View Poll Results: In the matter of UNKewlJ

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  • UNKewlJ is a compulsive liar

    14 87.50%
  • UNKewlJ's casino backrooming lawsuit story is truthful

    2 12.50%
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Thread: DanDruff care to weigh in on UNKewlJ's backrooming lawsuit "story" now?

  1. #81
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Were my first instincts correct? Should I question and wonder about everything you ever said? Is it seriously elaborated, totally made up, partly true, or completely true? I'm not a KJ hater, but I really don't know what to think now.
    Axelwolf, YOU are going to have to decide what you believe or don't believe. the only thing I would say to that, is I would hope that you have read enough of what I have written about blackjack and what I do and have shared, that there wouldn't be that much question. But if not, that is your call.

  2. #82
    lul, Return of the Rat Fink Boz.

  3. #83
    I think we all missed where MDawg won at craps. Even KJ hasn’t made these claims.

    “September 28th, 2018 at 9:08:31 AMpermalink
    The casinos seem to think dice setting works. Never been accused of it at a regular class joint I am known at, but was accused of it once when I was winning a lot at Craps at the Four Queens in Vegas. I frankly had no idea what he was talking about at the time, but at a minimum the pit boss's crass "Stop setting the dice!" and jumping in my face disrupted my flow and I started losing, then left while still ahead.”

    You know, the class joints he is “known at” where they let him spread 50-1. The silly casinos that comp him like a prince while he takes them for hundreds of thousands (until it’s shown he is about even) a year.

    The more he attacks KJ (the admitted liar) the worse he comes off. Think about it, over the years who has been accused, and proven of being a liar? Not many even after all the BS that goes on within these forums from a few.

    Even Monet, who I believe is a POS has posted nothing I don’t believe. Damn, this is a fucked up community.

  4. #84
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    “The problem with counting at BJ is they end up either kicking you out, or, as they did to me, effectively banning by limiting my spread on bets to 3X my previous hand.

    Also, counting isn't always what makes a BJ player win, you may be getting 12s and 13s all night long and keep perfect count of the deck and bet accordingly and still lose. A strong intuition of when to jump the bet on BJ (or any gambling) may rake in far more chips than careful grinding and counting. There is no count that justifies jumping the BJ bet 100X from your prior bet, and yet I used to do that all the time and win consistently.”

    “All I know is that first years I played Baccarat I consistently killed the house, I mean I took them for well over a million, averaging a few hundred thousand a year net profit at Baccarat. And what is funny is that the only reason I was playing Bacc is because I was effectively banned from BJ at most of the casinos”

    Interesting to say the least considering his current 5 year run.
    Thanks for reminding of what was said in the early part of this "adventure". I wasn't at WoV at the time, so was unable to ask questions, but from day 1, I immediately had some. The first year or year and a half his claims were about baccarat play. Now I don't play bacarát, but just the general gambling comments didn't ring true to me. I was reliant on people that did know baccarat said, including Axelwolf and Eliot.

    But one of the very first things he said that raised a huge red flag for me, was something you just mentioned. That he had previously been identified and banned from blackjack. He said banned, not backed off. And he went on to further claim that ban had now been reversed. I had never heard of such a thing. Mission argued with me over that. I suppose it is possible that a ban be reverse, but why? There would have to be some reason, like maybe the players partner or wife was losing more than he won counting cards. Or maybe that player lost more at another game than he won counting cards. Casinos just don't decide, yeah ok, you can now play and take money from us, once they have identified you as a problem. So there is THAT.

    Additionally, the first year to year and a half, Mdawgs claims were primarily about baccarat play and winning. People like Axelwolf kept asking how and he couldn't come up with an answer. I think he switched his claims to blackjack, because he though everyone knows you can beat blackjack, so those questions of "how" would cease. It sort of eliminated the "math doesn't work argument", but opened up a whole new argument of "thats not the way Las Vegas works".

    I don't really remember any claims about craps, but will take your word for it. . 18 y.o. in a row? Oh wait, he would have need to top that, so 19 y.o.'s in a row?

  5. #85
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    lul, Return of the Rat Fink Boz.
    I’m back brother.

    If I need an Asian to Jack me off for the lowest price, you’re my go to.
    If I need coke, you again are my guy.
    If I want to sit around talking about the advantages of playing golf video games as a 300 point fat guy, dude you are my hero
    If I need to find someone to support me, I’ll see if your wife has a sister.
    Need a degenerate sports better….you know the answer
    A fat fuck to help me lose weight….not so much.

    Damn I miss the old days where you asked about moving out of Nevada when you thought Covid was going to kill you. Oh yea, I have so much more to say, but don’t want to risk a meet up where you brag about being able to rob me. Will ALWAYS be your forum legacy.

  6. #86
    And Boz didn't "rat" anyone out. There was nothing to rat out. It wasn't real. He just said that to yank Mdawgs chain. I am sure you know this Money man.

    Welcome back Boz.

  7. #87
    AccountInQuestion pointed this or that as UNKewLyingJ's biggest lie, including how he lied daily about the backrooming lawsuit and the shuffler, but in sum the biggest lie would be that he keeps saying
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I don't want or need people to believe me on anything.
    Which is of course why this goat clown lied daily for three months to try to back up his backrooming fable, and makes up nonsense right and left to try back up any one of his dubious claims.

    Is there any doubt that this guy’s brain is as infantile as it is twisted? The only reason he lied was to try to back up the backrooming story. He can’t even come up with a twisted version of why else he would have lied daily about all this that makes any sense.

    He really must think everyone here is as stupid as he must be, for us to believe that he (1) doesn't care what people think of him or his stories, or (2) that he lies for any reason other than to try to back up his stories.

    Until the day comes (it will not) that he admits these two things, or at least - even one of them - there's no point in expecting other than more of the same - lying nonsense - from him.

    It is quite clear that not one of us believes that he lied for any reason other than to try to back up his story, and not one of us believes that he doesn't care to appear credible. What is pathological, is that when he says that he lied for this or that ridiculous, illogical reason, or that he doesn't care what people think, somewhere in that pea brain of his he actually thinks he is getting through. Try to tell me that someone so hopelessly lost in ability to read people could possibly be anything other than a low functioning misfit.
    Last edited by MDawg; 07-21-2023 at 08:42 PM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  8. #88
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    And Boz didn't "rat" anyone out. There was nothing to rat out. It wasn't real. He just said that to yank Mdawgs chain. I am sure you know this Money man.

    Welcome back Boz.
    Kewl so so happy to have someone on his side against Mdawg.

    Most grizzled winning gamblers don't give a shit about Mdawg's claims. They know how it all works and it means little to them. Who cares? Dude seems to have fun - shows some chip porn.

    Rob insults APs to some degree then puts out some pictures which just add to the spectacle. Rob is different from Mdawg. Rob is the guy who calls the floor manager of a casino downtown to ask them if they have actually installed 100% machines making sure they're aware. Rob really pushes this adversarial approach in his lies. Rob invites people to try and catch him. It is a whole game with him. He invites it. He has spent what? decades? Wanting to be seen as some form of an advantage gambler. He does it in a way that can be epicly funny though. I will always give Singer that. I do not like him as a person but if I was to meet him I think he'd be a likeable guy. Same with Mdawg.

    Mdawg is just happy to tell his tales from what i can tell. Why would I give a shit? He always seemed like some friendly guy writing some fiction. If he doesn't want to call it that then whatever. It is as clear as day to a professional gambler what is doable and what isn't. Boz doesn't like him but Boz isn't really a gambler from what I see. Just some standard basic dude who was successful then retired and now has free time.

    Then we have Kewl ... and Kewl's lies just branch out like a tree. Start with one lie then sprout into a whole bouquet of lies. Kewl's lies are more personal because they're weirdly misleading in a way that is dangerous because they're actually believable. No AP is offended at Singer or Mdawg because they're not in consideration of being an AP.

    Kewl can't back down on a lie until he has been cornered and recornered. Just piles on more lies hoping it somehow helps his credibility. His reasoning for not proving his lies with the minimum of documentation is nuts given how hard he tries to convince. His responses are nuts.

    How many times is he going to give some version on "I don't care what others think"? He clearly tries everything he can to prove stuff to people but then vehemently denies doing so and refuses to *EVER* provide even a picture of a surfboard or anything else. It is just endless with the guy. He is really just not someone who should ever be taken seriously on ANY level.

    Anyway, this meta-thread is wearing out on the fun. Kewl won't fess up to his numerous lies. The only thing we can do to get a few more miles out of this is to get him to try and defend an existing lie with some more nonsense. The boy seems a bit worn down.

    This post is too long. If you don't read it fine just don't bother to fucking tell us.

  9. #89
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by smurgerburger View Post
    JBJBs evidence can be explained in various ways. Most charitably that KJ was at one time (or however many updates he has) actually counting and got databased. So? Would that actually corroborate his career?

    But it also is perfectly possible someone who reported to OSN simply mistakenly believed that person was KJ. Errors like that happen all the time. After all how would the reporter even know that counter was KJ?
    Conspiracy theory people crack me up. They do things backwards. They make up their mind and form their (conspiracy) theory based on some bias, before they see the evidence. Then when the evidence doesn't match their "theory" they are left trying to explain away the evidence. They are unwilling to see what they don't want to see.

    But carry on.
    I scratched my head on this one trying to figure out what is the conspiracy being referenced by Kewl. Still have no clue. Kewl you make no sense. You've done went off and confused yourself yet again like being in a lawsuit and not knowing who is supposed to be suing who.

    Good stuff.

  10. #90
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    But it’s YOUR claims in this thread. And I’ll never understand why you perpetuated this lie. What did you have to gain? Obviously NOTHING. You did bring Max, a great poster, back but again WHY?
    I can and have answered that Boz. People aren't going to believe it, so there is no sense in me repeating it a million times, but I am happy to do so for your sake, and you too can decide what you believe. Everyone has always had that right, long before this incident.

    The back-rooming went down exactly as I shared. Illegal detention, arrest and back-rooming resulting in a fractured arm. NOT a compound fracture, where the bone is broke all the way through, a fracture, that heals in 6-8 weeks with a cast. I flip flopped in my mind weather to pursue anything for a couple weeks. Finally, I decided it just wasn't in my best long-term interest to do so. This is how I weigh most things.....long-term. My big concern was I was going to have to take a case all the way to trial and all my personal info would be released. And for what, a couple hundred grand, less 1/3 attorney fees.

    So once I decided not to pursue anything I did share this experience, just as I always had. It was then that several players that I have a great deal of respect for, mickeycrimm, Dan Druff, axelwolf and oddly enough Maxpen, convinced me to reconsider that position. The big part of that was the suggestion that I should pursue a case to settlement rather than all the way to court. (of course you can't say that is what you are doing, you have to make it look like you are willing to go all the way).

    So yes, it seems odd that a few people on an internet forum changed my mind, but that is what happened and I greatly appreciated and still do, their advice and opinions. I also heard from an AP friend not on this forum, that said the same thing. He had gone through a back-rooming case a while back.

    If my initial decision would have been to pursue something I never would have said anything. So once I did change my mind, I was in trouble because I had already revealed this incident. I was out of town for a few weeks, but once the case go going with a demand letter, and negotiations, I began to see that there would be information about me and the case, that could become public. As that began to look more and more likely, I decided I could protect myself from this by announcing we had filed a case and settlement reached. That backfired spectacularly thanks to super sleuth Maxpen. I hold no ill feeling towards Maxpen for that.

    It is only that last part that Maxpen was able to disprove. I actually received the settlement, which I came as close to saying an amount as I could (and it was not enough).

    I can't and wouldn't even if I could, prove any of this. People can decide whatever they want and it is pretty clear they have. And that is fine with me. And if people want to decide that because Maxpen disproved part of this "ordeal" that everything I have ever said was made up.....well again, people have always had that right. I am ok with it.
    You're so full of shit. You keep repeating that "max found this to disprove your bullshit story"--something you would NEVER have admitted to if your weren't nailed like a piece of plywood. So what does a lying weasel do? He goes back and changes his story to "bbbbut....the backrooming, broken arm, and secret settlement is real though" which wouldn't be too difficult to disprove if people weren't sick and tired of your nonsense.

    And now that you've been found guilty of being a compulsive liar (have you checked the poll lately to see who can't stand your general and likely lifelong dishonesty?) by your peers, why did you have to make up that stupid surfing story? Have you no limit to your shame?

  11. #91
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    And in the end, even most of the people hating on me, know that my basic history and claims is what it is. They hate that and won't admit it but they know.
    If we go way way back to when I was asked what I thought about KJ's claims directly related to your blackjack play. I noted a few odd things.

    I said it's very possible/probable you were just adding a few zeroes to everything. Over the years after that, I started dismissing that as being probable and started believing that you were playing the limits you claim, and you were making what you claim.

    Successful seeds planted.
    I can't remember exactly what you said, it's been multiple times in multiple contexts but ill give the gist.
    I have done and do business with known Advantage Players, they know who I am.
    I know Bob N, he knows me I can call him anytime for some chitchat.

    I'm not claiming you said any of those things directly, I'm saying you have said various things that planted seeds that could establish certainly be crafted in an attempt to establish some level of credibility.

    Wasn't there some story about you making a deal with a publisher to write a book, but then you backed out of the contract and it cost you money or something like that?

    Were my first instincts correct? Should I question and wonder about everything you ever said? Is it seriously elaborated, totally made up, partly true, or completely true? I'm not a KJ hater, but I really don't know what to think now.
    There really should be no conundrum when it comes to kew. You likely don't have the time to "surf" thru old posts like he does, but my first post upon reading his stupid backrooming tale was to call bullshit. He wasn't getting anywhere near his needed level of forum attention, so he figured the natural progression in the life of a "BJ pro" would be to report a fantastic story about being so feared a counter that a casino would lead him to some mysterious backroom, shake him down for info, rough him up a bit, then throw him around some so as to "fracture" his arm. The hospital, the top gun attorney, and the implied lawsuit were all mentioned to drum up forum interest. Of course, EVERYTHING was a lie and I saw thru it the moment I read it.

    And it goes hand-in-hand with what I've been saying about this phony from the get-go: he lives a totally fabricated and concocted life on the internet gaming forums. His "pro BJ player" self-labeling and all those "knowledgeable" essays he posts ad nauseum and continuously, are simply the result of kew being enormously infatuated with the game of blackjack, all the reading of books and what real BJ professionals post on various forums, blogs, and publications, and the fact that he plays the game at low limits whenever he can. He is no different from your run of the mill BJ addicts who are all over LV. His reports of constant winning year after year after year from counting cards is nothing more than a wet dream of his.

    If he were really winning as he says, he wouldn't always nervously be trying so hard to convince everybody that he does. He also would never have had the need to concoct such a stupid backrooming story, or made up his silly shufflemaster whopper, trips to the east coast, or his surfer boy baloney. And why do you think he absolutely loathes those of us who have him pegged....

    If you're looking where to place your money, bet the house that nothing he's ever said--outside of his articulation of methods and ways to play BJ--has ever been real.

    And actually, if his ridiculous story about MGM operatives bringing him mdawg's gaming info right to his door on Halloween didn't seal the deal that he's a big fat lying nutjob, I don't know what will.

  12. #92

  13. #93
    The fracturing of the arm was so weird. The guard has no reason to be flinging around kewl. Why did Kewl reluctantly go there? Was there some kind of scuffle? Why? IMO the fracture was just one of the last little buffs on a premium turd. The story wasn't cohesive. He could have just edited something like this.

    --- gents let me quickly generate the true story --- this AI shit is pretty good how it nailed it.

    In the bustling city of Las Vegas, a place known for its glitzy casinos and high-stakes gambling, there was an unassuming figure named Unkewl. He wasn't your typical card shark; in fact, he was quite the opposite. Unkewl was known for his awkward demeanor, his unfashionable attire, and his habit of nervously tapping his foot while playing cards. But beneath his unremarkable exterior lay an incredible talent for card counting that had earned him a small fortune over the years.

    Unkewl's unassuming appearance was a blessing in disguise, allowing him to fly under the radar of casino security and pit bosses who typically scrutinized the more flamboyant and confident gamblers. He had managed to stay off the casino's radar for years, quietly counting cards and walking away with winnings that steadily grew his modest bankroll.

    However, luck can be a fickle friend, and it was only a matter of time before Unkewl's streak of anonymity came to an abrupt end. One fateful evening, as he sat at a blackjack table in one of Las Vegas's most opulent casinos, his eyes darted back and forth, calculating the odds with mathematical precision.

    Unbeknownst to Unkewl, he had been observed by Angel, a vigilant and seasoned casino guard with a reputation for sniffing out potential cheaters. Angel had been studying Unkewl's seemingly innocuous behavior for days, and tonight, he was finally convinced that Unkewl was up to something.

    With a nod to his fellow guards, Angel approached the table, his footsteps silent amid the lively casino ambiance. He stood behind Unkewl, his eyes locked on the cards being dealt. Unkewl, oblivious to the presence of the sharp-eyed guard, continued to count the cards in his mind.

    After several hands, Angel couldn't deny the truth any longer. Unkewl was indeed a card counter, and he was jeopardizing the casino's profits. Swiftly and discreetly, Angel signaled to his comrades, and they surrounded Unkewl, cornering him.

    "Come with us," Angel commanded, his voice firm and cold.

    Unkewl's heart raced with panic as he was escorted to a dimly lit backroom. He knew what awaited him there: interrogation, intimidation, and punishment. Angel shoved Unkewl into a chair, causing him to wince in pain as his fractured arm made contact with the hard surface.

    "You've been counting cards, haven't you?" Angel sneered, his eyes narrowed with suspicion.

    Unkewl hesitated for a moment, then admitted, "Yes, but I didn't mean any harm. It's just a way to level the playing field, you know?"

    Angel scoffed, showing no sympathy. "You've been taking money that doesn't belong to you. That's enough to harm the casino and its patrons. We can't let you continue this."

    As the guards continued their harsh questioning, Unkewl knew he had to think fast. He reached for his phone in his pocket, pretending to comply with the guards while secretly dialing for an ambulance. He knew he needed medical attention for his fractured arm.

    When the guards finally released Unkewl, he made a swift exit from the casino, clutching his arm in pain. Outside, he spotted the approaching ambulance and flagged it down. The paramedics quickly tended to his injury, providing him with much-needed relief.

    In the aftermath of that tumultuous night, Unkewl decided to hang up his card-counting days for good. He realized that while his talent was remarkable, it came with consequences that he wasn't prepared to face. Instead, he turned his attention to more legitimate pursuits, investing his winnings into a small business and leading a quieter, more contented life.

    As for Angel, witnessing the consequences of his actions that night left a lingering sense of guilt. He began to question the harsh methods employed by the casino and its management. Eventually, he left his position and sought a career where he could use his skills for more positive purposes.

    And so, the paths of Unkewl and Angel diverged, each learning valuable lessons from that pivotal night in Las Vegas. It was a night that changed their lives forever, leaving them with scars—both visible and invisible—that would shape their futures in unexpected ways.

  14. #94
    OK this is an overview. These take about 30 seconds but it is the new world bros so get used to it. For your enjoyment -

    In the bustling virtual world of online forums, there was an enigmatic figure known as Unkewl. With his ever-changing usernames and cleverly crafted stories, he had gained a reputation as a compulsive liar. Unkewl had a knack for spinning tall tales, and his favorite topic was the world of casinos and gambling.

    On one forum, he went by the moniker "KewlJ," and his posts were as entertaining as they were unbelievable. He would regale the forum members with stories of his exploits in the most exclusive casinos, where he claimed to have encountered rigged card shufflers that somehow worked in his favor. According to Unkewl, he would walk out of these establishments with pockets full of cash, laughing at the casino's expense.

    Another time, he captivated the forum with a shocking tale of faking his own death to escape the clutches of a notorious gambling syndicate. According to the story, he had run up an astronomical debt with the syndicate and hatched an elaborate plan to stage his demise and start anew in a distant land. His elaborate ruse involved fake passports, forged documents, and a secret network of allies helping him along the way.

    Yet, the pinnacle of Unkewl's audacious lies came when he claimed to have been backroomed in a luxurious Las Vegas casino, only to win a hefty settlement through a lawsuit for the casino's alleged mistreatment. He described in vivid detail the tense confrontation with the casino's security, the threats he faced, and how he managed to outsmart them and come out victorious in court.

    As Unkewl's stories grew more extravagant and outlandish, the forum members were both entertained and skeptical. Some found amusement in his vivid imagination, while others grew weary of his constant barrage of deceit. Still, his posts attracted attention, and his reputation as an infamous storyteller spread across multiple online platforms.

    Unkewl reveled in the attention, seeing himself as a master puppeteer, pulling the strings of the forum's perception of him. He thrived on the thrill of crafting fiction and watching it take on a life of its own. The more he embellished his tales, the more hooked the audience became, eagerly awaiting each new installment of his fantastical adventures.

    However, Unkewl's web of lies was not without consequences. As his stories escalated, some users began to question his credibility, calling him out on his inconsistencies and implausible narratives. The forum moderators issued warnings about spreading false information, and many users grew tired of the constant deception.

    Despite the growing skepticism, Unkewl remained steadfast in his pursuit of attention. He doubled down on his tales, weaving intricate subplots and introducing new characters that interacted with him in his fabricated world of gambling and danger.

    Then, one day, the truth came crashing down like a house of cards. A user with exceptional research skills meticulously cross-referenced Unkewl's stories, revealing a trail of contradictions and factual inaccuracies. The evidence was irrefutable, and Unkewl's web of lies unraveled before the forum's eyes.

    Feeling exposed and vulnerable, Unkewl vanished from the forums, leaving behind a trail of skepticism and disappointment. His reputation as a compulsive liar had caught up with him, and he had nowhere to hide.

    In the end, Unkewl's legacy on the forums served as a cautionary tale about the perils of spinning falsehoods for personal gain. While his stories may have entertained for a time, they ultimately revealed the cost of living a life built on deception. And as the virtual world moved on, Unkewl became nothing more than a distant memory—a character in a story of his own making, forever lost in the digital ether.

    ^^^^ Yea I definitely didn't read because the ending is unacceptable.
    Last edited by accountinquestion; 07-22-2023 at 12:21 AM.

  15. #95
    I can't be bothered to give these a 2nd try. I'm not even READING what I type. Just for you bros.

    This is what they say about whether unkewl is a compulsive liar or not?

    In yore days of antiquity, there lived a peculiar soul named Unkewl. For many a decade, he did weave a tapestry of deceit, masquerading as a blackjack counter, claiming to have earned his keep through the cunning of numbers and wit. His artifice knew no bounds, and his tales of triumph at the tables were oft the talk of the realm.

    Many looked upon him as a master of his craft, admiring the prowess he purported to possess. Yet, in the dim corners of the virtual realm, doubts began to fester like a hidden malady. Whispers of suspicion echoed among the forum's denizens, questioning the authenticity of Unkewl's accounts.

    As the disquiet grew louder, Unkewl found himself confronted with a dilemma. His web of lies, woven with care and artful skill, began to unravel under the weight of skepticism. Accusations mounted, and he saw himself as a victim of cruel misunderstanding, choosing to retreat into the sanctuary of self-righteousness.

    Forsooth, the forum became a battlefield of words, and a great debate arose, "Is Kewl a compulsive liar or a regular liar?" The lines were drawn, and factions took their sides, each defending their perception of the enigmatic Unkewl.

    On one side, there stood those who deemed him a mere fabricator of tales, a regular liar who sought to embellish his narrative for self-aggrandizement. They argued that his deception, though grandiose, was nothing more than the artifice of an ambitious ego.

    On the other side, staunch supporters declared him a victim of a world that failed to grasp his brilliance. They pleaded that his lies about lies were but a desperate shield, forged to protect a delicate soul from the harshness of judgment.

    As the discussion raged on, the forum's moderators struggled to quell the tumultuous sea of opinions. Many wondered if the truth behind Unkewl's tales would ever be fully known, or if the mists of deception would forever obscure his true identity.

    And yet, amidst the storm of discord, a beacon of wisdom emerged from the forum's elder members. They counseled that the dichotomy of "compulsive" or "regular" was of naught but a semantic quibble. For whether driven by compulsion or conscious choice, a liar was a liar, and the art of deceit knew no noble guise.

    With sagely words, they urged their fellow forum dwellers to seek truth not in the labels but in the substance of Unkewl's tales. They reminded all that whether he was a mere spinner of yarns or a soul burdened with irresistible urges, his falsehoods had consequences.

    In the wake of this revelation, the forum's clamor softened. The discussion found a common thread of understanding—acknowledging that Unkewl's untruths had sparked introspection and caution among their ranks.

    The tale of Unkewl lingered in the forum's memory as a cautionary parable, a reminder of the potential darkness that dwelled within the realm of anonymity. And as the forum moved forward, it did so with a collective realization that the pursuit of honesty, be it in words or actions, was a virtue to be cherished above all.

    Thus, the outcome of the great debate on that ancient forum remained not in a verdict of guilt or innocence, but in the enlightenment it brought forth. For the legacy of Unkewl taught them the worth of truth amidst the vast expanse of the digital frontier.
    Last edited by accountinquestion; 07-22-2023 at 12:22 AM.

  16. #96
    A little poetry

    In "Vegas Casino Talk," they'd meet,
    Where fortunes and lies would compete,
    Rob Singer, a cheat,
    Kewlj, feeling beat,
    In deceit, their fates intertwined, bittersweet.

    Not the best but a little appearance by Redietz thrown in.

    In "Vegas Casino Talk," trouble brewed,
    Rob Singer's deceit, oh, how it accrued,
    Kewlj, a victim, so lost,
    In a web of lies, he was tossed,
    But Redietz stepped forth, virtuous and shrewd.

    Ok this is getting a lot better here..

    In "Vegas Casino Talk," a scene,
    Rob Singer's intentions were mean,
    With a Newell in hand,
    He abused Kewlj's stand,
    But Redietz appeared, swift and keen.

    With valor, Redietz took a stand,
    Saving Kewlj from Singer's cruel hand,
    In the forum's embrace,
    They found solace and grace,
    As the truth spread across the land.

  17. #97
    yoyoyo boys. BLM so here's a little rap .. shout out to my old homies from MTV raps.. You know who they are.

    Yo, listen up, I'll tell a tale that's real,
    'Bout a blackjack counter named Kewlj, a deal,
    Rob Singer rolled up in his Newell, mean,
    Drove right over Kewlj's arm, real obscene.

    It was a dark day, a twisted plan,
    Rob Singer's ride broke Kewlj's hand,
    But in the shadows, hope would gleam,
    Redietz stepped up, his face in the dream.

    (Verse 2)
    Kewlj felt shattered, his luck had turned,
    No more cards to count, bridges burned,
    But in the forum, Redietz appeared,
    He saw the potential, Kewlj revered.

    It was a dark day, a twisted plan,
    Rob Singer's ride broke Kewlj's hand,
    But in the shadows, hope would gleam,
    Redietz stepped up, his face in the dream.

    (Verse 3)
    Redietz, a guru of WNBA,
    Taught Kewlj the way, how to play,
    Handicapping the games with a keen eye,
    Kewlj found new wings, began to fly.

    It was a dark day, a twisted plan,
    Rob Singer's ride broke Kewlj's hand,
    But in the shadows, hope would gleam,
    Redietz stepped up, his face in the dream.

    (Verse 4)
    Kewlj rose up, a new path in sight,
    No longer in the shadows, shining bright,
    From the ashes, a phoenix reborn,
    With Redietz's guidance, he'd adorn.

    It was a dark day, a twisted plan,
    Rob Singer's ride broke Kewlj's hand,
    But in the shadows, hope would gleam,
    Redietz stepped up, his face in the dream.

    So remember, in life's ups and downs,
    There's a chance to rise, to wear new crowns,
    Kewlj found redemption, thanks to Redietz,
    In the world of WNBA, he'd leave his frets.

  18. #98
    Ok I just read every piece of it. My take? This AI shit is pretty sharp. We didn't get anything about Mdawg. I'm not sure what the AI thinks. Mdawg has become more of a documenter. Rob and kewl have been going at it for years.. it is one of those things that you know you can depend on. I guess the AI should have talked about the obsession kewlj has with mdawg.

    Just fess up Kewl. You lied to me about the shuffler. How do I know? because you tried to cover up that lie with blatantly obvious lies.

    I am being sadistic I suppose but come'on man you told me gamblin' lies and disproved yourself. As long as you are on your quest to make honest men out of Mdawg and Singer I am going to pester you about this shuffler thing. I have some valid questions I'd like addressed. How did the guy know you were a counter so that he went over there and punched in a code and smiled at you.. Like.. if he knows you are a counter then how is that even happening !?!? I'd like some details shined on that but afterwards I'd like to cover the story about the programmer you hired that in 15 minutes gave you the info to sink a 1 billion dollar company. Oh yea off that thing you bought on ebay.

    If one thing I took from the AI is how we as a forum have learned the value of truth. So just spit it out.

    Kewl, this is the part I am referencing and why I implore you to come clean.

    The tale of KewlJ lingered in the forum's memory as a cautionary parable, a reminder of the potential darkness that dwelled within the realm of anonymity. And as the forum moved forward, it did so with a collective realization that the pursuit of honesty, be it in words or actions, was a virtue to be cherished above all.

    Thus, the outcome of the great debate on that ancient forum remained not in a verdict of guilt or innocence, but in the enlightenment it brought forth. For the legacy of Unkewl taught them the worth of truth amidst the vast expanse of the digital frontier.
    Kewl, hand in hand, brother to brother, lets approach the light of truth. Shall we?

    I have to say this is a pretty mean chorus -
    It was a dark day, a twisted plan,
    Rob Singer's ride broke Kewlj's hand,
    But in the shadows, hope would gleam,
    Redietz stepped up, his face in the dream.
    Last edited by accountinquestion; 07-22-2023 at 12:43 AM.

  19. #99
    If I wanted to put time in it (aka a project vs fucking around) and I believe one can pay for a better version which has more tokens or whatever (parameters ?). Have it write the full saga. I would have to give Mdawg credit though as he would surely be the one to provide the timeframe.

    Maybe he also wants to bankroll the full story. Just use those big bucks to get the baddest chatgpt account there is. I have no idea what it is but that is the one to get.

    Boz will say we're fucked as forum.

    I'd say lol edibles.

    Seriously Kewl just admit you made up the shuffler story. Please. We can't continue. Admit to the shuffler and I'll stop trolling you. This just can't go on.

  20. #100
    AinQ, You can "pester" me all you want. Lets see where that gets you.

    I have always tried to accommodate people that had valid questions and concerns the best I could. But you don't have valid questions or concerns you are seeking answers for. You don't want to hear, nor will accept the answers, so I will not accommodate you. As far as I am concerned you are coach belly-type trolling.

    Plus there is no reason to discuss this right now. This was a situation that occurred 5 years ago. It isn't an issue at the present time that I am aware of nor that involves me and no reason for me to discuss it at the present time.

    Now while I won't answer your question, because they are not genuine, I will say this. In the above post you said "I lied to you". You don't know that. You have zero proof of that. You are simply expressing that opinion, as if it is fact. It isn't. Learn and acknowledge the difference between your opinion and fact.

    And the one final thing I will say on this topic, again not specific to any question, is that in the above post you referenced that "I sunk a 1 billion dollar company". Can you link to where that happened because I must have slept through that. Seems like the 1 billion dollar company is doing fine, still going strong. No consequences what so ever from what I posted. My posting my accusation and results of what I did to prove it to myself, may have resulted in a grand total of 2 shufflers being removed from 1 casino. MAY HAVE.

    I am not going to play your games anymore AinQ. Nor am I going to post or share anything that could be beneficial to anyone. Those days are gone for me. My efforts weren't appreciated. My participate now will be same as yours, some trolling and playing games and maybe generating a laugh or two....for as long as I decide to do that.

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