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Thread: For Monet

  1. #1
    Riddle Me This:

    I hate to tease you with these overbearing riddles, but just think if you and I had joined forces. Us fighting losing. What a great combination. The only question, another riddle I guess, would be whether to include our spouses. So it's a question of two or three or four.

  2. #2
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Riddle Me This:

    I hate to tease you with these overbearing riddles, but just think if you and I had joined forces. Us fighting losing. What a great combination. The only question, another riddle I guess, would be whether to include our spouses. So it's a question of two or three or four.

  3. #3
    Riddle me this:

    Us fighting losing went above and beyond. To have a green thumb, check in here to plant hedges halfway.

  4. #4
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Riddle me this:

  5. #5
    Since we're all going blind watching this, I recommend:

    Hedge half value of all live wagers involving this mess on the Under 21 1/2 second half. That's what I did, and there is a potential sweet spot. But try to not go blind.

  6. #6
    Well I must apologize, first of all, for recommending a half unit hedge, which lost. As my girlfriend always says, hedging is for weenies. I think monet says much the same thing.

    However, for the 100 or so who read The Riddler this week and figured it out, congrats on making money. I'm not sure how difficult it was to interpret the riddle, but obviously it referred to "teasing" the "Overs" of "Us Fighting Losing," namely the USFL. The only question, as I mention with Monet, me, and our spouses, was whether one should have played two-team teasers, three-team teasers, or a four-team teaser.

    That question was left to the reader. And everything won, so it wasn't much of a riddle. In fact, since I bet football and rarely other sports, all components of the riddle were pretty easy to figure out.

    And you guys say I never give you anything. Ka-ching!

    I hope Opps made a few bucks. He likes riddles. I'm sure mickey and Axelwolf figured it all out. They are, after all, primo APs, used to sorting through the blooming, buzzing confusion of a cruel world.

    Tips can be sent to:

    1412 Forrest Dale Lane
    Johnson City, TN 37604

    Have a Good One!

  7. #7
    Ditz, your horrendous case of self importance makes you think I go out of my way to read anything you write. I just read this thread today, over a week after you started it. The thread didn't catch traction so luckily for me it is very short.

    GWAE has had hundreds of guests, from somebody's to nobody's. Sure some famous people were on but also very obscure people were on GWAE. Yet, according to yourself you are the premier sportsbettor in the world.

    Riddle me why GWAE decided not to have you on. What the hell did you tell those guys?
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  8. #8
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Ditz, your horrendous case of self importance makes you think I go out of my way to read anything you write. I just read this thread today, over a week after you started it. The thread didn't catch traction so luckily for me it is very short.

    GWAE has had hundreds of guests, from somebody's to nobody's. Sure some famous people were on but also very obscure people were on GWAE. Yet, according to yourself you are the premier sportsbettor in the world.

    Riddle me why GWAE decided not to have you on. What the hell did you tell those guys?

    I'm so sorry I swept the board, mickey. My apologies, again, for that half-bet hedge loss on the third game. LOL.

    Here's a thought. Why not ask GWAE yourself and report back here? I know, another logical gem that somehow eluded you.

    Just a little over a hundred people read this thread, which isn't bad, given its location and time.

    And in other news, my blog cracked a thousand this month, for the first time, which is surprising considering it has minimal publicity. Jean Scott mentioned my "Ninety-Six Frugal Hours" entry in the comments section of her latest blog.

    And no, you are lying. Never said I was a premier, or even a big, sports bettor. You forget, I worked with Billy Walters, so I have no illusions about what constitutes a big or "premier" (there's a word with no real definition) sports bettor. But, it's also not some dude betting 4K a game and posting YouTube clips. It's also not Fezzik these days. The amounts I bet in my youth dwarf my current betting. On occasion, I lugged around six digits in tickets, and I wasn't close to being one of the bigger fish in Las Vegas at the time. Not close at all.

    I'm arguably, historically, the best college football handicapper in the country. That's all I claim to be. I yam what I yam, as Popeye says.

    And finally, can you imagine mickey's response had I lost? LOL. What a sleazeball.

    P.S. To put things in perspective, anyone wondering about guys betting 4K a game on YouTube in 2023 versus the '80's and early '90's can simply do the inflation math. A 1K bet in 1980-something would be the equivalent of between 3K and 4K today. Usually I was lugging 20K or thereabouts, but there were a couple of years where I had to babysit 100K in tickets. And at any given time in the Stardust, there would be two or three guys, minimum, with more cash and tickets than me.
    Last edited by redietz; 05-30-2023 at 04:21 AM.

  9. #9
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Ditz, your horrendous case of self importance makes you think I go out of my way to read anything you write. I just read this thread today, over a week after you started it. The thread didn't catch traction so luckily for me it is very short.

    GWAE has had hundreds of guests, from somebody's to nobody's. Sure some famous people were on but also very obscure people were on GWAE. Yet, according to yourself you are the premier sportsbettor in the world.

    Riddle me why GWAE decided not to have you on. What the hell did you tell those guys?

    I'm so sorry I swept the board, mickey. My apologies, again, for that half-bet hedge loss on the third game. LOL.

    Here's a thought. Why not ask GWAE yourself and report back here? I know, another logical gem that somehow eluded you.

    Just a little over a hundred people read this thread, which isn't bad, given its location and time.

    And in other news, my blog cracked a thousand this month, for the first time, which is surprising considering it has minimal publicity. Jean Scott mentioned my "Ninety-Six Frugal Hours" entry in the comments section of her latest blog.

    And no, you are lying. Never said I was a premier, or even a big, sports bettor. You forget, I worked with Billy Walters, so I have no illusions about what constitutes a big or "premier" (there's a word with no real definition) sports bettor. But, it's also not some dude betting 4K a game and posting YouTube clips. It's also not Fezzik these days. The amounts I bet in my youth dwarf my current betting. On occasion, I lugged around six digits in tickets, and I wasn't close to being one of the bigger fish in Las Vegas at the time. Not close at all.

    I'm arguably, historically, the best college football handicapper in the country. That's all I claim to be. I yam what I yam, as Popeye says.

    And finally, can you imagine mickey's response had I lost? LOL. What a sleazeball.

    P.S. To put things in perspective, anyone wondering about guys betting 4K a game on YouTube in 2023 versus the '80's and early '90's can simply do the inflation math. A 1K bet in 1980-something would be the equivalent of between 3K and 4K today. Usually I was lugging 20K or thereabouts, but there were a couple of years where I had to babysit 100K in tickets. And at any given time in the Stardust, there would be two or three guys, minimum, with more cash and tickets than me.
    1. You didn't answer the question of why GWAE decided not to have you on. I highly recommended you (no thanks expected or needed and you wouldn't give it anyway). There had to be something about you they didn't like. Your claim to be the best college football handicapper should have gotten you on the show. WTF happened? They didn't believe you?

    Ask GWAE myself? You are always trying to get other people to jump thru hoops.

    "Ask them and then get back to me" or "Travel to Las Vegas and I'll answer your questions." You won't answer a question unless someone travels 1500 miles? Fuck you. I know what that is all about.

    2. Whatever the fuck bet you made then won I don't give a fuck. Put all your picks up, don't cherry pick. Then we'll see how you do. Fat chance for that to happen.

    3. Quit bragging about your days in the book where you won't admit you were just a runner for Billy Walters. Yeah, sure, you had a bunch of tickets. But it was all Billy Walters money. Your own fucking website shows you were hustling for investors. It wasn't your money you were betting in those days, chump.

    4. Amount of bets by your betters? A 4K sports bettor? Dimwit. Instead of betting 100K in one sportsbook (a bet the books won't take) Spanky spreads it around to 20 books. That's what it takes to get the action in. How come you don't know that?

    5. My response at whatever fucking bet you made that I still don't know anything about is the same whether you win or lose. I know one betting episode doesn't mean anything.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  10. #10
    LOL. Aww, mickey, if only you knew a little bit.

    One betting episode doesn't mean anything, unless some arrogant fuck who never gives away plays (for all the obvious reasons) decides to give them away if people rub a few neurons together. Then the arrogant fuck is probably showing off. And he knew he'd be showing off.

    Running for Billy Walters? Sorry, man, not a chance. Those guys who had way more cash than me in the Stardust. THEY were running for Billy Walters. Many of them also carried firearms, by the way.

    Yeah, Spanky spreads it around to 20 books? Man, you gotta have more brains than that. I mean really, in 2023? That is what year it is, correct? Sorry. mickey, that's such a bad swing-and-a-miss by you, I won't even bother to correct it with the obvious reasons why you're wrong.

    Sorry you missed the free money. Maybe next time. I have a few futures roiling in the cauldron. Maybe The Riddler will make another guest appearance down the road. Maybe not.

    In fact, probably not.

    And finally, why didn't GWAE have me on the show? It's gotta be some hideous detail, some personal historical embarrassment, some reputational horror that led them to not have me on the show. Something so devastating, it would blow my credibility right out of the water. So why ask me? LOL. Ask them, and then you can spill the beans on me. I'm sure there's some rationale for their decision.
    Last edited by redietz; 05-31-2023 at 07:15 PM.

  11. #11
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    LOL. Aww, mickey, if only you knew a little bit.

    One betting episode doesn't mean anything, unless some arrogant fuck who never gives away plays (for all the obvious reasons) decides to give them away if people rub a few neurons together. Then the arrogant fuck is probably showing off. And he knew he'd be showing off.

    Running for Billy Walters? Sorry, man, not a chance. Those guys who had way more cash than me in the Stardust. THEY were running for Billy Walters. Many of them also carried firearms, by the way.

    Yeah, Spanky spreads it around to 20 books? Man, you gotta have more brains than that. I mean really, in 2023? That is what year it is, correct? Sorry. mickey, that's such a bad swing-and-a-miss by you, I won't even bother to correct it with the obvious reasons why you're wrong.

    Sorry you missed the free money. Maybe next time. I have a few futures roiling in the cauldron. Maybe The Riddler will make another guest appearance down the road. Maybe not.

    In fact, probably not.

    And finally, why didn't GWAE have me on the show? It's gotta be some hideous detail, some personal historical embarrassment, some reputational horror that led them to not have me on the show. Something so devastating, it would blow my credibility right out of the water. So why ask me? LOL. Ask them, and then you can spill the beans on me. I'm sure there's some rationale for their decision.
    You're right. Spanky doesn't run around to 20 books. That's because he's barred out of all books in the world. His runners run around to all those books. But nice try.

    If it wasn't Walters money you were betting then it was someone's else's. Remember, oh clueless one, you had a website begging people to give you money to bet with. How many suckers did you run through before the well dried up?

    Bob and Richard would never just blow you off without an explanation. You know what it is. But you don't want to talk about it. And it's like you to want me to go digging around about it to see if they give me the same reason as they gave you.

    I don't blame you for avoiding a lot of tough questions with shit like "travel 1500 miles and I'll give you an answer." LOL at that dumb shit.

    Here's another question you won't answer. Why haven't YOU been barred out of all the books?

    I think the answer is the books like your business. Because you are a degenerate gambler blowing other people's money.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  12. #12
    Mickey, dearest, how hard would it be for you to quiz Dancer or Munch? I mean, you were on the show four or five times. Surely you're on some kind of terms with them. I did let it slip in my email to Munch about my three arrests for Satan-worshipping child-devouring, but I quickly pointed out that these kinds of felonies were much less likely to offend an audience than various perversions. And surely my YouTube channel where I admit to wearing shoe mirrors during tap class didn't enter into it.

    And dude, if you cannot figure out why winning sports bettors aren't barred (unless they are operating at Billy Walters levels), man, I cannot help you. You use an "AP" hammer for all assignments. As my old shop teacher preached, "Use the proper tool for the job and use it properly."

    Seriously, I know we're getting old and all that, but you likely have enough neurons to figure out the obvious. That's what is concerning to me -- if you really can't dent some of these semi-rhetorical questions you ask, you are in much worse mental shape than you perceive.

    You also seem to have missed the gist of having clients who know each other and who pay you based on how much they win. Hard to pull off a fraud schtick in that context. Especially when most of your plays become public knowledge via monitors and contests, like The Wise Guys.

  13. #13
    And mickey, I love that line, "Because you are a degenerate gambler blowing other people's money."

    That's perfect. When people ask me what credibility mickey crimm has, I'll quote that line. You do realize that if I've blown other people's money, those "other people" must exist somewhere. Let everyone know when you track one down. I have faith that you know where to look. Just one, mickey. Surely there is one mega-disgruntled person out there in internet land.

    I love you, buddy. Keep truckin'.

    And oh yeah, say hello to Rob for me. You know, in Tahoe.

  14. #14
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    And mickey, I love that line, "Because you are a degenerate gambler blowing other people's money."

    That's perfect. When people ask me what credibility mickey crimm has, I'll quote that line. You do realize that if I've blown other people's money, those "other people" must exist somewhere. Let everyone know when you track one down. I have faith that you know where to look. Just one, mickey. Surely there is one mega-disgruntled person out there in internet land.

    I love you, buddy. Keep truckin'.

    And oh yeah, say hello to Rob for me. You know, in Tahoe.
    Pure ass deflection. It is infinitely easier for you to just give a straight answer right here. You don't even have to put your pants on to do it. Just climb out of bed, sit down at your computer and answer the questions. But your degenerate ass can't do something so simple.

    It's easy to read thru the lines that you are devastated they wouldn't have you on and you are looking for me to question them about it. Fuck off. Do your own fucking work. Quit trying to get others to do it for you.

    I can give you the reason they wouldn't have you on without even talking to them. You just ain't what you claim to be.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  15. #15
    That must be it. Can I quote you on that?

    I didn't realize I was devastated. I'll have to send myself a get-well card. You should probably send me one, too.

    I have to add this. Your quote reminded me of when I was assisting the plumbers under the house. I was the gofer. I went to get some pipe, and when I came back, the lead guy was sitting in my garage, thumbing through my 1975 class yearbook. He turned to me and said, "Boy, we sure ain't what we used to be."

    I spent most of my life in the top one percent (easy) and arguably the top half percent of any intelligence test or cardio test you could give me (I tested out 100% on the old Marine Corps running standard, which wasn't that hard). So I ain't what I used to be. But what I claim to have done, however, I did every single thing I put in print anywhere.

    That's reality. That's life. Mickey, you do realize I'm not some extrovert? Interviews are no fun for me, but I always do them because I feel like I owe people a dose of reality. Plus it's a test. Can I handle myself unscripted? I feel obligated to do them.
    Last edited by redietz; 06-05-2023 at 06:30 PM.

  16. #16
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    That must be it. Can I quote you on that?

    I didn't realize I was devastated. I'll have to send myself a get-well card. You should probably send me one, too.

    I have to add this. Your quote reminded me of when I was assisting the plumbers under the house. I was the gofer. I went to get some pipe, and when I came back, the lead guy was sitting in my garage, thumbing through my 1975 class yearbook. He turned to me and said, "Boy, we sure ain't what we used to be."

    I spent most of my life in the top one percent (easy) and arguably the top half percent of any intelligence test or cardio test you could give me (I tested out 100% on the old Marine Corps running standard, which wasn't that hard). So I ain't what I used to be. But what I claim to have done, however, I did every single thing I put in print anywhere.

    That's reality. That's life. Mickey, you do realize I'm not some extrovert? Interviews are no fun for me, but I always do them because I feel like I owe people a dose of reality. Plus it's a test. Can I handle myself unscripted? I feel obligated to do them.
    I always figured eccentric braggarts were for the most part extroverted. I guess you're the rare exception Comrade.

  17. #17
    This is classic VCT. I give out a series of plays, all of which win. In fact, every series of plays over the years recommended by me or under the label of The Riddler on this site, with the exception of two years' ago Riddler football futures which, depending on hedging, won a bit, lost a bit, or were a wash, every series of plays has made money.

    So, any thank you? of course not. Not one.

    Instead, you get anonymous Ozzy, with his usual cleverness or lack thereof, taking a shot. And you get mickey, who could call Munch or Dancer anytime, making stuff up out of thin air. Just declaring stuff that, frankly, is slanderous. Now the interesting thing is that, to counter that slander, guess who would be my key witness? Richard Munchkin.

    And, really, the point of this thread was to give out teasers involving four USFL games. Whatever combination you played, two-teamers, three teamers, four teamer, they all won.

    Mickey's not going to call Munch or Dancer because he has his heart set on thinking they uncovered some rationale for not interviewing me. He's not going to find anyone who thinks I've blown their money through degeneracy. He's not even going to find anyone, after all these years and seasons, to say much of anything negative about me regarding handicapping. The clock has been ticking on anything negative regarding me for decades. Decades. Forty-five years, to be precise. The most negative thing anybody's going to say about me might be Joe Lupo, who now will be running the Mirage-turned-Hard-Rock. He'll say I was a low-end pain in the ass back in the 80's when he ran the Stardust sports book. In fact, I remember he and Jimmy JJ Walker being in line directly ahead of me for the snack bar in the rear of the Stardust book, and he started with, "Yeah, that Dietz. Thinks he's a big bettor and he's betting $500 a game. Always trying to edge the parlay cards." Just to bad mouth me with me standing there.

    In fact, mickey's theory about Fezzik being the first to use certain parlay card strategies would get put to a quick death if he did talk to Lupo. People were doing it long before I got to LV in the early 80's. Just ask Lupo.

    My point is that I give you guys a day's worth of winners, a clean sweep with a half unit hedge loss on the third game (which almost won, by the way, as you could win both the hedge and the game), and I get this. Mickey making up things and not doing a lick of legwork because he won't like the answers. And Ozzy thinking he's clever. Ozzy's not even an AP. Do you think he'd ever show to ask questions on camera?
    Last edited by redietz; 06-06-2023 at 08:17 AM.

  18. #18
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    This is classic VCT. I give out a series of plays, all of which win. In fact, every series of plays over the years recommended by me or under the label of The Riddler on this site, with the exception of two years' ago Riddler football futures which, depending on hedging, won a bit, lost a bit, or were a wash, every series of plays has made money.

    So, any thank you? of course not. Not one.

    Instead, you get anonymous Ozzy, with his usual cleverness or lack thereof, taking a shot. And you get mickey, who could call Munch or Dancer anytime, making stuff up out of thin air. Just declaring stuff that, frankly, is slanderous. Now the interesting thing is that, to counter that slander, guess who would be my key witness? Richard Munchkin.

    And, really, the point of this thread was to give out teasers involving four USFL games. Whatever combination you played, two-teamers, three teamers, four teamer, they all won.

    Mickey's not going to call Munch or Dancer because he has his heart set on thinking they uncovered some rationale for not interviewing me. He's not going to find anyone who thinks I've blown their money through degeneracy. He's not even going to find anyone, after all these years and seasons, to say much of anything negative about me regarding handicapping. The clock has been ticking on anything negative regarding me for decades. Decades. Forty-five years, to be precise. The most negative thing anybody's going to say about me might be Joe Lupo, who now will be running the Mirage-turned-Hard-Rock. He'll say I was a low-end pain in the ass back in the 80's when he ran the Stardust sports book. In fact, I remember he and Jimmy JJ Walker being in line directly ahead of me for the snack bar in the rear of the Stardust book, and he started with, "Yeah, that Dietz. Thinks he's a big bettor and he's betting $500 a game. Always trying to edge the parlay cards." Just to bad mouth me with me standing there.

    In fact, mickey's theory about Fezzik being the first to use certain parlay card strategies would get put to a quick death if he did talk to Lupo. People were doing it long before I got to LV in the early 80's. Just ask Lupo.

    My point is that I give you guys a day's worth of winners, a clean sweep with a half unit hedge loss on the third game (which almost won, by the way, as you could win both the hedge and the game), and I get this. Mickey making up things and not doing a lick of legwork because he won't like the answers. And Ozzy thinking he's clever. Ozzy's not even an AP. Do you think he'd ever show to ask questions on camera?
    Strawman ditz gonna strawman, that's for sure.

    I can't "call Dancer or Munch anytime." Don't have their phone numbers. I can email them. But they get hundreds of emails a day. I might get a response in a week or two. And it has happened that I got no response at all.

    So the really easy thing to do is for YOU to tell us what happened. Just take you a couple minutes instead of me waiting weeks and maybe not getting a response at all. The reason you won't talk is you are embarrassed about not being allowed on the show. After all, you call yourself, the best college handicapper in the United States. Why wouldn't they want someone like that on the show? YOU tell us.

    My only interest in sportsbetting is working the promotions. That's easy shit and I can work it in. I have to much on my plate traveling and working machines to get involved any further in sports betting. Any time I spend on sportsbetting is time away from the machines. So I don't pay attention to your sports picks.

    No, I can't find anyone in the sportsbetting world to say anything negative about you. That's because they got no clue who the fuck you are. You're a legend in your OWN mind, nobody else's.

    I gave no theory on Fezzik. I simply repeated what Fezzik said. I'm not the one you should be talking to about it. Talk to Fezzik.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  19. #19
    "That's because they got no clue who the fuck you are."

    Good to know.

    Let me get back to you on this.

    Meanwhile, a man who says that I am "a degenerate gambler blowing other people's money" has put himself in a tough spot. Making public claims about people with nothing, absolutely nothing, to back it up, is libel. You have zero witnesses; zero evidence. Not a single person in your corner, mickey, who could go to bat for you in court. And the reason you're in a tough spot is that you could bad mouth me all day and I would have a tough time proving damages as a handicapper. As a writer for "The Gangster Chronicles," that's not the case. Your statements are an attack on my reputation and credibility, and I can prove damages.

    Walk back the statement and admit you have zero witnesses to back it up.

  20. #20
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    You also seem to have missed the gist of having clients who know each other and who pay you based on how much they win. Hard to pull off a fraud schtick in that context. Especially when most of your plays become public knowledge via monitors and contests, like The Wise Guys.
    He hasn't missed any gist.

    It hasn't been established that you have any clients, or that most of your plays became public knowledge.

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