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Thread: My Casino back-rooming.

  1. #101
    Anything's possible kew. It's the storyteller that's the problem.

    Try this: get a good night's rest, tomorrow come back with what really happened (if anything), take Nersesian to dinner at Michaels followed by your giving him a foot massage, then if he advises it based on whatever REAL evidence you've provided to him, sue. In other words, SHIT OR GET OFF THE POT.

    Either way, STFU about the entire episode. You know, like you said you would twice already but lied.

  2. #102
    Was this written by ChatGPT?

    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    To summarize ..

    Kewlj had always been a risk-taker. He loved the thrill of gambling, and he was good at it. He had been playing blackjack in Las Vegas for years, and he had become something of a legend among the other players. He was known for his quick mind, his sharp instincts, and his ability to count cards.

    But one night, things went wrong for Kewlj. He was playing at a high-stakes blackjack table in one of the city's most prestigious casinos when the pit boss backed him off. They accused him of cheating, even though he knew he was just using his skill to beat the odds.

    Kewlj was escorted to a back room for questioning, where a security guard threw him into a chair, causing his arm to snap. He was in excruciating pain, but he refused to scream or cry out. He knew that if he made a scene, it would only attract more attention to himself, and he didn't want that.

    After the incident, Kewlj was released and told to leave the casino immediately. He went to the hospital, where doctors put a cast on his arm and gave him painkillers to ease the agony. He could have sued the casino for what they did to him, but he refused to do so. He didn't want any publicity or attention drawn to himself.

    Despite the setback, Kewlj continued to gamble in other casinos around town. He was more careful about counting cards, but he still managed to win big on occasion. He loved to talk about his exploits on gambling forums, but few believed him. They thought he was just making up stories to impress them.

    Kewlj didn't mind, though. He knew the truth, and that was all that mattered. He continued to take risks, to live on the edge, to push the boundaries of what was possible. He knew that one day, his luck would run out, but he didn't care. He was living life on his terms, and that was all that mattered to him.

  3. #103
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post


    What about "I was read a trespass statement, told not to return and signed some documentation to that effect?"
    MrV, I don't believe casinos in Nevada can really legally trespass a player. Not for card counting. There is debate on this of course.

    There was a ruling here, that the player won after returning after a trespass in which the ruling was that even after being trespassed the player has to be given the opportunity to leave again, upon returning before he can be held or arrested. Essentially upon returning if the player is asked to leave again and refuses, he is trespassing. But he has to be given the opportunity to leave again. This essentially makes the whole trespassing thing baloney. And I believe most casinos know this.

    Again, this was specifically for Nevada, I have no idea about other jurisdictions. And it was specific to card counting. If someone does something illegal and is trespassed, it very well might be a very different situation.

    Now the problem with this is the police. If the casino calls the police and says we trespassed this guy and he returned, the police will probably arrest the person. The person would probably need to re-fight that case in court each time.

    I am not advocating players return after being trespassed. But I will just on principal at some point.
    If you signed a trespass order with your real name on it. Then you are subject to arrest if you go back on that property. Maybe you can pay Bob to defend you against
    Pretty good TrollJob by Spiderman as he even got MaxPen out of the woodwork to post more than once!!

  4. #104
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    KewlJ, you and I have not been seeing eye to eye regarding other topics, but I'm not asking the following to pile on.

    Why would you play there?

    I can't fathom why you would try to count there.

    And for the dumbasses in the audience, kewlJ will not pursue action because it's not in his best interest to pursue action. And his attorney likely knows that and agrees with him, all things considered.

    Fools count cards where angels fear to tread.

    In completely unrelated news, I'm having breakfast at South Point tomorrow. Anyone who wants to ask about EV or get a book, check out times in the sports betting section.
    Never miss an opportunity to get a plug in.
    Dan Druff coming in with the kewlJ takes too much shit but he sure does like to make shit up which causes him to take shit.

  5. #105
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Anything's possible kew. It's the storyteller that's the problem.
    Thank you Rob. I commend you for finally coming clean. The hate, attacks and vitriol directed at me by you and others has nothing to do with gambling, blackjack, advantage play. It has to do with something totally unrelated to any of that.

    I always say "it doesn't take much to figure out...". Even without many blackjack players I always wondered if these people really can't figure out... Now I know. You all know what is true and what isnt. You just can't or won't admit that publicly because of a dislike because of something totally unrelated.

    Again, thanks for finally admitting that.

  6. #106
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post

    And for the dumbasses in the audience, kewlJ will not pursue action because it's not in his best interest to pursue action.
    Question is for you and KJ.

    How isn't it in his best interest? Explain how proceeding would affect his career. Can you guys cite some legitimate examples of a lawsuit affecting one's career in excess of the value gained from a lawsuit? Most people's careers I know of only got better after winning a lawsuit.

    The attorney doesn't know Jack shit what's best for his career. Perhaps there's something strange going on that KJ doesn't want public I.E(Just making shit up) he is actually an illegal alien and will be deported. His true income will be known, and his betting limits revealed. He is wanted for some criminal stuff. Those things might be fair reasons he doesn't want to move forward but that has nothing to do with his reasons given.

    Sure someone could probably come up with some possible far-fetched reasons for how it could potentially cost you some EV. Those are probably unlikely and wouldn't exceed the gain of winning an almost certain settlement.

  7. #107
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Can you guys cite some legitimate examples of a lawsuit affecting one's career in excess of the value gained from a lawsuit? Most people's careers I know of only got better after winning a lawsuit.
    Well, Yes and No. Have you talked to James about what it was like trying to play immediately after his rather public lawsuit? I think he will tell you he had a much harder time playing. I think he has even said he used or tried to use disguises at time. And James is a brilliant and very diversified AP, so he did far more than just table play and back at that time, almost 20 years ago, machines and machine AP's weren't watched as much as they are now, so it wouldn't be as bad for any diversified type players as it would be for a one trick pony like myself.

    And the no part, is any damages that he may have incurred surely didn't amount to the $600k he was awarded, although he never really saw all of that. So you are right when you say not more harm more than they won.

    But again my situation is very different because I am such a one trick pony and already have had issues over the last 18 months, that have forced me to dramatically change the way I play. I really think it would be pretty harmful to my career monetarily and I don't think I can or should expect a reward anywhere even remotely close to that kind of money. If I thought that was possible, it would have been a no brainer from the beginning.

    I try to evaluate everything through the scope of long-term and longevity and I really have concerns that a reward or settlement of 100k-ish or even somewhat more would be negative if it prevents me from playing or makes it much more difficult to play going forward.

  8. #108
    I have informed council that I would like to further discuss this issue. I need more information about the whole process and what I can realistically expect as an outcome. And then I will make a decision....AGAIN. Until that time, I am not going to discuss anything specific to this situation, nor even any kind of generalization, rated to or stemming from this incident on open forum. If anyone not just being an ass, wants to contact me privately, feel free. I really do appreciate those of you that have expressed an interest and offered advice.

  9. #109
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Casinos never tell you why they are taking any action. If you ask why you are being backed off or 86ed, they will always say something like "management decision". They will never say something like, because you are counting cards. About the closest you will get is something like "your game is too strong" or "you are too good a player". So you are never going to get a precise reason for anything.
    There's quite a spectrum when it comes to BJ back offs. A couple decades (and some change) back, at Caesars Tahoe, I was told I couldn't play 2 decks or less, but I was welcome to the shoe games. I left the property.

  10. #110
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Casinos never tell you why they are taking any action. If you ask why you are being backed off or 86ed, they will always say something like "management decision". They will never say something like, because you are counting cards. About the closest you will get is something like "your game is too strong" or "you are too good a player". So you are never going to get a precise reason for anything.
    There's quite a spectrum when it comes to BJ back offs. A couple decades (and some change) back, at Caesars Tahoe, I was told I couldn't play 2 decks or less, but I was welcome to the shoe games. I left the property.
    One of my favorite things is when a casino has a rule that if you spread to 2 hands you HAVE to bet double on each hand. If you spread to 3 hands you HAVE to bet triple on each hand. So spreading horizontally to 3 hands automatically meant a 1-9 spread by their rules. I used to do this at a double deck game at Eastside Cannery (now permanently closed). There was another place that I played early part of my Vegas existence that had that policy but I can't remember who it was.

    My favorite part of the whole thing was the act that I employed. When the count was appropriate, I would just spread my 1 unit to 3 hands and wait for either the dealer or pit to tell me I had to triple my bet and then act unhappy that they were making me raise my bet 9 times in a positive count.

  11. #111
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Big businesses such as casinos and TV networks do not relish negative publicity as it costs them money.

    How much does it cost?

    Fox News agreed to pay $787.5M to prevent Americans from learning / seeing what bullshit artists they really are, and how they've mind-fucked the sheeple.

    But I digress...
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  12. #112
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I have informed council that I would like to further discuss this issue. I need more information about the whole process and what I can realistically expect as an outcome.
    A wise plan.

    Now I don't know how your attorney approaches these cases, but back when I was an active attorney I started off by notifying the target defendant of my representation and when I'd marshaled my evidence I sent them a demand letter.

    The demand letter basically laid out the case and included helpful exhibits and ended with our settlement offer.

    In most cases they'd make a counter-offer; we'd haggle a bit and almost always settle.

    Lawsuits were not uncommon but we rarely had to go to trial.
    What, Me Worry?

  13. #113
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    There's quite a spectrum when it comes to BJ back offs. A couple decades (and some change) back, at Caesars Tahoe, I was told I couldn't play 2 decks or less, but I was welcome to the shoe games. I left the property.
    Also, I don't know what your situation is or was, but if you exit immediately after being told of some counter-measure, it more or less confirms to pit that their suspicions were correct. On the rare occasions that I have been bet restricted or even flat bet, I will say ok. and continue to play for 15 or 20 minutes before exiting.

    It probably doesn't really buy anything, but you never know.

    Sometimes some of these things are actually a test to see how you respond.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 04-18-2023 at 10:26 PM.

  14. #114
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I have informed council that I would like to further discuss this issue. I need more information about the whole process and what I can realistically expect as an outcome.
    A wise plan.

    Now I don't know how your attorney approaches these cases, but back when I was an active attorney I started off by notifying the target defendant of my representation and when I'd marshaled my evidence I sent them a demand letter.

    The demand letter basically laid out the case and included helpful exhibits and ended with our settlement offer.

    In most cases they'd make a counter-offer; we'd haggle a bit and almost always settle.

    Lawsuits were not uncommon but we rarely had to go to trial.
    Just out of curiosity, don't settlements usually occur at the very last minute before trial, as in the large case today you mentioned?

  15. #115
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    There's quite a spectrum when it comes to BJ back offs. A couple decades (and some change) back, at Caesars Tahoe, I was told I couldn't play 2 decks or less, but I was welcome to the shoe games. I left the property.
    Also, I don't know what your situation is or was, but if you exit immediately after being told of some counter-measure, it more or less confirms to pit that their suspicions were correct. On the rare occasions that I have been bet restricted or even flat bet, I will say ok. and continue to play for 15 or 20 minutes before exiting.

    It probably doesn't really buy anything, but you never know.

    Sometimes some of these things are actually a test to see how you respond.
    I agree. There's no perfect solution in that spot - if you take on the shoe game they get more info about the strength of your game (pedestrian in my case). The best move would have been to play some craps for a little while IMHO (I was welcome to play any of the other games). Of course all that cat and mouse shit disappears when you make the transition to machine plays.

  16. #116
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Just out of curiosity, don't settlements usually occur at the very last minute before trial, as in the large case today you mentioned?

    If the facts are clear and the settlement demand is reasonable the case would usually settle fairly quickly, i.e. six months or less.

    But that is when dealing with insurance companies.

    Settlements without trial are private and need not be reported.

    I don't know where you got the notion that making a claim would have to involve publicity; most cases fly under the radar.
    What, Me Worry?

  17. #117
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I don't know how discovery and stuff like that works. I will ask next time I speak to my attorney. What I do know is he immediately said he would get the video. I think there was a reference to needing a judge to sign off or order it or something but am not sure how that goes. I actually thought he wanted to see the video to be sure we had a case before going forward.
    I still intend to cease all discussion (from my end) on this matter until the appropriate time, but before I do, I feel like I need to correct something I was mistaken about. Above, I referenced a judge signing off on an order. That completely came from me and I was 100% wrong. What was told to me in my very first conversation, the day after, was that the attorney would get the video. He said he may have to subpoena to get it, but that he would get it. It was me that mistakenly thought a subpoena involved a judge.

    As it turns out there wasn't even a subpoena necessary. He simply requested the video of the back-room incident and it was voluntarily sent to him. At the same time he requested the video of the first part of the incident which took place on the casino floor and that was denied. This is why I only saw the video from the back room when I was at his office.

    I have no idea what the difference is between the two videos, one being on the casino floor and one being off the casino floor in a back room, or why there is a different standard. At some point I will ask, but it is not going to be right now. I also presume at some point he will do whatever necessary to get the video from the casino floor as that shows the security guard holding my arm, which seems an important detail to me.

    I am sure some won't accept this and say I am revising and changing the story. That is fine. It is simply a case of I am not a lawyer or legal expert and was mistaken. I am learning as I go with this incident.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 04-19-2023 at 02:39 AM.

  18. #118
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I don't know how discovery and stuff like that works. I will ask next time I speak to my attorney. What I do know is he immediately said he would get the video. I think there was a reference to needing a judge to sign off or order it or something but am not sure how that goes. I actually thought he wanted to see the video to be sure we had a case before going forward.
    I still intend to cease all discussion (from my end) on this matter until the appropriate time, but before I do, I feel like I need to correct something I was mistaken about. Above, I referenced a judge signing off on an order. That completely came from me and I was 100% wrong. What was told to me in my very first conversation, the day after, was that the attorney would get the video. He said he may have to subpoena to get it, but that he would get it. It was me that mistakenly thought a subpoena involved a judge.

    As it turns out there wasn't even a subpoena necessary. He simply requested the video of the back-room incident and it was voluntarily sent to him. At the same time he requested the video of the first part of the incident which took place on the casino floor and that was denied. This is why I only saw the video from the back room when I was at his office.

    I have no idea what the difference is between the two videos, one being on the casino floor and one being off the casino floor in a back room, or why there is a different standard. At some point I will ask, but it is not going to be right now. I also presume at some point he will do whatever necessary to get the video from the casino floor as that shows the security guard holding my arm, which seems an important detail to me.

    I am sure some won't accept this and say I am revising and changing the story. That is fine. It is simply a case of I am not a lawyer or legal expert and was mistaken. I am learning as I go with this incident.
    This is where a noticeable lack of real life experience comes into play. With these type of incidents, when they are real, a victim NEVER goes around talking about and especially writing about their side of the details, and ESPECIALLY after they've explored options by filing police reports and immediately talking to an attorney. It should remain a private matter until settled, closed out, made public by the authorities or leaked to the media.

    Whatever possesses you to have the need to blab things like this, which inevitably always end up with changing stories as above, instead of simply pursuing what AP's pursue--VALUE--is what leads to poor story-telling and eventually, disbelief by those you're feeding this stuff to.

    Free advice: SAY NO MORE.

  19. #119
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    This is where a noticeable lack of real life experience comes into play. With these type of incidents, when they are real, a victim NEVER goes around talking about and especially writing about their side of the details, and ESPECIALLY after they've explored options by filing police reports and immediately talking to an attorney.
    Riddle me this, Batman: where specifically is / would be the down side, the negative impact to KJ's putative claim against SP?

    From I've read he said nothing that a clever adjuster of defense attorney could use for a "gotcha" moment.

    People injured in car wrecks, libels, assaults will often yak about it on social media.

    Is it a good idea?

    That depends on the facts, and in KJ's case the facts are strong enough to allow him to discuss it publicly in my opinion.

    Rob, I know you'll use every opportunity to flame and denigrate KJ, it's what you do, but there's no real need for him to wear a muzzle, even if he could.
    What, Me Worry?

  20. #120
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post

    People injured in car wrecks, libels, assaults will often yak about it on social media.

    Is it a good idea?
    It seems to have worked for Alec Baldwin.

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