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Thread: My Casino back-rooming.

  1. #181
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by IamQueensBlvd View Post
    This won't go to trial and even if it did no other casino will hear or care about it and everyone will continue not knowing who you are.
    Thank you for taking the time to create an account and share your advice, IamQueensBlvd. I could have done without the fake your own death again, dig, but that is ok.

    I have heard from so many AP's and players that aren't members here, even before I even posted sharing this experience.

    So my question pertains to this line quoted. Why do you think other casinos aren't going to learn of this? or care? That seems strange to me. Surely this kind of thing, even if settled "quietly" will get around the tight knit casino industry of Las Vegas if not other locations, no?
    You could take JG for example - he is the most well known AP alive and he has been playing the same game for the last several years. Casinos are so much dumber than people think. Tommy Hyland has 100+ entries in OSN and has been playing for decades and even he is still able to play.

    The main overall thing is that it's not going to go to court and won't go to the media, so you'd be OK.

  2. #182
    Originally Posted by IamQueensBlvd View Post

    You could take JG for example - he is the most well known AP alive and he has been playing the same game for the last several years. Casinos are so much dumber than people think. Tommy Hyland has 100+ entries in OSN and has been playing for decades and even he is still able to play.

    The main overall thing is that it's not going to go to court and won't go to the media, so you'd be OK.
    Thank you again for your reply.

    As per James: If I am not mistaken he did have a harder time in the years that immediately followed. On one of the blackjack forums, I think I remember him speaking of using disguises or attempting to use disguises for a short period.

    But yes, you are correct in that time heals all wounds, well maybe not all wounds, but many database related wounds, especially in this time of computerized databases. You just got to get off that first page or screen of the newest and latest entries. I have been dealing with that the past couple years.


  3. #183
    Not specific to IamQueensBlvd's comments, but my biggest concern about the databases is the reverse of what people might think.

    Lets say a person working the pit takes a look at OSN or other database looking for images of players to keep an eye out for. That is going to stay with that person a fairly short time, couple days at best.

    But it is when that same pit person looks at the database and sees a face they recognize and thinks or says "hey that guy plays here". Then whenever they see your face again, next week, next month, they will remember that you are in the database. It will take much longer for any "forgetting" to occur. I think this situation, maybe the beginning of burning out a location.

    As a regular at some places THAT is my bigger concern and has been over the last 18 months.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 04-21-2023 at 12:57 PM.

  4. #184
    Kew, no one cares about all these posts you make talking about whether or not you'll have trouble playing in the future, about databases or about facial & name recognition stuff. And NO ONE GIVES A SHIT about how you supposedly might not be able to keep winning $100k/yr. because of this or that! Just stick to your usual nonsense about this. You talk too much anyway and it doesn't seem like you've learned a damn thing.

    I'm still waiting for you to post the things coach challenged you to post: ambulance receipt, police report, hospital documentation, etc. We don't need your name because EVERYBODY already has it you idiot. And while you're at it, let's see a picture of your arm-in-a-cast. Or is it in a sling?

    It wouldn't surprise anyone what bs turn this might take. You're always so full of shit that people are used to your lies and embellishments.

  5. #185
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    I'm still waiting for you to post the things coach challenged you to post: ambulance receipt, police report, hospital documentation, etc. We don't need your name because EVERYBODY already has it you idiot. And while you're at it, let's see a picture of your arm-in-a-cast. Or is it in a sling?
    You are waiting are you Rob? And you can keeping waiting. I have no reason or interest to entertain your nonsense....or that of a coach belly.

  6. #186
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    I'm still waiting for you to post the things coach challenged you to post: ambulance receipt, police report, hospital documentation, etc. We don't need your name because EVERYBODY already has it you idiot. And while you're at it, let's see a picture of your arm-in-a-cast. Or is it in a sling?
    You are waiting are you Rob? And you can keeping waiting. I have no reason or interest to entertain your nonsense....or that of a coach belly.
    But what a fool like you should WANT to do is take me up on my offer: instead of messing around with Mr.33% on this fiasco (or whatever lesser amount you've been promised if all the old fart has to do is send over a Demand letter) I'll guide you thru this and communicate with the casino/hospital/police for NO FEE WHATSOEVER. I'll get you a SP settlement that'll make your head spin....if you're not lying or embellishing this incident.

    How can I do this? Because I'm smarter than Nersesian and I don't need the money. I've already brought SP to their knees once with the LV ultimate AP Rick Radner event and I know exactly how to approach them. Plus with my contact in law enforcement, nothing could be manipulated in favor of the defendant.

    Of course, if you aren't being honest then you'll just continue on with your usual course of hoping it'll all just go away so you're not humiliated any harm/no foul so to speak.

    Do you want true fame and riches....or more of the same old forum attention without a big payday.

    Do the wise thing.

  7. #187
    Just a crazy, crazy ass man doing his crazy ass trolling thing. I guess the real question is why anyone, myself included ever gives this person the time of day.

  8. #188
    You can't help yourself kew. I control you, you know it, you just can't stay away from GF because of me, and even when baby bro blows you I'm right there with you.

    But you're missing the point: you have a chance here to make this all go away with a big check in your pocket. 100% of it. I can make that happen.

  9. #189
    Thread has become thread of the year. Sorry mickey. I brought back Singer and Mdawg (IIRC) in some thread but I don't feel it can compare even if I am bragging. Thank you Kewl!

    What I don't get is doesn't mdawg know Kewl's name so what keeps him from telling rob to spite kewl? Why would kewl ever go that route? What am I missing?

    Kewl... I hope this counting thing keeps working out for you. I mean that.

  10. #190
    Oh great, Rob wants to be KJ's lawyer and pursue his claim against Sweat Point.

    But wait, Rob's not a lawyer, he can't do that.

    Shhh, don't say a word, just watch Rob spin his bullshit.

    It... never... ends.

    Masterful job of trolling.

    *golf clap*
    What, Me Worry?

  11. #191
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    I control you,
    You control nothing Rob, least of all your bowels and bladder. Last June, you left here with your tail between your legs after first MaxPen and then 2 weeks later Dan Druff completely humiliated you and proved your latest silly claim just another Singer BS piece of work. You announced that you were done posting anywhere, "retiring" i think you called it. But 24 hours later you showed up at GF, the only forum trollier (my own word, thank you very little), than this forum, where you buddied up with Maddog, who you had earlier called a fraud and California Phoney. You tried to buddy up to the late Moses as well, but he was busy fighting a bigger battle.

    Feeling sorry for you and with too much time on my hands last year, I popped into to play and troll with you. That is all you are to me, entertainment, like watching a retarded guy try to hit a baseball. When I got tired of you earlier this year, I announced that I would be ignoring you. And low and behold, you came crawling back here seeking my attention. You didn't like the reception you got here with Druff and others reminding of your complete humiliation, so you left again, seeking my attention from afar (GF). And now this incident has brought you back yet again with your trolling. So tell us all some more just who controls who? I have you flip-flopping and yo-yoing like a yo-yo master. There is the old poker saying about the guy looking around the table looking for the fish and not realizing it is himself. THAT is you Singer.

    Yesterday I gave you a chance to prove some credibility with all the Nephew/brother-in-law FBI crap and all your I know everything about you, by challenging you to just post me name. 2 words. I waived any complaint of doxxing. I gave my blessing. You couldn't do it because there is no nephew FBI guy. Nor do you know my name or anything about me. Hell, 2 years ago you swore you knew where I worked. I begged you to reveal that because I would love to know what kind of work I would be doing. I am still waiting for THAT, 2 years later.

    Just another Bullshit Singer episode.
    Add it to the Newell (and pictures inside an RV at the dealership).
    Add it to winning hundreds of thousands using progression wagering.
    Add it to the double up bug you stole from the news and Nestor and Kane.
    Add it to a phony bill of sales for the newell with all signatures in the same handwriting.
    Add it, to the recent debunked 1.5 million dollar VP hit that drove you from this forum last summer.
    Add it to movie "prop" money that you bought from amazon and took pictures of.
    Add it to machines telepathing hot and cold cycles.
    Add it to that the late Alan Mendelson even posted on his website that you told him privately, that your claims were BS.

    Earlier this week, AinQ said something like "yeah every knows Rob Singer is full of shit", most just don't care as he was admonishing me, because I still like to play with the troll. I still enjoy laughing at the retard trying to hit a baseball.....what can I say?

  12. #192
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Thread has become thread of the year. Sorry mickey. I brought back Singer and Mdawg (IIRC) in some thread but I don't feel it can compare even if I am bragging. Thank you Kewl!

    What I don't get is doesn't mdawg know Kewl's name so what keeps him from telling rob to spite kewl? Why would kewl ever go that route? What am I missing?

    Kewl... I hope this counting thing keeps working out for you. I mean that.
    You want me to tell you what your missing. I shouldn't. I'll probably regret it in an hour, but what the fuck.

    Mdawg doesn't know my name. Do you remember me saying several times that there was one piece of information from his doxxing that was wrong and serves as a marker because that same wrong information showed up in the database. That one piece of information was my freaking name!!! I have an entry in OSN with my picture, address, forum handle and a name not even close to, nor resembling mine. I mean the picture is the damaging part, but it is just kind of funny.

    Mdawg came close, but he failed. If he really hired a PI like he said he did, he got ripped off. I think only one of these trolls/haters was able to come up with my name, and he took it to the grave with him because I convinced him he was wrong and had the wrong name.

    And you might be saying well, why would you reveal this now? Just keep in mind, I am always, always not one, but 3 steps ahead of these guys. If I couldn't stay 3 steps ahead of them, I would have stopped posting years ago.

    As for Singers return, AinQ, I already said you were welcome earlier this week.

    But Rob....Post me name!!! Come on you have a nephew in the FBI and CIA friends and Israeli Mossad intelligence friends. What is my freaking name??? You don't fucking know, so all this bullshit you have posted this week about lack of police reports is just that....more singer bullshit! You don't even have a name to begin to look up police reports.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 04-21-2023 at 07:19 PM.

  13. #193

  14. #194
    Remember kew, I have your addresses, birthdate and SS also. And baby bro's name. I know it bothers you so even if I could post these, who would EVER want to give up the gift that keeps on giving!

    Instead of spending so much time posting nonsense and worrying, I'd pay more attention to your credit report if I were you.

    And wise up.

  15. #195
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Remember kew, I have your addresses, birthdate and SS also. And baby bro's name. I know it bothers you so even if I could post these, who would EVER want to give up the gift that keeps on giving!

    Instead of spending so much time posting nonsense and worrying, I'd pay more attention to your credit report if I were you.

    And wise up.
    Come on Rob, quit the bullshit. kew is daring you to post his name. Why can't you ? Seems to me you really don't have this " secret info" .Similar to kew countless times yacking about all your supposed info. Here's your golden opportunity.

  16. #196
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Thread has become thread of the year. Sorry mickey. I brought back Singer and Mdawg (IIRC) in some thread but I don't feel it can compare even if I am bragging. Thank you Kewl!

    What I don't get is doesn't mdawg know Kewl's name so what keeps him from telling rob to spite kewl? Why would kewl ever go that route? What am I missing?

    Kewl... I hope this counting thing keeps working out for you. I mean that.
    You want me to tell you what your missing. I shouldn't. I'll probably regret it in an hour, but what the fuck.

    Mdawg doesn't know my name. Do you remember me saying several times that there was one piece of information from his doxxing that was wrong and serves as a marker because that same wrong information showed up in the database. That one piece of information was my freaking name!!! I have an entry in OSN with my picture, address, forum handle and a name not even close to, nor resembling mine. I mean the picture is the damaging part, but it is just kind of funny.

    Mdawg came close, but he failed. If he really hired a PI like he said he did, he got ripped off. I think only one of these trolls/haters was able to come up with my name, and he took it to the grave with him because I convinced him he was wrong and had the wrong name.

    And you might be saying well, why would you reveal this now? Just keep in mind, I am always, always not one, but 3 steps ahead of these guys. If I couldn't stay 3 steps ahead of them, I would have stopped posting years ago.

    As for Singers return, AinQ, I already said you were welcome earlier this week.

    But Rob....Post me name!!! Come on you have a nephew in the FBI and CIA friends and Israeli Mossad intelligence friends. What is my freaking name??? You don't fucking know, so all this bullshit you have posted this week about lack of police reports is just that....more singer bullshit! You don't even have a name to begin to look up police reports.
    Your OSN has your forum handle. That is impressive. I hope to never be in OSN but it'll mostly be because I'm just not a seirous enough person but some of us can still learn.

  17. #197
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    Your OSN has your forum handle. That is impressive.
    Yep, take a look for yourself. aka/kewlj

    Which tells you just where and who that information came from.

  18. #198
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Remember kew, I have your addresses, birthdate and SS also. And baby bro's name. I know it bothers you so even if I could post these, who would EVER want to give up the gift that keeps on giving!

    Instead of spending so much time posting nonsense and worrying, I'd pay more attention to your credit report if I were you.
    Give it up old man. Even #1 supporter Ozzy Nelson knows you are full of shit.

  19. #199
    I am going to be out of town for about a month starting Sunday, so after tomorrow will be a good time to take a little break from posting, so I don't say anything about the current legal situation that I will regret.

    Nice little trip planned months ago. Flying to east coast to visit friends, renting a car to hit some casinos as we make our way to the Midwest. In Chicago, we pick up and leisurely follow route 66 back to Vegas, stopping at all the little cheezy, touristy spots. Something I have wanted to do for a while. May should be perfect weather for it, before it gets too hot.

  20. #200
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post

    People injured in car wrecks, libels, assaults will often yak about it on social media.

    Is it a good idea?
    It seems to have worked for Alec Baldwin.
    lol tableplay.
    Dude basically did what Trump said he could do in the middle of Time Square and got away with it clean.
    Not even a slap on the wrist.
    18 months later the official statement is that Baldwins Wife figures out that the gun could accidently fire without pulling the trigger.
    You got to feel a little bit bad for Hannah Gutierrez-Reed and David Halls.
    It looks like they are going to take the rap.
    Or maybe not.
    Maybe everyone just gets to go free, and the husband of the victim gets a bunch of money.
    The funny thing is that they are going to actually finish that movie unlike the Buffalo Bills and that bullshit heart attack causing the game to end.
    Turns out that player is fine and ok to go for next season lol.
    I'm not going to watch that movie and it was always going to suck as a Western anyways.

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