wearer from contracting it.

    Did the country / world over-react?

    No, as the shut down was pre-vaccines; with vaccines there is little to worry about unless you're too fucking stupid, bull-headed, and / or poliiticized to get the innoculations.
    Avoided or just asymptomatic. There's zero chance me and my wife avoided it. I went out maskless at times and was up close and personal with people who had tested positive, I flew many times, went shopping and went to casinos, doctors, and dentists, went to parties, etc, and we never had any covid symptoms that were apparent.

  3. #283
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Wife and I are fully vaxxed and followed all the proscribed hygienic measure put out by the CDC and thus far we avoided Covid.

    My impression of masks: they help prevent someone who has covid from spreading it, as opposed to preventing a wearer from contracting it.

    Did the country / world over-react?

    No, as the shut down was pre-vaccines; with vaccines there is little to worry about unless you're too fucking stupid, bull-headed, and / or poliiticized to get the innoculations.
    You've avoided COVID because you don't do anything. I couldn't even get you to the Pelican Pub & Brewery for dinner.

    I like it when I see others wearing masks, although we'll never wear them unless required. Most people are careless with their sneezing and coughing, oblivious to the billions of potentially infectious droplets that instantly scatter. Even if no one else is around at the time of the discharge, the virus lives for a while on surfaces. Think of how many times you've sat a machine banging away at the buttons, completely impervious to what might be on them from other people's carelessness. And let's not even talk about what might be on that cash you're handling.... Many times, those fingers you're hoping will serve up a jackpot inadvertently make it into your eyes, nose, or mouth. And how many players actually clean off the areas they touch on machines as best they can? Very, very few--but I'm one of them.

    But this stuff's no different than what can be done to avoid the flu, pneumonia, or the common cold either. The fact that that idiot Fauci touted wearing masks for covid inside and outside, wearing TWO masks, wearing them at home etc. etc. etc. was only to cover up his responsibilities for that Chinese lab leaking the virus in the first place, as we've seen recently but have known all along.

    The whole COVID thing is a joke, from start to finish. Tell the masses "you could die!" and they'll do anything, including blindly follow "the science " as well as panic. Then you get the liberal sections of this country looking for "the Government" to "save" them, so they'll do anything they're told, while the feds deflect and divert attention through various freebies and handouts. It is satisfying being independent of all that.

  4. #284
    Rob, stfu or I will chase you back to GF. Who gives a fuck about COVID or masks at this point. Both sides had valid points. Vaccine and masks were far from perfect. Ivermectin was a joke treatment.

    Obsessing over Fauci just like you're told.

    We don't need a man so retarded he wrote a nonsensical book on beating Video Poker NOW giving us medical advice. Redietz seems to have taken some wisdom, now I'd suggest you do the same. You literally have far more in common with Redietz than anyone else on this forum.

    Get back to doing the lawn like you promised your daughter.

  5. #285
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Rob, stfu or I will chase you back to GF. Who gives a fuck about COVID or masks at this point. Both sides had valid points. Vaccine and masks were far from perfect. Ivermectin was a joke treatment.

    Obsessing over Fauci just like you're told.

    We don't need a man so retarded he wrote a nonsensical book on beating Video Poker NOW giving us medical advice. Redietz seems to have taken some wisdom, now I'd suggest you do the same. You literally have far more in common with Redietz than anyone else on this forum.

    Get back to doing the lawn like you promised your daughter.
    I understand your bitterness, I do, and why it is you need to get involved with every topic that arises. You find fault with everyone and everything, and I'll bet you blame underachievement as a catalyst.

    You do not have a life worth living; you're an old loner with no path in front of you, so you look for conflict wherever you may find it, in the hope that it can stimulate and provide meaning.

    Whenever you post, the first thing people do is feel sorry for you. You're neither here nor there. You think you're on the intellectual side of every argument, but you're not. The truth is, you barely exist.

    Ask your wife.

  6. #286
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Rob, stfu or I will chase you back to GF. Who gives a fuck about COVID or masks at this point. Both sides had valid points. Vaccine and masks were far from perfect. Ivermectin was a joke treatment.

    Obsessing over Fauci just like you're told.

    We don't need a man so retarded he wrote a nonsensical book on beating Video Poker NOW giving us medical advice. Redietz seems to have taken some wisdom, now I'd suggest you do the same. You literally have far more in common with Redietz than anyone else on this forum.

    Get back to doing the lawn like you promised your daughter.
    I understand your bitterness, I do, and why it is you need to get involved with every topic that arises. You find fault with everyone and everything, and I'll bet you blame underachievement as a catalyst.

    You do not have a life worth living; you're an old loner with no path in front of you, so you look for conflict wherever you may find it, in the hope that it can stimulate and provide meaning.

    Whenever you post, the first thing people do is feel sorry for you. You're neither here nor there. You think you're on the intellectual side of every argument, but you're not. The truth is, you barely exist.

    Ask your wife.
    Precious stuff coming from Rob.

    No wife. Just women who I have broken their hearts but clown all ya want because IDGAF.

    The one absolute fact is that if anyone has anything in common with Redietz, it is you, dear Rob. Although I suspect Redietz is actually more legit but no one knows.

  7. #287
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    You've avoided COVID because you don't do anything. I couldn't even get you to the Pelican Pub & Brewery for dinner.
    ^^^Welcome to VCT's version of "AGT:" "Another God-damn Troll.^^^

    What's the matter Rob, not getting enough attention?

    I avoided covid thus far not because I didn't do anything but because I was careful and circumspect about my actions, plus I suppose I had a bit of luck.

    I've gambled throughout this time but wore a mask when required and I always clean the slot machines buttons with 70% Isopropyl alcohol before play.

    I avoided being in close proximity to others, therefore I've pretty much eschewed playing craps for the duration (one exception at a nearly empty table).

    I / we still shopped, worked out daily at the fitness center (when it wasn't closed during mandatory shutdown), visited friends and family, ate out etc.

    As for my passing up on meeting up with you in Pacific City: that was unrelated to covid and was based on cost / benefit analysis, probabilities, and common sense.
    What, Me Worry?

  8. #288
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    You've avoided COVID because you don't do anything. I couldn't even get you to the Pelican Pub & Brewery for dinner.
    ^^^Welcome to VCT's version of "AGT:" "Another God-damn Troll.^^^

    What's the matter Rob, not getting enough attention?

    I avoided covid thus far not because I didn't do anything but because I was careful and circumspect about my actions, plus I suppose I had a bit of luck.

    I've gambled throughout this time but wore a mask when required and I always clean the slot machines buttons with 70% Isopropyl alcohol before play.

    I avoided being in close proximity to others, therefore I've pretty much eschewed playing craps for the duration (one exception at a nearly empty table).

    I / we still shopped, worked out daily at the fitness center (when it wasn't closed during mandatory shutdown), visited friends and family, ate out etc.

    As for my passing up on meeting up with you in Pacific City: that was unrelated to covid and was based on cost / benefit analysis, probabilities, and common sense.
    You can create all the scenarios you like V. Your bottom line is denial. If you had any ability whatsoever to do anything or go anywhere other than to those pathetic Oregon casinos that draw all the Portland area pothead libtards in like dory fish, you'd be out and about everywhere.

    Those excuses for being afraid to meet me (and my wife) face-to-face for dinner are even more chickenshit delusional. Safe spaces are all people in Oregon can handle.

  9. #289
    Oh please, Rob, don't you get tired of spinning all your bullshit?

    My wife and I have current passports and *ahem* "sufficient funds" to travel anywhere we'd care to go and to buy pretty much anything we'd care to buy.

    My health is great, BTW: wife and I still work out daily at the fitness center and I just came back from the doc with a clean bill of health: while nobody beats the reaper I seem to be keeping him at bay.

    So if it ain't money and it ain't health that induces me not to globe trot or to buy an RV and live the nomad life, what could it be?


    Bwa ha ha ha

    Covid is pretty much over, but I am quite content to stay mostly in stumptown, living the life of Reilly (i.e. doing exactly whatever it is I choose to do).

    I love the Oregon casinos: same games as sin city.

    I love my home, my family, friends, and hobbies, so why would I want to leave home in order to search for something when I am already happy?

    We are however planning to take a Mediterranean cruise some day, and we (me, my wife, my son, his wife and their son) plan to head to NH this summer to spend a few weeks at my lakeside vacation home on Lake Winnipesaukee so no, I am not a true stay at home.

    I am enjoying my retirement: too bad yours doesn't seem a good fit for you.

    No, our paths will never cross: your loss.
    Last edited by MisterV; 03-09-2023 at 06:29 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  10. #290
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Not to hijack, but the mask issue makes me wonder: what can casino patrons do to try and avoid facial recognition software from identifying them, assuming they're in a database?
    There are glasses you can buy that fool facial recognition. I’m not going to post the name of them but they work 100 percent. I’ve only had one casino ask me to remove them at the point of entry. Something else that works well is certain makeup application around the area between the eyes and forehead. Traveling with someone trained in this comes in handy. There is a certain university on the east coast that has done a lot of research on ways to defeat facial recognition. The real problem is defeating the casino hustlers who seem to think they work in casino surveillance. Those guys need a loved one beat with a ball peen hammer to show them the error of their ways

  11. #291
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post

    As well they should have been concerned.

    Infectious and virulent.
    MrV, monet has turned into one of those crazy conspiracy guys. An upgrade (or downgrade) from when he used to just be crazy.

    I got sick with covid in the early days back at the end of March 2020. A neighbor in the building on the same floor had gotten sick and was hospitalized before me. Over the next several weeks 8 different people in my building all contracted covid, getting sick to various degrees, including my brother who I live with. One guy on the floor above passed away. I was pretty sick. My brother was not. There was even a story on the local news calling our building a "cluster" of cases.

    I didn't think the virus was traveling through walls, although I might have said something about that at the time, just not knowing what was going on. I didn't interact with any of these people. With hindsight, I think this very contagious virus, more contagious and dangerous at the beginning (viruses weaken over time) probably was spread through surface touch like common door handles, elevator buttons and things like that.

    When thing reopened several months later, I was very cautious. I would take the steps down each morning to avoid the elevator and other people. Coming home, I could take the elevator because as long as I didn't get on at ground floor with anyone, the likelihood of passengers getting on after the first floor going up was slim. In the casinos and any other crowded place, especially indoors I wore masks, which were mandated at the time, but I would have done so anyway. I suspected masks didn't offer the protection the so-called experts claimed because if you could breathe, then the virus could get through, if it was circulating. But purchased and wore good masks anyway, not the paper do-nothing type masks.

    I don't blame any medical or science experts from being wrong about anything in hindsight. They were all doing the best they could with a new situation.

    I got the vaccine and two boosters. The conspiracy people can say what they want about the vaccines, but I contracted covid a second time after I had the vaccine and had very mild symptoms. Felt like a cold for a few days with minor body aches, which was quite a contrast to how sick I was the first time, for several weeks with lingering fatigue issues lasting months. That is all the proof I need that the vaccines work and do what they are supposed to do, which is minimize severe sickness and death, just the same as the flu shot does.
    Since you basically admitted to only playing a handful of hours a week your experiences mean nothing. How you part timers claim to be professionals is mind boggling. Only in the world of fake advantage players can one claim to be a pro working 14 hours a week tops lol.

    The only person I can think of who’s been in more casinos then I have since the reopening in 2020 is Alan Kessler. I don’t talk to alan so it’s hard to compare but literally I’m in a casino 7 days a week often staying in them. I never got a vaccine and got covid officially once, but I suspect I had it before there was testing. Only the weak and indoctrinated frauds believe in the vaccines

  12. #292
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post

    No one can do everything. Mickey does what he does through great interest and motivation, and at an acceptable cost; much in the same way we all wonder what it would be like walking in his shoes every time he writes about his experiences. There isn't one person who reads about it that doesn't daydream.

    The problem is we all age. I would imagine mickey had been a "hard-drinking mess of a man" in his younger days, which has a lore all its own. That eventually caught up with him, and it's amazing how he's been able to keep his foot on the gas after going thru a correction.

    Those things you mention--home, wife, animals, friends (& I'll add family), hobbies, and especially the relaxing part: it would take an unusual and grizzled man to be able to just give that stuff up. Yet it becomes a bit chaotic when you try to do too much. I'm 4 years mickey's senior, but I still do a shit ton of driving because we find enjoyment in doing so, and I'm blessed with the ability to still be able to do it without issue. The trade-off comes in the form of dealing with the resulting cobwebs of purpose. So no....if you're at peace with what you do and why--just as mickey so obviously is--you are not doing the wrong thing.

    BTW--in the Fezzik bio you'll notice how he finds NFL betting success by "focusing on only 5 games per week". I guess he remembers our battles on LVA Sports, and my success with the Singer Five, and why it was always only 5, back then. He learned well.
    I don't know what all those guys are really doing. Let me give a little insight and something to think about. This isn't directed any anyone in particular.

    Let's start off with the fact that people feen (is it phene or feen?) for sports betting, especially so with guys who have money to burn(think young cocky guy working on wall street.)
    Those guys are always looking for someone or some service that has "good picks" whoever is the flavor of the month. They will even pay a shit ton for tout services(OFC, that's nothing compared to the amounts they are betting)

    Now we have a bunch of handicappers/sports bettors/ whatever who are entering contests, making picks, etc. Some with legit skil,l some not so much. But, at some point, a few people gonna run hot as fuck. Word travels fast and the next thing you know people are beating their doors down and feening to get in on the action. Suddenly all kinds of sweet deals and offers are being made. Big backers are offering free rolls, apps, websites, affiliates, tout services etc, too good to pass up. We won't know what's really going on with all that, it's usually kept quiet.

    Whatever the case, some of those guys become infallible and legendary, they can do no wrong, and even when they run bad and things start to average out. People remember all the winning, everything else is just bad luck, so there's always money coming in somewhere.
    There's nothing wrong with all that, people got to make a living.

    IIRC RED's site touted their goal for investors was 10-12% returns in NFL alone. Who the Fuck would need or want investors if you can make 10-12% on NFL? Now just imagine if you're even better at college Football. Anyone with a legitimate long-term 5% + edge in major sports handicapping should be filthy rich since the amount of action you can get in is huge and the venues are plentiful.

    Axelwolf, you clearly have no idea what 10-12% return means. Have you no bank accounts? That is so bizarre. It really is.

    It means if you start in September with 100K, the goal is to finish December with 110-112K. That is the normal American definition of 10-12% return.

    A 10-12% return goal has nothing to do with having a 10-12% edge. Can you read? Have you ever talked to a financial advisor or sat down in a bank?

    The reading comprehension is mind-blowing.

    And "IIRC" is great unless you don't recall it correctly. LOL. You got it wrong, as in completely wrong.

    I have to think this is all trolling, especially since the website snapshot was from 2000 or thereabouts.

    Now I have a serious question, Axelwolf. Did you drink alcohol before posting? I can't imagine a sober Axelwolf could misinterpet 10-12% return as a 10-12% edge FOR EVERY SINGLE EVENT. How could anyone who ever set foot into a bank? Or anyone who seriously gambled?

    There is something seriously wrong with someone who reads 10-12% return as meaning "for every single event." That is some brain-dead reading comprehension.


    So when a bank promises Axelwolf a 3% return, does Axelwolf assume it's per day, per investment decision, every time his money is moved to something different he gets another 3%?

    Jesus, man, visit a bank one of these days.
    So basically Red is the Bernie Madoff of sports. Another Fraud without a bankroll looking for investments lol. Much like the bisexual / gay young poker professionals that borrow money to play and post all day about how good they are. Red is basically just like them fake. Just another fraudulent professional poster who doesn’t do or make shit.


  13. #293
    One of the more striking aspects of this thread is how clear it has become that Singer as a person is basically half kewlj and half redietz.

    Redietz - Both of Singer and Redietz post pictures of themselves with an expensive vehicle that they don't own. Both sell systems and mock those who understand the actual math behind what they're doing. Who else does this? Both talk up a big game of the old days. Redietz talks about his glory days betting at LV and Rob talks about his glory days with the DU bug but both have become completely irrelevant dinosaurs grasping via some forum persona.

    KewlJ - Kewl and Rob both like to make up random stuff on the fly about others. Both who have fantastic gambling stories - whether counting BJ in LV for a decade or winning insane UX jackpots. They both live in a complete fantasy world. Both reside with family that is not their spouse. Both are significant punching bags on this forum and I presume others. Neither can keep away because they love the drama.

    I'm not even sure if I could make the call which of the 2 Rob favors. He is so much like both of them.

    PS - My apologies to Redietz for making the comparison.

  14. #294
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    KewlJ - Kewl and Rob both like to make up random stuff on the fly about others. Both who have fantastic gambling stories - whether counting BJ in LV for a decade or winning insane UX jackpots. They both live in a complete fantasy world. Both reside with family that is not their spouse. Both are significant punching bags on this forum and I presume others. Neither can keep away because they love the drama.
    How unusual for you to engage in this kind of trolling....NOT!

    Now allow me to point out the differences. I can do this with one word....MATH. What I do can easily be explained by math. It is the very same math that has worked for decades as far as card counting. The trick today, in today's world is playing in a manor, including limits that allow a player to be welcome to continue to play. And even that.....I have explained as much as I can, probably way more than I ever should have.

    Rob's claims, the one's that I challenged defied math. He claimed to play a -EV game and have long-term winnings using progression wagering and "special plays". That simply defied math. Now his later claims beginning with the double up bug, and including this large jackpot hit, don't defy math as much, but there are other issues. Mainly he stole one claim from an actual news story and the second, there isn't even a machine that he describes in Las Vegas, not even in any high limit room. According to Rob, the casino had to bring in a machine especially for him. And I guess they placed this machine in some storage area next to some exercise equipment, for him to play. So that is one difference....Rob's claims are all over the place, an array of unlikely to impossible events. My claim is the same claim for well over a decade. Backed by math.

    Now lets get into the living situation. Unfortunately, despite my best efforts it has become known to some people, over the last year or so, who I am. Many AP's and a few trolls, know my name and where I live. And when they look into me, they can see real estate transactions. I sold the house that was in my name only in Summerlin just after my partner passed away and purchase a condo, in my name, that I later transferred half to my brother. You look up Rob and you find a house in his daughter and son-in-laws name that he lives in. Oh he has stories and explanations about that, but the facts and records are what they are.

    Additional, again, because it has become known who I am among my fellow AP's some have been able to look me up on the databases, as a lot of AP's find ways to have access to the databases. This isn't something I want to bring to attention, but it is fact. So there really isn't any question about who I am and what I do, especially among AP's and most normal members. There never really was any question among other AP's. Only the haters and trolls make up these stories. So I am not surprised you are on, even driving that bandwagon, AinQ.

    What do you get with Rob as far as verification? He has some weird story that he is not even allowed to mention the casino where he claims to have hit this latest large jackpot, on a machine that isn't available. Some weird agreement not to mention the casino name...because casinos don't like the publicity of a large jackpot winner. At least that is the way it works in Rob's world. In the real world, casinos love this kind of publicity. They know that the money from such a hit comes back 10 to 100 fold with that kind of publicity.

    But whatever AccountinQuestion, never lets the facts get in the way. Continue with your trolling.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 03-10-2023 at 11:15 AM.

  15. #295
    Same old bs stories kew, from A to Z yet again. Anyone with half a brain knows if you really believed any of them, you'd have ZERO need to keep trying to talk yourself into doing so.

    The funniest part that gets under your skin when it comes to those who've had you pegged for what you really are? Aside from you having that twisted gay mind that you choose to have, every step of my life thru to your age has been lived with productivity, success and meaning, while you've gone from ghetto to ghetto-style living except when living off of some fat old sugar daddy who croaked of aids. And don't forget that wonderful mommy of yours, who helped make you the gem you are today. But what about your next 30-something years---will they be like mine....or more of the same? Oops!---you more than likely won't see 50.

    Wise up.

  16. #296
    Originally Posted by kewlJ;155551[/QUOTE
    You look up Rob and you find a house in his daughter and son-in-laws name that he lives in. Oh he has stories and explanations about that, but the facts and records are what they are.
    Uh, really?

    When I google his name and add "Emery South Datkota" up pops info on a nice home in his name there.

    Info as to value and his ownership is quite clear, as is the photo of the home and the two vehicles parked there: a Dodge Caravan and a blue Chevy Colorado.

    Surely you aren't too ham-fisted with a 'puter to have missed this?
    What, Me Worry?

  17. #297
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ;155551[/QUOTE
    You look up Rob and you find a house in his daughter and son-in-laws name that he lives in. Oh he has stories and explanations about that, but the facts and records are what they are.
    Uh, really?

    When I google his name and add "Emery South Datkota" up pops info on a nice home in his name there.

    Info as to value and his ownership is quite clear, as is the photo of the home and the two vehicles parked there: a Dodge Caravan and a blue Chevy Colorado.

    Surely you aren't too ham-fisted with a 'puter to have missed this?
    Understand MrV, my interest in looking into Rob (since his name was known) was only about his gambling claims. I was looking for something that either supported or conflicted with his claim, which at the time was the double up bug claim. What I found was the residence that Rob lists as his primary residence is owned by his daughter and son-in-law. I have no idea about a property in South Dakota, that I know he visits for a couple months most summers.

    But see in addition to discovering that Rob's primary home is owned by his daughter and son-in-law, other items popped up, like bankruptcies, legal judgements, evictions, a since removed food stamp item, some of these things during the time frame that Rob claims to have made millions from any one of these different claims. THAT is the issue.

    Rob further exposed himself with the whole Newell RV fiasco, which again, not a single piece of evidence can be found in his publicly available records. Again, THAT is/was my interest to find things that either verify or dispute his claims. I didn't find anything on a property in South Dakota, but if you think it relevant, feel free to share what you found.

  18. #298

  19. #299
    MrV, you know Rob claims that he and his wife had pretty good paying careers in the aerospace industry (I believe). I didn't set out to look into that, so I didn't. That is unrelated to his many different fantastical gambling claims. Knowing Rob, he has probably embellished this some as well, but assuming he had at least somewhat of a decent career in that industry, I would expect that by the time he reached his 70s and retired, he would have something to show for it, owning property and cars and what not. If he owns property in South Dakota, and several vehicles, I would expect that.

    What remains absent is anything, anything at all, that would lead to believe of the millions made from various gambling claims. The very kinds of things that Shackleford and Dan Druff or anyone offering Rob a platform immediately asks for. Show us something....taxes, documentation, excessive property...something that verifies or at least supports such claims. Well something other than pictures in a RV at the dealership showroom.

  20. #300
    KJ, you're "preachng to the choir" about Rob and his boasts, I too agree he tells a lot of whoppers.

    My point in posting was only to point out that yes, there is a home in his name.

    Given your pursuit of Rob (much like a terrier pursuing a rat) I am quite surprised you never found this info on line: it was "hiding in plain sight."
    What, Me Worry?

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